Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Defending Democracy.

One common myth about Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts and Rashida Tlaib of Michigan is that they don't represent the views of most Americans. We know that to be false regardless of any Republican says. These four women want living wages as most Americans desire. These women want the super wealthy to pay their fair share of taxes, which most Americans want. These women want to do something about climate change. Most Americans believe in climate change and want solutions to address climate change. These women believed in equality and justice. They also want something done to address criminal justice problems as most Americans want. To be clear, these women are America. They are in the mainstream of American society. Therefore, when you see people (like a racist President Trump and his deluded followers) criticizing them unfairly, just realize that most Americans agree with them than their haters. Also, we have the truth on our side. This is a issue of integrity. We desire change in 2020, and that means investments in infrastructure, the fight to defeat income inequality, and to advance hopr along with justice for human beings.

There is no question that Trump is a racist. He is notorious for his habitual lying. He said that the four Congresswomen are racist, and they hate America. That is false. These women advocate living wages, racial justice, and social justice, and true investments in health care, education, etc. We can't minced words. The Tweets from Trump are racist, and we have to be clear to condemn racism at any turn. Trump has said that Maxine Waters is a person with low IQ. Trump said that anyone who disagrees with him ought to leave America. He also cursed out NFL peaceful protesters in public. He has lax morality. Saying "go back where you come" is a notorious phrase used by racists to disrespect black people and other people of color. Trump wants a decrease of legal immigration too. He made his campaign filled with xenophobic scapegoating and promoting unnecessary division. Stephen Miller is one anti-immigrant radical that has influenced Trump immigration policy from the Muslim ban to the lottery system changes. The 2020 election is more than a regular election. It is a referendum on American society. Anyone voting for Trump or supporting Trump is complicit in his racism. There is no other way to put it. You can't vote for a racist, and then say that you're not a racist. It's a contradiction.

Today is the important day of Robert Mueller testifying to Congress about his report. Mueller has been disrespected by Trump and his acolytes, but now he has his chance to speak his mind. He is expected to talk about collusion allegations between Russian intelligence and Trump. We know that the Mueller report (filled with over 400 pages) has documented incidents of obstruction of justice by the President Trump. The investigation resulted from tons of work in researching information, organizing testimony, and indicting plus convicting real criminals. The current DOJ wanted executive privilege to limit Mueller's testimony to what is solely found in the report. It is important to note these details, since we want transparency. Trump is one of the most corrupt administrations in history by the fact of many of his cabinet members being convicted felons (for various serious crimes). Mueller said that if Trump committed no crimes, he would have said so. Mueller didn't say that, so Trump is certainly found to enact nefarious activities. Ultimately, Congress has to fulfill its responsibility to allow Trump to be held accountable for his actions. Part of that accountability deals with impeachment.

The events in Puerto Rico outline the courageousness of the Puerto Rican people. For a long time, America has dominated Puerto Rico. The current governor of Puerto Rico made bigoted remarks which are evil and unjustifiable. All men and all women are equal, and all people are entitled to equality. Also, the governor even mocked the deaths of the victims of Hurricane Maria. Out of $32 billion earmarked for Puerto Rico, less than $14 billion has been spent. It is easy to witness that the governor has no respect for his own people or their suffering. His name is Rosello. That is why many residents are standing up to call for the governor's resignation. He should resign. The people in Puerto Rico has spoken, and Puerto Ricans are entitled to have a new start in their own land. Activists in Puerto Rico and everywhere in the world has fought long and hard for real change. Thousands of people have allowed their voices to be heard. These human beings are Americans citizens who are entitled to their justice.

Real Americans reject the tenets of bigotry and racism. We believe that justice is meant for everyone without exception. The tolerance of human beings living on this Earth and the protection of human rights represent the bedrock of a true society. That is why the repugnant statements of Trump and the agenda of oppression will never prevail in the end. Freedom prevails. Recently, a legendary artist passed away. His name was Art Neville. He was 81 years old when he passed. He was a soul/funk icon from New Orleans. New Orleans is one of the many capitals of music. Art loved his talent, and he made sure that his fans experienced a great show when he performed. He could sing, play the keyboard, and write music. I send prayers and condolences to his family and friends.

Rest in Power Brother Art Neville.

By Timothy

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