Wednesday, August 18, 2021

History Changing Constantly.




The Taliban ruling Afghanistan is a tragedy. The history of this crisis and disaster is more nuisance than what the far right and the corporate media have stated. The far right is wrong to promote xenophobic rhetoric in bashing Afghan refugees who are victims of Taliban terrorists. Some in FOX News don't want any refugee to come into America. Many in the corporate media are wrong to ignore the decades long history on how Western occupation and neo-con foreign policies (like imperialism as we know that the Iraq War was not just unjust. The Iraq War was racist, influenced by a lust for petro resources, and immoral) have failed in Afghanistan too. You can't claim to be for the women and girls in Afghanistan, but you advocate drone strikes in Afghanistan, Somalia, Libya, and other places in the world that have caused the deaths of innocent human beings (there was the bombing of the Afghan village of Bola Boluk that caused 93 villagers to die). Many people don't know that the United States supported right wing terrorists factions in Afghanistan during the 1970's that evolved into the Taliban. That is why Biden was wrong to utilize an exit strategy that lacked depth, a cogent plan, and real policies of an orderly process. We all agree that Afghan allies, who sacrificed their lives to resist the Taliban and fought to make a more democratic Afghanistan, earned that right to come into America. That is why Biden had no choice but to go out and promote control of the Kabul airport to send Americans and many Afghanistan people out of the nation. The neo-conservatives believe in the old lie that America have the near divine right to invade, to attack, and to occupy any nation on Earth under the guise of "spreading democracy." The truth is that such a philosophy violates international and national laws. We don't believe in isolationism. We believe in international cooperation to solve problems, but America should never be the policeman of the whole world. The Taliban is a notorious enemy of freedom. They should have never been trusted in the first place as they have brutalized women and girls for decades.


The Afghanistan disaster is real. The truth is not in the neo-con extremists who want us Americans to have a military occupation permanently neither is the truth found in the isoloationists who want us to not care about the human rights abuses done by the Taliban either. The truth is that we reject imperialism, and we should have compassion for the people of Afghanistan too. Biden's error was that he utilized a bad plan in ending the U.S. war in Afghanistan. His plan should have been more thorough with massive respect given to the translators and other Afghan allies who believe in real freedom. Many in the corporate media are very hypocritical in claiming to be for the women and girls in Afghanistan, but they have silence on the Western war crimes in Afghanistan (over 160,000 Afghans have been killed). The U.S. supported the Taliban once during the 1980's too. The Taliban has done war crimes too. 

Biden has been clear to support his decision. The irony is that most Americans agree with Biden's decision, but most of the press will not agree with his decision. The Taliban wasn't to be trusted, because we all knew that the Taliban would break their promises as the Taliban is a murderous terrorist group. Biden's decision says that he has the responsibility to deal with the consequences of his actions. I wish for the President to answer questions form the press at least. The press is entitled to detailed answers. This decision is not easy. Over one trillion dollars have been spent in Afghanistan, while the establishment views homelessness in America as too expensive to solve. Many Afghanis have tried to jump on American planes to escape. Also, we witness a humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan. America should have the responsibility to assist any Afghanistan human being to leave the nation for humanitarian reasons (that means cutting down the bureaucracy in the VISA programs to allow people to leave). The blame isn't just on Trump (who negotiated a deal with the Taliban to pull out of the natio), Biden, some Democrats, some Republicans, and others. The whole neo-liberal system is to be blamed. There are no easy answers as it pertains to his crisis.

The Earthquake in Haiti is one of the saddest events of our lifetimes. Haiti has experienced a scandal, assassination, and violence all in 2021. The American Coast Guard and other groups have helped many Haitians to live with their heroic efforts. This comes 11 years after another massive Earthquake. Humanitarian aid is needed in Haiti. Also, Haiti has the right, during the long term, to promote more of their own national sovereignty. What we have learned from the 2010 Earthquake is that investments to Haiti must be directly targeted to Haitian experts like doctors, lawyers, community groups, nurses, and other human beings with the expertise in building up infrastructure plus saving lives. Projects should be known, made specifically clear, and goals are enacted. Also Haitian leaders. who want rights and justice, should be supported. We need to show solidarity with Haitian human beings. Targeting economic inequality, food insecurity, and climate change are real issues to deal with in Haiti. This requires international action too.


Today, it has been years since Aretha Franklin passed away. She was one of the top 2 greatest singers of all time. As being the Queen of Soul, she loved to perform. She was a social activist who stood up for civil rights and wanted justice sent to the victims of the Flint water disaster. Franklin was honest, and now the movie Respect is out starring Jennifer Hudson. Aretha Franklin picked Jennifer Hudson to portray her. Excellence defines the life of Aretha Franklin. The movie Respect will not sugarcoat her life. Aretha Franklin remains one of the greatest icons of our people. During her life, she gave encouragement to the younger generation of artists like Beyonce, Jennifer Hudson, and Alicia Keys. From fashion, movies, music, and other influences, Aretha Franklin is our hero.

Rest in Power Sister Aretha Franklin.


By Timothy


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