Friday, August 20, 2021

Late August 2021 Updates.



Right now, the GOP increases its assault on voting rights. Many people in the GOP want laws in states to have a review board to investigate votes in Georgia. In Georgia, they have an election panel to investigate Fulton county. They want to target black voters and any progressive voters, because they are angry at Trump losing the 2020 election. They want it to be an extended process. This is Jim Crow like tactics in trying to intimidate the vote. We shall not be intimidated here. Like always, we are in a time that it's the biggest threat to our democracy since the start of the American Civil War. Our ancestors stood up for us, and we shall stand up for the legacy of our ancestors concretely. The GOP already knows that they can't win massive future elections fairly because of massive demographic and cultural changes in America. Therefore, they want to use certain tactics in trying to maintain power.  That is why we need federal laws, so those laws can override unjust state laws. The House Democrats have introduced a Voting Rights Bill. Voting isn't just a procedure done many times a year. It is an action that deals with housing, census records, how resources are allocated to the people in general, education, health, and other important facets of how society functions. It is one of the key methods in growing our society greatly. 


The Biden administration wants to use the Civil Rights Office to deter GOP governors to stop school mask bans. There are many news coming out about the virus. We know that in the past 24 hours, about 1 million Americans have been vaccinated. On Thursday, there are 3 U.S. Senators who announced their positive COVID tests. They are Augus King of Maine, Roger Wicker of Mississippi, and John Hickenlooper of Colorado. All 3 of them were vaccinated. Many schools in Florida, Texas, and in Georgia have opposed mask bans. Many teachers and doctors have been threatened, but they care more for safety than disinformation. One teacher in Texas was physically assaulted and another was harassed in incidents involving masks. There is no excuse for that. These haters hypocritically talk about freedom, but they are harassing and assaulting teachers. Still, many states have a rise in cases. Some places are running out of ICUs like in the state of Alabama. Some people are regretting not taking vaccines, while they are fighting for their lives in hospitals. Therefore, we have to be clear that our health is more important to protect than ego and fictions.


She has been acting for decades now. From comedies to more serious roles, she is a trained, expert actress. She is Sister Paula Jai Parker, and it was her Birthday yesterday. She is now 52 years old, and she was born in Cleveland, Ohio. She moved into Washington, D.C. to study at Howard University. She graduated from Howard with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree. Later, she moved to New York City to find work in acting. She did comedy at many clubs, even being at The Apollo Comedy Hour on FOX. She was on the show Townsend Television. Her first film was on Friday. Later, she was on the movie Get on the Bus in 1996. She was on shows like The Wayans Brothers, Snoops, The Weird Al Show. She was in diverse movies like 30 Years to Life, Why Do Fools Fall in Love, Idewild, The Proud Family, etc. Later, she married Forrest Martin having one son. She has worked diligently to make roles possible in giving her best. We certainly salute her talents and inspirational power. I wish Sister Paula Jai Parker more blessings.


Yesterday was the Birthday of Brother Romeo Miller, and she is 32 years old. He is a rapper, singer, songwriter, actor, businessman, and he worked hard in his life. He was born in New Orleans, Louisiana. His parents are Master P. and Sonya C. He made his first album in 2001. Later, he was in a TV show. He is known to be involved in many charities, being a fashion designer, and he established other ventures. He played basketball at USC. Later, he was on the show Dancing with the Stars. His recent album was Hidden Treasure that came out in 2019. For years, he has always shown maturity, a sense of balance, and striving to be a better human being. Romeo Miller will continue to make more accomplishments. 


At first, I didn't want to comment on this issue, but I have to do it. Some topics can't be omitted. Alfonso Ribeiro made an offensive comment about the black community. He said the lie that black people don't support him as they should because he is married to a white woman. First, most black people supported him more than any other community from his shows on In the House and in The Fresh Prince. Many of his black fans respected him on Silver Spoons. Second, most black people don't care who he married. Who he is married to is his own business. Black folks are mostly concerned about establishing our own liberation as black human beings. Third, he is an ingrate. He makes money from our support, and then he goes around to disrespect us as ignorant bigots. Please. Many of these types have some nerve to downplay their own community. Without us, other communities wouldn't know his name. Isn't it ironic that Alfonso wants to lecture us on tolerance, but he has not gone out of his way to stand up in public against racism, against police brutality, against violence, and in favor of black liberation. We stood up for him, but he has not stood up for our black interests overtly. So, it is what it is. 


By Timothy

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