Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Nearing the end of the 2024 Election.


Vice President Kamala Harris and Minnesota Governor Tim Walz will sit with CNN for their first joint interview on Thursday. Democrats work to try to win the 2024 Presidential election. The finish line is almost here after a long journey. The excitement from the Democratic National Convention of last week has galvanized the nation. More than 200 Republicans have now supported Kamala Harris for the Presidency of the United States of America. What is coming next will be fast. By September 6, North Carolina will be the first state to start mailing ballots. On September 18, 2024, there is a possible Donald Trump hush money trial sentencing. There will be the ABC News Presidential debate on September 10, 2024. By September 20, widespread early voting will start in many states. The CBS Vice Presidential debate is planned for October 1, 2024. Election Day comes about on November 5, 2024. The Electoral College votes are cast in December. The new Congress takes the oath of office on January 3, 2025. Lawmakers meet on January 6, 2025, to count the electoral votes officially. By January 20, 2025, the next President will take the oath of office.

The Special Counsel Jack Smith files a superseding indictment in the federal January 6th case. Jack Smith also filed his brief with the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals on Monday after U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon dismissed the classified documents case. The Justice Department wants to prevail. The issue is that Smith's challenge has to deal with Cannon herself. Cannon is a biased judge who is pro-Trump as she has been promoted by Trump for years. Judge Cannon said that she threw the federal case out last month because Smith was unlawfully appointed and funded. The appellate brief from Jack Smith mentioned that the ruling from Cannon was an outlier. Smith believes that Judge Cannon's decision is at odds with many choices from the previous Supreme Court and appointment practices in the Department of Justice and across the government. Smith's brief didn't desire his intention to seek a new judge, so Cannon still presides over the case.

One judge halted the Biden program offering legal status to undocumented spouses. The judge did an act representing cruelty. The Biden program is about keeping families together to prevent a family from being split up. Stephen Miller loves this policy as he believes in hatred and bigotry. Miller knows full well that the vast majority of people in the program are not terrorists seeking to harm America. These about 500,000 families are all about love, togetherness, and embrace concepts that make up the true America. This is why lawyers are appealing the decision to make sure that families aren't split up. The banning of this policy will cause misery and suffering to children and spouses in tons of ways. Foday Turay is a DACA recipient (who has one wife and one child) who is at risk of being deported by one judge's actions.

The speech of Kamala Harris at the DNC drew 28 million TV viewers. There are more than 21 million viewers online digitally on online streaming services. Many younger people get their information on digital services. We know what works to defeat Donald Trump in November 2024. People need to focus on living wages, on better public education, on expanding the Child Tax Credit, and doing the right thing to improve our environment. People should honor voting rights and civil rights too. We are for work, especially hard work. We are against a system that permits starvation wages that no human being in modern-day society can survive on. We desire jobs with benefits like paid family leave, health care, and paid overtime. There is a purpose in life. Purpose relates to freedom without bigotry, justice without oppression, and living in joy without suppression of fundamental human rights.

No one should be shocked that Tulsi Gabbard supports Donald Trump. Gabbard ignores Trump's bigotry, sexism, and anti-democratic views because she embraces many of Trump's views. Gabbard is a hypocrite to cite abuse of power and an anti-freedom culture of political retaliation for her justifications for supporting Trump. The reason is that Trump has threatened political retaliation against his political opponents, he has called for the abolishment of the U.S. Constitution, he said that he wants to be a dictator on Day one, and he believes that he is immune from any prosecution of any sort. Gabbard claims that black progressives and progressives in general promote anti-white racism which is a lie. We want racism to end. Also, many scholars believe that Tulsi has links to far-right Hindu organizations. To be clear, not all Hindus are far-right extremists. Tulsi has praised the authoritarian Prime Minister Narendra Modi of India. Tulsi Gabbard is a liar who said the lie that Kamala Harris is unfit to be President of the United States of America. Kamala Harris was the California Attorney General, a U.S. Senator, and is now the Vice President of the United States. Kamala Harris has tons of qualifications to be President of America. Gabbard claims to be against warmongering but minimizes the terrorism done by Assad and Putin. Trump has disrespected military people for years, but Tulsi Gabbard (a military veteran) still allies with him. Trump made perverted comments about his own daughter, but Tulsi omits that because she has a double standard and is an extremist. TV host of Russian state TV Vladimir Soloviev called Tulsi "our girlfriend Tulsi." The hypocrite Tulsi claims to be for peace but supports Trump who is a warmonger and a person who hates democratic rights.

By Timothy

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