Friday, August 30, 2024

The End of the Week News.


Vice President Kamala Harris gave a speech in Savannah, Georgia to promote her views and vision for American society. There was a large crowd in Savannah, and Harris wanted to move forward. Meanwhile, Vance was booed by a veteran and union group for saying that his ticket was the most pro-military ticket in American history. J.D. Vance disrespected a pageant woman, and he told Harris to go to H__. Vance also shames single people, so he has no respect for people.  Kamala Harris spoke passionately about making sure that people realize that the national sales tax will cause more items to be expensive, we must promote freedom, and that we shall never go back to the status quo.

Donald Trump has crossed the line in disrespecting the military for years now. Recently, a Trump aide has been accused of pushing a military aide at Arlington National Cemetery and filming a gravestone of a veteran without the veteran's permission. Trump has called many military people suckers and losers, mocked John McCain's military service, and desires to not allow disabled veterans to be near him. So, Trump's actions and the actions of his allies have been totally disgraceful. That is one reason out of many reasons on why I will never vote for Donald Trump at all. 

Today is the anniversary of the March on Washington. It happened 61 years ago. It was a product of a dream from activists who wanted to address the evils of racism, economic oppression, and other forms of injustice plaguing American society. It existed after the Civil War when Jim Crow apartheid was very prominent not only in the South but parts of the North, Midwest, and West Coast. William Randolph took a lead role in making that march happen along with famous plus unsung legends of the Civil Rights Movement. Men, women, and children came to the Lincoln Memorial via plane, cars, buses, and feet to see multiple speakers talk about the necessity for social justice, the cause of living wages, the end of police brutality, investments in education, and labor rights strengthened. The cause of justice has peaks and valleys as this encompasses life itself. Yet, we have faith and an august determination to carry forth the torch of freedom to succinctly advocate for our goal of liberty and justice for all. In our time in 2024, we are still fighting the same fight as our generations previously have fought for. Even in 2024, there is massive racism, book bans (even in public libraries), voter suppression policies, sexism, xenophobia, violations of the rights of women, poverty (and other forms of economic inequality), and other evils. Still, we must grow, develop our minds and spirits, and focus on doing the right thing to see a better future.

One disgraceful judge in Louisiana ruled that the EPA can't use the Civil Rights Act to fight against environmental issues in majority black communities (as written about by author Madiba K. Dennie). This means that a Trump-promoted Judge said that the EPA is powerless to stop companies from poisoning black neighborhoods. This decision is reaction, racist, and evil. This fact alone should make any wise person not vote for Trump. We need our environment protected from pollution. There have been studies that the region in Louisiana has been called Cancer Alley, because tons of innocent people have developed cancer over the dangerous chemicals found in the region. 

Kamala Harris and Tim Walz visited a high school in southeast Georgia at Hinesville. They wanted to promote the power of the country to do great things. They are talking to band players in the high school too. They want to appeal to rural voters and many voters who would otherwise wouldn't vote for Democrats. Georgia and even North Carolina are in play now in 2024. In our time, Trump is a notorious deception. He is one of the greatest deceptions in human history. People, who claim to be rational, hold on to his every word omitting how Trump wanted the death of innocent men, who are part of the Central Park Five. Trump believes in the lie that the 2020 election was stolen, but Robert Kennedy Jr. and Tulsi Gabbard hypocritically support him.

By Timothy

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