Monday, April 10, 2006

Masonic Traveler is wrong to mock the NWO info and real facts.

*I wrote that I wrote my last response on his blog not that this is my final response on my blog. Masonic Traveler has some of the most distorting, omitting, and false information that I've seen from this Freemason. This is my response to this Freemason.

Masonic Traveler: I had to post a response to the exchange that has been going on here. Timothy, of TruthSeekers Ant-NWO corner continues on the vein of the how Freemasonry is fraught with peril and problems, ESPECIALLY to the Christian right. Equating them on the level of the Federal government who kicked in the door of David Koresh in Waco, Texas. I don't know of anyonw who empathizes with Koresh, except for people who empathize with Timothy McVey too.

Response: This is some of the most distorting and false comments from a Mason that I’ve seen in my life. Once again you mock the New World Order, while Henry Kissinger and George H. W. Bush talked about it. For example:

"Today, America would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order [referring to the 1991 LA Riot]. Tomorrow they will be grateful! This is especially true if they were told that there were an outside threat from beyond [i.e., an "extraterrestrial" invasion], whether real or *promulgated* [emphasis mine], that threatened our very existence. It is then that all peoples of the world will plead to deliver them from this evil. The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this *scenario*, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well-being granted to them by the World Government." (Dr. Henry Kissinger, Bilderberger Conference, Evians, France, 1991)

I've cited hyperlinks to the new world order quotations and to deny it, you are wrong like you are in other issues. You never refute the truth that many people want a new world order or one world government at all. Let’s show some facts shall we. Freemasonry is fraught with errors and I’ve shown them (i.e. bloody oaths, pagan symbolism, etc.) There also been scandal in Freemasonry as well. As for the “Christian Right” reference is silly by you. Many Muslims, Catholics, and other religions disagree with Freemasonry not just conservative Christians. If you are talking about the "Christian Right" in the sense of following Bush in every way, I'm not that type of person.

If you believe think I'm the type that abhors killing unborn babies, believes in the family, disagrees with Bush on some points with an independent mind, and stuff like that, then I'm that type of conservative "Christian Right" guy. Many folks are "tolerant" of Muslims and Jews, yet hypocritically intolerant of people who are conservative Christians. Just look at the Battle Cry march in SF, CA. These beliefs aren't extreme regardless of what those in the media would say. As for politics, I'm not into the Left/Right paradigm. Also, please don't say that lie that Bush is a conservative Christian, because he calls Muslims and Christians worshipping the same god, believes that praying in a Shinto shrine is cool, goes around in the occult Skulls and Bones plus Bohemian Grove, believes that killing unborn babies for rape and incest is an OK thing to do, and he's the bigger spender in American President history. cites more evidence of my view as well. Also, I’ve never equated all Masons as similar to David Koresh. I’ve said that real fascism was Waco and the events at Dhaffur. I've outlined real fascism and nothing more. I made no comparison to all Masons at all. I never called you a fascist as well. That is just one example of your falsehoods. Koresh was wrong in some of his ideologies, but the government had no right to destroy his place with foreign troops and CS gas. That’s a violation of Posse Comitatus. and they had no warrant to come into his place as well. Evil is evil, event if it’s done to deranged, religious extremists. You know this. "Waco: The Rules of Engagement" is one accurate movie about the evils in Waco along with Alex Jones. I don’t empathize with Koresh’s ideology. I empathize with the innocent men, women, and children that got sluaghtered by the Feds.

If you believe that foreign troops killing innocent men, women, and children was justified with no legal right to do so, then something is wrong with your moral compass. I don’t empathize with Timothy McVeigh. Please don't make the stereotype that all Patriots support what McVeigh did. I don't want to call you a liar, but your had so much falsehoods that I lost count. Patriots oppose government corruption and many films and books are written about the government wrong doing in Waco. It’s apparent that you haven’t been educated about this event, so I’m moving on. Without people in the Christian Right, slavery would still be here and you wouldn't have the right you have gauranteed in the Bill of Rights. Baptist John Leland helped James Madison secure the Bill of Rights that we hold dear. Leland wasn't a flaming far left liberal at all.

Masonic Traveler: In his response, he insults Hindu's as illogical, says Jews and Muslims are evil and misguided, and as before, presumes his is the right, and those in disagreement with him are being "decieved". Quoting:"I don't hate anyone because they are different. I hate evil and sin alone. I’m sorry, but calling certain things evil and sinful is normal for us humans." Ok, so if you hate evil and sin, and other faiths are evil and sinful (your words) you don't hate them? So then are you ok with them, would you share space with a synagogue, a mosque, or a buddist temple?"I believe any Jewish person is evil when they involved themselves in any illegal or morally corrupt activity. If they don’t believe in the Messiah or Muslim pray to Allah, they are deluded people."So does this mean they are evil then? You said it, I'm just trying to get some clarity.

Response: This is a good strawman by you. Now, let’s look at the truth shall we. I did call Hinduism illogical and I have a right to say that. Hinduism is illogical because they assign divine characteristics with non-perfect animals like cows. That's not an insult, that's reality. Accept reality. Murder is illogal also. That is fact and not disparging someone at all. I never called all Jews and Muslims intentionally evil. You can’t name me one quote from my words mentioning that. That shows your distortions and falsehoods yet again. Even the book of Psalm mention people to hate evil and sin. I hate evil and sin and I still don’t hate no human being because we are commanded to love our neighbor as ourselves. It isn’t complex to hate evil and not people. For example, I hate murder, but I will not hate the murderer personally. Also, hate and disagreement are 2 different things and you fail to see that. I have no problem with peacefully communicating with those of another religion whether Jewish, Muslim, or Buddhist.

On the other hand, Christians aren’t to have religious fellowship with those of another faith. That’s spelled out in the NT and you know this:

"...O ye Corinthians, our mouth is open unto you, our heart is enlarged. Ye are not straitened in us, but ye are straitened in your own bowels. Now for a recompence in the same, (I speak as unto my children,) be ye also enlarged. Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you. And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty..." (2 Corinthians 6: 11-18)

Someone doing evil doesn’t mean you hate someone. There’s a difference between hating evil and not hating people personally. Yes, I said people in false faiths are deluded like Satanists and atheists. That’s common sense, because people living in strong errors are deluded.

Masonic Traveler: He goes for a good time, puncuated with several "Hahahaha" moments, that illustrate his maturity. The one thing I will agree with you here on Timothy is that you are correct in saying not all peoples opinions are right.

Response: I laugh because of humor. It’s not necessary immaturity to laugh. I’ve listed books and sources in this debate before, so you are wrong about immaturity. We both agree that all people’s opinion aren’t right.

Masonic Traveler: Here below is my response to his very long diatribe.So much to respond to, maybe it's better to take it in the significant pieces.We both agree that it’s a free country and I have a right to disagree with you and you have a right to be deceived and join Freemasonry. But where do you have the right to presume I've been deceived, because your "free" faith tells you so? No system of faith is perfect, Freemasonry, Christianity, Islam, and so on. But like every other faith in existence, the fundamentalists are frightened, yes I said frightened, by the existence of a Universalistic organization like Freemasonry. But again, Freemasonry is not a religion, so no sectarian faith should be worried, in that Freemasonry says men should retain their faith and continue their practice of worship. Freemasonry does not say accept all faiths, or make you swear oaths to any incarnation of a specific god. In fact, the oath isn't even to go, but in the invocation of god helping you to adhere to the things in which are sworn to.

Response: This is country where people can exist and believe in what they want. It’s easily to presume deception. Evil child molestors and thieves plus other criminals are decieved. The presummption of deception is not complex. You’re decieved for many reasons and I’ve listed them before. Even 33° Degree Freemason Albert Pike in his morals and dogma book admitted that low level Freemasons are intentionally misled by false interpertrations. Now, Masons in the lower levels are given false interpretations and in the higher levels, the real truth about Freemasonry is shown. Freemasonry in the lower levels talk about tolerance and brotherhood.

The real essence of Freemasonry is the embrace of estoric wisdom, the goal of immorality in Heaven, and religious universialism (or that monotheistic faiths like Islam, Judaism, and Christianity are equal in value. You have admitted to this). Also, much of Masonry dogmas are contrary to Biblical Christianity. About faith, I beg to differ about you saying no faith is perfect. True Christianity is perfect, because it outlined Jesus Christ's purposed (whose coming was predicted in hundreds of verses from the OT), it outlines man's condition (i.e. man being imperfect), and comes up with a real solution to human problems (man needs God's grace for salvation). Not to mention that evidence proves that the Bible is the most perserved ancient document in human history.

It's kinda hilarious that you talk about the fundamentalists all of the time. First, many people who aren't fundamentalists disagree with Freemasonry like Catholics, some Muslims, etc. Second, there is nothing wrong with accepting certain absolutes in religious dogma. That sets up a real foundation, so people can be firm in their own belief system. Real fundamentalists aren't frightened by Freemasonry, because evidence proves its deception and evil in its history. Also, Freemasonry is a religion and I've cited a quote from 33rd Degree Freemason Albert Mackey admitting to that.

The biggest smoking gun is this: In the initation ceremony for the Entered Apprentice Masons, the Senior Deacon says a prayer. You only practice a religion through prayer in many circumstances. The “Master” asks a candidate what you trust and the Answer is God, so it is a religion since a belief or trust in God is a sign of religious action. In the iniation, you’ve also assured the Grand Lodge above (disrespecting Heaven), which is a Religious concept. The reason is that they promote eternal life. Freemasonry teaches a belief in one God, has worship, teaches the belief in resurrection and the immorality of the soul (there is no immorality of the soul for the wicked, but only God alone preserves the soul of the saved forever. The Bible says that the soul of the wicked shall surely die), include various books of faith in lodges for religious usage, have Temples and altars, a moral code, and a belief of the afterlife with resurrection therefore validating Masonry as a Religion. There are plenty of Masonic documents and decrees to figure out the truth on Masonry, so all of Masonry isn't a divided group on every issue. People aren't frightened by you. People fell sorry for you embracing a false Light for men of many faiths, while not embracing the true Light of Christ.

Masonic Traveler: The one disagreement every Anti-Mason falls onto the Morgan Affair. I stand with you in saying what those Masons did to him is despicable and wrong. They committed a cardinal sin and violated the most sacred of earthly and divine laws. But as Jasper Riddley says in his book "Freemasons", the men who killed him were criminals, AND Freemasons. In the same way you spoke of the Catholic pedophiles, they are criminals, and Catholics. The ironic thing here Tim, is that at the time those rogues killed Morgan, other states and lodges were already publishing the rituals, so Morgan wasn’t doing anything that wasn’t already happening elsewhere. His death was tragic and need not of happened, but remember, the people who acted, acted alone, NOT in some cabal that many like to fabricate.

Response: There is no need for a long response on this issue because we both agree that what was done to William Morgan was wrong. NO one deserves unjustified death whether they be Mason or not. I would say that it wasn't a large cabal that killed him, (only a small number), Masonic oaths do have death sentences for those that expose their secrets.

Masonic Traveler: Remember, it's not a Unified Masonic fraternity like that. Since you make issue of the racism issue, think back to the divided south to all of the churches and parishes that were led by racist pastors and priests. It's a fact of the south that lives on today. I will make no beef with you that Freemasonry has had its issues with racism and segregation. In many areas it still exists, much along the same lines it did at the time of the Civil War. But elsewhere, racism has been cast out, and is no longer tolerated. Something you may not know is that Freemasonry exits under a state run Grand Lodge, so each state has their own jurisdiction. There is no One Lodge Order from which to model the NWO on. And each of these states has had their own referendum on racism and abolishing such discrimination. Prince Hall does exist, but every lodge I have been a part of would welcome a man of ANY race to come to it's alter. Just to add more fuel to your fire, Albert Pike was a General in the Confederate army, and believed to of been a leader in the KKK. But, no significant proof has been offered up.Pike, like Macky and Wilmshurst have had an impact and definite spin on Freemasonry, but all they write are their opinions and their observations to understanding Freemasonry.

Response: I knew that you would make your response in this fashion. I just knew this. Freemasonry is not unified in terms of a single world headquarters, but common themes do run in all Masonic Lodges. Even you agree with that. I've talked about racism since you talked about it. In your previous diatribe, you talked about racism in an attempt to make guilty real Christian. The truth is that I and real Christians don't have to be guilty about nothing. Racism need to be opposed by all, but not collectively assigned to Christianity. Why do you obsess with the South all of the time. Racism existed not only all across America, but across the world.

Racism is not a solely Southern thing. In fact, many communities of the South centuries ago and now are intergrated. Many Southerners (both white and black) centuries ago aren't racist. Today, many reconciallations have according to lower the tensions between blacks and whites. Just because churches were divided racially then and now, doesn't denote the essence of Christianity. The essence of Masonry was originally racism as you know, since the Masons decreed that the Lodges were to be seperate racially. No where in the Bible or true Christianity denote racism or segregation of believers.

You can't find and I've cited Bible verses about it as you know. One verse is this: "...Moreover concerning the stranger, which is not of thy people Israel, but is come from a far country for thy great name's sake, and thy mighty hand, and thy stretched out arm; if they come and pray in this house; Then hear thou from the heavens, even from thy dwelling place, and do according to all that the stranger calleth to thee for; that ALL PEOPLE OF THE EARTH MAY KNOW THY NAME, AND FEAR THEE, AS DOTH THY PEOPLE ISRAEL..."

"...My brethren, have not the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory, with respect of persons. For if there come unto your assembly a man with a gold ring, in goodly apparel, and there come in also a poor man in vile raiment; And ye have respect to him that weareth the gay clothing, and say unto him, Sit thou here in a good place; and say to the poor, Stand thou there, or sit here under my footstool: But if ye have respect to persons, ye commit sin, and are convinced of the law as transgressors." (James 2:1-3, 9)

It's also funny that you don't mention the saints then and now opposing racism. Christian David Rice in 1792 during Kentucky's constitutional convention said a strong speech opposing racism and slavery. Again, the British Christian Wilberforce and Christian John Quincy Adams opposed slavery and racism. John Newton (1725–1807) opposed slavery. Granville Sharp (1735–1813) disagreed with slavery and racism as well. So, many churches opposed segregration and you need to see that.

During the Civil rights movement, many Southern clergymen supported blacks and others to recieve their God given rights as mentioned in the Constitution. We agree that Masonry had their share of racism and today, most Lodges allow people of any race to go into any Lodge that they want. Your obessesion with racism is typical of you.

You don't talk about the racism mentioned in the caste system of Hinduism or racism done by people who claim to represent Islam as well. I never talked about a ONe Lodge Order, which shows your mocking of truth. The truth is that many world leaders support a new world order. Instead of mocking the truth, you need to accept the truth that many folks are quoted as supporting a new world order. THere is no one headquarters of all Masonry, but some Masons have been quoted as being in support of a new age or a new order. 33rd Degree Freemason William Smith is quoted as supporting a new order and a new age for mankind:

"...Looking back into history, we can easily see that the Guiding Hand of Providence has chosen the Nordic people to bring in and unfold the new order of the world. Records clearly show that 95 percent of the colonials were Nordics… Anglo-Saxons. Providence has chosen the Nordic race to unfold the
"New Age" of the world… a "Novus Ordo Seclorum." (September 1950 issue of New Age Magazine, the official journal of the Supreme Council, 33rd Degree Scottish Rite of Freemasonry. The author of the article, C. William Smith, 551)

If that isn't proof of some Masons (not all) supporting a new world order then I don't know what will. I knew that you talked about Albert Pike (the man who was a convicted war criminal, left to Canada, and was pardoned by Andrew Johnson [a Mason]). I know about Albert Pike's history. Pike was a 33rd Degree Freemason and a Confederate General. As for him and the KKK, you know that many Masons were in the KKK (even Bedford Forrest [one of the founders of the Ku Klux Klan] was a low level Freemason. Forrest was initiated in Lodge #168 at Angerona, Tennessee. Paul M. Bessel, Executive Secretary of the Masonic Leadership Center at records Forrest’s membership. to Anton Chaitkan, the Knights of the Golden Circle evolved into the KKK. According to Anton Chaitkan and other Masons were in the KKK. To assume that no Masons were in the KKK is a lie. Even 33° Freemason Robert Bryd was an ex-KKK member). Authors Wyn Craig Wade's "The Fiery Cross,", Historian Dr. Walter L. Fleming, John Covici, and others believe that Albert Pike was the Judicial Officer of the Klan. Who do I believe Freemason propagandist denying a Masonic/KKK link or dedicated authors (some Phds) and many of whom lived in the late 1800's and early 1900's. I choose the later and Freemasonry does prove a KKK/Masonry link.

Masons may not have all created the Klan, but many Masons were in the Klan as the evidence proves. As for your other information, Masons have called Pike's work and other the Bible for Masonry. Now, just because all Masons disagree on some issues ,doesn't mean that strict concept exist in Masonry. Many high level Masons believe what I believe about the Religious atmosphere of Masonry and I trust high level folks (being Phds) above you. Many Freemasonic authors may have their spin on some points, but Masonry's religious aspects is apparent for anyone to see. It's also common to see Freemasons into the occult, because of the occult nature of Freemasonry. These occult Masons include Arthur Edward Waite, Dr. Wynn Westcott, S. L. MacGregor Mathers, and Foster Bailey. 32° Freemason Foster Bailey was part of Lucifer Trust, which now is called Lucis trust.

Masonic Traveler: But in the end, the tenants of Freemasonry are simply this: Brotherly Love, Relief, and Truth. The truth seems to be the hang up to every faith in disagreeance to the fraternity. No faith will admit that "God" is God, and that one faith can be in the same building as another faith and both pray to "God" because one or the other has to be right. I know your shaking your head and salivating at saying how wrong I am, but in the end where else can faiths come together to propagate those 3 tenants? Many churches try interfaith meetings, but to what conclusion? Freemasonry has been a waypoint for many faiths and people long before much of the esoteric emphasis was added. In fact, it started as a trade guild, so guild members could meet, hold fests, house and meet other "free and accepted" masons. Somewhere over the years, it was infused with a lot of esoteric ideology to make it more meaningful.

Response: I agree that most Masons want to have brotherly love, relief, etc. On the other hand, Masons are decieved and accept distorted views on oaths, religions, and life. You can be sincere and still duped. Yes, I'm shaking my head about this issue. There is nothing wrong with communication with people of other faiths. There is a problem with compromise of core convictions for the sake of peaceful co-existence. Compromising core convictions is cowardice. I rather be unpopular and firm, than compromising and fearful. Cowards can't stand the heat of criticism. Cowards don't believe in anything and are afraid to promote their views one way or the other way. Men stand for what they believe in and disagree. People have a right to disagree. I know that churches have interfaith meetings. That's why I respect atheists more than the superdome, prosperity church crowd (like Creflo Dollar, Benny Hinn, etc.) since many of those "Christians" are afraid to discuss about Freemasonry, abortion, Iraq, and other real issues in America.

Freemasonry have many esoteric symbols during its creation. Freemasonry did form from guilds, etc. but many high level Freemasonry believe its origin had influence from the Mystery Religions of Babylon and Egypt. Robert Freke Gould, Past Senior Grand Deacon of England, Master of Quatuor Coronati Lodge No. 2076, in his Vol. 1, p. 13, History of Freemasonry; New York, 1884 had that: “Masonry is regarded as the direct descendant, or as a survival of the mysteries... of Isis and Osiris in Egypt...”
There is nothing wrong with Eygptian and Babylonian authentic math, science, etc. There is a problem with their paganism and accepting many gods and Masons used many of the gods in their dogma. That influence the creation of Masonry just as much as the stonemason guilds of medieval Europe. People can propagate their own faiths in their own churches or temples. Also, No one is stopping people to support ecumencialism and universialism (or allowing different faiths to colloborate together in places).

Masonic Traveler: I won't get into an argument with you on biblical translations. There is enough material to fill volumes and volumes with argument both why it's factual and why it's not. The simplest being that it’s a translation from one language to another, so changes are inherent. Even the stories in the bible conflict, examine the 4 gospels to see what I mean, but I'm sure you have an argument on why that is the case too. The end result of this conversation is this. You can be judgmental and disparage whomever you choose, be it organizations, people, faiths, countries, governments, or me, but just because YOU and a handful of other people believe something to be the case do not make it right. This is not a black and white world, where one side is right and the other is wrong. It may seem that way, to you, in your home, but if you were picked up and dropped into the same position in another country, with your same ideals of moral righteousness, then you would likely be on the opposite side of the divide.

Response: I know you won't get into an argument over biblical translations, because I've set my argument up. I've proved to you the uniqueness of the Bible and how it's the most documented source in ancient history. If you deny the Bible's inspiration, then deny every ancient source in human history's accuracy. Once again, Bible scholar Donald J. Wiseman said that: "...The geography of Bible lands and visible remains of antiquity were gradually recorded until today more than 25,000 sites within this region and dating to Old Testament times, in their broadest sense, have been located...." There are more than 24,000 NT copies with 99.999% of them being free from variance. ca. According to Let Us Reason Ministries, Origen 185-254 names all the books of both the Old and New Testaments 17,922 quotes. 86,000 quotations from the early church leaders denote every verse in the NT except 11 verses. One of the first copy of the NT was found in the Magedan Papyrus before 250 A.D., while other Greek and Roman documents are found more than 4 centuries apart from the origin time of its creation. Other NT papryi are dated before 100 A.D. Archaelogical confirmation of many locations mentioned in the Bible are found in Arad, Bethel, Susa, etc. Even skepdics realize the accuracy of the OT Massoretic texts. So, don't be a hypocrite. It's common practice that different languages would create different lettering.

What you are forgetting is that we have the Greek NT with the words and translations to decipher the true meaning of actually words of the Bible. It's not vague when you have the original words found. There are tons of authors and scholars who rebutted so-called contradictions in the Bible. Also, it's normal for slight differences in the 4 Gospels, because 4 different people wrote them. To expect the exact same words in all 4 Gospels is not only silly, but false. All of the Gospels do assign Christ as the Messiah, the miracles he made, and the account of his resurrection. You're talking a whole lot of doubt. I judge evil as wrong.

I judge righteous judgment:
John 7:24 Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment.

"For if we would judge ourselves, we should not be judged. But when we are judged, we are chastened [child trained] of the Lord, that we should not be condemned with the world" (1 Corinthians 11:31-32).

"Wash you, make you clean; put away the evil of your doings from before mine eyes; cease to do evil; 17Learn to do well; seek judgment, relieve the oppressed, judge the fatherless, plead for the widow. 18Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool. " (Isaiah 1:16-18)

Note that this isn't vague as you obessess about. Well, Just because you and others feel that you are right, doesn't mean you're right. I'm right by history, science, and other evidence. Moral absolutes are black and right. Murder is wrong. Lying is wrong. Hating people personally is wrong. Illegal laws are wrong. Perserving innocent life is right. I've never said that all concepts in the universe are black and right. I did that many moral absolutes and absolutes in nature, etc. are black and right. That's my point. I really could care less if I'm at the other divide in different locations. Truth and absolutes aren't limited by locations at all. I don't disparage anyone on this issue. I'm talking about reality about Hinduism having a caste system. What's real disparaging is that caste system instead of my words. You not liking it is your affair.

Masonic Traveler: There are many shades of gray, not all good and not all evil, and those shades believe in a multitude incarnations of "GOD". Some believeing what they did before the Christian God ever set down in this world. Even within Christianity, there are different movements of faith and what God is about. Freemasonry does nothing to this end, except to create a temple where each of those faiths can come together, under a canopy of God, to better mankind. And it is that strength that all religions fear Freemasonry, because to do that is an ability that no other faith has in its power.

Response: There are shades of gray in certain issues and concepts, but not all concepts. There's a difference. There is no multiple incarnations of God. God is God. Also, God has certain characterstics that are definable in God's Word. Of course, we can't learn everything about God, but we can understand some things. And you mock Biblical, conservative Christianity by citing the "Christian God." It's typical by many of you Masons. You have doubt about the inspiration of God's Word and when facts blow you out of the water, you resort to obessessing about the "evils" in Christianity, when there is none in true Christianity. God is God and he existed before the Universe began. You seem to forget that God's Word in the OT mentioned the Messiah numerous times. In Christianity, there are different groups. What you don't get is that all true Christians accept the fundamentals of the faith like the Virgin birth, the Deity of Christ, his miracles, his resurrection, his promise of coming again, and other things. Christianity puts a sword and claims that it's unique. Either Jesus was a liar or he's telling the truth. If Jesus is a liar, Universialism is true since Christ said he is the Way. His words aren't bound by many interpretations. It's basically very clear. Your viewpoint is similar to the New Age Movement where all paths are legitimate as long as you lead a good life. All true Christians accept that, so you cheap shot against Christians don't fly. Freemasons are divided on whether Masonry is a Religion or if they follow certain teachings. is link talking about Freemasonry so you can demit. I don't need a Masonic Temple.

God's Word says that the body of Christ is a true Temple. I have a real Worshipful Master and that's God. I have a real Temple and that's the Body of Christ. I have a real promise to serve God instead of mentioning blood oaths that are very graphic. I have a real connection with people instead of working in secrecy. I have a real faith and real evidence proving the inspiration of the Scriptures and the truth of God. I don't need a Lodge to better my perception of mankind, thank you very much. I don't fear Freemasonry. Religious conservatives and me just disagree with Freemasonry. Regardless of what you say, the Bible have a great uniqueness. You fail once again see the difference between fear and disagreement. I'm not going to roll over and play dead. is a link with evidence that Freemasonry is incomptable with Christianity. The obelisk exposed is found at Ephesians is another link of competent people disagree with you. I'm not the one. If you don't agree or like Biblical Christianity, then you can easily leave it. It's a free country. *Don't worry I will add more information. I'm very intelligence and not some idoit intimidated by people. A lot of people are scared of criticizing Freemasonry, but I'm not. I've done my homework. What I'm going to do is to expose government corruption, making known of the problems with FTAA and NAFTA, disagree with torture, expose abortion, opposing the Iraq War, making know of illegal wiretapping and spying, and disagreeing with biometrics. Finally my belief system is not part of some cult. Niether am I in a cult. Your falsehoods and stereotypes keep on coming. In truth, many Masons follow their beliefs as almost as a cult.

By TruthSeeker24 (Timothy)


Timothy said...

I won't make any long responses anymore about this issue.

Timothy said...

It's time to move on.

Timothy said...

Really, Masonic Traveler, I don't care if you make over 100 pages of information, because I've made my points know and most people in our camp aren't in a cult, but are rational human beings. I wish you would stop it with you false stereotypes about people like us with real proof of evil in government, evil in Katrina, and evil in other events. Instead of using adhominem attack, constructive criticism and advice are in order.