Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Ronald Reagan’s Long-Hidden Racist 1971 Conversation With Richard Nixon

Virginian History.

Black Agenda Report


CNN's first 2019 Democratic debate in Detroit.

The debate is over and it is the battle of the progressives vs. the moderates. The moderates did their best to promote their visions of status quo, capitulation, deceptions, and omission. Delaney was slick in saying that the private sector can just collaborate with the government and everything will be cool. History teaches us that private-public partisanship benefits the rich including the upper middle class, exacerbates gentrification, and contributes to redlining in American cities, towns, and other locations. Delaney hypocritically talks about things being impossible to pay for, but he supports policies requiring billions and trillions of dollars (from infrastructure to climate change). Delaney has praised the TPP, which has been condemned by people from across the political spectrum. Williamson's defense of reparations was powerful. She is right to advocate for reparations, since America has not compensated black Americans for slavery, Jim Crow, the prison industrial complex, etc. Bernie Sanders answered many questions. The debate showed a clash between progressives and moderates. Warren wanted big, structural change.

Tim Ryan focused on labor issues. Tim Ryan did a good job on discussing his economic views in terms of manufacturing, etc. Klochubar was center-left. The other candidates expressed their ideals. Buttegieg did better than Beto O'Rourke, since Buttegieg used more details. Detroit praised Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren on many issues. Bullock from Montana did his thing. The progressives in the stage said that they aren't afraid of big ideals since the far right spend billions of dollars to the super wealthy but do nothing to working class people. The debate talked about race, programs to help HBCUs, and other policies. The candidates called Trump a racist. Most of the candidates want diplomacy with allies to be the main foreign policy position. Bullock is wrong to desire preemptive U.S. nuclear strikes.

Many of the corporate media (from some in MSNBC and some in CNN) criticized progressives in their views. The lie promoted by the moderate candidates is that they believe that progressives want free everything. Bernie and Warren never said that people should have free everything. They did mention that people should have the opportunity to survive and a robust federal government involvement ought to be part of the solution making process. People like Scarborough and McCaskill showed off as being in promotion of the moderate status quo. McCaskill is the same one who said that you can't get things done since the legislative wouldn't allow these things. Decades ago, many in Congress didn't want civil rights and voting rights legislation. Yet, grassroots people organized and took over many seats to get those legislation passed. The composition of Congress can change. You can look at 2018 to see the House change into a mostly Democratic Congress. She talks about free stuff from the government, but benefits given to the American people is not about free stuff. It is about resources sent to help human beings that people have earned via work. Social Security, Medicare, etc. aren't free stuff. We work to receive these benefits. In a single payer system or a non-single payer system, you still pay for your health care. Also, it is part of federal law for undocumented workers to have emergency room health care. Even people will pay in an expansion of health care. Undocumented immigrants pay taxes. The poor getting SNAP isn't easy either. These are programs sent to help people not "free stuff." These moderate hypocrites support free stuff for Wall Street oligarch, oil giants, the weapons makers of the military industrial complex (in the form of tax cuts, subsidies, and other tax breaks), but refuse to invest the equivalent amount to housing, healthcare, education, and living wages.

The moderates talk about the revolution can wait. Tell that to the civil rights heroes who fought for change. Tell that to the homeless now who are struggling to survive. Tell that to others who desire revolutionary change. The fact is that real change requires structural, comprehensive change. Rahm Emanuel criticizing progressive is disgraceful since he ruined parts of Chicago by representing the interests of the 1 percent (his disrespect of poor Chicagoans, and and representative responses to policing issues). The debate didn't mention anything about impeachment, the Supreme Court, and other issues. The debate didn't see many candidates talking about the African American influence in Detroit. Detroit is a majority black American city.

They discussed about health care and immigration. Some candidates wanted decriminalization of border crossings. The health care debate was about Medicare for all vs a public option addition to the ACA. Tomorrow, the debate will be intense too. No one took Warren down, so Elizabeth Warren won the debate by default. Also, Warren expressed details. She eloquently defined the agenda of making sure that corporations who did nefarious activities are held accountable for their actions. In other words, corporations have no God-given right to do whatever it wants excluding accountability. Bernie Sanders is right to criticize the greed and corruption found in the ruling class. My view of the debate is that at the end of the day, a moderate goal will not be comprehensive change (since, it's piecemeal and will benefit some people not all people as history and economics teaches). A progressive path leads into a more comprehensive solution.

By Timothy

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Trump's Racist Words.

The ADOS Exposed Once again.

Sanders, Biden and the Electability Scam

Black Agenda Radio for Week of July 29, 2019


Monday, July 29, 2019

Monday Information in July 2019.

To be human is know about many things. Africa represents our humanity, since all human beings came from Africa. To truly love Africa is to not only love African people. It is about researching information about its history, culture, and important issues found in the continent. For years, more and more people are speaking up about the values that encompass African society. Many countries of Africa have modern technology, animal conservation services, and people dedicated to the premise of human liberation. We have a long way to go in establishing justice. We know of political corruption, debt issues, and the fragile nature of our ecosystem. Also, we acknowledge the huge, unsung work that unsung African heroes are doing in making sure that the future is so much better than the present. Here are some examples. Wangarĩ Muta Maathai was a renowned Kenyan social, environmental and political activist and the first African woman to win the Nobel Prize. She was educated in the United States at Mount St. Scholastica and the University of Pittsburgh, as well as the University of Nairobi in Kenya. We have the young people in Sudan standing up against a military junta. We see young people in Nigeria, South Africa, and Ghana fighting economic inequality, corrupt leaders, and social injustices. Therefore, Africa’s growth is beneficial to the growth of the world in general. Africa’s growing population growth is a blessing. It is excellent to witness more Africans birthed in the world. It is also important to note that African culture is diverse. There are tons of languages spoken, different types of music, and a myriad of cultural traditions spread all over the continent of Africa. Loving Africa extends into loving the African Diaspora as well. Black lives always matter. There are black people in Africa, Europe, the Americas, and Asia plus other places of the world fighting diligently for our freedom. Their sacrifice and strength ought to be appreciated. Africa is the Motherland indeed.

Red Summer started in the summer of 1919. It was one of the harshest chapters in American history. The time was about when tons of innocent  black people in America were murdered, assaulted, raped, and had their homes plus businesses destroyed by white racist mobs. We should remember this tragedy after 100 years. This was murder and an unjust slaughter. It was a pogrom against black people. It was caused by many factors. Over 165 people died via Red Summer. The racists were jealous of black infrastructure and had a vicious hatred of black people in general. Not only did black people died, the federal government did nothing about it. Some in the federal government like J. Edgar Hoover disgracefully blamed black people for the violence. It started from late winter of 1919 to the fall of the same year plus beyond. The destruction and bombing of Black Wall Street was part of the Red Summer era. Many of the violence existed after white racists promoted the lies that black people wanted to kill white people collectively or black men collectively were raping white women. White racist terrorists groups destroyed the lives of thousands of black people. Then, some have the nerve to say that black Americans aren’t entitled to reparations today. Many black people fought back in self-defense in places like Chicago and Washington, D.C. During that time, there was the first Great Migration where African Americans left the South to go into the North, the Midwest, and West Coast (for economic opportunities and to escape racial terrorism found in the South). Many black people found the same racism in the North as found in the South. Many black veterans competed for jobs after World War I ended. So, Northern manufacturers recruited workers in the South. About 500,000 African Americans came from the South to the North by 1919. Black people worked in factories and some were strikebreakers. Violence against black people happened in East St. Louis, Illinois and Houston, Texas by the summer of 1917. Many racists scapegoated black people during the Red Scare and made the lie that black folks calling for racial justice were being influenced by the Bolshevik Revolution (when the struggle for black freedom existed long before the Russian Revolution. Also, the Russian czars were corrupt and ought to not maintain a rule of anti-Semitism, serfdom, and corruption). Black Americans competed for housing too among whites including European immigrants. Back then, a labor shortage came about in the Northeast and Midwest. Civil rights leader James Weldon Johnson called the time Red Summer. He worked in the NAACP as a field secretary since 1916. He organized peaceful protests against the racist violence.  Dr. George Edmund Haynes, W.E.B. DuBois, and others talked about the returning black veterans as an opportunity for racial justice to be made. A. Philip Randolph from the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters (and a civil rights activist) defended the right of black people to use self-defense. In addition, Haynes reported that between January 1 and September 14, 1919, white mobs lynched at least forty-three African Americans, with sixteen hanged and others shot; while another eight men were burned at the stake. The states appeared powerless or unwilling to interfere or prosecute such mob murders. The NAACP requested that Woodrow Wilson do something about the violence, but he refused to do anything. 

6 people died in rural Jenkins County, Georgia in the riot of 1919 on April 13. Many black-owned properties were burned. By May 10, 1919, the Charleston, South Carolina racial riot was so bad that the city imposed martial law. U.S. Navy sailors led the race riot. Black people like Isaac Doctor and William Brown plus James Talbot were killed. 5 white men and 18 black men were injured. A Naval investigation found that 4 U.S. sailors and 1 civilian (all white men) initiated the riot. Washington, D.C. starting July 19, white men, many in the military and in uniforms of all three services, responded to the rumored arrest of a black man for rape of a white woman with four days of mob violence against black individuals and businesses. They rioted, randomly beat black people on the street, and pulled others off streetcars for attacks. When police refused to intervene, the black population fought back. The city closed saloons and theaters to discourage assemblies. Meanwhile, the four white-owned local papers, including the Washington Post, fanned the violence with incendiary headlines and calling in at least one instance for a mobilization of a "clean-up" operation. After four days of police inaction, President Woodrow Wilson mobilized the National Guard to restore order. But a violent summer rainstorm had more of a dampening effect. When the violence ended, a total of 15 people had died: 10 white people, including two police officers; and five black people. Fifty people were seriously wounded and another 100 less severely wounded. It was one of the few times in 20th-century riots of whites against blacks that white fatalities outnumbered those of black people. In Norfolk, Virginia, a white mob attacked a homecoming celebration for African-American veterans of World War I. At least six people were shot, and the local police called in Marines and Navy personnel to restore order. 

Starting July 27, the summer's greatest violence occurred during rioting in Chicago. The city's beaches along Lake Michigan were segregated by custom. Eugene Williams, a black youth, swam into an area on the South Side customarily used by whites, where he was stoned, and drowned. When the Chicago police refused to take action against the attackers, young black men responded violently. Violence between mobs and gangs of both races lasted thirteen days. White mobs were led by ethnic Irish. The resulting 38 fatalities included 23 black people and 15 whites. The injured totaled 537 and 1,000 black families were left homeless.  Other accounts reported 50 people were killed, with unofficial numbers and rumors reporting more. White mobs destroyed hundreds of mostly black homes and businesses on the South Side of Chicago; Illinois called in a militia force of seven regiments: several thousand men, to restore order. At the end of July, the Northeastern Federation of Colored Women's Clubs, at an annual convention, denounced the rioting and burning of black Americans' homes and asked President Wilson "to use every means within your power to stop the rioting in Chicago and the propaganda used to incite such.”  At the end of August, the NAACP protested again to the White House, noting the attack on the organization's secretary in Austin, Texas the previous week.

Their telegram said: "The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People respectfully enquires how long the Federal Government under your administration intends to tolerate anarchy in the United States?" On September 30, a race riot against black people broke out in rural Elaine, Arkansas, in Phillips County. Distinctive because it occurred in the rural South rather than a city, it erupted from white minority resistance to labor organizing by black sharecroppers and fear of socialism. Black sharecroppers were meeting in the local chapter of the Progressive Farmers and Household Union of America. Planters opposed their efforts to organize and tried to disrupt meetings. In a confrontation, a white man was fatally shot and another wounded. The planters formed a militia to arrest the African-American farmers, and hundreds of whites came from the region. They acted as a mob, attacking black people at random over two days. In the riot they killed an estimated 100 to 237 black people, and five whites also died in the violence. Racial violence against black people was in Dublin, Georgia, Philadelphia, Tuscaloosa, Bisbee, Arizona, Knoxville, Omaha, Baltimore, and elsewhere in America. Wilson did nothing but issued some token words about condemning lynching. That’s it. He issued no federal laws or executive orders. The National Equal Rights League criticized Wilson for his lax response. The African Blood Brotherhood was created in the northern cities to promote self-defense. Dr. George Edmund Haynes of October of 1919 wanted national action to stop the lynching and racial violence. The Haynes report exposed that lawlessness among white racists contributed to the violence. The aftermath of this time caused tons of African Americans to continue to fight back for black freedom. It inspired more people to continue in the freedom movement. We should never forget the unjust murder of black people. Never Forget Red Summer. Never Forget.

Maurice Bishop lived from 1944 to 1983. He was one of the most revolutionary leaders of the 20th century. He was the leader of the New Jewel Movement. He believed in pan-African unity and black liberation. He wanted education and socioeconomic development to spread in his community. He was also the second Prime Minister of Grenada. Maurice Bishop was the head of the People’s Revolutionary Government of Grenada from 1979 to 1983. He was born at Aruba, which was controlled by the Netherlands back then. His parents were Rupert and Elment Bishop. Aruba is just off the coast of Venezuela. He lived in Aruba until he was six. He moved to Grenada. He walked into school, and his father inspired him to make great contributions involving education. Maurice Bishop became interested in politics, history, and sociology. He supported the West Indies Federation which wanted Caribbean nationalism by 1958. He was inspired by the 1959 Cuban Revolution. In those same years Bishop and his colleagues became interested in reading the works of Julius Nyerere and Frantz Fanon. In 1962, Bishop graduated with a gold medal for his outstanding ability. By December 1963, he studied law at the University of London when he was 19 years old. In 1963–66, Bishop was president of the Students Association of Holborn College and in 1967 headed the association of students of the Royal College. While studying Grenada history, Bishop focused on the head of the uprising in 1795, Julien Fédon, and other anti-British speeches. In 1964, he participated the UK's West Indian Standing Conference (WISC) and Campaign Against Racial Discrimination (CARD). He traveled from the UK to socialist Czechoslovakia and the German Democratic Republic.
During that time, he studied the works of Marx, Lenin, Stalin, and Mao Zedong. Yet, he was impressed by Julius Nyerere's Ujamaa: Essays on Socialism (published by Oxford University Press in 1968) and the Arusha Declaration of 1967. He earned his law degree and worked in Grenada. He wanted to work in Grenada to gain political power. He gave legal defense to striking nurses at St. George’s General Hospital. He wanted patients’ lives to be better. He protested and was arrested, but all were acquitted after a seven month trial. In 1972, he helped organize a conference in Martinique that discussed and strategized actions for liberation movements. The philosophy of Julius Nyerere and Tanzanian socialism would be guiding elements for the Movement for Assemblies of the People (MAP) which Bishop helped organize after the elections of 1972. He along with Kenrick Radix and Jacqueline Creft, were interested in steering MAP toward construction of popular institutions centered in villages, to facilitate broad participation in the country’s affairs.

Bishop was beaten by the security forces under Chief Constable Aynesent Belmar. In 1974, Bishop’s father was shot after he lead women and children aware from Gairy supporters’ bottles. Bishop worked in the Pan African Congress. In 1979, he staged a revolution. Eric Gairy was a corrupt, imperialist person. Gairy was gone, and Bishop was the Prime Minister of Grenada. He could communicate brilliantly about empathy for the people of Grenada. Maurice Bishop built infrastructure. He wanted women’s rights, workers’ rights, ending racism, and ending apartheid. Reagan hated Bishop and organized a coup. Under Bishop's leadership, the National Women’s Organization was formed which participated in policy decisions along with other social groups. Women were given equal pay and paid maternity leave, and sex discrimination was made illegal. Organisations for education (Center for Popular Education), health care, and youth affairs (National Youth Organization) were also established. Bishop introduced free public health; illiteracy dropped from 35% to 5% and unemployment from 50% to 14%. But its weak point was tourism. Bishop was not without imperfections. Many in the PRA or the People’s Revolutionary Army violated human rights, and Bishop was hesitant to promote further elections for fear of outside interference. Ironically, it would be four members of the PRA that would kill him. Then, Reagan launched an invasion. His wife was Angela Redhead. They had 2 children. He had another son that was murdered at the age of 16. On May 29, 2009, Grenada's international airport (formerly Point Salines International Airport) was renamed Maurice Bishop International Airport. Speaking at the ceremony, St. Vincent and the Grenadines Prime Minister Ralph Gonsalves said: "This belated honour to an outstanding Caribbean son will bring closure to a chapter of denial in Grenada’s history." Maurice Bishop’s gift was that he combined intellectual power with humility in wanting justice for his people. He never wavered in his commitment to justice, and he gave his life in service to fight imperialism. Rest in Power Brother Maurice Bishop.

Virginian history between World War 1 and the end of World War 2 was long. By 1912, Norfolk Terminal Station or a railway station was opened in Downtown Norfolk. Booker T. Washington and Maury high schools opened in 1911. Huntersville and Lambert’s Park became part of Norfolk in 1911. In 1917, the Norfolk Naval Station opened. A Norfolk local NAACP branch was established in 1917. During the early 20th century, many people believed in temperance (or banning alcohol drinking). By 1916, the state banned the sale and drinking of alcohol via referendum. This was overturned by 1933. The Attucks Theater opened in the Norfolk, Virginia city by 1919 as the “Apollo Theater of the South.” Virginia Beach opened in 1921 as its oceanfront was developed. NorVA Theater opened in 1922. The Nansemond Hotel opened in 1928. It was destroyed by fire in 1980. Colonial Williamsburg was formed in 1930 that increased tourism in the state. The Shenandoah National Park was created from newly gathered land. There was the Blue Ridge Parkway and the Skyline Drive. The Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) developed the National Park including Pocahontas State Park. New highway bridges crossed the lower Potomac, Rappahannock, York, and James Rivers. This ended the steamboat service. Transportation across the Chesapeake Bay area improved. Ferryboats continue today, but they rarely exist now. The Byrd machine was one of the most powerful political machines in American history. Back then, racism was shown in lynching, discrimination, Jim Crow, voter suppression, housing deprivation, and other evil policies. The Byrd Machine promoted racial segregation and the status quo. Black people in Virginia back then were a third of the population, but they had nearly no political power. The electorate was small. The Byrd machine lasted from 1887 to 1966. Many people supported the right to vote. Others didn’t. It would be until the 1960’s that federal civil rights legislation would be passed in 1964 and in 1965. Foreman Field at ODU was created in 1936. The Norfolk Municipal Airport and Norfolk Azealia Garden opened in 1938. By 1939, Granby High School opened. The Edgar Allan Poe Museum opened in 1922. That is in Richmond, Virginia. In 1928, the Virginia World War I Memorial Carillon was created in 1928. From June 27 to July 2, 1939, Richmond hosted the 30th annual conference of the NAACP at the location called The Mosque.  Mayor John Fulmer Bright welcomed them. Richmond’s NAACP President Jesse M. Tinsley and keynote addressed were made by William H. Hastle and Sam Colomon. The conference had a in person appearance by Eleanor Roosevelt presenting the Spingarn Medal to Marian Anderson as it was broadcast over NBC and CBS stations. 

World War II transformed Virginia in many ways. The economic stimulus of World War II brought full employment for workers, high wages, and high profits for farmers. Virginia sent 300,000 men and 4,000 women to the Armed services during World War II; Virginia expanded its industrial and naval economic power. Northern Virginia is the site of the Pentagon (at Arlington, Virginia). In 1941, Fort A. P. Hill and Fort Pickett opened. Fort Lee was reactivated. The Newport News shipyard expanded its labor force from 17,000 to 70,000 in 1943. This was when the Radford Arsenal had 22,000 workers making explosives. Turnover was very high in one three month period the Newport News shipyard hired 8,400 new workers as 8,300 others quit.

By Timothy

Friday, July 26, 2019

America's red scare is back. And it's racially tinged

The Black Vests Movement in France.

Friday Developments in late July of 2019.

Never being ashamed of your views is a way of life. Many in the mainstream media (even some of the moderates at MSNBC not just the far right extremists at FOX News) demonize some who advocate economic populism, universal health care, and affordable college. The skeptics say that these plans or proposals are impossible to create. They haven't looked at history. Back decades ago, the same centrists and reactionaries said that Social Security, the GI Bill, and other investments were either financially impossible or socialist. Not only have many of these programs have been successful, but they have saved the lives of millions of people nationwide. Some reactionaries said that the Civil Rights Act shouldn't be passed, but it is the law of the land, and it's a great law. Reagan (during the 1960's) once said that Medicare was socialist and impossible to do. He was wrong, since LBJ signed into law Medicare, and it helped to save lives. The late President John F. Kennedy also publicly endorsed public insurance for senior Americans.

Truth be told, many of these programs have socialist elements in them. Yet, so what. The people who hate socialism the most (many of them don't know the definition of socialism) ignore that government paid roads, the Post Office, Medicaid, the FDA, and other public programs have socialist elements in them too. Many of these corporate media entities are in league with anti-union corporate interests. The problem with the moderates is that not only are their views archaic and illogical, but being a moderate is about embracing hypocrisy by definition (in my opinion). In the face of attacks on immigrants, harm done to many black people, attacks on civil liberties, and other evils, I can't be a moderate.. It is what is. Many centrist neoliberal establishment types are more concerned about criticizing left progressives than the nefarious policies from Donald Trump.

Change doesn't come by being lukewarm, but by being hot or cold. I rather be hot or cold in my views than lukewarm. Moderation doesn't eliminate systematic racism and economic inequality comprehensively. The free market alone can't magically stop climate change or prevent pollution. You need revolutionary policies to do that. Systems that oppress human beings ought to be eradicated. There should be environmental regulations, policies to end police brutality, actions via investments to help the poor, and ways to rebuild infrastructure. That requires sacrifice and money from all levels of government. Also, sometimes the greatest obstacles to real changes comes by the moderate who cares more for the status quo than freedom and human justice.

The Mueller hearing is over. It was divided into a hearing for the House Judiciary Committee and another one at the House Intelligence Community. Robert Mueller had a better performance at the second hearing than the first one. It was him showing a repeat summary of his report. The Democrats tried to portray the President Trump as doing nefarious actions where he tried to obstruct witnesses, and Trump wanted to disrespect the reputation of Mueller. The Republicans questioned the report, the motives of the report, and the origins of the investigation of Russian involvement itself. The problem with the Republicans is that they said that the probe was politically motivated, but then they praise the report in saying that there was no collusion among Trump and Russian intelligence. They can't have it both ways. Either the report is legitimate or not must be the options. Adam Schiff gave a powerful performance about the necessity to defend our democracy, and that Russian interference in the 2016 election is abhorrent. Putin is not a freedom lover. He is a capitalist, authoritarian oligarch. He allows the persecution of members of the press who disagrees with him. He allows far right movements in Russia to flourish. Many in Trump's cabinet have been charged and convicted of various crimes. Mueller said that the probe was never a witch-hunt.

Putin publicly condemns liberalism and multiculturalism by his own words. He has praised Donald Trump, and he allows the violation of the rights of his own citizens. Putin is not a progressive messiah. It is fine to condemn American imperialism (as we should. We reject imperialism from the West), but it is hypocritical for some to omit Putin's bad actions in Russia (while claiming to be a freedom lover). Mueller, at times, had trouble recalling certain events, but he gave a more powerful summary of his report by the later half of the 2 hearings. Mueller said that Trump is not exonerated in terms of obstruction of justice, and that he can be charged with criminal charges when he leaves the office of the Presidency. That is why some predict that once Trump leaves office, he can face prison time. The House Intelligence community was more through, focused on the issues more, and harbored more respect for Mueller. The aftermath of the hearing will inspire some in Congress to call for more witnesses to testify. Mueller said that Russian intelligence is continuously using efforts to try to harm elections, and that fact should motivate all freedom lovers to continue forward in the cause of justice. Impeachment is on the minds of many Americans.

By Timothy

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Office Hours with William Chafe

More News

We’ve Been Here Before: Learning From the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee

Defending Democracy.

One common myth about Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts and Rashida Tlaib of Michigan is that they don't represent the views of most Americans. We know that to be false regardless of any Republican says. These four women want living wages as most Americans desire. These women want the super wealthy to pay their fair share of taxes, which most Americans want. These women want to do something about climate change. Most Americans believe in climate change and want solutions to address climate change. These women believed in equality and justice. They also want something done to address criminal justice problems as most Americans want. To be clear, these women are America. They are in the mainstream of American society. Therefore, when you see people (like a racist President Trump and his deluded followers) criticizing them unfairly, just realize that most Americans agree with them than their haters. Also, we have the truth on our side. This is a issue of integrity. We desire change in 2020, and that means investments in infrastructure, the fight to defeat income inequality, and to advance hopr along with justice for human beings.

There is no question that Trump is a racist. He is notorious for his habitual lying. He said that the four Congresswomen are racist, and they hate America. That is false. These women advocate living wages, racial justice, and social justice, and true investments in health care, education, etc. We can't minced words. The Tweets from Trump are racist, and we have to be clear to condemn racism at any turn. Trump has said that Maxine Waters is a person with low IQ. Trump said that anyone who disagrees with him ought to leave America. He also cursed out NFL peaceful protesters in public. He has lax morality. Saying "go back where you come" is a notorious phrase used by racists to disrespect black people and other people of color. Trump wants a decrease of legal immigration too. He made his campaign filled with xenophobic scapegoating and promoting unnecessary division. Stephen Miller is one anti-immigrant radical that has influenced Trump immigration policy from the Muslim ban to the lottery system changes. The 2020 election is more than a regular election. It is a referendum on American society. Anyone voting for Trump or supporting Trump is complicit in his racism. There is no other way to put it. You can't vote for a racist, and then say that you're not a racist. It's a contradiction.

Today is the important day of Robert Mueller testifying to Congress about his report. Mueller has been disrespected by Trump and his acolytes, but now he has his chance to speak his mind. He is expected to talk about collusion allegations between Russian intelligence and Trump. We know that the Mueller report (filled with over 400 pages) has documented incidents of obstruction of justice by the President Trump. The investigation resulted from tons of work in researching information, organizing testimony, and indicting plus convicting real criminals. The current DOJ wanted executive privilege to limit Mueller's testimony to what is solely found in the report. It is important to note these details, since we want transparency. Trump is one of the most corrupt administrations in history by the fact of many of his cabinet members being convicted felons (for various serious crimes). Mueller said that if Trump committed no crimes, he would have said so. Mueller didn't say that, so Trump is certainly found to enact nefarious activities. Ultimately, Congress has to fulfill its responsibility to allow Trump to be held accountable for his actions. Part of that accountability deals with impeachment.

The events in Puerto Rico outline the courageousness of the Puerto Rican people. For a long time, America has dominated Puerto Rico. The current governor of Puerto Rico made bigoted remarks which are evil and unjustifiable. All men and all women are equal, and all people are entitled to equality. Also, the governor even mocked the deaths of the victims of Hurricane Maria. Out of $32 billion earmarked for Puerto Rico, less than $14 billion has been spent. It is easy to witness that the governor has no respect for his own people or their suffering. His name is Rosello. That is why many residents are standing up to call for the governor's resignation. He should resign. The people in Puerto Rico has spoken, and Puerto Ricans are entitled to have a new start in their own land. Activists in Puerto Rico and everywhere in the world has fought long and hard for real change. Thousands of people have allowed their voices to be heard. These human beings are Americans citizens who are entitled to their justice.

Real Americans reject the tenets of bigotry and racism. We believe that justice is meant for everyone without exception. The tolerance of human beings living on this Earth and the protection of human rights represent the bedrock of a true society. That is why the repugnant statements of Trump and the agenda of oppression will never prevail in the end. Freedom prevails. Recently, a legendary artist passed away. His name was Art Neville. He was 81 years old when he passed. He was a soul/funk icon from New Orleans. New Orleans is one of the many capitals of music. Art loved his talent, and he made sure that his fans experienced a great show when he performed. He could sing, play the keyboard, and write music. I send prayers and condolences to his family and friends.

Rest in Power Brother Art Neville.

By Timothy

You Can’t Defeat White Supremacy with White Supremacy

Monday, July 22, 2019

The 1898 Silent film shows the earliest screen depiction of Black Love.

Parts of American Culture.

Families are diverse in America. It is a lie to assume that healthy families must only be one way. There are many healthy, strong families that are nuclear, blended, single, and other types of families in America. We live in a new era of time. The nuclear family is about two married adults with biological children. Today, single parent families, childless couples, and fused families constitute the majority of American families currently. A person may grow up in a single-parent family, go on to marry and live in childless couple arrangement, then get divorced, live as a single for a couple of years, remarry, have children and live in a nuclear family arrangement. Unique families are common place. Back in 1970, about 40 percent of all American families were nuclear families. That isn’t the case now as single families have increased. We see a postmodern family reality. Single-parent households are households consisting of a single adult (most often a woman) and one or more children. In the single-parent household, one parent typically raises the children with little to no help at all, from the other. This parent is the sole "breadwinner" of the family. Like any family, families in many cases face poverty, educational issues, and other socioeconomic issues. More families rely on two income earners to survive in America. Another change is the increasing age at which young Americans leave their parental home. Traditionally, a person past "college age" who lived with their parent(s) was viewed negatively, but today it is not uncommon for children to live with their parents until their mid-twenties. This trend can be mostly attributed to rising living costs that are more expensive compared to those in decades past. Thus, many young adults now remain with their parents well past their mid-twenties. This topic was a cover article of TIME magazine in 2005. The real estate markets in large urban centers are very expensive with some monthly rents exceeding $1, 000 a month.   The no-fault divorce revolution began in 1969 in California; New York and South Dakota were the last states to begin allowing no-fault divorce. No-fault divorce on the grounds of "irreconcilable differences" is now available in all states. However, many states have recently required separation periods prior to a formal divorce decree. State law provides for child support where children are involved, and sometimes for alimony. The median length for a marriage in the U.S. today is 11 years with 90% of all divorces being settled out of court. As of 2007, 58% of Americans age 18 and over were married, 6% were widowed, 10% were divorced, and 25% had never been married. Women now work mostly outside the home and receive a majority of bachelor's degrees.

The United States is the world’s oldest surviving federation. We certainly have a political emergency with the racist Donald Trump telling Congresswomen to leave America if they disagree with him, demonizing the press, using a Muslim ban, slandering peaceful protesters, and showing overt racists in policies plus Tweets. America has a system that deals with representative democracy, but gerrymandering plus racist voter ID laws has suppressed the vote among many Americans. We should have checks and balances defined by the U.S. Constitution. Citizens readily vote for elected officials. America has 50 states, a federal district, five territories, and many uninhabited island possessions. We live in a polarized country with the two major parties of Democrats and Republicans. There are many third parties too from the Libertarian Party to the Green Party. The Democrats were formed in 1824 and Republicans were created in 1854. In political culture, most Republicans are conservative and most Democrats are liberal and centrist. The Speaker of the House is Nancy Pelosi and the Majority Leader of the Senate is Mitch McConnell. About 40 percent of Americans support Trump while the majority of Americans disagree with the agenda of him. The modern U.S. tax system was progressive for years, and it became less progressive since 1980. America’s economic system is a capitalist mixed economy. It has natural resources and high productivity.  According to the International Monetary Fund, the U.S. GDP of $16.8 trillion constitutes 24% of the gross world product at market exchange rates and over 19% of the gross world product at purchasing power parity (PPP). Back in the day, classical liberalism dealt with limited government and laissez faire economics. Today, American liberalism deals with government involvement in the economy along with being socially liberal. American culture has debated the role of government from the 1700’s to the modern age of 2019. Lobbyists, activists, and citizens all interact or oppose each other. That is why many people disagree with oligarchy, since a strong democracy requires fairness and the defense of democratic rights for all people not just for the few.

America has the third largest amount of population of any nation on Earth. China and India have more people. Race has always been an issue that has been part of American culture. With recent events from police brutality to the comments of the President spewing racism against four Congresswomen of color, we have to confront race, class, and sex in order to have a society where justice for all is real (beyond just words). America has almost 330 million people. It once had almost 4 million people back in 1790. White Americans are 73.1 percent of the population. Black Americans and Latino Americans are the largest minority groups in America. Asian Americans and Native Americans make up millions of people in America too. Minorities will be the majority of the population of America by 2044. These demographic changes are real. The United States has a birth rate of 13 per 1,000, which is 5 births below the world average. Its population growth rate is positive at 0.7%, higher than that of many developed nations in fiscal year 2017, over one million immigrants (most of who entered through family reunification) were granted legal residence.] Mexico has been the leading source of new residents since the 1965 Immigration Act. China, India, and the Philippines have been in the top four sending countries since the 1990's. As of 2012, approximately 11.4 million residents are illegal immigrants. As of 2015, 47% of all immigrants are Hispanic, 26% are Asian, 18% are white and 8% are black human beings. The percentage of immigrants who are Asian is increasing while the percentage of those who are Hispanic is decreasing. From work in the Civil Rights Movement to being inventors, African Americans have been always focused hard to contribute heavily to the culture of America. About 55 percent of African Americans live in the South. About 82% of Americans live in urban areas (including suburbs); about half of those reside in cities with populations over 50,000. The U.S. has numerous clusters of cities known as megaregions, the largest being the Great Lakes Megalopolis followed by the Northeast Megalopolis and Southern California. In 2008, 273 incorporated municipalities had populations over 100,000, nine cities had more than one million residents, and four global cities had over two million (New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, and Houston). There are 52 metropolitan areas with populations greater than one million. America is a multiracial, multiethnic nation. So, we have a complex history filled with racism and anti-racism efforts. We have a history of bigotry and heroes fighting bigotry.

Throughout the year, many Americans observe holidays whether they are religious or secular. Thanksgiving is followed by many people that dealt with colonial history. During that time, people celebrate football, many eat turkey, and others go out to have family reunion. Also, we remember another point. We know of the point. We have to acknowledge the unjust genocide of the Native Americans too. Many people celebrate Christian, Muslim, and Jewish holidays like Christmas, Passover, and Ramadan. Easter and St. Patrick holidays exist with parades and other forms of celebrations. Christmas in America is a federal holiday. Independence Day is found on the Fourth of July to celebrate the Declaration of Independence from Great Britain. Fireworks and parades are common. It is also important to note that America was founded in the promotion of slavery by many evil people. Many early Americans condoned slavery, and other early Americans fought vigilantly to oppose slavery. Likewise, there is the Juneteenth Day that celebrates the end of the Civil War for African Americans. Halloween, Mardi Gras, and other celebrations are very commonplace. Another federal holiday is Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s day on the third Monday on January. Labor Day, Memorial Day, Veteran’s Day, President’s Day, and other holidays relate to American culture greatly.

One part of American culture is many Americans are known for charitable work and advocacy. It is no secret that many righteous Americans have worked hard to help the poor, gave bottled water to the victims of the Flint water disaster, and committed to social justice. Groups like Goodwill, the Red Cross, and other organizaiton work day in and day out to help the lives of suffering human beings.

By Timothy

Friday, July 19, 2019

The History of Football (Soccer)

The history of football has a long history. FIFA said that the Chinese competitive game of cuju (meaning kick ball) was the earliest form of football in recorded history. Cuju players could use any part of their body apart from hands. The intent of the game was for people to kick a ball through an opening into a net. It was similar to modern football with similarities to rugby. During the Han Dynasty (206 B.C. - 200 A.D.), cuju games were standardized and rules were formed. Phaininda and episkyros were ancient Greek ball games. There is a low relief on a vase of an episkyros player. This vase is found at the National Archaeological Museum of Athens. It appears on the UEFA European Championship Cup. Athenaeus wrote in 228 A.D. about the Roman ball game of harpastum. Phaininda, episkyros, and harpastrum were played involving bands and violence. They all appear to have resembled rugby football, wrestling, and volleyball more than what is recognizable as modern football.These games dealt with handling the ball instead of kicking. These three games are similar to mob football and the antecedent of all modern football codes. Association football didn't have a classical history. FIFA has recognized no historical connection with any game played in antiquity outside of Europe. The modern rules of association football came from the mid-19th century. It was then when people wanted to standardize the different forms of football played in the public schools of England. The history of football in England came from at least the eighth century A.D. The Cambridge Rules was created at Cambridge University in 1848. They were influential in forming later codes including association football. Trinity College at Cambridge was where the Cambridge Rules were written. Many attended a meeting where the system was established. The meeting was attended by representatives from Eton, Harrow, Rugby, Winchester, and Shrewsbury schools. They weren't universally adopted. By the 1850's, many club unconnected to schools or universities were created in the English speaking world to play many forms of football. Some created their own rules like the Sheffield Football Club, formed by the former public school pupils in 1857. This led into the forming of Sheffield FA in 1867. By 1862, John Charles Thring of Uppingham School also devised an influential set of rules.

Efforts to modified soccer led to the creation of the Football Association (the FA) in 1853. They first met on the morning of October 23, 1863 at the Freemasons' Tavern in Great Queen Street, London. The only school to be  represented on this occasion was Charterhouse. The Freemason's Tavern was the setting for five more meetings between October and December. This led to the first comprehensive set of rules being formed. At the final meeting, the first FA treasurer, the representative from Blackheath, withdrew his club from the FA over the removal of two draft rules at the previous meeting. This was the first rule allowed for running with the ball in hand. The second rule was for obstructing such a run by hacking (kicking an opponent in the shines), tripping, and holding. Other English rugby clubs, followed this lead and did not join the FA and instead in 1871, it formed the Rugby Football Union. The eleven remaining clubs, under the charge of Ebezener Cobb Morley, went on to ratify the original thirteen laws of the game. These rules included handling of the ball by "marks" and the lack of a crossbar, rules which made it remarkably similar to Victorian rules football being developed at the time in Australia. The Sheffield FA played by its own rules until the 1870's with the FA absorbing some of its rules until there was little difference between the games. The FA Cup had the world's oldest football competition.

It was created by C.W. Alcock. It was contested by English teams since 1872. The first official international football match took place in 1872 between Scotland and England in Glasgow. This was again promoted by C. W. Alcock. England was home to the world's first football league. That was founded in Birmingham in 1888 by Aston Villa director William McGregor. The original format had 12 clubs from the Midlands and Northern England. The International Football Association Board (IFAB) determined the laws of the game.  The board was created in 1886. This came after a meeting in Manchester of the Football Association, the Scottish Football Association, the Football Association of Wales, and the Irish Football Association. The International football body of FIFA was formed in Paris in 1904 and declared that they would adhere to the Laws of the Game of the Football Association. Soccer grew in international popularity. FIFA representatives  were at the International Football Association Board in 1913. Now, football is played at the professional level worldwide. Millions celebrate the sport at stadiums too. Billions watch soccer on television or on the Internet. Amateur football is popular too. According to a survey conducted by FIFA published in 2001, over 240 million people from more than 200 countries regularly play football. Football has the highest global television audience in any sport. Football can led to peace or passion on many sides.

Women have played football for a very long time in human history. Women played the game of tsu chu during the Han Dynasty (25-220 A.D.). There are women figures depicted in the Han Dynasty frescoes playing Tsu Chu. There are many people dispute the dates as early as 5,000 B.C. Association football or the modern game had women in it. There was the annual competition in Mid-Lothian, Scotland during the 1790's. By 1863, football governing bodies introduced standardized rules to prohibit violence on the pitch, and they allowed women to play.  The first match was recorded by the Scottish Football Association which took place in 1892 in Glasgow. In England, the first recorded game of football between women took place in 1895. The most well-documented early European team was founded by activist Nettie Honeyball in England in 1894. It was named the British Ladies' Football Club. Nettie Honeyball is quoted, "I founded the association late last year [1894], with the fixed resolve of proving to the world that women are not the 'ornamental and useless' creatures men have pictured. I must confess, my convictions on all matters where the sexes are so widely divided are all on the side of emancipation, and I look forward to the time when ladies may sit in Parliament and have a voice in the direction of affairs, especially those which concern them most." Honeyball and those like her paved the way for women's football. However, the women's game was frowned upon by the British football associations, and continued without their support. It has been suggested that this was motivated by some believing in the sexist view that women playing soccer threaten masculinity (which is a lie). Women's football became popular on a large scale at the time of the First World War, when employment in heavy industry spurred the growth of the game, much as it had done for men fifty years earlier. The most successful team of the era was Dick, Kerr's Ladies of Preston, England. The team played in the first women's international matches in 1920, against a team from Paris, France, in April, and also made up most of the England team against a Scottish Ladies XI in 1920, and winning 22–0. Despite being more popular than some men's football events (one match saw a 53,000 strong crowd), women's football in England suffered a blow in 1921 when The Football Association outlawed the playing of the game on Association members' pitches, on the grounds that they believed in the sexist lie that women playing soccer was "distasteful." We know that such views are false.

Some speculated that this may have also been due to envy of the large crowds that women's matches attracted. This led to the formation of the English Ladies Football Association and play moved to rugby grounds. Association football has been played by women since at least the time of the first recorded women's games in the late 19th century. It has traditionally been associated with charity games and physical exercise, particularly in the United Kingdom. In the late 1960s and early 1970s women's association football was organised in the United Kingdom, eventually becoming the most prominent team sport for British women. During the 20th and 21st centuries, women's football has grown considerately. National and intentional level competitions are common place. There are struggles too. There was time when the FA banned women from playing football until the late 1960's and early 1970's. The FIFA Women's World Cup was inaugurated in 1991 and has been held every four years since. Women's football has been an Olympic event since 1996. We now about the historic USA women's national soccer team (or the USWNT) wining the FIFA Women's World Cup recently in 2019. The team uniformly desired equality, equal pay, and didn't want to visit Trump at the White House because of the obvious reason (i.e. Trump is a sexist, racist, and xenophobic extremist). The United States women's national soccer team is the most successful women's national team in the history of the Women's World Cup, having won four titles, earning second-place once and third-place finishes three times. The United States is one of the countries besides Germany, Japan, and Norway to win a FIFA Women's World Cup (China 1991, United States 1999, Canada 2015, France 2019). The United States are also the only team that has played the maximum number of matches possible in every tournament. The names of the players are: Megan Rapinoe, Alex Morgan, Robin Heath, Ashlyn Harris, Carli Lloyd, Christen Press, Ali Krieger, Rose Lavelle, Julie Ertz, Mallory Pugh, Kelley O'Hara, Alexandra Long, Crystal Dunn, Abby Dahlkemper, Alyssa Naeher, Lindsey Horan, Sam Mewis, Becky Sauerbrunn, Morgan Brian, Tierna Davidson, Adrianna Franch, Jessica McDonald,
and Emily Sonnett. They are a real team with energy and a strong spirit.

By Timothy

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Top 10 Facts About Cell Phones and Wi-Fi

In the US and Brazil, Two Trends Underline the Creeping Fascism of Both Governments


The Claud and Flythe Families

The Flythe family is certainly related to me. My mother always said that we were related to the Flythes. This is part of the long story about the Flythe family. Long ago in 1842, Sarah Claud was born. She was the daughter of Zilphy Claud (1820-1893). She lived form 1842 to 1892. Later, Sarah Claud married a man named Tom Hill. They had the following children: Adeline Hill (1862-1930), Matt Hill (1868-1931), Scap Hill (1868-?), Susanna Sarah M. Hill (1868-?), Roberta Hill (1875-1935), and Rev. James Thompson Claud (1857-1926). Roberta Hill was born on September 2, 1875. She married a man named William Theo Scott (1865-1935) in 1892 at Southampton County, Virginia. They had numerous children by the names of: Millard Filmore Scott (1892-1959), Lena Mae Flythe (1893-1962), Sarah Francis Scott (1894-1954), Nettie Virginia Scott (1897-1986), John Quincy Adams Scott (1898-?), Albert Scott (1899-1994), Inez Scott (1901-1961), William Scott Jr. (1903-?), Guy Claudius Scott (1905-1965), Minnie S. Hogan (1907-?), Fannie Scott (1909-?), Woodrow W. Scott (1910-1969), Ezar Scott (1910-?), Hazel Scott (1920-?), and Elijah Perry Hill.

Lena Mae Scott married into the Flythe family. Lena was born on January 6, 1893. She or Lane Mae Scott married Henry Hersey Flythe (1873-1963) on February 28, 1909 at Nortfolk, Virginia. The couple had the following children: Hattie Flythe (1911-?), Harvey Lenton Flythe (1912-1957), Neva Flythe (1915-1962), Euince Flythe (1916-1999), Pretlow Garland Flythe (1919-1986), Virginia Flythe (1920-2004), and Lena Scott Flythe (1928-1994). William Henry Flythe or the son of Henry Hersey Flythe had two wives. His first wife was a woman named Sarah Clyde Darden Flythe Joe (1913-1987). William and Sarah wed on the date of September 24, 1934. Together, William and Sarah Flythe had the following children: Wilhelmina Darden Flythe (1935-present), Cornelle Warren Flythe (1936-2007), Wallace Randolph Flythe (1938-1993), Maxine Deloris Flythe (1939-present), and Vivian Vanasse Flythe (1939-1939).

January 17, 1944 was when Saran and William had a divorce at Virginia. Later, William Henry Flythe married Virginia Mae Bailey (1926-2000) at Courtland, Virginia on the date of February 7, 1948. William and Virginia had the follwing children: James Clifton Bryant (1945-1991), Melvin Rudolph Flythe (1947-present), Willaim McKenney Flythe Sr. (1949-2016), Brenda May Flythe (1950-present), Harvey Hudson Flythe (1952-present), and Hazel Angela Flythe (1962-1963). The late, great William McKenney Flythe Sr. was my third cousin. He passed away on March 25, 2016. He worked in civic organizations, he was part of the NAACP, and he worked in ministries, and he lived his life in service to fellow people in a humble fashion. William McKenney Flythe Sr. married Laverne Saunders on the date of February 9, 1970 at Nansemond, Virginia (or Suffolk, Virginia today). William and Laverne Flythe had the following children: Dameyon Parris hFlythe (1971-1997), Darrell Obadiah Flythe (1975-present), Wilvern Major Flythe (1977-present), Angela Flythe, Lorraine Davis, and William M. Flythe Jr. William M. Flythe Jr. married Michele Rene Brockington on August 8, 1998 at Chesapeake Virginia. Their daughter is Taylor Rene Flythe (who is my 5th cousin. She was born on July 10, 1999 at Chesapeake, Virginia). So, these African American families go back long centuries.

By Timothy

American History (from 1991-2008) With more Information.


Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Robert Reich: How Corporate Welfare Hurts You

Malcolm X opens for Fannie Lou Hamer. 1964

BAR Book Forum: Kellie Jackson’s “Force and Freedom”

Detroit Targeted for Massive Facial Surveillance


Trump's Racist Tweets Exposed.

It is obvious that Trump's tweets are racist and xenophobic. It is unacceptable to witness children in cages, it is unacceptable to see police brutality, and it is unacceptable to accept the status quo. This isn't new as Trump has said racist comments for years. The Congresswomen Ihan Omar, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, Ayanna Pressley, and Rashida Tlaib have brought courage, renewed progressive energy, and strength in Capitol Hill. Trump saying that these women should back go back where they came from outlines his bigotry. America was built by black Americans (who were enslaved centuries ago), immigrants, the indigenous people, and other human beings. Diversity is part of our strength as Americans. All four women are American citizens and American heroes. Racism, xenophobia, and racism have no place in the world. All four women are born in America except for Ihan Omar, who came into America from Somalia. Trump is wrong to assume that these women hate America, when they never said that they hate America. They disagree with many bad policies in America. To dissent is purely American. To abhor criticizing injustice by definition is anti-freedom.

Trump omits that the strength of America is when progressive people confront evils in America and fight to advance justice. Lindsey Graham is wrong to call the Congresswomen haters of America, anti-Semitic, communist, etc. These women don't hate Jewish people. They believe in equality for the residents of the Middle East whether they live in Israel or Palestine. They aren't Communists. They don't hate America. They are representing the interests of people who live in America. They advocate fair housing, educational justice, expansion of health care, and they believe in justice for humanity. Even if they were all socialists, they have the right to be (as part of the freedom of speech). Trump is fueling hate in America as hate crimes have increased in the U.S. since 2017. Trump says that if you don't like America, then you can leave. That is wrong by him. It is no secret that racists have used the phrase of, "go back where you came from" as a means for them to disrespect black people and other people of color for years and decades. Black people were slaves in America, and our ancestors stayed in America to fight slavery and racism.

Therefore, we are very clear in our views. The silence of most Republicans speaks volumes to their cowardly capitulation to the views of a racist President. The four women responded greatly to answer Trump's racist tirade. The Congresswomen eloquently defended the power of democracy, solidarity, and social justice. These four Congresswomen should be treated with dignity and with respect.

Once again, Trump and his allies are doubling down to defend Trump's racist, xenophobic Tweets. We know that Donald Trump is a racist. Trump said that there are good people on both sides involving the Charlotesville tragedy. He said that a Mexican American judge can't judge fairly a case because of his Mexican heritage. He wanted the death penalty of the innocent Central Park Five people. Trump has been accused of using housing discrimination against black residents in NYC. Trump has promoted Birtherism, which lies about Barack Obama's identity and nationality. Trump slandered countries with a majority of people of black African descent in profane terms. Trump said that a person doesn't look like an Native American according to him. Trump has gone out of his way to disrespect four Congresswomen of color by saying that if they dissent with him, then they can leave America. Trump has bad character. We have to call it out.

The four women obviously aren't anti-Semitic, they don't hate America, and they believe that immigrants and people of color (including black people) have made great contributions throughout history. What is also disgraceful is that many Republicans are either downplaying Trump's words or defending Trump. Mitch McConnell believes in the falsehood that Trump is not a racist. We have call Trump's bigotry out and advance policies that help human beings. America is blessed with its diversity.

Therefore, we know that it is false for Trump to say that he doesn't have a racist bone in his body. In life, you have to show your character. Bigotry has no justification at any circumstance. Some Republicans even criticize something as common sense as a $15 an hour minimum wage. We have homeless in America,and a living wage is a perquisite in establishing a fairer world along with ending institutional racism. McCarthy is wrong for saying that Trump's comments weren't racist (and this issue is about socialism vs. freedom). First, freedom lovers can be socialists and non-socialists. For example, Hubert Humphrey wasn't a socialist , and he fought for freedom. Norman Thomas was a socialist, and he fought for freedom too. Second, Trump is a racist and has mentioned bigoted comments for years. Also, whether someone is a socialist or not, that person has the right to express herself or himself without suppression of their political rights.

Racism is not just about unjust hatred. It deals with policies too. That is why a political agenda to confront systematic racism is a necessity.

White House adviser Kellyanne Conway asked a reporter the offensive question: 'What's your ethnicity?' This shows clearly that the Trump administration is filled with reactionaries. Many former Trump team members are convicted of various crimes. The four Congresswomen show us that we should never be ashamed of advocating for universal health care, for universal pre-K, for living wages, for affordable education, for migrants to not be held in cages with deplorable conditions, for the super wealthy to pay their fair share, and for social justice. Believing in these glorious precepts means that we love America too.

By Timothy

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Trump’s ‘Go Back’ Tweets Leave No Room for Doubt

Words of Wisdom.

Ten years since the great recession

Trump is so racist he’s brazenly accusing congresswomen of cheering for Al Qaeda



Pernell Whitaker passed away at the age of 55 years old. RIP.

Monday, July 15, 2019

BAR Book Forum: Ashanté Reese’s “Black Food Geographies”

The Conference.

The Civil Rights Movement in Austin.

Austin, Texas has a long history of civil rights activism. Back decades ago, Austin experienced legal segregation. The 1928 City Plan promoted a segregated Austin. Back then, the vast majority of black Austin residents lived in the area of East Austin. Many in those communities were strong, and black leaders were common there. The story of the defeat of Jim Crow in America is part of American history, and it illuminated the courage of human beings who sought to eradicate nefarious injustices. Back in 1940, Arthur De Witty was the first African American to be appointed to a Travis county grand jury. By May of 1946, Heman Marion Sweatt filed a lawsuit against the University of Texas at Austin President Theophilus Painter and other school officials for denying him admittance into the University of Texas School of Law, because he is an African American. The African American pianist Hazel Scott was congratulated by members of the Campus Guild at the University of Texas. Hazel refused to perform before a segregated audience at Gregory Gym at 1948.

During the 1950’s, Jim Crow continued. Herman Marion Sweatt was registered by the University of Texas by 1950. In 1951, the Austin City Council ended racial segregation in the Main Library and the Carver Branch library by December of 1951. The first African American to receive a master’s degree from the School of Social Welfare from the University of Texas was August Novel Swain (1927-2006). By the 1950’s, restaurants startrd to be desegregated in Austin including by the efforts of Harry Akins (or the owner of the Night Hawk Restaurant). In 1953, Mrs. Myrtle Washington was arrested for not moving to the back of the bus when asked by an Austin Transit Company bus driver. The Austin Chapter of the NAACP represented Mrs. Washington. This act was trying to end the 1945 Jim Cow law about buses.  The NAACP in Austin wanted to end segregation in Austin Public Schools. The University of Texas Board of Regents admitted African American students starting in the fall semester of 1956 in 1955 via a unanimous decision. The Austin School Board tried to end racial barriers involving high schools. Arthur De Witty represented Mrs. Howellen Taylor who didn’t go into the back of the bus. Austin started to see changes. Thirteen African American students become the first to integrate Austin’s high schools-seven at Stephen F. Austin High; five at William B. Travis High; and one at A.N. McCallum High. Desegregation efforts in the 1950's have existed in Houston, Dallas, and Fort Worth too. In 1958, Bishop John E. Hines of the Episcopal Diocese of Texas called for equality and racial integration. When fourteen-year-old Sandra Kay Hall was admitted into Allan Junior High, she became the first African American in Austin to attend a white junior high school. In 1960, when fourteen-year-old Sandra Kay Hall was admitted into Allan Junior High, she became the first African American in Austin to attend a white junior high school. By 1960, black and white students from many colleges protest to end segregation in businesses on Congress Avenue. 

Many students of many races wanted to end Jim Crow in a protest against the segregated Texas Theater on the main Campus. Racists set off a homemade bomb outside a civil rights meeting at the University of Texas YMCA. The Travis County Grand Jury indicted University students John Winborn and William H. McKnight. By 1961, there are more efforts to end Jim Crow. Many wanted Dr. King to speak on the integration of all university facilities like dormitories and intercollegiate athletes. In 1963, University of Texas and Huston-Tillotson College students picket Piccadilly Cafeteria in downtown Austin for not serving African Americans. During the 1960’s, countless heroes fought for equal justice in Austin. One person is Ada Anderson who stood up for freedom. Bertha Means, Joan Khabele, and other people told stories about their experiences back in the 1960’s. Wilhelmina Delco is a famous Austin political leader.

In 1963, playgrounds and pools are integrated throughout Austin. Mrs. Cora Eiland Hicks, who in 1953 became the first African American to hold a position higher than a clerk at The University of Texas, is appointed to the University faculty as a teaching assistant in the English Department (by 1964). Dr. Ervin Swelle Perry was another African leader of the University of Texas at Austin. In 1964, three African American teachers integrate for the first time the faculty of two Austin high schools. William Akins, world history teacher, integrated Johnston High School; B.T. Snell, seventh grade English and social studies, along with English teacher Narveline Drennan, integrated Allan Junior High School. Racism was still commonplace. There was a Cowboy Minstrel show with blackface as late as 1965 in Austin, Texas. In 1967, the Austin city council banned housing discrimination via the Fair Housing Ordinance. By 1968, in April, Wilhelmina Fitzgerald Delco is elected to the Austin ISD Board of Trustees, becoming the first African American in Austin to be elected to such a position. After Dr. King was unjustly assassinated, students of all colors held a memorial in the Texas University campus. African American studies were created in 1969 spearheaded by John Warfield at the University of Texas. With integration, a backlash existed. Mexican Americans in Austin by 1970’s promote desegregation and educational policies. Many people opposed busing. From the 1970’s to the present time, the civil rights movements continues to be strong. People as diverse as the NAACP and Black Lives Matter may have differences, but they have the same goal of total human liberation. The fight for justice isn’t over. Austin like many places in America does have gentrification, discrimination, and other evils. That is why Austin residents, who deplore such evils, are working all days to combat injustices. 

Oceania is a geographic region spanning the Eastern and Western hemisphere. It has been neglected by some, but it is very important part of humanity. It has Australia, Melanesia, Micronesia, and Polynesia. It has a land area of 3,291,903 square miles, and it has 40,117,432 people. It is smaller than Antarctica in land size, but it’s bigger than it in terms of population. It has a diversity of cultures and histories. It has the highly developed areas and the more remote locations. Oceania has a diverse mix of economies from the highly developed and globally competitive financial markets of Australia and New Zealand, which rank high in quality of life and human development index, to the much less developed economies that belong to countries such as Kiribati and Tuvalu, while also including medium-sized economies of Pacific islands such as Palau, Fiji and Tonga. The largest and most populous country in Oceania is Australia, with Sydney being the largest city of both Oceania and Australia. Japan, America, and other nations control many islands in the region of Oceania. Oceania dominates parts of the Pacific Ocean. The Australasian ecozone and the Pacific ecozone including New Zealand have a diversity of animal plus planet species. Aboriginals and Austronesian people traveled from Africa into Oceania over the course of thousands of years.

Some Austronesian people live in New Guinea. Micronesian people had the early culture found at Saipan back in 1,500 B.C. Polynesian peoples had large structures made at Easter Island, and they are came from the sea-migrating Austronesian peoples. Oceanian islands are of four basic types: continental islands, high islands, coral reefs and uplifted coral platforms. High islands are of volcanic origin, and many contain active volcanoes. Among these are Bougainville, Hawaii, and Solomon Islands. Australia and New Zealand have mountain ranges, tropical rainforests, and coastal uplands. The Pacific Islands are ruled by a tropical rainforest and tropical savanna climate. In the tropical and subtropical Pacific, the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) affects weather conditions. In the tropical western Pacific, the monsoon and the related wet season during the summer months contrast with dry winds in the winter which blow over the ocean from the Asian landmass. November is the only month in which all the tropical cyclone basins are active. In Oceania, the largest cities in terms of population are Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth, Auckland, Adelaide, the Gold Coast, Newcastle, Canberra, and Wellington. Most people of Oceania from Melanesia to Australia are Christians. Some follow traditional religions. Many of the Baha’i faith adherents live in Samoa. Languages from different regions are expressed like Malay, Aboriginal languages, English, French, Spanish, Polynesian languages, etc. Art and sports like rugby are very common in the region. Australia has hosted two Summer Olympics: Melbourne 1956 and Sydney 2000. Therefore, Oceania remains a totally great region of the world society.

By Timothy

Friday, July 12, 2019

Defeating the Trump Administration’s Racist, Republican-Rescuing Census Corruption

Elizabeth Warren warns of ‘demographic realities, births… bearing down on Israel’ — racist code for Palestinian babies

The Upshur Family

I am related to numerous people. The Upshur family is related to my paternal family. A lot of this new information is very interesting. First, George and Esther Perkins lived in Northampton County, Virginia. That is located at the Eastern Shore. George Perkins was born in 1815 and Esther Perkins was born in 1816. They had many children including Julia Perkins who was born in 1835. Julia Perkins married Johnson Brickhouse (who was my 3rd great grandfather). Johnson Brickhouse was born in 1826, and he was an African American Union war veteran. Both Julia Perkins and Johnson Brickhouse had the following children: Ann Eliza Brickhouse (1857-1921), Jno Lee Brickhouse (1858-?), Esther Brickhouse Bailey (1862-1955), Martha Brickhouse (1867-?), and Maggie Brickhouse (1871-?). Ann Eliza Brickhouse was my 3rd great aunt and she lived in Virginia.Ann married twice. Her first husband was James Burton. Her second husband was James Kelly and they wed on February 12, 1893 at Northampton County, Virginia. Nollar Burton Upshur was the child from Ann Brickhouse and James Burton (1848-1931). Nollar Burton Upshur lived from 1877 to 1961, and she was my first cousin.Nollar Burton Upshur married Ruben B. Upshur on the date of April 26, 1898 at Northampton County, Virginia. Nolla Burton Upshur and Ruben Benjamin Upshur had the following children: Ollife Upshur (1899-1995), James Velvet Upshur (1901-1975), Milton Alfred Upshur (1904-1977), Marrie Upshur (1906-?), Ershie Upshur (1907-?), Reuben Usphur (1909-1939), Curtis Upshur (1913-1984), Alice G. Usphur (1915-1938), Andrew Philip Upshur (1915-1995), John Thomas Upshur (1917-2012), Baylise Upshur (1919-2014), Belle E. Upshur (1921-?), Helen Burton Upshur (1923-2006), and Evangeline Virginia Upshur (1921-1995). Baylise Upshur was born in Northampton County, Virginia on May 14, 1919. She married Willie Coleman and they had a child named Velma Coleman. Velma Coleman married Horace Gene Roscoe on the date of October 4, 1974 at Virginia Beach, Virginia. Velma Coleman was born on March 5, 1948. Velma Coleman was born in the Bronx, NYC. She lived in Georgia until her transition in 1996. She converted to Islam to be known as Velma Muhammad. Velma Muhammad's daughter is my fourth cousin Anjirlic Aminu. Therefore, Northampton County, Virginia is a location where tons of my paternal relatives originated from.

By Timothy

The End of the Week.

Today is a day of Trump once again proving that he is a xenophobe. He doesn't care about Americans or immigrants. If he did, he would tell the truth about the situation. The truth is that he once wanted a citizenship question on the 2020 Census for the purpose to lower the amount of representation of black people, immigrants, and Democrats in terms of appropriations including other benefits in America. Trump wants to use authorities to target about 2,000 migrant families in major cities like New York City, Baltimore, Chicago, Los Angeles, etc. He wants to utilize this cruel action on Sunday. Many of these families have spouses who are U.S. citizens including children being citizens (as law dictates that anyone born in America is an automatic citizen as found in the 14th Amendment). Also, we realize that Trump's cruelty is multifaceted. He organized massive child separation and has minimized the deplorable conditions in internment camps housing immigrants to this very day.

Trump and his team want to use an executive order to order every government department to run over documents relating to citizenship (to record every name of every undocumented immigrant). Bill Barr wants to see if enumeration should be based on citizenship. That is wrong since that would mean that less resources would be given to many immigrant populations. That is why, the less money given to communities, the more hurt communities will be (regardless of immigration status). That is why you need investments. Trump wants to dehumanize undocumented immigrants. Underneath his phony bravado is stone cold bigotry (as embraced by many in his base). The Supreme Court is clear to stop the plan of permitting the citizenship question on the 2020 U.S. Census document. We have voter suppression laws now, and activists are fighting back against various forms of injustices.

The situation of Nancy Pelosi deals with an old debate. That debate is whether you have to go moderate or progressive to make real change in American society. Pelosi is not a moderate, but she believes in using the institution of Congress with processes in order to make change. Pelosi talked about four Congresswomen whose names are; Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, Ihan Omar, Ayanna Pressley, and Rashida Tlaib. Nancy Pelosi had a closed door meeting and said to her colleagues to not tweet about other members in a Tweet. The truth is that the First Amendment dictates that people have the right to the freedom of speech.

That includes comments on Twitter being representative of free speech. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez is a very loyal person. She immediately said that Pelosi is wrong to criticize them, and her words borders on being disrespectful. Some, who want to describe four women of color vigorously defending our human rights as a "squad", are acting very unnecessary and disrespectful. Centrism doesn't work as real solutions and real political change have always been done with progressive action. The Voting Rights Act, the Civil Rights Act, the Clean Air Act, etc. require federal government intervention to protect the rights of human beings in America excluding moderate policies. In the final analysis, Nancy Pelosi is a strong leader and a great organizer. Likewise, a younger generation of progressive leaders have the right to express their views too. These four women of color in Congress are heroic for their political courage in spite of the odds.

Education was part of her heart. She lived for decades on this Earth in service to our people and to our community with selfless love. She risked her life for our freedom. That is why it is important to recognize the intrepid importance of education. Education just doesn't deal with schooling, but it deals with activism, developing social acumen, and believing in the true principles about life. Sister Mary McLeod Bethune was born on this week. She was a legendary black women who cared for humanity. From her days in Florida to her work in helping black youth during the Great Depression, her contributions were exceptionally powerful. She was born in Mayesville, South Carolina. She established a school for girls in Daytona, Florida. She helped to establish a hospital in Daytona, Florida in order to help African Americans in the area. She was part of many organizations that helped the lives of black women like the the National Association of Colored Women, the Southeastern Association of Colored Women's Clubs, and the the National Council of Negro Women. She was dedicated in advancing the proposition to make sure that democracy gives opportunity including equality to all people irrespective of race, sex, color, or nationality. She worked with the progressive woman Eleanor Roosevelt to advance the Black Cabinet (or African American members of the FDR administration). Mary McLeod Bethune fought for civil rights until her passing in 1955. Mary McLeod Bethune showed glory in her life by her courage and strength. Her strength made the world better, and we are inspired by her spirit in making sure that justice for all is established for real. She is our hero.

Rest in Power Sister Mary McLeod Bethune.

By Timothy