Pro-God, Pro-Human Life, anti-New World Order, Anti-Nefarious Secret Societies, Pro-Civil Liberties, anti-Torture, anti-National ID Card, Pro-Family, Anti-Neo Conservativism, Pro-Net Neutrality, Pro-Home Schooling, Anti-Voting Fraud, Pro-Good Israelis & Pro-Good Palestinians, Anti-Human Trafficking, Pro-Health Freedom, Anti-Codex Alimentarius, Pro-Action, Anti-Bigotry, Pro-9/11 Justice, Anti-Genocide, and Pro-Gun Control. My name is Timothy and I'm from the state of Virginia.
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Saturday, September 29, 2012
Right Here with Information
People are
talking about the soon coming debates between President Barack Obama and Mitt
Romney. It's a fact that corporate power dominated the mainstream political
system. For example, GE and the Council on Foreign Relations influence the daily news. The system will not speak up for the poor since the poor is regularly
derided by mainstream society. The harm done to the working class and the
Earth's ecosystem has been evil too. The confronting of corrupt corporate power
is a must in the 21st century. During January of 2013, either President Barack
Obama will be reelected or Mitt Romney will become President of the United
States. We live under this the Left/Right paradigm. Some folks are victims of it. The oligarchy wants to cut many
legitimate programs that help us from reaching total destitution. These
programs are Medicaid, food stamps, Pell grants, Head Start, Social Security,
public education, federal grants-in-aid to America’s states and cities, the
Women, Infants, and Children nutrition program (WIC), Temporary Assistance for
Needy Families and home-delivered meals for seniors. The elite definitely want
austerity by their documents, speeches, organizations, and their transparent
intentions. In January of 2013, some predict that there will be automatic spending
reductions. This is called the fiscal cliff. People realize the contradictory
or hypocritical stances of Mitt Romney. Mitt Romney claims to be against
Obama's health care law, but that law was based on his state health care plan
of Massachusetts. Even the current President isn't perfect either, so it isn't
a one party deal. The White House pledged to issue a public option in health
care, to close Guantanamo Bay, to increase the minimum wage, regulate Wall
Street, stop torture, have a comprehensive immigration reform, and other
things. Many of these pledges weren't fulfilled. That is why even the labor
movement had to fight for collective bargaining in Madison, Wisconsin, Chicago,
and across the nation. The White House agrees with the recommendations from the
Deficit commission. It was led by Morgan Stanley board member Erskine Bowles
and former Senator Alan Simpson (a Wyoming Republican). The Bowles-Simpson plan
wants to cut 0.3 percentage points from the annual cost of living adjustment in
the Social Security program. Cuts would come to Social Security in a 6 percent
cut in 2 decades (and the retirement age will be increased to 69). Those on
Social Security who continued to work and made more than $40,000 a year would
be penalized with further reductions. Many cities and towns in America face the
decrease of property tax revenues. Some pension payments annually for state and
local plans have doubled to 15.7 percent of payrolls in 2011 from 6.4 percent a
decade ago according to a study by the Center for Retirement Research at Boston
College. There is a lowering of expenditures and more jobs being cut by local
and state governments including teachers plus other school employees. The costs
of our most basic needs, from food to education to health care, are at the same
time being pushed upward with no control or regulation. Tuition and fees at
four-year colleges climbed 300 percent between 1990 and 2011, fueling the
college loan crisis that has left graduates, most of them underemployed or
unemployed, with more than $1 trillion in debt. Health care costs and food
prices have increased in America. Since 2008, the Federal Reserve Bank and the
Treasury Department have sent 16 trillion dollars to national and global
financial institutions and corporations. That is why a state by state approach isn't enough in solving this dramatically bad economic situation. There must be a national plan of action to rebuild our economic apparatus. If a radical solution isn't shown,
there could be serious problems financially in America. The corporate state is violating
our civil liberties as well. This continues the anti-civil liberty policies of
ex-President George W. Bush. The White House refused to restore habeas corpus,
it has a policy to assassinate U.S. citizens without due process, FISA remains,
and it has used the Espionage Act 6 times to threaten whistle blowers in the
government with prison time. There is the controversial NDAA. Big oil and Big
coal is in league with both major parties. There is the expansion of fracking
and offshore drilling. Yet, the President and Mitt Romney aren't responsible
for all of these things completely. The deal is that politicians are the public face of
corporate power. The oligarchy uses Presidential campaigns as a mean to stifle
alternative choices and maintain their dubious power. Both campaigns are
projected to reach about 2.5 billion dollars. That is why we should work in our
communities to promote freedom and justice irrespective who wins the November
4th election in America. We have to be practical. Voting is not just a
constitutional right. It's a human right. Therefore, any law that tries to
restrict the rights of minorities, students, the elderly, and others ought to
be opposed (especially if such laws lower the time when people can have early
voting too). We should vote, but voting should never be utilized as a fetish for us to
experience complacency. Voting alone can never solve our problems. Therefore, we should
promote the right to an education, the right to a job, the right to live in a
clean environment, the right to organize unions, and other basic human rights.
Engineering, there are numerous laws and formulas that real to this great
subject. One such law is called Hooke's law. Hooke's law deals with the
extension of a spring that's directly proportion with the load applied to it. Some
materials obey this law as long as the load doesn't exceed the material's elastic
limit. Hooke's law in simple terms says that stress is directly proportional to
strain. Mathematically, Hooke's law states that F=-kx. X is the displacement of
the spring's end from its equilibrium position (a distance, in SI units or
meters). F is the restoring force exerted by the spring on that end (in SI
units: N or KgXm/s2) and K is a constant called the rate or spring constant.
The K is found in the units of N/m or kg/s2. The behavior is linear when this
holds. The negative sign on the right hand side of the equation means that the
restoring forces always acts in the opposite direction of the displacement. For
example, when a spring is stretched to the left, it pulls back to the right.
This law was created by the 17th century British physicist Robert Hooke. He
first proclaimed this law as a Latin anagram in 1660. He words were published
in 1678 in the words of Ut tensio, sic vis (or as the extension, so the force).
Hooke's law relates to objects that quickly regain their original shape after
being deformed by a force (with the molecules or atoms of their material
returning to the initial state of stable equilibrium). Also, Hooke's law will
describe how far the spring will stretch under a specific force. Hooke's law
only holds for some materials under certain loading conditions. Steel exhibits
linear-elastic behavior in most engineering applications; Hooke's law is valid
for it throughout its elastic range. Rubber is a non-Hookean material because
its elasticity is stress dependent and sensitive to temperature and loading
rate. This law can apply to spring operated weighing machines, stress analysis,
and modeling of materials. The potential energy stored in a spring is
PE=1/2kx2. The potential energy comes from adding up the energy it takes to
incrementally compress the spring. Another famous formula is called Ohm's Law.
It is a mathematical equation that shows the relationship between Voltage,
Current, and resistance in an electrical circuit. V is Voltage, I is the
current or intensity and R is resistance. In the law, V=I times R. R is V/I and
I is V/R. I is found in the unit of amperes. V can also be the potential
difference measured across the conductor in units of volts. The resistance or R
is found in the units of ohms. Ohm’s law states the current through a conductor
between 2 points is directly proportional to the potential difference across
the two points. Ohm's law states that the R in this relation is constant, independent
of the current. The law is named after the German physicist Georg Ohm, who in a
treatise published in 1827. In that treatise, he described measurements of
applied voltage and current through simple electrical circuits containing
various lengths of wire. Resistors are circuit elements that impede the passage
of electric charge in agreement with Ohm's law and are designed to have a
specific resistance value R. There are graph that define this law called the
I-V curve. The I is in the Y-axis and the V is in the X-axis. There are numerous
applications where this law is applied to circuits and unique forms of
electronics indeed.
Woodward promotes austerity blatantly. At first, I didn't want to believe it,
but it does. He obsesses with the national debt like a Tea Party representative.
The truth is that we can build the economy up first and handle the debt situation long term as Paul Krugman states so often. His new book promoting this archaic philosophy is entitled, "The Price of
Politics." He assumes that the President must compromise with the
Republicans even at the expense of the massive cutting our social safety net (which
are not entitlements as Woodward slanders, but are programs people earned via
their sweat, blood, and tears) is reasonable. The Republicans exploited the
national debt crisis as a means to promote draconian cuts to society. Woodward
doesn't mention a thing about poverty and our civil liberties, but only about
debt (when we had high debt for eons in American history. Our debt can't be
massively decreased anything soon, but gradually over time). Bob Woodward is acting like a Republican
here. The reality is that the Tea Party Congress forced John Boehner to take the
extreme position that raising any taxes is equivalent to extremism. The
President compromised more so than the Tea Party has throughout the term of the
current President. This is why Woodward is gaining support among the radical
reactionary Sean Hannity on FOX News. When Woodward was on FOX News (with
Herman Cain and Michelle Malkin), Woodward blamed the current President
completely for the failure of Congressional negotiations. The reality is that
the Republicans would never entertain raising taxes or spending money. He makes
the claim that the President didn't lead on the debt crisis, but both parties
made errors. Also, a temporary rising of a debt crisis is better than an
economic disaster. The reality is that the President was willing to make
substantial spending cuts and cuts to social programs. John Boehner could not get
his caucus to agree with a dime in tax increases. Joe Boehner said that the
President tried to make a last minute deal of a forcing the Republicans to accede
to billions of dollars in additional tax revenues. The White House said that
they settle on a rough framework for deal, but it was part of a fluid negotiation.
They believe that the additional revenue was one option on the table not a last
minute demand. You can decide for yourself who is correct or not. There is no
evidence that this brick wall was going to be destroyed (when Mitch McConnell
said that I want Obama to be a one term President. The GOP wants the compromise
to be agree with them 100 percent or there is no compromise) and I don't agree
with the President on every issue. Also, the GOP still stands for Empire,
reactionary deception, and economic barbaric policies. The big picture is that
the corporate establishment is influencing both parties in trying to cut Social
Security, Medicaid, and Medicare as a means to promote anarcho-capitalism. Both
of the major candidates are speaking very similar words as Wall Street
executives. Even in the 1980's, Speaker of the House Tip O'Neil worked with
Ronald Reagan to raise taxes on the poor and middle class via their "grand
bargain" about Social Security. Even Bill Clinton took money from the
Social Security trust fund to fund the stock market. Both candidates now want
to cut the social safety net during 2013 and beyond. So, the GOP isn't just
responsible for this extremist agenda. Some Democrats want the Simpson-Bowles
plan like Dick Durbin and Steny Hoyer. Although, Mitt Romney is wrong to assume
to cut college federal aid and to advise people to just borrow money from
parents in causing people to pay for record college tuition. That's silliness.
The cost
of GM crop and soy feed for conventional cattle are increasing. There is the
issue of crop failures and drought conditions in America. That is why some
farmers are using alternatives to adjust to this reality. Some farmers are
using the following to feed their animals: corn syrup laden gummy worms,
nutrient devoid marshmallows, and chemical laden ice cream sprinkles. These are
some of the junk foods that are now being sent to American cattle, because of
the resource issues in America. Even the Vancouver Sun reports via Reuters that
a new alternative feed market is emerging out of the ongoing crop crunch.
Farmers all over America are running out of common feed options for their
herds. Corn-based feeds are becoming too expensive or simply unavailable for some
in Indiana, North Dakota, etc., some farmers are buying leftover candy scraps
(including extruded cereals, gummy snacks, food waste, pastries, etc.) to feed
to their cows. This action will influence the production of conventional meat
and dairy products sold nationwide to American consumers. “Brokers are
gathering up discarded food products and putting them out for the highest bid
to feed lot operators and dairy producers, who are scrambling to keep their animals
fed,” says Reuters. “In the mix are cookies, gummy worms, marshmallows,
fruit loops, orange peels, even dried cranberries. Cattlemen are feeding
virtually anything they can get their hands on that will replace the starchy
sugar content traditionally delivered to the animals through corn.” The fruit
of this could be more nutrition-deficient food products. There should be ways
to develop natural grass pastures. The reason is that animals are being forced
to eat junk foods rather than fresh grass, silage, and other natural foods that
they were designed to eat. People in the world experience unnatural poisons in
our food and water all of the time. GM corn and soy is bad enough when
Americans consume it. Now, American cattle are being forced to eat candy corn
and Oreos. These foods are ironically made up of processed GM corn and soy
byproducts. Animals should be pastured. Cows are ruminant animals. They have a
digestive system meant to eat grass and other plant based foods not fruit
snacks and cream pies. Cows are not meant to eat these types of junk foods at all.
Grass fed animals produce high quality, nutrient dense meat and dairy. When
this transpires, the grass tends to be self-sustaining food that is free.
Pasture-based animal husbandry also enriches the land and promotes healthy
environmental stewardship. The problem is that real grass is highly expensive,
because of the drought in the heartland of America. Therefore, we should not promote GM foods and use real alternatives in feeding animals.
Societies are still here. Freemasonry is one of the largest and controversial
secret society groups in the world. They are many people in the Scottish Rite
like Norm Crosby (a 33rd Degree Freemason), Ron Blaisdell, Brent Morris, and
others. The Masonic influence in early American has been firmly established by
even mainstream historians. Freemasonry has a huge role in the composition of
the American Revolution, because many Generals, soldiers, and funders of the
American Revolution were members of the craft from Paul Revere to George
Washington. The Founding Fathers were influenced by the Enlightenment/Masonic
view that human reason not supernatural revelation must be man's guide. Numerous Founders accepted the Deistic view of God being in control of Nature (or what Thomas Jefferson called "Nature's God"). The
truth is that we shouldn't be a theocracy of course, but even man's reason can
be imperfect. Therefore, we should have legitimate boundaries in our conduct in
order for society to function properly. Many descendants of the Jacobites went
into America (including English and Scottish Freemasons) to support the
American Revolution and end the British monarchy's overt control over the
colonies. One reason for this is that Masonry and secret societies hated the
Monarchs for their authoritarian rule over the masses. The Monarchs locked up and even killed people if they expressed an alternative viewpoint. Frankly, all human beings have the freedom of conscience and the freedom to believe in whatever creed they desire. The Protestant
Hanoverian dynasty became firmly entrenched in Great Britain following the
deposition in 1688 of King James II who had converted to Catholicism. Today, Freemasonry
supports their landmarks as pronounced by Albert G. Mackey. Mackey was a
Secretary General of the Supreme Council of the Ancient and Accepted Rite for
the Southern Jurisdiction of the United States. There has been a debate on the
Knights Templar connection. The Knights Templars were warrior priests that
protected pilgrims to the Holy Land. As being active to fight Muslims during the Crusades, the Knights Templars controlled for a time in the Holy Land (Yes, they settled in Jerusalem for a time). They became rich by their international
banking organization. The Papacy accused them of moral degeneration and other
crimes. They were persecuted and gone by the 14th century. Freemasonry mimics
some of the Knights Templar organization in some of their groups today. Albert
Pike said that the Templars centuries ago overtly acted as Roman Catholic, but
covertly believed in Johannism (or an esoteric view).
By Timothy
Friday, September 28, 2012
Crammasters's words on our Community
Male, Age Private, Chicago, IL
Posted April 01, 2010
Male, Age Private, Chicago, IL
Posted April 01, 2010
@ Maxwell1982
Do you also OPPOSE racism when someone white is practicing it?
If your only interest in BW is purely physical
then it AND you are no different than the long, long, long list of white males throughout the centuries who have enjoyed black flesh but are UNWILLING to oppose or give up the benefits of white privilege (racism) while doing so...
i would greatly advise sisters to keep comments like Maxwell's in a HISTORICAL perspective, because it may NOT be the compliment you think it is....
Do you also OPPOSE racism when someone white is practicing it?
If your only interest in BW is purely physical
then it AND you are no different than the long, long, long list of white males throughout the centuries who have enjoyed black flesh but are UNWILLING to oppose or give up the benefits of white privilege (racism) while doing so...
i would greatly advise sisters to keep comments like Maxwell's in a HISTORICAL perspective, because it may NOT be the compliment you think it is....
Male, Age Private, Chicago, IL
Posted April 01, 2010
two questions for all the BM on this thread who are reading this:
If today, something happened, you got sick, got arrested, got in a jam, got beaten up by the police, or falsely accused of a crime....
who woud YOU call first?
would it be your (black) momma?
Your black sister, cousin, auntie, female friend?
What organization would you hope would come to your aid if you were unjustly accused or beaten?
would it be a black organization?
a white organization?
a Hispanic organization?
an Asian Organization?
if you're not sure of the answer
think back about a year or so, when the Jena Six hit the news about those 6 teenage black boys facing felonies for a simple schoolyard fight in Jena, Louisiana
and who started the movement to save the Jena Six (a college age young black female)
and who rode those buses for hours, dropping school and work commitments to stand up for six black male STRANGERS
there were NO Asian females, NO Hispanic females and maybe a few white females
those who do not appreciate what they have
will LOSE what they need the most\
when they NEED it the most..
If today, something happened, you got sick, got arrested, got in a jam, got beaten up by the police, or falsely accused of a crime....
who woud YOU call first?
would it be your (black) momma?
Your black sister, cousin, auntie, female friend?
What organization would you hope would come to your aid if you were unjustly accused or beaten?
would it be a black organization?
a white organization?
a Hispanic organization?
an Asian Organization?
if you're not sure of the answer
think back about a year or so, when the Jena Six hit the news about those 6 teenage black boys facing felonies for a simple schoolyard fight in Jena, Louisiana
and who started the movement to save the Jena Six (a college age young black female)
and who rode those buses for hours, dropping school and work commitments to stand up for six black male STRANGERS
there were NO Asian females, NO Hispanic females and maybe a few white females
those who do not appreciate what they have
will LOSE what they need the most\
when they NEED it the most..
Thursday, September 27, 2012
LRAD Sonic Weapons To Be Deployed “Throughout” America For Crises
Devices commonly used by police to quell civil unrest, disperse protests
Paul Joseph Watson
September 27, 2012
The U.S. Air National Guard has purchased half a million dollars worth of portable LRAD acoustic systems, which are commonly used by police to quell protests and civil unrest, ensuring that the sonic weapons will be deployed “throughout” America during upcoming national emergencies and other crises.
The video above demonstrates how the portable LRAD works even at 200 feet high and amidst the noise of a helicopter.
A recently leaked US Army Military Police training manual for “Civil Disturbance Operations” outlines how military assets are to be used domestically to quell riots, confiscate firearms and even kill Americans on U.S. soil during mass civil unrest.
U.S. troops are also being provided with new state of the art headgear in order to carry out “homeland security operations.”
Back in 2008 the Washington Post reported how 20,000 U.S. troops returning from Iraq would be stationed inside America under Northcom for purposes of “domestic security” from September 2011 onwards.
Northcom officials were forced to subsequently issue a denial after the Army Times initially reported that the troops would be used to deal “with civil unrest and crowd control.”
Watch a clip of a larger version of the LRAD dispersing protesters at the 2009 G20 in Pittsburgh, the first time the device was used inside the United States.
Devices commonly used by police to quell civil unrest, disperse protests
Paul Joseph Watson
September 27, 2012
The U.S. Air National Guard has purchased half a million dollars worth of portable LRAD acoustic systems, which are commonly used by police to quell protests and civil unrest, ensuring that the sonic weapons will be deployed “throughout” America during upcoming national emergencies and other crises.
The video above demonstrates how the portable LRAD works even at 200 feet high and amidst the noise of a helicopter.
LRAD Corporation has received an order worth $550,00 from the Air National Guard to ship LRAD 100X devices this quarter.
“With this order, LRAD systems will be in use by every major force of the Department of Defense,” Tom Brown, president and CEO of LRAD told Government Security News. “The Air National Guard will be deploying the LRAD 100X systems throughout the country to support and assist civil authorities in the event of severe natural or man-made disasters. LRAD systems have proven highly effective in communicating warnings, instructions and commands over wide areas before, during, and in the aftermath of catastrophes.”
As well as being powerful communication devices, LRADs emit piercing sounds that amount to nothing less than auditory torture, and serve to disperse people from geographical areas, breaking up demonstrations and other gatherings.
Larger versions of the LRAD, previously used against Somali pirates and insurgents in Afghanistan, are increasingly being deployed inside America. In 2009, the San Diego County Sheriff’s Department deployed an LRAD against people going to a town hall meeting.
- A d v e r t i s e m e n t
The largest version of the LRAD is routinely used to break up “unlawful assemblies” at protests of global summits,including at the 2009 G20 in Pittsburgh, during which an LRAD was used to terrify local residents who weren’t even involved in the protest.
The LRAD 100X is weather proof, able to be heard clearly at distances of 600 meters and is 20 to 30 decibels louder than a standard bullhorn. The sound which the device is capable of emitting to disperse people is both a tool of torture and psychological warfare. Despite being described as “non-lethal,” the most powerful versions of the device can kill under certain conditions.
Studies have found that the type of sound waves emitted by the sonic weapon can cause epileptic seizures, long term problems affecting brain tissue, as well as cardiovascular and central nervous system damage in humans.
As we have previously highlighted, preparations on behalf of law enforcement bodies, the federal government and branches of the military for domestic disorder have been ongoing.
The Department of Homeland Security has purchased over 1.4 billion rounds of ammunition in the last six months alone.
Last year, DHS chief Janet Napolitano directed ICE to prepare for a mass influx of immigrants into the United States, calling for the plan to deal with the “shelter” and “processing” of large numbers of people.
The U.S. Army has also been preparing for domestic disorder.A recently leaked US Army Military Police training manual for “Civil Disturbance Operations” outlines how military assets are to be used domestically to quell riots, confiscate firearms and even kill Americans on U.S. soil during mass civil unrest.
U.S. troops are also being provided with new state of the art headgear in order to carry out “homeland security operations.”
Back in 2008 the Washington Post reported how 20,000 U.S. troops returning from Iraq would be stationed inside America under Northcom for purposes of “domestic security” from September 2011 onwards.
Northcom officials were forced to subsequently issue a denial after the Army Times initially reported that the troops would be used to deal “with civil unrest and crowd control.”
Watch a clip of a larger version of the LRAD dispersing protesters at the 2009 G20 in Pittsburgh, the first time the device was used inside the United States.
Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show and Infowars Nightly News.
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- National Guard, Attack Helicopters Deployed for G-20
Tags: police state
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Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Politics and the Modern World in 2012
There are numerous healthy foods that can reduce our stress levels fast. Life can be busy and humans develop stress at certain points of their lives. People have found that almonds and other nuts can reduce the human stress level. The reason is that nuts are loaded with vitamin E. Vitamin E can boost up human immunity. The very healthy immune system is when you are less likely to experience a cold. It's common knowledge to realize that the more healthier you are, the less stressful that you can become. According to Anna Magee and nutritional therapist Charlotte Watts, authors of the book The De-Stress Diet, "Nuts are crammed with B vitamins, zinc, magnesium, and omega oils, nutrients that are depleted when anxiety is high. As a source of healthy fats, nuts have also been shown to curb appetite, naturally balance blood sugar levels, reduce sugar cravings, and support the metabolism." Lisa Collier Cool wrote for Yahoo! Health admitted that a person needs to be careful in how much almonds or other nuts that a person needs to consume. Oily fish like salmon are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids. This can de-stress a human being greatly at dinner. Omega 3s can boost mood and brain function. They can also aid significantly in dealing with anxiety and depression according to "Health and Living." Lisa Collier Cool wrote that a 2011 study from Ohio State found something. The Ohio State study found a 20 percent reduction in anxiety among medical school students who took omega-3 supplements. Cool notes the following information: "...The researchers made this surprising discovery during research to test their theory that omega-3s would lower stress-induced levels of cytokines, compounds that promote inflammation in the body, which can lead to illness and heart attack." Oily fish have many vitamins and minerals like B vitamins, zinc, and magnesium. These vitamins and minerals can reduce sugar addiction cycles and counteract the damaging effects of stress on the body according to Dina Spector of Business A small amount of chocolate can boost serotonin levels, which is related to the stress level in the human body. A study conducted by Duke Medical Center discovered that lower levels of serotonin can cause a more extreme reaction when the body experiences stress. Dina Spector wrote that research proves that 40g of dark chocolate a day can cause people to cope with stress. Spinach and other dark leafy greens (like Swiss chard and kale) possess magnesium. Magnesium is a known stress fighter and it can cause muscle fibers to be placed into ease. Green leafy foods also have folic acid, which makes dopamine. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that deals with pleasure. Oranges, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, red and green peppers, and strawberries have a lot of vitamin C. Vitamin C can increase the level of the human immune system and it fights against brain damage resulting from the exposure to cortisol constantly. Stress can cause more free radicals to exist than when we are in a good mood. Therefore, vitamin C is a chemical that can keep free radicals in control. Vitamin C can repair the human body. Dr. Lee Dobbins is a physician who works in weight loss related issues and he admits that Vitamin C can protect the cumulative effects of stress.
On the front of civil liberties, we have a long way to go in experiencing real civil liberties in America. This issue has been going on long before President Barack Obama was elected President. For many years, people having a food garden are arrested, and Americans even are being arrested for letting their children play outside. These actions are clear indications that police state like policies exist in the world (not only in the USA, but throughout the Earth). Although, some even in the alternative media falsely assume since oppression exists in the world, therefore any form of regulation or any form of communal activity is wrong. Sorry, but regulations gave us labor rights, it ended child labor, and it lowered certain pollution rates in the air. Not all regulations are evil. People working collectively to solve problems is never wrong either. There are tons of incidents of tyranny in America. In Oak Park, Michigan, Julie Bass faced jail time for just growing a "vegetable garden in front yard space." Americans are being harassed by utility workers. These workers are trespassing on private property and forcibly trying to install "smart" energy meters which spy on homeworkers. There was the case of Texas resident Julia Garcia. She was falsely imprisoned and harassed by Wal-Mart employees for attempting to buy goods with a 100 dollar bill the Wal-Mart cashiers erroneously claimed was false. Earlier this year, a Tennessee man was charged and jailed by the police after using an old $50 bill to pay for goods at a Quik Mart store which turned out to be genuine. The TSA has grown its grope down checkpoints not just in airports, but in highways, political events, and even school prom night. A teenager was recently visited by the FBI agents who grilled him over the content of a political Youtube video. Americans are being harassed and having their Fourth Amendment rights violated at so-called "border checkpoints" which are actually hundreds of miles within the border. The EPA is using spy drones to monitor farms as police use Predator drones to hunt down Americans for the crime of allowing cows to wander onto their land. Even veterans nationwide are falsely declared "mentally defective" on a whim by the state and having their firearms being seized. The federal government is backing al-Qaeda fighters in Syria while declaring some Americans to be extremists (based on ideological views) according to DHS documents. So, we have a long way to go in order for us to be in the land of the free. It is our job to learn our rights, love our rights, and defend our rights by any legitimate means necessary.
There has been a lot of promotion of war with Iran recently. One lobbyist wants to launch some staged provocation to begin a war with Iran. This person is a member of the pro-Israel Washington Institute for Near East Policy (or WINEP) think tank. He wanted America to to do the following in his own words: "...We are in the game of using covert means against the Iranians..." His name is Patrick Clawson. Clawson is a former senior economist with the IMF and the World Bank. He complains about how the President refuses to execute a war with Iran immediately. He wants the traditional way of getting into war as promoting U.S. interests, which is extreme to say the least. Clawson therefore wants America to stage or provoke an attack in order for it to be the cause of casus belli for a war with Iran. Clawson doesn't just want sanctions, but he wants covert actions against the Iranians. He wants a start to start if the Iranians aren't willing to compromise. Clawson talks about the August 17 incident where powerful cables serving the Fordow Enrichment Plant being severed by an explosion. He used that event as an excuse for him to Iranian submarines could go down and someday one of them might not come up (or a slick remark about using a strike on Iranians ships in order to provoke a response). He talked about many incidents when the U.S. President has to wait for before taking America to war like the Gulf of Tonkin, the Lusitania, the attack on the USS Maine, Pearl Harbor, and the attack on Fort Sumter during Abraham Lincoln's Presidency. All of the events were staged, known about, or used as an excuse to promote a war. The USS Maine was exploded on February 15, 1898. It propelled America to fight against Spain, but it could of been an accident. Propaganda or yellow journalism from William Randolph Hearst caused some Americans to be brainwashed as supporting with the war (with a hatred of Spain). The sinking of the Lusitania caused America to come into WWI militarily. The ship had a large amounts of munitions and was a legitimate target for German U-Boats. This has been confirmed by a September 2008 diving expedition. Before the ship sailed, the Germans said that the boat had munitions and it would target the Lusitania. The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor was known about by some in the West. It was utilized as an excuse for America to fight in WWII. There is the McCollum memo. It was written on October 7, 1940. It talked about how America would deal with the Japanese empire, but McCollum never had contact with Roosevelt. According to military historian Conrad Crane, the document wanted to deter and contain Japan while preparing for a future conflict in the Pacific. Freedom of Information Act files confirm that that United States had intercepted Admiral Yamamoto’s radio messages sent weeks before December 7, 1941, one of which made it clear that the Japanese would attack Pearl Harbor. The Gulf of Tonkin event didn't involve a second attack by the North Vietnamese. It was cited as a means for which the Vietnam War to take place. Even Defense Secretary Robert S. McNamara admitted that the second attack in the Gulf of Tonkin didn't happen. Clawson is wrong to promote some staged incident in order for the West to provoke an attack on Iranian nuclear facilities.
The Vigilant Citizen created an excellent article about the song "Out of My Mind." He described the truth that mind control is an old action of the establishment. Mind control has been a part of the plans of the elite spanning thousands of years. Even Fritz Springmeier wrote about mind control extensively in its relation to the Illuminati. Now, the video overtly shows the musician B.o.B. trying to survive in a mental institution with a lot of twists and turns. The covert message of the video is that it gives a glimpse into the complex world of mind control programming, Monarch programming, and other forms of abuse that the elite carried out for eons. Even the war criminal Josef Mengele used evil forms of mind control upon innocent victims during WWII all of the time. "Out of My Mind" regularly show All Seeing Eyes and words on the walls of the mental institution. Some of the words read "They are us" and "We are them." Who are they? Is this in reference to the elite controlling the mainstream music industry via corporate executives and tycoons. The video depicts a man being forced to take treatment, yet he is tortured in surreal settings. In the beginning, B.o.B. and Nicki Minaj are found in a cell. They act irrational and out of control. The wall in the cell (as found in the video) has occult symbolism and it's a known fact that the occult elite used mind control programming in real life. According to Fritz Springmeier, the All Seeing Eye and other occult symbols are made an obsession by MK slaves. Soon, militarized people and one scientist comes to try to reprogram B.o.B. B.o.B. is taken by force to another location. In real life, militarized police are a common fixture in Western society and a police state society is a threat in America. Nurses come to B.o.B. to torture him. The nurses look stoic with a blank glaze in their faces. B.o.B. talks about electrocomplusive therapy, because they say that he needs therapy. The CIA and other government officials did secret mind control experiments for decades. Sick mind control against people is used to cause some victims to dissociate from reality. The CIA and other entities use drugs and electroshock torture in their secret mind control experiments. B.o.B. later visits Nicki Minaj as Dr. Minaj. Nicki Minaj used humiliation against B.o.B. in order to break down his spirit. In real life, mind control victims regularly experience insults, humiliation, and other trauma as a means for the victim to comply with the handler. Dr. Minaj strips her clothes off to show a leopard print pattern. The feline prints according to Fritz Springmeier is similar to Beta programming. Her eyes signifies that Nicki Minaj is portraying someone under mind control in the video too despite being a doctor. Nicki Minaj raps about graduated Summa cum Laude and people thinking she's in the Illuminati. This is a play on the Illuminati rumors in the record industry. Many artists are puppets of the music industry not necessary in the 1% or in the global elite per se. Minaj offers B.o.B. freedom from his shackles. B.o.B. later comes into a parole board with his head being covered. The judges are attracted to him and ask him to call her. The video ends with B.O.B. and Minaj looking lost and confused, asking repeatedly “If I’m here … and you’re there … and I’m here … and you’re there." They act like mind control victims, because they are confused about who they are. "Out of My Mind" is a specific outline of Monarch Mind Control and mind control in general. It outlines the harsh realities of mind control mixed with creative imagery. It glamorizes government militarization too. In a metaphorical scene, the victim represents the industry in general. Not all musicians are under mind control, but the industry regularly allow some artists to act dissociated from real societal ills, to glamorize anti-intellectualism, and to be confused on the reality of life. In real life, the handlers of these celebrities govern a great deal of these celebrites' lives. You can't get good fruit from a rotten tree. For over a century, Hollywood and the Western entertainment industry have present rotten fruit to the world. It has brought the fruits of materialism, greed, recreational drug use, bigotry against people with differences, excessive profanity, conformity for the sake of conformity, false romances, bad lusts, variance, the growth of the military industrial complex, jingoistic patriotism, and other disturbing trends. It is what it is.
There are continued political developments in America. Both political parties are in service of Wall Street no matter the emotional denials of some human beings. The establishment leaders of both parties either refuse to giving a detail economic plan for the citizenry or they advocate a centrist, DLC-like plan for the economy. Romney is very naive to assume that genocidal budget austerity, tax cuts for the super rich, free tradism, fracking, the decreasing of labor unions, and other reactionary policies will create 12 million jobs. We know about Mitt Romney's agenda by his own words. Romney said that he wants to abolish the health care law (which was formulated heavily by the health insurance companies. That law was based on his state health insurance plan), which is a limited exercise to give universal health care to all America. I will admit that some legitimate parts are in the law. Romney blatantly promotes the interests of the 1% and this is truly known. Now, the current President isn't God is. There has been an expression by the President about hope and change and his centrist path has caused a stagnant economic reality. Things are better in many things, but we have a long way to go in reaching the Promised Land. The President feels that the Congress prevented him from having a Medicare for all policy. During December 2010, the reactionary Tea Party allowed the President to give into the Bush program of tax cuts for the rich (to be extended for 2 more years). The Wall Street bankers are having record profits and record low taxation. The economic principle of full employment is superior to the principle of radical, short term deficit reduction. Some of the Democrats want austerity cuts too for the plutocrats. They just want it in a less fashion than the Republicans do. That is why the President is eager to follow the Simpson/Bowles agenda after the election is over. Romney is still a vulture capitalist and pro-hedge fund type of person. People realize the Republican plan. American demographics are changing rapidly. The Republicans support voter ID laws that can compromise human voting rights. For example, the Republican sponsored voter ID laws make it difficult for people of color, the poor, and the elderly to vote. Also, some of these laws require special identification to vote and these laws can limit the days when polling places are open (or remove names from voter registration rolls under many pretexts). This is wrong and we have low voter fraud. Republican officials and the Supreme Court supported the Supreme Court decision of Citizens United in allowing reactionary billionaires like the Koch brothers to pour a colossal amount of money into political campaigns. Both the Republicans and the Democrats promote and encouraged the militarization of the police and the monitoring of even peaceful protesters like the Occupy protesters. The poor has to have a vote. The talk about the middle class alone doesn't mean a thing if the poor people's interests are ignored. The ruling class don't really care about the poor or the homeless at all. Therefore, we should reject the plutocracy of the rich. The ruling elite has funded both Mitt Romney and President Barack Obama. On foreign policy, both candidates are nearly identical. On economic issues, Mitt Romney seems to be more extreme than even George W. Bush on some levels. A more rational foreign policy would include diplomacy with Iran (I respect the good pro-peace Israelis and Palestinians not pro-Ludnik extremists), an end to war mongering rhetoric, and a fair dealing atmosphere in respect of national & international law. Peace on Earth is a wise goal to accept in our lives. Not ot mention that Iran considers weapons of mass destruction to be forbidden under Islam. Muslims, Christians, Jewish people, and people of faith (and those of no faith) are speaking against a possible war in Iran. They are completely right since a war in Iran might cause a regional war where thousands of people could die in a disastrous configuration. It is obvious that the 2 major parties are archaic, obsolete, and a real political revolution is needed in our land. It's a paradox that the Republicans understand the demographic changes in America (more Latinos and other immigrants are coming into America. Most of the Republican Party's support generally comes from mostly white men), but Republicans still want to promote xenophobic lies. Romney during the primarily express strong anti-immigrant sentiment as a means to get support from the bourgeois of the Tea Party movement. Now, he wants to moderate his positions.
By Timothy
EPA Sued Over Illegal Experimentation on Human Subjects
EPA Sued Over Illegal Experimentation on Human Subjects
September 26, 2012
The US Environmental Protection Agency and its Administrator Lisa Jackson are on the defendant’s end of a federal lawsuit claiming the Agency conducted illegal human experimentation on unsuspecting study volunteers.
The American Tradition Institute Environmental Law Center (ATI) issued a complaint against the Agency last Friday, stating it “failed to comply with laws controlling human experimentation” in studies that were apparently testing the effect of “fine particles” on human subjects who were “more susceptible to the effects of air pollutants,” in other words, participants who were already ill.
The EPA, and Jackson in her official capacity, are targeted in the lawsuit for knowingly “conducting experiments on humans that involved exposing those persons to toxic substances the Agency believes will cause death and which the Agency therefore regulates under the auspices of the Clean Air Act, 42 U.S. C. Chapter 85.”
A statement regarding ATI’s complaint reveals toxic particulate matter, known as PM2.5, was pumped into a gas chamber-like enclosure via an intake pipe located outside the building where diesel exhaust from a parked, idled truck was channeled into the building where the experiments took place.
The ATI’s lead counsel and director, David W. Schnare, contends that “under EPA regulations and under EPA policy, this human experimentation is strictly prohibited.” He also argues that the experiment’s participants were not properly informed of the type of pollution they would be inhaling, and that the study researchers blatantly disregarded the known toxicity of PM2.5.
Dr. Schnare has direct insider knowledge of the workings of the EPA, having been employed by the Agency for 33 years as a scientist, policy analyst and enforcement attorney.
“EPA actually has pictures of this gas chamber, a clear plastic pipe stuck into the mouth of a subject, his lips sealing it to his face, diesel fumes inhaled straight into the lungs,” Schnare states.
Schnare feels it his obligation to expose the EPA’s experiments as members of his own family were unwilling participants of experimentation conducted at the Buchenwald concentration camp in 1945. Recalling the horrors of the Nazi experiments, he says it is his duty to challenge the EPA’s “misanthropic activities.”
Below is the summary experiment participants received which gives no indication of the lethal nature of PM2.5.
Despite the EPA’s administrator Lisa Jackson testifying to congress that “Particulate matter causes premature death,” and herself even telling congress in September 2011 that “1 in 4 US deaths are attributable to PM2.5,” the senseless study was allowed to proceed.
The suit seeks to immediately put a halt to the experiments and any similar ones, for the EPA to declare that it did not provide sufficient information to victims, to cease expenditures for the study, to suspend the use of the UNC Medical IRB unit, to prohibit results from the study to be used by the EPA and to suspend the addition of new rules under the Clean Air Act to control fine particulate matter until it is known that none of the results of the study were used.
Infowars has exhaustively documented the US government’s covert public experimentation for quite some time.
Last year, we covered a 1977 Senate hearing on Health and Scientific Research confirming “that 239 populated areas had been contaminated with biological agents between 1949 and 1969, including San Francisco, Washington, D.C., Key West, Panama City, Minneapolis, and St. Louis.”
“From the 1950′s onwards, the U.S. government deliberately engaged in open air tests, spraying major cities like San Francisco and New York with Serratia marcescens and Bacillus glogigii. In 1955, the CIA also released a bacteria withdrawn from the Army’s biological warfare arsenal over Tampa Bay, Fl in order to test its ability to infect human populations with biological agents,” Paul Watson wrote.
In 2010, the US government was forced to issue an apology after it was revealed that, in the 40s, 700 people in Guatemala were intentionally infected with sexually transmitted diseases.
In May, the DHS used the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority’s Boston subway system to release a “dead” bacteria called B-subtilis under the pretense of testing its biological sensors.
As recent as yesterday, we covered a report put out by KSDK centered on Cold War experimentation conducted on the population of St. Louis and various other cities during the 50s and 60s testing the effects of zinc cadmium sulfide, a known toxic substance, on unsuspecting citizens.
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Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Steven Lefemine on Dinesh D'Souza
Jesuit-educated, former (?) Roman Catholic Dinesh D'Souza prominent speaker at Southern Baptist North Greenville University's conference on Apologetics and Christian [?] Worldview 1
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Columbia Christians for Life
September 21, 2012
Jesuit-educated,former (?) Roman Catholic Dinesh D'Souza prominent speaker
at Southern Baptist NorthGreenvilleUniversity'sconference on
Apologetics and Christian [?] Worldview
- IsDinesh D'Souza still a follower of thefalse religion ofRoman Catholicism ?
His website does not say.
- Is the "Truth for a New Generation" conference which is to be held at
First Baptist North Spartanburg Church, Spartanburg, SC, Sept. 28-29, 2012,
ecumenical ? __________________________________________________________________
Filmmaker Dinesh D'Souza to speak at conference in Spartanburg
Published: Wednesday, September 5, 2012 at 3:15 a.m.
Last Modified: Thursday, September 6, 2012 at 1:18 a.m. ___________________________________________________________
Dinesh D'Souza: - Formerly served as John M. OlinFellow at the [ CCL:Jesuit-ruledCouncil on Foreign Relations(CFR)-infested ] American Enterprise Institute
[ CCL: e.g.,Members at one time - Newt Gingrich, Carla Hills, Jeanne Kirkpatrick (late), Richard Perle, et al. ]
- FormerCatholic League for Religious and Civil Rights Board of Advisors
[ CCL: The current Board of Advisors includes George Weigel,Jesuit-ruledCouncil on Foreign Relations(CFR)member, and
associateof Pope Benedict XVI (Joseph Ratzinger) ]
- Formerlyaffiliated with The Heritage Foundation as aneditor (1985-1987) of Policy Review, which was thenpublished by The Heritage Foundation.
[ CCL: Today The Heritage Foundation is led byKnight-of-Malta,Roman Catholic Ed Feulner,President (since 1977), whoattended Jesuit Georgetown University;
and includes severalmembers of theJesuit-ruledCouncil on Foreign Relations(CFR) (includingKim Holmes,ElaineChao, et al.) ]
____________________________________ Christians ! God has warned us in His Word the Bible - FOLLOWING FALSE LEADERSHIP LEADS TO DESTRUCTION !!!
God says: "As for My people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them. O My people,
they which lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy paths." Isaiah 3:12
God says: "For the leaders of this people cause them to err; and they that are led of them are destroyed."
Isaiah 9:16, KJV
_________________________________________ God says to Bible-believing, born-again Christians: "Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness?
and what communion hath light with darkness? And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that
believeth with an infidel? And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God;
as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. Wherefore
come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord,..." 2 Corinthians 6:14-17(KJV)
Roman Catholicism is NOT Biblical Christianity. ROMAN CATHOLICISM IS AFALSERELIGION.March 22, 2012
North Greenville University, Tigerville (Upstate, Greenville County), SC![]()
NGU Hosts Premiere Conference
NGU in conjunction with Dr. Alex McFarland of the Craft/Hemphill Center presents a major conference
on Christian Apologetics in the 21st century. Hear leading speakers and thinkers on the major issues
facing Christianity today. Meet and interact with other Christian leaders. (Learn more!)
2012 TNG Conference Schedule
Friday, September 28, 2012
Main Session 3
8:45 PM - 9:30 PM
Dinesh D’Souza:
2016 and the future of America
No King but King Jesus! (Yeshua Messiah)Declarations and Evidences of Christian Faith in America’s Colonial Charters, State Constitutions,
and other Historical Documents during over 375 Years of American History: 1606 to 1982
Christ is Ruler of the Nations !
Psalm 2; Psalm 24:1; Psalm 47:7,8; Psalm 50:12; 1 Timothy 6:15,KJV
"For the kingdom is the LORD's: and he isthe governor among the nations."
Psalm 22:28,KJV
"But judgment shall return unto righteousness: and all the upright in heart shall follow it."
Psalm 94:15,KJV
"... I will build My church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." Matthew 16:18
Jesus Christ (Yeshua Messiah)
Jesus said, "... ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." John 8:32,KJV
Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." John 14:6,KJV
Hallelu-Yah !
Steve Lefemine, pro-life missionary
dir., Columbia Christians for Life
PO Box 12222, Columbia, SC 29211,
September 21, 2012
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It is what I believe is the TOTAL psychological assimilation (destruction) of the black mind, to the point where some black folk have become so subtly INSANE that we see the world and ourselves and each other through "white eyes"
In other words, they think like white folks, are white-identified, and somehow, actually believe that they will be treated like white folks when the deal goes down.
Even as we (black folk) LOSE all the economic and employment gains that took our ANCESTORS over FORTY YEARS to accumulate.
We dismiss the rising racism as just "those ignorant white folks" instead of seeing it for what it is: SYSTEMATIC RACISM.
we skip along, all hugged up with white Mary and Bobby and think our romantic choices make us better (and safer) than being with other black folks.
And we don't understand that the efforts of the white media/system to divide and conquer the BM and BW have been
we don't see the mental trick bag of a BM (like bluebeam) who makes ugly and contemptuous comments about the women of his race are part of the problem, forgetting that his mother, sisters, and daughters (if he has any) are BLACK FEMALES
And in their ignorance, BM like this forget that the MAIN reason so many BW do not like the hair on their heads is because WE BM are always rewarding, loving, and praising white and white-looking females who have straight or long hair on their heads.
It is a FACT that all this integration and interracial dating/breeding/and marrying has made us WEAKER not STRONGER as a people
It is also a FACT that this was all by design, that the white media pushed this concept on us by rewarding those celebrities who do it, by making movies and TV shows that push the notion that IR is a better alternative than LOVING EACH OTHER
And we still don't see the mind game, the trick, the trap and the plan to destroy our race, but I guarantee you, in the coming days, we will completely understand once the consequences hit home....