Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Black Women Rockers


Victims of the Quebec Mosque Attack


The Bizarre Far-Right Billionaire Behind Trump's Presidency

Sorry, Trump: The Obama Administration Did Nothing Similar to Your Immigration Ban


Morning News








Monday, January 30, 2017

Trump fires the Acting Attorney General. The new Attorney General is Dana Boente.


Acting attorney general orders DOJ not to defend Trump's travel ban


Airport shutdowns confirm: People Power will bring Trump down!


The Illegal Executive Order.









We Stand with Immigrants and Refugees.

I can't be silent on this issue. I'm a political person. Trump's recent refugee ban and the ban of immigrants from 7 majority Muslim countries (for 90 days) are not only xenophobic and racist. It's disgraceful. Those nations included in the ban are Iraq, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen. This totals more than 134 million people. There is already a strong vetting proves for any refugee and immigrant who desires to come into America from those nations. The January 27, 2017 executive order (entitled, “Protecting the Nation from Terrorist Attacks by Foreign Nationals”) bans refugees from coming into America for 120 days and bans refugees from the Syrian territory indefinitely. To punish innocent human beings from overseas is wrong. His ban doesn't cover Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Pakistan, and other nations, since those nations have business ties explicitly to U.S. corporations, which shows Trump’s hypocrisy. Courageous protests have occurred nationwide in airports in Chicago, New York City, Northern Virginia, Seattle, Dallas, Atlanta, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Denver, Charlotte, Boston, and throughout the country. Protesters were found in Portland, Detroit, Bloomington, St. Louis, Wichita, Rochester, Pittsburgh, etc. Trump has expressed preference to Christian refugees coming into America, but that policy is a religious test (as Trump has a preference to allow Christian refugees to come into America not Muslim refugees from the banned countries), which is illegal. The 1965 Naturalization Act forbids discrimination on immigration status based on national origin. It is illegal under international law (from the Geneva Convention) as it relates to refugees too. Both Christian and Muslim people are victims of terrorism in the world not just Christians. This anti-immigrant ban solves nothing and it violates civil liberties and promotes discrimination against Muslims. There are many stories of many people having trouble going into America. There is a 60 year old person with a visa. She had a signed letter from a surgeon to immigration officials telling them that Algonaimi needed to take care of her sick 76 year old mother. U.S. Customs officials didn’t view this as enough. Samira Asgari, an Iranian scientist coming to Harvard Medical School to work on a cure for tuberculosis. She said in a tweet: "I was pretty excited to join @soumya_boston's lab but denied boarding due to my Iranian nationality. Feeling safer?" The Taxi Workers Alliance called a one-hour boycott of JFK airport pickups in expressing opposition to the executive order. It is anti-freedom of religion. Trump is an overt authoritarian and a fascist and I don't use the term fascist lightly. To ban innocent Muslims from certain nations from coming into America is evil. I am not a Muslim, but we have to stand with our Muslim Brothers and Sisters from those nations who have an immigrant ban. There should be no religious test in America or anywhere for that matter. Trump has suspended Syrian refugees from coming into America when they are the victims of ISIS. So, Trump has shown his hand as being antithetical to freedom and hostile to equality. Now, Google has turned back many people who are from certain nations. This male Trump should be impeached in my opinion. I'm an American and I oppose Trump's agenda 100 percent. Many refugees have been detained in America without dub process of law.

Lawyers have worked hard to allow some refugees to stay in America. On Saturday, after as many as 200 inbound foreigners with once-valid U.S. visas were detained at U.S. ports of entry on account of the ban, which was enacted while they were on route to America. The ACLU and other organizations filed for a class certification and argued against the ban in front of Judge Ann M. Donnelly of Federal District Court in Brooklyn.  Two Iraqi citizens — both refugees who had been granted admission to the U.S. and were already on route to the U.S. when Trump’s ban went into immediate effect — were detained at John F. Kennedy airport in New York early Saturday morning. One of the Iraqi men, Hameed Khalid Darweesh, had worked for the U.S. Army as an interpreter following the 2003 invasion, and had been targeted by militants as a result. Lawyers for the two men quickly filed a writ of habeas corpus demanding their release, and along with several organizations including the ACLU and the National Immigration Law Center, also filed a motion seeking class certification for all refugees and immigrants who had been suddenly detained at ports of entry on account of Trump’s order.   Hameed Khalid Darweesh is now free to walk around in America. A recent federal Brooklyn court decision allowed refugees with valid visas in America to stay in America for now. The federal judge prevented those detained from being sent back to the seven banned nations in the Middle East. The executive order still stands other than the court order. The executive order is disgraceful. Today, many innocent Iranians can’t come to America. Iran has banned Americans from traveling into America too. Now, Steve Bannon is now on the National Security Council and Bannon is a blatant alt right white nationalist. This is an alarming violation of civil liberties (green card holders have been once included in the ban too, which is blatantly wrong).  This policy impacts all Americans too as an injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. It is illegal in violating the 1965 Naturalization Act since it discriminates against people on the basis of national origin and it is a violation of a religious test too. The executive order is plain morally wrong. Many people nationwide and worldwide are standing up for freedom and opposing that evil, fascist executive order too.
#Not my President.

One major part of the Presidency of Donald Trump is his early signing of numerous executive orders quickly. On January 23, 2017, Trump signed three executive orders. The first one withdraws the United States from the Trans-Pacific Partnership (as part of economic nationalist reasons). The second one reinstated the Mexico City Policy dealing with NGOs and abortion access. The third one freezes federal workforce hiring. This is wrong and harms employment opportunities for millions of Americans. Trump wants to massively end regulations with his meetings with many large corporations. Trump has spoken about the lie that millions of people illegally voted against him. One the next day, he signed 2 executive orders to reverse the Obama administration's halt on the Keystone XL and Dakota Access oil pipelines, the latter of which has been the subject of tense protests by the Standing Rock tribe.  It is a known fact that such pipeline risk environmental harm, damage water supplies, and many oil pipelines have exploded. Trump has signed another executive order in January 25 to begin the construction of a wall on the Mexico-United States border which is extremist and impossible because of geographic reasons. He increased border patrol and immigration officers. He has cruelly reduced grant funding to sanctuary cities and changed deportation standards. Like usual, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu agrees with a border wall in the southern U.S. border, because the far right in America is allied with the far right in Israel. It is what it is. Press Secretary Sean Spicer announced on January 26, 2017 that the border wall might be funded by a 20% tax on imports from Mexico, which may cause a trade war between America and Mexico. Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto canceled a proposed meeting with Trump due to the controversy of whether Mexico would pay for the wall and after Trump suggested that Peña Nieto cancel the meeting. In the first week of the Trump administration alone, we have seen a pro-war and a pro-social reactionary agenda. Trump has one of the most reactionary administrations in American history. The new secretary of defense is retired general James Mattis. Rex Tillerson desires to bar Chinese access to islets in the South China Sea. Trump wants more “safe zones” in Syria. Trump wants to steal Iraqi oil in order to fund America, which is against international law. Trump agrees with using waterboarding which is torture. A draft memorandum is circulating in the White House that would reopen secret CIA prisons and torture centers overseas. This existed in just the first week of the Trump administration. The age of Trump existed as a product of war, a parasitic financial oligarchy, the growth of social inequality, and the total exposure of the fallibility of the capitalist system. Donald Trump is not a populist. He is a capitalist who had promoted failing casinos, corrupt universities, and failed businesses, which is a symbol of the state of American capitalism. Solidarity and alliance among many progressive people can defeat the agenda of Trump. Yet, we have to fight. We have to resist. We will use our voices.

Involving the Maafa and slavery, it must always be reiterated that black people have shown great determination to refuse to be dehumanized and to fight for their human liberation. Back during the 1600’s and 1700’s, slavery was spread in North America from Providence to New Orleans. The majority of slaves who came into North American area of the USA existed in the Chesapeake region (in North Carolina, Virginia, and Maryland) and the Low Country (which is found in South Carolina and Georgia). By the mid 1750’s, the majority of slaves in the Chesapeake region were never born in Africa. In the Low Country region, many slaves were imported directly from Africa (especially from central Africa like from Angola). New African American cultures were a merging of customs from many African tribes. Many people don’t know the extent of the brutality of what black slaves had to experience. Many slaves were stripped naked and branded with hot iron. Many black people in slave ships have never seen a white man in their lives except by being kidnapped by whites. Many enslaved Africans believed that white men were in league with the devil or the manifestation of the devil because of the brutality that Africans experienced. Slaves in America developed friendships, formed cultures, and enacted bonds of resistance against evil. In essence, my ancestors were not immigrants, but they were involuntarily kidnapped unjustly from Africa and sent into the Americas. Slaves also were leaders in the anti-slavery movement. There were Quakers and Memmonites from 1688 who opposed slavery. The history of African Americans not only involves slavery. It involved the dedicated power of African Americans to make institutions, to fight injustice, and to make ways of activism, so positive change can develop prodigiously in the world.

For decades, basketball has been a part of world culture. It has promoted teamwork, camaraderie, friendship, and honor. It is a total team sport, which requires not only fundamental skills, but endurance, practice, and hard work. Millions of people in America and a lot of people worldwide either see it, participate in it, or know about its components. The game is fun and it is easy to understand too. 2 teams of five players compete against each other. The objective is to shoot a ball through a hoop, which is mounted on a backboard on each side of the court. It was invented in 1891 by Dr. James Naismith in Springfield, Massachusetts. It has been around for over 125 years, so beyond the 125 year anniversary of basketball, we certainly honor its history and its cultural impact internationally. People of every age, background, and sex have played this sport. People of a diversity of physical abilities and nationalities have played and enjoyed basketball too. We know about Lisa Leslie slam dunking a basketball in the WNBA years ago. We know about Michael Jordan doing athletic moves and dunks in the basketball court. We know about Maya Moore inspiring her team and LeBron James making a championship a reality for the Cleveland Cavaliers. Therefore, basketball is here to stay. Also, it is important to note the following. Just because we love basketball, doesn’t mean that we want to minimize STEM fields or other important aspects of human civilization. STEM fields, history, philosophy, political matters, art, medicine, etc. are additional fields that we inspire anyone to pursue. Basketball for generations has been involved in social movements for positive change, has brought people together, and has been a key part of great human expression indeed.

By Timothy

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Remembering Afro-Colombian human rights activist Emilsen Manyoma








JFK Airport Protests Over 11 Detained Muslims - January 28, 2017

Harriet Tubman



CAIR set to file lawsuit against refugee ban












Martin Luther King's Last Day

Victory ACLU Attorney Lee Gelernt, Trump's unconstitutional Muslim ban


Saturday, January 28, 2017

Federal judge stays deportations of travelers in Trump immigration order


Septima Poinsette Clark

Septima Clark

Fannie Lou Hamer's Powerful Testimony, "Freedom Summer" clip 19

Miral, Rula Jebreal -

TAVIS SMILEY | Rula Jebreal | PBS

Trump's Executive Order bans 134,000,000 people from coming into America















Serena Williams wins the 2017 Australian Open (Serena Williams is the Greatest of all Time).



Friday, January 27, 2017



More News










The New Negro | Talk on Defeating Oppression w Dr. Martin Luther King (1...

The Heritage of The Negro (1965) | Feat. Dr. John Henrik Clark

Friday Information in late January 2017


Anita Baker had her Birthday yesterday. First, she is a legend. For decades, she innovated music, lyrics, performances, and other aspects of human expression. Anita Baker's powerful voice has blessed lives. She is a great mother and a monumental contributor to music in general. Her songs deal with powerful messages about love, about sacrifice, and about human resilient power. She is one of the greatest singers of all time without question. She was born in Toledo, Ohio and she was raised in Detroit. Every time I listen to her music, I always get inspired and my creative energy goes into the next level. Anita Baker joined the group Chapter 8 in 1975. Later, she was involved in her soloist career. He voice is sultry and beautiful. She is a soulful Sister and she has impacted not just R&B, but jazz, the quiet storm, and other genres. Her debut album came about in 1983 called Songstress. Her second album named Rapture was another classic. It came about in 1986. It won much praise. Her album caused her to win 2 Grammy awards. She has inspired other musicians who came after her. Baker currently lives in Grosse Pointe, Michigan (which is near Detroit, Michigan). Her grace, her passion for music, and her wisdom stands the test of time. She's a gorgeous black woman too. We all appreciate her light and her immeasurable talent as a great artist. Sister Angela Davis' Birthday was yesterday. She is 73 years old. I learned so much about politics, socialism, Black Power, and other subjects from Angela Davis. She is an elder and a woman who inspires so many women and men worldwide. She was born in Birmingham, Alabama. She and her relatives experienced Jim Crow apartheid first hand. She was a professor in UCLA. Back in the day (during the 1960's and the early 1970's), it was taboo for a person to be a Communist overtly in public in America, especially in an educational role. People have the right to agree or disagree with Communism in a truly free society. Therefore, Angela Davis stood up for her free speech rights in being a Communist and educating students. She later won that fight. Angela Davis has stood up for human rights for more than 50 years. Today, her Sister is a freedom fighter too. Part of Angela's great legacy involves her continued opposition to the prison industrial complex, which has exploited and harmed so many lives. She believes in justice and human equality wholeheartedly.

This political issue is complex and I will delve into many facets of the situation in Chicago. First, Chicago is made of many diverse people and it had a strong industrial base for decades. The Chicago Freedom Movement (of the 1960's) had courageous Brothers and Sisters who fought for justice. Fred Hampton worked hard in Chicago to fight against police brutality and he believed in socialism by his own words. In Chicago today, there are strong black men and strong black women continuously fighting to stop the violence. Still, we have a crisis problem of poverty, crime, police brutality, and other issues in that great Midwestern city. We know activists who are working daily to try to combat gun violence. There is no solution in Chicago without addressing poverty &; guns since so many murders in Chicago are caused by guns. There should be no deification of guns, but some Americans make an idol of guns at the expense of human justice. First, there should be a crackdown on illegal gun trafficking in Chicago. A lot of guns in Chicago are imported from the suburbs and other places. Second, state, local, and federal government agencies should enact an emergency rebuilding program of schools, recreational centers, and other jobs.

There ought to be a rebuilding of infrastructure in this nation in general. This requires billions of dollars from all levels of government as Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. has called for when he was advocating his Poor Peoples Campaign. Also, self-determination is in order as well. We want resources to determine our own destinies as human beings. Trump is inaccurate to say that Chicago's death rate is in record levels. Chicago’s highest death toll was in 1974, and its deadliest year per capita was in 1994. Likewise, crime is a serious problem not only in Chicago, but nationwide. The problem with Trump is that he doesn't go into detail on how he would use the feds in addressing problems in Chicago. Trump is an authoritarian, so it isn't shocking for him to possibly use martial law in Chicago. Trump is not serious on solutions, because he doesn't address police brutality, poverty, gentrification, closing schools, and other real issues. In the final analysis, a comprehensive approach is needed in a diversity of solutions like job programs, ending gentrification, fighting illegal gun trafficking, helping families who are in tumult, and rebuilding struggling communities (which requires funds & concrete resources not anti-poor scapegoating). People want solutions not reactionary slogans and extremist rhetoric.

I moved on too. I don't believe in disrespecting Chrisette Michele or calling her out of her name. Yet, I disagree with her, because a male megalomaniac should not be entertained. He's not God. This male Trump is out of control. He supports waterboarding, which is torture. He wants to expand black sites. He believes in banning people from coming into America based on nationality. His allies ( two members of the Trump transition team — Russ Vought and John Gray) proposed a budget that cuts investments in minority businesses, which refutes the myth that Donald Trump has a soft spot for black people in America (along with the fact that he wants the death penalty for the Central Park Five). This has been reported in an article from TIME and from the Hill. Those sources say that Trump's allies want to cut funding for the NEA which promotes the arts nationwide. Therefore, Trump is no freedom fighter. He is a right wing nationalist who makes it his business to attack human rights and our liberties. Our eyes must be on the prize. One Trump strategist said that the media should "keep its mouth shut." What kind of stuff is that. Trump is a fascist and I don't use that term lightly. He's a liar. Ultimately, Chrisette Michele is not my enemy. My real enemy is Donald Trump's repugnant agenda. A male who has been accused of sexual assault by multiple women, a male who uses vulgarity to promote sexual assault, and a male who has said very disrespectful words about a disabled reporter has no respect form me period. We're the only ethnic group (in my opinion) in America that is constantly patronized and constantly admonished to just love everyone without preconditions, without respect, and without reciprocity.

The days of compromising are over. We are black people. We have the right to have our independent thinking and just because we dissent, doesn't mean that we don't love or we don't desire true unity among humanity. We are tired of being lectured about love when we love a huge amount in our history period. Many people talk about love. We know what love isn't. Love is not compromise. Love is not tolerating injustice. Love is not condoning xenophobia and racism. Love is strong. Love is powerful and love is the realization that to make right in the word, we must fight with due diligence. Love is about going out in public and in private to stand up and speak up for the oppressed, for the sick, for the minorities, and for those who are suffering. That's love and love is not cow towing to some right wing demagogue who doesn't care for true social justice. That is the point. We resist. We dissent. Dissent is not about tearing down Chrisette Michele. She shouldn't be slandered or maligned. Dissent is about speaking truth to power and inspiring people to resist the evil agenda of Donald Trump. We speak, we dissent, and we will win in the end for the truth is always real. That's real talk.

By Timothy

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Living in the 21st Century World.

This information is for people from the 757 and for people everywhere. I'm from the 757 in Virginia. Evelyn Butts was a heroic civil rights leader. She was born in Norfolk, Virginia. She fought to defeat the bigoted poll tax back in the 1960's. She worked in favor for civil rights throughout her life. Rest in Power Sister Evelyn Butts. Honor is not going along with the status quo. Honor is standing on your principles to advance right even when it isn't popular to do so. Some of the greatest acts to do is to act courageous even when the opposition is immense. Therefore, the work continues and we work towards existing in Freedomland. Therefore, we should use hope and we should execute the necessary actions to get things done. Black people have every right to fight for jobs, education, health care, and a great environment too (as the Flint disaster refutes neoliberalism and refutes ignoring environmental issues once and for all). Also, it is important to acknowledge the black people doing the great work to help humanity. There are many unsung black heroes who are engaged and are making a difference in the world. Nina Simone was a singer, she supported black liberation, and she was the living refutation of colorism. Her vision for freedom, her exquisite music, and her ideologies are eternally cherished by us. Days ago was the Birthday of Sister Susan Taylor. She is now 71 years old. For decades, she displayed magnificence in journalism. She was born in Harlem, NYC. Her parents are of Afro-Trinidadian and St. Kitts heritage. In 1994, American Libraries referred to Taylor as "the most influential black woman in journalism today." She worked in Essence at its start back in 1970. Back then, it was revolutionary and ahead of its time for a major magazine to show accurate images specifically for black women like Essence. She was the editor of Essence from 1981 to 2000. Essence is known to show the beauty, the strength, and the intellectual power of black women. Susan Taylor has won many awards dealing in journalism and in other avenues of life. She has inspired others globally and her contributions are inescapable and monumental. I wish the Sister a magnificent Birthday.

Before mentioning about Chrisette Michelle, I will make the following points. There is a notorious pastime by extremists who blame black people collectively for all forms of oppression against black people. These extremists forget that respectability politics doesn’t work and that the War on Drugs, the mass incarceration state, and economic oppression didn’t originate from black people in America. Black people should be honored and not patronized. Black people are sick and tired of being shamed and disrespected by people because most of us don’t agree with Trump’s agenda. We have the free speech right to dissent. It is the notorious lie (as shown by some) in claiming that black people believe that racism started with Trump or that everything was perfect under Obama or Clinton. This lie has been used by white racists and by some black people (who care more for capitalism than black liberation) as an excuse for them to malign the black community in an inappropriate way. Donald Trump has supported theocrats, extremists, far right bigots, and known liars. Trump is a liar by claiming that undocumented workers in the millions cost him the popular vote. Right now, we see the Senate confirm Mike Pompeo as the new CIA Director. He once supported waterboarding and now he claims to be against it. He supports a more extensive NSA spying capability. James Mittis is the new head of the Department of Defense. Mattis is a known led the U.S. assault on Fallujah in 2004, which caused war crimes.

It is truly delusional to believe that war mongers and those who love extremism represent all of views of Americans. Many of the white bigots and Hoteps (since to me, they are allies. Both don’t care about black people. If the Hoteps did, they would advocate for pan-African unity, an end to capitalist exploitation, and workers’ rights) love Trump. Some Hoteps (who include sick sexists) give a pass on Trump when he is an overt advocate for the agenda of white supremacy. These Hoteps (who believe that human rights should be given to a restricted few of black people, which isn't pro-black) and white far right extemists give excuses for Trump (who wants the Keystone Pipeline) while ignoring the necessity for environmental justice and health care given universally to all. As for Chrisette Michele, I don’t agree with her in her actions, but I don’t hate her. I don’t believe in calling her out of her name. I disagree with her, because we don’t need to entertain a male who joked about sexual assault, who uses vulgarity constantly, and who still wants the death penalty for the Central Park Five. Trump is unashamed of his advocacy of xenophobic nationalism, reactionary law and order, militarism, and Supreme Court Justices whose views are like Scalia. That is reality and I oppose Trump’s agenda 100 percent. We can express our voices and speak truth to power in a diversity of ways. We will dissent and resist injustice by organizing, fighting for our rights (like voting rights, economic rights, civil rights, civil liberties, etc.), and developing strategies to build in our black communities. We survived slavery, Bush, Nixon, Reagan, etc. We will survive the deceptive demagogue Trump.

The common myth (by many whites and even by some black people) is that black people collectively hates anyone in the black community who shows a different opinion on a political issue. That's a lie since many black people do respect black people describing a multiple amount of opinions on issues. The deal is that I disagree with some black people spewing anti-black rhetoric or condemning Black History Month. Stacey Dash has done more than show divergent views on issues. She wants Black History Month to be abolished. She wants shows that are geared to black Americans to be abolished. She compared awards shows (which praises Black Excellence) to segregation. Those are not only wrongheaded ideologies. Those inflammatory views should rightfully be condemned as Blackness has the right to be loved and expressed unapologetically. Now, FOX News makes no bones on its regressive coverage. Many of their political pundits are overt Trump supporters lacking in objectively and progressive analysis on issues. Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity (who constantly advance the myth of "black on black" crime as crime is crime regardless of skin color, but they ignore the epidemic of white racism & Western imperial crimes) ally with Trump's views too. FOX News firing Stacey Dash is another piece of evidence showing how corporate media entities want their bottom line, which is money and even reactionary pundits can be fired too. Stacey Dash has shown her face of being allied with Trump. I have the right to disagree with Trump. The same far right extremists who desires us to give Trump a chance condemn people who have the free speech right to peacefully disagree with the policies of Trump. People, who disagree with Trump, have been assaulted, slandered, threatened, and harassed by Internet trolls constantly. That's real. I am opposed to police terrorism, racism, sexism, xenophobia, Islamophobia, and any injustice. We are continuously in this fight for liberation and we won't quit. We don't want the abnegation of truth. We want the dream to be fulfilled for our posterity forevermore.

Donald Trump is a pro-corporate extremist. His recent executive orders show his extremism that depicts his xenophobic nationalism. He wants U.S. government agencies to continue with the construction of the Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipelines. Native Americans tribes and environmentalists oppose his plan. Thousands of protesters have been in North Dakota to prevent this pipeline from being constructed. This proposed 1,200 mile long pipeline will bring oil from the Bakken fields to the refineries in the Midwest and the South.  The pipeline’s final link would cross the Missouri River just north of the Standing Rock Sioux reservation, threatening its water supply and tearing up land deemed sacred in tribal culture. Armed security guards (hired by the Texas-based Energy Transfer Partners as well as North Dakota state troopers plus local sheriffs) assaulted protesters. The Obama administration wanted a review of the project by the Army Corp of Engineers, so he postponed the final confrontation until Trump took office. The Trump administration had business and political ties to the DAPL. The nominee for secretary of energy, former Texas Governor Rick Perry, was on the board of Energy Transfer Partners, while Trump himself owned stock in the company. One of his biggest financial backers during the campaign was Harold Hamm, CEO of Continental Energy, expected to be one of the largest users of the pipeline. Construction of the pipeline once ended in late 2015 because of opposition by Native American groups and environmentalists. There is polluted tar sands oil from Alberta, Canada that will flow in America if the pipeline is built.   The pipeline decrees were only two of the five executive orders issued by the White House Tuesday, all aimed at furthering Trump’s efforts to eliminate environmental and safety regulations and boost the profits of American corporations. Two more orders required expedited permitting and environmental reviews of infrastructure projects designated as significant by the Trump administration. Protectors will continue to block the construction. Also, his policies on the environment are further evil.  The Federal Register posted notes Tuesday from federal agencies withdrawing 23 separate regulations. These included a new rule by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) limiting mercury discharges by dental offices, energy efficiency standards for federal buildings, and poverty guidelines from the Department of Health and Human Services. The Trump administration has imposed a media gag on the EPA and barred its staff from awarding any new contracts. EPA employees have been barred from issuing press releases, updating the agency blogs or posting to the agency’s social media accounts. Trump has nominated to head the EPA the Oklahoma state attorney general, Scott Pruitt, who is currently engaged in 14 lawsuits against the EPA on behalf of Oklahoma-based polluters, mostly in the oil and gas industry. Trump wants to cut taxes of American corporations. He wants to build the wall in the border and he wants to ban people from coming into America from certain nations (even if those people are innocent and have done no crime). Therefore, Donald Trump is an overt fascist. He is not my President.

By Timothy

Monday, January 23, 2017

Didn't take long to see the real Donald Trump





Historic News

We live in historic times and the Women’s March has great historical significance. This is part of history. It was the first major international protest in America of 2017 of so many people in America and in the world. There were over 500,000 people protesting in Washington D.C. There were about 750,000 people in Los Angeles, 250,000 people in New York City, from 150,000-250,000 people in Chicago, about 150,000 people in Denver, about 130,000 human beings in Seattle. Over 130,000 people were in Boston. There were about 100,000 human beings in London and in Portland. About 60,000 human beings were protesting and rallying in Atlanta and in Oakland. Over 50,000 people were in Toronto, Canada. 50,000 were in Philadelphia. 100,000 human beings were in Madison, WI, 20,000 people were in Pittsburgh, 20,000 people were in Nashville, TN, and 60,000 human beings were in St. Paul, MN. There were about 40,000 people standing up in Austin, Texas. Over 10,000 people were in St. Louis. People were rallying in Mexico City, Prague, and Sydney, Australia. There were 7,000 people in Palm Beach, Florida. Protesters were in Rome, Antarctica, St. Paul, Minnesota, and in other places of the world too. Demonstrations have been found in Tokyo, Dublin, Capetown, Paris, Vienna, Yangon, etc. The protesters were more than disagreeing with a demagogic new President named Trump. It was about standing up for the rights of women, black people, other people of color, immigrants, and other minorities. This is real. Trump and his crew are overt in their xenophobic, bigoted extremism and we have the right to disagree with Trump. The women there and others made history to voice their views. They opposed injustice and girls were protesting too. There were as much as 3 times as many people in the rally in Washington, D.C. on Saturday than the people at the Trump Inauguration. The rally showed that women’s rights are human rights. The Saturday Women’s March is the largest one day inaugural protest in American history as almost 3 million people protested throughout America. Women have been leaders of movements for social change since the beginning of human history. Many women of color wanted their voice heard since a majority of white women voted for Donald Trump. About 52% of white women voted for Trump and black women have every right to outraged about this. There is nothing wrong with intersectional womanism and true feminism. It is a fact that women of color’s voices have been omitted by the powers that be for a long time. That is why Tamika Mallory, Carmen Perez, and Linda Sarsour have been leaders of this movement. Women deserve equality and justice period. Women give birth, take care of families, work hard, and do unsung things throughout human history. Days ago, we have witnessed an inauguration of an extremist who not only spews overtly fascist words, but is unashamed of his racism, sexism, and xenophobia. On this day, tons of women worldwide are protesting, speaking, and standing up for their human rights. We can't be free unless women are free. When a man makes more than a woman on average, when we see record misogyny and misogynoir, when we see oppression against women continuously today, then we must fight. We fight for women. We do this, because it is right and our views stand the test of time. Many people spoke in the rallies like Tamika Mallory, Janelle Monae, Scarlett Johansson, America Ferrera, Ashley Judd, Rep. Maxine Waters (she has been woke on many issues), and others. They are protesting discrimination, racism, xenophobia, white privilege, police brutality, imperialism, sexism, Islamophobia, and other evils. We want universal health care, we want women's rights to be protected and respected, we want black liberation. We want immigrants to have their rights honored, and we want humanity in general to have their voices heard. I'm opposed to imperialism and empire. We a'int backing down either. We believe in studying the functions of government, so society can change. So, we should vote, organize, join in great organizations, work in our communities, and express solidarity with women worldwide. We value education and environmental justice. The truth is clear and our ancestors sacrificed for us. We stand with women and men who desire equality, justice, tolerance, and courage. The Women’s March proves that the struggle isn’t over, there is hope in the world, and love always trumps hate. When we honor women, we honor ourselves as human beings. Don't get it twisted: Black Lives will always Matter.
Still, we rise.

We live in a new era. The movie Fences has been praised by the world over not just in America. Fences is a 2016 American drama film. It was directed by one of the greatest actors in human history, who is Denzel Washington. The movie was written by August Wilson. The story of Fences was based on Wilson’s Pulitzer Prize winning play of the same. Wilson created the play in 1983. Wilson passed away in 2005 (he was born in 1945), but he had a completed screenplay before his passing. Rest in Power to Brother August Wilson. Fences could win Best Picture of this year’s Academy Awards. The film has a cast of great actors and actresses. The film stars Denzel Washington, Viola Davis, Stephen Henderson, Jovan Adepo, Russell Hornsby, Mykelti Williamson, and Saniyya Sidney. It was released in America nationwide by December 16, 2016. It has been greatly praised by critics. For example, Fences has been chosen by the American Film Institute as one of the greatest films of 2016. It has been nominated for many awards like a Golden Globe nomination for Best Actor for Denzel Washington and a Best Supporting Actress nomination for Viola Davis. The film is based in 1957 Pittsburgh (filled with a strong steel industry). During that time, there is the existence of the African American Great Migration (from the early 1910’s) where black people migrated from the South to the North (in places like Pittsburgh) in order to get economic or job opportunities, so their families can benefit. 1919 was the year of the great steel strike in Pittsburgh too. Denzel plays Troy Maxson, who is a man with a wife (played by Viola Davis as Rose). Troy Maxson is a 53 year old sanitation worker. The couple has a son named Cory (played by Jovan Adepo). The movie is very emotional and filled with controversies, arguments, debates, and family crisis. What sticks the glue in the family ultimately and ironically is struggle for self-improvement and struggle in general. Tory’s friend and co-worker is Jim Bono (played by Stephen McKinley Henderson). Gabe Maxon (who is played by Mykelti Williamson) has a head injury from World War II. So, he’s mentally impaired and has a $3000 government payout that Troy used to purchase a home for his family. Gabe is Troy's brother. Gabe has since moved out, but still lives in the neighborhood, where he is often tormented by the local children. In his adolescence, Troy left home and became a robber to sustain himself. After killing a man during a robbery led him to prison, he met Bono and revealed himself to be a talented baseball player. He then played in the professional Negro Leagues, but never made it to Major League Baseball. Although it is likely that he was rejected due to his advanced age, Troy firmly believes he was passed over due to the color of his skin. Having survived a near-fatal bout of pneumonia in his youth, Troy claims to have done so by defeating the Grim Reaper in a fistfight, upon which the Reaper vowed to return for a rematch. Troy has issues. He has an estranged son a previous relationship, Lyons Maxson (Russell Hornsby), infrequently visits him to borrow money, upsetting Troy, whose belief in responsibility rejects Lyons' pursuing his dream of becoming a jazz musician instead of finding another job.

Cory is being scouted by a football team, but Troy is skeptical that he will reach the NFL. Troy carries past hart from him being rejected from the MLB. Troy says that racial discrimination is abundant, which is true back then and today. Troy may be subconsciously jealous that Cory may achieve more success than him. Belittling Jackie Robinson, the first black player in the big leagues, Troy maintains that little has changed. His resentment is so strong that he sabotages his son’s dreams. Cory doesn’t work at his part time job in order of him to play football practice. Troy wants him to work instead. Troy has a promotion in his garbage struck job as the first African American to do so in Pittsburgh, but he can’t read. He doesn’t have a driver’s license and he committed adultery against his wife Rose with Alberta (or a woman when met at a local bar). Troy forces Gabe to be institutionalized. Troy forces Cory’s coach to kick him off the football team. Troy is forced to reveal his affair to Rose when his mistress becomes pregnant, leading to an argument in which Troy aggressively grabs Rose, causing Cory to intervene and knock Troy into a fence, which Troy marks as Cory's second offense. In the following months, Troy and Rose become estranged, although they keep living in the same house, and Troy continues to visit his mistress, who ultimately dies in childbirth after going into early labor. This caused an embittered Troy to angrily challenge the Reaper to another fight. The film isn’t a peaches and cream film. Troy brings his baby daughter Raynell home, and Rose decides to raise her as her own, but refuses to accept Troy back into her life.  Cory goes into the US Marine Corps instead of going into college. He comes back and Troy blocks his path. A fight happens between Cory and Troy. Troy has the upper hand. Later, Troy died of a heart attack 7 years later. Cory comes home to finally reconcile with his family and father after his father’s death.  Gabe is released from the hospital to attend the funeral and reunites with his family as they all bid farewells to Troy. Gabe prays for St. Peter to open the gates of heaven for Troy, and a shimmering sunlight glistens over them symbolizing intergenerational forgiveness and peace. The film shows the hurt found in many families. It also shows hope that reconciliation can occur in families too. Also, another point is to be made. The movie ends in 1964. In real life, 1964 was a time of the growth of the civil rights movement. This film is not representative of every black family. Families of every race or background (like immigrant workers from Eastern Europe) have similar stories like the story shown in Fences. The deal is that Fences is a story that has strong emotion, powerful action, and stirring performances from the actors and actresses involved. Denzel Washington and Viola Davis displayed powerful performances. There are many black families who are strong, powerful, and diverse too. Fences is a great movie.

Hidden Figures has inspired more research into the contributions of African American women in STEM fields. It’s an inspirational film that is loved by many worldwide. This is an American biographical film. It was directed by Theodore Melfi. It was written by Melfi and Allison Schoreder. The film was based on the great nonfiction book of Hidden Figures by Margot Lee Shettely. The book described the great contributions of African American women mathematicians at NASA. The film stars Taraji P. Henson as Katherine G. Johnson. Katherine Johnson is the mathematician who calculated flight trajectories for Project Mercury and other missions. It features Octavia Spencer as  Dorothy Vaughan and Janelle Monae Monae as Mary Jackson. Supporting roles are played by Kevin Costner, Kirsten Dunst, Jim Parson, Glen Powell, and Mahershala Ali. Hidden Figures was released in December 25, 2016. It has been praised by critics and movie goers alike. It has grossed over $72 million. It has been nominated for many awards like for Best Supporting Actress for Octavia Spencer and Best Original Score. The movie is based in early 1960’s America where racial segregation was all over the South. Activism was growing for civil rights too. The movie starts in 1961 when all 3 women (Katherine Goble, Dorothy Vaughan, and Mary Jackson) are in their car. It breaks down. A cop pulls up to them and accompanies them to their destination of NASA after being shocked that NASA hires black women. The Soviet Union put the first human named cosmonaut Yuir Gagarin into a single orbit aboard Vostok 1 on April 12, 1961. Al Harrison (played by Kevin Costner) wants to beat the Russians in the space race. Al Harrison desires the best people to be in the space race regardless of color. This film takes place in the midst of the Cold War. We know that massive anti-Communist paranoia existed back then. Significantly, Shetterly notes that Mary Jackson began working at NASA on April 5, 1951, the same day a New York federal court handed down a death sentence against Ethel and Julius Rosenberg, the couple accused of spying for the Soviet Union at the height of the anticommunist hysteria. Also, it is no secret that the American government has a large governmental, military, and intelligence apparatus that has committed war crimes, corruptions, and other evils back then and today. So, there can be no sanitation of Western imperialism. Of course, this is not the fault of those who worked at NASA. By 1962, mathematician Katherine Johnson is working at West Area Computers division of Langley Research Center in Hampton, Virginia. She works with her great colleague Mary Jackson (an aspiring engineer) and Dorothy Vaughan (or the acting supervisor of the group of African American women researchers). The Soviet Union launched Sputnik into space. So, the Space Task Group via its director Al Harrison goes immediately to try to get American astronauts into space. Katherine Johnson  is assigned to assist the team as a computer scientist, becoming the first African-American woman in the group of white male engineers. She reports to head engineer Paul Stafford, who resents Katherine Johnson being assigned to double-check his and other engineers' computations. Harrison challenges the entire engineering group to solve a complex mathematical equation. When Katherine steps forward to solve it successfully, she gains his notice. The team of astronauts, including John Glenn, visits Langley. Glenn makes a point of thanking the West Area Computers employees. Over time, Katherine gains the respect of Harrison and some of her colleagues. Despite Stafford's objections, Harrison includes Katherine in their high-security meetings, as she needs to hear firsthand how the data is changing rapidly in the months before the space launch. She created a sophisticated equation to solve the problem of slowing the space capsule to enable a safe re-entry and landing at a particular point. Dorothy wants a promotion, but is stopped by her white manager Vivian. Mary Jackson has a new assignment, so Mary Jackson goes into engineering classes in order for her to qualify for an engineering job at NASA. Mary Jackson goes into night classes held in an all-white high school in order for her to earn an engineering degree. Although the US Supreme Court ruled in 1954 that segregation of public schools was unconstitutional, in 1963, Virginia has not integrated its schools. Mary’s husband Levi (played by Aldis Hodge) supports her. Levi is a staunch civil rights activist too. Dorothy learns that the impending installation of an IBM 7090 computer could replace her and her co-workers. She teaches herself FORTRAN and trains her co-workers to use this programming language too. She is assigned to the IBM team after successfully getting the IBM computer to work, when the IBM engineers couldn't. She only accepts the assignment if all the women from the "computer" group can join her. The whole group helps program the computer. Friendship 7 space mission has discrepancies in the electronic calculations for the capsule’s coordinates. John Glenn wants Katherine (who was born in 1918. Katherine Goble Johnson is a physicist too. She was involved in early plans for a mission to Mars too) by name to check the calculations. Harrison brings her into the control room. They relay the results together to Glenn. The space capsule later has some heat shield problems, and the team decides to return the capsule after three orbits. Mary worked with NASA engineers, so that Glenn can manually operate the controls to protect the shield. Friendship 7 successfully survived re-entry and landed in the ocean. Later, the women are replaced by electronic computers. Dorothy is promoted to supervisor of the programming department for all her co-workers and other white women. Johnson is assigned to Analysis and Computation Division. Mary obtains an engineering degree and position at NASA. The film exposes the evil of misogynoir as it existed back then and today. It shows the oppression that black women had to experience like running to the bathroom labeled "colored" because of Jim Crow apartheid. An epilogue reveals that Katherine Gobles Johnson (who has a love interest and marries that love interest during the film) calculated the trajectories for the Apollo 11 and Apollo 13 space missions. In 2015, she was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by President Barack Obama. Dorothy Johnson Vaughn passed away in 2008. She was born in 1910. Mary Winston Johnson lived from 1921 to 2005. Hidden Figures is assisted by Pharrell Williams’ lively score, particularly his track “Runnin.” The film shows romance, overcoming obstacles, and inspiration. Today, space research is very important. We want to respect the contributions of 3 great black women who changed the world in space research and STEM fields. We honor Katherine Johnson, Mary Johnson, and Dorothy Vaughn forever. Black women played a very crucial, important role in establishing successful space missions and engineering in the world. Therefore, I do recommend people to watch Hidden Figures.

Brother Hakeem Olajuwon is now 54 years old.  He is one of the greatest players in NBA. From 1984 to 2002, he played in the NBA. Hakeem Olajuwon was very creative in his ability, he shot the ball well, and he always is a people person. Houston loved him and he loved the Houston Rockets and its fans. He was born in Lagos, Nigeria and his family is part of the Yoruba ethnic group. Nigeria has dozens of ethnic groups. He is the third of eight children. He played soccer and played basketball by the age of 17 years old. He came into the University of Houston to play in college. Houston is home to many immigrants and it is a very diverse city. In the NBA, he played with Ralph Sampson, Clyde Drexler, and other legends in the Houston Rockets. He won 2 NBA Championships in 1994 and 1995. He ended his career in the Toronto Raptors. He has trained young basketball players for years. He has worked in charities and he's a man who is a legend.

By Timothy

Sunday, January 22, 2017

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Friday, January 20, 2017

The War on Drugs.


The Inauguration.

In 1788, the First African Baptist Church of Savannah, Georgia is organized under Andrew Bryan. There was the manumission of slaves from 1790 to 1810. Following the Revolution, numerous slaveholders in the Upper South freed slaves; the percentage of free black human beings rises from less than one to 10 percent. By 1810, 75 percent of all black people in Delaware are free, and 7.2 percent of black people in Virginia are free. The Fugitive Slave Act of 1793 was passed in February 12, 1793. This unjust law allowed slave-owners to kidnap escaping slaves in America. It was signed into law by President George Washington. This meant that not only escaped slaves were in risked of being oppressed, but we know that freed black people were kidnapped (in the North and in other places of America) and brought into slavery too. One example was freed black man Solomon Northup was tricked into going into Washington D.C. Slavery was legal in D.C. during the 19th century. Later, he was drugged, kidnapped, and sold into slavery. He was in bondage for 12 years in Louisiana. One of the very few to regain freedom under such circumstances, he later sued the slave traders involved in Washington, DC. Its law prohibited Northrup from testifying against the white men because he was black, and he lost the case. The New York Times published an article on this trial on January 20, 1853.

Northup published his memoir, Twelve Years a Slave (1853), a slave narrative of plantation life on the Red River in Louisiana, and a description of the slave trade in Washington, DC. The memoir was adapted as a feature-film in 2013 by Steve McQueen, winning three Academy Awards, including Best Picture. The film starred the brilliant Sister Lupita Nyong'o and Brother Chiwetel Ejiofor.  On March 14, 1794 was a very historical date. That was when Eli Whitney was granted a patent on the cotton gin. This invention would influence the Industrial Revolution and changed the economy of the Antebellum South. Eli Whitney was born in Massachusetts in 1765. He had an engineering career. The cotton gin caused the cultivation and procession of short staple cotton to be profitable in the uplands and interior areas of the Deep South. As the cotton was cultivated more quickly by this invention, it increased the need of evil slave-owners to kidnap enslaved labor and made cotton a chief commodity crop in the South. Also, the slave-owners wanted to meet the labor demand by kidnapping (in a forced migration) one million people (of black slaves) from the Upper South and coast to the area in the antebellum period of the Deep South. The cotton gin in essence expanded slavery and expanded the suffering of black people in America. In July 1794, there were two independent black churches open in Philadelphia:  the African Episcopal Church of St. Thomas, with Absalom Jones, and the Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church, with Richard Allen, the latter the first church of what would become in 1816 the first independent black denomination in the United States.

Governor Paul LePage of Maine is another person of lax character. This isn't the first time that he has disrespected people. He called people of color "the enemy." He wished that he would shoot a non-threatening, innocent reporter in a duel. Therefore, he is an overt white supremacist racist. This lying piece of work (there are other words that accurately describe LePage. We know those words) claimed that Lincoln freed the slaves. The truth is that slavery ended by the long, continuous efforts of black people, abolitionists, those who created anti-slavery revolts , and other people who made slavery illegal in American soil. One man never ended slavery, but it was a collective effort among people globally to end it legally in America. Slavery still exists in many places of the world too. He issued the Republican canard. Back then, the Republican Party had many members who were progressives. Lincoln and other progressive, Radical Republicans used federal government funds to develop the Transcontinental Railroad, build up Homesteads, and to fund Reconstruction era schools for black Americans (which involved big government policies that far right Republicans today abhor). The 13th Amendment was passed after Lincoln was assassinated in December of 1865 since states had to ratify it. Also, many Republicans were part of the disgraceful Great Compromise which maintained Jim Crow in many states while Union military occupation of the South ended back in 1877. That is the history that LePage omits.

Also, in 1965, the Voting Rights Act was passed. Later, many segregationist Democrats left the Democrats to be Republicans. From that time onward, Democrats became more progressive while Republicans became more reactionary. From 1965, the Republicans did overtly promote the Southern Strategy, voter ID laws, the war on Drugs, the Iraq War, Reaganomics, and other reactionary policies that LePage omits since he wants to promote a distortion of history instead of true history. People already know about the imperfections of the Democrats, but John Lewis wasn't talking about Republicans vs. Democrats. He was exposing Trump as being a xenophobe and being a disrespectful male. John Lewis shed blood for the Civil Rights and Voting Rights Act to be passed. LePage never sacrificed a great deal for black people. Trump has made it his duty to disrespect people (even a disabled journalist), and to use vulgarity while his supporters arrogantly excuse his misogyny, racism, and vulgarity. His comments about John Lewis is condescending. We are black people and we will never sit in some place. We will stand up and fight for what is right. The far right has shown hatred and violence from the hate crimes in America to the far right's gutting of the Voting Rights Act. LePage's views can go straight into hell and we will believe in black liberation forever. In essence, we don't need to worship either major party. We embrace our own political independence while opposing the massively far right agenda of Trump (his allies like Sessions and Tillerson represent his reactionary agenda too).

The inauguration of Donald Trump is an event that will change the world. This is a date that will live in infamy. Donald Trump as the 45th President of the United States outlines a new era. It is an ignominious event. More than $100 million has been spent on this day. An estimated 28,000 representatives of the US security apparatus—from the US Secret Service, Transportation Security Administration (TSA), FBI, US Park Police, US Capitol Police, Coast Guard and municipal police—are coordinating operations in order to control and monitor onlookers, according to Jef Johnson (who is the outgoing Secretary of Homeland Security). The total cost of this police mobilization is estimated at $100 million. American capitalism has been found with contradictions and harm to the people of the world. For decades, we have experience economic and social decay in many areas of America. Donald Trump is the representation of the corruption, ruthlessness, parasitism, and fascistic mindset of the capitalist oligarchs (with links to the CFR, the CNP, corporate foundations, etc.) who economically and political control most of mainstream American society. There is no question (as evident on Trump’s cabinet picks) is an administration of the rich, by the rich, for the rich. In his cabinet, it include billionaires, retired generals, and ultra-right ideologues. The mostly GOP Congress are overt in their intention to privatize social programs, promote huge tax cuts for the super-rich, and execute a massive military buildup. Trump promotes’ “America First” chauvinism. With the accession of Trump, the ruling class anticipates the revival of a mythic American past—a land where the capitalist oligarchy is free to exploit the population and pollute the environment to its heart’s content; where the working class is deprived of any significant social rights, including the right to public education, medical care and retirement security; where police can maim and kill with no questions asked; where corporations can underpay workers, fire them at will and even use child labor; and where the basest prejudices are cynically encouraged and essential democratic rights are trampled upon. That is why massive struggle done by the working class and the poor should exist. We are in a class struggle. We reject military imperialism, oppression, and other evils. There are protests of Trump today and tomorrow as well. They are making their voices heard. We want freedom for all globally.

By Timothy

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Timeline of the Presidency of Barack Obama







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Wednesday, January 18, 2017







Wednesday News

Time and time again has shown that many of the super wealthy and some of the political establishment don't care for the poor. The super wealthy receive record bailouts, huge subsidies, and other huge benefits while the poor experience neoliberal, reactionary policies. This policies from the bill has nothing to do with enacting long term healthy living. It has to do with punishing the poor, who in many cases have no other option, but to get food stamps to survive. There can be a bill to grow investments in building healthy food stores in poor communities, in building more food banks that have healthier options in poorer communities. Local, state, and federal governments can offer incentives for many stores and institutions to have better food choices in low income communities too. Yet, that bill in TN doesn't deal with those solutions. It deals primarily with limiting which foods can be brought with food stamps. Also, there is nothing wrong with eating cookies once in a while too, so that bill is draconian (since it restricts many foods not just soda and ice cream). The bill wouldn't dare offer those food restrictions in Medicare (which is taxpayer funded) since elderly Americans don't play that. Many of the same ones who lecture us on "big government" say nothing on big government in dealing with restricting many foods on EBT cards. Instead of that bill, policy makers should focus on investments in exercise centers, healthy food centers, education, and other solutions to exist in low income areas that can make a difference in poorer communities. There can be even more discounts for Food stamps users to buy healthier foods, so there is an incentive to buy better foods in that way. The Healthy Incentives Program (HIP), which was first launched in 2011, gives SNAP recipients a discount on healthier options — for every dollar they spend on healthy food, they earn 30 cents back to spend on other SNAP-eligible items. That pilot program has proven to be extremely successful. SNAP and WIC are programs that are very minuscule in the federal budget as compared to other things. The bill is a sophisticated austerity plan. The poor need no patronage. They need resources, access, power, and respect. They need economic justice too.

My thought is that black on black crime is a myth. Crime is crime irrespective of race. Crime in America happens mostly intraracially, because a large part of American society is segregated. Therefore, most whites are killed by whites. Most black people are killed by black people. Many black people are in prison, because the criminal injustice system imprisons more black people than whites even if all parties are convicted by the same crime. Therefore, classism and racism are institutionalized in the system. That is why black people and white people use drugs in the same rate, but whites are convicted much less percentage wise than black people. Crimes rates in the black community have declined since 1980. Teen pregnancy rates have declined in record lows since 1992. Cancer rates have declined in the black community and black life expectancy rates in the black community have grown since 2000. Racism is about hatred, jealousy of blackness, and hypocrisy. Racists hate us, but they are obsessed by us. Therefore, we reject self hatred and racist programming. We want freedom and justice as black people.

This is a great story. She is Sister Myya D. Jones and she is running for mayor of Detroit. Sister Myya D. Jones' story is a story of power, determination, and love. She loves her people and she loves Detroit. Her motivation is filled with sincerity and an audacious desire to witness more improvements in her hometown. First, we all honor her sacrifice. She has helped her family in immeasurable ways and she is gifted to deal with economics or business skills. She has imparted her knowledge and her wisdom to positively impact her neighbors. It has been more than a quarter of century since the end of the Cold War and we witness heroic young people like Myya Jones being leaders in promoting the principles that our forebears have fought and died for. The torch has been passed to a younger generation of people who understand the necessity to fight poverty, to advance community development, and to grow health care in our society. Myya Jones is representative of a new generation of leaders who believe in building up the general welfare wherefore folks can have jobs with living wages, where institutions grow, and where human freedoms are protected.. She has traveled the world and travel does broaden one's horizons progressively. She has worked in volunteerism and other political endeavors. Myya's compassion is glorious and I wish her all of the best in her quest to be the new mayor of Detroit. I want her win and she is a black woman who is an inspirational person for human beings globally.
Since the dawn of human history, black women have fought for justice.

Yesterday was Birthday of Sister First Lady Michelle Obama. She is 53 years old today. She is first black woman being the First Lady of America. She is the greatest First Lady of American history. She has inspired girls and women to achieve their dreams and aspirations. She told the truth that the White House was built by slaves and that when the haters go low, we go high. Michelle Obama is an amazing woman who can speak eloquently about real values of hope, tolerance, and justice. She has lifted her voice to teach us about the importance of healthy foods, exercises, and volunteerism. She has spoken about the value of all of us regardless of our color or our background. For years, she has been an intellectual giant in knowing about legal and political matters. From the South side of Chicago to the White House, she cared for her family. She loves her husband and her 2 daughters. First Lady Michelle Obama represents Black Excellence, Black Beauty, and Elegance. She is a gorgeous black woman. She taught us that we shall not be moved and the mountain of adversity can be broken down, so the highway leading into the land of freedom can transpire. Therefore, I wish the best for Sister First Lady Michelle Obama. Yesterday was the Birthday of the late, great Brother Muhammad Ali. Muhammad Ali was a courageous man from Louisville, Kentucky who inspired more black confidence in the world. He appealed to people's greatest strength. He worked to help the poor among many backgrounds. Muhammad Ali also opposed the unjust Vietnam War too. He was the best heavyweight boxer in history and his skills prove it. He not only spoke about his skills. He backed it up in the ring. Muhammad Ali has shown the world that you can speak without apology about your greatness and still help people at the same time. Greatness is not something that is about selfish intent. Greatness is found in the human soul which carries through in developing a better world. I honor Muhammad Ali's legacy and his family.
Rest in Power Brother Muhammad Ali.

Telling the truth is important. Trump supporters don't give a concern about Trump's xenophobia, sexism, disrespect of a disabled man, and racism (he called for the death penalty of the Central Park Five). They don't care about his lies and disrespect of John Lewis. They don't care about his overt vulgarity and narrow minded attitudes. Therefore, telling the truth about what Trump has done is not bullying. Trump has a long history of bullying others and many people want us to bow down to him. Many people in Hollywood have disagreed with Trump, satirized him, but they never massively bullied him. I never bowed down to a white man in my life. I a'int going to bow down to Donald Trump. The white man is not God. Therefore, I will stand up for my people and for truth irrespective of how his supporters feel. That point must always be emphasized. In my opinion, Trump can say the N word right now and many of his supporters (both black and white) would still ally with him. So, we know that we are in a fight for our lives. We have the right to defend universal health care, to defend our civil liberties, and to respect wisdom. Trump is a billionaire financial speculator and he owned multiple casinos for years and decades. He has used cut throat tactics for a long time. He certainly hasn't been bullied massively at all. He has bullied others and disrespected others for a long time. He is massively sensitive and can't handle legitimate critiques about him. Workers have exposed his crooked ways and Trump University has been exposed as a scam.

By Timothy