Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Borders, Blackness, and Empire

Black Alliance for Peace Condemns Biden Administration’s Order to Deport Haitians as Illegal and Racist

Biden Threatens Sweeping Sanctions on Ethiopia, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed Responds

Covid Funds Spent on Police and Prisons

A New Era and Justice.


Now, we have one of the most important times of the Biden Presidency. The GOP has obstructed the plan to pay debts from the Trump era. If the country defaults on Thursday, then the economy will definitely suffer, federal payments will not come to people, and other huge problems will occur like federal worker possibly being furloughed. The Democrats are divided among moderates and progressives. Progressives have remained consistent that funding our infrastructure is needed to help families and other human beings. Moderates have hypocritically said that where is the money, but they allowed billions of dollars to be sent to the richest Americans. You have to invest in infrastructure. The risk of the federal government shutting down on Thursday is very much real. There has to be action on the spending bill and the infrastructure bill too. The Build Back Better Bill is one of the most progressive legislation in the 21st century. It is a game changer with child care, universal pre-K, free community college, paid leave, Medicare expansion, and climate change action. It includes taxes on the rich and corporations.


Recently, on Tuesday, September 28, 2021, Barack Obama broke ground on the Obama Presidential Center in Chicago. It will be built in the Southside of Chicago. He spoke about rejecting divisiveness and wanting younger people to be inspiring to create meaningful social change. It is certainly a historical event. Barack Obama's legacy as President will be debated and analyzed for years and decades to come. What is true is that his Presidency has changed the entire world. The center will have an overall 200 ft. building with artifacts. It will have hiking trails, and other places where people can relax and enjoy themselves. Obama believes that the Center can invest in the community of the Southside of Chicago. The Southside of Chicago is known to the Chicago Renaissance that had legends like Gwendolyn Brooks. Also, we have to be aware that we should always fight gentrification, poverty, and other evils too in Chicago. We have a long to go.


R. Kelly has been found guilty on all charges in the racketeering and sex trafficking case. First, this is a victory of the victims of an evil male (not man). The victims courageously gave their testimonies in public. R. Kelly has wrote many songs, but his unspeakable acts of abuse against girls, boys, and women should always be known to the public. There is no excuse for R. Kelly's evils, and he should have accountability for his actions. Also, R. Kelly isn't the only person who should be in prison. Anyone that knew what was going on in his camp and did nothing to stop R. Kelly, anyone that took a blind eye in his camp, and anyone who collaborated with him in the abuse of human beings should be convicted too. They are just as guilty as R. Kelly is. Also, people like Wack 100 minimizing or defending R. Kelly should be ashamed of themselves. Wack 100 also victim shamed Aaliyah which makes me have no respect for him. This represents a new era and a lesson that the Golden Rule must be followed in anyone's daily conduct. God is not mocked, and what profits a man to gain the whole world but loses his soul. In life, you have to always treat people right. It is as simple as that.

General Mark Milley had his testimony to Congress about China, Afghanistan, and Trump. He gave his own defense of his actions during the last days of the Trump regime. Milley said that he told Chinese military leaders that America won't invade or attack China multiple times. Milley used safeguards against Trump, because Trump was out of control (in denying his defeat and using lies to go all the way to the Supreme Court to stop the results of the election to be made official). He told the Senate Armed Services Committee that he told what took place to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, White House Chief of State Mark Meadows, and other people. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin testified before the Senate lawmakers too on Tuesday. They discussed about the evacuation of Afghanistan. The far right Republicans and neo-cons want a permanent occupation of Afghanistan which is extremist. The evacuation was rushed and could have been much better, but to assume that we should stay there forever is totally out of bounds. Afghanistan is a heterogeneous nation with tons of tribes, ethnic groups, and diverse interests. To improve a nation, you have know a nation's history and culture. Too many folks in the West didn't understand the complex nature of Afghan culture. The lie from the neo-cons and the neo-liberals is that if we believe in not being in Afghanistan militarily forever, then we advocate isolationalism and an America First foreign policy. That is not true, as we believe in international cooperation, international trade, and collaborations with nations. We just reject imperialism. 


After audits prove that Arizona and Georgia mostly voted for Biden, Trump still promoted the great lie that he or Trump won the 2020 election. There is no question that we face a democratic crisis in American society. The GOP hypocritically views Trump as a leader, but he does obscenely inappropriate acts without any accountability by the GOP. Trump recently spoke in Georgia to advance his election lies still. Federal legislation that strengthen voting rights must exist. The GOP members are afraid of the Trump base, and most of the GOP refuse to expose Trump for the fraud that he is. We have new voter suppression laws that target voters who predominately vote for Democrats. The Texas GOP leaders use gerrymandering in order to advance their own party of Republicans. In 2013, the Supreme Court gutted the Voting Rights Act via the Shelby decision too. We have to be on the right side of history. 

By Timothy

Monday, September 27, 2021

Private Enterprise is the Issue, Not Big Government

Gunfighter Nation Meets Haitian Migrants

Nazis in the Heartland

Recap of Information.


By the 1990's, the War on Drugs continued fiercely. By the late 1980's and early 1990's, a new generation of anti-War on Drugs activists developed though. One group was the Drug Policy Foundation created by Arnold Trebach and Kevin Zeese. They wanted to end the War on Drugs. Even some conservatives like William F. Buckley and Milton Friedman desired an end to drug prohibition. ACLU Executive Director Ira Glasser, Baltimore Mayor Kurt Schmoke, Federal Judge Robert Sweet, Princeton professor Ethan Nadelmann, and other scholars, activists, policymakers, etc. wanted the same goal too. George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton were faithful followers of the War on Drugs. After Noriega was brought down and sent to prison, we lived in a new era. After Bush Sr. was out of office in early 1993, William Jefferson Clinton was President. As time has gone by, we realize more and more realize that Clinton was a centrist President despite the red baiting by far right Republicans who accuse him of being near socialist (which is false obviously). Bill Clinton worked with Republicans to pass the Crime Act of 1994. Back then, many thought that the new law would eliminate the crime rates of the early 1990's. The consequences of the law was an expansion of the prison industrial complex, the growth of the War on Drugs, and the ruin of so many lives (especially black lives and other people of color lives). The 1994 Omnibus Crime Bill was supported by then Senator Joe Biden too. It had a provision that allowed for federal execution of drug kingpins. The 1990's saw a skyrocketing amount of human beings sent into prison for long periods of time, even those with nonviolent drug offenses. In fact, people in prison from nonviolent drug law offenses increased from 50,000 in 1980 to over 400,000 in 1997. President William Jefferson Clinton also passed the Welfare Reform Act in 1996 that cut many services for the poor and was another attack by a neoliberal moderate President on the New Deal progressive policies. It proves that Clinton wasn't the progressive superhero that some have claimed. Back in 1992, Clinton actually advocated treatment instead of incarceration during his 1992 Presidential campaign. He reverted to the drug war policies form his Republican predecessors when he got into office. Clinton rejected a U.S. Sentencing Commission recommendation to eliminate the disparity between crack and powder cocaine sentences. He rejected the end of the federal ban on funding for syringe access programs (which has been even promoted by drug czar General Barry McCaffrey and Health Secretary Donna Shalala). Ironically, a month before leaving office, Bill Clinton told words in a Rolling Stone interview that he wanted "a re-examination of our entire policy on imprisonment" of people who used drugs. He said that he marijuana use "should be decriminalized." 



As the 21st Century developed, we have seen a gradual change into more progressive drug policies. More of the American public since 2000 are progressive on drug issues. George W. Bush was in office by 2001. He knew that the War on Drugs wasn't working conclusively to end drug addiction. Yet, he still put in more money than previous Presidents to advance War on Drugs policies. His drug czar was John Walter. He was a zealot against marijuana. He promoted student drug testing. We know that illicit drug use was plateauing, but many people suffered overdoses. George W. Bush also advanced the escalation of the militarization of drug law enforcement groups. By the end of Bush's 2nd term in 2009, we saw about 40,000 paramilitary SWAT style raids on Americans every year (mostly for nonviolent drug law offenses or misdemeanors). Federal drug reform struggled in Congress. That is why state level reforms slowly existed to start to end the War on Drugs. The culture shifted. More political leaders as diverse as Barack Obama and Michael Bloomberg have admitted to using drugs. Most Americans now support health based approaches to deal with drug issues. In our time in 2021, the legalization of marijuana has existed in Alaska, California, Colorado, Illinois, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Nevada, Oregon, Vermont, Washington state, and the District of Columbia. In December of 2014, Uruguay was the first country on Earth to legally regulate marijuana. Canada legalized marijuana for adults in 2018. Even my state of Virginia is the first Southern state of America to legalize marijuana. Virginia is the most progressive Southern state of the Union now. States have worked hard to combat drug addiction and the opoid crisis. Many states have passed law to increase access to the overdose antidote called naloxone. There are 911 Good Samaritan laws that promote people to get medical help in the event of an overdose. Yet, we have a long way to go, even in 2021. Every year, about 700,000 people in America are arrested for marijuana offenses. Also, almost 500,000 people are still behind bars for just a drug law violation. When Barack Obama was in office, he promoted the reduction of crack/power sentencing disparities, he ended the ban on federal funding for syringe access programs, and he ended federal interference with state medical marijuana laws. Yet, President Obama didn't go to fully caused a health based approach for the majority of his drug policy. The Trump administration obviously was much worst than Barack Obama on drug policy.


Trump wanted to build a wall in the southern border, because he believed in the xenophobic lie that undocumented immigrants were just drug smuggling criminals mostly. Trump wanted harsher sentences for drug law violations and the death penalty for people who sell drugs. He promoted the ineffective "Just Say No Campaign" message being aimed at young people. It is no secret that former Attorney General Jeff Sessoms was fiercely in favor of the War on Drugs. When the pandemic rose up, Trump made a terrible response which is one major reason why Trump lost the 2020 election. The coronavirus made more people aware of the health disparities in society and how the drug war promotes this disparities unfairly. The crisis made it more difficult for the homeless, the poor, those with drug addictions, etc. to have adequate medical treatment. The 2020 election saw massive changes involving drug policy. For example, after the 2020 elections, Oregon voted to pass Measure 110. That was the nations' first all-drug decriminalization measure. Voters in Arizona, New Jersey, Montana, and South Dakota passed measures to legalize marijuana for adult use. Medical marijuana was passed in Mississippi and South Dakota. Both red and blue states enacted policies in saving lives literally. Today, President Joe Biden is here since 2021. Biden said that it was a mistake to support legislation that increased the prison industrial complex and the War on Drugs like the 1994 Crime Law. Biden said that he wants  a compassionate approach to problematic drug use. One mistake Biden has made is how he extended class wide scheduling of entanyl analouges through October 2021. It makes it easier to go after low level drug dealers. Some critics say that it will disproportionately affect communities of color. The Biden administration is right to invest 2.5 million dollars in grants to help support drug treatment options and reform criminal statues that have harmed black people (and other people color) via the Office of National Drug Control Policy. Ava Duvernay's 13th documentary is one  of the greatest modern documentary that exposes the prison industrial complex and the War on Drugs. We shall see what the future will hold. 




It has been over 50 years since the Richard Nixon call for his War on Drugs plans. Now, we have witness the fruits of it. The fruits of it have seen massive drug trafficking, violations to human civil liberties, and the expansion of the prison industrial complex. The pandemic causing social isolation has contributed to suffering involving drug overdoses. Last year in 2020, more than 93,000 Americans have died of drug overdoses. That is the highest number ever. We see the increase usage of fentanyl which is 25 to 40 times more potent than heroin. Fentanyl now has taken the lives of more people as the illicit drug market has used it on other drugs causes mayhem to suffering human beings. This problem is a worldwide problem. We know of oxycotin in the Rust Belt. Like always, a real solution to help people to get drug treatment and medical care instead of locking people up all over the place. Corporations and governments have been complicit in drug trafficking for generations. For example, Iran Contra was about certain people in the Reagan administration (during his 2nd term) secretly facilitating the sale of arms to the Khomeini government of the Islamic Republic of Iran (which was the subject of an arms embargo). The administration used the proceeds of the arms sale to fund the Contras in Nicaragua. The Contras were involved in drug trafficking in California, and that spread the crack epidemic all across America. The Boland Amendment banned the funding of the Contra by the U.S. government. Gary Webb, Maxine Waters, Cynthia McKinney, and Michael Ruppert accused the CIA of involvement in Contra cocaine trafficking. To this day, the CIA denies these allegations. It is true that the CIA has been involved in voting rigging, supporting coups of progressive governments, and other nefarious acts (like infiltrating the media via Operation Mockingbird) for decades. The CIA is also complicit in the drug program of MK-Ultra that ruined many lives. Today, we have a long way to go, but we have made great progress in causing the majority of the American people to say clearly that this War on Drugs must end (and progressive alternatives must exist to save lives literally. That is our precise goal). 


In 1998 and in 1999, gospel was widespread in America plus in other places of the world. For those who loved large singing groups, there was Sounds of Blackness, Colorado Mss Choir, and O'Landa Draper and the Associates. Solos came strong like William Becton, Oleta Adams, CeCe Winans, Hezekiah Walker, Fred Hammond & Radical For Christ, and God's Property. By the year of 2000, Kirk Franklin released the album called Kirk Franklin Present 1NC (or the One Nation Crew). In 1999, Yolanda Adams released the album of Mountain High ...Valley Low. Dottie Peoples in 1999 had the album of God Can and God Will. Take 6  and Steven Curtis Chapman released albums too. The group of Trini-I-Tee 5:& released the album of Spiritual Love. The group of Tini-i-tee 5:7 was a group originally made up of Chanelle Haynes, Angel Taylor, and Terri Brown-Britton. They were based in New Orleans, Louisiana. They would soon win one Stellar Award, two Grammy nominations, and 2 BET Award nominations. By 2020, they released their complication album of Story of My Life with unreleased songs from previous albums. People have compared them to Destiny's Child vocally. They have used charities to help the victims of Hurricane Katrina via Trin-i-tee 5:7 Ambassador of Hope and Triumph Campaign. They gave back to places of Los Angeles and Houston. Adrian Anderson has sent supplies and assistance to struggling families in Sacramento, California. 


By the year of 2000, we saw Marvin Sapp with the song of Give Thanks. There has been Montrell Darrett, New Direction, Commissioned, and other artists. The song of Shackles was released by Mary Mary. Mary Mary is a singing duo made up of 2 sisters. They are from Ingelside California. Their famous songs are Shckles in 2000, God in Me from 2008, Can't Give Up Now in 2000, Yesterday from 2005, Go Get It in 2012, In the Morning in 2002, Heaven in 2005, and other hits like Thank You in 2001. They represent a futuristic, new school song with R&B influences. Their names are Erica Campbell and Trecina Atkins-Campbell. Both have made solo records and songs too. Their debut album was Thankful which was released in the year of 2000. In 2005, Tamela Mann and her husband David created their own label, Tillymann Music Group, which they have released several projects through. In 2005, Tamela Mann's solo album, Gotta Keep Movin', was released. In 2007 she released her first live album, The Live Experience. Mann's songs "Father Can You hear Me" and "Take It To Jesus."  In the 2000's, we saw diverse artists like Chris Tomlin, BeBe Winans, Bernard Williams, and other people. The 2010's and 2020's saw further gospel artist who desire to inspire souls and praise the Lord. Some of the new school gospel artists are human beings like Michele Williams, Anthony Brown, Jamie Grace, Tasha Cobbs, Jonathan McReynolds, Lecrae, Elevation Worshp, Anointed (made up of Steve and Da'dra Crawford), Evvie McKinney, Bri Babineaux, and other human beings. 





One of the most important, unsung moments of R&B history was the Summer of Soul celebration in 1969. It was a black cultural festival in Harlem, New York City. Back then, Black Power cultural power was prominent, the I'm Black and I'm Proud song (expressed by James Brown) was in the atmosphere, and black heroes continued to fight for justice. Stevie Wonder and the Isley Brothers performed. Also, the events is shown in the documentary called "Summer of Love: Or When the Revolution Could Not be Televised. The 1969 Harlem Cultural Festival was very historic. It had stars perform soul, R&B, blues, jazz, and soul music. More than 300,000 people showed up for over 6 free concerts being held at Marcus Garvey Park. Other performers were Nina Simone, Gladys Knight and the Pips, Mahalia Jackson, the Staples Singers, B.B. King, Ray Barretto, David Ruffin, the 5th Dimension, and more musicians. Harlem remains one of the great cultural places of black America. The documentary of Summer of Love is a documentary that was directed by Questlove or Ahmir Thompson. Ahmir Thompson is the famous drummer of the iconic group of The Roots. Questlove gives his insights, shows new interviews, and musicians tell their stories about going into the festival. Marilyn McCoo of The 5th Dimension told the truth that her music is part of real music being in love with black people. Many people cried in showing their experiences at the festival. Producer Musa Jackson said that it was tons of black people there like the ultimate black barbecue. Other people spoke their minds in the documentary like Chris Rock, Luis Miranda, and Sheila E. Mahalia Jackson and Mavis Staples sang Take My Hand, Precious Lord. That was the favorite gospel song of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. who was assassinated a year before. David Dinerstein, Robert Fyvolent, and Joseph Patel produced the film. Questlove promoted this documentary, because he wanted to stop black erasure. 40 hours of footage was kept from the public until now in 2021. Today, we can further appreciate a great part of musical history filled with Black Excellence to the Fullest. 


By the 1800, STEM inventions and discoveries flourished among the human race. By 1802, Jean-Baptiste Lamarck researched teleological issues. The atomic theory was created in chemistry by John Dalton in 1806. By 1807, Nicéphore Niépce invented the first internal combustion engine capable of doing useful work. Hans Christian Ørsted discovers that a current passed through a wire will deflect the needle of a compass, establishing a deep relationship between electricity and magnetism (electromagnetism) in 1820. By 1820, Michael Faraday and James Stoddart discovered alloying iron with chromium produces a stainless steel resistant to oxidising elements (rust).  Thomas Johann Seebeck is the first to observe a property of semiconductors in 1821. Anselme Payen isolated the first enzyme, diastase in 1833. In 1838, Matthias Schleiden proved that all plants are made of cells. By 1842, Christian Doppler discovered the Doppler effect. Louis Pasteur formed the germ theory in 1861. Gregor Mendel established the Mendel's laws of inheritance, basis for genetics in 1865. Dmitri Ivanovsky discovered viruses in 1892.  Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen discovers x-rays in 1895. Henri Becquerel discovered radioactivity in 1896.  Marie Curie discovered radium and polonium in 1898. 



Gospel movies are part of American and world cultures. They can be non-confrontational, controversial, inspiring, and exist in other characterizations. They have many unifying themes of showing a religious message, of mentioning God, and showing the diverse personalities of human beings. From back in the day, there was the 1923 film of The Ten Commandments and the 1925 version of Ben Hur. One underrated movie of the early church was the 1951 film of Quo Vadis (in dealing with Nero and the scapegoating of early Christians for the fire at Rome). Ben Hur and the Ten Commandments of the 1950's were very famous. Ben Hur is about a man who lives under Roman occupation at Judea, and he finds purpose in his life by allying with the love of a woman (and he witnessed Jesus Christ). By the 1960's, there were tons of religious films shown like King of Kings in 1961 and The Greatest Story Ever Told in 1965. The 1970's had youthful films like Jesus Christ Superstar and other films. The 1988 film of The Last Temptation of Christ was controversial because of the obvious reason. By the 1990's, we saw more films like The Preacher's Wife and The Prince of Egypt. The Preacher's Wife starred Whitney Houston and Denzel Washington. The movie is about an angel who helps a religious couple (including a pastor) find their zeal back to show their spirituality. The 2000s saw many films like the famous films of The Gospel (with Nonya Gaye, Clifton Powell, Idris Elba, and Boris Kodjoe), etc. The 2010 film of The Preacher's Kid is an underrated gospel film classic about the daughter of a pastor going through many things plus return back home to reunite with her father. It has everything and a great message of redemption. During the 2010's, we also saw War Room in 2015, Risen in 2015, and Amazing Grace (a concert film of Aretha Franklin's gospel film). In the 2020's, more films are present like 2020's I Still Believe. 




My reflections of 2020 are certainly overtly transparent. It was a year that tested many people's souls. Zoom meetings, social distancing, and other new realities dominated the year. Tons of people are not here now as a product of the coronavirus. The economic globally have suffered massively in the worst peacetime decline since the Great Depression. Very few people expected the 2020s would begin in that fashion. Now, we realize the truth. Global ecological crisis have been found globally in America, Brazil, and other places of the world. We have seen massive protests in favor of black human lives not only in places like New York City or Los Angeles in 2020. Protests have been found in London, Madrid, Rome, Richmond (in Virginia), and in other cities of the globe. Many in Hong Kong have protested against anti-democratic legislation. The Space Company of SpaceX sent 2 NASA astronauts to the International Space Station on May 30, 2020. This was the first time when a private company completed a crewed spaceflight mission. Technologically, 5G was everywhere in 2020, foldable phones are available, streaming services have shown entertainment in even more interactive ways. 2020 stopped many things, but it gave more human beings to express themselves in more creative avenues too. For everyday of my life, I will always remember the year of 2020. 


By Timothy


Friday, September 24, 2021

The 1964 Civil Rights Battles,of%20African%20Americans%20struggled%20to%20win%20the%20franchise.


Leaving GLOs

The History of Gospel Music Part 1: The Roots

Late September Friday Updates.


The problem with why progressive legislation is not being passed is not just as a product of far right Republicans. It is also the fault of moderate/conservative Democrats who follow Wall Street, Big Pharma, and Big Oil special interest groups. There is no other way to put it. These moderates are holding legislation hostage. Krysten Sinema (who is a moderate) has received over $750,000 from Big Pharma. Her office is led by a former lobbyist whose firm worked on behalf of pharmaceutical companies. Also, Manchin has been overt in his refusal to promote bold voting rights legislation, a real infrastructure bill, and other policies that make a living wage a reality. Manchin refuses to advocate ending the filibuster completely. The filibuster is nothing more than a racist throwback that has been used to target civil rights and voting rights legislation decades ago. It's ironic that only a handful of corporate Democrats can oppose legislation supported by the majority of Americans. Joe Manchin asks "what's the urgency?" He is wrong. We have unemployment benefits expiring, millions facing evictions, the pandemic still spreading, wildfires in the West Coast, and climate change. This guy still asks what's the urgency. That is why I would never be a moderate. As Dr. King has said, the moderate is too concerned with the status quo than freedom and justice.


The deportations of Haitian refugees must end. It is a disgrace where grown adults on horseback oppressing black Haitian refugees in a brutal fashion. This policy against the Haitian people is not only xenophobic and represents a double standard. It is completely racist. The DHS didn't do a single thing until pressure came upon them. Border agents on horseback charging and whipping defenseless black human beings is totally revolting. That act is similar to the Klan whipping black people. Right now, thousands of refugees are at river cross in Del Rio, Texas. They are under a bridge in heat. Many of them were just carrying food and water. Haiti has suffered multiple earthquakes and the pandemic. People using horses to trample under the human rights of people in unacceptable. The Biden should not only change course on this issue, but they should apologize to black people, all Americans, and the world. There is no illegality in the right of asylum. A federal judge in America said that the U.S. government can't use the Title 42 provision as an excuse to deport Haitian people. Yet, the Biden administration has appealed that decision. A lot of people don't know that Haiti was a victim of a 20 year U.S. occupation starting in 1915. The Duvaliers were backed by the U.S. The Tontons Macoute secret police harmed Haitian people. So, we are clear that these Haitian human beings deserve asylum, justice, and equality.

This year is the 80th year anniversary of the evil Nazi invasion of the Soviet Union. The Soviet prisoners of war were heavily brutalized by the Nazis. At least 27 million Soviet human beings lost their lives during WWII. It may be as high as 37 million people. 2.6 million of the 6 million Jewish people who died in the Holocaust came from the Soviet Union. The Nazi SS and the Nazi Wehrmacht participated in mass executions including other crimes against humanity. Many Red Army prisoners were shot en masse, staved to death, and allowed to die via epidemics. We know of international law via the Geneva Convention of 1929 that says that prisoners of war must be humanely treated. They must be given food and medical care. Nazi leaders were anti-Semitic, hated black people, hated people of Slavic descent, and desired their reactionary empire. Yet, the Allied Powers defeated the Nazis by 1945. After the war, the crimes of Stalinism persisted too. Stalin, who wasn't a real socialist, used his agents to murder Trotsky. Also, Stalin was an anti-Semite and murdered opposition leaders who desired a more democratic society.
The breaking news is that the January 6 committee has subpoenaed Trump associates. Their names are Mark Meadows (there is an allegation that Meadows had contact with people involved in the 1/6 insurrection), former Pentagon Official Kash Patel, Steve Bannon, and Trump social media chief Dan Scavino This comes after the committee wants to investigate how Trump responded to the insurrection and communication between Trump and his supporters. The Georgia Secretary of State still defends the voter suppression law in Georgia. Not only does the law restricts when and how you can vote. It also strips power away from people who once monitor elections and makes democracy weakened in government. This voter suppression laws are found nationwide. Our time is now for Congress to pass progressive, federal voting rights legislation. We have agents from the U.S. clearing the Texas camp after 2,000 Haitian people are deported to Haiti. 


Some breaking, sad news is that actor and director Melvin Van Peebles passed away at 89 years old days ago. He was a filmmaker, a  novelist, and a composer. Chicago was the city of his birth. His career was being involved in acting and making groundbreaking films. He  was in the film Panther too. The documentary of Censored X was an unapologetic look about how Hollywood promoted racist stereotypes against black people that caused negative psychological harm in the minds of many human beings. He was in the generation of Ossie Davis, Gordon Parks, and other legends who changed photography, acting, and culture forever. He loved his artwork, and his son Mario Van Peebles is a great actor in his own right. One of Melvin's greatest roles was in the film Gang in Blue. Mario Van Peebles gave a real, eloquent tribute to his father by saying that black films matter. They do matter as our voices have every right to be heard without filter and without denial. I saw that movie of Gang in Blue as a younger person, and it exposed police brutality. Melvin Van Peebles was a man who didn't want to be bounded under social conventions. He was an iconic person of world culture.

Rest in Power Brother Melvin Van Peebles.

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Focusing on what is Real and True.


President Joe Biden gave his debut UN General Assembly speech. He spoke about many issues like climate change, international relations, refugees, and other issues. He said that he wants to show power legitimately by being a great example. He wants global leadership on addressing the pandemic. Dangerous variants including My have ruined so many lives. Donald Trump wanted a strict America First creed. There are challenges in his administration like in Afghanistan, the Haitian refugee crisis, the climate change issue, and the submarine deal with Australia. France got rid of it's ambassador s over the Australian issue. International cooperation is an important means to get problems solved. Yet, we can't be naive to assume we should remake the world in America's image. Each nation on Earth have gone through growing pains and has the right to establish their own unique cultures and social mores in favor of human rights and other democratic values.


The 1/6 Commission investigations continues. A memo showed that Trump lawyers had a plan for overturning the election. This once again documents the hated of democratic values that Trump has. Trump supporter John Eastman promoted the election fraud lies. Trump was the person who incited an insurrection against the U.S. Capitol building on January 6, 2021. Now, we know that Pence almost tried to prevent the certification of the 2020 election. Only Dan Quayle told Pence to not think about doing that and just certify the 2020 election. For years, Mike Pence has been a Trump acolyte who aided and abetted the evil policies of the corrupt former President Donald Trump. Pence should be ashamed of himself. The memo outlines the plan of an attempted coup.


There is certainly a massive amount of Haitian human beings at the Texas border. They are leaving because of the natural disaster in Haiti and political turmoil in their nation. Many Haitian people are waiting to get access into the United States of America at Del Rio and Ciudad Acuna. There is a double standard here. We know what the elephant in the room is. When tons of Afghan people were sent into America, they didn't have a massive event of mass deportation. For the record, I do agree with Afghan refugees coming into America. Yet, when black Haitians, who live in the same Western Hemisphere that I live at, desire a better life, then the current Biden administration hypocritically wants mass deportations of Haitian people. The Haitian migrants deserve asylum and respect of their human dignity (as said by Nicole Phillips or the legal director for the advocacy group Haitian Bridge Alliance). Even now, the government has been sending planeloads of human refugees (even black babies) back into Haiti knowing full well what is going on. Since 1804, Western powers wanted revenge on Haiti, because Haiti was the first black Republic of the Western Hemisphere who defeated the French for their independence. Then, Western powers used neo-colonial tactics in not only propping up puppets, but making Haiti pay reparations to France (when it should have been the other way around). These black Haitian people are human beings unequivocally deserving justice and humane treatment without exception.


Some racist stuff today is that border patrol is mounted on horseback using whips to round up Haitian refugees. This is racist and cruelty. It shows that some people care more for some people than other human beings based upon nationality and color. That is the textbook definition of racism. Some leaders of both major parties are silent on this atrocious treatment of black Haitian people because of the obvious reason. Now, thousands of refugees have been forced against their wills into Port au Prince or the capital of Haiti. Border Patrol Chief Raul L. Ortiz said that he wants thousands of more people to be deported. The current administration campaigned against Trump's xenophobic vilification of refugees and separation of immigrant children from their parents (which was evil). Now, we see barbaric treatment of Haitian human beings. This isn't progressive policies. This is disgraceful action. Trump said the racist comment that America is becoming a "cesspool" of humanity. Trump's anti-immigrant policies are wrong, and Biden's current repression and mass deportation of Haitian people is wrong too. We are all consistent in our views here.


Breaking news is that there was a shooting at the Newport News, Virginia high school named Heritage High School. Two people are wounded. Newport News is in the 757 or Hampton Roads, so it took place in my region. One child was taken into custody. Authorities are looking into the footage about the disturbing events. Students were evacuated from the campus. Comments have been made by the School superintendent George Parker III, Virginia Governor Ralph Northam, and U.S. Senator Mark Warner. The reality is that gun violence is an epidemic in America. It doesn't discriminate. It has happened in rural places, in urban locations, and in the suburbs. It has harmed young, old, black people, white people, Asian people, Latino people, Native Americans, and everyone of every background. Therefore, we know what the solution is. Yet, far right extremists worship an inanimate object than honoring victims of gun violence. We have a crisis, and the solution require comprehensive gun control actions without token reform (but bold actions).

By Timothy


Monday, September 20, 2021

Monday Information in Late September of 2021.



The First and Second Opium Wars represented the future War on Drugs in many ways. They represented how the political establishment wanted to exploit drugs in trying to dominate markets in an imperialist fashion. Both wars were about the same British Empire who used wars, colonialism, slavery, and other abhorrent tactics in spreading their influence in the global among numerous continents. The First Opium War lasted from March 18, 1839 to August 29, 1842. In that war, about 18,000 Chinese soldiers and 69 British troops died. After that war, the British Empire won trade rights, access to five treaty ports, and Hong Kong. The Second Opium War was fought from October 23, 1856, to October 18, 1860, and was also known as the Arrow War or the Second Anglo-Chinese War, (although France joined in). Approximately 2,900 Western troops were killed or wounded, while China had from 12,000 to 30,000 killed or wounded. Britain won southern Kowloon and Western powers got extraterritorial rights and trade privileges. China's Summer Palaces were looted and burned. These wars existed by a long history. 


By the 1700's, European nations like Britain, the Netherlands, and France wanted to expand their Asian trade networks by linking with the powerful Qing Empire in China. China was the eastern endpoint of the Silk Road. The Silk Road helped people to trade many goods and services for centuries. The British East India Company and the Dutch East India Company (VOC) wanted to control the Silk Road trade system. China limited them to the port of Canton. They didn't want to teach them Chinese, and they wanted penalties for any European who wanted to leave Canton and enter the rest of China. European consumers wanted Chinese silks, porcelain, and tea. China didn't want any European manufactured goods. The Qing government wanted payment in cash like silver. Britain also a trade deficit with China. It didn't have domestic silver supply. So, the British East India Company dealt with opium from British India. Opium was mostly grown in Bengal. Payment in opium was illegal in China. The Qing government was concerned about many Chinese people addicted to opium. So, the British continued to smuggle opium in China causing a high number of young men in China being addicted to opium. The British smuggling was evil. So, in 1839, China's Daoguang Emperor appointed a new governor of Canton. He was Lin Zexu. He caught 13 British smugglers inside their warehouses. They surrendered. By April of 1839, Governor Lin confiscated goods like 42,000 opium pipes and 20,000 150-pound chests of opium, with a total street value of some £2 million. He ordered the chests placed into trenches, covered with lime, and then drenched in sea water to destroy the opium. Outraged, British traders immediately began to petition the British home government for help.


More tensions rose up. On July 7, 1839, there was the Kowloon incident. This was when drunk British and American sailors rioted in the village of Chien-sha-tsui in Kowloon killing a Chinese man. They vandalized the Buddhist temple. Qing officials wanted the criminals to be placed in trial. The British refused citing China's legal system. The crime was on Chinese soil and had a Chinese victim. The British claimed that the sailors were entitled to extraterritorial rights which is nonsense. The 6 sailors were tried in British court at Canton. They were convicted, but they were freed as soon as they returned to Brian. So, the Qing leaders banned any foreign merchants to trade in China unless they agree under pain of death to abide by Chinese law. Qing leaders outlawed the opium trade. They wanted people to submit to Chinese legal jurisdiction. The British Superintendent of Trade in China, Charles Elliot, responded by suspending all British trade with China and ordering British ships to withdraw. The war started with 2 British ships argued over opium smuggling. Quaker ship owners opposed it, but the British person Charles Elliot supported it. The Royal Saxon ship was fired on by the Royal Navy fleet. The Chinese ships wanted to protect Royal Saxon, but the British Navy sank many Chinese ships. The Chinese lost that war. The British seized Canton, Chusan, and other areas. The Qing government fought for peace and the Treaty of Nanking existed. China lost much of their sovereignty to the British, and China had economic problems. The Qing government was even forced to pay reparations to the British in 21 million silver dollars. The 2nd Opium War came when Qing Chinese leaders didn't want to support the unfair treaty and the unequal treaties imposed on them from France and America. The British wanted the opening of all China's ports to foreign traders, a 0% tariff rate on British imports, and the legalization of Britain's trade in opium from Burma and India into China.


The 2nd war started after the Arrow Incident. This took place on October 8, 1856. It was when the smuggling ship called The Arrow was based out of Hong Kong and registered in China. When Chinese officials boarded the ship and arrested its crew of twelve on suspicion of smuggling and piracy, the British protested that the Hong Kong-based ship was outside of China's jurisdiction. Britain demanded that China release the Chinese crew under the extraterritoriality clause of the Treaty of Nanjing. Although the Chinese authorities were well within their rights to board the Arrow, and in fact, the ship's Hong Kong registration had expired, Britain forced them to release the sailors. Even though China complied, the British then destroyed four Chinese coastal forts and sank more than 20 naval junks between October 23 and November 13. Since China was in the throes of the Taiping Rebellion at the time, it did not have much military power to spare to defend its sovereignty from this new British assault. This came after the British took down the Indian Revolt. After a French Catholic missionary was beat to death for preaching Catholicism outside of treaty points, France would join the British in the Second Opium War. The war ended with a Qing dynasty defeat. The Second Opium War finally ended on October 18, 1860, with the Chinese ratification of a revised version of the Treaty of Tianjin. In addition to the provisions listed above, the revised treaty mandated equal treatment for Chinese who converted to Christianity, the legalization of opium trading, and Britain also received parts of coastal Kowloon, on the mainland across from Hong Kong Island. The Qing dynasty ended after the war. This humiliation inspired the Boxer Rebellion of 1900. 


By the end of the 19th century, drug development move rapidly. Sigmund Freud in 1884 was so extreme that he treated his depression with cocaine. He wrote that he felt euphoria after using cocaine. Also, there was a temperance movement in America back then that encouraged the banning of the usage of alcohol long before Prohibition existed. Ironically in 1885, the Report of the Royal Commission on Opium condemned opium. In 1889, the John Hopkins Hospital, in Baltimore, Maryland, is opened. One of its world-famous founders, Dr. William Stewart Halsted, is a morphine addict. He continues to use morphine in large doses throughout his phenomenally successful surgical career lasting until his death in 1922. In 1898, diacetylmorphine (heroin) was synthesized in Germany. 


In 1900, the Senate adopted a resolution (introduced by Henry Cabot Lodge) that forbid the sale by American traders of opium and alcohol to other human beings in Hawaii, Alaska, and other countries. In 1903, the composition of Coca-Cola is changed to use caffeine instead of cocaine. Cocaine was legal in America back then. By the early 20th century, the United States of America becomes more strict in regulating drugs. By 1906, there was the first Pure Food and Drug Act becomes law; until its enactment, it was possible to buy, in stores or by mail order medicines containing morphine, cocaine, or heroin, and without their being so labeled. America bans the importation of smoking opium in 1909. Dr. Hamilton Wright was a leader of early anti-narcotics laws. Back in 1912, a physician warns: “[There is] no energy more destructive of soul, mind, and body, or more subversive of good morals than the cigarette. The fight against the cigarette is a fight for civilization.” [Sinclar, op. cit., p. 180]. This time also saw racists exploiting drug use as an excuse to scapegoat black people. One example is that the racist Dr. Edward H. Williams and Dr. Christopher Kochs believe in the lie that black people collectively were cocaine crazed attacking white women of the South. As early as 1917, the President of the American Medical Association wanted a national prohibition of the use of alcohol. The 19th Amendment is passed in 1919 and it ended by 1933. Prohibition didn't work, because it violated individual freedom, Mafia and other gangs promoted an underground trade of it, and it didn't last long term. Violent crime did drop during that period. In 1932 alone, approximately 45,000 persons receive jail sentences for alcohol offenses. During the first eleven years of the Volstead Act, 17,971 persons are appointed to the Prohibition Bureau. 11,982 are terminated “without prejudice,” and 1,604 are dismissed for bribery, extortion, theft, falsification of records, conspiracy, forgery, and perjury. [Fort, op. cit. p. 69].  As early as 1920, the U.S. Department of Agriculture publishes a pamphlet urging Americans to grow cannabis (marijuana) as a profitable undertaking. The extremist Harry J. Anslinger was the first commissioner of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics. Anslinger harassed Billie Holiday for years. He was paranoid about marijuana. The Marijuana Tax act was created in 1937. Since the enactment of the Harrison Act in 1914, 25,000 physicians have been arraigned on narcotics charges, and 3,000 have served penitentiary sentences. Dr. Albert Hoffman (a chemist at Sandoz Laboratories in Basle, Switzerland, synthesizes LSD. He reported on the effects of LSD after he took it. 



General Chiang Kai-shek in 1941 ordered the suppression of poppy laws. In 1943, Colonel J.M. Phalen, editor of the *Military Surgeon*, declares in an editorial entitled “The Marijuana Bugaboo”: “The smoking of the leaves, flowers, and seeds of Cannibis sativa is no more harmful than the smoking of tobacco. . . . It is hoped that no witch hunt will be instituted in the military service over a problem that does not exist.” [Quoted in ibid. p. 234]. The 1956 Narcotics Control Act of 1956 gave the death penalty to people who are guilty of the sale of heroin to a person under 18 by one over 18 years old. The leaders of the U.S. government hypocritically were claiming to be for drug reform in the 1960's, but they subsidized large corporations to fund cigarettes in America plus overseas (cigarettes are poisons known for causing lung disease, heart disease, and ultimately death). The 1960's saw the Drug Revolution too. The common myth about the Drug Revolution was that it was spontaneous headed by the independent youth alone. The truth is that the establishment, the CIA, and the MI6 had a huge role in the Drug Revolution. John L. Potash's book entitled "Drugs as Weapons Against Us" document how the intelligence community harassed not only drug addicted people (who deserved treatment not mass incarceration). They also harassed and monitored musicians and activities who wanted sincere progressive, revolutionary social change. For example, Paul Robeson's son said that the intelligence community drugged Paul Robeson. We know that MK Ultra was about the CIA experiencing LSD on human beings. Many of these human beings have their lives and their minds ruined. We know that the Vietnam War increased drug addiction of heroin in American society. We know that Tim Leary was a professor who spread LSD nationwide. The problem was that many people used LSD to escape from reality instead of advancing activism to confront Jim Crow apartheid, the Vietnam War, and other evils. As drug usage in America increased, there was government overreach in harshly sentencing people who possessed drugs (and were non-violent). 



President Richard Nixon was President in 1969. Nixon was wrong to use the FBI to crush the Black Panthers, to advance the bombing of Hanoi, and being involved in the Watergate scandal. In 1971, President Richard Nixon said that drug abuse is America's Public Enemy Number 1. This started the modern day War on Drugs. With the passage of the Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act of 1970, the federal government took a more active role in drug enforcement and drug abuse prevention. At first, drug treatment was available. Elvis Presley shook Nixon's hands and supported Nixon's War on Drugs. Ironically, Elvis would suffer drug addiction throughout his later years of his life. Before the 1970's, there was a consensus that drug abuse was a social disease only to be solved by treatment programs.  After the 1970s, drug abuse was seen by numerous policymakers primarily as a law enforcement problem that could be addressed with aggressive criminal justice policies. The addition of the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) to the federal law enforcement apparatus in 1973 was a significant step in the direction of a criminal justice approach to drug enforcement. If the federal reforms of the Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act of 1970 represented the formal declaration of the War on Drugs, the Drug Enforcement Administration became its foot soldiers. As the 1970's existed, more people went into prison, the police became more militarized, and the problem of drug abuse remained. 



Ronald Reagan was he was. Many black folks like me knew that Reagan was a racist, a Bohemian Grove member, a honorary 33rd degree Freemason, and a reactionary extremist. During the 1970's, he said a racist remark to Richard Nixon that black Africans are uncomfortable with shoes. By the time he was President in 1981, Ronald Reagan supported the War on Drugs. He not only had the Just Say No campaign (as advanced by Reagan's wife Nancy Reagan). He supported policies that disproportionately harmed the lives of black Americans. Powdered cocaine was used by mostly rich and white Americans. Crack cocaine was cheaper and used by poorer people. Congress and the Reagan administration responded with the Antidrug Act of 1986, which established a 100:1 ratio for mandatory minimums associated with cocaine. It would take 5,000 grams of powdered cocaine to land you in prison for a minimum 10 years—but only 50 grams of crack. This increased the prison industrial complex to send the poor, black people, other people of color, and other oppressed people into prison for long sentences (even for non-violent offenses). Ronald Reagan used the racist "welfare queen" trope in scapegoating black people too. Reagan's Presidency of Reaganomics allowed tons of the poor to suffer massively. This reality has been proven by Sister Harriet Washington's book called "Medical Apartheid." 


Stomp changed everything in gospel music and music in general. Kirk Franklin and God's Property including Cheryl James were not the first people do this style of music. Yet, they were the first people to take it into the next level. It grew into being one of the most successful gospel songs of the 1990's. It charter on Billboard's mainstream R&B airplay list. The new funk/rap gospel style has been shown by younger artists like Lecrae too. Stomp won the NAACP Image Award for Outstanding Music Video. Then, Revolution came about by Kirk Franklin and the Family too. The songwriters of the song Stomp were Kirk Franklin, George Clinton Jr., Garr Shider, and Walter Morrison. Many older gospel fans didn't like the song because they felt it was too much like the copying the essence of the world. Some Christians felt that Kirk compromised too much, and Kirk Franklin admitted that the criticisms over the song Stomp hurt him. Later, Kirk Franklin and the Family released the song called Revolution. It was shown in 1998. This song was part of the Grammy award (of the Best Contemporary Soul Gospel Album) winning album of The Nu Nation Project (in working with God's Property, Rance Allen, Marvin Winans, John P. Kee, Isaac, and others). The album expanded his influence in gospel culture. It helped to grow many careers. The album of The Nu Nation Project had people like Cystal Lewis, Fred Hammond, and other people. The legacy of both songs is that both songs allowed an opening for more R&B influences to go into gospel music in a higher level. Like always, you have to use discernment to make sure that any music is a force for good and saving people's lives. 



The Presidents from Martin Van Buren to Franklin Pierce changed the whole country. What I see is that the issue of slavery was never going to be resolved without war. The United States of America back then was in its youth, not even 100 years after 1776. It saw controversies, social activists, and new debates arising up. America witnessed the Great Awakening, abolitionists, and various wars. The South refused to immediately free black people. The Southern aristocracy promoted racism, slavery, and the evil status quo. The North, in many cases, went along with the Fugitive Slave Act. While this was going on, we saw tons of abolitionists, black activists, and other freedom fighters fighting to make sure that slavery was abolished. The Presidents during that era capitulated so much to the establishment on many issues, that no long term solutions to slavery existed. Also, American infrastructure grew in the paradox of expanding canals at the expense of indigenous lands being stolen. You can't know about American history without knowing the the slavery against black people and the genocide against Native Americans are key events of American history. Aboltionists, the Whig Party, Democrats, and other political leaders debated issues all throughout the early American country. After the 1850's, the American Civil War existed. During the near future, Presidents before, during, and after the U.S. Civil War will be fully analyzed. 



The 2020 Summer Paralymics took place in Tokyo. It lasted from August 24, 2021 to September 5, 2021. They were the 16th Summer Paralympic Games as organized by the International Paralympic Committee (IPC). 162 nations participated in the games including the Refugee Paralympic Team and the Russian Paralympic Committee. The games had 4,403 athletes and 539 events in 22 sports. The Games were the second Summer Paralympics hosted by Tokyo since 1964, and the third Paralympics held in Japan overall since the 1998 Winter Paralympics in Nagano. The Games featured 539 medal events in 22 sports, with badminton and taekwondo both making their Paralympic debut to replace football 7-a-side and sailing. China topped the medal table for the fifth consecutive Paralympics, with 96 golds and 207 total medals. Great Britain finished second for the ninth time, with 41 golds and 124 total medals. The United States finished third, with 37 golds, their best finish since the 2008 games, and 104 total medals. The Russian Paralympic Committee finished fourth, with a total of 36 golds and 118 total medals, putting them in third place when ranked by total medals. Many volunteers helped the athletes constantly. The flames from each of the flame lighting festivals hosted in each prefecture were brought together in Tokyo on August 21, 2021 where the Paralympic Flame was officially lit. The last four days of the torch relay started in Tokyo. The locations in which the torch relay goes through were similar to the 2020 Summer Olympics torch relay. Badminton and taekwondo made their Paralympic debut in Tokyo, while classifications were added or realigned in other sports; canoe, shooting, table tennis, track cycling, and wheelchair fencing saw increases in the number of medal events held, while there were reductions in athletics and swimming.  Many of the athletes in the 2020 Paralympic Games are Uganda's Ritah Asiimwe, Ellie Simmonds, Jardiel Vieira Soares, and other human beings. 




I am related to many members of the Sessoms family who live in the peninsula of Virginia (i.e Hampton and Newport News). Candasee Camilla Sessoms (b. 1994) is my 3rd cousin and her parents are Vernon Sessoms Jr. (b. 1964) and Gloria Lenora Robinson (b. 1966). Vernon Sessoms Jr. is a descendant of my 2nd great grandfather Adam D. (b. 1863). Adam D.'s daughter was Ada D. (1890-1960). Ada's daugther was Mary Clara Roberson Sessmons (1910-2000). Mary's son was Rev. Vernon Augusta Sessoms (1938-2006) and his son is Vernon Sessoms Jr. (b. 1964). Many days ago, I had a message on my 24 and me DNA account from my 2nd cousin named Robert Anthony Brown from San Diego, California. He was born on November 27, 1978. His parents are Sedrick Anthony Sr. (b. 1950) and Maria M. Sarmiento (b. 1950). Her mother is a Filipina American. Robert Brown's grand parents were Viola D. (b. 1930) and James Brown. Viola D.'s parents were Linwood D. (1907-1971) and Bashie Ann Whitmore (1907-1963). Linwood D.'s parents are Carl D. (1866-1968) and Lizzie Trice (1885-1950). So, both Robert Brown and I share the same ancestors of Carl D. and Lizzie Trice. Carl D. was my great grandfather. 



By Timothy


Saturday, September 18, 2021

Friday, September 17, 2021

Standing on Principles.



On Saturday, fascists and racists are returning to the scene of the crime at the U.S. Capitol in a disgraceful rally. Trump has supported these evil people. Also, we know that a poll shows that 78 percent of the GOP said that Biden didn't legitimately win the 2020 election. This is ludicrous, but we know that extremism that promotes overt anti-democratic values must always be rejected. For Trump to glorify the insurrectionists on January 6, 2021 shows him to be a real traitor to America. The terrorists in 1/6 committed sedition and treason. Some people in the U.S. minimized the threat of far right terrorism. We have a domestic threat in our country of America. This hate rally on Saturday have made the U.S. Capitol to be required to be prepared. The fence will go up at the U.S. Capitol. Tons of GOP lawmakers are silent except only about 2 members of the House. We know that these domestic terrorists (i.e. the Proud Boys, far right militias, racists, anti-Semites, etc.) want to destroy the diversity found in American democracy. 

PBS will release Ken Burns' four part documentary on Muhammad Ali on Sunday. For decades, Muhammad Ali meant many things to many people. One truth about his legacy was about his lifelong humanitarianism and his promotion of his Blackness on his own terms. Not too long ago, some people were ashamed of being black or having descent from Africa. Muhammad Ali and others including Malcolm X changed that. Not only is Muhammad Ali the greatest heavyweight boxer in history. He is one of the most profoundly influential human leaders in all of human history too. He defeated many of his opponents in their primes from Foreman to Joe Frazier. Ali also stood up against the Vietnam War in 1967. Back then, many people left the country for Canada in opposition to the war. Some burned draft cards. Muhammad Ali stood by his convictions and risked prison time for his refusal to go into the draft. That certainly takes massive courage. He later worked with other nations to fight poverty, fight illiteracy, and promote peace worldwide. Muhammad Ali was always a people person, and that showed up in his conduct with everyday people. Therefore, the Muhammad Ali story should be told, as it's part of the black story including the human story. 


Yesterday was the Birthday of Sister Kyla Pratt, and she is 35 years old. She has been on movies and shows like One on One, Dr. Dolittle, Hotel for Dogs, the Proud Family, and The Proud Family Movie. She has worked hard in her life. She was born in Los Angeles, California. She is the oldest of her 5 siblings. Her mother is an actress, and her father is a mechanical engineer. She loves her husband and children. She was in commercials when she was young and on an episode of Walker, Texas Ranger called "The Neighborhood." She has been on Moesha, The Parkers, Sister, Sister, etc. Kyla Pratt is a singer too. She is a relative of the late Geronimo Pratt. In her life, she is a blessed woman. She loves her family, and she continues to do what she loves which is acting in various venues. People know of her for her down to Earth personality. I wish Sister Kyla Pratt more blessings. 

Many people are talk about the new book called Peril (written by Bob Woodward and Robert Costa from the Washington Post). It details information about how Trump wanted to instigate war with China as part of the January 6 coup attempt. Trump denies any allegations, but Trump is known as a habitual liar. So, Trump can't be trusted. The book exposes how close America is to the total collapse of American democracy in general. The book said that General Mark Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, took extraordinary steps to stop Trump from instigate a war with China. China was concerned that Trump might start a war against China, so Milley assured China that no such U.S. invasion was going to happen. Gina Haspel or CIA Director warned Milley that America was on its way to a right wing coup. Milley told General Li Zoucheng of China that no invasion of China would take place on January 8, 2021. These revelations outline the criminality of the Trump regime. Trump supporters and overt fascists are trying to get a rally on Saturday to support the storming of the U.S. Capitol months ago.

It is important to mention this story. During the Ja Rule and Fat Joe verzuz, Fat Joe made a derogatory remark about Vita and Lil Mo calling them the b word and other names. Fat Joe was wrong, and he issued the token "apology." The reality is that us as black folks should never allow anyone disrespect our people. Fat Joe saying the n word is wrong and is an affront to the sacrifices of our black people worldwide. Fat Joe is the same person who didn't support Colin Kaepernick's protest. Joe said the lie that Colin was disrespecting soldiers, when one military soldier said Colin could protest by taking a knell in public. Yet, sellouts still defend this and Fat Joe's usage of the n word. The truth is that us as black people must stay on code and defend our human rights without apology.



By Timothy


Wednesday, September 15, 2021

The California Recall Results.



The breaking news is that Governor Newsom survived the recall election, and he will remain governor of California. There are many factors that caused his victory. One was that Newsom promoted virus mandates that appealed to the voters of most of California. Also, many people rejected Larry Elder's extreme policies like eliminating the minimum wage and believing in the lie of massive election fraud during 2020. California is a much more liberal state than it was during the 1980's and the 1990's. So, it would be difficult for a far right pro-Trump Republican to win that state. Back in 2003, the recall election caused actor Arnold Schwarzenegger to win the gubernatorial election. Elder implied that he may run again for Governor in California. Later, we will have the Governor's race in my homestate of Virginia and the 2022 elections. Time will tell what will happen. People should take no chances, because anything can happen during any election. The events of 2016 document that fact to be true. We have to continue to be about our work to stand up for our rights and liberties. We have a long way to go, but truth is our on side.


We have Newsom who is a Democrat. Also, we know about Larry Elder lost from the Republican side. Larry Elder is not only a Trump supporter, which is bad enough. Also, Elder is known for making sexist and self hating comments about black people for years. Elder is overt with his extremism. Now, the voters in California decided the fate of that state. I have been to California before in 2019. It has some of the gorgeous architecture and scenery in the world. I met many of the people in the state too. The most important thing is that progressive values are more important to maintain than Trumpism. Trumpism dominates the GOP as promoting election fraud lies, xenophobia, and overt hatred of refugees are all part of mainstream GOP dogma. Diversity is a blessing, because diversity increases human innovation and builds up society in a greater level. That is why a true society doesn't discriminate based upon race or background. It grants opportunities and human rights for all without exception.

D.C. police arrested a man with a machete and swastikas on his truck. The hate right wing rally is coming on Saturday on the U.S. Capitol. This person was caught. George W. Bush is wrong on many issues. We know that Bush is wrong to advance the Iraq War and sign the USA Patriot Act. He was right to compare MAGA rioters to 9/11 terrorists. Both groups of extremists harbor prejudice and bigotry. Both desire violence to advance an extreme form of theocratic nationalism that harms freedoms. They desire democracy to be abolished. Also, we should never sugarcoat the bad legacy of the Bush administration. Recently, Bush, Rice, and other neo-cons have been on the airwaves to defend the policies found in the Afghanistan and Iraq Wars. The truth is that both wars including massive violations to the U.S. Constitution and international law like torture (this torture included human beings being beat, electrocuted, drowned with water, and other graphic details found in Abu Ghraib, etc.), kidnapping, illegal warrantless spying, and launching wars of aggression that have killed well over 1 million human beings. Therefore, we won't be silent about real history.

In Berlin, there are about 20,000 people protesting against unaffordable rents. Many people, who demonstrated, said "Housing for all!" in various slogans. The rally was from Brandenburg Gate to the Victory Column. Action Alliance against Displacement and Rent Madness organized the protest. Social and welfare organizations took part. People came from other cities like Hamburg, Ludwigshafen, and other places. That is why people want a rent cap, stopping publicly owned housing into private property, and ending evictions. This is an international problem as locations globally have their rents increased massively. Many real estate speculators have made tons of money, but some families have difficulty in many cases to find affordable housing. People in Berlin protested the German Supreme Court banning the rent cap.

She is one of the greatest singers of our time. Her voice is always incredible. She has sang classic ballads, acted in many movies, and performed massively. Recently, she finished the biopic on the life story of Aretha Franklin named Respect. Aretha Franklin was an icon being one of the top 5 greatest singers of all of human history. She is Sister Jennifer Hudson, and it's her Birthday today. She is now 40 years old. She won an Academy Award, a Golden Globe Award, a Daytime Emmy Award, and 2 Grammy Awards. She was born and raised in Chicago. The Baptist church in Englewood was a place where she sang a lot. She attended Dunbar Vocational High School where she graduated in 1999. Her inspiration comes from Whitney Houston, Aretha Franklin, Patti Labelle, and Mariah Carey. She was in American Idol for the third season. She was on the show in 2004. Her being on the movie of Dreamgirls changed her life forever. She starred with Beyonce Knowles Carter, Anika Noni Rose, Jamie Foxx, and Eddie Murphy. Dreamgirls is about an all-woman group (based loosely on The Supremes) who go into stardom facing huge challenges along with overcoming them. She was in the movie The Secret Life of Bees too, She played Winnie Mandela in a biopic called Winnie Mandela. She made more hits like Spotlight, Walk It Out, Remember Me, and other musical songs. From the soundtrack of Respect to her activism to fight gun violence, Jennifer Hudson is the icon of our time.  I wish Sister Jennifer Hudson more blessings.
By Timothy

Monday, September 13, 2021

Monday Updates on early September 2021.



Franklin Pierce (1804-1869) was the 14th President of the United States of America. He was one of the reactionary Presidents who believed in the lie that the abolitionist movement was a fundamental threat to the unity of America. He alienated anti-slavery groups by supporting and signing the Kansas-Nebraska Act. He enforced the unjust Fugitive Slave Act. He saw the beginning and end of the American Civil War. He was born in a log cabin at Hillsborough, New Hampshire. He was a sixth generation descendant of Thomas Pierce, who moved into the Massachusetts Bay Colony from Norwich, Norfolk, England in about 1634. His father Benjamin was a lieutenant in the American Revolutionary War who moved from Chelmsford, Massachusetts to Hillsborough after the war, purchasing 50 acres (20 ha) of land. Pierce was the fifth of eight children born to Benjamin and his second wife Anna Kendrick. Benjamin's first wife Elizabeth Andrews died in childbirth, leaving a daughter. Benjamin was a prominent Democratic-Republican, state legislator, farmer, and tavern keeper. Franklin Pierce was involved in politics since his youth. His other brothers fought in the War of 1812. He was educated at Phillips Exeter Academy. In 1820 at the fall, he came into Bowdoin College at Brunswick, Maine, one of 19 freshman. He studied law briefly. He also was part of state politics. Franklin Pierce opposed the Federalists and supported Andrew Jackson. 


He was the Billsborough town moderator. Andrew Jackson won his district as Franklin Pierce campaigned for him, and he elected for town moderator for six consecutive years. He was later part of the New Hampshire House of Representatives. He was in the state militia of New Hampshire as he was between the ages of 18 and 45. Franklin Pierce was appointed aide de camp to Governor Samuel Dinsmoor in 1831. He remained in the militia until 1847, and attained the rank of colonel before becoming a brigadier general in the Army during the Mexican–American War. Interested in revitalizing and reforming the state militias, which had become increasingly dormant during the years of peace following the War of 1812, Pierce worked with Alden Partridge, president of Norwich University, a military college in Vermont, and Truman B. Ransom and Alonzo Jackman, Norwich faculty members and militia officers, to increase recruiting efforts and improve training and readiness. Since New Hampshire was a great Democratic stronghold, so he won in the House election. He married Jane Means Appleton. Jane was shy, religious, and pro-temperance. She inspired Pierce to stop drinking alcohol. They had 3 children. Franklin Pierce opposed the 2nd National Bank and even infrastructure spending. He opposed abolitionism. He hypocritically claimed to be morally opposed to slavery, but he opposed the federal government opposing slavery. He was so extreme that he wrote in December 1835 that, " "One thing must be perfectly apparent to every intelligent man. This abolition movement must be crushed or there is an end to the Union." When Rep. James Henry Hammond of South Carolina looked to prevent anti-slavery petitions from reaching the House floor, however, Pierce sided with the abolitionists' right to petition. Nevertheless, Pierce supported what came to be known as the gag rule, which allowed for petitions to be received, but not read or considered. This passed the House in 1836.


Franklin Pierce was a hypocrite. He left the Senate to be a lawyer. He campaign for James Polk who became President. He fought in the Mexican American war as a brigadier general. He returned to Concord, New Hampshire.  There was the Election of 1852 that Franklin Pierce has won. The Democrats were divided by the slavery issue. His son passed away (on January 6, 1853) before he was sworn into office. Pierce never got over his son's passing. He delivered his inaugural address by memory. He tried to form a unity government. The Vice President was William R. King. Abolitionists and anti-abolitionists criticized him on many issues. Pierce wanted an efficient government to promote civil service examinations. He promoted infrastructure, and diplomatic relations with other nations. The passage of the Kansas-Nebraska Act existed. He wanted a transcontinental railroad with a link from Chicago to California, through the vast western territory. Organizing the territory was necessary for settlement as the land would not be surveyed nor put up for sale until a territorial government was authorized. Those from slave states had never been content with western limits on slavery, and felt it should be able to expand into territories procured with blood and treasure that had come, in part, from the South. Douglas and his allies planned to organize the territory and let local settlers decide whether to allow slavery. This would repeal the Missouri Compromise of 1820, as most of it was north of the 36°30′ N line the Missouri Compromise deemed "free". The territory would be split into a northern part, Nebraska, and a southern part, Kansas, and the expectation was that Kansas would allow slavery and Nebraska would not. The political turmoil that followed the passage saw the short-term rise of the nativist and anti-Catholic American Party, often called the Know Nothings, and the founding of the Republican Party.


Even as the act was being debated, settlers on both sides of the slavery issue poured into the territories so as to secure the outcome they wanted in the voting. The passage of the act resulted in so much violence between groups that the territory became known as Bleeding Kansas. Thousands of pro-slavery Border Ruffians came across from Missouri to vote in the territorial elections although they were not resident in Kansas, giving that element the victory. Pierce supported the outcome despite the irregularities. When Free-Staters set up a shadow government, and drafted the Topeka Constitution, Pierce called their work an act of rebellion. The president continued to recognize the pro-slavery legislature, which was dominated by Democrats, even after a Congressional investigative committee found its election to have been illegitimate. He dispatched federal troops to break up a meeting of the Topeka government. Passage of the act coincided with the seizure of escaped slave Anthony Burns in Boston. Northerners rallied in support of Burns, but Pierce was determined to follow the Fugitive Slave Act to the letter, and dispatched federal troops to enforce Burns's return to his Virginia owner despite furious crowds. He lost the 1856 election as slavery tensions increased. He attacked Republicans and abolitionists in December 1856. 



 He also criticized New England Protestant ministers, who largely supported abolition and Republican candidates, for their "heresy and treason."  The rise of the Republican Party forced the Democrats to defend Pierce. During his debates with Republican Senate candidate Abraham Lincoln in 1858, Douglas called the former president "a man of integrity and honor." Pierce was cowardly trying to play in the middle when the U.S. Civil War existed. By the time of Reconstruction, Pierce agreed with Andrew Johnson's plans to allow the Confederates to have total immunity. He died in 1869. In his last will, which he signed January 22, 1868, Pierce left a large number of specific bequests such as paintings, swords, horses, and other items to friends, family, and neighbors. Much of his $72,000 estate (equal to $1,400,000 today) went to his brother Henry's family, and to Hawthorne's children and Pierce's landlady. Henry's son Frank Pierce received the largest share. 




By the 1600's, massive developments came about. The modern day telescope existed in 1608. There was a patent applied for by Hans Lippershey in the Netherlands. The mechanical calculator was created by Blaise Pascal in 1642. The barometer was created by Evangelista Teorricelli. The first piano was created by Bartolomeo Cristofoi in 1709. The artificial refrigeration machine was created by William Cullen in 1755.  1769 was the year when Nicolas-Joseph Cugnot invents the first steam-powered vehicle capable of carrying passengers, an early car. 1776 was when  John Wilkinson invented a mechanical air compressor that would become the prototype for all later mechanical compressors. 1783 was when Joseph-Ralf and Jacques-Étienne Montgolfier build the first manned hot air balloon. Samuel Bentham created plywood in 1797. By 1799, the first paper machine was created by Louis-Nicolas Robert. 


A drug is any chemical substance that caused a change in any organisms physiology or psychology when consumed. Many drugs can be ingested by inhalation, injection, smoking, ingested, and absorption. During the ancient times, there was the use of natural extracts for medicinal purposes goes back thousands of years. Many people used trial and error in being involved with drugs.  Early medicines often had as much religious and spiritual significance as they did healing importance. 50,000 years ago, there was the herbal stimulant ephedra found. Plants were the basis of the ancient medicines, and were complemented with minerals and animal substances. Often the same plants and herbs were used for similar diseases among different civilizations, even though they were discovered separately. From ca. 14,000 to 12,000 B.C, there were remnants of ancient poppy plantations in Spain, Greece, Northeast Africa, Egypt, and Mesopotamia are evidence of the widespread early use of opium. Earliest agriculture. Some evidence that the first crops include psychoactive plants such as mandrake, tobacco, coffee and cannabis (in ca. 10,000 B.C.). There were opium by the Sumerians in ca. 5,000 B.C. and tobacco being cultivated and used by Native Americans in South America by 6,000 B.C. Wine and beer were produced in Egypt and Sumeria in ca. 4,000 B.C. By 1,000 B.C., Central Americans erected temples to mushrooms gods. 


Treatment of disease through development of new herbal remedies may have been very difficult in an environment where the false, prevailing attitude (among some spaces) is that disease is God’s punishment for sin. Practitioners of herbal remedies would often be seen as heretics. Medical progress is very weak due to the prevailing unscientific opinion. During the Renaissance, the development of many things existed. 


By Timothy


Friday, September 10, 2021

Friday Information and Secrets Revealed.




Yesterday, it was the 80th year birthday of the legendary singer Brother Otis Redding Jr. As a one of kind artist, Otis Redding would change soul music forevermore. He was the man who brought Staxx Records into another level of influence. He was one of the greatest singers of all time. He was a man of the South being born in Dawson, Georgia. His music followed the themes of love, overcoming adversity, and the love of romance. Otis Redding was a master of soul music. Tons of his fans still are inspired by his work. One of the early songs from him was These Arms of Mine in 1962. African Americans and other fans of his music loved his debut album of Pain in My Heart. Redding toured the world to express his musical gifts in places like in California, London, Paris, etc. Being a people person defines his whole personality. In 1967, Otis Redding shown his songs at the Monterey Pop Festival at California. His iconic song was Sitting' on The Dock of the Bay. It was his first posthumous number one record on both the Billboard Hot 100 and R&B charts. His album of The Dock of the Bay outlined more of his great legacy as an artist. 

Try a Little Tenderness and Respect are anthems. He won 2 Grammy Awards, the Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award, and the Black Music and Entertainment Walk of Fame. Otis was raised in the church singing in the choir. He was inspired by Little Richard and Sam Cooke. Redding duet with Carla Thomas in the 1967 album of King & Queen. He was a philanthropist and loved his wife plus his children. Great power was found in his voice along with a great sensitivity to honor the melodies and harmonies found in music. Otis Redding was one of the best, and he is always that icon. 

Rest in Power Brother Otis Redding.


People are talking about the new Matrix movie coming out in December 22, 2021 called The Matrix Resurrections. There has been teaser trailers that show the exact time now, and then some clips of the movie has shown. This hasn't been done involving a movie in human history. Also, the long trailer has been released outlining many of the mysterious plot of the film. The film has new and old faces like Keanu Reeves, Carrie-Anne Moss, Jada Pinkett Smith, Yahya Abdul-Mateen II, Jessica Henwick, and other people. Matrix 4 deals with debates on the composition of reality and the Matrix. This film wasn't going to be made at first. Later, with advances in technology, more historical events, and societal changes since 2003 (when the last Matrix Revolution came about), the film of The Matrix Resurrections is finally here. Production of the film took place in San Francisco, Germany, and in Chicago starting on February 4, 2020.


President Joe Biden have gave his new vaccine requirements. We have over 170 million people vaccinated. He also wants to deal with the Delta variant too. We have the Mu variant too. The virus has terrorized unvaccinated people in a high level. About 80 million people are not vaccinated in America. Some politicians refuse to do the right thing in combating the virus. Biden also wants to use a policy to encourage entertainment venues to require people to be vaccinated in order to go into locations. I knew such policies would exist from many months ago. Biden wants to increase testing for the virus. Biden signed an executive order mandating vaccines for all federal workers and contractors. He wants the Department of Labor to ensure that companies with more than 100 employees have proof of vaccination or a negative test result (and given workers paid time off to get vaccinated). Biden has required all nursing home workers to be vaccinated if they deal with people with Medicaid or Medicare. These policies will deal with over 100 million Americans or 2/3 of all U.S. workers.


Now, Keefe D is talking reckless about Tupac again on the Art of the Dialogue Youtube channel. He said that Tupac was dancing and moon-walking when he was shot in Las Vegas. I never respected a murderer. I have no respect for Keefe D, because he was one of the people involved in the murder of Tupac. Also, Keefe D has deplorable character promoting violence, murder, and abuse of his own people for years and decades. At the day of Judgment many years from now, he has to answer to God for what he did. I fear no man on this Earth. People know how I feel about these cowards who murder innocent people. Keefe D is over 50 years old with the mentality of a child. I see that Cyn G and Nylah are disrespecting Lashid4u again. Here are my words. Cyn G and Nylah love to use racist slurs and sexist slurs against black women who disagree with them, so they aren't pro-black women at all. In fact, Cynthia G (who says that she is not pro-black, is from Seattle, and said the lie that 90 percent of black men are trash. This is similar to Tommy Sotomayor and other anti-black women haters slandering black women) is an agent in my eyes. Lashid4u has spent tons of years defending the human dignity of black women like Lauryn Hill, Fantasia, and other human beings. Using slurs against black people is reading from a white racist script constantly. When is it illegal for black people to care for black men and black women? It is not. It is healthy for any black person to care for righteous black men and black women. I see Cyn G coddling overt racists like Brian and Jen G (Jenicia Garcia said that black people use blackness as a scar. She is a comedian and actress who was on a TV show lusting after a white man). I see Cyn G coddling white men by calling them supreme when many of them murdered more people than any other people in human history (via the Maafa, world wars, and imperialism alone). Cyn G coddled white men years ago when she escorted them to parties (for "dates") in Seattle. So, we know what these agents (Young Pharaoh, Cyn G, Nylah, Tommy Sotomayor, Kevin Samuels, etc.) do behind closed doors. We don't believe in coddling anyone. We always believe in responsibility, but we reject blaming BM and BW for everything under the sun. We believe in Black Love. Tommy Sotomayor mocking the black victims of police brutality shows him as a traitor like Larry Elder, Jesse Lee Peterson, etc. Cynthia G and Nylah (who lives in Chicago) are disrespectful to lie about Lashid4u when tons of black men protected her in her life for real. Cyn G and Nylah don't talk about black women heroes, inventors, scholars, or even solutions to help black women, but they constantly make videos showing distractions or constantly demonization of black people. I always noticed that real defenders of black women are constantly having their videos shut down while those who promote gender war propaganda are given tons of aid by the elites. The elites' goal has always been to destabilize families, so wealth is controlled by them (and societies are ruled by a few). We believe in letting black men defending themselves like we respect black men forming institutions and the organizations building up black men. We just don't believe in worshiping whiteness, and we reject gender war distractions.


By Timothy



Wednesday, September 08, 2021

Massive Developments in Early September of 2021.


President Biden met with the Ida storm victims in Queens, NYC. Queens and areas all over the Northeast including the South have suffered unprecedented damage from the storm. Many lives have been changed forever, and homes have been destroyed. Flooding have caused lives to be lost physically forever. That is why I don't mock the suffering and the poor. Many of us are blessed to have computers, homes, cars, a lot of money saved up in  banks, etc. Yet, there are tons of people who have their livelihoods gone by Ida. We should show compassion to these human beings who need assistance. That is why strong, federal infrastructure legislation must be passed in order to address climate change to develop our resources in a powerful way. Over 60 people have died as a product of Ida nationwide. There is a long work ahead of us in rebuilding America literally. We are certainly clear that moderate policies aren't not going to cut it. Real progressive solutions are a necessity.

Today is a sad day for Texas and America. Yesterday, Governor Greg Abbott of Texas signed the unjust voter suppression bill. The legislation bans drive throw voting and restricts 24 hour voting too. This has nothing to do with enacting a remedy to stop voting fraud. It has to do with restricting votes from black people, progressives, young people, other people of color, the elderly, those with disabilities, and other human beings who reject the far right agenda. Now, the NAACP and other groups are challenging the law in court by a lawsuit. Texas is also home to the recent passage of authoritarian laws that violate human rights as well, even establishing vigilantees. So, we are in a crossroads once again in American history. There is no need to sugarcoat the era of time that we live. Our democratic rights are under threat in the worst way since the American Civil War. The Texas unjust law required ID for mail in voting too. It bans overnight voting. The law is totally unjust, and it must be rescinded. The John Lewis Act must be passed.
The California recall vote is coming up soon. Governor Gavin Newsom is fighting for his political life. California is one of the most progressive states in the Union. This vote will be a prelude to the 2022 elections coming up in a year from now. We shall see what will happen. In recent days, many political Democrats, union leaders, and other activists have united to resist the recall vote. The Republicans have the front runner Larry Elder in running for Governor of California. People know that Elder is an extremist. Not only is a radio host who supported the Iraq War. He has made self hating comments and sexist words. Larry Elder is the person who said that slaveowners should have gotten reparations which makes Elder a traitor to black people. The slaveowners oppressed and brutalized plus raped innocent black people. The reality is that California deserves living wages, human rights, infrastructure development, addressing homelessness, addressing climate change, and other progressive values that our ancestors fought and died for. That is the great point. 

Days ago was the Birthday of Sister Imani Perry, and she is 49 years old. Her birth was in Birmingham, Alabama. She is a scholar and author of black American history culture and icons. She was raised in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Perry received her Bachelor of Arts Degree in American Studies and Literature from Yale University in 1994. She subsequently earned her Ph.D. in American Civilization from Harvard University and her J.D. from Harvard Law School (from which she graduated at the age of 27). She completed a Future Law Professor's Fellowship and received her LLM from Georgetown University Law Center. She learned about different cultures all over her life. In August 2014, Perry appeared on the public radio and podcast On Being, discussing race, community, and American consciousness with host Krista Tippett. Her works on Sojourner Truth and Lorraine Hansberry has grown many people's understanding of the black experience. I wish Sister Imani Perry more blessings.
Some breaking, sad news is that the actor Michael K. Williams passed away at Brooklyn, NYC. He was just 54 years old. He was in roles like Boardwalk Empire and the Wire. He played honest roles. Michael K. Williams was honest about surviving the dramas of his childhood. A lot of people don't know that he was a great dancer too. He was born in Flatbush, Brooklyn. There are no secrets with his life. He has been to the storm and the rain. He was taught acting at the National Black Theater in New York City. Michael K. Williams played tons of diverse roles, and he was complex, sensitive man who had great genius. Baltimore is the city where Williams always doing philanthropy work to help our community. He continued to act, and he has roles yet to be released. I send condolences to his family and friends.  

Rest in Power Brother Michael K. Williams. 

Monday, September 06, 2021

Fall 2021 Part 5




Abbey Lincoln


Involving jazz, you can never forget about her. To understand how music evolves fully, you have to understand about Abbey Lincoln's life and legacy. She was a trailblazer, outspoken for our freedom, and a lover of Blackness 100 percent. The outstanding singer and civil rights activist Abbey Lincoln was born in Chicago. She was born on August 6, 1930. Her original name is Anna Marie Wooldridge. She was raised in Calvin Center, Cass County, Michigan. So, Lincoln was born and raised in the great Midwestern region of the United States of America. As a  young child, Lincoln went into a one room school to develop her education, and she was raised with 11 siblings. Abbey Lincoln even taught herself on how to play the piano. Constantly, Lincoln would invent songs. Lincoln performed at the church choir and at amateur contests. Early on, she sang music from Hawaii to Havana, Cuba. As early as 1951, she performed in numerous nightclubs. That was very commonplace for many black musicians like Maya Angelou. She lived in Honolulu, Hawaii as a resident singer in a club. She came back to California in 1954. Like many singers of her time, Abbey Lincoln was inspired by Billie Holiday. As many know, Bille Holiday was one of the greatest jazz musicians of all time. Holiday sang from her soul on many topics from love to expressing opposition to the cruel evil of the lynching of black human beings. Lynchings of black people didn't just occur in the South. They transpired nationwide. Lincoln readily visited the Blue Note jazz club in New York City. Her debut album (in 1955) was "Abbey Lincoln's Affair: A Story of a Girl in Love." She made other albums for Riverside Records too. In 1956, Abbey Lincoln was in the movie of  The Girl Can't Help It, for which she wore a dress that had been worn by Marilyn Monroe in Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (1953), and interpreted the theme song, working with Benny Carter. By 1957, she moved into New York City, and she worked at the Village Vanguard, which is a jazz club in Greenwich Village. She had many friends and artists who was all about promoting civil rights and advancing the great genre of jazz music. In 1957, she released the album of That's Him!, and in 1958, she released the album It's Magic. Abbey is Blue came out in 1959. 



Her Early Career

By 1960, she sang on Max Roach's landmark civil rights themed recording of We Insist! Lincoln's lyrics were often linked to the civil rights movement in America. That time of the 1960's was a cultural revolution where black people and other oppressed human beings saw a shift in the world society. With Ivan Dixon, she co-starred in Nothing But a Man (1964), an independent film written and directed by Michael Roemer. Nothing But a Man was a honest film that exposes the evil injustices of Jim Crow apartheid in America. Nothing But a Man had everything from a diverse black cast, real life situations, and honesty about the complex nature of black life. It didn't sugarcoat a thing, and it was one of Malcolm X's favorite movies. Abbey Lincoln married Max Roach in 1962. All over the 1960's, Abbey Lincoln and Max Roach participated in civil rights activism via their performances at benefits and fundraisers for the NAACP and CORE (the Congress of Racial Equality). "It always did the actresses in, because I was the one who was supposed to have this reputation as a freedom fighter ... and I got two movies," Lincoln told NPR's Roy Hurst in a 2003 interview. In 1968 she co-starred with Sidney Poitier and Beau Bridges in For Love of Ivy and received a 1969 Golden Globe nomination for her appearance in the film. For The Love of Ivy is an underrated film in music film history. It is about a black woman, who is a maid to a wealthy family, having an independent mind of her own in her quest for romance plus moving forward with her career. Her character was strong, intelligent, and with a determination to get what she wants in a positive way. Sidney Poitier and Abbey Lincoln in the film fall in love in many levels and steps. It's a realistic romantic film based on mutual respect for 2 black human beings who are in love. 

Television appearances, made by Abbey Lincoln, began in 1968 with The Name of the Game. In March 1969, she had a role for WGBH-TV Boston. The role was in one of a 10-episode series of individual dramas written, produced and performed by black people called, "On Being Black." It was her work in Alice Childress's Wine in the Wilderness. She appeared in Mission: Impossible (1971), the television movie Short Walk to Daylight (1972), Marcus Welby, M.D. (1974), and All in the Family (1978). Lincoln was married from 1962 to 1970 to drummer Max Roach, whose daughter from a previous marriage, Maxine, appeared on several of Lincoln's albums. During the 1970's, she helped her mother in Los Angeles, and Abbey Lincoln began to write literature. In 1973, Abbey Lincoln released the album of People in Me. Her first lead album in 12 years after Straight Ahead. 



The Later Years

After a tour of Africa in the mid 1970's, she adopted the named of Aminata Moseka. Africa has changed the lives of tons of black people in seeing the Motherland in its glory plus beauty. By the 1980's, Abbey Lincoln's creative output was smaller and she released only a few albums. In 1984, she released her album of Talking to the Sun under Enja Records. Her song "For All We Know" is featured in the 1989 film Drugstore Cowboy. In 1987, she released the albums of Abbey Sings Bille, Vol. 1 and Abbey Sings Billie Vol. 1 as a tribute to Billie Holiday with Enja Records. In the 1990 Spike Lee movie Mo' Better Blues. Abbey Lincoln played the young Bleek's mother, Lillian. Mo' Better Blues is about jazz musicians, and one jazz musician (portrayed by Denzel Washington) evolves from being a womanizer to being a more mature, upright black man who takes care of his family firmly. Ironically, Spike Lee's sister plays Denzel's love interest in Mo' Better Blues. In 1990, Lincoln also released the album of The World is Falling Down. During the 1990's and until her death, however, she fulfilled a 10-album contract with Verve Records. These albums are highly regarded and represent a crowning achievement in Lincoln's career. In 1991, You Gotta Pay the Band was released by Abbey Lincoln too. Devil's Got Your Tongue (1992) featured Rodney Kendrick, Grady Tate, Yoron Israel, J. J. Johnson, Stanley Turrentine, Babatunde Olatunji and The Staple Singers, among others. 

Lincoln worked with Maggie Brown on Brown's album of Wholly Earth in 1999. Lincoln wanted Brown to just make music and don't get bogged down in agents or money. Brown is a fan of Lincoln which is why she did a tribute to Lincoln called Maggie Sings Abbey. Maggie Brown was a fan of her since she was a child. In 2003, Lincoln received a National Endowment for the Arts Jazz Master Award. Her music dealt with lyrics that dealt with the ideals of the civil rights movement and helped inspired future generations' passion for the cause in the minds of her listeners. She always loved acting too. Abbey Lincoln loved to explore more philosophical themes in the later years of her songwriting career. She remained professionally active in her work until well into her seventies. Her last album before her passing was "Abbey Sings Abbey" in 2007. 

Lincoln died on August 14, 2010, in Manhattan, eight days after her 80th birthday. Her death was announced by her brother, David Wooldridge, who told The New York Times that she had died in a Manhattan nursing home after suffering deteriorating health ever since undergoing open-heart surgery in 2007. No cause of death was officially given. She was cremated and her ashes were scattered. Before her passing,  Abbey Lincoln asked her friend Dee Dee Bridgewater to help keep the songbook alive of her music. On May of 2011, at the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in Washington, D.C., something happened. Dee Dee Bridgewater, Dianne Reeves, and Cassandra Wilson played Abbey Lincoln's music. Bridgewater fulfilled Lincoln's promise. Terri Lyne Carrington was the musical director on the drums. It was their jazz tribute to Abbey Lincoln. 




Her legacy

Today, more human beings understand the long life of the late legend Abbey Lincoln. I only heard of her a few years ago, but her legendary contributions to jazz and music are endless. She was born in Chicago. Jazz and blues traveled from the Delta northward into the Midwest and all over America. Later, Abbey Lincoln worked hard to perfect her craft of studying and expressing music. She sang from clubs to world famous performing arenas globally. As a black woman, her consciousness was very high. All over her life, she advocated for civil rights and human justice. She sang in favor of black liberation overtly in her records. She was criticized for that too during the 1960's, but Lincoln didn't care. Many of us know about Monk, Max Roach, Joe Coltrane, Sarah Vaughan, Wynton Marsalis, and Miles Davis, but it is important that unsung artists like Abbey Lincoln receive their flowers for their creative, monumental talent. Abbey Lincoln was unapologetic in her activism and in her soul. Filled with soul, she loved our black people greatly. I remember her movies too. She was in both films of Just A Man (featuring Ivan Dixon) and For the Love of Ivy (featuring Sidney Poitier). Just a Man and For the Love of Ivy was an ode to the beauty of Black Love and the resiliency of black existence. Her movies deal with the art of acting and political statements too. Abbey Lincoln made albums for over 5 decades well into the 21st century. Lincoln was our unsung hero. Jazz is an American artform invented by black people in America. When you get older, you further appreciate the wonderful songs found in jazz music. From the rivers of the Delta to the areas of the four corners of the world, jazz and blues (with the trumpets, bass, musical notes, and diverse pitches) transformed the atmosphere of our cultural expression. Abbey Lincoln's sounds were crisp and excellent, her aura was inspirational, and her legacy is firmly established as one of the greatest musicians of all time.



"O sing unto the LORD a new song: sing unto the LORD, all the earth. Sing unto the LORD, bless his name; shew forth his salvation from day to day. Declare his glory among the heathen, his wonders among all people. For the LORD is great, and greatly to be praised: he is to be feared above all gods. For all the gods of the nations are idols: but the LORD made the heavens. Honour and majesty are before him: strength and beauty are in his sanctuary. Give unto the LORD, O ye kindreds of the people, give unto the LORD glory and strength. Give unto the LORD the glory due unto his name: bring an offering, and come into his courts."

-Pslam 96:1-8


The History of Gospel Part 3: The Transitional Age (1972-1997)



After the passing away of the legendary icon Mahalia Jackson (whose life was celebrated in the recent Lifetime TV film about her life in 2021 starring the great singer Danielle Brooks. It was directed by Kenny Leon, and its executive producer is Robin Roberts), gospel music was in a transition. From being relegated to religious people mostly, gospel expanded internationally by the time of the early 1970's. That is why that tons of religious and non-religious people love gospel music. With the growing pains of the musical genre, gospel music evolved. By the 1970's, there were growing debates to figure a balance of how to show the gospel music with a message of salvation plus inspiration while not selling out spiritual principles. These debates continue to this very day in the 21st century.  Edwin Hawkins’ “Oh Happy Day” is loved by diverse audiences. During this time, some gospel songs represented outstanding character. Also, we find gospel musicians who were revolting and who abused innocent human beings. Abusing people is wrong period in any circumstance. Artists and groups flourished during the era of 1972 to 1997 like Andrae Crouch, Yolanda Adams, The Disciples, The Imperials, Shirley Caesar, Alex Bradford, Aretha Franklin, Clarence Fountain, Clara Ward, Five Blind Boys of Alabama, Marion Williams, and other human beings. This time period of gospel saw greatness, controversies, and a transition to the new school era of music at the same time. Music is representative of the culture of the ages of time regularly. 


This time saw civil rights, women's rights, and other cultural revolutionary changes existing in American plus world societies. Gospel music definitely reflected the times. The end of this era saw the rise of hip hop, and some gospel musicians like Kirk Franklin merging gospel and hip hop sounds into one. That is exemplified in the song of Stomp. Therefore, we have to know of these realities in order to analyze plus understand the evolution of gospel music in general. Like always, I do believe in God. To me, mathematics, natural laws in the Universe, Phi, the complexity of DNA, prophecies, and other reasons cause me to believe that the Most High God caused the Universe to exist in the first place. Gospel certainly does inspire the soul magnificently. 



Continuing Gospel Music


By 1972, America and the world was in a new era. There was the aftermath of the deaths of prominent human rights activists and musicians (like Fred Hampton, Malcolm X, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, etc.). Gospel music helped to filled the void found among many people. One of the most influential albums of the 1970's was Amazing Grace by Aretha Franklin. It was a live album recorded in January 1972 at New Temple Missionary Baptist Church in Los Angeles. She worked with the controversial Reverend James Cleveland and the Southern California Community Choir accompanying Franklin in performance. The album was very powerful, and it was highly successful with zeal and energy.  It went double platinum in the United States.  It also won Franklin the 1973 Grammy Award for Best Soul Gospel Performance. As of 2017, it stands as the biggest selling disc of Franklin's entire fifty-plus year recording career as well as the highest-selling live gospel music album of all time. Aretha Franklin was one of the greatest vocalists in history, and that album proved it once again. Songs like Old Landmark, Mary, Don't You Weep, and Amazing Grace are staples in American gospel culture. The black gospel group of the Dixie Hummingbirds helped many diverse artists in the 1970's. Many of their members are James Davis, Ira Tucker, William Bobo, Jimmy Bryant, Barney Gipson, Claude Jeter, etc. Even Elvis Presley made some gospel music in the 1970's which was strange, because Elvis by the 1970's didn't believe in orthodox Christianity. 


We know of Elvis' imperfections, and I don't agree with him on many issues. I do agree with his statement that ultimately rock and roll and rhythm and blues came from black people. Also, the imperfections of Elvis shouldn't be understated. When he was a child, he grew up in the First Assembly of God Church in East Tupelo, MS and then the First Assembly of God in Memphis. Elvis was a rebel, he wanted to pray to his dead twin Jesse, and cursed God in private when he was in high school. Elvis loved Southern Gospel music, but he didn't repent of his mistakes. He accepted a New Age faith. Elvis had a violent rage, he tried to get people to murder his enemies, he threw a poll ball at one woman fan to cause severe injury, and he abused drugs. He put his hands on Priscilla Presley (he was a grown man when he dated her as a teen). Elvis and Priscilla committed adultery against each other. Elvis Presley read new age books like material from the guru Paramahansa Yogananda, the Hindu founder of the Self-Realization Fellowship. According to the book Hungry for Heaven, Elvis studied Hindusim, mind control, theosophy, numerology, and positive thinking. He constantly cursed God's name in private conversations. Elvis was a great fan of occultist Madame Blavatsky. He was so taken with Blavatsky’s book The Voice of Silence, which contains the supposed translation of ancient occultic Tibetan incantations, that he "sometimes read from it onstage and was inspired by it to name his own gospel group, Voice" (Goldman, Elvis, p. 436). Another of Elvis’s favorite books was The Impersonal Life, which supposedly contains words recorded directly from God by Joseph Benner. Biographer Albert Goldman says Elvis gave away hundreds of copies of this book over the last 13 years of his life. So, Elvis was the ultimate hypocrite to make gospel albums, but he didn't follow what the Holy Gospel entails. So, this is the truth. Now, you know.

Additionally, there are other black gospel singers who excelled in the 1970's too. Andrae Crouch was one of the gospel legends too. For decades, he has been a gospel singer, a songwriter, an arranger, a record producer, and a pastor.  He worked with The Disciples in the album of Keep on Singin' in 1971 and Soufully in 1972. His debut album was Just Andrae in 1973. Later, he made the album of I'll Be Thinking of You in 1979. Later in his life, he was a producer and arranger with  Michael Jackson, Madonna, Quincy Jones, Mika (We Are Golden), Diana Ross, Elton John, Rick Astley ("Cry for Help"), and Prefab Sprout. Crouch also had a long relationship with the Oslo Gospel Choir, which he occasionally produced, arranged  for and performed with. By the 1970's, Edwin Hawkins made more albums like Children Get Together (1971), New World (1973), Wonderful (1976), The Comforter (1977), Edwin Hawkins Presents the Matthews Sisters (1977), and Edwin Hawkins Live at the Symphony (1979). Many singers who worked with  Hawkins are Elaine Kelly, Margarette Branch, Dorothy Combs Morrison (the original lead singer on "Oh Happy Day"), Tramaine Davis (Hawkins), Reuben Franklin, Donald Cashmere, Betty Watson, and Ruth Lyons. Albert Floyd and the Floyd Family was a prominent gospel group of the 1970's. The Floyd Family made tons of music. Willie Scott and the Birmingham Spirituals worked as a collective team. Willie Scott handled booking, merchandise, marketing, and logistics. 



Annie Caldwell was born in Mississippi. She loved the Staples Singers growing up too. She formed a band called The Caldwell Singers who performed for years and decades. Shirley Caesar continued to make music in the 1970's.  Caesar recorded and performed with Albertina Walker, Cassietta George, Inez Andrews, Delores Washington, Josephine Howard, Eddie Williams and James Herndon while in the Caravans. Her biggest hit with the Caravans was the song "Sweeping Through the City" followed by "No Coward Soldier." After eight years with the Caravans, she decided to leave after being offered a solo recording contract with Hob Records. Shirly Caesar's first LP on the Hob label was entitled I'll Go, backed up by the Institutional Radio Choir and includes the classics "Oh Peter, Don't Be Afraid" and "Choose Ye This Day."  In 1971, Shirley won her first Grammy Award for her recording of "Put Your Hand in the Hand of the Man", and in 1975, her recording of the song "No Charge" became an instant hit and her first gold record. To reach more people with her music, Caesar signed with a secular record label called Roadshow Records in 1977 and released the debut album entitled First Lady. The producer of the album titled the album First Lady because Caesar was the first woman to ever record on the label. The album contained songs with strong gospel lyrics, but many within the gospel community felt that the music itself was "too worldly." Many gospel DJ's refused to play it on their radio station. One song, however, "Faded Rose", later became a Caesar classic. Overall, the album sold poorly, but the "First Lady" title caught on within the gospel industry, and concert announcers, DJ's and gospel promoters everywhere started introducing her as "The First Lady of Gospel Music", a title that has been associated with her ever since. She had the From the Heart album in 1978. 


The Staples singers always did gospel music too. The Clark Sisters were born and raised in Detroit, Michigan. The Clark Sisters are Elbertina "Twinkie" Clark, Jacy Clark Chisholm, Dorinda Clark Cole, and Karen Clark Sheard. Their parents are musician Dr. Mattie Moss Clark and Pastor Elbert Clark.  The Clark Sisters signed to Sound of Gospel Records in 1974. Under this association, the group released albums such as Unworthy, Count It All Joy, and He Gave Me Nothing to Lose, which hit the top 20 of the Billboard Spiritual LPs chart. By this point, Dr. Clark had turned over control of the group to Twinkie, who continued to write, arrange, conduct, and produce all of the Clark Sisters' recordings. Their popularity soared with the release of the live recording Is My Living in Vain, in 1980. By the end of the 1980's, music changed. Disco was scapegoated and bashed by bigots, hip hop (a new artform back then) grew, and Contemporary Gospel Music started to solidify itself. 



Gospel Music of the 1980's


The 1980's saw a different style of music. There was the growth of CDs, synthesizers, and a sense of experimentation in fashion and music. Gospel music in the 1980's was a turning point. More artists wanted gain more secular audiences, while other gospel musicians wanted to keep up with the traditional sounds. In 1981, the Clark Sisters released the album of You Brought the Sunshine. The music from that album was a hit in the churches and on the dance floor. The song of You Brought the Sunshine (Into My Life) is beloved by lovers of music. The sisters delivered another progressive effort in 1982, Sincerely, which included "Name It, Claim It" and the politically charged "World." Though its success was overshadowed by You Brought the Sunshine, the sisters received their first Grammy Award nomination for Best Soul Gospel Performance by a Duo or Group for the album at the 26th Annual Grammy Awards. Shortly after winning the Grammy nomination, the Clark Sisters won the NAACP Image Award for best gospel group for 1983. After receiving a second Grammy nomination in the Best Soul Gospel Performance by a Duo or Group category for the song, "He'll Turn Your Scars Into Stars" – later included on the album Heart & Soul (1986), the sisters were invited to perform live on the following 27th Annual Grammy Awards in 1985, alongside their mother, where they performed "Praise the Lord (Hallelujah)" as part of a medley with the year's fellow gospel nominees. 

By the end of the 1980's, the Clark Sisters were already one of the most influential, talented gospel groups of all time. Mary J. Blige, Faith Evans, Jill Scott, Fantasia, Brandy, Jazmine Sullivan , and Kelly Price (some of the most talented R&B singers of our generation) are all inspired by the Clark Sisters. A younger Yolanda Adams came on the gospel scene by the 1980's too. In 1982, Yolanda Adams was a featured vocalist for the song of For My Liberty (as part of the Houston's Southeast Inspirational Choir). Yolanda Adams is from Houston, Texas.  In 1986, Adams was featured on the Edwin Hawkins Music and Arts Seminar Choir released Give Us Peace, with a performance entitled "My Trust Lies in You." Later, she signed a recording contract with Sound of Gospel which yielded her first album Just As I Am in 1987. By the 1990's, Yolanda Adams would reach legendary status as a musician and artist. The history of 1980's gospel music was filled with choir and groups making a huge contribution to songs. One choir making a great deal of praise was the Mississippi Mass Choir based in Jackson, Mississippi. They were united by the 1980's made up of hundreds of people. After months of rehearsals, the Mississippi Mass Choir recorded their eponymous debut album and video live at Thalia Mara Hall (formerly Jackson Municipal Auditorium) on October 29, 1988.

In the spring of 1989, five weeks after their debut album was released, Billboard magazine certified it as the Number 1 Spiritual album in the country. The album stayed on the Billboard charts for a consecutive 45 weeks, setting a new record for gospel recordings. At the 9th annual James Cleveland GMWA Awards, the Mississippi Mass Choir won the Choir of the Year-Contemporary, and Best New Artist of the Year-Traditional. They also walked away with four Stellar Awards in 1989 and were nominated in several categories for the 1989 Soul Train Music Awards and Dove Awards. The choir's second album, Near the Cross, God Gets The Glory, was recorded live at the Mississippi State Coliseum in Jackson on December 8, 1990. Many of their great songs are All in His Hands, Lord, We Thank You, Come On In the Room, Going Up Yonder, and Call Him Up. The Mississippi Mass Choir continues to make music to this very day. The Commodores made a gospel album in the 1980's too with the famous song of Jesus is Love. By the end of the 1980's, BeBe Winans and CeCe Winans grew their gospel careers too. Both siblings were born in Detroit, Michigan. 




New School Gospel Music



The 1990's saw the birth of new school gospel music. By 1990, Mighty Clouds of Joy had the song of Can't Nobody Do Me Like Jesus. In 1995, CeCe Winans had His Strength is Perfect. She also worked with Whitney Houston (her friend) on gospel songs too. By 1996, Fred Hammond and Radical for Christ had the 1996 song of When the Spirit of the Lord. Yolanda Adams shined brightly during the 1990's with the song of That Name. Her album of Save the World had her signature song of The Battle is the Lord's. The Battle is the Lord's is a song so popular that even I heard of the song as a child. My mother is a fan of Yolanda Adams's music too. The album had music like Let Us Worship Him, This Joy, and Right Now. In a way, the 1990's was a throwback to the 1990's with harmonies, soul singers, and a gospel influence in music. Gospel music was heavily popular in the 1990's. Also, we see the rise of Christian rap and gospel music with much hip hop elements in it. Back then, the group with that influence included Kirk Franklin and the Family. Kirk Franklin is the first of a new generation of gospel artists. He is urban, he has charisma, and he is daring. Kirk Franklin suffered a great deal in his childhood. A native of Fort Worth, Texas, Franklin was raised by his aunt, Gertrude, having been abandoned as a baby by his mother.  Gertrude recycled aluminum cans to raise money for Kirk to take piano lessons from the age of four. Kirk excelled and was able to read and write music while also playing by ear. 


At the age of seven, Franklin received his first contract which his aunt turned down.  He did join the church choir and became music director of the Mt. Rose Baptist Church adult choir at 11 years of age. He was once involved in destructive behavior as a teenager until gospel music literally saved his life. In 1992, he formed a choir called the Family. In 1993, the group, now known as "Kirk Franklin & The Family," released their debut album, Kirk Franklin & The Family. It spent almost two years on the gospel music charts and charted on the R&B charts, eventually earning platinum sales status. It remained at No. 1 on the Billboard Top Gospel Albums chart for 42 weeks. It was the first gospel music album to sell over a million units. Two years later, after releasing a 1995 Christmas album entitled Kirk Franklin &  the Family Christmas, the group released Whatcha Lookin' 4 in 1996. The album was certified 2x platinum and earned Franklin his first Grammy Award for Best Contemporary Soul Gospel Album. Through accomplishments, controversies, and awards, Kirk Franklin remains one of the most influential gospel artists of all time. He loves his wife. We know the elephant in the room, but he admitted his imperfections like a man in public and in private. That's much more courageous than deceit. Kirk Franklin remains a new school pioneer of gospel music. 



The Start of a Change (Conclusion for Gospel Music)



One date of gospel music that changed everything was May 27, 1997. That was the date when God's Property and Kirk Franklin released the album of God's Property from Kirk Franklin's Nu Nation. This album was unlike any album before 1997. It represented a new time. I remember this album came out during my 8th grade time in middle school. Back then, many older people didn't like this album for it merging hip hop sounds with gospel music. It was very controversial when it was first released, but now it's more celebrated to keep it real. It changed everything. The song of Stomp ft. Salt represented the start of the current era of gospel music. This change was monumental, but the gospel message still persisted. From 1997 to the present, gospel music had new artists who wanted to express themselves from Mary Mary, Tye Tribbett to Smokey Norful. Many young artists continued to old school sounds, and other musicians used R&B/hip hop styles in showing their messages to the world. In the near future, the current artists of gospel will be shown in a more depth analysis. With a changing world, you never go wrong in maintaining legitimate core convictions of loving your neighbor, standing up against injustice, preaching the Gospel, and working to build in our communities. That is what real Gospel music is all about.  



Conclusion (Fall of 2021)



This year is the 56th year anniversary of the 1965 Voting Rights Act. It was signed by President Lyndon Baines Johnson. It was also created from the blood, sweat, and tears of heroes who stood up for our voting rights more than a half of century ago. Bloody Sunday showed the cruelty of police brutality. The Albany Movement, the Birmingham Movement of 1963, the Montgomery Bus Boycott, the Selma Voting Rights Movement, and other events made that law possible. Even now, we have voter suppression laws in many states of America not just in the South. In Texas, Governor Abbott is stubborn to promote an unjust voter suppression bill. That is why Texas state Democratic leaders have left Texas and came into Washington, D.C. in order for federal voting rights legislation to be passed now in 2021. So, the fight for justice is not over. We want anybody the fair access to vote without unjust restrictions. 


Steve Bannon and other extremists want another hate rally in September 18, 2021 at the U.S. Capitol. These racists have united with election deniers in their plans for the future rally. Also, there has been the rise in hate crimes against our community (black people), Asian people, and other groups of people in the highest level since 2008. There is a heightened alert of white racist groups in America. That is why the most immediate threat to American society are not terrorists from another country like ISIS-K. That threat are white racists who seek to destroy America's multiracial democracy. These reactionaries are hypocrites too. They claim to be for family values, but they agree with austerity policies that harm families. Many of them have been caught up in various sexual scandals like Matt Gaetz. They claim to be spiritual and believe in God, but they follow Trump who said that I don't ask God for forgiveness over anything (also Trump curses out peaceful protesters, is a racist, is a sexist, and is a xenophobe). They claim to be for freedom, but they adhere to policies that deprive voting rights freedoms and other freedoms from human beings overtly. Therefore, the torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans (who are us), and we have this august responsibility and duty to stand up plus speak up for justice for all.

The Earthquake in Haiti is one of the saddest events of our lifetimes. Haiti has experienced a scandal, an assassination, and violence all in 2021. The American Coast Guard and other groups have helped many Haitians to live with their heroic efforts. This comes 11 years after another massive Earthquake. Humanitarian aid is needed in Haiti. Also, Haiti has the right, during the long term, to promote more of their own national sovereignty. What we have learned from the 2010 Earthquake is that investments to Haiti must be directly targeted to Haitian experts like doctors, lawyers, community groups, nurses, and other human beings with the expertise in building up infrastructure plus saving lives. Projects should be known, made specifically clear, and goals are enacted. Also Haitian leaders. who want rights and justice, should be supported. We need to show solidarity with Haitian human beings. Targeting economic inequality, food insecurity, and climate change are real issues to deal with in Haiti. This requires international action too.



By Timothy