Pro-God, Pro-Human Life, anti-New World Order, Anti-Nefarious Secret Societies, Pro-Civil Liberties, anti-Torture, anti-National ID Card, Pro-Family, Anti-Neo Conservativism, Pro-Net Neutrality, Pro-Home Schooling, Anti-Voting Fraud, Pro-Good Israelis & Pro-Good Palestinians, Anti-Human Trafficking, Pro-Health Freedom, Anti-Codex Alimentarius, Pro-Action, Anti-Bigotry, Pro-9/11 Justice, Anti-Genocide, and Pro-Gun Control. My name is Timothy and I'm from the state of Virginia.
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Saturday, July 30, 2011
NIH sends more than $90 million in taxpayer-funded grants to China
NIH sends more than $90 million in taxpayer-funded grants to China
Matthew Boyle
The Daily Caller
July 30, 2011
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) sent more than $90 million of U.S. taxpayers’ money overseas to China for various public health research projects, a new report shows.
For example, in a $17 million study, a Chinese researcher from the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention investigated whether 420 prostitutes and 241 of their clients were willing to use “microbicides” (a class of medications that includes nonoxynol-9) during sexual activity in order to combat sexually transmitted diseases. Some of the prostitutes were only 14 years old.
Between 2003 and 2008, the NIH spent more than $17 million funding the study of AIDS and HIV in Kaiyuan County, Yunnan Province, China. According to the Traditional Values Coalition, which dug up these and other grant records, the single published result of this research is an article titled “Microbicide Acceptability and Associated Factors Among Female Sex Workers and Male Clients in Kaiyuan County, Yunnan Province, China.”
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NIH sends more than $90 million in taxpayer-funded grants to China
Matthew Boyle
The Daily Caller
July 30, 2011
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) sent more than $90 million of U.S. taxpayers’ money overseas to China for various public health research projects, a new report shows.
For example, in a $17 million study, a Chinese researcher from the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention investigated whether 420 prostitutes and 241 of their clients were willing to use “microbicides” (a class of medications that includes nonoxynol-9) during sexual activity in order to combat sexually transmitted diseases. Some of the prostitutes were only 14 years old.
Between 2003 and 2008, the NIH spent more than $17 million funding the study of AIDS and HIV in Kaiyuan County, Yunnan Province, China. According to the Traditional Values Coalition, which dug up these and other grant records, the single published result of this research is an article titled “Microbicide Acceptability and Associated Factors Among Female Sex Workers and Male Clients in Kaiyuan County, Yunnan Province, China.”
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Friday, July 29, 2011
Our Civil Liberties and our Financial System
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Speaking Out
The genetic manipulation of food and other species is a serious threat for all of humanity. Scientists and others are doing research on human/animal hybrids, chimeras and other transgenic clone. This can endanger life in the world. The elite allow their agents to tamper with the genetic code of the planet. They ignore the dangers of cross-species experimentation and these acts can fragrantly jeopardize the Earth’s delicately balanced biodiversity. There are tons of risks posed by genetically modified hybrids. People have found out that in the UK, scientists have made hybrids for at least 3 years. Genetically modified laboratory creations are still going on. The biotech industry is showing these entities to the world. While this is going on, monopolies are increasing their power to control this research like Agra, Pharma, and Medical research in the 21st century. The GM foods are promoted as solutions with lucrative returns. There are patented gene expressions. There is the concept called xenotransplanation. This is when transgenic clones are created via deleting and replacing DNA sequences in order to form a cross-species hybrid. This hybrid is in a host egg and they are the pet project of corporate science. This science believes in replacing organs for ailing human beings, to handle infertility plus sterility issues, to have artificial protein production (in industrial and pharmaceutical applications), cloning, etc. These manmade creations can have the risk of causing sterility in offspring and cancer. Some clones like Dolly the sheep only live in a short lifespan. Clones can have arthritis, breathing problems, and other problems. Hundreds of embryos fail in cultivation before there is one successful clone. Some die in the womb after only after days. These entities are trusted to fulfill humanity’s betterment when they don’t. There can be beast borne diseases if the human genome is mixed with animals. It can affect humans and planet species. Mutations and other unforeseen consequences can exist as a result of mixing unrelated species like mammals and jellyfish genes. Genes can act differently when they are in foreign DNA sequences. This can be dangerous since there is a lack of recognition and compensation for pleitropic genes (where a single gene gives expression for multiple traits). This new sick experimentation has been shown in H.G. Well’s “The Island of Dr. Moreau.” Now, we have human ears on the backs of mice. Harvesting human marked organs from cows, pigs, and other host species is occurring now. There is the synthesizing of strategic proteins in host milk production and other sc-fi application. This could be the future of biotechnology. Spider goats are anti-laws of nature. Some want to create these species to create a stronger than steel protein from spider silk that can create fibers for items like bullet proof vests (such items are sold directly to the military prison industrial complex. This can further dominate humanity via the oligarchy). GMO species are invasive and some doctors have released them in crops. Crop contamination of GMO planets is devastating to ordinary farmers including terminator seeds being genocidal. The consumption of GMO crops have proven ties to allow mice to have sterility (to be delayed until the second or third generation to cause cancer plus other issues). Globalists aren’t gods at all. Some of them want to limit the expression of life with fake clones. These clones threaten real or genuine flora, fauna, and other life. Even some scientists slander 96 percent of DNA as throwaway junk with no genetic value. This is arrogance not inquiry or analysis. All of these acts tie into transhumanism or the belief that man can come into godhood. People should oppose this extremism and some have.
Now, both parties’ leaders want to support the pro-Wall Street debt ceiling plan. The Wall Street bailouts came and no real economic growth has occurred in America. Some view this debt ceiling as a contrived occasion in order to give a justification to destroy much of what is left of the social safety net. These reactionaries view debt and balanced budgets as God pretty much. They believe that if people don’t eliminate much of entitlements and maintain tax cuts for the super rich, then there will be no money to pay Social Security checks next month (including veterans’ benefits and government contracts that the government signed with thousands of businesses). Yet, there are Treasury bills that can pay the monthly Social Security checks. Social Security is still now solvent with liquid securities to pay for many decades to come. Social Security shouldn’t be cut and the Tea Party crew still won’t compromise (after both parties accept draconian cuts in our nation’s services). The government spent 13 trillion dollars in financial bailouts since Lehman Brothers failed in September 2008. Neoliberals dominate the administration like Treasury Secretary Geithner, neoliberal Fed Chairman Bernanke or anyone else in the Wall Street Democrat administration, formerly known as the Democratic Leadership Council. These are the same people that want to radically cut Social Security, Medicare, Medicare, etc. This is proven by the proposals from the Deficit Reduction Commission (as supported by President Barack Obama). The whole commission was headed by the avowed enemies of Social Security Republican Senator Alan Simpson of Wyoming, and President Clinton’s Rubinomics chief of staff Erskine Bowles. Republicans and Blue Dog Democrat sellouts want to rewrite the tax code to benefit the super wealthy. This is similar to an oligarchy. Hereditary aristocracies deal with oligarchies. Oligarchies fight for political influence and control over societies all of the time too. We are devolving from the benefits of the Progressive Era (like infrastructure growth and fulfilling the needs of the people) into neofeudalism. The only difference is that families suffer extreme debt to pay the mortgage in homes as opposed to the military grabbers of the land controlling it (and dividing power in an authoritarian fashion) back in the day. We have bankers instead of people paying rent and tribute to military conquerors in feudal Europe. Feudalism was one via owning land. Now, we have to pay interest, fees, and monopoly rent to the neo-feudal oligarchy (in order for people to get access to credit, to water, medical care, pensions or Social Security and other basic needs today). Today, some Democrats oppose what FDR did in order to submit to the interests of Wall Street. It’s the same story in Britain, where the Labour Party is called upon to finish up the job that the Conservatives start but need New Labour to subdue popular opposition to privatizing the railroads and a Public/Private Partnership financial giveaway for the London tube line. And it’s the same story in France, where a Socialist government is supporting the privatization program dictated by the European Central Bank. The elite (via Wall Street) know that a Republican President can’t roll back the New Deal, Social security, Medicare, and Medicaid. So, they fund a Democratic President to promote neoliberalism under the guise of “bipartisanship.” The new cheerleader of cutting entitlements and other social spending aren’t reactionaries any long. Sometimes the elite use the Left paradigm to get their job done. The City of London took over when the Conservative Party didn’t use radical actions to privatize the railroads and London’s tube system. Iceland’s Social Democrats sought to plunge the economy into debt peonage to Britain and Holland. Even the Greek Socialist Party is leading the fight for privatization and bank bailouts, so in the United States the Democratic Party is to deliver its constituency – urban labor, especially the racial minorities and the poor who are most injured by Pres. Obama’s austerity plan – to Wall Street. The paranoia of crisis is a means to promote austerity. The Republicans don’t have a credible alternative Presidential candidate in the top position of the polls. The top leaders now are establishment figures.
There is a history about Nixon that many people don’t realize. There is no evidence that Nixon asked CIA Director Richard Helms for the documents as it pertains to Operation 40. There is evidence that Nixon wanted documents that dealt with the Bay of Pigs well before Watergate broke out. Helms delivered the files in question to Nixon October 21, 1971. These files were not the only concern of Richard Nixon. He wanted the files on the assassinations of Trujillo in the Dominican Republic (from May of 1961) and Ngo Dinh Diem in about November 1963 from Vietnam. This is documented by David Frost’s interview with Richard Helms from May 22nd-23rd on May of 1978. Nixon wanted for documents to see if there were some incrimination of himself in these 3 events prior to the Kennedy assassination is one possibility (and other is to find dirt on Democrats). Furthermore, it is rumored that Helms didn’t give Nixon all of the available files. Why would Helms not give him those documents? Maybe because it was his—not Nixon’s—role he was likely afraid of divulging. According to H.R. Halderman, Helms said that the FBI could bring up the whole Bay of Pigs thing if they keep on with their investigation. According to Halderman, he believed that the Bay of Pigs thing was code name for the Kennedy assassination. Nixon underestimated Helms when Helms had the CIA controlled media (with collaborators like Katherine Graham, Ben Bradlee, and Bob Woodward at the Washington Post including CIA informants in the FBI). Chuck Colson hired Hunt not Nixon. Ford admitted that he manipulated the placement of the wounds to conform to Specter’s representation of what happened. There has been the military done for the Warren Commission that failed to duplicate what Oswald supposedly shot in that 5.6 seconds of time.
One person who is an Italian minister defends the terrorist Anders Berhing Breivik. This is morally wrong and sick. His name is Francesco Speroni. Hewas a former minister under Silvio Berlusconi. He lied and said that Breivik’s ideas are in defense of western civilization when his views are pro-bigotry. Speroni spoke these words and even his allies distanced themselves from the massacre on Utoya and the ideology that inspired it. The Italian politician endorsed the comments of another high profile member of the league. Like many in his party, Mario Borghezio, who sits in the European parliament, is an admirer of the writings of the late Italian journalist and author Oriana Fallaci, who popularized the term Eurabia to describe a future, supposedly Islamized Europe. Borghezio is a member of the European parliament’s committee on civil liberties, justice, and home affairs. While describing the Norwegian killer as "unbalanced", Borghezio said: "Christians ought not to be animals to be sacrificed. We have to defend them." His comments brought outraged demands for his expulsion from opposition politicians and at least one member of the Berlusconi government. Robert Calderoli or the party’s chief organizer apologized for the remarks from Mario Boerghezio. Unlike his fellow MP, who is notorious for headline-grabbing, extremist comments, Speroni is a Northern League heavyweight. He was the minister for institutional reform in Berlusconi's first government between 1994 and 1995 and has since been the league's chief whip in the senate, the upper house of the Italian legislature, and the European parliament. "I'm with Borghezio. I don't think he should resign", Speroni said. "If [Breivik's] ideas are that we are going towards Eurabia and those sorts of things, that western Christian civilization needs to be defended, yes, I'm in agreement," he told Radio 24. France’s the National Front suspended a former local election candidate who made remarks on his blog that were interpreted as supportive of Breivik. Breivik wanted a neo-Crusader Christian Europe where a theocracy exists. It bashes multiculturalism. So, we should prepare to battle against these bigots since they are out in the open with their views unlike the Left establishment. In the final analysis, this act from the man is terrorism and it shouldn’t be justified at all. So, this action has nothing to do with Muslims, immigrants, and multiculturalism, but terrorism and extreme ideologies. It’s very hypocritical for these reactionaries to not want people from foreign countries to live in Europe, but their ilk invaded foreign countries all of the time to steal resources & oppress human beings spanning centuries.
Secret Societies have influence in high places. Adam Weishaupt wasn’t the first Utopian. Many of such nefarious Utopians existed among the time of thousands of years. Freemasonry is slick in its acts and works in spiritual deception in high places of authority in this temporary worldly system. The essence of Freemasonry is the occult and false religions have ties to it. For example, Russell uses Masonic terminology in his Jehovah Witness organization. Freemason Joseph Smith invented the Mormon. Oral Roberts was a 33rd Degree Freemason and he promoted the Prosperity Gospel heresy and Charismatic doctrine long before Eddie Long, T. D. Jakes, Popoff, Benny Hinn, and others of that ilk. Even Seventh Day Adventists have ties to the Masons. The Jesuits and the Freemasons are common denominators in learning about Secret Societies and how the world works together. America has been infiltrated by occultists that wanted to exploit America’s large resources in order to promote that “worldwide commonwealth” or the new world order. That is why some of the Founder Fathers were Freemasons. The entry level group in America now is the Council on Foreign Relations or the CFR. They are low level, but they still have power in corporations, politicians, and other infrastructure in America. The criminals of the elite use terror and political correctness as a means to not only control people, but to make conformity (in liking the Patriot Act, liking obscene surveillance, liking materialism & economic exploitation) as a legitimate avenue of survival. That isn’t survival, but moral and spiritual death. Real life and real living incorporate tolerance for all people, a sense yearning of moral renewal, and a dedication for the fight for justice in the world. Just acts are more important than just status quo. Molesting people in airports and showing naked X-Rays images don’t have a thing to do with freedom at all. That’s tyranny. We should support decadence, arrogance, and indifference toward evil. We fight evil with a clear mind, a clear soul, and with real strength. There are those legitimately expose Communism as antithetical to individual liberties, but they refuse to expose the prison industrial complex, the end for health for all people, a true fight against poverty in our communities, and need for true economic justice (in opposition to the agenda of Wall Street). The reactionaries can yell about theft, but it was a corporate empire that stole people from sovereign nations and stole wealth from the common people for thousands of years. Now, that’s real. For the obsession or paranoia about Communism and the omission of the need for justice among people is the total height of hypocrisy and cowardice.
By Timothy
Bill Approved To Create Massive Surveillance Database Of Internet Users
Bill Approved To Create Massive Surveillance Database Of Internet Users
Privacy busting legislation a “stalking horse for a massive expansion of federal power”
Steve Watson
July 25, 2011

Legislation that will force Internet providers to store information on all their customers and share it with the federal government and law enforcement agencies was significantly beefed at the last minute yesterday and approved by a U.S. House of Representatives committee.
Under the guise of protecting children from internet pornographers, the House Judiciary committee voted 19-10 to approve a bill that will require Internet Service Providers to store temporarily assigned IP addresses for future government use.
In addition, the bill was re-written yesterday to also include the enforced retention of customers’ names, addresses, phone numbers, credit card numbers and bank account numbers.
As Declan McCullagh of CNet reports, the panel rejected an amendment that would have clarified that only IP addresses must be stored.
“The bill is mislabeled,” said Rep. John Conyers of Michigan, the senior Democrat on the panel. “This is not protecting children from Internet pornography. It’s creating a database for everybody in this country for a lot of other purposes.”
It represents “a data bank of every digital act by every American” that would “let us find out where every single American visited Web sites,” said Rep. Zoe Lofgren, who led Democratic opposition to the bill. The Californian Representative described the legislation as a “mess of a bill” and a “stalking horse for a massive expansion of federal power”.
Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., noted that the bill would open a Pandora’s box of government abuse.
“This is not about child porn. It never has been and never will be,” Issa said. “This is a convenient way for law enforcement to get what they couldn’t get in the PATRIOT Act.”
Advocates for the legislation include the National Sheriffs’ Association, which has said it “strongly supports” mandatory data retention. The bill has also attracted endorsements from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, as well as the FBI.
In a last ditch effort to derail the bill, the ACLU, along with dozens of other privacy watchdog groups penned a letter (PDF) to House Judiciary Committee Chairman Lamar Smith earlier this week, noting that “any data retention mandate is a direct assault on bedrock privacy principles.”
“The data retention mandate in this bill would treat every Internet user like a criminal and threaten the online privacy and free speech rights of every American, as lawmakers on both sides of the aisle have recognized,” Senior Staff Attorney Kevin Bankston of the Electronic Frontier Foundation said.
“Requiring Internet companies to redesign and reconfigure their systems to facilitate government surveillance of Americans’ expressive activities is simply un-American. Such a scheme would be as objectionable to our Founders as the requiring of licenses for printing presses or the banning of anonymous pamphlets.” Bankston added.
“This is China-style law enforcement, treating everyone as a potential suspect and requiring the collection of personal information just in case it might later be useful to the government,” said Greg Nojeim, senior counsel for the Washington based Center for Democracy and Technology, in an interview with Bloomberg.
A fortnight ago, the Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC) appealed before the House Judiciary Committee, asking that Congress recognize the fact that retaining identifying information would put at risk “99.9% of Internet users.”
EPIC President Marc Rotenberg pointed out that it is more prudent to seek data minimization rather than data retention, in the wake of increased risk of data breaches and identity theft. Rotenberg noted that enforced data retention would make ISPs more vulnerable to hackers, citing the LulzSec group, which recently claimed responsibility for temporarily shutting down a CIA website and other high-profile hacks.
“Minimizing stored user data reduces incentives for hackers to attack data storage systems by reducing the amount of data available to steal. Minimization also reduces the costs of data breaches,” Rotenberg said in prepared testimony.
Rotenberg suggested that the data could be used to bring criminal charges that were unrelated to child pornography, noting that any mandatory retention of data would be accessible to police investigating any crime.
“Although this data retention requirement has been introduced as part of a bill focused on child sexual exploitation, there is no evidence to suggest that the majority of law enforcement requests for customer subscriber information relate to child protection cases.” Rotenberg argued.
The bill would also allow access to the data by attorneys litigating civil disputes in divorce, insurance fraud, and other cases that have nothing to do with the protection of children on the internet.
“It would give the government sweeping authority to mandate the collection and retention of personal information obtained by business from their customers, or generated by the business in the course of providing services, for subsequent examination without any reason to believe that information is relevant or necessary for a criminal investigation,” Rotenberg further testified.
Rep. Bobby Scott, D-Va., had proposed an amendment to the bill that would have limited use of the data to child-pornography or terrorism cases, but it was withdrawn at the last minute, as Lamar Smith claimed that limiting the use of the information to child-pornography investigations could “undermine current cases on other issues”.
Rep. Scott also attempted to add an amendment to allocate $45 million a year to pay for more than 200 additional federal investigators and prosecutors dedicated to child pornography cases. Clearly a real move to crack down on child porn peddlers was unwelcome, however, as this too was struck down by committee members who claimed the funding wasn’t available.
The legislation, with all it’s privacy stripping measures intact, will now be scheduled for a full House debate.
Bill Approved To Create Massive Surveillance Database Of Internet Users
Privacy busting legislation a “stalking horse for a massive expansion of federal power”
Steve Watson
July 25, 2011
Under the guise of protecting children from internet pornographers, the House Judiciary committee voted 19-10 to approve a bill that will require Internet Service Providers to store temporarily assigned IP addresses for future government use.
In addition, the bill was re-written yesterday to also include the enforced retention of customers’ names, addresses, phone numbers, credit card numbers and bank account numbers.
As Declan McCullagh of CNet reports, the panel rejected an amendment that would have clarified that only IP addresses must be stored.
“The bill is mislabeled,” said Rep. John Conyers of Michigan, the senior Democrat on the panel. “This is not protecting children from Internet pornography. It’s creating a database for everybody in this country for a lot of other purposes.”
It represents “a data bank of every digital act by every American” that would “let us find out where every single American visited Web sites,” said Rep. Zoe Lofgren, who led Democratic opposition to the bill. The Californian Representative described the legislation as a “mess of a bill” and a “stalking horse for a massive expansion of federal power”.
Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., noted that the bill would open a Pandora’s box of government abuse.
“This is not about child porn. It never has been and never will be,” Issa said. “This is a convenient way for law enforcement to get what they couldn’t get in the PATRIOT Act.”
Advocates for the legislation include the National Sheriffs’ Association, which has said it “strongly supports” mandatory data retention. The bill has also attracted endorsements from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, as well as the FBI.
In a last ditch effort to derail the bill, the ACLU, along with dozens of other privacy watchdog groups penned a letter (PDF) to House Judiciary Committee Chairman Lamar Smith earlier this week, noting that “any data retention mandate is a direct assault on bedrock privacy principles.”
“The data retention mandate in this bill would treat every Internet user like a criminal and threaten the online privacy and free speech rights of every American, as lawmakers on both sides of the aisle have recognized,” Senior Staff Attorney Kevin Bankston of the Electronic Frontier Foundation said.
“Requiring Internet companies to redesign and reconfigure their systems to facilitate government surveillance of Americans’ expressive activities is simply un-American. Such a scheme would be as objectionable to our Founders as the requiring of licenses for printing presses or the banning of anonymous pamphlets.” Bankston added.
“This is China-style law enforcement, treating everyone as a potential suspect and requiring the collection of personal information just in case it might later be useful to the government,” said Greg Nojeim, senior counsel for the Washington based Center for Democracy and Technology, in an interview with Bloomberg.
A fortnight ago, the Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC) appealed before the House Judiciary Committee, asking that Congress recognize the fact that retaining identifying information would put at risk “99.9% of Internet users.”
EPIC President Marc Rotenberg pointed out that it is more prudent to seek data minimization rather than data retention, in the wake of increased risk of data breaches and identity theft. Rotenberg noted that enforced data retention would make ISPs more vulnerable to hackers, citing the LulzSec group, which recently claimed responsibility for temporarily shutting down a CIA website and other high-profile hacks.
“Minimizing stored user data reduces incentives for hackers to attack data storage systems by reducing the amount of data available to steal. Minimization also reduces the costs of data breaches,” Rotenberg said in prepared testimony.
Rotenberg suggested that the data could be used to bring criminal charges that were unrelated to child pornography, noting that any mandatory retention of data would be accessible to police investigating any crime.
“Although this data retention requirement has been introduced as part of a bill focused on child sexual exploitation, there is no evidence to suggest that the majority of law enforcement requests for customer subscriber information relate to child protection cases.” Rotenberg argued.
The bill would also allow access to the data by attorneys litigating civil disputes in divorce, insurance fraud, and other cases that have nothing to do with the protection of children on the internet.
“It would give the government sweeping authority to mandate the collection and retention of personal information obtained by business from their customers, or generated by the business in the course of providing services, for subsequent examination without any reason to believe that information is relevant or necessary for a criminal investigation,” Rotenberg further testified.
Rep. Bobby Scott, D-Va., had proposed an amendment to the bill that would have limited use of the data to child-pornography or terrorism cases, but it was withdrawn at the last minute, as Lamar Smith claimed that limiting the use of the information to child-pornography investigations could “undermine current cases on other issues”.
Rep. Scott also attempted to add an amendment to allocate $45 million a year to pay for more than 200 additional federal investigators and prosecutors dedicated to child pornography cases. Clearly a real move to crack down on child porn peddlers was unwelcome, however, as this too was struck down by committee members who claimed the funding wasn’t available.
The legislation, with all it’s privacy stripping measures intact, will now be scheduled for a full House debate.
Thursday, July 28, 2011
IMF and CFR Insider Recruited by Obama White House
IMF and CFR Insider Recruited by Obama White House
Kurt Nimmo
July 28, 2011
The Obama administration has recruited an IMF insider to be White House special assistant to the president for international economic affairs. On Thursday, Caroline Atkinson resigned from the globalist organization where she was director of external relations.

Atkinson is an Adjunct Senior Fellow for International Economics at the Council on Foreign Relations. She also worked for the U.S Treasury, the Bank of England, and was a reporter for The Washington Post.
Her expertise is in financial crises management, international economics, and foreign exchange markets. She also knows her way around the World Bank, according to the CFR website.
She is the director of the CFR’s Roundtable on Global Economics, a series that “brings together key players from the private markets, government, Federal Reserve, IMF, World Bank, and think tanks to discuss pressing policy issues in international economics. The group, which meets monthly, has so far discussed issues such as the impact of terrorism on economic prospects, the outlook for emerging markets, and U.S. trade policy.”
In 2009, Atkinson backed away from a post at Geithner’s Treasury Department. She was slotted to oversee international affairs.
Atkinson’s appointment simply adds more weight to the argument that the CFR and the bankers call the shots in the Obama administration.
Like his predecessor, Obama’s administration is rife with Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission and Bilderberg group insiders.
Soon after entering the White House, Obama selected 9 cabinet members affiliated with the Bilderberg Group, 10 from the CFR and five from the Trilateral Commission.
The CFR and the bankers have controlled the White House for decades. “We can be quite sure that somewhere between 400 to 500 high-level members of the Obama administration will be members of the CFR,” John McManus wrote soon after the election. “How can we say that? Because that’s about how many CFR members occupy the current Bush administration (beginning with Vice President Dick Cheney, an in-again, out-again member of the CFR board of directors). And about the same number occupied posts in the Clinton administration. And so it has gone since the New Deal reign of Franklin D. Roosevelt.”
IMF and CFR Insider Recruited by Obama White House
Kurt Nimmo
July 28, 2011
The Obama administration has recruited an IMF insider to be White House special assistant to the president for international economic affairs. On Thursday, Caroline Atkinson resigned from the globalist organization where she was director of external relations.
Atkinson is an Adjunct Senior Fellow for International Economics at the Council on Foreign Relations. She also worked for the U.S Treasury, the Bank of England, and was a reporter for The Washington Post.
Her expertise is in financial crises management, international economics, and foreign exchange markets. She also knows her way around the World Bank, according to the CFR website.
She is the director of the CFR’s Roundtable on Global Economics, a series that “brings together key players from the private markets, government, Federal Reserve, IMF, World Bank, and think tanks to discuss pressing policy issues in international economics. The group, which meets monthly, has so far discussed issues such as the impact of terrorism on economic prospects, the outlook for emerging markets, and U.S. trade policy.”
In 2009, Atkinson backed away from a post at Geithner’s Treasury Department. She was slotted to oversee international affairs.
Atkinson’s appointment simply adds more weight to the argument that the CFR and the bankers call the shots in the Obama administration.
Like his predecessor, Obama’s administration is rife with Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission and Bilderberg group insiders.
Soon after entering the White House, Obama selected 9 cabinet members affiliated with the Bilderberg Group, 10 from the CFR and five from the Trilateral Commission.
The CFR and the bankers have controlled the White House for decades. “We can be quite sure that somewhere between 400 to 500 high-level members of the Obama administration will be members of the CFR,” John McManus wrote soon after the election. “How can we say that? Because that’s about how many CFR members occupy the current Bush administration (beginning with Vice President Dick Cheney, an in-again, out-again member of the CFR board of directors). And about the same number occupied posts in the Clinton administration. And so it has gone since the New Deal reign of Franklin D. Roosevelt.”
On Hollywood, etc.
5 months ago
crammasters5 months ago
@ tc2ewra
brother, it is easier to get a camel thru the eye of a needle than to get a white folk to talk HONESTLY about how bad racism is for black folk.
again, the question I always ask them is HOW can you say u love your black partner or child when u are pretending that racism is not as "widespread" as I said it is...and here a young BM just got lynched in Mississippi in 2010 (!)
and if a white folk belongs to BP, how can they NOT read all the DAILY STORIES about racism and then fix their mouth to say "racism is not as widespread...." ????
what does that tell you about their concern about racism? And how can they love their black spouse or child when they don't care about that?????
5 months ago
crammasters5 months ago
@ jayhood40 who said, "sometimes we as BM need to take some blame for this as well…when we have nothing we remain with that BLACK QUEEN….but the minute we come into something we switch up and wanna go get the WG"
thanks for man-ing up and admitting that, brother. Don't know how the BM can throw stones at the BW when we are the MAIN ones chasing white P whether we are rich OR poor, but especially when we get some money
crammasters5 months ago
@ WilliamSmith123
brother, because u are more upset over this piece of celeb gossip than anyone should be to the extent that you are cussing and name-calling folks u never met.
why are u pretending u know what the truth is? Were u a fly on their wall, and know something the rest of us don't? Sounds like you got a classic case of bitterness toward women in general, and so u are throwing Halle in the same pot with all your ex-women -- that's what it sounds like "women always do this s"
I do not know what happened with Halle and that white male, but I DO KNOW many black folk who have told ME that it is common in IR relationships, for some white folk to use the N word when they get mad.
Our history with whites and sex is INDISPUTABLE, and it matters not whether you agree. The RECORD on this is clear. Racist white folks have ALWAYS wanted sex with black people. Our different skin colors is PROOF of this.
What is strange (to me) is how some black folk get in a rage whenever someone (like me) criticizes IR -- yet some of these SAME black folk will complain endlessly about the racism they encounter at the workplace, in public, etc. Just dont get it...
@ niceguyforu1
brother, I remember reading several years ago how Halle was called "N_________" by some of the Hollywood folk. White supremacy rules the entertainment industry, and all this "happy and successful" black celebrity BS is designed to make us regular black folk think those black folk have "arrived"
but the truth is, they are dealing with the same racism demon that the rest of us deal with. Unfortunately, their money and fame doesn't make them WISE enough to stay out of bed with the same folk that are mistreating them. Nuff said..
brother, I remember reading several years ago how Halle was called "N_________" by some of the Hollywood folk. White supremacy rules the entertainment industry, and all this "happy and successful" black celebrity BS is designed to make us regular black folk think those black folk have "arrived"
but the truth is, they are dealing with the same racism demon that the rest of us deal with. Unfortunately, their money and fame doesn't make them WISE enough to stay out of bed with the same folk that are mistreating them. Nuff said..
5 months ago
@ Real Queen
I'll end with this. I made my points -- all VALID. What I am saying to you is IF you are a white person with a black spouse or black child and you try to MINIMIZE the racism that is hurting your husband and your child, your "love" should be SUSPECT.
And yes, a lot of white people hate black people but will marry a black person and have sex with black people and still think of them as N-____S. I have met half-black kids who say their white mothers call them N-_____S. I have met BM who say their white wives have called them N-___S. I have met BW who said their white boyfriends called them N-___ B____.
Dr. Laura's black female caller (4 months back) said her WHITE husband allowed his relatives and friends to practice racism on her in his presence. That is my point, that black people should NOT assume that a white person who wants to have sex with them or marry them cannot be a racist. Nothing is further from the TRUTH.
Racism is a MENTAL ILLNESS, and so SICK people do SICK things, including OBSESSING over sex with the same people they say are inferior to them. It happened during slavery, during segregation, and it is still happening right now.
you make dismiss the scientific evidence (that is not my opinion it is FACT) that white people have a negative population growth rate. Therefore, whites are becoming genetically extinct, and seek to RESTORE their fertility by breeding with more fertile non-whites. That is a FACT.
like i said, i appreciate the feedback and will use your posts to illustrate the pitfalls of IR sex for blacks who want to be free of racism/white supremacy. Have a good nite.
I'll end with this. I made my points -- all VALID. What I am saying to you is IF you are a white person with a black spouse or black child and you try to MINIMIZE the racism that is hurting your husband and your child, your "love" should be SUSPECT.
And yes, a lot of white people hate black people but will marry a black person and have sex with black people and still think of them as N-____S. I have met half-black kids who say their white mothers call them N-_____S. I have met BM who say their white wives have called them N-___S. I have met BW who said their white boyfriends called them N-___ B____.
Dr. Laura's black female caller (4 months back) said her WHITE husband allowed his relatives and friends to practice racism on her in his presence. That is my point, that black people should NOT assume that a white person who wants to have sex with them or marry them cannot be a racist. Nothing is further from the TRUTH.
Racism is a MENTAL ILLNESS, and so SICK people do SICK things, including OBSESSING over sex with the same people they say are inferior to them. It happened during slavery, during segregation, and it is still happening right now.
you make dismiss the scientific evidence (that is not my opinion it is FACT) that white people have a negative population growth rate. Therefore, whites are becoming genetically extinct, and seek to RESTORE their fertility by breeding with more fertile non-whites. That is a FACT.
like i said, i appreciate the feedback and will use your posts to illustrate the pitfalls of IR sex for blacks who want to be free of racism/white supremacy. Have a good nite.
crammasters5 months ago
@ tc2ewra
brother, it is easier to get a camel thru the eye of a needle than to get a white folk to talk HONESTLY about how bad racism is for black folk.
again, the question I always ask them is HOW can you say u love your black partner or child when u are pretending that racism is not as "widespread" as I said it is...and here a young BM just got lynched in Mississippi in 2010 (!)
and if a white folk belongs to BP, how can they NOT read all the DAILY STORIES about racism and then fix their mouth to say "racism is not as widespread...." ????
what does that tell you about their concern about racism? And how can they love their black spouse or child when they don't care about that?????
This woman is "typical".
All White people have the potential to benefit from the system of White supremacy.
Hell, Whites benefit by not having to deal with the stresses that people of color, who resist assimilation, have to contend with daily in a society that's hell bent on keeping them "in their place".
Brother, you've clearly made your case. She wants to perpetuate the lie that racism isn't that widespread. This alone should show you what you are dealing with.
This woman is "typical".
All White people have the potential to benefit from the system of White supremacy.
Hell, Whites benefit by not having to deal with the stresses that people of color, who resist assimilation, have to contend with daily in a society that's hell bent on keeping them "in their place".
Brother, you've clearly made your case. She wants to perpetuate the lie that racism isn't that widespread. This alone should show you what you are dealing with.
crammasters5 months ago
@ jayhood40 who said, "sometimes we as BM need to take some blame for this as well…when we have nothing we remain with that BLACK QUEEN….but the minute we come into something we switch up and wanna go get the WG"
thanks for man-ing up and admitting that, brother. Don't know how the BM can throw stones at the BW when we are the MAIN ones chasing white P whether we are rich OR poor, but especially when we get some money
crammasters5 months ago
@ WilliamSmith123
brother, because u are more upset over this piece of celeb gossip than anyone should be to the extent that you are cussing and name-calling folks u never met.
why are u pretending u know what the truth is? Were u a fly on their wall, and know something the rest of us don't? Sounds like you got a classic case of bitterness toward women in general, and so u are throwing Halle in the same pot with all your ex-women -- that's what it sounds like "women always do this s"
I do not know what happened with Halle and that white male, but I DO KNOW many black folk who have told ME that it is common in IR relationships, for some white folk to use the N word when they get mad.
Our history with whites and sex is INDISPUTABLE, and it matters not whether you agree. The RECORD on this is clear. Racist white folks have ALWAYS wanted sex with black people. Our different skin colors is PROOF of this.
What is strange (to me) is how some black folk get in a rage whenever someone (like me) criticizes IR -- yet some of these SAME black folk will complain endlessly about the racism they encounter at the workplace, in public, etc. Just dont get it...
Obama Justice Department sues "Aggressive" Anti-Abortion Protestor in Washington D.C.
Obama Justice Department sues "Aggressive" Anti-Abortion Protestor in Washington D.C.
using Federal F.A.C.E. law ______________________
Tuesday, July 19, 2011Last Update: 7:31 AM PT
[ emphasis added ]
WASHINGTON (CN) - The Justice Department's Civil Rights Division sued a man it calls one of "the most vocal and aggressive
anti-abortion protestors," who has targeted patients at the Planned Parenthood of Metropolitan Washington clinic for more than 10 years.
According to the federal complaint, Maryland resident Richard Retta has violated the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act
by intimidating and interfering with patients for more than a decade.
"Defendant Retta has been among the most vocal and aggressive anti-abortion protestors outside of the clinic.
"Defendant Retta frequently walks very closely beside patients as they walk to the clinic. ...
"Defendant frequently follows patients to the clinic entrance and continues to yell at the patient as the door closes.
"On one occasion, defendant walked so closely to a patient that he stepped on the patient's shoe and broke the shoe strap.
"Defendant frequently follows patients and/or their companions as they leave the clinic and walk down the block.
"Defendant frequently follows patients or their companions into the street and oncoming traffic.
"On January 8, 2011, Mr. Retta physically obstructed a patient from entering the clinic, and physically obstructed clinic escorts,
such that the [ patient ] was only able to ultimately access the clinic with the extraordinary assistance and intervention of another clinic escort
and staff," the complaint states.
While blocking a "visibly upset" patient and her escorts from the clinic entrance, shifting and weaving to block them repeatedly, Retta
"shouted at the escorts and yelled to the patient, 'Don't go in there. Don't let them kill your baby,'" the complaint states.
Uncle Sam wants Retta fined $10,000 for violating the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act, ordered to pay compensatory damages
of $5,000 apiece to three victims, and enjoined to stop violating the Freedom of Access to Clinic Act himself and in concert with others.
The government says Retta "attempted to, and did, by physical obstruction, intentionally intimidate or interfere with persons because
they were or had been providing or obtaining reproductive health services, or in order to intimidate such persons from providing or obtaining
reproductive health services at the Planned Parenthood of Metropolitan Washington."
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Columbia Christians for Life <>
using Federal F.A.C.E. law ______________________
U.S. Sues 'Aggressive' Abortion Protester
Tuesday, July 19, 2011Last Update: 7:31 AM PT
[ emphasis added ]
WASHINGTON (CN) - The Justice Department's Civil Rights Division sued a man it calls one of "the most vocal and aggressive
anti-abortion protestors," who has targeted patients at the Planned Parenthood of Metropolitan Washington clinic for more than 10 years.
According to the federal complaint, Maryland resident Richard Retta has violated the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act
by intimidating and interfering with patients for more than a decade.
"Defendant Retta has been among the most vocal and aggressive anti-abortion protestors outside of the clinic.
"Defendant Retta frequently walks very closely beside patients as they walk to the clinic. ...
"Defendant frequently follows patients to the clinic entrance and continues to yell at the patient as the door closes.
"On one occasion, defendant walked so closely to a patient that he stepped on the patient's shoe and broke the shoe strap.
"Defendant frequently follows patients and/or their companions as they leave the clinic and walk down the block.
"Defendant frequently follows patients or their companions into the street and oncoming traffic.
"On January 8, 2011, Mr. Retta physically obstructed a patient from entering the clinic, and physically obstructed clinic escorts,
such that the [ patient ] was only able to ultimately access the clinic with the extraordinary assistance and intervention of another clinic escort
and staff," the complaint states.
While blocking a "visibly upset" patient and her escorts from the clinic entrance, shifting and weaving to block them repeatedly, Retta
"shouted at the escorts and yelled to the patient, 'Don't go in there. Don't let them kill your baby,'" the complaint states.
Uncle Sam wants Retta fined $10,000 for violating the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act, ordered to pay compensatory damages
of $5,000 apiece to three victims, and enjoined to stop violating the Freedom of Access to Clinic Act himself and in concert with others.
The government says Retta "attempted to, and did, by physical obstruction, intentionally intimidate or interfere with persons because
they were or had been providing or obtaining reproductive health services, or in order to intimidate such persons from providing or obtaining
reproductive health services at the Planned Parenthood of Metropolitan Washington."
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Columbia Christians for Life <>
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Republican Lies on the Stimulus
Updates, History, and Symbolism
More information is coming out about Anders Behring Breivik. There is no evidence that Breivik has explicit ties to the English football group (that some accuse of being infiltrated by British intelligence). Janne Krisiansen is the director of the Norwegian Police Security Service. He told the BBC that there is no proof yet that there is an English Defense League link to Breivik. “I can tell you, at this moment in time, we don’t have evidence or we don’t have indications that he has been part of a broader movement or that he has been in connection with other cells or that there are other cells,” she said. It was reported on Tuesday that police had solicited the help of Scotland Yard to establish a link between the accused killer and so-called “far right” groups in the UK and Europe. A specialist unit was set-up in The Hague to investigate “known high-risk, rightwing extremists,” according to The Guardian. So, the actions are representative of conservatives or any legitimate political ideology. You can say that Breivik is an extremist by promoting anti-religious freedom, anti-immigration rhetoric. Yet, mainstream conservatives, liberals, independents, etc. don’t agree with killing innocent people, hating Muslims, and going around promoting some Crusade to form a theocratic state (while expelling all Muslims in Europe during the process of this evil Crusade). Real Christians don’t support this nihilistic belief system either. Glen Beck is wrong for comparing the camp in Norway to a Hitler youth camp as well. Interpol is allied with the European Union. They mention that some extremists are using the Internet to recruit younger people. Some believe that a wider conspiracy is at work because of a manifesto attributed to Breivik occurred. The manifesto claimed that his mentor is an Englishman that he calls Richard. Breivik mentions a 2002 meeting where some extremists worked together to reform the Knights Templar Europe (this group wanted to have a cultural conservative political agenda). Stephen Lennon of the EDL denies any link to Breivik at all. It’s easy to see that the media is trying to assign conservatives to this man named Breivik. They did this in the aftermath of the 1995 Oklahoma City bomb. The terror attack was attributed to the ex-military soldiers and government agent Timothy McVeigh. We know now about the history in the OKC bombing. The truth is the FBI revealed that it had an informant (or possibly a provocateur) in the white supremacist compound at Elohim City along with the documented intelligence operative Andreas Strassmeier. Historians and scholars proved that the people in Elohim City were instrumental in carrying out the OKC Bombing plot. Other researchers have found out that the SPLC monitored Elohim City too. The SPLC slanders many Second Amendment advocates and those that disagree with illegal immigration to basically terrorists & extremists. Now, some in the European Union want to strife more free speech in response to these evil terrorist attacks in Norway. They want an early warning system to combat extremism in their minds. The EU doesn’t even want law abiding citizens to have firearms by curbing them. Even Norway doesn’t have police instant access to firearms. The anti-freedom movement is common even in Europe. The EU has suppressed numerous individuals’ right to criticize the EU. The criminals in the corporate elite and parts of the government have stole health benefits of people, they create wars, they promote poisonous fluoride in our water supplies, they got caught shipping guns in Mexico, they permitted the Tuskegee Experiment to happen, they funded the Taliban plus other terrorist groups spanning decades (and then lecture us on them hating terrorism), and they have done other crimes throughout the ages. The state can be used for good or evil, but one thing is certain. The state isn’t God. God is God. That is why having reformed government is more than important witnessing the existence of tyrannical government. Of course, Breivik is a man that is an enemy. I don’t agree with a partition of South Africa, bigotry against Muslim, or deportation of all Muslims from Europe at all. Many of his views are what many racists deep down believe in, but are afraid of expressing it publicly for fear of being labeled a racist (which they are).
Malawi children are forcefully vaccinated by gunpoint. A recent report in the Malawi Voice mentions that at least 131 Malawian children were vaccinated this week at gunpoint. This was after previously fled the country with their parents to avoid the mandatory jabs. Reports show that a number of children and their parents belonging to Zion and Atumwi Churches fled the southeast African country of Malawi to neighboring Mozambique a few months ago in order to avoid a measles vaccine campaign. After returning, the officials learned of the unvaccinated children’s whereabouts and forcibly injected them at gunpoint with the vaccines. Some are accusing the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which has been shoving vaccinations down the throats of these communities. Natural News says that the Gates Foundation supports health surveillance assistants’ program that is responsible for pushing vaccines at gunpoint. Bill and Melinda Gates are sick. They believe in the overpopulation lie and Bill Gates wants sterilization. In January 2010, Melinda Gates took a special trip to Malawi to see how the country was progressing at achieving the United Nation’s Millennium Development Goals, which include “ending poverty” by 2015. You will notice that Bill Gates will not call for radical industrialization or modernization of Africa, but solely vaccinations & population control efforts. Melinda Gates in a video found at the Gates Foundation website, she lauds Malawi’s efforts to reduce child mortality. That includes the forming of 11,000 “health surveillance” assistants that she says (as found in the Gates Foundation website) that: “….spend three weeks out in the villages … providing basic vaccinations … and they make sure the vaccinations happen not just at the village level, but all the way back through the system.” Some accuse these health surveillance assistants as using force to vaccinate villagers. So, this isn’t benevolence. It’s coercion and forced vaccinations are always evil. This is a part of the legacy of Margaret Sanger. She used the Negro Project in 1939 in using black pastors to promote population decline of the black population (in the exploitation of birth control when the black population then and now aren’t experiencing radical population growth at all). Margaret Higgins Sanger Slee was a grand manipulator and strategist in Sanger’s camp. The Negro Project didn’t end poverty in the black community as PP lied about. She had a war chest from her scorned husband, Noah Slee (the oil tycoon). Still today, despite its pro-eugenics past, Planned Parenthood is supported by the Ford Foundation and other religious establishment organizations. Margaret Sanger hated marriage and wanted licenses to make children. Sanger called for state-funded forced sterilizations, licensing couples for reproduction, “farms” to segregate people considered “unfit” for procreation and recruited Church ministers to further her crusade. So, she was an enemy. She wants to get rid of people she deemed unfit as documented ion Chapter 18 of her book called “Women and the New Race.”
The Prussian monarchy was created in 1701. King Frederick I was its first king. The rulers of many German states before that time were call electors. He called himself a king in Prussia. Pope Benedict XIV (1740-1758) was the first Pope to recognize the title of King of Prussia and the title was recognized officially by all the other nations in 1772. The Jesuits infiltrated Prussia for centuries. Sophia of Hanover was the consort of the King of Prussia from 1701 to 1705. One successor of the throne was Frederick William. In 1714, Sophia Charlotte of Hanover’s eldest brother (or George Lewis) would succeed the throne of Great Britain as King George I. King Frederick William was the father of Frederick II (or Frederick the Great). Frederick William used eugenics philosophies (long before Galton and Sanger) to birth a group of giants as his regiment. These people were called the Potsdam Grenadiers. Hitler believed in a super race centuries later. Later, Frederick the Great want to revive the German Empire. King Frederick form 1740-1748 wanted to control Austria since he felt that the young Empress Maria Theresa was lacking political experience. Most of the nations of Europe took the side of the Young Queen and Prussia won war or the Austrian Succession with difficulty. It spread into colonial areas and thousands of people died from the war. After 8 years of bitter conflict, a truce was finally signed in 1748. Under the Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle, Prussia was allowed to hold on to the conquered territory of Silesia.
Empress Maria Theresa was still determined to get back Silesia and this led to the second worldwide conflict called the Seven Years' War. The Seven Years’ War spread into America as the French-Indian War. The conflict ended with the signing of the Treaty of Paris in 1763. Prussia was allowed to hold Silesia. France was ejected from the New World and the Louisiana Territory handed over to Spain.
This conflict set the stage for the American Revolution because the British colonists were forbidden to settle west of the Allegheny Mountains. Soon, the Jesuits were banned by the Pope (since the Jesuits were involved in conflicts in Europe via wars, assassinations, and other conflicts). Pope Clement XIV banned them “permanently and perpetually.” This was his Bull of Suppression that extended into Austria, France, Spain, Portugal, and Italy. The Pope died in mysterious circumstances. We have a very good idea on the party who killed him. Ironically, the so-called Protestant Frederick housed the Jesuits after they were expelled from European nations (including Catherine II of Russia). Many European leaders want to revive the unholy Roman Empire from Charlemagne onward to even now with the European Union. Even Hitler wanted Germania to be a world capital. Pepin of France gave the Pope the Papal States in 755, his son Charlemagne was crowned by the Pope as the unholy Roman Emperor back in December 25, 800. This was the First Reich. The 2nd Reich came from 1871 to 1918, which was a more tolerable era. Bismarck did do some actions that were right. Bismarck and the Reichstag back then opposed the Jesuits and emancipated 550,000 German Jewish people in 1871. These were righteous actions. Emancipation in this instance means giving folks voting rights basically. So, Prussia did have a strong Protestant heritage that fought back against Papal influences. Kaiser Wilhelm opposed the Boer War. The Boer war was about British imperialists killing innocent Protestant South African Boers. Deaths and concentration camps were used against the Boer by wicked imperialists. The men involved in these massacres were British, Jesuit-inspired Masons like Cecil Rhodes, Alfred Milner, and the Prince of Wales (who would later be King Edward VII). The Roundtable types stole the gold in Transvaal and this money was used to fund acts in the 20th century as beyond. Kaiser Wilhelm opposed the Boer War. The Third Reich (heavily headed by the Roman Catholics Hitler, Himmler, Mueller, Thyssen, etc.) of course was the Hitler dictatorship from 1933 to 1945.
The debt ceiling crisis is still here. The President said that he won’t resort to other powers open to him if the debt ceiling plan won’t go forward in compromise. This is strange since you can’t leave troops unpaid and without supplies, Social Security checks can be unsent, and the U.S. dollar could collapse. The credit rating of the U.S. can be destroyed if the status quo remains. The 14th Amendment, national security directives, and executive orders are on the books that can be used by President Obama to set aside the debt ceiling. These acts are going on. Still, there are reactionaries that want cuts in the social safety net since they hate it. Some fear that the President will compromise again and submit to the Republicans’ demands to have only cuts in Social Security and the social safety net (in exchange to fund the troops). If he does this, he will say that he had no choice but to submit to the demands. It is better to have the elderly with groceries than to have a war on terror. It is better to fight against dollar devaluation than tax cuts for the rich solely. This circus is used by Tea Party activists and numerous Republicans in order to get rid of the New Deal and the Great Society (and use money to be spent on wars, bailouts, and tax cuts for the rich). On July 15 S&P put all AAA-rated insurance companies on CreditWatch citing ties to the US sovereign credit rating. On July 25, the US dollar fell to a new low against the Swiss franc, and gold reached a new high. Some more of this and the public will see benefit cuts as preferable to economic Armageddon. There is still the August 2 deadline. We don’t need radical cuts to Social Security, Medicare, and education, so Wall Street can privatize these entities. We have to have policies that benefit the American people. The reactionaries omit how Iran Contra, the war on Drugs, NAFTA/GATT, and other policies contributed to the economic straights we witness today. That is why populists legitimately want to end all imperial wars, end the bailouts for Wall Street, prosecute fraud and get their ill gotten gains, end the Bush tax cuts (that Ronald Reagan’s budget director David Stockman even says was the worst fiscal mistake in history), and cut spending (that relates to loopholes, some subsidies, and anything legitimate that doesn’t directly harm the middle class and the poor). There should be a jobs creation program, an infrastructure program, and other economically populists policies as well.
The strange mural in the United Nations Security Council is very telling. It was painted by the Norwegian artist Per Krogh. It showed a phoenix rising from its ashes. To Per Krogh wanted to use the Phoenix symbol of the world being rebuilt after WWII. There are various colors on the bottom in bright colors that represent hope for a better future. Equality is symbolized by a group of people weighing out grain for all to share. All to share relates to an old economic concept like Communism since Communism is about the common sharing of resources. The blue and gold silk tapestry on the walls and in the draperies by the East River windows features the anchor of faith, the growing wheat of hope, and the heart of charity. There are tons of other images there as well like a sword, a Chinese man, etc. There is a telescope with scientists representing the triumph of science and rationalism over ignorance and superstition. There is a strange image that looks like a hybrids (like a 4 legged animal with a long neck. It has 2 arms reach and hold onto the dragon like head biting a sword that impales the neck and the body. The mural is very similar to the strange, occult inspired mural that is found in the Denver International airport. The Denver airport have had a Masonic cornerstone. One image shows a nuclear family with one child. It can harken back to Adam and Eve. The 2 people depicts as innocent male and female children in the background, with Eve receiving the fruit from the serpent in the tree.
By Timothy
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