Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Recognizing Heroes on Black History Month

Defender of black human life, lover of truth, and constant social activist are accurate phrases which define the courageous life of the civil rights leader Ida B. Wells. Ida B. Wells was born in 1862 during the Civil War in Holly Springs, Mississippi. Her parents were active in the fight for freedom during Reconstruction. Her mother was religious and her father fought for the liberation of black people constantly. She faced a lot from threats and racism, but those evils never stopped her from establishing profound excellence. Fisk University and Shaw University were locations where she was educated at. Subsequently, Ida B. Wells became a great newspaper editor and an expert sociologist. She worked in the South at Memphis, Tennessee as a means for her to be an activist, a journalist, and a scholar. She overtly fought lynchings. Additionally, Ida B. Wells allied with W.E.B. Du Bois and Frederick Douglass on many endeavors. Ida B. Wells was one of the numerous founders of the NAACP (or the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People) during the early 20th century. Ida B. Wells wanted to give the world the formidable voice of Black America. As a traveler internationally, she formed women organizations and believed in the Dream of human justice. She greatly defended the lives of black men who were falsely accused of raping white women. Subsequently, she defended the humanity, the autonomy, and the dignity of black women. She was a beautiful black woman who demanded real change. Ida B. Wells had four children and cared deeply for her family. Speaking up for the human rights of black people was definitely part of her life's work. Ida B. Wells came into Chicago as a way for her to continue in the progressive cause of social liberation for black people. She lived in the era of Jim Crow and during the epidemic of the lynching of black men, black women, and black children. Ida B. Wells was involved in politics too and she wholeheartedly believed in women's suffrage. An inspiration to black women and black people in general, Ida B. Wells always was committed to the premise of human justice for all. Ida B. Wells gave us the gift of activism in comprehensive ways.

She was a heroine, who fought for our ancestors' rightful freedom. Throughout her life, she brought down tremendous barriers and possessed courage plus strength. Always an advocate for justice, Harriet Tubman gravitated her actions in the cause of social justice in order for real social change to transpire. She was born in the Eastern Shore region of Maryland. Not only did she escaped slavery into freedom audaciously. She freed many of her own family members plus hundreds of other black human beings from bondage. Harriet Tubman was a leader of the Underground Railroad, which was a network of pathways, varied routes, and safe houses that helped thousands of black human beings to escape the tyranny of slavery. People of diverse colors and creeds were active participants in the Underground Railroad too. As a humanitarian and an abolitionist, Harriet Tubman display an excellent amount of human compassion and personal conviction. Threats against her life and posters of rewards (from racist southern slave owners) for her capture didn't deter her at all. She persisted onward as a heroine of the ages. Tubman fought for the Union during the U.S. Civil War by spying and leading a raid (called the Combachee Raid on July 2, 1863. Colonel James Montgomery was part of it as well. Afterwards, more than 750 black people were freed. Many of them joined the Union Army) to defeat the Confederate, traitorous enemy. After the American Civil War, she continued to advocate for equality and suffrage (or giving women the right to vote). Harriet Tubman lived a long life into the early 20th century. Constantly fighting for freedom, Harriet Tubman exemplified greatness and forthright, glorious consciousness. She risked her life for us. We owe a lot to her activism, her tenacity, and her indispensable sacrifice. Therefore, it is time for everyone to give Harriet Tubman even a greater amount of credit including gratitude for her actions of valor and her unconditional love for black people.

A lot of people don't know how the NRA became so extreme. Back in the day, the NRA was created by Union soldiers to advance sportsmanship during the 19th century. They weren't extremists like today. They also promoted ironically enough gun control during the 19th and early to mid 20th centuries. One example is how the NRA promoted bans on machine guns owned by private citizens and it endorsed the 1968 Gun Control Act. Things changed by 1977. That was when far right people infiltrated the NRA to transform the NRA from just promoting gun safety and sportsmanship into a lobbying group advancing irrationality and an absolutist, false interpretation of the Second Amendment. The majority of Americans support stricter gun restrictions. Most Americans endorse a ban on assault weapons. Most Americans believe in universal background checks. So, we have the majority of Americans on our side here. Even the Heller Supreme Court decision said that you can regulate gun rights in some circumstances. There is no need for an 18 year old to own AR-15s period. There is no need for teachers to own guns in school locations. That is why many companies have withdrawn funding to the NRA. Today, the NRA is in league with the GOP including Donald Trump (who is a sexist, a racist, and a xenophobe). The NRA relies on fear, money, and propaganda to propagate their falsehoods. They are totally political and the NRA's extremist agenda will be defeated in the end.

W.E.B. Du Bois has his 150th year Birthday recently. He was a legend and a pioneer of black intellectual development. He was born in Massachusetts and his community funded his education. He went into Fisk University (which was an HBCU as HBCUs have great value in the cultural growth of the black community). Also, he studied in other universities and received his PhD. from Harvard. Dr. DuBois traveled the country as an expert journalist and a magnificent sociologist. He studied the lives of African Americans in Philadelphia and wrote about it. He defined the double consciousness aspect of African Americans in his groundbreaking book entitled, "The Souls of Black Folk." Double consciousness means that we, who are black Americans, have a paradox of being of African and American heritages at the same time. In other words, we hate the oppression & the injustices in America, but we love the good people in America at the same time. We have to reconcile our double consciousness so to speak in existing with happiness while at the same time America must respect our humanity and our Blackness too. We will fight for our freedom. DuBois was a political activist who worked with Ida B. Wells, Paul Robeson, Lorraine Hansberry, and so many other black heroes in combating lynching, racism, discrimination, etc. For a time, he was part of the NAACP and was editor of its Crisis Magazine. He sympathized with socialism since capitalism especially back then (& even today) was so oligarchical and so monopolistic that he wanted a fair distribution of the economic wealth.

The U.S. government oppressed him by stripping him of his passport for a time, monitoring him, and slandering him with McCarthyite like tactics. W.E.B. Du Bois never gave in. He persisted to promote Pan-Africanism, which involved the political, economic, and social unity of all people of black African descent worldwide. He was involved in many Pan-African Conferences. He advocated justice and he spoke out on many issues. I heard of him speak before on YouTube and he had a great voice that articulated the premise that social activism was key in developing an egalitarian world. He wanted black people to be involved in economics, politics, and social activism in gaining equality and justice. He disagreed with Booker T. Washington on some issues, but both men were right that education is extremely important in advancing true freedom. Later, he became more independent and condemned imperialism, and colonialism explicitly. He opposed the droppings of the bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki as he rightfully deduced that these horrendous acts constitute horrendous crimes against humanity. He moved into Ghana by the 1960's and he became a Communist before he died. W.E.B. DuBois loved his family and he was working on an African encyclopedia just before his passing. He loved truth and wisdom. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was inspired by him as he gave a speech praising his contributions to the human freedom movement (on February 1968 when Dr. King was speaking passionately against the Vietnam War). DuBois lived to almost 100 years (he passed away in 1963 and he was born in 1868) and we are inspired by his wisdom, his eloquence, and his profound dignity as a black man who desired liberation.

Rest in Power Brother Dr. W.E.B. Du Bois.

By Timothy

Monday, February 26, 2018

Monica Moorehead to Black students: “Become an activist”

Civil Rights hero Ruby Sales and white supremacy

Starving Connecticut's schools

Anti-racism and the uprising against guns

Historical Reflections

50 years ago, Robert Francis Kennedy was assassinated viciously by an evil human being. Today, in our generation, we acknowledge Robert F. Kennedy’s life and legacy. One major part of his legacy was his constant evolution of ideological views in being more progressive and expressing more empathy for the liberty of the human family regardless of creed or color. He was born on November 20, 1925 in Brookline, Massachusetts to the large, influential Kennedy family. His family was descendants of Irish immigrants who suffered a lot and became one of the most famous, powerful political families in American history. He was the second youngest of the Kennedy brothers. Being very competitive described his early years. Playing football, getting an education, and seeking approval from his parents definitely outlined his early years. He was the most religious of the Kennedy brothers as he constantly read books on religion and philosophy. He had the tenuous spirit like his father and he incorporated the empathy from his mother. For all of his life, Robert Kennedy would be the friend and defender of his older brother, John F. Kennedy. Yet, Robert Kennedy was his own man. To begin with, he was heavily educated and he studied law. Robert Kennedy helped JFK to be elected into the U.S. Senate by the 1950’s. Back during the 1950’s, he was even friends with Joseph McCarthy (who endorsed the anti-democratic McCarthyism campaign) and he led a crusade against mob infiltration of the unions. This made him an enemy of Jimmy Hoffa, which Robert Kennedy accused of having ties to the Mafia and executing financial corruption. RFK’s zealotry against the Mafia became legendary. By 1960’s, he helped John F. Kennedy to be elected the President of the United States of America. RFK didn’t want LBJ on the ticket as Vice President since LBJ made disparaging remarks about him and his family. JFK could tolerate Lyndon Baines Johnson (as John F. Kennedy thought politically that it would be wise to get LBJ on the ticket to get Texas in electoral votes from the South), but Robert Kennedy disliked him and vice versa.

Once after President John F. Kennedy was inaugurated President, Robert Kennedy was appointed Attorney General. This was controversial and people thought about conflicts of interests. Immediately, Robert Kennedy dealt with civil rights issues. Robert Kennedy was an advocate of equality, but people like James Baldwin, Dr. King, Lorraine Hansberry, etc. said that Robert Kennedy (as Attorney General) acted too slowly on fighting for racial justice. Robert Kennedy back then was more moderate than the late 1960’s. He believed that the courts instead of demonstrations in the streets would be the primary instrument to enact racial equality. The problem with that argument is that we have to use both the streets in demonstrations and the courts in getting real change. You have to do both, because change will come more comprehensively when using both methods. The death of JFK changed him forever. For the longest time, Robert Kennedy became despondent and depressed over the evil assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Yet, he never gave up on life. He escaped his immense grief to promote public service and to achieve his own sense of greatness. He received a standing ovation in the 1964 Democratic National Convention at Atlantic City, New Jersey. LBJ would soon win in a landslide against Barry Goldwater of Arizona after the 1964 Presidential election. Robert Kennedy decided to go into the Senate. He won the Senate race in New York state and he was in Congress. LBJ even campaigned for him. He felt bored, because the Senate can be a tedious occupation. By this time, Robert Kennedy became more liberal. He fought for gun control back in the 1960’s (which was very taboo), he opposed apartheid in South Africa (even giving a speech in South Africa to endorse an end to it), and he wanted to fight poverty (especially in the Deep South like in Mississippi). He saw firsthand the damaging effects of poverty on black families and especially little black children. That was heartbreaking for him to listen to children saying that they struggle to get food. The person who helped to show him these things is the heroic black woman Marian Wright Edelman. Marian Wright Edelman would be a lifelong advocate for social justice. RFK also expressed solidarity with the striking workers in California alongside Cesar Chavez. Subsequently, as a U.S. Senator, Robert Kennedy worked to invest in Bedford Stuyvesant, NYC (which is a famous, historically mostly African American neighborhood). In 1966, Robert Kennedy expressed more questions about the Vietnam War. He opposed the excessive U.S. bombings in the Vietnam peninsula and this angered LBJ. Robert Kennedy went further and wanted an end to the bombing in order for a negotiated settlement to come about, so the war would end. Fulbright early on opposed the Vietnam War too. Robert Kennedy delayed running for President.

Eugene McCarthy announced his run before Robert Kennedy during late 1967. By 1968, Robert Kennedy officially announced his candidacy for President on March 16, 1968. He faced opposition from pro-LBJ forces and from McCarthy (whose supporters viewed him as an opportunist). Robert Kennedy won many primaries (like in Indiana and Nebraska), lost one in Oregon, and advocated for civil rights, union rights, eliminating tax loopholes, and he fought pollution. Robert Kennedy was wise to organize a large coalition of black people (including John Lewis), unions, poor white people, Latinx Americans, etc. in winning the crucial California primary. He gave eloquent words about the assassination of the late Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. when he was in Indianapolis. Also, he exposed the double standard of how poor and black Americans fought in Vietnam while the more affluent used deferments in preventing them from fighting in that unjust war. By June 1968, Robert Kennedy was shot by a sick person. Robert Kennedy soon died and it represented an end to an era. Robert Kennedy wasn’t a super liberal, but he wasn’t a reactionary either. He was a man who grew to be more progressive by the late 1960’s and he heroically stood up for causes that we must all stand up courageously in our generation too. So, we must continue in political activism, growing our consciousness, and making sure that the Dream for human justice is made real for our descendants. 

Glory and power are found concurrently in art. It motivates our curiosity and it enriches our souls in many ways. We may love it, be offended by some of it, or question it, but we aren’t ignoring its fundamental value to civilization. One of the truisms of art is that it is diverse. Art is found in the structures found in Africa, in the ink paintings found in Asia, and in the sculptures found in Europe. It is also found by works created by Native Americans and the various images found in Oceania too. That is precisely why it is important to embrace the diversity of art. Art is never a shallow force meant to be embraced a small number of human beings. It is meant to expand and spread throughout the Universe. I am an African American, so it is very important for me (and any freedom lover) to appreciate the contributions of African Americans in art. We, who are African Americans, have a long history in joy, in pain, in struggle, and in excellence. We have lived in the Americas for over five centuries and we still rise to not only proclaim our talents, but to be a beckon of light to the world. That is exemplified in how so many other people take inspiration from the African American freedom movement.  African American art, just like the varied forms of art, aren’t just related to one subject matter or genre. African American art is wide ranging to deal with quilts, abstract paintings, dance, spoken word performances, digital art, comic imagery, sculptures, and other compositions.

Time does go fast. It has been almost five years since the Black Lives Matter has existed (which started during the aftermath of the Trayvon Martin trial). It has flourished in a decentralized fashion. BLM has made it abundantly clear that it seeks grassroots organizing with progressive ideologies. Its intention and its goal are clear. It desires to give all black people, regardless of background, spaces of freedom, healing, justice, and human growth. It views the black community as a community since our African ancestors did promote communal growth spiritually and socially. One book that sums up the Black Lives Matter movement succinctly is a book written by one of its founders. It is entitled, “When they call you a terrorist: A Black Lives Matter memoir” by Patrisse Khan-Cullors and Asha Bandle (with a forward from Angela Davis. Angela Davis is a well known fighter against the prison industrial complex). I read the whole book and it was an eye opening. A lot of the events in the book relates to the lives of many black people, especially black people form poor or working class backgrounds. Reading the stories about Patrisse’s brother, friends, father, cousins, lovers, and mother certainly reminds us that the terrorists aren’t us. We believe in the love of black people strongly. The true terrorists are those who use unjust force, under the guise of wearing a badge, to harass, to beat, and to murder innocent black human beings. The real terrorism is enacted by the prison industrial complex which has excessive bails, massive abuse of prisoners, and unfair sentencing practices.

Also, terrorism is the poverty, via capitalist exploitation, inflicted on black lives throughout the world not just in America (where tons of people struggle to gain enough income or resources to survive). The book exposes the fact that black people must have true freedom from injustices. Three black women organized the Black Lives Matter movement. Their names are Patrisse Kahn-Cullors, Opal Tomeli, and Alicia Garza. All three women want black men including black women to have their lives preserved, black women having their leadership respected, immigrants to have their lives maintained in the midst of mass deportations (organize by vicious ICE tactics), and an end to the epidemic of transgender black human beings being murdered viciously. They are overt on what they stand for. The far right hates the BLM, because of the obvious reasons (i.e. the far right hates human diversity, they believe in the myth of the nearly infallible police institution meriting no criticism, and they desire the intransigent status quo). The status quo not only doesn’t work, but it is injurious to the lives of so many people. It represents the shattered lives of so many via poverty, discrimination, abuse, police brutality, prison corruption, racism, sexism, etc. that we are frankly sick and tired of. We desire the system of white supremacy to end. In our anger over the harm done to black lives means precisely that we endorse change. A change encompasses not only progressive thinking. It entails that we treat our neighbor as our neighbor (in rejecting Islamophobia, anti-Semitism, xenophobia, and any evil). Subsequently, real change entails that people are deserving of health care universally, quality education, housing, compassion, dignity, and total human rights. Human rights aren’t just found in documents. They exist truly in the soul and must be defended and protected by the people. Black Lives Matter isn’t about authoritarian respectability politics. It is about seeing black people are glorious, beautiful, and complex human beings who desire pure freedom in developing true happiness in our lives. We will certainly continue to fight for the people of Ferguson and Baltimore. We do this for our own black beings. Black movements for justice will continue and black liberation is our goal.

By the dawn of the 20th century, a new era existed in the world economically, socially, and politically. More nations used electrification and more innovations of infrastructure (from bridges, light bulbs, trains, and to subways) came about in order for countries to increase trade and exports. There was the replacing of horses for transportation with cars and other motorized vehicles. The expansion of the internal combustion engine grew the development of complex machines and other cars. Assembly lines advanced the creation of engines and other machine parts rapidly. Chlorine and other chemicals were placed in the water supply as a means to kill microorganisms which were viruses and bacteria. There was the increase of the standard of living and more electric appliances from refrigerators to lamps spread in homes worldwide. Also, the labor movement was very powerful. Strikes continued and the evils of imperialism overtly stretched in the four corners of the Earth. Imperialism exploited the resources of mostly areas of color in order to benefit industrialized nations without regard to the human, democratic rights of the oppressed peoples of the world. This sparked progressive movements against colonialism and imperialism to increasingly develop. Black people and others organized themselves in groups to fight Jim Crow apartheid. The events of 1906 caused a temporary recession and the economy grew.  The Panic of 1907 economically inspired the development of the Federal Reserve of 1913. The Federal Reserve was created in steps. Congress among many powerful politicians passed legislation first called the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. This occurred on December of 1913. Afterwards, the Federal Reserve existed nationwide in America.

The Federal Reserve is a central banking system that has huge control over the monetary systems of America. Many cities across the United States of America have Federal Reserve facilities. It or the Federal Reserve can raise interest rates, it can express stimulus, and it can even regulate or supervise many banks in the United States of America. Its power has expanded since 1913 and many people love it or hate (depending on the person to the very day). It acts as an independent central bank, because many of its policies don’t have to be approved by the President or Congress. WWI didn’t decrease the American economy. It expanded it by its production of exports and other resources in the war effort. More credit expanded among many banks and the 1920’s saw heavy financial speculation. This speculation was unregulated and very controversial. That is why the 1929 crash transpired in America. The Great Depression commended. Millions of human beings were in poverty. Banks in the hundreds failed. Many were homeless and laissez faire capitalism wouldn’t be enough to end the financial calamity. That was why Franklin Delano Roosevelt was elected in 1932 (with a historic coalition of workers, farmers, black Americans, urban community members , women, Southerners, the elderly, the poor, etc.). Roosevelt expanded the federal government massively and was key in developing the ideological framework of modern day liberalism indeed. I will forever be progressive. He used policies from the New Deal as a means to try to get people working and to prevent revolution (as there were many nationwide strikes during that era of time being implemented by heroic workers). He practically “saved” capitalism in essence.

The New Deal included many great programs (like the Works Progress Administration, Social Security, the SEC or the Securities and Exchange Commission, the Tennessee Valley Authority, etc.) and one problem wasn’t the program’s goals (of stopping Wall Street, big business financial corruption. It is no secret that many corporate banking interests hated FDR because of his progressive policies on economic issues). One problem was that many of these programs were targeted mostly to benefit white people and black people were heavily discriminated against in the implementation of these legitimate programs. That was wrong. The New Deal was a key economic experiment to see how government intervention would help those suffering massive financial ruin. The verdict is that the New Deal helped to end the Great Depression and it literally saved the lives of millions of Americans. Many factors ended the Great Depression like the massive industrial production during World War II and other things, but the New Deal caused unemployment to decline, production to increase, home ownership to rise, and GDP to massively increase to make America the strongest economic nation in the world by 1945. World War II also changed everything economically. Economic sectors grew in America during World War II. There were the rations of resources, so military production would develop. Black people, women, people of color, and others were involved in new economic opportunities in factories, and other occupations. Many of these jobs would be either permanent or temporary. It was a new frontier. Franklin Delano Roosevelt would be one of the greatest Presidents in American history having four terms of office (who gave speeches where he indicted financial interests of harming the American people. FDR's Second Bill of Rights is more progressive than Republican and many moderate Democratic proposals in our time). Also, we should never omit FDR's great achievements and great mistakes (like the unjust internment of Japanese Americans). Additionally, during that time (during the early to mid 1940's), there were racial riots, heroic strikes for economic justice, and new social changes involving culture plus music. World War II caused the defeat of the Axis Powers and the Axis Powers’ economies were in shatters as a product of their rightful defeat. After World War II, some of the most important economic developments would transpire in world history.

By Timothy

Friday, February 23, 2018

Friday Information.

Many young people are using protests, walk outs, and other actions in demanding change in the Florida state legislature. When you have the majority of Americans by polls wanting AR-15s to not be owned by anyone for any reason and most Americans wanting universal background checks, then we have a strong movement for real reasonable gun policies. This has worked in Connecticut. The young people in Florida are very courageous and they are speaking their minds that legislators and everyone else must contribute an effort in ending this epidemic of massive gun violence. This is a national problem that relates to people of every color, creed, and demographic. Subsequently, we will speak our minds in favor of justice. Also, today, there is the sad news of the passing of Brother Lerone Bennett Jr. He was one of the greatest historians in human history. His specialty was dealing with African American history and black history in general. For decades, he has eloquently written and powerfully spoke up in favor of the liberation of our people. He has written great books from colonial America, the civil rights movement, and other phases of the long American epoch of U.S. history. He lived to be 89 years old and he was born in Clarksdale, Mississippi. Before the Mayflower in 1962 and Forced into Glory from 2000 are some of his many classics. The first book is about early America and the second book is about Abraham Lincoln. Morehouse College was his alma mater as HBCUs have great significance in the lives of Black Americans. They represent our excellence, our strength, and many of my family members are graduates of HBCUs too. Inquiry and precise understanding of critical information define his legacy as a black man dedicated to the truth. I send prayers and condolences to his family and friends.
Rest in Power Brother Lerone Bennett Jr.

Yesterday was the Birthday of Brother Julius Irving or Dr. J. He is one of the greatest basketball players in history. He helped to expand street ball and he has inspired tons of people to appreciate the great game of basketball in general. He is now 68 years old. He was born in East Meadow, New York. By the age of 13, he lived in Roosevelt, New York. He played in Rucker Park in Harlem. Rucker Park is a mecca of playground basketball in America. He was called Dr. J there and it was his nickname then and today. He was in the University of Massachusetts. Also, he played first in the ABA. Back in the day, there was the NBA and the ABA. The NBA was more conservative with the rules while the ABA were more freer with the rules and other things. Dr. J. excelled in both leagues. By the end of the 1970's, the ABA merged with the NBA. He played for the Virginia Squires in the ABA. He played in the Philadelphia 76ers including the Nets in the NBA too. He won a Slam dunk competition in the ABA in 1976. He won a NBA title and he made great accomplishments. He has many children and he loves his life. He still plays basketball and dunked in his 60's. Dr. J made innovative dunks and he made his teammates better. He is an innovator who loves the game and his family. I wish Brother Julius Irving more Blessings.

Days ago was the Birthday of the late, great Sister Nina Simone. Through the decades, she has expressed musical genius and advocated for social justice. She was a talented black woman who could play multiple instruments. Her beauty wasn't just found in her gorgeous dark skin complexion and she was a beautiful black woman. It was also found in her ideals of loving Blackness (in opposing colorism as Black is Beautiful), of fighting oppression, and of using music to inspire fundamentally necessary social change. She was born in Tryon, North Carolina. During her youth, Nina Simone was influenced by genres like jazz, folk, blues, classical, gospel, etc. Her parents loved her. She was educated in the Julliard School in 1950 in New York City. Her compositions and renditions were ahead of its time. She used her music powerfully to oppose Jim Crow apartheid and injustice in general. Her song about Mississippi emotionally reiterated the point of the seriousness of the problem of violence against innocent black Americans (along with the goal of ending such atrocious actions). Her artistry specifically was about to not only entertain, but to make poignant political statements. An artist is meant to provoke discussion, to show creative energy, to have fun, and to debate. During the 1960's, we saw the working class and the poor opposing the Vietnam War, the growth of Great Society programs, and the advance of the civil rights movement. In other words, we have to work with the working class in accomplishing the goal of human liberation. Nina Simone traveled the world and she passed away in France in the year of 2003 at the age of 70. Courageousness and honesty encompass her soul. Yes, she was black and gifted with her love and with her great humane spirit. Her daughter to this very day continues in her legacy and her passion for music. Nina Simone taught us about believing in causes, promoting the beauty of Blackness, and representing the sacrosanct value of musical expression. She was a heroine of the ages.
Rest in Power Sister Nina Simone.

Today is days after the assassination of Brother Malcolm X has taken place. Malcolm X's life and legacy is set in stone forever as made up of ideological transformation, courage, and above all a love for black people. Malcolm X loved black people by loving his wife and children. Also, he was honest with us in detailing the situation that we presently live in. Someone who tells you the truth truly respects you. He was born in the Midwest and he lived in New York City. He transformed his life into being a spokesman and an activist for human justice. He fully experienced the life of the poor and working class in the ghettos of the North and Midwest. He spoke what many of us (who are black) say in private. He was uncompromising in his advocacy of self-defense. He infused greater confidence in the black collective and he inspired us to not only speak out against racism, but to be part of the solution making process. He traveled into Africa, Europe, and the Middle East where he gained insights, promoted Pan-Africanism, and desired the equality of women. Malcolm X formed the OAAU to be a springboard in helping African Americans, so people of black African descent can ultimately unite in creating power to address our interests (and confront the U.S. government for its crimes against black people in the States as he has mentioned).

When threats came against his life, he never backed down. He stood up powerfully to confront evil and injustice. Malcolm X wanted to go into the United Nations to confront American oppression. He had allies in the Third World and Malcolm X was strident in his opposition to the Vietnam War. One of his last actions on this Earth was fighting for the voting rights of the black people of Selma in 1965. He was a champion of the oppressed and he is forever our hero. The fight isn't over. Key parts of the Voting Rights Act are gone. We have massive police brutality. We have war and we witness a narcissistic occupant of the White House spewing bigotry and hatred overtly. His daughters carry out his legacy daily. Ultimately, we want humanity to have justice. Anti-imperialism, self-defense, racial justice, opposition to the status quo, and love of Blackness represent his great ideological ethos.
Rest in Power Brother Malcolm X.

By Timothy

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Nina Simone - I wish I knew How It Would Feel To Be Free

Drones in the Sahara

The Underground Struggle Continues

The Black Panther film (a Review)

There are many storylines mentioned in the film Black Panther (from issues of Blackness, the Diaspora, war, technology, monarchy, imperialism, geo-politics, etc.). Also, you are free to disagree with my views since we're human. Disagreement is fine and we are diverse in our interpretations and we have the right to express our interpretations too. Many far right people & white racists hate the film, because of its emphasis on Blackness. Many sincere, great conscious people including Hoteps (who are not conscious people, but black people who are bigots, xenophobes, xenophobes, and misogynists) have issues with certain aspects of the film because of its political narrative. Some of them feel that it omits certain, important points. In other words, they view the character Killmonger as the real hero while T’Challa as the more of the compromising character. They view Killmonger as wanting to liberate black people worldwide while T’Challa desiring compromise with the global power structure. What is the truth? I took my time to think about it and here are my nuisance views (of describing the Black Panther film's strengths and imperfections). The film came from the views of Stan Lee (like Otto Preminger, he used many themes to interpret black life in their own minds as only black people can know fully comprehend the pain and the struggle of the black experience). Many characters from Killmonger and T’Challa express contradictions and imperfections. Killmonger is right that black people worldwide should be unified and end the prison industrial complex plus police brutality.

Yet, he is wrong in advocating mayhem and destructive violence in nefarious ways in getting towards that aim. There is a difference between positive actions (like legitimate self-defense, community building, and growing networks among the African Diaspora) and mayhem or nihilism. Killmonger has a legitimate reason to be upset at oppression (as he was a victim of oppression, neglect, and disrespect. He lived in Oakland, California which was the home of the Black Panther Party back in 1966), but uses the wrong approach. He even said that he desired to kill children to enact his agenda, which is sick. T’Chaka is wrong to murder Killmonger’s father. T’Chaka is the super capitalist. Killmonger’s father’s name is N’Jobu (who shows a love for black Americans and black people in general). N'Jobu planned to share Wakanda's technology with people of African descent around the world to help them conquer their oppressors.

T’Challa (who is more nationalistic in Wakanda) wants change, but he is manipulated by a CIA agent to try to end his problems. In essence, the movie was about the views of nationalist and revolutionary views. There is nothing wrong with being a revolutionary or a progressive nationalist, but history is shown by many want to divide and conquer black people among diverse ideologies in order to maintain the status quo. We see this plainly in the FBI’s COINTELPRO. Both Killmonger and T’Challa claim to be for black people.  Yet, Killmonger is wrong for killing black people in the movie (as he is no hero in my eyes. In the film, he was about to kill a 16 year old black teenage character. This is not revolutionary. Killmonger supported black people who agree with him, but he wanted to kill black people who oppose him, which is anti-black by definition. Nakia was more progressive than both Killmonger and T'Challa). Killmonger makes legitimate points about black empowerment internationally, but he does evil in claiming it to be justification for his goals. Killmonger works with the character of Ulysess Klause, whose grandfather was a Nazi. Klause is a real villain in the movie since he wanted to steal vibranium for economic and exploitative purposes. T’Challa acts too compromising to the CIA agent (the CIA agent acts in the “white savior” archetype in the movie. He saves the life of Nakia) and the Western elites in general.

We know that the CIA, in real life has harmed communities worldwide (from Operation Ajax, etc. It is no secret that the CIA and the military industrial complex influence the production of movies in America). The CIA agent in the film in a way agitated conflict between T'Challa and Erik. Imagine if Erik and T'Challa united, despite their differences (plus go forward in a more positive direction), to cause Wakanda to be a springboard to cause black liberation worldwide? That would be great. T’Challa speaks to the United Nations in desiring his goals to be accomplished, but he doesn’t seek revolutionary change per se. He seeks reform and certain moderate policies of wanting Wakanda to be open to the world. Many people in real life have a strong desire to advance African American and African unity as a way to overthrow the system of oppression in general. One of the most powerful quotes in the film is when Erik Killmonger says the following words before he dies: “…Bury me in the ocean with my ancestors who jumped from ships because they knew death was better than bondage.” This is historic since no movie in the history of mainstream film (during the 21st century) has a person who said these words. So, while Killmonger (who had no future plans but to be the sole ruler of the world without oversight and with unquestioned authority) was right in much of his goals, he used evil methods in trying to reach those goals. The lesson of Killmonger is that we don't use evil means to get righteous ends. We use righteous means to get righteous ends. You can make the case that Killmonger's views are similar to the views of Hoteps. The lesson of T'Challa is that we should be open to the world, but we ought to never compromise to the same institutions oppressing us. That is not an option. Also, T'Challa, despite his imperfections (i.e. him trying to be too moderate in his approach), actually cares about the black women around him, seeks their counsels, and fights for them.  Some have compared Erik's character to Malcolm X and T'Challa's character to Dr. King.

Yet, many even conscious people ignore the revolutionary views of Dr. King. We already know Malcolm X was a revolutionary. That's a fact. Malcolm X constantly fought oppression and desired the unity of black people worldwide to end the oppressive Western power structure. Dr. King was a revolutionary too because he opposed the Vietnam War, criticized capitalism, wanted civil disobedience, praised democratic socialism, and fought against imperialism including poverty. Some people don't know of these facts. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. called the U.S. government the greatest purveyor of violence in the world today (in his speech from April 4, 1967 in Riverside Baptist Church). Dr. King was illegally monitored and persecuted by the FBI. T'Challa's character is not going to say those words from Dr. King in that film. T'Challla should be compared to someone else not Dr. King.

African Americans and Africans alike are victims of the same system of oppression in real life, so anyone hating on Africans or African Americans are traitors period. African Americans have made a huge sacrifice in the freedom movement in general and our contributions must be honored and acknowledged period. The black women in the film of Wakanda are shown as independent, strong, resourceful, and determined. This is massively different from other films outlining massively overt misogynoir. Yet, many women in the film are still minimized in their roles, personalities, and outlooks. Killmonger wants Wakanda to share its healing powers and technology with black people internationally in establishing a new society under his control. Killmonger isn't an egalitarian as he wants centralized power onto himself. Killmonger is not a role model either since he expresses misogynoir by killing his girlfriend, scoffing his aunt, choking a woman elder, and injuring Nakia. He has a lust for power. While he legitimately criticizes European colonialism, he ironically wants to use similar tactics (from the colonialists) in gaining power for himself.  Likewise, the land of Wakanda hoarded resources while poor people do exist in Wakanda. Wakanda must get its house in order too. Don’t get it twisted as economic inequality is real.

There is great value in Pan-Africanism since we need more social, political, and economic unity from across the Diaspora. I believe in Pan-African unity. What do we take from this? We take that while we love black people and we desire black liberation, we have to use a fair analysis of the film Black Panther as a means for us to acknowledge the magnificent talent of black actors and black actresses while not keeping our eyes off the prize (which is ultimately black liberation). There are complexities in the movie. This is a historic movie (with imperfections and strengths) and movies can’t liberate us. The genius of black acting (including the excellence of black director Ryan Coogler. We support great black directors and great black actors plus black actresses) is on full display in Black Panther. Also, we recognize the historic value of the actual Black Panther movement (filled with inspiration and fighters against police brutality and imperialism from Bobby Seale, Jamal Joseph, Barbara Easley, and to Afeni Shakur) at the same time. We believe in liberation for all black people not blind, nihilistic vengeance. Black Unity and Black Power is a must.


By Timothy

Monday, February 19, 2018

Trump and people of color

Trump and the crisis that caused him

Monday News

It is no secret that the anti-immigration movement in America and internationally have a long history with the eugenics movement. Xenophobia and eugenics are two evils part of the same foundation of bigotry plus anti-humanism. In recent years, tons of scholars have found even more links with eugenics and anti-immigration movements. I have receipts and I will show them enthusiastically in order for all forms of bigotry to be abolished worldwide. To begin with, racism is always linked to xenophobia. Anyone who harbors hatred of any immigrant and anyone by virtue of his or her nationality, skin color, or ethnicity is a racist period. The Federation for American Immigration Reform (or FAIR) has shown their commercials a lot recently. They received most of its startup money from the nonprofit Pioneer Fund foundation. The Pioneer Fund is a known group that promotes eugenics and aids researchers who believe in irrational white supremacist causes. The Pioneer Fund also funds anti-immigrant causes. It is no secret that the Southern Poverty Law Center and the ADL criticized FAIR and the Pioneer Fund for its xenophobia and racist policies. Back during the early and mid-20th century, white racist eugenicists wanted northern hemisphere Caucasians to primarily live in America. They didn’t want people of color to immigrant into America in a high number especially. Many of them were anti-Semites. Eugenicists believe that people that they deem “inferior” ought to be controlled and decline their populations via poor scapegoating, sterilization, extreme population control, and extermination. There is nothing wrong with birth control, but eugenicists exploited birth control in advancing classism and xenophobic views. The Immigration and Restriction Act of 1924 was totally racist. The Act curtailed immigration from places like Latin America, Eastern Europe, Southern Europe, etc. It had strict quotas and President Calvin Coolidge signed the bill. Harry Hamilton Laughlin was the first President of the Pioneer Fund. He served as Director of the Eugenics Record Office at the Cold Spring Laboratory on Long Island, New York.

Laughlin supported the 1924 immigration law. Hitler praised the racist 1924 American immigration law too. John Tanton was the modern founder of the modern nativist movement. Tanton wants even legal immigration restrictions. He is far right and believes in the myth that America is witnessing an overpopulation problem when immigration stabilizes U.S. population growth (from America massively declining in birthrates). Tanton (who wants majority European American culture to dominate American society) wants U.S. English to be emphasized in America when we speak many languages in America (and there is nothing wrong with living in a multilingual society). The British Peter Brimelow wrote the anti-immigrant book, Alien Nation. He founded the racist website Brimelow wants to limit the immigration of nonwhites into the United States of America. Our strength is found in our diversity as diversity is beautiful. Racists like Jared Taylor write on VDare too.  Negative Population Growth President and FAIR advisory Board Member Donald Mann wanted to deny maternity leave to women who had more than two children in 1996, which is totally evil. Anti-immigrant groups include FAIR, Center for Immigration Studies, Numbers USA Negative Population Growth, US Inc., Progressives for Immigration Reform, etc. Anti-immigration people include Pat Buchanan and especially Tom Tancredo. Tancredo is a notorious coward who questioned Obama’s citizenship and he said many outlandish commentaries for years. He believes in a civics literacy test before voting and he is an anti-immigrant extremist. Tancredo spoke at a meeting promoted by the neo-Confederate League of the South before too. Groups like the Black Alliance for Just Immigration, Latino Issues Forum, and the Equal Justice Society have fought back against xenophobia greatly.

Art is international. It is found in the four corners of the Earth. The majority of people on this Earth are people of color, so the art from people of color is very important. Some people want to minimize or ignore art from certain areas of the world, but we aren’t those types of people. We believe in presenting information and outlining respect for the arts globally. Eastern Art is filled with diversity in India, China, and Japan. Much of Eastern Art uses a surface patterning and local color. There is an outline of works. Some paintings of Buddha were used in the context of being a religious symbol. The Bhutanese painted “thangkas” or painting on cloths that describe Buddhist iconography. Eastern Art has calligraphy too. Many Chinese landscape paintings have black lines and gentle ink wash. Some of those works promoted the concepts of serenity and peace. One of the greatest Chinese artists was the painter Li Chieng (he lived from 919 to 967 A.D.). One of his famous works was “A Solitary Temple Amid Clearing Peaks.” He used paintings with excellence involving ink and scenery. Jeong Seon is a famous Korean landscape painter of the 18th century. He lived from 1676 to 1759. Religious calligraphy and Islamic paintings are found heavily in Western Asia. African art uses sculptures like the brass castings of the Benin people. There is folk art as well. The art of ancient Egypt focused on polytheism, the praise of pharaohs, and images of many animals. Ancient Nubia had tons of pyramid images too. Sculptures were prevalent during the Middle Ages throughout Africa.  Intricate structures are found in the Zimbabwe civilization with precise, great architectural designs. The Yoruba sculptures are iconic representations of African art. Many works in African art use brass heads, brass, and other materials.

Many African art are found in masks and it is represented by folk art too. One of the greatest artists during the 20th century was Uzo Egonu. He was born in Onitsha, Nigeria. He worked in political struggles in Africa. His works deal heavily with exquisite paintings. Olu Oguibe from Nigeria is a famous well known artist and intellectual. He not only makes art. He is a Professor Art and African-American Studies at the University of Connecticut, Storrs. He is a great art historian and art curator. Today, the Johannesburg Biennale is a great arts venue in the Motherland of Africa. The art of Oceania is found in the areas of Micronesia, Polynesia, Australia, New Zealand, and Melanesia. Oceanic art has used wood, features, and other imagery. There are large structures in the region too including abstract art found in the indigenous art of Australia. Art in the Americans does deal with indigenous cultures and other pre-Columbian themes. Strong precision is found in the Olmec structures and in the usage of carved jade. Colossal heads are found in San Lorenzo Tenochtitlán and La Venta as part of the Olmec civilization. The Mayan civilization had hieroglyphic carvings. Other paintings and sculptures plus complex architecture are found in the Mixtec, Zapotec, and other civilizations found in the Valley of Oaxaca. Mosaics, sculptures, and paintings are found in the Aztec culture. In modern American art, we see influences from Africa, Native Americans, Asians, Europeans, etc. American art from the early days to the modern era are filled with quillwork, beads, tipis, pop art, Abstract Expressionism, and other forms of expression.

Art during the 21st century is very diverse. It deals with technology, painting, and other forms of human expression. There is neo-minimalism. It existed during the late 20th century and continues to exist during the 21st century. It goes by many names like Neo-geometric art, Post- Abstractionism, Smart Art, and Simulationism. In essence, neo-minimalism is about using simple colors and designs in expressing art. There are contrasts and many forms of other materials in forming the art. It is deliberate in using simplicity of form and a lack of expressive content to advance art that is widespread. It involves painting, sculpture, architecture, design, and music. Many contemporary artists associated with neo-minimalism include people like David Burdeny, Time Zuck, Laurel Smith, Tanya Rusnak, Eve Leader, Paul Kuhn, Catharine Burgess, Marjan Eggermont, Christopher Willard, etc. Digital art is a form of art that uses digital technology in being creative. It is part of the new media art too. It has transformed the skills of painting, sound, music, sculpture, etc. It is related to net art, digital installation art, and virtual reality. It is so popular that school classes teach students about digital art constantly. Digital art is not just found in computers. It can be shown in museums, light shows, and other means. It is found in vector graphics software, graphics tablets, and other devices. CGI and other forms of computer generated 3D still imagery are heavily found in this form of digital art. Excessivism was created in 2015 by American artist and  curator Kaloust Guedel with an exhibition titled Excessivist Initiative. It is a form of art that deals with investigating every aspect of life in an excessive state. It can use two or three dimensional visual creations, written or spoken words, or other activities. It wanted a reflection or examination or investigation of the capitalist system devoid of aesthetic, legal, commercial or other considerations. There is electronic art, environmental art, algorithmic art, altermodernism, and other forms of 21st century art.

By Timothy

Saturday, February 17, 2018

More Information

Laser scanning reveals 'lost' ancient Mexican city 'had as many buildings as Manhattan'


Florida student to NRA and Trump

Friday, February 16, 2018

Grand jury indicts 13 Russian nationals over 2016 election interference

The Parkland, Florida Tragedy

We have to ask ourselves either a gun is God or it isn't. I believe in the latter, which is why a conversation on gun violence must exist. What gets me is that we have regulations on water, foods, and other services, but cowardly Congress people refuse to talk about the necessity to deal with gun violence in communities nationwide (from Parkland to large urban metropolitan areas). There is no ambiguity on this issue. The big lie is that any regulation of a gun is equivalent to a total gun ban. We don't want to ban guns from everyone. Yet, a 19 year old with known warning signs (like being expelled from school) has no business owning an AR-15 rifle. People want to have investments in helping those with mental health (which ought to exist), but some use mental health as a cop out to promote the myth that nothing can be done. Connecticut passed laws and their gun violence rate has radically declined. So, something can be done. I have no problem with morality being promoted in society. Yet, what is immoral is the blatant apathy and total sick belief that nothing can decrease mass shootings in American society. That is immoral and the deification of guns is also immoral. Faith without works is dead. That means that we should pray and do the work in fighting the evil of evil gun violence too. The sick people are those who view a gun as having more of a priority than innocent human life. That is why young people in the Parkland high school want change. It is certainly inspiring to witness high school students from Parkland High School speaking about the necessity to promote changes in the world as it relates to gun violence.

Some want to to be political during this time, but it is always time to speak up when innocent people are murdered. It is important that the social and political realities in America are clear. We have increased economic inequality as compared to 30 years ago. We have seen nothing but militarism since the start of the Gulf War. We witness massive increases in youth suicide. We have the glamorization of an inanimate object and some place more value in an non-living tool than human life. We have some people struggling to find work with living wages and benefits. We witness increases in hate crimes since that person in the White House was elected and we witness massive anti-immigrant xenophobia. These factors signify how we have a long way to go. Most Americans support background checks and most most Americans support a ban on military style assault weapons for non-military citizens. 3 of the 10 deadliest mass shooting in American history (excluding 19th century and before that time) occurred in the last three months. That is why action is required to fight against gun violence in general. Violence doesn't exist in a vacuum. It comes from neglect and a lack of investments to handle mental health, to handle safety, and to handle other infrastructure necessary to deal with the conditions of our communities. When anyone places the value of a gun more than the value of human life, then that person is complicit in the situation that we're in. That is why we have to honest. My view is not popular, but it is better to be right than to be popular.

Days ago was the Birthday of Sister Danai Gurira. She is now 40 years old. She was born in Grinnell, Iowa. Her parents are from Zimbabwe. For years, she has performed magnificently in acting. She has a Bachelors and Masters degrees. She has taught playwriting and acting in Africa in places like Liberia, South Africa, and Zimbabwe. Theater is a part of her life too as she has been involved in writing a play and performing in theater like in Broadway. In 2015, Lupita Nyong'o starred in Gurira's 2009 play, Eclipsed, Off-Broadway at The Public Theater. She is famous for being in the Walking Dead show from AMC. She's a gorgeous black woman. Also, she is a leading actress in the historic Black Panther film that deals with science fiction, Afrofuturism, and other issues relating to Africa plus the African Diaspora. She is a very talented human being whose strength, intellect, and love of performing will always inspire humanity. I wish Sister Danai Gurira more Blessings.

Today is the 200th Year anniversary of the birth of Brother Frederick Douglass. Brother Frederick Douglass was one of the greatest and most influential African Americans of the nineteenth century (and of American history). He stood alone as not only a heroic abolitionist, but an audacious freedom fighter in general. From his birthday in Maryland on 1818 to his passing on 1895 in Washington, D.C., Frederick Douglass personified excellence, courage, strength, and intellectual greatness. Traveling the world was to oppose the abominable act of slavery was definitely a part of his life. His voice was powerful and stirred up people to advance the creed of equality. His autobiography, Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave (1845) and his second book, My Bondage and My Freedom (1855) outlined the extensive scope of his life story. Also, he worked relentlessly during the Civil War to defeat the nefarious Confederacy (who brutalized and enslaved black people. Their own documents condoned slavery too). That is why he organized speeches and rallies in order for him to encourage black Americans to join the Union Army in fighting for the noble cause of freedom. Later, he saw the Union to become victorious. After the Civil War, Frederick Douglass defended the rights of not only black people, but of women, immigrants, and the oppressed in general. Land reform, the abolition of the death penalty, peace, and other causes that he fought for galvanized future generations. He was a leader, an ambassador, and an early civil rights advocate. Frederick Douglass was in fact totally American. He was honest to expose the hypocrisies of America while being inspired to seek a better America simultaneously. Frederick Douglass was inspired by so many heroes including Anna Douglass. Anna Douglass was a trailblazing black woman, whose insights and magnanimous courage ought to never be forgotten. Frederick Douglass' contributions to our world are very clear and transcendent. Now, it is time to celebrate 200 years after his birth and be inspired to fight for the justice that he continuously advocated in an interminable fashion. Agitate was his call for change and we must always agitate for peace, for justice, for righteousness, and for human freedom unequivocally.

Yesterday was the Birthday of Sister Amber Riley. She is now 32 years old and she was born in Los Angeles, California. A down to Earth personality and a great actress defines her life. She was on the show Glee from 2009 to 2015. Also, she won a Screen Actors Guild Award. She was nominated to win a NAACP Image Award and other awards too. She was in the Broadway musical Dreamgirls which shows an ode to African American women performers during the 1960's (like the Supremes). She has her own clothing line. She is a singer and author too. Also, Amber Riley is the first African American to win Dancing with the Stars. Making history is part of her repertoire. Her beauty (as she is a beautiful black woman) also deals with her contributions in inspiring people, in her wisdom, in her love for her family plus friends, and in her glorious love of life itself. She is a blessed woman and I wish Sister Amber Riley more Blessings. It is always important to recognize heroes during Black History Month. They include people like Florence Price, Ruth Hernandez, Ethel Payne, Queen Anna Nzingha, Rachel Johnson, Sarah Boone, Amy Ashwood Garvey, Carrie Mae Weems, Mahalia Jackson, Victoria Santa Cruz, Patricia Bath, Geraldine Whittington, Claressa Shields, and Sylvia del Villard.

By Timothy

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

First American American Navy Nurse Ens Phyllis Mae Dailey

More News

Black Liberation

Freedom Rider: U.S. Escalates Syrian War

Geopolitical News

Trump's budget is blatantly draconian and extremist. It has sweeping cuts to Medicare, Medicaid, and food stamps. It also has huge boosts to military spending. It is no question that the Trump regime's proposal is an attack on domestic programs that men and women fought and died for. Budget Director Mick Mulvaney said that the $63 billion increase in non-defense domestic spending was not mandatory. He wants them to be spending caps. The bill wants $6 billion spent on the opoid crisis. The proposal benefits the financial oligarchy especially relating to fiscal and social matters. Trump believes in dramatic cuts to social programs and more spending on the military. Social programs have been demonized for years and decades by the far right as "entitlements" when people work to gain benefits form many of these programs. The far right extremists do want to eliminate the blessings from the New Deal and the Great Society. The Trump administration's plan includes more than $1 trillion in cuts to social programs over 10 years like $554 billion from Medicare, $250 billion from Medicaid, and $214 billion from the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), the formal name of the food stamp benefits. Medicare deals with health insurance for the elderly. The cuts in Medicare includes $47 billion form reduction in subsidies for prescription drugs and $34 billion in banning facility fees for some hospital owned medical practices. This will cause some hospitals to turn away from Medicare recipients in favor of more wealthier patients. Food stamp recipients will increasingly experience harsher eligibility and work requirements. Poor people will drive into more poverty. Trump wants a 6 percent cut in the State Department and a 34 percent cut in the Environmental Protection Agency (which is an organization used to improve our waters, our air, and our trees).

Mulvaney is sick and he has admitted to FOX News (which is a propaganda news network for Trump) that he wants to take money from social programs. The budget wants $18 billion to build a xenophobic wall on the U.S.-Mexican border. He wants more funds for Border Patrol and ICE officers (many of whom have deported people, even those who came into America in their youth causing hurtful family disruptions). Trump wants to cut the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and eliminate the tiny federal subsidies for the arts and humanities. Trump is an enemy of democratic freedom. This plan won't cut the federal budget deficit massively and he passed a recent tax cut bill for the wealthy during December of 2017. Trump wants an infrastructure bill, but the American Society of Civil Engineers estimates that $4.59 trillion is needed through 2025 merely to repair existing infrastructure. Trump wants $200 billion over 10 years in public-private partnerships. Also, he wants cuts to existing federal aid to mass transit, which is ludicrous. His infrastructure plan desires waiving environmental and safety regulations, privatizing many means of construction, supporting more tolls on roads plus bridges, and other reactionary actions. His budget will curtail income based loan repayment plans, end the Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program which will harm many students in colleges nationwide. He even wants to cut funding for federal work study in half. Now, we know the truth. Anyone supporting Trump now is anti-democratic freedom and anti-justice period. We will fight. We have to vote, make our voices heard, and work in our communities just like our forebears did. Like always, justice is our quintessential aim.

The Syrian Civil War is far from over. The Trump administration is talking about new developments about it in public, because they want to omit this growing crisis over there. Right now, U.S. forces have used airstrikes against targets that they deem as a threat. Many people have been killed by them including Russian contractors. Turkey have used incursions in Syria in order to stop Kurdish troops. The YPG Kurds are in alliance with America. Iran is in alliance with Syrian leader Assad. Plus, Russia has an alliance with Assad. Israel of course is in opposition to Syria's Assad too and is in an alliance with America. Israel has recently attacked military locations in Syria. Israel claimed that Iran sent a drone into Israeli airspace. Iran denies this. In response to the Israeli strikes, the Syrian army brought down an Israeli F-16 jet after firing more than 20 antiaircraft missiles. The pilots bailed out. This complex war is going on. Also, American forces want certain oil fields in Syria, which is one reason why the U.S. strikes commenced in the first place. America wants Israel and the Gulf States to be in an alliance in Iran in the Middle East in order to counter the Russia/Iran alliance. Also, the U.S. doesn't want Turkey to cozy up to Iran or Russia either. Russia wants an alliance with Iran, but Russia doesn't want Iran to have carte blance control over Syria completely. Now, for the first time in modern history, Israel and Iran are in full military style confrontation on Syrian territory.

Putin talked recently with Netanyahu (who has a financial scandal now. He has reaped what he has sown. He could face indictment on corruption charges). Wars, on many occasions, exist, because of the desire to gain economic, material, and political power. In both cases, US military spokesmen asserted that American forces used “deconfliction lines” to inform the Russian military about the strikes before and during their execution. The location of the two attacks reveals the real motives underlying the military confrontations. Both took place near the Omar oil field, the Hashim gas field and the former Conoco gas refinery.As we see, this is one more example of the covert political tensions between Russia and America.In the final analysis, Syria should not be governed by U.S. imperialism or by Putin (who is an authoritarian nationalist capitalist), but by the Syrian people in an independent fashion.

Yesterday was the Birthday of Randy Moss. He is one of the greatest NFL players in history. He caught the ball from many directions when he was in many NFL Teams. He is now 41 years old. He was born in Rand, West Virginia. When he was in high school, he played football, baseball, basketball, and track. Marshall was the college where he played football too. He came into the Vikings when he first came into the NFL. He represented a new generation of wide receivers who loved to catch the ball from many angles. Cris Carter mentored him during his early professional football career. He holds the NFL single-season touchdown reception record (23 in 2007), the NFL single-season touchdown reception record for a rookie (17 in 1998), and is second on the NFL all-time regular season touchdown reception list with 156. Six-time Pro-Bowler is part of his life as well. Also, he is a family man who loves his family. He is now in the NFL Hall of Fame. He shed tears and his wife cheered him on in a touching moment. He's a legend. I wish Brother Randy Moss more blessings.

By Timothy

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

The African American Story

Note by Me: This information shows everything in the African American Story series from the times of B.C. to the present era of the 21st century. This is the best series that I have done in my life. During this Black History Month, we are inspired to carry onward in our fight for justice. Also, the top link shows Scribd and the bottom link is from Google Drive (for those who can't have access to look at everything from Scribd).


By Timothy

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6 (The First Era)

Part 6 (The Second Era)

Part 7 (The First Era)

Part 7 (The Second Era, Part I)

Part 7 (The Second Era, Part II)

Part 7 (The Third Era)

Part 7 (The Fourth Era): The Finale

More Information

Ida B. Wells

Harriet Tubman

2016 Election

The Voting Rights Act

Jackie Robinson

Memphis sanitation movement


The Voting Rights Act

The American West Part 4

The Reformation: 500 Years Later


American Football

9/11 15 Years Later

St. Louis



Health Information

The Black Panthers

Trump's Budget.

Sessions goes off-script to mention ‘Anglo-American heritage of law enforcement’ during speech

A national coalition demands transit justice

Would this White House ever believe women?

A strike for dignity and civil rights in Memphis

Monday, February 12, 2018

News Nation & World National politics Trump's budget hits poor Americans the hardest; aims to replace food stamps with high-end meal kits

Winter Olympic news

Information on Monday, on February 2018

One of the greatest aspects of economic history was the events of labor strikes. There can be no economic progress comprehensively without labor rights and economic rights in general. These rights benefit both workers and employers. Our rights didn’t come about by the willingness of the oligarchy. Our rights were created by activism, demands, and resistance against oppression. In 1834, people in a mill in Lowell, Massachusetts protested to protest against wage cuts. They created a union of working class women. The women wanted fair wages. There was a strike for a week. A second strike existed in 1836 and in 1840. Later, the women formed the Lowell Female Labor Reform Association to try to reduce the workday to 10 hours. They used an 1845 petition, they organized chapters, and they wanted the Massachusetts state legislature to cap the work day in the mills at 10 hours. By 1847, New Hampshire became the first state to pass a 10 hour workday law, but it wasn’t enforceable. These events were part of the long struggle for workers' rights. The Industrial Revolution grew from this time. It was movement where people came from the farms and into factories. Factories made large production with machines involving steam power or coal. The problem was the corruption found in this movement like child labor, bad working conditions, exploitation, etc. Economic inequality grew along with economic growth for the leaders of large corporations. Neoclassical economics develop. New economic philosophers during the 19th century include Marshall, Pareto, Jevons, Walras, and other economic scholars.

One of the most important parts of economic history dealt with the views of Karl Marx during the 19th century. He was an economist, historian, political theorist, sociologist, and journalist. He held onto revolutionary views and offered some of the strongest criticisms of capitalism in human history. He studied Hegelian philosophy and worked with German thinker Friedrich Engels. He is known for his 1848 pamphlet called the Communist Manifesto and his three volume work called Das Kaptial. In essence, Karl Marx believed that the social realities involving human beings consist of a class struggle. He believed that capitalism permitted the ruling class or the bourgeoisie to control the means of production (which lead the working class or the proletariat to suffer exploitation). He believed in historical materialism and desired that the only way to create more harmony economically was for the working class to overthrow the ruling class in a means to establish economic justice. Historical materialism relates to Marxism. It is a theory of history that material conditions of society in dealing with producing and reproduction of human existence determine the organization and development of society. Marx wanted the working class to use revolutionary action to end capitalism. He was a journalist and he regularly worked in London. Karl Marx was right to criticize the imperfection of capitalism. Karl Marx was wrong to make many immature and very vicious words against some people via letters and on other issues.

By the late 19th century, the growth of Austrian Economics existed. Austrian Economics believed that individuals can use the market to make the economic systems of the world grow without a lot of government intervention. Much of the conservative or libertarian economic views today existed from Austrian Economics. It promotes marginalist and neoclassical thought, which defended capitalism. Some of the early defenders of Austrian economics included Menger, von Wieser, and Hayek. Hayek was a person whom conservatives to this day revere. He was an advocate of free markets. He falsely believed that government intervention to achieve economic egalitarianism was equivalent to totalitarianism. Libertarianism believes that that the individuals can control his or her own body, but the government should never intervene in the economy except in rare instances. The problem with as little government involvement in the economy as possible is that liberty isn’t about people doing what you want (i.e. human beings are restricted to not do murder, unjust violence, etc. as it murder and unjust violence are morally wrong). Liberty is about freedom bounded under justice, so the rights of the oppressed or the minorities are protected by government intervention too. That is why governments exist in order to fight evil and promote the good. Morality and justice aren’t mutually exclusive. They go hand in hand since fighting slavery, discrimination, abuse, and other moral evils will establish justice for all. Ludwig Mises and Friedrich Hayek influenced the Libertarian movement. I believe in helping the poor and social justice. By the late 19th century in America, immigration grew heavily. From 1865 to 1918, millions of immigrants came into the United States in about 27.5 million people. These people were Jewish people, Italians, Russians, Irish, Germans, Central Europeans, Caribbeans, the Chinese, etc. Many of them were exploited economically by numerous corporate interests. Many of these immigrants experienced discrimination and bigotry. Some faced workers’ exploitation, but they persisted to establish great, positive contributions in American society. Also, the government used policies of Homesteads and other actions that benefited these new immigrants. In the meantime, black people experienced Reconstruction and the white racist backlash of it (which dealt with lynching, Jim Crow, and other evils). Still, courageous black people back then formed unions, associations, and civil rights groups to combat the tyranny of racial oppression. Mary Harris Jones worked as a labor organizer in 1871 after the Great Chicago Fire.

More strikes existed from the Haymarket strike in Chicago to other events. The Gilded Age occurred during the late 19th century in America. It was about the growth of technology and immigration along with many economic scandals flourishing. The Gilded Age saw further industrial growth, but continued bad conditions of working condition problems and lax wages on many occasions. The Transcontinental railroad, the telegraph, and expansion of wealth in America still primarily benefited a select few during the Gilded Age. Economic corruption grew. Monopolists like Andrew Carnegie, J.P. Morgan, and John D. Rockefeller owned vast resources in oil, banking, etc. The Civil Service Act, the Interstate Commerce Act, the Sherman Antitrust Act, etc. tried to combat monopolies in business. The Populist movement grew to fight monopolies, defend farms, and advance labor rights. Many leaders of this movement changed to be racists as time went onward. Others in this movement were among people of many colors who desired real change. Labor unions grew too. The Panic of 1893 caused a national depression. Many railroads were bankrupt. Farmers, workers, and businessmen suffered price drops, wage declined, and profits falling. McKinley (who promoted the Gold Standard) won by 1900 and the economy grew. Likewise, he saw the American Empire develop into the next level after the Spanish American war and the various annexations by America. Imperialism is wrong, because imperialism revolves around other nations dominating another group of people via exploitation, violation of human democratic rights, and other nefarious motivations. During this time, the Progressive era was in existence during its beginning. The Progressive era was about activists who wanted to eliminate conditions of poverty, corruption, and other evils in urban communities. They were diverse. Some were progressive people and some weren’t. Labor groups, civil rights groups, and suffrage groups by the end of the 19th century continued to fight for freedom.

Neoclassicism existed after the Baroque period of art. It dealt with decorative and visual arts. It came about first in Rome during the mid-1700’s. The images promoted the themes of ancient classical art. It was also influenced by reason and other enlightenment principles. The paintings readily used cool colors and there was the elimination of perspectives. It wanted to have simplicity. Many used white marble for sculptures like the ancient Greek and Roman sculptors. The painting of the Oath of Horatti in 1785 outlined neoclassical imagery greatly. There was Romantic art. Romantic art is found in the Romantic period. It was a movement that focused on emotion and the power of the individual. It glorified nature, the past, and shown medieval imagery. It was a way for human beings to respond to the massive rigidity of the Industrial Revolution. Romantic thinkers influenced liberalism, radicalism, conservatism, and nationalism. There was Academic art and Realism in art too. These arts spread worldwide. The Impressionist movement came about by the late 19th century. It was art filled with small, thin, but visible brush strokes. It focused on the depiction of light and human perception. It was heavily found in Paris. Many artists of this movement included Claude Monet with his work from 1872 called “Impression, soleil levant” or Impression, Sunrise. The artwork used many colors and some of it was done outdoors. The Impressionist paintings depicted ordinary people in parks, near bodies of water, and others working in various environments. Mary Cassat, Gustave Caillebotte, Paul Cezanne, Edgar Degas, and others were part of Impressionism in France. Modernism existed in the late 19th and early 20th century. It used many traditional forms of art. It also reflected the rapid growth of cities and industrial societies. Many modernists rejected realism and mainstream religion. Much of the art we see today is Contemporary art which has been created in the late 20th century (with art forms like Expressionism, Fauvism, Cubism, Dadaism, and Surrealism. Pablo Picasso was influenced by Iberian sculpture, African sculpture, and other forms of art during the early 20th century) and early 21st century. It deals with a culturally diverse world. Technology is changing and art reflects that reality too. Contemporary art doesn’t have one point of view. It is diverse filled with different forms of artistic creativity. Research from Albert Einstein, the two world wars, scientific discoveries, TV shows, movies, electronic instruments, etc. accelerated the art. Abstract art, holography, fractal art, post-Modernism, graffiti art, etc. are all examples of Contemporary art.

By Timothy