Friday, September 29, 2023

Cuban President Praises Malcolm X’s Legacy in New York

 Cuban President Praises Malcolm X’s Legacy in New York | Black Agenda Report

Antarctica Hits Records as Global Heat Looms Large for 2024

 Antarctica Hits Records as Global Heat Looms Large for 2024 -

More at Stake for Auto Workers Than Wages and Benefits

 More at Stake for Auto Workers Than Wages and Benefits -

The End of the Month News.

The 2nd GOP Presidential debate during the 2024 election is over. Donald Trump wasn't in the debate, and it was held in the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in California. There were many moments of debate and divergent views being shown by the Republican candidates. Former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley (who wants to defund Democratic cities which is wrong) criticized businessman Vivek Ramaswamy over the issue of Tik Tok. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis said that Trump was missing in action for missing another debate, and Former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie said that Trump was Donald Duck in hiding behind his golf clubs. All of the GOP candidates criticized President Joe Biden. South Carolina Senator Tim Scott said that Biden should be on the southern border instead of joining striking auto workers (when 71 percent of all Americans support unions), but Scott is the one who denies the existence of systematic racism in society. Tim Scott made the outrageous lie that LBJ's Great Society was harder to survive than slavery. Slavery in America involved rape, torture, splitting families, murder, genocide, theft of lands in Africa and in America. There is no comparison. LBJ was wrong to promote the Vietnam War. Yet, the Great Society's programs and laws of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, Voting Rights of 1965, The Fair Housing Act of 1968, Medicare, Medicaid, Head Start, and the War on Poverty saved the lives of millions of Americans (including black Americans). DeSantis didn't answer the question on how to handle student debt when even Biden tried to deal with student debt with actual policies. 

Mike Pence said that Biden should be on the unemployment line, but Pence made a conscious decision to be Vice President for Trump when before Trump was inaugurated, we knew of Trump's racism, xenophobia, sexism, and bigotry in general. Pence said that he is tired of mass shootings but refuse to advocate gun control laws and other policies to stop mass shootings. Still, Trump has a major lead in the Republican primaries. DeSantis criticized Trump for deficit spending. Chris Christie said that Trump divided the GOP, divided families in America, and divided friends in America. Christie wants Trump to not be the GOP candidate for President. This 2nd GOP debate had interruptions, emotion, and crosstalk. DeSantis and Haley are closest to Trump in the polls, so they used strategy to not get too caught up. Tim Scott and Nikki Haley had a shocking debate since both seem to get along well. They debated on Haley's spending habits. Pence criticized DeSantis on his record as governor of Florida. Haley said that she wants more transparency in prices to lesson the power of insurance companies and providers (plus overhaul lawsuit rules to make it harder to sue doctors). So, this GOP debate was dominated by far-right ideologues (some of them want to end birthright citizenship, invade Mexico, and ban books in schools including libraries) who has major divisions and dysfunctions (like DeSantis defending his racist Florida curriculum trying to say that slavery caused benefits to people when slavery by definition is evil and has no redeeming social value. DeSantis refuses to expand Medicaid in Floria when Florida has disproportionately more uninsured people. 250,000 Floridians are kicked off of Medicaid now). The irony is that this debate is held in the Reagan Presidential Library when Ronald Reagan is a known racist (caught on tape calling Africans slurs, etc.), anti-poor, anti-middle class, and pro-Southern Strategy.

There is the impeachment inquiry against Biden by GOP House members which makes no sense. Meanwhile, Trump said that General Milley committed treason being worthy of death. That is why General Milley has taken safety precautions because of extremists like Donald Trump. Trump is the actual treasonous person who was involved in a conspiracy to overthrow American democracy as we know it, to keep classified documents in his house  even after the government kindly told Trump to bring them back, and Biden addressed the extreme MAGA agenda. The GOP House members have voted to cut the salary of Defense Secretary's salary to one dollar in a racist move. This move won't go anywhere, but it shows how the MAGA agenda is even worse than Reaganism (and we know Reaganism was a terrible agenda too). Milley said that Trump disrespected the U.S. military with his execution comment. The GOP is silent on Trump's evil words too.

As many people know, I am related to many people of the Artis family found in Southampton County, Virginia and all over the world. Recently, I had a DNA match to a person named Celeste Artis on my maternal side of my family. stated that she is my 4th to 6th cousin. In my family, genealogical research is part of my culture. So, I did a lot of research to find out that we share the same common ancestor of Zilphy Claud, and that Celeste Artis is my 5th cousin. Celeste Artis was born on November 17, 1977 at Norfolk, Virginia. Her parents are Lawrence Harry Artis and the late Vivian Artis (1950-1997). Her siblings are Nya Francheri Artis (b. 1973) and Tiffany Monique Artis (b. 1980). Vivian Artis was my 4th cousin and her parents are Clarence Lee Rollins (b. 1920) and Ruth Victoria Claude (1923-2009). Ruth Victoria Claude's parents are Joseph James Claud (1894-1988) and Georgia Bynum (1893-1975). Joseph James Claud's parents were Frank Thomas Claud (1856-1948) and Elizabeth Whitehead (1868-1939). Frank Thomas Claud is a direct descendant of Zilphy Claud (1820-1893). Zilphy Claud is my 5th great grandmother.

Cassidy Hutchinson released her book "Enough" recently. Cassidy is still a Republican but rejects the agenda of Trump. The book talked about the chaos of January 6th. January 6th had the insurrection when an irrational male Donald Trump tried to overthrow democracy as we know it. He agitated a mob of terrorists to attack the U.S. Capitol. Cassidy Hutchinson expressed credible testimony under oath to investigators and in Congress. She said that Matt Gaetz never dated him, as we know that Gaetz is a creepy person. Also, Cassidy Hutchinson has worked hard to expose the MAGA agenda in many months. The January 6th attack can never be minimized. It involved violence, treason, sedition, and many of the criminals involved in the insurrection have been convicted already. Trump faces multiple indictments too in a historic fashion. The many sections of the book shown candid facts and vulnerability. Today, we face a time where our democracy is under threat like no other time in American history since the American Civil War. It's that serious.

By Timothy

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Political Information.


Trump has shown new attacks on the press, prosecutors, and other people like military leaders. Trump is afraid of going to prison, so he promotes fear as a means to confuse people. Yet, we are sober minded to expose Trump's deceptions. Trump wants MSNBC to be charged with treason which is ludicrous. The problem is that many people in America are numb to the threats and lies from Trump. Trump wants to investigate the media for treason, drop bombs on Mexico, reverse all federal action taken by Biden, restore the Muslim ban, ban Communists, Marxists, and Socialists, etc. Trump has called for General Milley to be tried for treason. A judge find that Trump committed fraud in the New York civil case. Tariq Nasheed tweeting that Trump is starting to grow on him. Tariq proves that the Hotep movement and MAGA are similar. Tariq is a pro-Trump agent.

The Canadian Parliament and Prime Minister gave a standing ovation to the Ukrainian Nazi war criminal. That is wrong and obscene. I still don't agree with the Russian invasion of Ukraine, but war criminals deserve no praise. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau praised the person Yaroslav Hunka, who was a former member of Adolf Hitler's Warren SS. That group had a key in the extermination of European Jewish humanity between 1941 to 1945. Ukrainian President Volodymr Zelensky was wrong to applaud him too. This shocking development is wild as that person Hunka is one of the most notorious war criminals in human history. House of Commons Speaker Anthony Rota introduced Hunka, who was seated in the parliamentary gallery. The 14th Waffen SS Galizien Division was created by Himmler in 1943. They were trained at Nazi concentration camps and carried out mass murders of Polish people, Jewish people, and Slovakian people. The Nuremberg Tribunal found that mere membership in the SS was a criminal act, because the SS promoted genocide, anti-Semitism, racism, and bigotry. Jewish organizations want the Canadian parliament to apologize for celebrating an SS war criminals. We don't praise Nazis period.

President Biden makes history as the first President by joining striking autoworkers on the picket line. Biden said that the workers deserve much more in economic situation than the status quo. Union power is powerful in America. President Biden spoke about the necessity to make a resolution and the right of UAW workers to strike for their just benefits and compensations. Recently, the UPS deal was so good that UPS workers have increased in recent months. The vast majority of Americans support union rights and a new era of the labor movement having more influence in American society in more than five decades. In contrast, Trump has the most anti-union record in history, he tried to union bust agencies, and he appointed Justices to the Supreme Court to try to restrict the right to strike. President Biden has been very pro-union by his political record as President.

Yvette Carnell is at it again with her Afrophobia and xenophobia. She wrote that people are erasing ADOS anchoring the idea as we only exist as progeny of African Kings and Queens, and then she used slurs to call African people. She said the self-hating racist statement that people glorifying the contributions of the Motherland of Africa is romanticizing Africa. Her nonsense is refuted by the facts. The truth is that Africa back then and today have advanced technology, diverse people, and advanced cultures. Back in ancient times, ancient Egypt, Nok, Songhai, Mali, Zimbabwe, Ghana, and other civilizations existed in Africa. Today, Africa is filled with computers, elevators, high forms of technology, massive investments, and other modern amenities. We are African Americans not ADOS. My ancestors in Africa were not originally descendants of slaves in America. My people came from Africa who were victims of slavery by evil people, and then my ancestors were sent to America against their wills. Carnell ignores the fact that many slaves were once teachers, farmers, agriculturalists, musicians, metallurgists, craftsmen in Africa, not some slur that she mentioned. Her recent Twitter comment (who is the co-founder of the ADOS movement) proves that the FBA and ADOS movements are filled with hate speech, xenophobia, and lies. A self-hater like Carnell will use a white racist slur (as she has ties to a white racist anti-immigrant hate group as documented years ago) to unjustly describe Africans. Likewise, I believe in Pan-African Unity as African Americans, Afro-Latinos, Africans, Afro-Europeans, etc. are all Brothers and our Sisters.

A lot of people are waking up about how complex and unique the Universe is. One of the many secrets of the Universe is how mathematics relates to the fabric of our reality in the Universe. Quantum physics (not disinformation) has proven in our generation that we have at least 11 dimensions in the Universe. Our current three-dimensional reality is filled with atoms and other particles that we can't see, yet energies from atoms and other particles are very real. The 1st law of thermodynamics clearly that state that energy can never be created or destroyed but transferred into something else. Therefore, the Universe has vibration energies of atoms traveling in the cosmos constantly. Mathematical number patterns exist in DNA, in natural laws, and in the electromagnetic fields of the Universe. So, atoms and the life energies of the Universe is filled with information in dealing with mathematics and frequencies. They merge and that establishes consciousness, humanity, and all entities of the cosmos. All things have an origin from a higher dimension from a higher level of power. After millennia, we finally see the fractals, the mathematics, the dimensions, the importance of sound (as sound waves can influence humans in many ways. Sound was here during the start of the Universe influence ancient stars, galaxies, etc.), and the matrix of light involved in the Universe proving that we are not accidental motions. We are integrated, fully advanced beings with purpose and functions relevant to the Universe. Everything in existence rotates and oscillates with a frequency. Even atoms have a frequency. I believe God is the ultimate origin of all things. Almighty God to me has infinite Power and infinite Energy being part of Infinity (which is a mathematical concept).

By Timothy

How Agencies That Promote Nuclear Power Are Quietly Managing Its Disaster Narrative

 How Agencies That Promote Nuclear Power Are Quietly Managing Its Disaster Narrative -

Nelson Mandela’s Granddaughter Zoleka Mandela Passed Away of Cancer at 43

 Nelson Mandela’s Granddaughter Zoleka Mandela Dies of Cancer at 43 (

Monday, September 25, 2023

African Voices Full of Complaints over Democracy, Resource Plunder and Development at United Nations

 African Voices Full of Complaints over Democracy, Resource Plunder and Development at United Nations - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Energy Crisis.

How Blackrock Investment Fund Triggered the Global Energy Crisis - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

The UAW Strike: a Historic Fight to End 44 Years of Concession Bargaining

 The UAW Strike: a Historic Fight to End 44 Years of Concession Bargaining -

AI: Profit vs. Freedom

 AI: Profit vs. Freedom -

Trump Being an Autocrat.

 Since day one, Donald Trump has been an autocrat in the making | Politics books | The Guardian

Excessive Alcohol Drinking Can increase the risk of Dementia.

 Alcoholic Dementia: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment (

New Discoveries.


There is information about my late 3rd cousin Martha E. Artis (1878-1960) that must be shown to the public. She was the daughter of Benjamin Thomas Artis (1852-1936) and Indiana Briggs (1855-1923). Martha E. Artis married Herbert F. Ramey (1878-1966) on December 26, 1901, at Sussex, Virginia when she was 23 years old. Martha E. Artis and Herbert F. Ramey Rainey had many children who are: Willie Rainey (b. 1904), Marea Rainey (b. 1906), Vaton Rainey (b. 1908), Ruth Rainey (b. 1912), Bessie R. Matthews (b. 1914), Mary V. Rainey (b. 1920), and Gladys E. Rainey). One of the daughters of Martha and Herbert Rainey was Bessie Mae Rainey. She married Charles Elmer Matthews (b. 1911) on June 20, 1936, at Petersburg, Virginia. Their children are Shirley Marie Matthews (1936-1990), Charles Matthews (b. 1938), Reginald Matthews (b. 1940), Maria Matthews (b. 1944), and Cynthia Matthews (b. 1947). The daughter of Martha E. Artis and Herbert F. Rainey was my 4th cousin Ruth Caronale Rainey Morgan (1912-1993). She married Leonard O. Morgan (b. 1911) with the child of Richard Lewis Morgan (b. 1929). Her 2nd husband was James Edward Flowers on December 5, 1944 at Petersburg, Virginia. My 5th cousin Richard Lewis Morgan (b. 1929) married Lois Josephine Fountain on February 20, 1960 at Pasquotank, North Carolina. They had a child named Anita Richelle Morgan (b. 1961). She was born in Norfolk, Virginia and married Dale Alan Harris (b. 1958) on August 28, 1981. The marriage ended on July 25, 1988. Martha E. Artis and I are descendants of Burwell Williams and Winifred Woodson Bozeman (my 6th great grandparents). Burwell Williams and Winifred Woodson-Bozeman had the child named Patsy Williams Crocker (1810-1870). Patsy Williams Crocker had a child named Indian Bozeman Crocker (1831-1896), her child was Benjamin Thomas Artis (1852-1936), and his daughter is Martha E. Artis. 


There are many people who changed history. Fred Hampton changed history forever with his activism, courage, and a sense of leadership. He wanted a revolution in society to end the oppressive, capitalist, and imperialistic system harming black people in Chicago and all freedom loving people (of every background) globally. By the late 1960's, the anti-Vietnam War movement was growing, the Civil Rights Movement became more progressive, and the Black Power movement saw millions of supporters in America alone. Fred Hampton was a gifted orator, scholar, athlete, and activist. He used his God-given skills to not only inspire change, but he worked on programs to end gang warfare, to fight poverty, to feed children, to educate the people on political/social consciousness, and be a beacon of hope and light for our community. Jealousy and hatred caused the FBI and the Chicago Police Department to harass many Black Panthers in Chicago, including Fred Hampton. The FBI's COINTELPRO explicitly mentioned that they wanted to spread division and crisis in the black freedom movements in order to stop progressive activism to grow in society (and prevent the rise of what they deemed a "Black Messiah" that would galvanize humanity in a positive direction). Fred Hampton wanted the people, not a single person, to have the power to grow the community. He was a dedicated socialist who was making results real in Chicago. Many wanted him to be part of the Chairman Board of the Black Panthers nationwide. The Chicago police and the FBI used the informant O'Neal to monitor Hampton plus find out where he was living at. The Chicago police murdered Fred Hampton and Mark Clark in cold blood. It would take years for the government to give the Hampton and Clark families economic compensation. Today, we have a long way to go with book bans, voter suppression laws, and other policies that harm democratic rights. Wars are still in existence, and record strikes seeking economic justice are commonplace. Likewise, we are motivated by Fred Hampton's life to desire a solution in a complex world. We are now focused on doing what is right for power ought to be for the people completely. 


The Black Lives Matter movement has been around for 10 years now. It has been a movement that wants black liberation for all black people being firmly against police brutality. It has its supporters and critics. Many conservatives criticize BLM on cultural and social issues claiming it ignores the value of black fathers and attacks the nuclear family (proponents of BLM deny this charge). Many progressives criticize BLM on strategic and political issues claiming that it is too decentralized and was a victim of co-option by the Democratic Party establishment including capitalist corporations in general. So, the truth is more nuisance. The Black Lives Matter movement was right to advocate against police brutality and being for the freedom of all black people. The issue is that BLM, as time went on, became too decentralized in not forming a firm, long lasting infrastructure to stand up against oppression, its omission of the importance of black fathers (citing villages is fine but praising black mothers and black fathers equally is also revolutionary), and many members (not all members) being co-opted by neo-liberal establishment forces (as we shall show later on). The vast majority of Black Lives Matters members are not frauds. They are sincere people in the BLM movement who believe that they are being good people in standing up against oppression, racism, and injustice. We saw massive protests made by black people and non-black people legitimately fighting against police brutality, racism, economic exploitation, bigotry, and all forms of oppression in Norfolk, in NYC, in Philadelphia, in Dallas, in London, in Berlin, in Los Angeles, in Seattle, in Richmond, in Miami, in Pittsburgh, etc. That is inspirational and that act should be commended. Many conservatives are wrong to say that the BLM movement collectively want riots to destroy America when police terror is the definition of a terrorist riot. BLM is right to condemn Trump as an authoritarian fascist (who said to threaten to come down on the media and promote anti-democratic policies overtly). Trump still believes in the lie that the 2020 election was stolen. The vast majority of anti-racism and anti-police brutality protests have been peaceful. Likewise, critique (like disagreeing with one founder saying that she is a Marxist activist. Karl Marx was a racist, anti-Semitic, and religious bigot who shouldn't be honored as a hero. Marx explicitly written that he wants religion to be abolished in society which is anti-democratic as people have the right to believe in religion or not in a free and open society) is necessary in any human analysis of social movements as no human is immune from legitimate critique (without ad hominem attacks). Therefore, I wanted to show what Black Lives Matter did right and show critiques in order to put the historic movement into context. That is just poignant and fair. 


One of the first major persecutions of Christian happened during the time of the Roman Emperor Nero. Nero was one of the evilest Emperors in the history of the Roman Empire (by even having Britannicus poisoned). Nero was the great great grandson of the former emperor Augustus (who lived during the birth of Jesus Christ). Nero saw the Great Fire of Rome that took place on the night of July 18 to 19th, 64. Many sources from Eusebius, Lactantius, Tertullian, and other sources mentioned that Nero persecuted Christians. The historian Tacitus wrote about Nero torturing and executing Christians after the fire of 64 A.D. Innocent Christians were falsely blamed for the fire in Rome when sources prove that it is most likely Nero who burned Rome heavily. According to Tacitus, many Christians were forced to be torn to pieces by dogs and wild animals. By this time, the Apostles of Simon Peter and Paul were preaching the Gospel to the Gentiles in Greece, Italy, etc. Peter lived to be 70 years old, and traditions said that Peter was killed by crucifixion being placed upside down. Paul was from the Hebrew tribe of Benjamin. Paul preached the Gospel in Greece, Italy, Macedonia, Syria, the Middle East, and possibly beyond (some believe that Paul preached as far as France, Germany, and Great Britain). Paul was beheaded in Rome by 69 A.D. on the road that goes into Ostia called Via Ostiensis. Many of Paul's friends were executed by ca. 70 A.D. who were Aristarchus, Epaphras, Prisca, Aquila, Andronicus, and Junia. 


By the early 300's A.D, many early Christians suffered great persecutions too. Euplius was a great Christian who was beheaded in the city of Catana in Sicily because he wouldn't reject his faith in Jesus Christ. He was sent to a judge and a criminal court. Calvisianus, the Proconsul wanted Euplius to give up his faith, and he refused. Euplius had Gospel books with him. Euplius was later executed after being tortured for a time. A widow named Julitta of Iconia was beheaded by 304 A.D. in Tarsus, Cilicia (in Turkey). She was kidnapped by Alexander, the Proconsul. By 750 A.D., Albert of Gaul starved to death in prison because he opposed masses for the dead, purgatory, imposition of hands, making the sign of the cross, banning priests from being married, and other false doctrines. His friend Clement of Scotland was burned by the Catholic Church in the same year for opposing and rejecting Roman Catholic superstitions. 


Prostate health is one of the most important parts of health involving men. It's an accessory gland of the male reproductive system and a muscle driven mechanical switch between function of the body. Anatomically, the prostate is found below the bladder, with the urethra passing through it. It is described in anatomy as consisting of lobes and in microanatomy by zone. It is surrounded by an elastic, fibromuscular capsule and contains glandular tissue, as well as connective tissue. It is the size of a walnut. Many commercials and activists have promoted awareness about prostate cancer, because it's a serious problem among men (especially black men). There are many zones of the prostate like the peripheral zone, the central zone, the transition zone, and the anterior fibro-muscular zone (or stroma). The prostate receives blood through the inferior vesical artery, internal pudendal artery, and middle rectal arteries. These vessels enter the prostate on its outer posterior surface where it meets the bladder, and travel forward to the apex of the prostate. Both the inferior vesical and the middle rectal arteries often arise together directly from the internal iliac arteries. On entering the bladder, the inferior vesical artery splits into a urethral branch, supplying the urethral prostate; and a capsular branch, which travels around the capsule and has smaller branches which perforate into the prostate. The veins of the prostate form a network – the prostatic venous plexus, primarily around its front and outer surface. This network also receives blood from the deep dorsal vein of the penis, and is connected via branches to the vesical plexus and internal pudendal veins. Veins drain into the vesical and then internal iliac veins. There is lymphatic drainage of the prostate too. The prostate is made up of glandular and connective tissue. 

Tall column-shaped cells form the lining (the epithelium) of the glands. These form one layer or may be pseudostratified. The epithelium is highly variable and areas of low cuboidal or flat cells can also be present, with transitional epithelium in the outer regions of the longer ducts. The glands are formed as many follicles, which drain into canals and subsequently 12–20 main ducts, these in turn drain into the urethra as it passes through the prostate. There are also a small number of flat cells, which sit next to the basement membranes of glands, and act as stem cells. The connective tissue of the prostate is made up of fibrous tissue and smooth muscle. The fibrous tissue separates the gland into lobules. It also sits between the glands and is composed of randomly orientated smooth-muscle bundles that are continuous with the bladder. About 20,000 protein coding genes are expressed in human cells and almost 75% of these genes are expressed in the normal prostate. About 150 of these genes are more specifically expressed in the prostate, with about 20 genes being highly prostate specific. The corresponding specific proteins are expressed in the glandular and secretory cells of the prostatic gland and have functions that are important for the characteristics of semen, including prostate-specific proteins, such as the prostate specific antigen (PSA), and the Prostatic acid phosphatase.

The inflammation of the prostate can happen called prostatitis. An enlarged prostate is called prostatomegaly, with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) being the most common cause. BPH refers to an enlargement of the prostate due to an increase in the number of cells that make up the prostate (hyperplasia) from a cause that is not a malignancy. It is very common in older men. This means that a person uses the bathroom often. There is prostate cancer being one of the most common cancers in older men in the UK, America, Northern Europe, and Australia. It is a major contributor to the death of elderly men worldwide. A person doesn't have to have symptoms to get it. When it does occur, the symptoms can be urinary frequency, urgency, hesitation and other symptoms associated with BPH. Uncommonly, such cancers may cause weight loss, retention of urine, or symptoms such as back pain due to metastatic lesions that have spread outside of the prostate. There are many tests to find prostate cancer. 

Prostate cancer that is only present in the prostate is often treated with either surgical removal of the prostate or with radiotherapy or by the insertion of small radioactive particles of iodine-125 or palladium-103, called brachytherapy. Cancer that has spread to other parts of the body is usually treated also with hormone therapy, to deprive a tumor of sex hormones (androgens) that stimulate proliferation. This is often done through the use of GnRH analogues or agents (such as bicalutamide) that block the receptors that androgens act on; occasionally, surgical removal of the testes may be done instead. Cancer that does not respond to hormonal treatment, or that progresses after treatment, might be treated with chemotherapy such as docetaxel. Radiotherapy may also be used to help with pain associated with bony lesions. Prostate cancer is a serious illness. Life expectancy can be less than 10 years if a person had many medical conditions with it. Some have their prostate removed if a person has prostate cancer. According to the Prostate Cancer Foundation, African American men are estimated to be about 1.6 times more likely than other men to get prostate cancer and twice as likely to die from it. the prostate is a small gland that deals with hormones and semen production plus it helps to manage urine flow.  When prostate cancer appears in black people, it tends to be more aggressive and progress faster. For example, a 2020 study Trusted Source assessed whether active surveillance is a safe and effective option for African American males with low-risk prostate cancer. That is why regular checks and active surveillance can be helpful. Obesity, lower socioeconomic situations, racist bias in health care, and delayed care contribute to many black Americans to have a higher risk of having prostate cancer. 

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention indicate that all males between 55-69 years. Trusted Source should consider PSA screening and have regular prostate exams. Although prostate cancer is rare in males under 45 years, a 2020 article. Trusted Source indicates that Black males at high risk should consider prostate screening at around this age. These screening tests can raise any clinical suspicion of prostate cancer. A prostate biopsy is almost always needed to confirm the diagnosis. Anyone should tell a doctor about any family history of prostate cancer. 


The Normandy landings started by a long process of debates and negotiations among America, the Soviet Union, and the United Kingdom. These three nations had to work together in order for the invasion on D-Day to commence. First, the Nazis invaded the Soviet Union in June 1941. The Soviet Leader Jospeh Stalin wanted the Allied Powers to create a second front in western Europe in order to ease the burden of fighting the Nazis and to defeat the Nazis faster. FDR was eager to open a second front soon, but Churchill wanted it delayed because everyone knew that he hated Communism and distrusted Stalin because of Stalin's ideological views. By late May of 1942, the Soviet Union and the United States made a joint announcement that, "...full understanding was reached with regard to the urgent tasks of creating a second front in Europe in 1942." However, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill persuaded U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt to postpone the promised invasion as, even with U.S. help, the Allies did not have adequate forces for such an activity. Instead of an immediate return to France, the western Allies staged offensives in the Mediterranean Theatre of Operations, where British troops were already stationed. By mid-1943, the campaign in North Africa had been won. The Allies then launched the invasion of Sicily in July 1943 and subsequently invaded the Italian mainland in September the same year. By then, Soviet forces were on the offensive and had won a major victory at the Battle of Stalingrad. The decision to undertake a cross-channel invasion within the next year was taken at the Trident Conference in Washington in May 1943. Initial planning was constrained by the number of available landing craft, most of which were already committed in the Mediterranean and Pacific. At the Tehran Conference in November 1943, Roosevelt and Churchill promised Stalin that they would open the long-delayed second front in May 1944.

The Allies considered four sites for the landings: Brittany, the Cotentin Peninsula, Normandy, and the Pas-de-Calais. As Brittany and Cotentin are peninsulas, it would have been possible for the Germans to cut off the Allied advance at a relatively narrow isthmus, so these sites were rejected. With the Pas-de-Calais being the closest point in continental Europe to Britain, the Germans considered it to be the most likely initial landing zone, so it was the most heavily fortified region. But it offered few opportunities for expansion, as the area is bounded by numerous rivers and canals, whereas landings on a broad front in Normandy would permit simultaneous threats against the port of Cherbourg, coastal ports further west in Brittany, and an overland attack towards Paris and eventually into Germany. Normandy was hence chosen as the landing site. The most serious drawback of the Normandy coast—the lack of port facilities—would be overcome through the development of artificial Mulberry harbors. A series of modified tanks, nicknamed Hobart's Funnies, dealt with specific requirements expected for the Normandy Campaign such as mine clearing, demolishing bunkers, and mobile bridging. At first, the Allies planned to launch the invasion on May 1, 1944. The initial draft was accepted at the Quebec Conference in August 1943. General Dwight D. Eisenhower was appointed commander of Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force. General Bernard Montgomery was named commander of the 21st Army Group, which comprised all land forces involved in the invasion. On December 31, 1943, Eisenhower and Montgomery first saw the plan, which proposed amphibious landings by three divisions with two more divisions in support. The two generals insisted that the scale of the initial invasion be expanded to five divisions, with airborne descents by three additional divisions, to allow operations on a wider front and to hasten the capture of Cherbourg. The need to acquire or produce extra landing craft for the expanded operation meant that the invasion had to be delayed to June. Eventually, thirty-nine Allied divisions would be committed to the Battle of Normandy: twenty-two American, twelve British, three Canadian, one Polish, and one French, totaling over a million troops. 


By Timothy

Friday, September 22, 2023

End of the Week News.


Attorney General Merrick Garland had at times a contentious meeting with the House Judiciary Committee hearing. Garland responded to many of the GOP's false allegations. House Republicans clashed with the Attorney General Garland during the hearing. This represents a preview of the coming Republican impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden (in dealing with allegations relating to his son, Hunter Biden). Many Judiciary Committee Republicans accused Garland of doing the bidding of the Bidens by offering Hunter Biden a plea deal that fell apart during scrutiny from a judge. Garland forcibly and strongly denied the criticisms. Garland said that President Joe Biden didn't interfere in the investigation, and that Weiss was given all the resources he asked for in the probe. Garland didn't engage on specifics of the probe. GOP member Jim Jordan accused the Justice Department of not prosecuting Hunter Biden over tax years when Hunter was on the board of Ukrainian energy firm Burisma. Garland said that he didn't intervene in the Hunter Biden investigation. Garland told Congressional Republicans that he isn't the President's lawyer and he isn't Congress's prosecutor.

Donald Trump recently said that he is willing to see the government shutdown to derail the Jack Smith investigation of his actions. This shows how extreme the GOP leadership is. They are so extreme that they view any social safety net program as equivalent to a program from Karl Marx. They are so extreme that many of them want books about Rosa Parks to be banned in public schools. Some of them are so extreme that they support union busting and a hatred of economic justice. Rupert Murdoch has step down as the chair of FOX News. Murdoch leaves a legacy of controversy as we know that FOX's earlier proclamation of being "Fair and Balanced" being a lie. FOX News has not only supported Trump a lot. They have promoted some of the most extreme neo-conservatives and far right extremists in American history from Bill O'Reilly to Sean Hannity.

Poland said that it will stop arming Ukraine. Poland is one of Ukraine’s closest allies. This comes as Ukraine is engaging in a counteroffensive against Russia. Poland’s decision came, because of tensions over a temporary ban on Ukrainian grain imports to many European Union countries. There is a tight general election in Poland too. Poland wants to arm Poland which has been said by Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki. Poland was the first NATO nation to send fighter jets to Ukraine, months ahead of American agreeing to do it after a completion of training by Ukrainian forces. Now, Poland will only carry out supplies of ammunition and weapons to Kyiv that were agreed before Warsaw made its decision to stop shipments according to Polish government spokesman Pitor Muller.

We have to be careful about censorship. The reason is that some people are exploiting the need to confront disinformation as an excuse to promote massive censorship on the Internet. I have been a victim of censorship before in YouTube where my words were unjustly censored (when my words had no profanity and no derogatory language). So, this censorship agenda is very real. Some people talk about social media. Social media isn’t perfect and has tons of problems, but the answer isn’t authoritarian censorship. The answer is reasonable regulations that respect human dignity and free speech at the same time. The irony is that many people who want censorship to lecture us on China and Russia being authoritarian nations (which is true), but some of them want to copy the same censorship on the Internet that China has done for decades now. Many progressive platforms have been censored like By Any Means Necessary. Regulation should involve guarantee access to people do not ban. We should not use social media to dehumanize and disrespect people, but social media shouldn’t be used as a scapegoat for all of society’s problems.

Regardless of what evil people may want to do, they can never erase our history as black people. Many people demonize CRT but don't know what it means. CRT is a political view taught in many colleges about how racism in the law has harmed many people in society. Many evil people in AMerica murdered, enslaved, raped, lynched, brutalized, and dehumanized black people plus used laws to keep people oppressed. That reality is real. Racism is real today. One example is how Jann Wenner (who is the founder of Rolling Stone and co-founder of the Rock and Roll Hall Fame) said that he only interviewed white men for his book "The Masters" because he promoted the lie that black artists are not as "intellectually articulate" as "philosophers of rock." He is wrong, because even Mick Jagger admitted that the inventors of rock and roll and innovators of it were black people like Little Richard, Fats Domino, Big Mama Thorton, Chuck Berry, Bo Diddley, Sister Rosetta Tharpe, etc. who made a foundation for rock to exist now. Recently, Jann Wenner was removed from the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Board. The contributions of black people in music, STEM, spirituality, education, etc. are very powerful indeed.

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Understanding the White Supremacy at the Center of the 'Class Over Race' Debate

 Understanding the White Supremacy at the Center of the 'Class Over Race' Debate | Black Agenda Report

Fletcher Prouty.

 Old Wine in New Bottles: Fletcher Prouty’s New Critics Recycle the Past (

JFK's Assassination.

 Case Closed 30 Years On: Even Worse - Part 1/5: Gerald Posner's Portrait of Lee Harvey Oswald (


 ACTION ALERT: Secret Service Protection for RFK Jr. (

Hoover vs. King.

 Hoover vs. King: The ARRB Documents (

Late September 2023 News.


President Biden supports the UAW strikes against selected Big Three plants in Michigan, Missouri, and Ohio. There are record profits that must be turned into record contracts for the workers. Biden sent Secretary of Labor Julie Su and White House adviser Gene Sperling to Detroit to promote a solution. Senator Peters walked the picket line. The executives must share their resources as their salaries are more than $20 million per year. In our generation, anti-tax hysteria is not only promoted by MAGA extremists but some from the corporate media who care more for laissez faire capitalism than liberation for human beings. Many GOP members desiring the impeachment of Biden and a shutdown of the federal government outlines their hatred of a strong federal government in serving the interests of the American people. Jack Smith has asked the Judge Chutkan to stop Trump's disrespectful words to the judge, prosecutor, jurors, and court officials in the upcoming January 6th election interference trial.

There were drone strikes in Sudan. It targeted Wagner backed forces in Sudan. Ukrainian special services are likely responsible for the drone strikes and a ground operation against a Wagner backed militia near Sudan's capital. Wagner is a Russian mercenary group. This strike is an expansion of the war in Ukraine. We have Ukranian drone attacks inside Russian territory. Ukraine has continued its counteroffensive on the country's occupied east and south. The Wagner backed Rapid Support Forces paramilitary group was targeted by 14 drones. The Wagner wants to expand their reach in Africa from Mali, Sudan, the Central African Republic, Libya, and possibly to Chad. The Wagner group played a key role in Moscow's foreign military campaigns, including in Ukraine. The Wagner group and Russia wants to get Africa's resources to fund their campaigns in Ukraine, etc. They do this to circumvent Western sanctions against Russia. The truth is that Ukraine has the right to defend itself in Ukraine, but I disagree with strikes in Russia and in Africa, because these targets have nothing to do with defending the nation of Ukraine. 

Far right fascism is not gone from society in America. Recently, the Chicago Defender Charities Board banned the Revolution Club of Chicago from participating in Chicago’s annual Bud Billiken Parade in Chicago’s South Side (filled with black Americans). The reason is that the Revolution Club Chicago is a revolutionary socialist organization located in the South Side. They have been part of the parade for years and people cheered them for opposing racism, imperialism, and economic oppression. They were also banned because of an incident the Board claimed took place in 2019 (of one person destroying the U.S. flag. I personally don’t agree with destroying the U.S. flag, but it’s constitutionally protected free speech as validated by the Supreme Court). The Board say that the parade is not the time “or place for political or social agendas.” That is a load of nonsense, because that statement is no different than telling basketball players the offensive words of “shut up and dribble.” It’s hypocritical, because many Democratic Party activists and politicians marched in the parade for years and decades. Racist terrorists threaten violence against my people for centuries, but we still have parades and marches. It is an insult to the Civil Rights Movement to imply that one incident merits no political agenda being shown in a march when the March on Washington in 1963 was all about political agendas. We don’t need far right propaganda shown by the country singer Jason Aldean singing “Try That in a Small Town.” We need justice and reparations for black Americans.

Some good news is that the five Americans jailed in Iran are coming home to America. The Americans stopped at Doha, Qatar earlier on Monday according to a U.S. official. These individuals were wrongfully detained. The deal to free them came between America and Iran. The U.S. will unfreeze $6 billion in Iranian funds. Many of the Americans freed are Emad Shargi, Morad Tahbaz, Siamak Namazi, and two other not named Americans. The Treasury Department said that the U.S. imposed sanctions on Iran’s Ministry of Intelligence and former Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in connection to the detention of the Americans. The flight will take the Americans from Doha to Washington, D.C. After that, the freed American will reunite with their loved ones. They will have the option to participate in a Department of Defense program called PISA or Post Isolation Support Activities to help them acclimate back to normal life in America. The Iranian deputy foreign minister Al Bagheri-Kani said that he is happy for the release of the five nationals.

Trump said that it was his decision to try to overturn the 2020 election results which he had no right to do. Trump said that he listened to some people, but it was his decision to do it. Trump has been indicted over his efforts to subvert the 2020 election results. Special Counsel Jack Smith want Trump to be held accountable for his actions. Trump pushes this false claim of the 2020 election being stolen while he is having his 2024 Presidential campaign. Trump said that he didn't listen to his attorneys who told him that he lost the election because he didn't respect him. The Trump campaign tried to install fake GOP electors in seven swing states. He also try to pressure Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensberger and another official to recalculate the numbers and find enough votes not let him win. This is blatantly wrong.

By Timothy

Monday, September 18, 2023

Late September 2023 Cultural Issues.


After Fred Hampton's unjust murder, the police lied about his death immediately. At a press conference during the next day, the police said that the arrest team were attacked by the Black Panthers and defended themselves accordingly. This obviously wasn't the case. During the 2nd press conference on December 8, the police leadership praised the assault team for their "remarkable restraint", "bravery", and "professional discipline" in not killing all the Panthers present. Photographic evidence was presented of "bullet holes" allegedly made by shots fired by the Panthers, but reporters soon challenged this claim. Crooked, terrorist cops lied about what happened, because they have a callous attitude about black activists seeking real social change in society. There was an internal investigation that existed. The police claimed that their l investigation was undertaken, and the police claimed that their colleagues on the assault team were exonerated of any wrongdoing, concluding that they "used lawful means to overcome the assault." As time went on, we shall see that this distorted assumption was false. Five thousand people attended Fred Hampton's funeral. He was eulogized by many black leaders like Jesse Jackson and Ralph Abernathy, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s successor as head of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference.  In his eulogy, Jackson said that "when Fred was shot in Chicago, black people in particular, and decent people in general, bled everywhere." On December 6, members of the Weather Underground destroyed numerous police vehicles in a retaliatory bombing spree at 3600 N. Halsted Street, Chicago. The police called their raid on Hampton's apartment a "shootout." The Black Panthers called it a "shoot-in", because so many shots were fired by police. On December 11 and 12, the two competing daily newspapers, the Chicago Tribune and the Chicago Sun-Times, published vivid accounts of the events but drew different conclusions. The Tribune has long been considered the politically conservative newspaper, and the Sun-Times the liberal paper. On December 11, the Tribune published a page 1 article titled, "Exclusive – Hanrahan, Police Tell Panther Story." The article included photographs supplied by Hanrahan's office that depicted bullet holes in a thin white curtain and door jamb as evidence that the Panthers fired multiple bullets at the police.

Jack Challem, editor of the Wright College News, the student newspaper at Wright Junior College in Chicago, had visited the apartment on December 6, when it was still unsecured. He took numerous photographs of the crime scenes. A member of the Black Panthers was allowing visitors to tour the apartment. Challem's photographs did not show the bullet holes reported by the Tribune. On the morning of December 12, after the Tribune article had appeared with the Hanrahan-supplied photos, Challem contacted a reporter at the Sun-Times, showed him his own photographs, and encouraged the other reporter to visit the apartment. That evening, the Sun-Times published a page 1 article with the headline: "Those 'bullet holes' aren't." According to the article, the alleged bullet holes (supposedly the result of the Panthers shooting in the direction of the police) were nail heads. Fred Hampton Jr. was born four weeks his mother (then Johnson) saw Fred Hampton's murder. Civil rights activists Roy Wilkins and Ramsey Clark, styled as "The Commission of Inquiry into the Black Panthers and the Police", alleged that the Chicago police had killed Hampton without justification or provocation and had violated the Panthers' constitutional rights against unreasonable search and seizure. "The Commission" further alleged that the Chicago Police Department had imposed a summary punishment on the Panthers.

A federal grand jury did not return any indictment against any of the individuals involved with the planning or execution of the raid, including the officers involved in killing Hampton. O'Neal, who had given the FBI the floor plan of the apartment and drugged Hampton, later admitted his involvement in setting up the raid. He committed suicide on January 15, 1990. The injury into a real investigation to the assassination of Fred Hampton and Mark Clark came in stages. Cook County Coroner Andrew Toman started to form a special six-member coroner's jury to the deaths of Hampton and Clark.  On December 23, Toman announced four additions to the jury, who included two African-American men: physician Theodore K. Lawless and attorney Julian B. Wilkins, the son of J. Ernest Wilkins Sr. He said the four were selected from a group of candidates submitted to his office by groups and individuals representing both Chicago's black and white communities. Civil rights leaders and spokesmen for the black community were reportedly disappointed with the selection. An official with the Chicago Urban League said, "I would have had more confidence in the jury if one of them had been a black man who has a rapport with the young and the grass roots in the community." Gus Savage said that such a man to whom the community could relate need not be black. The jury eventually included a third black man, who had been a member of the first coroner's jury sworn in on December 4.

The blue ribbon panel started on January 6, 1970.  On January 21, they ruled the deaths of Hampton and Clark to be justifiable homicides. The jury qualified their verdict on Hampton's death as "based solely and exclusively on the evidence presented to this inquisition"; police and expert witnesses provided the only testimony during the inquest. This ruling was wrong obviously. Jury foreman James T. Hicks stated that they could not consider the charges made by surviving Black Panthers who had been in the apartment; they had told reporters that the police had entered the apartment shooting. The survivors were reported to have refused to testify during the inquest because they faced criminal charges of attempted murder and aggravated assault during the raid. Attorneys for the Hampton and Clark families did not introduce any witnesses during the proceedings but called the inquest "a well-rehearsed theatrical performance designed to vindicate the police officers." Hanrahan said the verdict was recognition "of the truthfulness of our police officers' account of the events." Released on May 15, 1970, the reports of a federal grand jury criticized the actions of the police, the surviving Black Panthers, and the Chicago news media. The grand jury called the police department's raid "ill conceived" and said many errors were committed during the post-raid investigation and reconstruction of the events. It said that the surviving Black Panthers' refusal to cooperate hampered the investigation, and that the press "improperly and grossly exaggerated stories."

By 1970, the survivors and relatives of Hampton and Clark filed a civil suit saying that the police and FBI violated human rights. They sought $47.7 million damages. Twenty-eight defendants were named, including Hanrahan as well as the City of Chicago, Cook County, and federal governments. It took years for the case to get to trial, which lasted 18 months. It was reported to have been the longest federal trial up to that time. After its conclusion in 1977, Judge Joseph Sam Perry of the United States District Court for the Northern District of Illinois dismissed the suit against 21 of the defendants before jury deliberations. After jurors deadlocked on a verdict, Perry dismissed the suit against the remaining defendants.

The plaintiffs appealed. In 1979, the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit in Chicago found that the government had withheld relevant documents, thereby obstructing the judicial process. Reinstating the case against 24 of the defendants, the Court of Appeals ordered a new trial. The Supreme Court of the United States heard an appeal by defendants but voted 5–3 in 1980 to remand the case to the District Court for a new trial. 

In 1982, the City of Chicago, Cook County, and the federal government agreed to a settlement in which each would pay $616,333 (equivalent to $1.87 million per payee in 2022) to a group of nine plaintiffs, including the mothers of Hampton and Clark. The $1.85 million settlement (equivalent to $5.61 million in 2022) was believed to be the largest ever in a civil rights case during that time. G. Flint Taylor, one of the attorneys representing the plaintiffs, said, "The settlement is an admission of the conspiracy that existed between the FBI and Hanrahan's men to murder Fred Hampton." Assistant United States Attorney Robert Gruenberg said the settlement was intended to avoid another costly trial and was not an admission of guilt or responsibility by any of the defendants. The Chicago police was complicit in the murder of Hampton and Clark. Ten days afterward, Bobby Rush, the then deputy minister of defense for the Illinois Black Panther Party, called the raiding party an "execution squad." As is typical in settlements, the three government defendants did not acknowledge claims of responsibility for plaintiffs' allegations. Hampton was very close with Chicago Black Catholic priest George Clements, who served as his mentor and as a chaplain for the local Panther chapter. Hampton and the Panthers also used Clements's parish, Holy Angels Catholic Church in Chicago (now the parish of Our Lady of Africa), as a refuge in times of particular surveillance or pursuit from the police. They also provided security for several of Clements's "Black Unity Masses", part of his revolutionary activities during the Black Catholic Movement. Clements spoke at Hampton's funeral, and also said a Requiem Mass for him at Holy Angels.

Michael Newton is among the writers who have concluded that Hampton was assassinated. In his 2016 book Unsolved Civil Rights Murder Cases, 1934–1970, Newton writes that Hampton "was murdered in his sleep by Chicago police with FBI collusion." This view is also presented in Jakobi Williams's book From the Bullet to the Ballot: The Illinois Chapter of the Black Panther Party and Racial Coalition Politics in Chicago. According to a 2007 Chicago Tribune report, "The raid ended the promising political career of Cook County State's Atty. Edward V. Hanrahan, who was indicted but cleared with 13 other law-enforcement agents on charges of obstructing justice. Bernard Carey, a Republican, defeated him in the next election, in part because of the support of outraged black voters. Jeffrey Haas, with his law partners G. Flint Taylor and Dennis Cunningham and attorney James D. Montgomery, were the attorneys for the plaintiffs in the federal suit Hampton v. Hanrahan, conducted additional research and wrote a book about these events. It was published in 2009. He wrote that Fred Hampton would make Chicago's West Side become much better today with his leadership, programs, community development, and educating the people on solving problems. In 1990, the Chicago City Council unanimously passed a resolution, introduced by then-Alderman Madeline Haithcock, commemorating December 4, 2004, as Fred Hampton Day in Chicago. The resolution read in part:

"Fred Hampton, who was only 21 years old, made his mark in Chicago history not so much by his death as by the heroic efforts of his life and by his goals of empowering the most oppressed sector of Chicago's Black community, bringing people into political life through participation in their own freedom fighting organization."


We live in a new generation. As we approach 2030, health remains a very important part of human existence. There are tons of studies showing the benefits of exercising, reading literature, eating healthy, and socializing with fellow human beings (as we are social creatures as humans). Finding ways to co-exist among omnivores, vegans, vegetarians, and other people with diverse eating habits is important too. The problem is that we don't live in a meritocracy in society. There are food deserts, massive poverty, malnutrition, and other important complications. We can't solve these problems with laissez faire capitalism, naivete, or putting our heads in the sand. We can't solve these problems with bourgeoisie rhetoric (that is about poor shaming, dehumanization, and massive arrogance), materialism, and egoism. These issues must be solved or rectified by real solutions by changing laws and policies to fight poverty, investing in eliminating food deserts, encouraging compassion plus empathy in our society, advancing body positivity, and investing in the tons of health experts saving lives literally. In our time, there are so many unsung men and unsung women teaching people about health facts, giving motivation to allow people to fulfill their fitness aspirations, and breaking down the barriers in order for human beings to be their best selves. This is all about being our best in this life. These unsung fitness heroes advance aerobic exercise (which can decrease the risk of heart disease), strength training, improving mental health, HIIT workouts, and eating healthy foods that will increase human life expectancy, improve bone strength, make people look years of decades younger, improve cognitive thinking, and develop emotional health. True health care culture is about treating people with respect without respect to persons. That means that we don't believe in dehumanizing people of diverse physical appearances, colors, or backgrounds. Everyone is created equal, and they are born with the unalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.  Life is an unique journey. Subsequently, learning about health is also a journey that focuses on thriving to live the best life that you earnestly deserve. 


For more than 2,000 years now, the Gospel of Jesus Christ has spread throughout the world. A lot of people don't know that millions of Christians have been martyrs of the faith. The New Testament is very clear that believers in God will suffer persecution. When I was a much young man, I know about the stories of the Christian martyrs found in the book of John Foxe and Thieleman J. van Braught (of his Martyr's Mirror book from 1660). Back then, devoted followers of the Lord Jesus Christ didn't have a quiet life. Many of them ran from country to country seeking survival literally from authoritarian empires, from mobs of people, and from folks who had a religious bigotry against Christians. The irony now is that many of the same ones who claim to embrace tolerance for all (like many New Age types) have an obscene hatred of the followers of Yeshua. Some of these haters blaspheme God's name by calling him a "sky daddy" and seek to shame anyone who believe in God. The truth is that there is no shame in anyone believing in God who created the Heavens and the Earth. It's our responsibility to not only show the truth for future generations. We have to live by what we stand for in spiritual terms. That means we should promote peace, have soberminded, control our tempers, seek justice, and follow a righteous life. The doctrines of the Holy Gospel are just as powerful now as it was thousands of years ago. During the days of Tiberius Caesar and Pontius Pilate (the governor of Judea), Jesus Christ established miracles, debated scholars, and saved souls. The apostles and other disciples grown. Later, Yeshua was crucified, rose from the dead, and rose into Heaven. Jesus Christ said that he wanted his disciples to teacher and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. One of the early converts to Christianity was a black man who was an Ethiopian (from Nubia) being baptized by Philip. The persecution started early and often, John the Baptist, son of Zacharias and Elizabeth was beheaded in the castle of Macharus at the command of the Edomite Herod Antipas in ca. 32 A.D. Stephen, one of the seven deacons of the church in Jerusalem was stoned to death. James, the son of Zebedee was put to death with the sword by Herod Agrippa in Jerusalem by 45 A.D. Paul and Mark including other early Christians were executed. Therefore, we are inspired by the stories of these early believers to be bold, wise, and true to the faith. 


The events of the Normandy landings including D-Day was one of the most important parts of human history. This occurred in 1944 during the start of the end of World War II. America got into the War just a few years ago, and the Allied Powers needed American help to defeat the evil Axis Powers. By this time, there was a debate on how America should invade France. America repelled Nazi forces in North Africa with help from the UK and other nations. Hitler couldn't conquer Russia, and the Axis Powers were on the ropes. There were many debates on how the liberation of France ought to take place. Yet, Allied Powers including the Soviet Union agreed that D-Day must occur. President Franklin Roosevelt was running for President again, and his popularity was in incredibly positive straights. Codenamed Operation Neptune, this exercise was the largest seaborne invasion in history. General Dwight Eisenhower was a key human being who organized the strategies and logistics on how the landings would occur in a focused, comprehensive fashion. Without his leadership, D-Day would have never existed in a victory. D-Day helped to liberate France and Western Europe from Nazi oppression and fascism. The Nazis committed genocide, promoted anti-Semitism, followed authoritarianism, agreed with racism, and harbor anti-democratic policies (that is antithetical to the pro-democratic views that we stand for). Two of my relatives were active members of the D-Day Normandy landings, so this story has a very special place in my mind and in my heart. Liberating people from tyranny is always a blessing. The sacrifice of the heroes during that historic occurrence was priceless. 


For over 10 years now, I certainly have written about popular culture in an indepth fashion. In our time, the symbolism and the other messages found in popular culture hasn't declined. They have increased. Many artists may not know what they mean, but many producers, directors, and other people in the industry know exactly the multifaceted meanings of symbols utilized in popular culture indeed. Now, we witness a new generation of younger people knowing the truth from the mysterious They Cloned Tyrone film to the many messages found in movies, music videos, and television shows. The mainstream corporate media is known for lying constantly. We all know that. Many decades ago, the corporate media claimed that the Vietnam War would be a quick American victory during the 1960's. We know that not only to be a lie as tons of Americans and Vietnamese people lost their lives (including many Vietnam War veterans suffering emotional trauma to this day along with poisons harming the Vietnamese landscape). We know that the Vietnam War is one event out of many that the corporate media has lied about like some in that space saying that Iraq had massive quantities of weapons of mass destruction, and some are bold to say that no conspiracies existed in human history. We know that Operation Mockingbird is real which is about the CIA using agents in trying to infiltrate major media outlets (the mainstream media is influenced from the CFR, the Bilderberg Group, the Trilateral Commission, etc.). Like always, we should embrace subsequent balance. It is false to assume that everything is a conspiracy, and it is also false that no conspiracies existed in the Universe. Investigating the mysteries of life is truly an important way to understand ourselves. Once upon a time, we didn't know a lot of facts about the unique characteristics of DNA. Now, we realize (via mainstream scientific studies) that DNA can record and transmit information, that human beings have electricity, and atoms of the Universe are filled with massive vibrating forms of energy (as proven by quantum physics). While our knowledge about the world has increased in the past 30 years, we should be humble. A long time ago, we didn't understand this complex information. Therefore, we must give people the opportunity to know about the real world with empathy and a selfless attitude. 


The essence of human is complex and exciting to know about. We human beings are the most advanced species of life in world history. We are the most widespread species of verbally talking human beings with highly complex language in the world. We have bipedalism, high intelligence, large brains (with cognitive skills that can develop complex societies, advanced civilization, and form abstract thought), and are highly social beings. We can form families, kinship networks, political states, and other forms of social interactions. Our values, social norms, languages, rituals, religions, cultures, and other ways of living have been very diverse. Human beings want to understand and influence phenomena which is why we can study and analyze subjects of science (being the first species to travel into Space including the Moon by our own inventions), technology, philosophy, mythology, religion, and other concepts of reality. The paradox of Homo sapiens sapiens is that we survived so much and lived in a such small span of time as compared to the time from the start of the Universe. The Universe started in ca. 13.5 billion years old, but humanity existed for thousands of years. Genes and the environment can influence human biological variation in the visible characteristics, physiology, disease susceptibility, body size, mental abilities, and life span. Any two human beings are at least 99 percent genetically similar. Most human beings are omnivorous or capable of eating a wide variety of plant and animal life. We can use fire and other forms of heat to prepare and cook food. The advanced prefrontal cortex of human beings cause us to be very intelligent. Likewise, humans are capable to do good and evil as history and experience teaches us. We have to promote goodness in the Universe. We can have episodic memory, have flexible facial expression, self-awareness, theory of mind, introspection, private thought, imagination, volition, and form views of existence. With our language, art, and trade being part of human existence, we have a unique role in the Universe. The question is what is the future of us? We will travel in the Moon, Mars, or beyond or will be stay on Earth. Only God knows that answer. What we do know is that in order to survive in the near future, we have to devise solutions to our complex problems from climate change, health care disparities, institutional racism, sexism, xenophobia, and to poverty. I am realistic about the future, but I have hope and optimism too. 

By Timothy

Friday, September 15, 2023

End of the Week News by Mid September 2023.


Recently, the judge in Georgia allows Trump co-defendants to sever trials. That means that all 19 people will not be tried together. Trump is an autocratic extremist who seeks to end democracy. Republican leadership desire the same goal of promoting bigotry, extremism, and overturning the will of the American voter. Trump wants to delay his trials as long as possible in attempting to not go to trial. Wisconsin Republicans in the Senate has fired a top election official to promote the lie of election denialism. GOP extremists don't care about equality, the Constitution, or truth. They desire power and an authoritarian mindset that people's human rights want to be violated in submission to MAGA fascism. MAGA is a fascist movement. MAGA fascists now (not in 1953) have threatened jurors in Georgia, threatened progressive activists, and already committed acts of violence nationwide. This era should be treated seriously. This is American Civil War level territory. We have the biggest democratic crisis in American history since the Civil War. It's that real.

There are new revelations pertaining to the JFK assassination. There is a new eyewitness account from a Secret Service agent who was there at the unfortunate and evil assassination of President John F. Kennedy. This agent’s name is Paul Landis. Landis was detailed to protect the First Lady, Jacqueline Kennedy. His memoir is called The Final Witness to be published next month. Landis’ words could challenge parts of the magic bullet theory that one of the bullets stuck President Kennedy and wounded then Texas Governor John Connally at the same time. Paul Landis is now 88 years old. He said that he retrieved a bullet from the limousine that carried the Kennedys, and he placed it in the exam room where the President was being treated at Parkland Memorial Hospital. Landis said the scene in the hospital was chaotic and removed the bullet from the limousine and placed it next to the President. He never spoke about this to the Warren Commission. “Landis shows that this is an open question, and we really need a much better explanation of what happened on November 22, 1963,” Jefferson Morley told CNN’s Abby Phillip earlier this week. Jefferson Morley wants more transparency on the Kennedy assassination information, and he doesn’t believe in the magic bullet theory. Keeping some documents secret about the assassination has occurred among both the Biden and Trump administrations. It’s not surprising that many people don’t agree with the official story of the JFK assassination (when the FBI destroyed evidence, the CIA omitted things about Oswald, and the CIA refusing to release all JFK assassination documents), as people caught the government lying about Vietnam, Watergate, Iran-Contra, 9/11, Afghanistan, and Iraq.

Some breaking news is that the Special Counsel David Weiss has indicted Hunter Biden. This is in connection with a gun that he purchased in 2018. He is charged with the three crimes of 2 counts for alleged false statements he made while purchasing a gun, and a third count for possessing the gun while addicted to drugs. This is the first time in American history that the Justice Department has filed charges against the son of a sitting President. It’s a federal crime to lie on an ATF form or to possess a firearm as a drug user. Hunter Biden has some explaining to do because this doesn’t look good for him. The previous attempts of Hunter Biden trying to make a deal with Weiss failed. Hunter Biden has been summoned to appear in court in an initial appearance on the charges, court filing show, but a date has not been set. Hunter Biden's attorney on Good Morning America claim that the indictment is a product of pressure from the Republicans and the media that supports them. Time will tell what the future holds.

Some good news is that the escaped Pennsylvania killer is finally captured after the two-week manhunt. Tactical teams used heat seeking technology to find and surround Danelo Cavalcante (his sister had tried to assist him after his escape. She is in the process of being deported). The police dog subdued him when he tried to flee. No police officers were injured during his capture. The prisoners escape the prison on August 31, 2023. Cavalcante was convicted of killing his ex-girlfriend in a harsh 2021 stabbing. He will serve a life sentence in the state correctional facility. He is also wanted in an earlier homicide case in his native Brazil. The prisoner was found by authorities using heat sensing devices. He has a rifle and the dog caught him. Cavalcante did go into custody willingly. He resisted arrest. Lt. Colonel George Bivens of the Pennsylvania State Police told CNN that Danelo Cavalcante was defiant and still resisting arrest even when he was being captured. The family of Deborah Brandao (she was murdered by Danelo) was cheering with joy. The inmate was captured shortly after 8 am. EST.

The iPhone 15 and iPhone 15 Pro from Apple do have new features. During my early 20’s, the original iPhone came out in 2007. The first iPhone changed the world of smartphones forever. With new designs, new apps, and new devices, smartphones are much more advanced than computers during the 1990’s. The iPhone 15 and the iPhone 15 Pro have Dynamic Island to help give people alerts, travel updates, and more information. The new design has color in the material. It has an aerospace grade aluminum enclosure. It has a Ceramic Shield. and it’s water plus dust resistant. It has an all new 48 MP Main camera. This camera makes great pictures come alive. The Main Camera shoots in super high resolution with great detail of locations from forests to mountain ranges. The camera has up to 4X resolution and 2X Telephoto which is like having a third camera. The 2X Telephoto helps people to frame the portrait. Its all-day battery life is up to 26 hours on iPhone Plus 15 in video playback and up to 20 hours of video playback on iPhone 15. The phone has the A16 Bionic chip. This chip is very powerful with computational photography with 24MP photos, and smooth graphics for games. The A16 Bionic GPU is up to 40% faster than the GPU in iPhone 12. The smartphone is USB Compatible. That means that a new USB-C connector can charge the Mac or iPad with the same cable used for iPhone 15. The cellphone has Emergency SOS via satellite and Roadside Assistance via satellite for the first time. It has recycled aluminum for 75 percent of the phone. This iPhone can create a poster.

By Timothy

Wednesday, September 13, 2023


 State funeral of John F. Kennedy - Wikipedia

New monument honors all-female, African-American battalion | Article | The United States Army

Theopolis Melton Lowe

Architect Zena Howard.

 This Black Woman Architect Boldly Honors The Past While Mentoring A New Generation | Essence

New Developments.


Kevin McCarthy wants an impeachment inquiry against Joe Biden. McCarthy is afraid of GOP extremists which is why he is doing this action. Gaetz, who is a Trump supporting extremist, has wanted a motion to desire McCarthy to vacate the House floor if he doesn't follow his wishes. This call from McCarthy shows his cowardice and extremism. He believes in the myth that capitalism deserves nearly no regulations and massive cuts can drive up the economy. Yet, Lincoln, FDR, JFK, Dr. King, and others have taught all of us that government investments, fair economic policies, and a strong social safety net will go a long way in improving our economy, decreasing income inequality, and making the community vibrant in our modern day, complex society. President Biden has done nothing to merit an impeachment inquiry (the GOP members are exploiting the mistakes of Biden's son to be falsely placed on Biden), but MAGA extremists have made it their quest to try to destroy the progressive benefits that we have enjoyed for more than 60 years from Social Security to the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Now, we have a possible government shutdown coming by October 1, 2023, if nothing is done.

Trump wants the Judge Tanya Chutkan to rescue herself in the case involving the January 6th Capitol insurrection. This is a desperate move on Trump's part, because he knows that he might very well go into prison if Biden wins re-election in 2024. He is jealous of qualified, capable, and very intelligent black women like Tany Chutkan and Fani Willis. Trump has promoted the lie that the judge is biased against him when Judge Tanya Chutkan has been very fair in her judicial duties surrounding this case. Many federal judges have suggested that Trump might have culpability for the Capitol attack during court hearings. The recusal motion is not unusual in high profile cases, but they are denied in many instances like many times. Guiliani said that Trump is angry over the rightful conviction of White House Trump supporter Navarro. Navarro wanted to reject a legal subpoena, and now he is facing accountability for his actions. Navarro made the lie that he is persecuted legally, but his punishment is fair and just. Navarro may blame Congressional leaders, but he is not above the law. In terms of the law, no one should be shown special privilege. He doesn't deserve special treatment based on his politics or zip code.

Trump's bid to use the Supreme Court to help overturn the election is missing from the indictments. Putin wants Trump to win a second term, because he is against real democracy in the world. Putin bans certain religious freedom. He has locked up dissident protesters, he has promoted authoritarian policies, and he has been instrumental in committing overt war crimes against Ukrainian civilians (which many far right extremists and fake leftists either ignore or condone). Now, the Russian government is spreading confidential information about the Atlanta trial over the web. Russia has meddled in the U.S. election. Ukrainian forces advance south towards Tokmak on the road to Sea of Azov. GOP members Tuberville wants no U.S. chain of command for political reasons and Majorie Taylor Greene wants the impeachment of Biden defunding of the DOJ, no COVID vaccine or masks, and a betrayal of Ukraine to appease Putin.

Days ago on September 11, 2023, we commemorate the day in solemn terms. Almost 3,000 people died by cowards who used planes as weapons and questions remain about all that took place on that day. America was viciously attacked by terrorists in the World Trade Center in New York City, the Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia, and in Pennsylvania. Heroes from firefighters, law enforcement, and volunteers in the street helped to save lives, give aid to the suffering, and inspire a nation that unjust murder will not eliminate the democracy that our ancestors built. My ancestors were involved in the Union in the American Civil War liberating people, involved in Normandy during WWII in real life defeating Nazi fascism (and in other parts of WWII), and in other arenas of lives assisting the human family. Neo-conservatives for decades from Brzezinski to others wanted to gain the resources of Eurasia and the Middle East. The Afghanistan War and the Iraq War came about after 9/11. 

9/11 saw a new era in our history with the Patriot Act, more militarized police, debates on civil liberties, and more activists (among every background in the human family) standing up for what is right too. Today, many of the heroes on 9/11 suffer from various cancers by the dust and smoke from the collapsed building. Unsung human beings are helping them every day. In 22 years, times have changed. In that timespan, we went from floppy disks to USB drives, we went from Playstation to Playstation 5, and we went from blackberries to advanced smartphones. Yet, what doesn't change is the truth. The truth is that 9/11 was a very important part of world history that we won't forget, and we are inspired to stand up and speak up for the democratic human rights that we love so much. Our voting rights must be strengthened, reparations ought to be given to African Americans, imperialism has no place in the world, xenophobia is wrong, and wisdom from the Most High is always important to embrace.

By Timothy

Monday, September 11, 2023

On this September 11th Commemoration (on Relationships and Other Topics).

At first, I didn't want to mention anything about this topic (because this topic has been shown on the Internet constantly), but it has been about 10 years since I made an in-depth commentary on the topic on relationships and the gender war scam harming both men and women worldwide. Something in my subconscious mind inspired me to write on this subject. I dedicate these words to my black ancestors, my friends, and my community including all freedom loving people of the world (who are of every color and background). I want to make this information as a way to reflect my views on this issue in 2023. The gender war situation is a lie that believes that humans of the opposite sex are eternal enemies that must be scapegoated, scorned, dehumanized, and rejected as equal human beings (perpetual conflict is promoted instead of rational solutions in unifying the human family in love, community, and togetherness). I still have the same views back then of rejecting gender war misinformation and propaganda. Over 10 years ago, I refuted sexists on the Internet on relationship topics, and I will continue to do so. When did this nonsense start? Thousands of years ago, human beings existed in the world fighting for survival. Civilizations grew rapidly in the four corners of the Earth. By the time of the Holocene epoch (or the start of our modern era of world history), the Ice Age ended, and the rising sea temperature grew. When civilizations grew in the Africa, Asia, Europe, the Americas, and Australia (like ancient Egypt, ancient Sumeria, ancient China, ancient Olmec culture, ancient Nubia, ancient Greece, etc.). There were similarities in these cultures from temples, language, and societal roles, because we humans have the same origin. Back in the ancient times, there were righteous people who treated men and women as equals, but even back then there was massive oppression against men and women. The minimization of the power and importance of women always causes harm to civilization because no one is free until all people are free to achieve their destinies as human beings. That is why I believe that women collectively suffer more oppression than men collectively because of the dynamics of sexism (and other factors) which has existed throughout human history. In modern times, we have an epidemic of rape in America, Europe, India, and worldwide. Statistics back this up. For example, according to the CDC, over half of all women and almost 1 in 3 men experienced sexual violence involving physical contact during their lifetimes. One in 4 women and about 1 in 26 men according to the CDC have experienced rape or attempted rape in America. 1 in 3 women and about 1 in 9 men experienced sexual harassment in a public place. These are the just the cases being reported, so the statistics are much higher among women and men. This doesn't mean that men don't experience rape, but statistics document how women suffer more rape than men. No man and no woman should be raped, abused, or oppressed period. Laws made to prevent equality among the sexes existed long before America was a nation. In ancient Rome, women couldn't vote or hold political office. During the Medieval times in Europe, many women were unfairly treated as a vassal. There was many equal status given to women in many pre-agricultural societies. In U.S. law, American women were not legally defined as "persons" until 1875 (in Minor v. Happersett, 88 U.S. 162). This reality doesn't mean that men suffered nothing, but it does mean that history proves that misogyny and patriarchal capitalist supremacist systems have harmed societies for centuries and thousands of years. Nothing is new under the sun. 

Social movements for human equality stood up for centuries and thousands of years. Rational people agree with women having the right to vote, but that never existed in America until the 20th century. Rational people agree with women owning homes and having jobs with equal pay, but tons of women didn't have those opportunities as late as the early to mid 20th century, especially black women. Some women don't have true equal pay now in 2023. Feminism got incels, manosphere types, and other sexists so angry that that word is like the most offensive word to them. They believe in the lie that feminism itself is responsible to all problems men deal with and all things under the sun. The truth is that feminism is very diverse, and the concept of feminism just means equality among all sexes and backgrounds. The common lie promoted by manosphere types is that since white racist feminists and suffragettes exist in the world (or agents like former CIA agent Gloria Steinem and even Susan Brownmiller lied about Emmett Till as a potential rapist), so feminism falls apart as a social ideology. The truth is that white racist suffragettes have abhorrent views and should not be respected, but many women supported the right to vote and equality from Ida B. Wells (who exposed white racist suffragettes) to Fannie Lou Hamer. Feminism doesn't mean hatred of men, but it does acknowledge male privilege and the role of some men (not every man) in the oppression of women. I think nuisance is omitted by the sexist crowd. Later, by the end of the 20th century and the 21st century, sexism has been promoted by corporations, shock jocks, YouTube personalities, and other controversial people. Tom Leykis is one of the old school sexists who used his radio platform to promote sexism and stereotypes about women. Red pill advocates, MGTOW advocates, and others in that crew have differences, but they are similar in having hostility towards women, embracing negative stereotypes of women (which has lied that women don't know STEM, every woman is selfish, every woman hates a righteous man, etc.), and seeks men to be Machiavellian in having advancement. 

The reality is that men and women should be themselves and have a sense of power and altruism in making the world better by their own merit. The MGOTW movement is wrong, because they embrace the most negative views about women without realizing the diverse personalities of women. Also, there is no benefit in permanent isolation as the improve of humanity can come by connection, development, and a sense of purpose in helping people. Women aren't machines in a slot machine that you can push a button to make wishes come true. Women are human beings with intellects, feelings, and value that ought to be respected. These characteristics define men too. Many women haters and misogynists are popular among a certain segment of the world's population like Andrew Tate and even the late Kevin Samuels advocated domestic discipline against women (which is domestic violence. Kevin Samuels also disrespected women's physical appearances and implied that black women are less attractive which is a lie. Black women are the most beautiful women on Earth in my view). Recently Andrew Tate has been accused of sex trafficking in Europe. The pickup artist propaganda (in advancing nefarious principles) is known to ruin many relationships. There are many red flags for sexists who lecture women on how to be women (when women are perfectly qualified on speaking about womanhood by themelves by birth), on talking about high and low value people (when all people are created equal) and promote colorism (when beauty is diverse found in all hues, especially in black people. Eurocentric beauty standards is antithetical to truth). Many sexists are promoted by YouTube and corporate power from DJ Akademiks (who disrespected SZA and claims to be the "prize". He is a Trump supporter too who sometimes gets drunk and curses anyone out who disagrees with him), Charleston White, etc. As for black people, black women and black men aren't responsible for the Maafa, the War on Drugs, and other evils in our communities. In recent decades, many sexists promote the lie that black single mothers are responsible for family dysfunction and all problems in the black community in general. That is false as black single mothers are victims of a white racist system that harms both black men and black women in similar plus different ways. Misogyny harms men too. In fact, misogyny (which spreads by capitalist exploitation) causes the crisis of many men, because some men believe in the myth that they must be brutes, aggressive in a toxic way, and intolerable to be a "real man." Many in the manosphere are right that there is a crisis among men, but they are wrong on the origin and solution of this problem. Authors like Scott Galloway, Annie Lowrey, and Christine Emba wrote on this crisis in men in articles and books. These men and women are scholars and experts who have done their research. For example, boys start school less prepared than girls and less likely to graduate from high school and attend or graduate from college. 

One in seven men reports having no friends. Three of every four deaths of despair in America are men dying from suicides and drug overdoses. Boys have fewer male role models. The prison industrial complex has harmed men, including black men, for decades in America alone. The prison system is filled with rape, abuse, exploitation, corruption, and psychological trauma inflicted on human life. Toxic masculinity is not true masculinity. True masculinity is about developing power, integrity, and positive influences to help, protect, and advocate for human beings not oppressing anyone. The crisis among men caused many men to have trouble expressing communication cogently with people, and many men fall prey to incels, xenophobes, and other extremists like Andrew Tate, Anton Daniels, Tariq Nasheed, Charleston White, etc. This crisis is not caused by women but by a cutthroat system that focuses on dehumanization instead of respect for all human life. What is the solution to end this crisis? There must be investments in apprenticeships and trade schools for men and women, there must be investments in more male positive role models to help boys, there must be a progressive promotion of mental health programs for men and boys, economic progressive policies must exist, and there must be education in social conduct among boys and men (in forming relationships, cultural groups, religious groups, and meeting people in general). Education about intellectual growth, health development, and emotional strength is key in inspiring men and women to reach their highest potentials as human beings. We are human, we are bio-chemical beings, we have a prefrontal cortex filled with intellectual power, and we are born to be social. 

The incel crew falsely blame women or feminism for relationship problems and their solutions are further entrenchment of misogyny. Some have gone beyond words to rape, assault, and murder women for decades now. The truth is that we have a crisis among men and women in an evolving world. Women suffer oppression too from rape, pay inequality, lax maternity leave for mothers, sexual harassment, and degradation in media and other forms of entertainment. With automation and deindustrialization, many people lost their jobs or went into new jobs in a changing capitalistic economy. After World War II, veterans came back to America from Europe, Africa, and America. Families grown and the suburbs grew, but racial oppression and sexual exploitation existed. The Bible of the manosphere and sexists is the Moynihan Report of 1965. I prefer the Kerner Commission report of 1967 than the Moynihan Report (which promoted the lie that single black women and black culture from the legacy of slavery, not the system of racism and economic oppression are responsible for many of the social problems in black families. Many scholars have debunked the report for years and decades). Dnaiel Patrick Moynihan is wrong, because racial inequality is not caused by a specific family structure (as both nuclear and single families can raise amazing children into great men and women) but in the political economy and institutional racism. African American activists like Pauli Murray criticized the report as promoting increasing economic opportunities for black men at the expense of getting rid of jobs to black women. The truth is that black men and black women deserve jobs and economic opportunities. The Moynihan Report made the misogynoir myth that tons of black women have it made in 1965 when that isn't the case at all. Merrillee A. Dolan and other scholars have refuted the report too. The policies of the War on Drugs, redlining, discrimination, welfare reform, and other actions harmed black communities for decades and centuries not black women collectively or black men collectively. Men and women aren't monolithic. There are evil men and evil women from Candace Owens to Jesse Lee Peterson. Yet, evil people existing doesn't mean that men and women can never change. You have to give people the chance to change and be better human beings despite the past. According to black feminist scholar and activist Frances Beal in her work Double Jeopardy in 1969, this shows the dynamics of oppression against black men and black women: 

"...Certain black men are maintaining that they have been castrated by society but that black women somehow escaped this persecution and even contributed to this emasculation. Let me state here and now that the black woman in America can justly be described as a "slave of a slave." By reducing the black man in America to such abject oppression, the black woman had no protector and was used, and is still being used in some cases, as the scapegoat for the evils that this horrendous system has perpetrated on black men. Her physical image has been maliciously maligned; she has been sexually molested and abused by the white colonizer; she has suffered the worst kind of economic exploitation, having been forced to serve as the white woman's maid and wet nurse for white offspring while her own children were more often than not, starving and neglected. It is the depth of degradation to be socially manipulated, physically raped, used to undermine your own household, and to be powerless to reverse this syndrome.

It is true that our husbands, fathers, brothers and sons have been emasculated, lynched and brutalized. They have suffered from the cruellest assault on mankind that the world has ever known. However, it is a gross distortion of fact to state that black women have oppressed black men. The capitalist system found it expedient to enslave and oppress them and proceeded to do so without signing any agreements with black women.

It must also be pointed out at this time, that black women are not resentful of the rise to power of black men. We welcome it. We see in it the eventual liberation of all black people from this corrupt system under which we suffer. Nevertheless, this does not mean that you have to negate one for the other. This kind of thinking is a product of miseducation; that it's either X or it's Y. It is fallacious reasoning that in order the black man to be strong, the black woman has to be weak.

Those who are exerting their "manhood" by telling black women to step back into a domestic, submissive role are assuming a counter-revolutionary position. Black women likewise have been abused by the system and we must begin talking about the elimination of all kinds of oppression. If we are talking about building a strong nation, capable of throwing off the yoke of capitalist oppression, then we are talking about the total involvement of every man, woman, and child, each with a highly developed political consciousness. We need our whole army out there dealing with the enemy and not half an army...."

The common argument by sexists is that since unmarried birth rates increasing because single mothers are to blame. The truth is that according to Ta-Nehisi Coates's article, "Understanding Out of Wedlock Births in Black America," there is a high number of children born by unmarried mothers, the birthrate for black women has declined, and married women of every color are going down by percentage (since 1970). So, the trend is that less people are getting married (among every color in America) because of conscious choices not because of a conspiracy of single mothers to ruin the black community. If we want more marriage rates in America, then we have to change the policies that invest in growing marriages not using force to make people get married if they don't want to. Likewise, children need parents. Mothers and fathers are important, so mothers and fathers should always be given just tools in raising their children. The large corporations causing wealth inequality and gentrification didn't originate from black single mothers or feminists but the corporate 1 percent. When you see a person blaming black men or black women collectively for every problem in the black community, that person is an agent like Tommy Sotomayor (who sexualized the death of black people and made outrageous sexist comments for over 10 years now) and Cynthia G (who called Fantasia ugly and said 90 percent of all black men are trash, and Cynthia G has a hatred of those who believe in God. For the record, Fantasia is a very beautiful black woman). What does a divestor mean? Divestors are different from most people involved in an interracial relationship or non-interracial relationships because they have love for a human being. Divestors are people who date and marry the opposite sex of another race, because they believe in the myth that a black person of the opposite sex collectively is inferior intellectually or socially to non-black people. 

They have a hostility to not only Black Love but the black community in general. Divestors, MGTOW, and passport bros (who are wrong to stereotype American black women as collectively inconsiderate, aggressive, and disrespectful so they date women overseas with a passport) have differences, but they are similar in having stereotypes about black Americans of the opposite sex, having no concern of promoting black liberation (they don't talk about the need to help black women with maternity disparities, and they don't talk about the need to deal with many black men and mental health issues), and some don't care if the black community becomes extinct. This is extreme madness, but we don't have to follow the path of extinction. We want black people to grow and flourish in future generations and part of that is by building up black families including the growth of the black population in general. 

Now, we know the problems and what are the solutions? The solution is multifaceted. First, it's our responsibility as adults to do the right thing and to teach boys and girls the basics about responsibility, accountability, ethics, autonomy, consent, integrity, and positive social conduct that helps communities. We have to teach them when they are young that human autonomy and consent will always be important to live by and promote. Second, a holistic culture must be advanced where men and women have the right to pursue their dreams without oppression, without discrimination, and without bigotry or racism of any kind. We have to advocate for laws and policies to eliminate structures of oppression and discrimination. The more evil systems are gone, the more all humans benefit, regardless of sex. Mentorships and programs of uplift must be available for boys, girls, men, and women to cater to their needs and aspirations. Historically, many role models have saved the lives of men and women for centuries and thousands of years. Role models matter. Also, more men have to be allies to women and other oppressed groups not only by words but by deeds. Those deeds are about mentoring a young woman in a job or a young black person (or young person of any background), standing up against sexist speech in public and in private (whether in Internet forums or in the street), showing respect to any human being, and investing time to cultivate a culture of tolerance, excellence, and human dignity. We want any human being to be free and express their talents to the world safely. 

Consent matters. No one is entitled to a relationship. No one is entitled to sex. People have the right to be attracted and date who they want. No one is entitled to any human's body. We are entitled to liberty, justice, equality, and the pursuit of happiness. That principle and the Golden Rule must always be lived on a daily basis. Building better relationships does require self-reflection, learning how to undue pass trauma (even going to therapy if necessary), and building yourself up emotionally. One major solution in ending gender war nonsense is honest communication among men and women about our issues, aspirations, and dreams without personal attacks. Honest dialogue forming common ground will go a long way than WWE fake ad hominem attack nonsense. We need to further invest in programs helping girls and women to pursue STEM Fields, other jobs, and other methods for them to reach their goals in life. Improving oneself should be about you doing it, not to fulfill some fantasy of revenge or egoism. Being better (emotionally, health-wise, intellectually, financially, socially, and spiritually) makes you feel better in every aspect of human living. Relationships should be about mutual respect and mutual love not a case of letting negative baggage toxify a relationship. Relationships reflect commonality and dating people with similar interests and personalities can work. It's cliche but being yourself matters. Most people will respect you more if you're authentically you than if you fake an image to the world. Life is never easy, but life is not impossible to live a better life than the past. Treating people with dignity and respects shines a great light from Almighty God on you. 

During the 2000's, gospel songs about celebrating and worshiping God were commonplace. Smokie Norful was very young when he released the song of I Need You Know in 2002. The Tri-City Singers released the song of Encourage Yourself. Donnie McClurkin increased his presence in the gospel world with songs like Great is Your Mercy in 2000 and Church Medley in 2004. Kelly Price has a long history in the gospel music movement. He had songs like in 2006 called Nobody but Jesus. The Dallas Fort Worth Mass Choir in 2003 had the song of I'd Rather Have Jesus. The legendary gospel musician released the song of The Blood Will Never Lose Its Power. By the 21st century, the Clark Sisters made many live performances like the Blessed and Highly Favored Live. Yolanda Adams had the album of Believe in the 21st century with music like I'm Gonna Be Ready. Part of the Sheard gospel family is the singer Kierra Sheard with the song of You Don't Know from the album of I Owe You. Lynda Randle had the song of God on the Mountain. Fred Hammond had the song They That Wait featuring John P. Kee. By the 2000s, Tamela Mann made her own solo career with songs like Hallelujah. 


By the 2010's, gospel artists of the younger generation wanted to express their views and build on their legacies too. During this decade, the young gospel artist Jonathan McReynolds made the song of God is God. One of the anthems of the 2010's decade is Take Me to the King by Tamela Mann (featuring Kirk Franklin). Another anthem of the decade was Kirk Franklin's song of I Smile in the 2010's. 2nd Win was the song from Kierra Sheard. Your Spirit was music from Tasha Cobbs Leonard. Marvin Sapp made the song of My Testimony. Bleed the Same was music from the singer Mandisa from her album of Out of The Dark. Charles Jenkins and Fellowship Chicago had the song of Keep The Faith. 


The 1959 Ben Hur movie starred Charlton Heston, Jack Hawkins, Haya Harreet, Stephen Boyd, Hugh Griffith, Martha Scott, Cathy O'Donnell, and Sam Jaffe. It was directed by William Wyler, its screenplay was written by Karl Tunberg, and the movie was based on the book of Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ by author Lew Wallace. Ben Hur's music was scored by the legendary composer Miklos Rozsa. Rozsa made some of the greatest scores in human history. At the time, Ben Hur had the largest budget of any film produced with a 15.75 million dollar budget. Filming started on May 18, 1958, and it ended on January 7, 1959. There were over 200 camels and 2,500 horses were in the shooting of the film with about 10,000 extras. Ben Hur premiered at Loew's State Theater in New York City on November 18, 1959. It was the fastest grossing film of 1959 being the 2nd highest grossing film at that time period. It won a record 11 Academy Awards, including Best Picture, Best Director (Wyler), Best Actor in a Leader Role (Heston), Best Actor in a Supporting Role (Griffith), etc. In 2004, the National Film Preservation Board selected Ben-Hur for preservation by the National Film Registry of the Library of Congress for being "culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant." 


The movie of The Gospel in 2005 had old school themes mixed with a new school 21st century atmosphere. Its plot relates the story of the Parable of the Prodigal Son in the modern era. It was written and directed by Rob Hardy. It was produced by Will Packer. The cast of the film involve Boris Kodjoe, Idris Elba, Clifton Powell, and Nona Gaye. The film stars Davis, who is an artist who learns that his evangelical pastor father has prostate cancer. He comes to Atlanta to help his family out. Later, David gradually abandons his old life and becomes part of the church that caused Frank to have jealous. More gospel singers are in the film who are Yolanda Adams, Martha Munizzi, Fred Hammond, and Kirk Franklin. 


One of the great gospel singers that promotes justice in the world was The Staple Singers. Freedom Highway was the title track of their 1965 live album. The song referenced the Selma Freedom Marches that took place in March of 1965. The song mentioned the evil murder of 14-year-old African American Emmett Till, who was lynched on August 28, 1955 in the Mississippi, Tallahatchie River. The song was a major staple of the civil rights movement. Their song of Why? (Am I Treated So Badly) is from their 1966 album of Why. It wanted to expose the evil of racism. The Staple Singer version of Stephen Still's For What It's Worth was a protest song. This was in 1967. Their 1968 song of Long Walk to D.C. is from their 1968 album Soul Folk in Action that wanted action on promoting civil rights and it protested the Vietnam War. The promotion of reparations for black people is found in their song of When Will Be Paid. It addressed slavery and the necessity for reparations. This is a Perfect World in 1971 and We The People in 1972 promoted unity and empowerment. The Staple Singers performed gospel music, soul music, and R&B music too. Their members were Roebuck Staples, Cleotha Staples, Mavis Staples, Pervis Staples, and Yvonne Staples. All of them were raised in the church in Chicago. Many of them were born in Mississippi as tons of people from the Midwest are Mississippi, Alabama, Louisiana, and other states of the Deep South. 


In 2023, gospel music is still powerful like yesteryear. I Believe God is the song from Jekalyn Carr. Terrian had the son of Big God. You Kow My Name is a song made by Tasha Cobbs Leonard, one of the most gifted gospel singers of the younger generation. Kirk Franklin had the song of All Things. CeCe Winans had the song of The Blood. Ron Kenoly had the song of Exaltai. Anthony Brown and group Therapy had the record of Speak Your Name. Jeff and Sheri Easter made the song of Here Comes Jesus from their album of Treasure. 

Zena Howard is one of the unsung architects of our generation. She overseen many high-profile projects. She was involved in the design of the National Museum of African American History and Culture. She graduated from Rocky Mount High School in Rocky Mount, North Carolina. She earned a B.S. degree in architecture form the University of Virginia. Howard is a Principal and Managing Director at Perkins + Will in Durham, North Carolina. She served as Senior Project Manager for the design of the National Museum of African American History and Culture, the International Civil Rights Center and Museum in Greensboro, North Carolina, and the Motown Museum expansion in Detroit, Michigan. She is a founding member of her firm's Global Diversity and Inclusion Committee and is involved in projects and initiatives that aim to increase the number of women and minority architects. She worked on many more projects like the Destination Crenshaw in Los Angeles, California, the Hogan's Alley Initiative in British Columbia, the Anacostia Library in Washington, D.C., etc. Now, Zena Howard is mentoring other black women and women of color to achieve their own dreams involving architecture, etc. Howard won an award for her work too. Ever since she was young, Zena Howard loved to draw and sketch information. There are over 400 African American women architects in America. 

By Timothy