Evidence Reveals Libyan Convicted of Lockerbie Bombing Innocent
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Kurt Nimmo
August 25, 2009
An article published by The Mail On Sunday reveals that convicted Lockerbie bomber Abdelbaset al-Megrahi is innocent. Lawyers for the cancer-stricken Libyan, released from a Scottish prison last week on humanitarian grounds, presented evidence to the Court of Appeal indicating that crucial details in the case were not submitted to the court and evidence submitted was tampered with. In addition, U.S. intelligence agencies believe that Iran, not Libya, was responsible for the attack that killed 270 people on Pan Am flight 103.
Abdelbaset al-Megrahi (l) arrives in Libya.
Ian Ferguson, an investigative journalist and co-author of the book Cover-up of Convenience: The Hidden Scandal of Lockerbie, told the British newspaper “Megrahi was made the scapegoat for whatever reason and from that point everything went in reverse to try to make the crime fit.”
Last week, Infowars posted an article indicating the bomber was in fact the U.S. and Israeli intelligence asset Abu Nidal. Former Labor MP Tam Dalyell and Edinburgh law professor Robert Black presented evidence in 2008 showing that Nidal was connected to the bombing and it was carried out as revenge for the shooting down of an Iranian airbus by the warship USS Vincennes in 1988.
In a memo dated September 24, 1989, the DIA states: “The bombing of the Pan Am flight was conceived, authorized and financed by Ali-Akbar Mohtashemi-Pur, Iran’s former interior minister.” It took the use of the U.S. Freedom of Information Act to release the full intelligence documents, according to the Mail Online.
“The execution of the operation was contracted to Ahmad [Jibril], Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine General Command [PFLP-GC] leader, for a sum of $1 million,” the DIA documents state. “$100,000 of this money was given to Jibril up front in Damascus by the Iranian ambassador to Sy [Syria], Muhammed Hussan [Akhari] for initial expenses. The remainder of the money was to be paid after successful completion of the mission.”
A d v e r t i s e m e n t
Dalyell and Black believe the “mission” was carried out by Nidal, who was later killed or committed suicide in Iraq.
In May of 2000, a gag order added weight to the theory that Libya was not behind the Lockerbie bombing. Dr. Richard Fuisz, a CIA agent and a potential key trial witness, was gagged by the U.S. government under state secrecy laws and faced 10 years in prison if he revealed any information about the terrorist attack, the Sunday Herald reported.
In the U.S., however, the truth is irrelevant. In addition to the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff and the director of the FBI expressing outrage over the release of al-Megrahi — and the corporate media’s tedious feeding frenzy over the incident — campaigners in the states have set up a website demanding Americans punish Scotland by boycotting all travel to the country. “In addition, the campaign’s organizers, whose identity is unknown, call for a boycott of British products, including whiskey, one of Scotland’s main industries, worth a record £3 billion last year,” reports The Times Online.