French Government Plans Mass Swine Flu Vaccination Program
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Paul Joseph Watson
Monday, August 31, 2009
A shocking internal document outlines the French government’s plans to impose a mass swine flu vaccination program on the entire population which would be focused around regional vaccination centers and would be carried out by H1N1 injection teams, completely bypassing medical establishments and GP’s.
French Health Minister Roselyne Bachelot told the Associated Press last week that the vaccination campaign would be “voluntary,” but she urged all French residents to receive the shot when the vaccine becomes ready in mid-October. 94 million doses of the vaccine, more than enough to cover France’s population of 61.5 million, were purchased at a cost of €1 billion euros and the first batches have already been received.
However, a leaked internal government document signed by Batchelot and Minister of the Interior Brice Hortefeux describes a systematic procedure for vaccinating the entire population via specially secured “vaccination centers” that will be set up across the country and staffed by vaccine “teams” working in four hour bloc shifts.
According to the document, schoolchildren will also be vaccinated by mobile injection squads who will travel from school to school, covering the entire country. Babies from 6 months old will also be given the shot.
Crucially, GP’s and medical establishments will have no role in the vaccination program, a factor that leaves the plan resembling more of a military operation than a public health campaign.
While avoiding volatile rhetoric about “forced” injections, the document does state that the entire population will be vaccinated without exception, thereby implying that the shots will be mandatory, contradicting public statements made by Health Minister Batchelot.
A d v e r t i s e m e n t
Another vital aspect to the document is that it describes tracking procedures for keeping tabs on who has and who has not taken the vaccine, which will be done through microchipped state medical ID cards that all French residents hold by law. Data will be centralized to identify those citizens who have not taken the vaccine.
According to an analysis of the document posted on, “Data from the health insurance bodies are to be used to ensure that everyone receives the toxic “swine flu” jab. The need to implement measures to track every single person in France to determine whether they have been vaccinated or not is stressed.”
The August 21st document issued by the French government appears to be a chilling plan to initiate the mass murder of the French population by means of toxic vaccines under the cover of offering protection against a pandemic in just four weeks time.
Similar documents are believed to be circulating in all 194 member states of the WHO.
It is addressed to high ranking government officials who are ordered to prepare to supervise and coordinate the implementation of the forced vaccination programme in their regions, and to submit appropriate plans by the middle of September.
The general public is only to be “informed” at the end of September of the plans by means of communications to the local press.
The establishment of large-scale vaccine centers in “secure” facilities is a chilling echo of the Nazi concentration camps such as Buchenwald where inmates were killed by injections.
The French plan lists in detail the duties the “vaccination” teams are to perform, the layout of the vaccination centers, the location of the furniture, such as tables, and the number of vaccinations to be carried out in specific time frames by centers of various sizes.
The number of people prescribed to be vaccinated in four-hour sessions by a typical “vaccine team” is 360.
A typical vaccination “post” is to consist of “three agents”, one “agent” responsible for “preparing” the vaccines, one for administering them and one for tracking people who have been vaccinated.
The document mentions French laws (Article L3131-8 and Article L3131-9) that compel medical personnel to administer vaccines by government decree or face penalties, a factor which clearly implies that some health workers will face difficulties arising out of people who refuse to take the shot.
As we have previously documented, the swine flu vaccine is being rushed through safety procedures while governments have provided pharmaceutical companies with blanket immunity from lawsuits arriving out of the vaccine causing deaths and injuries.
It was previously revealed that some batches of the vaccine will contain mercury, a toxin linked with autism and neurological disorders. The vaccine will also contain the dangerous ingredient squalene, which has been directly linked with cases of Gulf War Syndrome and a host of other debilitating diseases.
It was also recently reported that the UK government sent a confidential letter to senior neurologists telling them to be on the alert for cases of a brain disorder called Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS), which could be triggered by the vaccine.
While the fact that the government would plan to forcibly vaccinate people against their will, amidst rising awareness of the dangers associated with the untested H1N1 vaccine, is a shocking story in and of itself, the question of whether they would ultimately be successful in doing so is another matter entirely.
The French people are renowned for cherishing their personal liberty and resisting government enforced tyranny and are nowhere near as apathetic as their English neighbors across the channel. The French routinely go on strike, conduct mass demonstrations and set up blockades when the government attempts to force through unpopular measures, and the response to an attempt on behalf of the state to forcibly vaccinate people against their will would be no different.