Security Goon Crushes Free Speech: ‘This Ain’t America No More’
School officer threatens arrest for anti-Obama sign – unflattering representations of our dear leader are illegal
Paul Joseph Watson
Monday, August 31, 2009
In a damning indictment of how the First Amendment has been eviscerated, footage from a recent town hall event shows a school security officer threatening a protester with arrest for holding up an anti-Obama sign while declaring that America has ceased to exist, arguing that unflattering representations of our dear leader are illegal.
Despite the fact that there were numerous other signs being displayed at the health care event in Reston, Va., security officer Wesley Cheeks Jr. ordered the protester to pull down the placard, which featured the depiction of Obama as the Joker from Batman with the words “Organizing for National Socialist Health Care – The Final Solution”.
An argument ensued before the protester declared, “This used to be America,” to which the officer responded, “It ain’t no more, OK?”
Cheeks claimed that the protester couldn’t display his sign because it included an image of Obama. Like he’s some kind of religious deity, authority figures somehow think that it is illegal to display a likeness of our dear leader that is anything but flattering.
As anyone with a basic grasp of history understands, when the authorities start oppressing people merely for ridiculing those in power, dictatorship and tyranny soon follows.
“Sir, leave the picture down,” the officer said. “If you put the picture back up, you’ll be charged with trespassing.”
The officer also ascribes upon himself the power to interpret and invent laws, growling, “If I told you once to take it down and you put it back up, I can charge you with whatever I want to charge you with.”
Cheeks’ brazen contempt for the oath he swore to protect and defend the Constitution is laid bare as he openly trashes everything America stands for and claims that in his eyes the country and by extension the bill of rights itself no longer exists.
This should act as a wake up call to illustrate the shocking reversal of the role of police and security officers from peace officers to political enforcers for the corrupt state.
Officer Cheeks is a member of the Fairfax County Public Schools’ trained School Security Officer team (e mail them), who have refused to comment on the story until their office opens again today.
Watch the clip below.