American politics is still transpiring in unique ways. The 2 party system is oppression. This system wants the American public to only accept 2 "acceptable" choices. The real choices or the Third Parties are smaller, highly suppressed, and discriminated against by the corporate elite. Both the Republicans and the Democrats (in their leadership) agree with crony capitalism, never-ending bailouts for the big banks, disregard for the Bill of Rights, never-ending war, support for big oil and big nuclear, allowing the sale of GM-filled foods instead of real food. Centuries ago, some of the Founding Fathers didn't want political parties as these factions would promote divisions and tensions inside of American society. They were right in this regard. Presently, we have the choice of either voting for President Barack Obama, ex-Governor Mitt Romney, or a Third Party candidate. Both the President and Romney are supported by Wall Street money. Each man desires militarism and new wars if necessary. Each agree with the continuation of certain laws that violate our cherished human civil liberties. Each agree with some austerity measures (including the sick welfare to work laws whose policies are shown overseas without a minimum wage, unions, or real human rights in some nations). When you see underneath the surface, each man is very much similar to each other in terms of their political philosophies. That is why many activists are focusing on local power to directly help the people and other solutions. Crony or predatory capitalism doesn't work. Even today, we should oppose corporate corruption, we should love to protect the environment, and we should advance universal health care for all people. We should oppose the prison industrial complex (that harms so many Black and Brown Americans). We ought to care about poverty as well.
The ex-Presidents Jimmy Carter and even Ronald Reagan wanted to support Social Security. Social Security was a promise given to the elderly in order for the elderly to maintain their economic power plus standard of living. Now, some people wants to steal Social Security benefits in order to handle the record student debt. Some people even the elderly have increased their debt from 3,500 dollars to 17,000 in 10 years. This higher debt is a product of Congress removing consumer protections from student loans (like standard bankruptcy protections, statues of limited, lending requirements, etc.). Some debt are doubling. The youth mostly are imposed these debts. Some young people will have to pay off their student school loans in the manner of 40 years with good employment. Other people paying off students loans are the elderly. According to the New York Federal Reserve, two million U.S. seniors age 60 and over have student loan debt, on which they owe a collective $36.5 billion; and 11.2 percent of this debt is in default. Almost a third of all student loan debt is held by people aged 40 and over, and 4.2% is held by people over the age of 60. The total student debt is now over $1 trillion, more even than credit card debt. The sum is unsustainable and threatens to be the next debt tsunami.Some debt are created by schooling. Some of the young people can't find a job in a struggling job market, so they take on more debt. Doubling interest rates on student debts is not wise since we still in a recession (and people are struggling to pay off college loans as it is). They are set to double on July 1, 2012 to 6.8 percent. People in both parties believe that the current 3.4 percent rates ought to be extended for another year. They have trouble in finding out where you can get the 6 billion dollars. Republicans want to take the money from a health care fund that promotes preventive care; Democrats want to eliminate some tax benefits for small business owners. This is ironic. The reason is that Congress can't find 6 billion to help students, but they can agree to spend over 700 billion dollars to save the wall Street banks. The FED used trillions of more dollars on this issue. Some estimates find that tuition for public university education can be free to student for 30 billion dollars annuals. The government can simply issue the money to fund this plan as Congress can coin money (and regulate its value according to the Constitution). M3 money supply has decreased by 3 trillion dollars since 2008, so the spending of such money will not be inflationary. Canada borrow money from private lenders at interests to build up its infrastructure from 1939 to 1974. Australia and New Zealand has been successful with its interest free loans. That is why economic populists want direct issuance or publicly owned banks to solve numerous economic problems.
Police brutality is still real in the world. Cops kick a pregnant woman in the stomach, yet the superiors approve of it. The Supervisors squashed or ended the investigation. They describe the actions as "within department policy." The police officer who did this demented action is from Dekalb County, Georgia. He has a history of violent conduct. He kicked a heavily pregnant woman. this action occured when officer Jerad Wheeler was called t the pregnant woman's home to settle a dispute between the woman's brother and his partner. The brother argued with the officer. Later, the nine month pregnant Raven Dozier said that the officer then used a taser on the brother. When Miss Dozier started crying and asking the officer why he was resorting to such acts, Wheeler kicked her in the stomach. She was arrested and the police charged her with obstruction of a police officer. “I was upset because I couldn’t believe an officer would kick me, with my child in my stomach,” Dozier told WSBTV investigative reporter Jodie Fleischer. “I think he really just didn’t want me asking him any questions, questioning him, and when I did question him is when he kicked me,” Dozier added. The officer is a punk and a coward for assaulting a pregnant woman. The child was not affected by the incident. The child was born as a product of an emergency C-section two weeks after the incident. The newborn baby is healthy. All charges against Dozier were dropped. “What kind of a human being kicks a pregnant woman?” said Dozier’s attorney Mark Bullman. “I mean, forget whether or not it is a police officer that is supposedly protecting people.” Dozier filed an internal affairs complaint with the Dekalb County Police Department. Wheeler's superiors didn't want an investigation of the affair. They approved of the actions. Wheeler claimed that he kicked her out of self defense (as taught by the academy) and that he didn't know that Dozier was pregnant. Yet, he had no right to kick a person like that. Men go to jail for hitting women all of the time, yet this officer is allowed to hit an innocent woman. A reporter named Joide Fleischer found that 2 more use of force complaints were made against Wheeler. These complaints were shown within the last nine months. Wheeler was accused of twisting a 53 year old woman's arm and forcing her face into the patrol car in 2011. There is another complaint. Wheeler in January shot dead a family's chained dog after showing up at the wrong home on a call. Fleischer notes that “in all three cases, the victims were not the focus of the original police incident.” Wheeler has been exonerated and cleared in all three cases by his department. Yet, he is now under criminal investigation. “It’s showing that there is an ongoing pattern and practice of attempting to clear officers of clearly illegal, unconstitutional, and improper conduct,” Bullman said. “My hope is that with this and other cases, things will change at the DeKalb Police Department, that it is no longer possible for officers to commit felonies against citizens that have committed no crime whatsoever,” the attorney added. In a separate incident, three officers from the same police department were indicted this week for mercilessly beating a group of handcuffed teenagers. The officers were also accused of serving a similar beat down to another 18-year-old as recent as last November. the police can't be allowed to do what they want whenever they want.
More information about the film making genius Stanley Kubrick is coming out. The castle in Kubrick's "Eyes Wide Shut" film was built by Baron de Rothschild. This build is called the Mentmore Towers. It's a Neo-Renaissance English country house. One underrated Stanley Kubrick film is called "Paths of Glory." the film summarizes the outlines of the complexities of warfare, courts, and battles that go in human society. The film was made in 1957. It was an anti-war film back then, which was taboo. The film describes WWI with Kirk Douglas playing Colonel Dax. Kirk's character speaks a soliloquy about the brutality of war and the sinfulness of man (he wants mercy for human beings). Colonel Dax is the commanding officer of French soldiers who refused to continue a suicidal attack. Dax attempts to defend them against a charge of cowardice in a court marital. The film was based on the literature of Sidney Howard. Howard wanted to show the harsh realities of war. Paths of Glory is based loosely on the true story of four French soldiers during World War I, under General Géraud Réveilhac, executed for mutiny in Souain, France; their families sued, and while the executions were ruled unfair, two of the families received one franc each, while the others received nothing. Researchers have found that the film is very similar to the story of Barabbas and Pontius Pilate. Pontius Pilate is allowed to execute an innocent person even though, Jesus was guilty of no crime in his life. The movie shows men being murdered by a firing squad for opposing a suicidal missions in the midst of trench warfare during WWI. The Barabbas figure in the film acts as a coward and traitor. The film talks about class issues. The elite Generals battles against the common infantrymen. Dax is caught in the middle. Dax is a compassionate man, but he is helpless in trying to prevent 3 innocent men from being executed. The innocent men were sacrifice in the altar of war. In real life, proponents of war believe that dead soldiers are sacrifices for their aims of conquest and warfare. War allows a so-called "enemy" to be conquered. 'Paris' on the far end is our messiah or human-god figure. he held forbidden incriminating knowledge that he could have used against his superior so he was chosen by the man for execution, he takes death piously and refuses the blindfold, and forgives the man - though he certainly does not make it out as any 'glory' his disdain to respond to the mans apology shows he sees how senseless the whole sacrificial war is (and this pointless exhibition of killing to instill bravery). The movie is ahead of its time by its outlining of a graphic firing squad, questions about the immorality of war, and other issues.
There are tons of information on the Jesuit link to the new world order. Some people want Jerusalem to be like a religious capital in the world. The Vatican for centuries wanted to control Jerusalem totally and this is evident of the Crusades. During the Crusades, Catholic imperialists temporarily conquered Jerusalem. After they were defeated by Muslim leaders, the Vatican never relinquished that goal. Troy now have found some information on how George Washington's Chief of Staff was educated by the Jesuits. It's proven that Freemason King Frederick the Great of Prussia supported the Jesuits. He supported them as teachers after they were suppressed by Pope Clement XIV (he died under suspicious circumstances). King Frederick allowed the Jesuits to teach in Silesia, Warmia, and the Netze district. Federick loved the French Enlightenment and the works of Voltaire. King Frederick for he had then ascended the throne—held a Lodge at Charlottenburg, and, as Master in the chair, initiated Prince William of Prussia, his brother, the Margrave Charles of Brandenburg, and Frederick William, Duke of Holstein. Now, Friedrich Wilhelm von Steuben worked with Washington. von Stueben assisted in the founding of the Cincinnatti and was appointed a Regent who was would later be the State University of NY. The Society of Cincinnati was a quasi-aristocratic, hereditary based American order. It was created in May 13, 1783. It still goes on today. It was dictated to the ancient Roman dictator. It's like the American version of the Order of the Father. George Washingon was a founding member. Another famous member was Major Pierre L'Enfant ( the French officer who joined the American Army in 1777, served in the Corps of Engineers and later become a member of the Society). This group suggested that the bald eagle would be a Cincinnati insignia. The medallions at the center of the Cincinnati American Eagle depict, on the obverse, Cincinnatus receiving his sword from the Roman Senators and, on the reverse, Cincinnatus at his plow being crowned by the figure of Pheme(personification of fame). The Society's colors, light blue and white, symbolize the fraternal bond between the United States and France. A specially commissioned "Eagle" worn by President General George Washington was presented to Lafayette in 1824 during his grand tour of the United States. This doesn't mean that God-fearing people in America were non-existent back then. It means that both God-fearers and secret society members were prominent centuries ago in America.
By Timothy