Monday, December 31, 2007

New Years Eve

It appears that the United Nations is trying to brainwash children. They are presenting a comic book. It depicts a war torn country. Also, the comic book describes superheroes working alongside UNICEF aid workers and U.N peacekeepers. It doesn't mention which war torn country. The United Nations is trying to cover up their real image and agenda, but in the 21st century tons of truthseekers know the truth. The United Nations was created in 1945 by the same corporate elite (the same heads of the big banks and the heads of Big Oil like members of the CFR. The headquarters of the United Nations is placed on land donated by the Rockefellers. The Rockefellers is a family known as oil tycoons and elitists) which funded both sides in WWI and WWII plus promoted eugenics (Many of these social Malthusians are here to this day). The U.N. is about trying to merge national sovereignities and enhance the ideals of globalization, population control, and control of foreign policy. The Third World is made stagnant by them (and as a consequence, the Third World's economics is further via the World Bank and the IMF). Real solutions to the Third World ought to be radical true, modern health, electricity, and the modern development of that region of the world. UN peacekeepers have been accused of rape in the Third World and the UN took little steps to stop the genocide in Rwanda. The United Nations is anti-gun and has a statue of a destroyed gun in UN headquarters inside NYC. Techshout from December 29, 2007 discussed on how New Jersey banned sex offenders from using the Internet except for job searching. This is wild since how can you monitor all of the Internet of sex offenders. The problem to deal with in this situation is sex crimes not the Internet. If sick people use the Internet for evil purposes, that is wrong. Yet, there could be a slipply slope because you can ban folks using copyright material in using the Internet and other citizens from using it. It's nothing more than an example of the government controlling more and more of the Internet. It's similar to neo-fascism since the state is granted more power in ruling the power of the people and individuals. Recently, I've seen some videos from Chris Everard. Some of the things I disagree with it, but most of the information was suprisingly accurate about the new world order, the spirit world, Secret Societies, and the space world. Some of the information that I knew. There was new information that caught my eye like how Rudolf Steiner (a member of the OTO and a Theosophist) created a statue called Ahriman. Ahriman is a characteristic of Lucifer according to Chris and looks similar to the demon smoke images on the WTC Towers when both towers were burning. I alreay knew that the Twin Towers look similar to the Masonic emblem of Jachin and Boaz. This symbol is represented by 2 Towers with a globe on the top of each column. It is utilized to represent the entrance of King Solomon's Temple since Freemasonry obsess with King Solomon in allegory. It means the solar and lunar (or masculine and feminine influences) parts of the Universe. Symbolism is throughout many places of the world (like the Pentagram, the obeslik, the sacrab, and others). Some of locations have been built by Freemasons or other Secret Societies. These global political/aristocratic/religious elite (made up of the Vatican and Black Nobility bloodlines in the City of London, etc.) rule most of the policies of the world. That's why the United Nations and the Vatican promote a one world religion (i.e. John Paul II called for a new world order. The United Nations regularly have a World Council of Religions to discuss about world religions). Education has also been manipulated by the elite. For example, socialist John Dewey admitted that he wanted to eliminate the teaching of moral absolutes in public schools. To me, teaching moral absolutes is vital in developing strong students. That's why I'm independently minded in my thinking.

Big Brother seems to be all over the place presently. KNDO in Washington described on how Homeland Security is placing RFID tags on licenses. Ray Massey from the Daily Mail at December 29, 2007 reported that there are new digital cameras in Britian. There are DVD cameras (called concept) recording folks' behavior while driving. While, they want those using a cell phone or smoking while driving to go to jail as high as 2 years. That is extreme, but the UK wants this reality in their own nation. Captain Gatso of the campaign group Motorists Against Detection oppose this plan as classifying it as a surveillance control mechanism against citizens. the National Immigration Institute of Mexico in March wants to monitor all migrants with a microchip in their ID cards (mainly from Belize and Guatamela). Spanish news agency EFE beleive that some in Mexico want migrant workers to have an implantable microchip. This is wild. I don't believe they want the well being of workers. They want control over people. Rauni-Leena Luukanen-Kilde, MD, the former Chief Medical Officer of Finland in 2000 even called for all newborns to be placed with a microchip at birth, so the agenda is there. We should reject these developments of oppressive Big Brother. BBC from Monday, at December 31, 2007 reported on privacy rights being depleted in many other nations like in Greece. 2007 is a wild year. 2007 is much more crazier than 2006. In 2007, there were scandals, Paris Hilton, and the Presidental election heating up. Rudy Giulani is the most Authoritarian candidate out of both parties. For example, he is for the patriot Act. Rudy agrees with domestic surveillance of citizens when necessary. He endorses Big Brother in microchips. He agrees with preemptive warfare with Neo Cons like Norman Podhoretz advising him. The stone cold truth is that most Americans don't want warrantless wiretapes or threatening warfare with Iran when Iran is no where near a direct threat to America or having nuclear weapons. On social issues, Rudy is almost identical to the belief system of Hillary Clinton being pro-abortion. There are other circumstances and stories revolving around other candidates like Ron Paul (who wants no National ID card and is recieving a high level of popularity among young people and civil libertarians), Mitt Romney, John McCain, Fred Thompson, John Edwards, Barrack Obama (who is appearing on BET), Mike Gravel, Dennis Kuinich, and others. One important event is the huge bashlash against illegal immigration that reached new heights in 2007. People accept compassion for human beings whether illegal or legal, but most Americans desire that the borders ought to be protected, laws enforced, and use ways to decrease of illegal immigration in America. Without these actions, there is no real solution to this complex and controversial issue of immigration. Bonesman George W. Bush along with transnational corporations are for this North American integration. Even CFR member Robert Pastor publicly called for international highway and a North American border like scheme in Congress. The North American Union have been exposed on a high level in 2007 via the work of Dr. Jerome Corsi, Dr. Daneen Peterson, and others. The SPP (i.e. The Security and Prosperity Partership) set a foundation for this agenda along with the creation of NAFTA in 1993 (which transplanted jobs overseas and it ruined the economy of Mexico for years). The Trans Texas Corridor, CANAMEX, trade corridors, and other entities are an extension of the North American Union plan. The CFR document, called "Building a North American Community," tells the CFR's support of a common security perimeter around North America. Therefore, it's real. Bret Caldwell from the The Huffinton Post at December 29, 2007 reported on how the House (Republicans, Democrats, and Independents) voted against the Mexican pilot program where Mexican trucks are traveling in US highways with little regulations. Yet, Bush is still carrying it forward when reports show flaws in it like little enforcement of regulations and bad records of their activities. There was also the assassination of Benzair Bhutto in 2007. Typically the media accused al-Qaeda of the unforunate murder. Yet, al-Qaeda was assisted in its creation by the CIA and the ISI. Pakistan is a tool of the Elite to formet this war on terror (with the Wahhabis, who were created by the British. In fact, Saudi Arabia as a country was created by the British via Ibn Saud and headed by many controlled families like the bin Ladens. Controlled Saudi elites were even present in the League of Nations in 1919). Now, the movie Charlie Wilson movie is lying about the Middle East. The truth is that Wilson was a CIA thug organizing the funding of the mujahadeen (who were the forerunning of al-Qaeda. One famous mujadheen was Gulbaddin Hekmatyar) killing tons of Afghanis in the 1980's. Trilateralist Zbignew Brzezinski endorsed this funding of terrorists. Wilson didn't really end the Cold War. The Cold War commenced by a host of factors like Russia's economic problems, leadership problems in Russia, agreements and colloborations between the USA and the USSR. 2008 will be a highly political year. One President will be elected in 2008. Good occurences and bad events are bound to happen next year. Hopefully, more opposition to evil will commence. There is a need of strength and cowardice among us around the world. Now, it's time to welcome 2008. Goodbye 2007.

By Timothy