Popular Culture
Involving popular culture, I have been researching this topic in a higher level for almost 20 years now. I have been researching the mysteries of life since 1997. The first time I heard of the word Illuminati was from the compromised preacher John Hagee back in 1997. . After almost 30 years of this journey, we have been proven right time after time again. We are right to say that bizarre, obscene, and secret rituals have been done by many in the celebrity culture (similar to what was shown in Stanley Kubrick's Eyes Wide Shut film). We are right to mention that many celebrities and elitists are part of the Bohemian Grove where they celebrate in the midst of an owl statue (representing the Goddess Minerva meaning wisdom). We are definitely right to mention that a select amount of corporations in an oligarchy have an inordinate amount of power in the mainstream entertainment industry and in other global power structures. One author admitted that the CIA has worked with filmmakers before. Operation Mockingbird is about the intelligence community using agents to infiltrate the mainstream corporate media apparatus. In the past few years, many people have exposed the corruption in the industry involving many celebrities. That is legitimate, because we should not condone evil, and we reject degeneracy of any kind.
The issue that many of these new school exposers refuse to expose the higher ups like the Pilgrim Society, the Bilderberg Group, the O.T.O., the Knights of Malta, and other liked minded organizations that control the banking interests and the multinational corporations. It is important to expose all of the truth not just the puppets (like a wicked entertainer). Also, the younger generation (or the babies. Anyone 25 years old or younger is a baby to me) should be allowed to make their books, podcasts, YouTube pages, etc. in exposing the industry in their own unique style and system. We have to give the younger men and younger women the opportunity to show the truth and to inspire real change in our society out of sincere love. The babies sat on a foundation that us older Millennials created. Previous generations before me (in Generation X, Baby Boomers, etc.) created a foundation that we walk on too. Therefore, we will pass on wisdom and insights from the past to the present, and to the future. Also, it is important to expose three major deceptions in our time now. One major deception is that people can do what they want. This was promoted by Aleister Crowley and the Hell Fire Club founders, but there is morality in the Universe. Following legitimate moral principles is paramount in living a blessed life. That means helping the poor, showing empathy to people, building folks up, loving truth, controlling the tongue, and worshiping the Lord for the blessings that he has given us out of the mercy of his own heart. We should always do good and treat our neighbors right. Another deception is that every Founding Father was Bible Believing Christian when Thomas Jefferson was a Deist who wrote a book eliminating the miracles of Jesus Christ, Thomas Paine was an atheist, and many of them were Masons. The other deception is Trump is a role model whose actions and characters that folks should emulate. Trump wants Liz Cheney to be in prison, curses out peaceful protestors, and said that his political opponents are low IQ. Therefore, we must be clear to use our discernment to stand up for moral truths and justice for all at the same time.
Exposing Truth
After all of these years of researching the mysteries of life, some people desiring the new world order, and other related issues, one thing is perfectly certain. We are proven right. After many legendary researchers who have passed away, our words ring true today. The first time I heard about like minded subject was back in 1997 when I was a teenager, and by 2001, my research went into another level. After more than 25 years, I wrote and researched information about the ancient Mystery schools, about Freemasonry, about the Bavarian Illuminati, about the CFR, about the Bilderberg Group, about the Trilateral Commission, about the Skulls and Bones, about the O.T.O., about Dr. John Dee (who was Queen Elizabeth I's advisor and astrologer who wanted to promote the British Empire as documented in his his manuscript, Brytannicae Reipublicae Synopsis from 1570. Many researchers believed that Dr. John Dee and Francis Bacon wanted America to be the New Atlantis. Dee invented Enochian magic. Much of the occult is influenced by the ancient pagan traditions including Gnosticism), about the Hells Fire Club (Benjamin Franklin was a member), about Sir Francis Bacon, about the cornerstones in D.C., about the Bohemian Grove, and about forms of information that many people don't know about. We know about the evolution of the occult tradition from the 17th century Rosicrucianism, the 19th century occult revival, and the 20th century occultists Jack Parsons, Alesiter Crowley, etc.
For along time, we have shown the truth about corruption among many people in the corporate world and many people in the political world. We know about how Jeffrey Epstein had been friendly with the current resident of the White House Donald Trump. The MAGA cult in my view is the most pernicious cult in human history. This is not hyperbole in my view. This is reality, because it is made up of millions of deluded people, and many deceived professing Christians agree with Trump unconditionally when Trump has been found guilty of being liable of sexual assault, Trump said that he doesn't ask God for forgiveness, he mocked communion (calling it a cookie), and he made perverted comments about his own daughter. The Trump fascist regime is so evil that it has has allowed Attorney General Pam Bondi to delete the nationwide database that was tracking federal police misconduct (as reported by E.D. Cauchi from CBS News). So, many Christians are legitimately right to not follow the establishment-promoted New Age movement (whose architects in the modern occult dogma include many people like occultists like Anne Besant and H.P. Blavastky. Many New Agers believe in the false doctrines that man is a god, that all religions are equally valid, and that sin is an illusion, reincarnation is real, etc.) and the views of Karl Marx (as Marx was a reprehensible liar, anti-religious bigot, self loathing anti-Semite, and racist), but some of them hypocritically follow Donald Trump (who is a person who loves to use profanity constantly, lies habitually, slanders anti-racism protesters, and desires to be a King over America which is against the three co-equal branches of the executive, judicial, and legislative branches). The federal government should not just act as an umpire to handle disputes.
The federal government has every moral and constitutional right to promote the general welfare of society, promote civil rights, protect the environment (in the existence of climate change), defend the human rights of all people, and to invest in growing our infrastructure too progressively. So, we have to use discernment. It is the product of spiritual deception for anyone to claim to love Jesus Christ but advocate for a male (i.e. Donald Trump) that desires to abolish the 14th Amendment and seeks to praise an overt dictator like Vladimir Putin. In fact, a former KGB officer Alnur Mussayev (as former Kazakh intelligence chief) claimed that Donald Trump was recruited as a Russian spy as early as 1987 codenamed "Krasnov." If this allegation is true, that explains a lot about Trump's behavior to Russia. We know that the Trump White House was caught allowing Russian state media (TASS) into the Zelenksyy meeting. The Putin media machines constantly threatens America with nuclear war, etc. and in Europe too. Now, the agenda of global government, a global currency, and a world citizenship is not new. It has been promoted by Utopians for years and centuries. I disagree with such an agenda, because I believe that nations can trade and co-exist with each other in peace without a totalitarian global government dictating how humanity should live. As believers in God and as Christians, Trump is not our King. We worship only one King, who is the Lord Jesus Christ as Kings of Kings, Lord of Lords. Righteous people in nation-states have fought hard for freedom and justice, and their sacrifice should be appreciated. We have to expose truth. Trump supporter Curtis Yarvin promotes monarchy, Steve Bannon had made a Nazi salute at the CPAC conference, and Trump's proposed tariffs plan can harm the economy. Hate crimes have increased with neo-Nazis like Christopher Pohlhaus showing a Nazi salute similar to Elon Musk's gesture. The great lie is that Trump and Musk are American patriots who just want to improve society.
The truth is that Trump and Musk use the "finding fraud, waste, and abuse" line as a smokescreen to promote their real agenda as promoting monarchial rule, eliminating even legitimate government institutions, and eliminating check and balances to make sure that the rule of law is obliterated. In fact, the Deep State aren't filled with hardworking federal workers who are just trying to serve the American people. The real Deep State include the one percent filled with billionaires that seek to destabilize democracies so authoritarian, fascist rule becomes a new global empire. This new generation of MAGA extremists promote what Trump calls The new "Golden Age" filled with racism (as Trump has praised the Hells Angels. The Vice channel, other books, documentaries, etc. have fully documented how the Hells Angels are a well known violent, murdering, misogynistic, and racist biker gang known for drug running too), cultic views, and a hatred of the Constitution and Bill of Rights. For thousands of years, the real elites (who embraced occultism and have members in numerous secret societies) have always promoted monarchical rule, monopolies, suppression of individual rights, and an narcissistic elitism. Musk has much power and is using quantum AI to further control society. Trump and MAGA cultists lie and claim to be against globalism, but corporate billionaire globalists fund them and their hate-filled movement. Trump is allied with the reactionary Christian Nationalist movement (seeking theocracy that oppresses people) instead of actual Christianity that works to uplift all men, all women, etc., regardless of race, color, or background. Today, Trump is actively protecting the real Deep State by not exposing many of the names listed in the Epstein files. Subterfuge is related to Trump (who is cutting USAID funds that would help parents and children in poorer nations with food and medicine along with these cuts will harm American farmers too) trying to have a photo op with sellout black MAGA Republicans, but coverly and overtly working on an anti-black agenda to suppress even mentioning black history references on his federal websites. DOGE firing innocent federal workers without just cause is one of the most evil acts in human history. Numerous hypocritical Trump supporters claim that Trump is not an advocate of imperialism, but Donald Trump wants to colonize Greenland, Canada, Mexico, Ukraine, the Panama canal, and Gaza. Yet, anti-war frauds (not true anti-war human beings) still want to whitewash Trump's evil actions. The Claremont Institute heavily influences the Trump agenda.
Sean Combs or Diddy has one of the most notorious falls from grace in history. How can a person went from being one of the most innovative entertainers in our generation to be a person who committed massive evils and being accused of sexual assault, financial corruption, sex trafficking, etc.? It comes by Diddy turning over to evil and being a degenerate nihilist. We have to be clear to follow righteousness, and the story of Diddy is a major lesson on how we should treat women, men, and all people with dignity and respect without abuse and without exploitation. Diddy was born up North on November 4, 1969 at Harlem, New York City. He was raised in Mount Vernon, New York. His mother Janice Combs was a model and teacher's assistant. His father was Melvin Earl Combs, who served in the U.S. Air Force and was a drug dealer (who was an associate of convicted New York drug dealer Frank Lucas). Diddy's father was murdered in his own car on Central Park West. Diddy's sister is Keisha, and the family grew up in poverty. Diddy was raised Catholic and served as an alter boy. Diddy graduated from Mount Saint Michael Academy, an all-boys Catholic school by 1987. He played football for the academy and his team won a division title in 1986. He was called Puff because he would huff and puff when he was angry. He learned to be a businessman by majoring at Howard University with a business major. Paula Jai Parker said that Diddy was jumped by people in Howard. His trauma after his father died certainly played a role in his competitive nature. Diddy would throw parties in Howard constantly. He worke for Uptown Records as an intern back in 1990. His mentor was the label founder Andre Harrell, who helped to grow the careers of Jodeci and Mary J. Blige. Diddy mentored Usher when he was a child. Usher said that when he was 13 years old, he saw wild things in Combs's home. By 1991, everything would change forever. Combs promoted an AIDS fundraiser with Heavy D held at the City College of New York (CCNY) gymnasium. following a charity basketball game. The event was oversold, and a stampede happened causing 9 people to die. One of the doors were left closed for up to 15 minutes as the crushing of people were worse. 29 people were injured. Multiple death and personal injury lawsuits were filed. Diddy formed his own label called Bad Boy Records which would be one of the most successful label in hip hop and R&B music. He signed the Notorious B.I.G, 112, Total , Mase, Father MC, Carl Thomas, Faith Evans, and other people. The Hitmen production team worked with Aretha Franklin, TLC, Mariah Carey, Usher, Lil' Kim, and other people. Mase and the Lox joined Bad Boy for a time. Diddy lived in the Death Row vs. Bad Boy rivalry that turned violent. The media promoted the feud as an East Coast and West Coast feud which it wasn't. It was about 2 men (Diddy and Suge Knight) who had a lot of pride and didn't act like grown men to settle their differences as men.
Back then during the 1990s, only a few people knew of Diddy's abuse of women, his corruption, and his maniac anger. Back then, we all know about Suge Knight's acts of violence, maniac anger, and abuse of people. Diddy produced many songs for TLC's CrazySexyCool. By 1996, Diddy started his hip hop career. Can't Nobody Hold Me Down was his first single. His No Way Out album was very popular. He earned money, worked with Stevie J, and used samples to make hip hop hits. His shiny suit era was criticized by many as being too commercialized involving hip hop music. 1999 was a time that would change his life forever again. In April 1999, Diddy assaulted Steve Stoute unjustly for Stoute the Hate My Now video was aired showing Combs being crucified (to Combs, this was blasphemous). By the end of 1999, Combs was accused of firing a weapon at a woman in a club. To this day, Combs denied wrongdoing, but the victim to this day maintains that Diddy pulled the trigger. Shyne went to jail for years over the tragic situation. Diddy starred in movies like Carlito's Way: Rise to Power and Raisin in the Sun. Press Play was his album from 2006. By this time in already has children with Misa Hylton, Kimberly Porter, and started to date Cassie from 2007 to 2018. Cassie would bring tons of evidence to prove that Diddy abused her, allowed sexual actions done to her, and manipulate her in grotesque ways. There is a video from a hotel showing Diddy beating up Cassie. There is no excuse for abusing a human being period.
Back to the Future (40 Years Later)
This year of 1985 is the 40th year anniversary of the film Back to the Future. This movie dealt with action and science fiction but has relevance in our time in many ways. It was a science fiction film that was directed by Robert Zemeckis and written by Zeckis and Bob Gale. The film starred Michael J. Fox, Christopher Lloyd, Lea Thompson, Crispin Glover, and Thomas F. Wilson. Fox played Marty McFly who accidentally was sent back to 1955 in a time traveling DeLorean automobile built by his eccentric scientist friend Emmett "Doc" Brown (Lloyd), where he inadvertently prevents his future parents from falling in love – threatening his own existence – and is forced to reconcile them and somehow get back to the future. Gale and Zemeckis conceived the idea for Back to the Future in 1980. They were desperate for a successful film after numerous collaborative failures, but the project was rejected more than forty times by various studios because it was not considered raunchy enough to compete with the successful comedies of the era. A development deal was secured with Universal Pictures following Zemeckis's success directing Romancing the Stone (1984). Fox was the first choice to portray Marty but was unavailable; Eric Stoltz was cast instead. Shortly after principal photography began in November 1984, Zemeckis determined Stoltz was not right for the part and made the concessions necessary to hire Fox, including re-filming scenes already shot with Stoltz and adding $4 million to the budget. Back to the Future was filmed in and around California and on sets at Universal Studios, and concluded the following April.
After highly successful test screenings, the release date was brought forward to July 3, 1985, giving the film more time in theaters during the busiest period of the theatrical year. The change resulted in a rushed post-production schedule and some incomplete special effects. Back to the Future was a critical and commercial success, earning $381.1 million to become the highest-grossing film of 1985 worldwide. Critics praised the story, humor, and the cast, particularly Fox, Lloyd, Thompson, and Glover. It received multiple award nominations and won an Academy Award, three Saturn Awards, and a Hugo Award. Its theme song, "The Power of Love" by Huey Lewis and the News, was also a success. Back to the Future has since grown in esteem and is now considered by critics and audiences to be one of the greatest science fiction films and among the best films ever made. In 2007, the United States Library of Congress selected it for preservation in the National Film Registry. The film was followed by two sequels, Back to the Future Part II (1989) and Back to the Future Part III (1990). Spurred by the film's dedicated fan following and effect on popular culture, Universal Studios launched a multimedia franchise, which now includes video games, theme park rides, an animated television series, and a stage musical. Its enduring popularity has prompted numerous books about its production, documentaries, and commercials.
The movie starts in 1985. Marty McFly lived in Hill Valley, California. The teenager Marty McFly lived with his depressed alcoholic mother, Lorraine; his older siblings, who are professional and social failures; and his meek father, George, who is bullied by his supervisor, Biff Tannen. After Marty's band fails a music audition, he confides in his girlfriend, Jennifer Parker, that he fears becoming like his parents despite his ambitions. That night, Marty meets his eccentric scientist friend, Emmett "Doc" Brown, in the Twin Pines mall parking lot. Doc unveils a time machine built from a modified DeLorean, powered by plutonium he swindled from Libyan terrorists. After Doc inputs a destination time of November 5, 1955 (the day he first conceived his time travel invention), the terrorists arrive unexpectedly and gun him down. Marty flees in the DeLorean, inadvertently activating time travel when he reaches 88 miles per hour (142 kilometers per hour). Arriving in 1955, Marty discovers he has no plutonium, so he cannot return to 1985. While exploring a burgeoning Hill Valley, Marty encounters his teenage father and discovers Biff was bullying George even then. George falls into the path of an oncoming car while spying on the teenage Lorraine changing clothes, and Marty is knocked unconscious while saving him. He wakes to find himself tended to by Lorraine, who becomes infatuated with him. Marty tracks down and convinces a younger Doc that he is from the future, but Doc explains the only source available in 1955 capable of generating the 1.21 gigawatts of power required for time travel is a lightning bolt. Marty shows Doc a flyer from the future that documents an upcoming lightning strike at the town's courthouse. As Marty's siblings begin to fade from a photo he carries with him, Doc realizes Marty's actions are altering the future and jeopardizing his existence; Lorraine was supposed to tend to George instead of Marty after the car accident. Early attempts to get his parents acquainted fail, and Lorraine's infatuation with Marty deepens.
Lorraine asks Marty to the school dance, and he plots to feign inappropriate advances on her, allowing George to intervene and rescue her, but the plan goes awry when Biff's gang locks Marty in the trunk of the performing band's car, while Biff forces himself onto Lorraine. George arrives expecting to find Marty but is assaulted by Biff. After Biff hurts Lorraine, an enraged George knocks him unconscious and escorts the grateful Lorraine to the dance. The band frees Marty from their car, but the lead guitarist injures his hand in the process, so Marty takes his place, performing while George and Lorraine share their first kiss. With his future no longer in jeopardy, Marty hurries to the courthouse to meet Doc. Doc discovers a letter from Marty warning him about his future and rips it, worried about the consequences. To save Doc, Marty recalibrates the DeLorean to return ten minutes before he had left the future. The lightning strikes, sending Marty back to 1985, but the DeLorean breaks down, forcing Marty to run back to the mall. He arrives as Doc is being shot. While Marty grieves at his side, Doc sits up, revealing he had pieced Marty's note back together and wore a bulletproof vest. He takes Marty home and departs to 2015 in the DeLorean. Marty wakes the next morning to discover his father is now a confident and successful science fiction author, his mother is fit and happy, his siblings are successful, and Biff is a servile valet in George's employ. As Marty reunites with Jennifer, Doc suddenly reappears in the DeLorean, insisting they return with him to the future to save their children from terrible fates. This is science fiction film, but it has similarities to our time in 2025. We have issues of social acceptance, bullying, thoughts about time travel, and issues of family just like back then. Also, we have technological advances beyond what was shown in public in 1985 and in 1955.
X Men (25th Year Anniversary)
This year has the 25th anniversary of the movie X-Men. X-Men came about Blade and Spawn, and these films helped to build up the MCU Universe films of this generation. X-Men is based on the comic of the same name and the cartoon show from the 1990s that I watched as a child. X-Men, as a superhero film, was directed by Bryan Singer from a screenplay by David Hayter and a story by Singer and Tom DeSanto, based on the Marvel Comics superhero team of the same name created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby. Featuring an ensemble cast consisting of Patrick Stewart, Hugh Jackman, Ian McKellen, Halle Berry, Famke Janssen, James Marsden, Bruce Davison, Rebecca Romijn-Stamos, Ray Park, and Anna Paquin, the film depicts a world where an unknown proportion of people are mutants, possessing superhuman powers that make them distrusted by normal humans. It focuses on mutants Wolverine and Rogue as they are brought into a conflict between two groups with radically different approaches to bringing about the acceptance of mutant-kind: Charles Xavier's X-Men, and the Brotherhood of Mutants, led by Magneto. Development of X-Men began as far back as 1984 with Orion Pictures, with James Cameron and Kathryn Bigelow in discussions at one point. 20th Century Fox bought the film rights in 1994, and various scripts and film treatments were commissioned from Andrew Kevin Walker, John Logan, Joss Whedon, and Michael Chabon. Singer signed to direct in 1996, with further rewrites by Ed Solomon, Singer, Tom DeSanto, Christopher McQuarrie, and Hayter, in which Beast and Nightcrawler were deleted over budget concerns from Fox.
X-Men marked the American debut for Jackman, a last-second choice for Wolverine, cast three weeks into filming. Filming took place from September 22, 1999, to March 3, 2000, primarily in Toronto. X-Men premiered at Ellis Island on July 12, 2000, and was released in the United States on July 14. The film received positive reviews from critics and was a box office success, grossing $296.3 million worldwide, becoming the ninth-highest-grossing film of 2000. Its success led to a series of films. The film was based on the stories of the X-Men by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby. The film was produced by Lauren Shuler Donner and Ralph Winter. The cinematography was done by Newton Thomas Sigel. It was promoted by 20th Century FOX, Marvel Entertainment Group, The Donners' Company, and Bad Hat Harry Productions. It was released in America in July 2000. It premiered at Ellis Island on July 12 and was released all over America 2 days later. Its success led to a series of films and other parts of the franchise that focused on Wolverine too.
Patrick Stewart plays Professor Charles Xavier or the founder of the X-Men and the Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters, who hopes for peaceful coexistence between mutant kind and mankind and is regarded as an authority on genetic mutation. Although restricted to a wheelchair, his mutant powers include vast telepathy, which is amplified by the Cerebro supercomputer that he invented with Magneto's help. Hugh Jackman plays Logan/Wolverine (who is from Canada and had an adamantium-encased skeleton). Ian McKellen plays Erick Lehsnherr and Magneto. He was once friends with Xaveier. Magneto believes that humans and mutants can never co-exist peacefully, whose views that Xavier disagrees with. Halle Barry plays Ororo Munroe or Storm. Storm is a Maasai woman who teaches calmly and caringly at Xavier's school but has become bitter with other people's hatred for mutants, sometimes making her hate humans in return simply because she is afraid of them. Her powers include the ability to manipulate the weather and create lightning storms. Famke Janssen plays Jean Gray, James Marsden plays Scott Summers or Cyclops, Bruce Davison plays Senator Robert Kelly, and Rebecca Romjin-Stamos plays Mystique. Ray Park plays Toad, Tyler Mane plays Sabretooth, Anna Paquin plays Marie or Rogue, Shawn Ashmore plays Bobby Drake or the Iceman, and Stan Lee is in the film as a hot dog vendor. The filming took place in Toronto and in Hamilton, Toronto.
The film relates to our time. Back then and today, we have people who want equality for all people and other people who believe that black people, women, immigrants, and other social minorities are inferior and must be reviled. In fact, Stan Lee was inspired by the 1960s Civil Rights Movement in his depictions of storylines in the X-Men comic series. The story is about mutant human beings and how society deals with them. The story starts in 1944. In Nazi-occupied Poland, fourteen-year-old Erik Lehnsherr is separated from his parents upon entering the Auschwitz concentration camp. While attempting to reach them, he causes a set of metal gates to bend toward him because of his mutant ability to generate magnetic fields but is knocked out by guards. In the present day, U.S. Senator Robert Kelly attempts to pass a "Mutant Registration Act" in Congress, which would force mutants to reveal their identities and abilities. Nearby, telepathic mutant Charles Xavier sees Lehnsherr, who now goes by the name "Magneto", in attendance and is concerned with how he will respond to the Registration Act.
In Meridian, Mississippi, seventeen-year-old Marie accidentally puts her boyfriend into a coma after kissing him, because of her mutant ability to absorb the power and life force of others. Adopting the name "Rogue", she flees to Alberta and meets Logan, also known as "Wolverine", a mutant with superhuman healing abilities and metal claws that protrude from between his knuckles. Sabretooth, a member of Magneto's Brotherhood of Mutants, attacks them on the road, but two members of Xavier's X-Men, Cyclops and Storm, save them. Logan and Rogue are brought to Xavier's school for mutants in Westchester County, New York. Believing that Magneto is interested in capturing Logan, Xavier asks him to stay while he investigates the matter. Meanwhile, Rogue enrolls in the school as a new pupil and develops a crush on cryokinetic mutant Bobby Drake.
Brotherhood members Toad and Mystique abduct Senator Kelly, bringing him to their hideout on the uncharted island of Genosha. Magneto uses Kelly as a test subject for a machine powered by his magnetic abilities that generates a field of radiation, which induces mutations in normal humans. Taking advantage of his newfound mutation, Kelly later escapes. Rogue visits Logan during the night while he is having a nightmare. Startled, he accidentally stabs her, but she manages to absorb his healing ability and recover. Mystique, disguised as Drake, later convinces Rogue that Xavier is angry with her and that she must leave the school. Xavier uses his mutant-locating machine Cerebro to find Rogue at a train station, and the X-Men go to retrieve her. Meanwhile, Mystique enters Cerebro and sabotages it. Having left ahead of Storm and Cyclops, Logan finds Rogue on a train and convinces her to return. Before they can leave, Magneto arrives, incapacitates Logan and subdues Rogue, revealing it was her whom he wants rather than Logan. Although Xavier attempts to stop him by mentally controlling Sabretooth, he is forced to release his hold when Magneto threatens the police who have converged on the station, allowing the Brotherhood to escape with Rogue.
Kelly arrives at the school, and Xavier reads his mind to learn about Magneto's machine. Realizing the strain of powering it nearly killed him, the X-Men deduce he intends to transfer his powers to Rogue and use her to power it at the cost of her life. Kelly's body rejects his mutation, and his body dissolves into liquid. Xavier attempts to locate Rogue using Cerebro, but Mystique's sabotage incapacitates him, and he falls into a coma. Fellow telepath and telekinetic Jean Grey fixes Cerebro and uses it, learning that the Brotherhood plans to place their machine on Liberty Island and use it to "mutate" the world leaders meeting at a summit on nearby Ellis Island. The X-Men scale the Statue of Liberty, battling and overpowering the Brotherhood while Magneto transfers his powers to Rogue and activates the machine. As Logan confronts and distracts Magneto, Cyclops subdues him, allowing Logan to destroy the machine. He transfers his powers to Rogue, rejuvenating her while incapacitating himself.
Xavier and Logan recover from their comas. The group also learns that Mystique escaped the island battle and is impersonating Kelly. Xavier gives Logan a lead to his past at an abandoned military installation in Canada before visiting Magneto, now imprisoned in a complex constructed of polycarbonate. Magneto warns him that he intends to escape one day and continue the fight; Xavier replies that he will always be there to stop him. The movie had an ensemble cast with great talent and a balance of action, character development, exposition, and special effects.
X-Men was nominated for the Hugo Award for Best Dramatic Presentation, but lost to Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. The film was also successful at the 27th Saturn Awards where it won the categories for Best Science Fiction Film, Director (Bryan Singer), Actor (Hugh Jackman), Supporting Actress (Rebecca Romijn), Writing (David Hayter), and Costumes. Nominations included Best Supporting Actor (Patrick Stewart), Performance by a Younger Actor (Anna Paquin), Special Effects, and Make-up. Singer also won the Empire Award for Best Director. The film had many sequels like X2 (2003), and X-Men: The Last Stand (2006). After each film outgrossed its predecessor, further films were released, set in the same shared universe. These included three spin-off films centered around Wolverine (X-Men Origins: Wolverine in 2009, The Wolverine in 2013, and Logan in 2017), two films centered around Deadpool (Deadpool in 2016 and Deadpool 2 in 2018), and the stand-alone The New Mutants (2020). A prequel series to the original trilogy began with X-Men: First Class (2011), and was followed by X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014), which also served as a sequel to The Last Stand and a soft reboot for the series as a whole; the prequel series continued with X-Men: Apocalypse (2016) and Dark Phoenix (2019). In addition to the thirteen films, four of the films received a total of five additional cuts, and two television series – Legion (2017–2019) and The Gifted (2017–2019) – were released. Logan was a film considered one of the most mature, greatest superhero movies ever made. Across the thirteen films released, the X-Men film series is one of the highest-grossing film series of all time, having grossed over $6 billion worldwide. Marvel Studios later reworked and developed one of these films, a third Deadpool film, as Deadpool and Wolverine (2024). The film acted as the retroactive conclusion of the series, while also serving as a crossover between the series, the MCU, and other Marvel films produced by Fox. The X-Men are expected to be rebooted within the MCU in the future, with a new film in development.
Smile 2 film Symbolism
Smile 2 is one of the new school films that exposing not only the mainstream pop industry, but the actions of the establishment in general. Sometimes, the truth is shown in plain sight in movies, books, and even theatrical plays. Smile 2 is a horror like film. The film deals with a troubled pop star. The main protagonist of Smile 2, according to interviews, was inspired by early 2010s pop stars of Lady Gaga and Britney Spears. Some scholars like Vigilant Citizen believe that the movie deals with Monarch programming, or brainwashing people to support an agenda. One promotional poster shows the post of Smile 2 with a fracture running across the protagonist's face or splitting her personality via mind control. Monarch programming has been written by Fritz Springmeier and other authors for years and decades. It is no secret that many people in the mainstream music industry do sick rituals, embrace New Age occultism, and have a hostility towards traditional monotheism. The movie shows the character of Skye Riley (who is the protagonist). Riley wants to make a music comeback after her experiencing many traumatic experiences. She has an interview on the Drew Barrymore show, Riley reveals many things. Drew Barrymore talks about her new short, blonde hairstyle. Riley was hospitalized for an extended period of time and transformed. Barrymore asked her what time was like between when she was in the hospital and now. Then, the movie shows a flashback to Riley screaming as she pulls her hair from her scalp. The traumatic event was her boyfriend died in a car crash. Like in real life as some celebrities act, Riley engaged in substance abuse while making headlines for showing harmful, dangerous actions. Like many pop stars, Riley is forced to sing about her own bondage to the industry. While rehearsing a choreography piece, Riley is picked up and spun around, which is similar to the stories of dissociated MK slaves. Many parts of the film show concepts of mind control harming Riley.
Riley's notebook has the All-Seeing Eye in it. The All-Seeing Eye is an occult symbol with many meanings. One major meaning of the All-Seeing Eye is that it means the third eye that occultists and New Agers believe can cause humans to achieve enlightenment or even godhood. The All-Seeing Eye has been used by the establishment too. Riley sings what's in her notebook, then an All-Seeing Eye stares at her. That represents her being controlled by the elites in the industry. Riley's mother said that Riley is a completely different person from a year ago. Riley's mother acts controlling and domineering towards Riley. Riley is often to drink bottled water from a certain brand. It may be controlled to keep her under control. Her outfit shows a large butterfly. She or Riley doesn't want to wear the dress. The film shows an evil entity possessing people. Riley visits her drug dealer, who was possessed by the evil entity. The drug dealer kills himself. The white rabbit is near the doorway for many seconds.
BET's 45th Year Anniversary
BET or Black Entertainment Television has its 45th year anniversary. It has been through ups and downs, but at its core, it is one important institution being part of black history and black culture. I have watched BET for a long time now. Almost 70 million households have access to the channel. BET started by Robert L. Johnson and Sheila Johnson. Robert L. Johnson was a lobbyist for the cabinet industry. He was a Freeport, Illinois native. Later, he wanted to form his own cable television network. Johnson acquired a loan for $15,000 (equivalent to $55,648 in 2023) and a $500,000 (equivalent to $1,854,921 in 2023) investment from media executive John Malone to start the network. The network, which was named Black Entertainment Television (BET), launched on January 25, 1980. Cheryl D. Miller designed the logo that would represent the network, which featured a star to symbolize "Black Star Power." Back then, BET had broadcasting for 2 hours a week as a block of programming on The Madison Square Garden Sports Network (it would change their name to USA Network three months after BET launched). The BET network was originally made up of music videos and reruns of popular black sitcoms. In 1983, BET became a full-fledged entity, independent of any other channel or programming block, though continuing to share channel space with other cable networks on local cable systems due to lack of channel room for their 24-hour schedule until the time of digital cable allowed for larger channel capacity. In some markets, the network would not arrive at all until as late as the early 2010s and Viacom considered it compulsory in retransmission consent negotiations to carry the BET-branded networks with Viacom Media Networks, due to some providers claiming that there was an overall lack of demand for the channel, or excused their lack of interest in BET due to an alleged low to non-existent Black American population within their service area.
BET launched a news program, BET News, in 1986, with Paul Berry as its first anchor. Berry was also a local anchor at WJLA-TV in Washington, DC at that time. Ed Gordon became anchor in 1988. Gordon later hosted other programs and specials on BET, such as For Black Men Only: The Aftermath, related to the 1992 Los Angeles riots, and a recurring interview show, Conversations with Ed Gordon. In 1996, the talk show BET Tonight started with Tavis Smiley as host; in 2001, Ed Gordon replaced Smiley as host of the program. In 1991, the network became the first black-controlled television company to be listed on the New York Stock Exchange. Starting the late 1990s, the network expanded with the launch of digital cable networks: what is now the general interest channel BET Her was initially launched as "BET on Jazz" (later known as "BET Jazz", "BET J", and "Centric"), created initially to showcase jazz music-related programming, especially that of black American jazz musicians. In 1997, BET entered into a joint venture with Starz (then-owned by John Malone's Liberty Media but later acquired by Lionsgate years later) to launch a multiplex service of the premium channel featuring black American-oriented films called "BET Movies: Starz! 3" (later renamed "Black Starz" after BET dropped out of the venture following its purchase by Viacom, then-owner of Starz rival Showtime, and now known as "Starz InBlack"). You can make the case that Black Entertainment Network reached its first peak during the 1990s with diverse programming and inspirational content.
Everything would change in the year of 2000. In 2000, media conglomerate Viacom (later to become part of Paramount Global) purchased BET for $2.3 billion. In 2005, Johnson retired from the network, turning over his titles of president and chief executive officer to former BET vice president Debra L. Lee. In 2002, the network had launched two more music-oriented networks: BET Hip-Hop and BET Gospel. BET also launched a series of original programming by this time, including reality shows Baldwin Hills and Hell Date, competition show Sunday Best, and town hall-style discussion show Hip Hop vs. America. BET's president of entertainment Reginald Hudlin resigned from the network on September 11, 2008. He was then replaced by Stephen Hill, who is also executive vice president of music programming and talent. During the 2000s and beyond, BET has been heavily criticized by many black people of perpetuating anti-black negative stereotypes on shows and other content. These critics have been numerous like Public Enemy rapper Chuck D, journalist George Curry, writer Keith Boykin, comic book creator Christopher Priest, filmmaker Spike Lee, Syracuse University professor of finance Dr. Boyce Watkins, former NFL player Burgess Owens, and cartoonist Aaron McGruder (who, in addition to numerous critical references throughout his series The Boondocks, made two particular episodes, "The Hunger Strike" and "The Uncle Ruckus Reality Show", criticizing the channel). As a result, BET heavily censors suggestive content from the videos that it airs, often with entire verses and scenes removed from certain rap videos.
Following the death of civil rights leader Coretta Scott King in 2006, BET broadcast its regularly scheduled music video programming, rather than covering King's funeral live, as was done by TV One and Black Family Channel, and by cable news channels such as CNN, Fox News Channel, and MSNBC. The network's website streamed the funeral live, while it periodically broadcast taped, 60-second reports from the funeral by senior news correspondent Andre Showell. Michael Lewellen, BET's senior vice president for corporate communications, defended the decision: "We weighed a number of different options. In the end, we chose to offer a different kind of experience for BET viewers." Lewellen also explained that BET received around "two dozen" phone calls and "a handful" of emails criticizing BET for not showing the King funeral live. On the evening of the funeral, February 7, 2006, BET broadcast the tribute special Coretta Scott King: Married to the Mission, and repeated it the following Sunday, February 12. Showell hosted the program featuring highlights of the funeral, Coretta Scott King: Celebrating Her Spirit, that broadcast that same day. In its 2007 convention, the National Association of Black Journalists gave BET its "Thumbs Down Award" for not broadcasting King's funeral live.
The New York Times reported that the Reverend Delman L. Coates and his organization Enough is Enough led protests every weekend outside the residences of BET executives against what they claim are negative stereotypes of black people perpetuated by BET music videos. Enough is Enough backed an April 2008 report titled The Rap on Rap by the Parents Television Council that criticized BET's rap programming, suggesting that the gratuitous sexual, violent and profane content was targeting children and teens.In a 2010 interview, BET co-founder Sheila Johnson explained that she herself is "ashamed" of what the network has become. "I don't watch it. I suggest to my kids that they don't watch it," she said. "When we started BET, it was going to be the Ebony magazine on television. We had public affairs programming. We had news... I had a show called Teen Summit, we had a large variety of programming, but the problem is that then the video revolution started up... And then something started happening, and I didn't like it at all. And I remember during those days we would sit up and watch these videos and decide which ones were going on and which ones were not. We got a lot of backlash from recording artists...and we had to start showing them. I didn't like the way women were being portrayed in these videos."
BET announced in March 2010 that Ed Gordon would return to the network to host "a variety of news programs and specials." In March 2017, president of programming Stephen Hill and executive vice president of original programming Zola Mashariki both stepped down. Connie Orlando, senior vice president of Specials, Music Programming, and News was named the interim president of programming. In July 2017, Viacom signed new film and television development deals with Academy Award winner Tyler Perry following the expiration of his existing pact with Discovery Inc. in 2019. As part of this deal, Perry would produce The Oval and Sistas for BET and co-own the network's newly launched streaming service, BET+. Over many years, BET had created spin off cable networks. There is now BET Her (formerly known as "BET on Jazz", then "BET J" and later "Centric"), BET Hip-Hop, and BET Gospel. Overtime, spin-offs from sibling channels would be realigned under the BET branding; such as BET Jams (formerly known as "MTV Jams"), BET Soul (formerly known as "VH1 Soul"), SHO×BET, a premium Showtime multiplex network, and VH1 (an older-skewing spin-off of MTV that drifted into reality shows and, later, Black American-centric programming).
In May 2019, a BET-branded channel was launched on Pluto TV (which was acquired by its parent company two months earlier). In June 2019, the launch of BET+ was announced, a premium streaming service targeting Black Americans. The service launched in the United States in Fall 2019 with First Wives Club (which was originally planned to launch on Paramount Network before being shifted to BET) announced as one of the service's original series. There is BET International too. There is BET France.
I think one of the greatest comebacks of BET was when it released the TV miniseries movies were The New Edition Story and The Bobby Brown Story. The New Edition Story was released from January 24-26, 2017. The American biographical three part ministries was about the R&B group New Edition that went from a boy band from the Orchard Park Projects of Roxbury, Boston, Massachusetts to be a very successful adult music group. All six members of New Edition served as co-producers. BET leaders Stephen Hill and Debra Lee were producers of the project. The movie was written by Abdul Williams and directed by Chris Robinson. The film's premiere was watched by 4.2 million viewers, making it BET's most watched premiere since the 2012 season premiere of the sitcom The Game, which drew 5.2 million. The second and final episodes brought in 3.96 million and 4.23 million viewers respectively, making the miniseries the top rated cable program for three consecutive nights. The New Edition Story was excellent, realistic, and emotional. It was one of the greatest black TV biopics of all time like The Jacksons: An American Dream, The Temptations, and The Clark Sisters: First Ladies of Gospel. The New Edition Story won NAACP Image Awards and Black Reel Awards. Since 2017, BET is a mixture of both inspirational shows and controversial shows. Tyler Perry has a great power in BET in terms of his content shown in BET. The BET Awards still goes on since 2001 and the BET Hip Hop Awards still exists since 2006. There is the Soul Train Music Awards and the NAACP Image Awards existing on BET too. The Game, Celebrity Family Feud, Average Joe, Zatima, Sisters, and other shows still exist in BET. Yet, there is less news-oriented programming and programming dealing with real social issues (except during election time). Therefore, the legacy of BET is that it went through its infancy, its Golden Age from the late 1990s to 2000, its more criticized phrase from 2000 to 2010, and its attempt at a renaissance since 2010 with new school shows and specials. We hope for the best for BET in being better. Black Entertainment Network is part of our black American history, and our goal is to always inspire us to grow in excellence filled with determination and humbleness.
In Living Color (25 Years Later)
In Living Color was groundbreaking show which is having its 35th Year Anniversary now. It ran from FOX from April 15, 1990, to May 19, 1994. It ended when I was in the 5th grade of elementary school. I remember watching the show a lot of times on the weekends. Its humor, storylines, and diverse talents were certainly innovative. It was created by Keenen Ivory Wayans. It's ironic that this time is after the Wayans family won the NAACP Award in 2025. Keenan Ivory Wayans wrote and starred in the series too. To the Wayans family, In Living Color was a labor of love. The sketch comedy television series was controversial, funny, ahead of its time, and causes tons of future comedians to be actors and actresses on a higher level. The show was produced by Ivory Way Productions in association with 20th Television and taped at stage 7 at the Metromedia Square on Sunset Boulevard in Hollywood, Los Angeles, California. The producers of the show were Keenan Ivory Wayans, Greg Fields, Les Firestein, Joe Davola, Pam Veasey, Tamara Rawitt, Kevin Berg, and Robert Jason. In Living Color has a mostly African American cast in contrast to SNL which had a mostly white cast back them. In Living Color wanted to show humor that not only focused on funny sketches. The skits on In Living Color tackled music, culture, gender, race, and other aspects of social living. Damon, Kim, Shawn, and Marlon Wayans were active on the show including brother Dwayne.
Many comedians were given an opportunity to grow their careers in their early stages like Jamie Foxx, Jim Carrey, Tommy Davidson, David Allen Grier, Kelly Coffield Park, and T'Keyah Crystal Keymah. The show had many dances called The Fly Girls with Jennifer Lopez and Carrie Ann Inaba. Rosie Perez was the choreographer of The Fly Girls. Rosie Perez is a friend to Keenan Ivory Wayans. Some people forget that Keenan and his family were raised in the projects and work hard to be one of the most successful comedy family dynasties of all time. That is a remarkable, inspirational achievement. The series won the Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Variety, Music, or Comedy Series in 1990. It was bold for airing a live, special episode as a counterprogram for the halftime show of the Super Bowl XXVI. Back in the day, the Super Bowl's halftime show wasn't glamourous as it is today. This caused the NFL to use major musicians in Halftime performances like Michael Jackson in the following year. Other members of the show were Alexandra Wentworth, Anne-Marie Johnson, Lay Leggett, Marc Wilmore, Kim Coles, and other people. Laurieann Gibson was a Fly Girl too. Laurieann Gibson is one of the greatest dancers and choreographers of our generation being involved in hip hop and R&B plus pop music.
Saturday Night Live (50 Years Later)
Saturday Night Live being 50 years old is another milestone. SNL is an American late night live sketch comedy variety show that was created by Lorne Michaels and developed by Michaels plus Dick Ebersol. It has been aired on NBC since 1975. The show's premiere was hosted by George Carlin on NBC on October 11, 1975, under the original title NBC's Saturday Night. As early as 1965, NBC network affiliates broadcast reruns of The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson on Saturday or Sunday nights. In 1974, Johnny Carson petitioned to NBC executives for the weekend shows to be pulled and saved so they could be aired during weeknights, allowing him to take time off. In response, NBC president Herbert Schlosser approached the vice president of late-night programming, Dick Ebersol, and asked him to create a show to fill the Saturday nighttime slot. Schlosser and Ebersol then approached Lorne Michaels. Over the next three weeks, Ebersol and Michaels developed the latter's idea for a variety show featuring high-concept comedy sketches, political satire, and music performances that would attract 18- to 34-year-old viewers. NBC decided to base the new show at their studios at 30 Rockefeller Center. Michaels was given Studio 8H, a converted radio studio that was home to NBC's election and Apollo moon landing coverage. It was revamped for the premiere at a cost of $250,00
The show's comedy sketches, which often parody popular culture and politics, are performed by a large and varying cast of repertory and newer cast members. Each episode is hosted by a celebrity guest, who usually delivers the opening monologue and performs in sketches with the cast, with featured performances by a musical guest. An episode normally begins with a cold open sketch that is usually based on current events and ends with someone breaking character and proclaiming, "Live from New York, it's Saturday Night!", properly beginning the show. In 1980, Michaels left the show to explore other opportunities. He was replaced by Jean Doumanian, who was then replaced by Ebersol after a season of bad reviews. Ebersol ran the show until 1985, when Michaels returned. Since then, Michaels has held the job of showrunner. Many SNL cast members have found national stardom while appearing on the show, and achieved success in film and television, both in front of and behind the camera. Others associated with the show, such as writers, have gone on to successful careers creating, writing, and starring in television and film.
Broadcast from Studio 8H at NBC's headquarters in the Comcast Building at 30 Rockefeller Plaza, SNL has aired 982 episodes since its debut and began its 50th season on September 28, 2024, making it one of the longest-running network television programs in the United States. The show format has been developed and recreated in several countries, meeting with different levels of success. Successful sketches have seen life outside the show as feature films, including The Blues Brothers (1980) and Wayne's World (1992). The show has been marketed in other ways, including home media releases of "best of" and whole seasons, and books and documentaries about behind-the-scenes activities of running and developing the show. Throughout five decades on air, Saturday Night Live has received a vast number of awards, including 84 Primetime Emmy Awards, 6 Writers Guild of America Awards, and 3 Peabody Awards. In 2000, it was inducted into the National Association of Broadcasters Hall of Fame. It was ranked tenth in TV Guide's "50 Greatest TV Shows of All Time" list, and in 2007 it was listed as one of Time's "100 Best TV Shows of All-TIME." As of 2022, the show had received more than 305 Primetime Emmy Award nominations, the most received by any television program. The live aspect of the show has resulted in several controversies and acts of censorship, with mistakes and intentional acts of sabotage by performers and guests.
80 Years Since Bob Marley
The late Brother Bob Marley was an artist who transcended music with his skill and message as an artist. He expressed a message that gravitated to the consciousness of the people the world over. As a pioneer of reggae, ska, and rocksteady, he had a great songwriting style and a distinctive voice. Bob Marley always had spirituality in his music. He went from being a follower of the Rastafari religion to being baptized in the Ethiopian Orthodox Christian faith just before he passed away. He was born in Nine Mile, Saint Ann Parish, Jamaica to Norval Sinclair Marley and Cedella Malcolm. His maternal grandfather, Omariah (or Myal) was an early musical influence on Bob Marley. He played music with Neville Livingston, later known as Bunny Wailer, while at Stepney Primary and Junior High School in Nine Mile, where they were childhood friends. He worked with Bunny and Peter Tosh as the Teenagers at first. They were the Wailers later on.
He was in the group called The Wailers with icons like Peter Tosh and Bunny Wailer since 1963. Peter Tosh would have a great reggae solo career in his own right. Peter Tosh was just as great as any reggae icon. One of the early The Wailer songs was a reworking of People Get Ready in 1965. They had many albums like Catch a Fire and Brunin' in 1973. Bob Marley established his own solo career with songs like No Woman, No Cry. His breakthrough album in America was Rastaman Vibration which came about in 1976. One of his greatest albums was Exodus which came about in 1977. Exodus had songs like Exodus, Waiting in Vain, Jamming, Three Little Birds, and One Love/People Get Ready. Bob Marley survived an assassination attempt. Bob Marley believed in Pan-Africanism and celebrated the independence of Zimbabwe via his concert. After his passing, he was posthumously inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, the Hollywood Walk of Fame, a Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award, and induction into the Black Music & Entertainment Walk of Fame. He loved his children unconditionally. One of his greatest songs and one of the greatest songs of human history was Redemption Song which had lyrics desiring human beings' minds to be free from mental slavery. Bob Marley taught us that our gifts in enriching the human minds filled with creativity, love of Africa, and embracing wisdom make perfect sense. That album of Exodus is truly a masterpiece. He loved his wife, Rita Marley, and their children. Many of his children and grandchildren are musicians, actors, and actresses like Selah Marley, Skip Marley, Ziggy Marley, etc.
Rita Marley worked at the Dupont Hotel for a time in Wilmington, Delaware. The I Three Harmony group made many contributions to music. Later, she converted Bob Marley's home to the Bob Marley Museum in 1986. She is the Founder and Chairperson of the Robert Marley Foundation, Bob Marley Trust, and the Bob Marley Group of Companies. She invests in annual Africa Unite concerts to help African people. She loves her children and grandchildren a lot. She was in the group of The Soulettes during the 1960's too.
The Jeffersons (50 Years Later)
This year is the 50th year anniversary of the groundbreaking show of The Jefferson. It lasted from January 18, 1975, to July 2, 1985. Its 11 seasons tackled many controversial topics and was one of the longest-running sitcoms in history. It was created by Don Nicholl, Michael Ross, and Bernie West. It was developed by Norman Lear, who was a progressive activist who lived for 101 years. The Jeffersons focused on a black American family who moved into another neighborhood being upper middle class whose stars were plenty. The actors and actresses of the show are Isabel Sanford, Sherman Hemsley, Marla Gibbs, Roxie Roker, Franklin Cover, Paul Benedict, Mike Events, Berlinda Tolbert, Zara Cully, Damon Evans, Jay Hammer, and other people. The show is so popular that it is still shown all over the world in syndication to this very day. It was shown on CBS. The characters of George and Louise Jefferson moved from Queens to Manhattan to develop George's dry-cleaning chain, Jefferson Cleaners. The Jeffersons were shown on All in the Family too. The Jeffersons was politically incorrect and dealt with issues decades ahead of their time like alcoholism, racism, suicide, gun control, transgender issues, the Klan, adult illiteracy, sexism, etc. Many racial epithets were used. Even The Jefferson ended in controversy by the actors and actresses not knowing that the show ended, except by news reports (which was offensive). Sherman Hemsley and Isabel Sanford were legends of acting and theater long before 1970s. They had an acting chemistry that was powerful and unique. As time went on in the show, the character of George Jefferson learned lessons about the nuisance of life, he constantly confronted racism, and he developed friendships with his neighbors (who are Tom and Helen Willis. They portrayed an interracial couple). Marla Gibbs played Florence Johnston who used humor and wit to combat George Jefferson's character's words. Paul Benedict played Harry Bentley, the kind and loyal eccentric British next-door neighbor, who worked as an interpreter at the United Nations. George Jefferson's mother was played by Zara Cully (who was Olivia Jefferson). The Jeffersons taught us that we can go from different places in life, but it is always important to maintain your core legitimate principles, stand up for yourself, and never be ashamed of being what you are. The show outlined the evil and folly of racial hatred and bigotry in general. The Jeffersons gave another diverse picture of black life that wasn't shown readily before the 1970s, and it inspired future shows that outline the greatness of black people.
Conclusion (Popular Culture)
In closing, popular culture has been part of human culture for centuries and millennia. Nothing is new under the sun. In other words, the pages of history always show righteous people and wicked people, mentally strong people and cowardly people, and events of heroism and fascist events too. The Trump regime is overtly anti-progressive, reactionary, and cruel in its policies. Many people are suffering from having their jobs gone to not affording housing or basic groceries. In our generation, we are on the precipice of the end of American democracy as we know it by next year, ironically being the 250th anniversary of America. It doesn’t have to be this way as we will fight for justice and equality forever and ever. Right now, many protesters, activists, and unsung human beings are doing their best to stand up and speak up against federal workers being fired unjustly, against police brutality, and against the oligarchy’s exploitation of the poor and middle class. A lot of people may talk about economic populism, but you can’t speak about these subjects without defending the economic rights of the poor among us. That is the prerequisite of being a true revolutionary. That means that we advocate for living wages, for high speed, affordable Internet services to be in rural communities, for urban communities to have real investments in building up people’s lives, and the strengthening of the social safety net (like Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, SNAP, etc.). In popular culture, there has been an occult agenda from the Rosicrucian seeking a Utopian world, the Bavarian Illuminati desiring a transformation of all governments, and the Bohemian Grove where revelry, elitism, and arcane rituals with an owl called Care are abundant. Numerous celebrities admit to promoting seances, following Scientology (created by occultist and Aleister Crowley supporter L. Ron Hubbard), respecting Gnostic thought, and abhorring true moral standards. You can’t omit the Freemasons (with famous members like the Confederate traitorous general Albert Pike, Henry Ford, Harry S. Truman, George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Douglas MacArthur, Norman Vincent Peale, and J. Edgar Hoover among other personages) whose modern origin came from the medieval guild societies of Europe where many builders mixed architectural and occult views in their structures. Many Freemasons were part of the Royal Society. From the New Atlantis agenda from Sir Francis Bacon to Trump’s Golden Age wicked views, advocates of these views benefit the oligarchy not the common people. The occult restricts all the common people from having access to real information, real technology, and real secrets to live the best life, because by definition the occult means secret. So, low level members of secret orders are given baseline stuff, while most people on Earth are prevented from knowing how the world is. That is why I believe that all people should have access to the complete, unadulterated truth, regardless of color, class, sex, creed, nationality, or background. Before the ages of modern times, God was in existence in my view. God, in his Infinite Mind, would want us to fight the good fight, defend the poor, improve our environment, stand up for righteousness, and keep our morality intact.
For the eons of human history, health has always been promoted by human beings. With the new events going on, studying health is always important. Every one of us living now either has a health issue or knows someone with a health issue. The importance of preparation and wisdom about diverse health subjects is underrated. The myth is that there is just one single formula for all people to follow in the exact direction to cause all people to improve their health. The truth is that every human being is different. There is no 100 percent identical DNA in any human being, so what food and health plan may work for one person may not for another. For example, if a person has peanut allergies, it is not right to promote peanuts for that person to consume. If a person is lactose intolerant, that person shouldn't drink milk unless that milk is lactose free milk. For years, I have mentioned that BMI is a hoax in determining human health. Now, recently research and studies prove that to be so like the report from the journal The Lancet Diabetes and Endocrinology. That is why real health indicators relate to body fat percentage, blood pressure, waist to hip ratio, waist size measurement in general (which is a reliable measure of weight related health risks), hormone levels, blood sugar levels, cholesterol, testosterone levels, and other indicators. We should always support the really great health experts helping humanity. They are doing a lot to improve lives, give great advice, and further positive, health culture. Also, we live in a new generation in 2025. There are still those who believe in extreme materialism, lookism, and other prejudices that have no place in the Universe. Anyone, who is truly about health culture, believe in treating all people with dignity and with respect regardless of color, size, sex, nationality, and background. We will follow the Golden Rule.
The Liver
The human liver is one of the underrated, important organs of the human body. It has multifaceted functions that we certainly need to know about for our health and intellectual curiosity reasons in general. The liver is a metabolic organ, found in all vertebrate animals. The liver performs many essential biological functions like the detoxification of the organism, the synthesis of many proteins and other biochemicals necessary for digestion and growth. In human beings, the liver is located in the right upper quadrant of the abdomen, below the diaphragm and mostly shielded by the lower right rib cage. The liver is just above the human stomach. Its other metabolic roles include carbohydrate metabolism, the production of several hormones, conversion and storage of nutrients such as glucose and glycogen, and the decomposition of red blood cells. The liver is also an accessory digestive organ that produces bile, an alkaline fluid containing cholesterol and bile acids, which emulsifies and aids the breakdown of dietary fat. The gallbladder, a small hollow pouch that sits just under the right lobe of liver, stores and concentrates the bile produced by the liver, which is later excreted to the duodenum to help with digestion. The liver's highly specialized tissue, consisting mostly of hepatocytes, regulates a wide variety of high-volume biochemical reactions, including the synthesis and breakdown of small and complex organic molecules, many of which are necessary for normal vital functions. Estimates regarding the organ's total number of functions vary but is generally cited as being around 500. For this reason, the liver has sometimes been described as the body's chemical factory.
Artificial livers have not been developed for long-term replacement in the absence of the liver. As of 2018, liver transplantation is the only option for people with complete liver failure. The liver is a dark reddish brown, wedge-shaped organ with two lobes of unequal size and shape. A human liver normally weighs approximately 1.5 kilograms (3.3 pounds) and has a width of about 15 centimeters (6 inches). There is considerable size variation between individuals, with the standard reference range for men being 970–1,860 grams (2.14–4.10 lb) and for women 600–1,770 g (1.32–3.90 lb). It is both the heaviest internal organ and the largest gland in the human body. It is located in the right upper quadrant of the abdominal cavity, resting just below the diaphragm, to the right of the stomach, and overlying the gallbladder.
The liver is connected to two large blood vessels: the hepatic artery and the portal vein. The hepatic artery carries oxygen-rich blood from the aorta via the celiac trunk, whereas the portal vein carries blood rich in digested nutrients from the entire gastrointestinal tract and also from the spleen and pancreas. These blood vessels subdivide into small capillaries known as liver sinusoids, which then lead to hepatic lobules. Hepatic lobules are the functional units of the liver. Each lobule is made up of millions of hepatic cells (hepatocytes), which are the basic metabolic cells. The lobules are held together by a fine, dense, irregular, fibroelastic connective tissue layer extending from the fibrous capsule covering the entire liver known as Glisson's capsule after British doctor Francis Glisson. This tissue extends into the structure of the liver by accompanying the blood vessels, ducts, and nerves at the hepatic hilum. The whole surface of the liver, except for the bare area, is covered in a serous coat derived from the peritoneum, and this firmly adheres to the inner Glisson's capsule. The liver is divided into two parts when viewed from above. They have a right and left lobe. On the diaphragmatic surface, apart from a triangular bare area where it connects to the diaphragm, the liver is covered by a thin, double-layered membrane, the peritoneum, that helps to reduce friction against other organs. This surface covers the convex shape of the two lobes where it accommodates the shape of the diaphragm. The peritoneum folds back on itself to form the falciform ligament and the right and left triangular ligaments. Histology, the study of microscopic anatomy, shows two major types of liver cell: parenchymal cells and nonparenchymal cells. About 70–85% of the liver volume is occupied by parenchymal hepatocytes. Nonparenchymal cells constitute 40% of the total number of liver cells but only 6.5% of its volume.
The various functions of the liver are carried out by the liver cells or hepatocytes. The liver is thought to be responsible for up to 500 separate functions, usually in combination with other systems and organs. Currently, no artificial organ or device is capable of reproducing all the functions of the liver. Some functions can be carried out by liver dialysis, an experimental treatment for liver failure. The liver also accounts for about 20% of resting total body oxygen consumption.
Liver disease is very common in the Earth, and the liver can weigh up to 4 pounds. We know that the liver can help digest food, rid the body of waste products and make substances like clotting factors to keep the blood flowing well among other actions. Liver disease can be passed through families. Anything that harms the liver can cause liver problems too like viruses, alcohol use, and obesity. Over time, conditions that damage the liver can lead to scarring, called cirrhosis. Cirrhosis can lead to liver failure, a life-threatening condition. But early treatment may give the liver time to heal. Liver disease doesn’t come with symptoms all of the time that can be seen or felt. There are many symptoms of liver disease like yellowing of the skin or the eyes (called jaundice. The yellowing of the skin might be harder to see on black or brown skin), belly pain or selling, swelling in the legs and ankles, itching skin, dark urine, pale stool, constant tiredness, nausea or vomiting, loss of appetite, and bruising easily. With these symptoms lasting for a long time, people should seek a doctor’s appointment. If a person has belly pain that is so bad that this human beings can’t stay still, that person needs to seek medical help immediately. Other factors that can increase the risk of liver disease are moderate or heavy alcohol use, obesity, type 2 diabetes, tattoos or body piercing, shared needles to inject drugs, blood transfusion before 1992, contact with other people’s blood and body fluids, making love without protection, and having a family history of liver disease.
Liver disease has many causes like parasites and viruses infecting the liver. This may cause swelling and irritation called inflammation. Inflammation keeps the liver from working as it should. The viruses that cause liver damage can be spread through blood or semen, bad food or water, or close contact with a person who is infected. The most common types of liver infection are hepatitis viruses, including: Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, and Hepatitis C. Diseases in which the immune system attacks certain parts of the body are called autoimmune diseases. Autoimmune liver diseases include: Autoimmune hepatitis, Primary biliary cholangitis, and Primary sclerosing cholangitis. A changed gene from one or both parents can cause substances to build up in the liver. This can cause liver damage. Genetic liver diseases include: Hemochromatosis, Wilson's disease, and Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency. Liver cancer, bile duct cancer, and liver adenoma are serious illnesses that harm people worldwide. Other common causes of liver disease are Long-term alcohol use, fat that builds up in the liver, called nonalcoholic fatty liver disease or metabolic-associated steatotic liver disease, certain prescription or other medicines, Certain herbal mixes, and being in contact often with toxic chemicals. People can lower the risk or prevent getting liver disease by drink in moderation if you want to drink (like one drink a day for women and 2 drinks a day for men), advocate risk behavior, get vaccination, take medicine when needs, stay away from other people’s blood and body fluids, keep your food safe, be careful using aerosol sprays (following all instruction), protect your skin, use makes and long sleeves when using chemicals, and maintain a healthy weight.
There are many foods to promote a healthy liver like fish, poultry, beans, nuts, and lean proteins. Processed meats can damage the liver from hot dogs to bologna and salami. Healthy fats found in avocados, olive oil, etc. work wonders in improving the quality of human health. Herbs and spices like garlic, parsley, and cinnamon support liver detoxification and reduce inflammation. Green tea and even coffee are rich in antioxidants and support liver health including beetroot juice. People can eat a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables, especially brightly colored one. People can team or bake vegetables to retain more nutrients. Leafy green have Vitamin K that helps control blood clotting. Berries have many antioxidants that may reduce inflammation, reduce cancer risks, and improve the human scene. Whole grains like brown rice, oatmeal, or whole wheat pasta can help the liver too. Wholegrain products instead of white, bleached, and refined products can improve the quality of the liver in definite terms.
Alcohol has been digested by millions and possibly billions of people for thousands of years. Alcohol has been debated and even banned once in American history with the Prohibition era. While I don't agree with banning people from consuming all alcohol, new scientific research in the 21st century confirms that alcohol drinking has tons of risk factors that can't be ignored. For years, many people have said that wine has tons of heart benefits, and that may be true to a certain extent. Yet, the truth is that alcohol is a neurotoxin, meaning that it can damage human brain cells, and new studies show that there is no safe amount of alcohol for people to consume. That is why I mention this information because no one should die before their time. What is alcohol? Alcohol is part of the chemical name of ethanol and is the 2nd most consumed psychoactive drug globally behind caffeine. Alcohol is a central nervous system (CNS) depressant. Today, the WHO or the World Health Organization classified alcohol as a toxic, psychoactive, dependence-producing, and carcinogenic substance. Many people won't like these previous words, but truth is truth. If we want to save lives (which we all do humbly), then we have to tell people what the real deal is about alcohol is. Drinking alcohol is playing Russian Roulette with your life literally. I won't minch words or be politically correct on this issue. Now, many people have the right to drink alcohol in a free and open society, and I believe in freedom. Yet, we must confront drug addiction and other problems to prevent needless deaths. The formula of the alcohol molecule is C2H6O. Alcohol can be found in fermented beverages like beer, wine, liquor, and distilled spirit. Some religions permit alcohol like the Catholic Church, and some don't. Short term effects from moderate consumption of alcohol were relaxation, decreased social inhibition, and euphoria. Binge drinking can result in cognitive impairment, blackout, and hangover. Excessive alcohol usage can result in alcohol, abuse, cardiovascular disease, liver disease, hepatitis, dementia, and diverse cancers. Globally, alcohol use was the 7th leading risk factor for both deaths and DALY (or disability adjusted life year or lower life expectancy due to ill health or disability by excessive alcohol usage) in 2016.
In 2023, the WHO declared that there is no safe amount of alcohol consumption and that "the risk of the drinker's health starts from the first drop of any alcoholic beverage." National agencies are aligning with the WHO's recommendations and increasingly advocating for abstinence from alcohol consumption. Drunkenness while driving and hit and run are illegal. Alcohol addiction is a disease, and many people with that disease act involuntarily (which people have lax control in handling that addiction). That is why therapists, and other programs exist to help people with alcohol addiction. According to the British Journal of Cancer in 2015 on alcohol consumption, light alcohol consumption showed no connection to most cancers, but a slight rise in the likelihood of melanoma, breast cancer in women, and prostate cancer in men was observed by researchers. Many religious people defend using alcohol, but even the Bible forbids drinking alcohol except in limited circumstances. Also, drunkenness is forbidden in the Bible, and alcoholic wine in the ancient world was significantly different than modern wines being much lower in alcohol content (and was consumed after significant dilution with water). Alcohol abuse has killed millions of people. B.A.Cs as low as 0.02 percent can affect human driving ability and crash likelihood. The probability of a crash starts to increase significantly at 0.05 percent BAC and climbs rapidly after about 0.08 percent (according to Zador, Krawchuk, and Voas, 2000). With all of these facts, I believe in abstentionism. That means that I don't believe in forcing people against their wills to not drink alcohol (as I reject fascism completely), but I believe that total abstinence from alcohol is the wisest and most loving way to live in the present circumstances out of prudence.
One of the most important issues of the health world is Ozempic. Ozempic is a medicine similar to Rybelsus and Wegovy that were originally used for anti-diabetic medication used for the treatment of type 2 diabetes and an anti-obesity medication for long-term weight management. These medicines can be injected or taken orally. The issue is that people who don't have diabetes or don't have severe obesity are increasingly taking Ozempic and like-minded medicine in a higher level. Ozempic is made up of a peptide similar to the hormone glucagon like peptide 1 (GLP), modified with a side chain. By December 2017, the injectable version of the brand name Ozempic was approved by use by people with diabetes in America and in January 2018 in Canada. Some health plans in America don't cover weight loss drugs like Ozempic. In America by 2024, about half of private employer-sponsored plans cover these drugs. Federal Medicare Part D does not and only a few federally funded, state administered Medicaid plans do. Semaglutide is expected to be patent free in America no earlier than December 2031. Semaglutide was the top selling medication in America in 2023, with expenditures of $38.6 billion. Novo Nordish promotes the Ozempic product. Ozempic has many benefits and risk factors. Semaglutide drugs can help treat binge eating disorders, help with cardiovascular health, reduce asthma attacks, and a 2024 study published in Alzheimer's and Dementia suggests that semaglutide may reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease.
Usning Health Heroes
One of the great health experts of our generation is Bo Talley-Williams. She is the mother of five children and the grandmother of 2 children. She has been working in fitness training for years. She is a businesswoman, film producer, author, actress, and a philanthropist. She is married to the professional basketball coach Fred Williams. Bo wants people to be their best selves and has many videos that document her life and work in fitness culture. She loves to show tips on healthy eating and working out found in social media platforms from Facebook, Instagram, X, etc. She is the national advertisement leader and face for Strength of Natures product Gentle Treatment Relaxer for gray hair and for Pantene UK's Power of Grey Campaign. She is a mentor to young girls to fulfill their own destinies. In 2016, she has received the RICE AWARD (Rising in Community Excellence) for Top Entertainment Company in Atlanta, Georgia. In 2014, she created the first All women Celebrity Basketball Game in Atlanta, Georgia themed Balling for Lupus. Lupus is a serious disease that has harmed the immune systems of millions of people. Her fitness company is BO FITT, LLC whose goal is to inspire and motivate women and men from ages 30 on up to try and have health and fitness awareness to benefit their lives. She is a living legend of fitness and health culture of our generation indeed.
Sheryl Grant is a very prominent leader of our time too. She won Ms. Olympia at the age of 55 years old which is an incredible accomplishment. She has motivated and changed lives for the better for years. She created the award-winning FIT for Life platform that has helped individuals in their business, career, and life. FIT is also her acronym meaning Faith, intuition, and tenacity. Those are true life lessons. She is part of the technology movement that promotes companies to work with the Generations of Generation X and Baby Boomers. She has worked in Silicon Valley for 30 years. Sheryl Grant served as the President of the National Coalition of 100 Black Women Inc., Oakland/Bay Area Chapter where she wrote the curriculum for the Positive Steps Girls Program (girls form 12-17) which helps to mentor girls in leadership, STEM, college, etc. She has invested in programs to combat HIV/AIDS, advance literacy, and other important issues. She is the Vice Chair of the Board of Directors for the Oakland African American Chamber of Commerce. She raised more than 1 million dollars in supporting black businesses over the pandemic in addition to the Board of Directors for Giving Back Fund. She has a Masters Degree in Leadership Development from St. Mary's College. She loves to perform core exercises. Now, she is 63 years old and was born on December 20, 1961.
Sister Donna Richardson Joyner has been an American fitness and aerobics instructor, author, ESPN television sports commentator, and businesswoman for a long time. For decades, she has been involved in helping to improve the lives of human beings and in other areas. She was born in Silver Spring, Maryland in 1962. Silver Spring is just to the north of Washington, D.C. She graduated from Hollins College with a degree in Health Education and Dance. She has served on the Women's Sport Foundation Board of Trustees and is an Advisory Board Member for the Boys and Girls Clubs of America. Also, she is a spiritual woman who has given motivational speeches all over the world. She's a beautiful black woman who is expressing her gifts in a loving, inspirational way. Her spirit is filled with energy, positivity, and joy. I wish the best for her.
Dr. Griffin P. Rodgers is the director of the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, one of the 27 institutes that make up the United States National Institutes of Health. He is the Chief of the Institute's Molecular and Clinical Hematology Branch and is known for his contributions to research and therapy for sickle cell anemia. He earned his BS, MS, and MD from Brown University, and he has an MBA from Johns Hopkins University. He has a mastership from the American College of Physicians since 2005. He has used his work to study the molecular genetics of hemoglobinopathies and to develop a treatment for sickle cell anemia. He was a major contributor to the development of hydroxyurea therapy, which was approved by the FDA in 1998. He received an honorary Doctor of Science degree from Washington University in St. Louis in 2011.
Marcella Nunez-Smith, MD is an American physician scientist. She is a C.N.H. Long Professor of medicine and epidemiology at the Yale School of Medicine, where she serves as the Inaugural Associate Dean for Health Equity Research and founding director of the Equity Research and Innovation Center. She also holds joint appointments at the Yale School of Public Health and Yale School of Management. After co-chairing the Biden-Harris transition's COVID-19 Advisory Board from November 2020 to January 2021, she was selected by President Joe Biden to serve as Senior Advisor to the White House COVID-10 Response Team and Chair of the Presidential COVID-10 Equity Task Force. She was born in Sant Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands. She earned her BA Swarthmore College, earned her MD from Thomas Jefferson University, and earned her MHS from Yale University. Nunez-Smith has fought for healthcare equity for marginalized communities. She has studied health for those in Caribbean U.S. territories. Her research is funded by the national Cancer Institute and the National Institue on Minority Health and Health Disparities as well as other organizations.
Dr. Alister Martin, MD MPP has promoted voting rights, voter turnout, civic health, digital equity, fighting the opiod epidemic, and other health care issues. Dr. Martin is an ER physician and an Assistant Professor at Harvard Medical School and Harvard Kennedy School. He is a Senior Fellow at the Burnes Center for Social Change and was a former Chief Resident at Massachusetts General Hospital. He served as an advisor in the Office of the Vice President under Kamala Harris and the White House Office of Public Engagement. He is the CEO of A Healthier Democracy. That is a nonprofit healthcare orgiizing group that helps healthcare workers to promote programs and movements to help the needs of vulnerable patients. Alister's work has been published in journals like the New England Journal of Medicien, JAMA, British Medical Journal, and other outlies like BBC, The New York Times, The Washington Post, and Scientific American.
James E. K. Hildreth is an American immunologist and academic administrator. He is the 12th President and chief executive officer of Meharry Medical College. He is known for his work on HIV/AIDS and the first African American to hold a full tenured professorship in basic research at John Hopkins School of Medicine. Edward D. Miller said that Hildreth is one of the most influential HIV researchers in the world. He was born in Camden, Arkansas. He graduated from Harvard University in 1979 and Oxford University in 1982. His had more than 100 peer reviewed publications and 11 patients on this topic. He loves his wife Phyllis King and their 2 children.
JJ Smith is a health advocate, nutritionist, and certified weight loss expert. She is a number one New York Times bestselling author too. She wrote the Best Selling book of 10 Day Green Smoothie Cleanse. She lives in Arlington County, Virginia. Arlington is in Northern Virginia. She graduated from Hampton University with the degree in mathematics and pursued a career in the IT industry. She overcame prediabetes, chronic fatigue, polyps, arthritis, and other illnesses. She said the truth that healthy diet, exercise, and internal cleansing including detoxification will help the human body. She reads 2 books per week. Learning has improved her life spiritually, professionally, and financially.
Melissa Niell is one of the most prominent health experts of our generation. She got into a higher level of shape in her 40s. Her gift is to inspire women like her to be their best selves health-wise and physically. She dealt with mental health, but she never gave up. She wanted to fit on her own terms being lean and muscular. She started Crossfit and went through many personal trainers. She competed in bikini competitions after lifting heavy weights and getting great nutritional foods. Once a man and a woman reach above 40 years old, it is very important to have weight training to maintain bone density as bone density declines as we age. She wants women to have strength training, HIIT (or high intensity interval training), great nutrient with protein and healthy carbs. She earned many awards for bodybuilding shows. She wants to help older women to achieve their health goals prodigiously. There is nothing wrong with that at all.
Regina Marcia Benjamin (born October 26, 1956) is an American physician and a former vice admiral in the U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps who served as the 18th Surgeon General of the United States. Benjamin previously directed a nonprofit primary care medical clinic in Bayou La Batre, Alabama, and served on the board of trustees for the Morehouse School of Medicine. She received her M.D. degree from the University of Alabama at Birmingham and completed her residency in family medicine at the Medical Center of Central Georgia. About her experience as the first member of her family to attend medical school, she has stated "I had never seen a black doctor before I went to college." After entering solo medical practice in Bayou La Batre, Alabama, Benjamin worked for several years in emergency rooms and nursing homes to financially support its mission. After receiving an MBA from the Freeman School of Business at Tulane University, she converted her office to a rural health clinic. On May 18, 2012, she received an honorary degree of Doctorate of Science from the University of Rochester Medical Center's School of Medicine and Dentistry. She also delivered the commencement address.
Juliet Peterkin is a certified trainer who lost over 130 pounds to inspire other people. She is over 50 years old being a revolutionary fitness coach. Her e-book is called The Ageless Abs Blueprint with information on nutrition, exercise, and lifestyle habits that will help people get results. She is not playing about her abs as her abs and her body looks like the body of a 20 something year old woman. She works in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. She is the businesswoman with Total Life Changes, LLC.
Linda Wood Hoyte is over 80 years old being a NPC and IFBB judge. She entered the Guinness World Records as the oldest woman to execute a 100-pound one arm dumbbell row of a 500-pound leg press. She had a story of outrunning an Olympic track star and she stopped a person from hijacking an airplane. The first event took place in 1956 at a New York Police Athletic League meet, where Wood-Hyte and her team dethroned the reigning champs in a head-to-head 440-meter relay race. Wood-Hoyte took on Wilma Rudolph and won. Rudolph earned a bronze medal at the 1956 Olympic Games and won three gold medals at the 1960 Summer Olympics in Rome, Italy. Wood-Hoyte loved track and field. She started to work out at 39. She loves her job, her grandson, her pets, the rest of her family, and working out with dumbbells too.
Deborah Prothrow-Stith, M.D. is an American physician who is Dean and Professor at Charles R. Drew University College of Medicine in Los Angeles. Prothrow-Stith has advised healthcare institutions on leadership, as a principal at consulting firm Spencer Stuart, and she served as the Henry Pickering Walcott Professor of Public Health Practice and Associate Dean for Diversity at Harvard School of Public Health. At Harvard, she created the Division of Public Health Practice and secured over $14 million in grant funding for health programs. While working in inner-city Boston, she broke new ground with efforts to define youth violence as a health problem. She developed The Violence Prevention Curriculum for Adolescents, a forerunner of violence prevention curricula for schools, and authored or co-authored several books: Deadly Consequences (HarperCollins 1991); Murder Is No Accident (Jossey Bass Publishers, 2004); Sugar and Spice and No Longer Nice, (Jossey Bass Publishers, 2005); a high school textbook, Health (Pearson 2014); and over 100 articles. In 1987, Governor Michael Dukakis appointed her Commissioner of Public Health for Massachusetts where she led a department with 3,500 employees, 8 hospitals and a budget of $350 million. During her term as Commissioner, she established the first Office of Violence Prevention in a state department of public health, expanded prevention programs for HIV/AIDS and increased drug treatment and rehabilitation programs. She and her family lived in Tanzania during her husband's tenure as U.S. Ambassador. Dr. Prothrow-Stith is a graduate of Spelman College and Harvard Medical School and a diplomate of the American Board of Internal Medicine. In 1991, she published Deadly Consequences: How Violence Is Destroying Our Teenage Population and a Plan to Begin Solving the Problem, which was the first literary work to present violence from a public health perspective to a mass audience. In 1995, President Bill Clinton appointed her to the National Commission on Crime Control and Prevention.. In 2003, she was elected to the prestigious National Academy of Medicine. She has received ten honorary doctorates, and in 2017 she was named Woman of the Year for the 2nd District by the LA County Board of Supervisors.
Blood Pressure
We all know that blood pressure is an important part of our health. It is a very important indicator of how well we are or not. We know that the older you get, the more careful you have to be in dealing with your blood pressure. At its core, what is blood pressure? Blood pressure is the force of blood against the walls of your arteries. It's measured in two numbers called systolic and diastolic. Systolic represents the pressure when your heart beats, and diastolic is the pressure when the heart is resting. A healthy systolic blood pressure is less than 120 mm Hg, and a healthy diastolic blood pressure is less than 80 mm Hg. mm Hg stands for millimeters of mercury. It's a unit to measure pressure like blood pressure. It is a unit of pressure that measures how high a column of mercury would rise. Now, high blood pressure is called hypertension. Measurements of high blood pressure are 130/80 mm Hg or higher. High blood pressure can increase the risk of heart disease, heart attack, and stroke. As people age, those risks can increase. High blood pressure can be caused by weight issues, not getting enough exercise, eating foods high in sodium, smoking (or using tobacco products), and drinking excessive alcohol. High blood pressure can damage blood vessels, making them more likely to burst or become blocked. When a blood clot blocks an artery that supplies blood to the brain, it can cause an ischemic stroke. People recommend folks call 9/11 if a blood pressure reading is 180/120 or higher. There are many ways to lower blood pressure by maintaining a moderate body weight, eating a balanced diet (filled with beet juice, carrots, probiotics, etc.), cutting down on sodium intake, engaging in regular physical activity, managing stress, and quitting smoking. Quitting smoking is a method to improve human health immediately. Doctors, nurses, and other health experts use monitors to measure blood pressure. There are machines and other devices that people can use at home to measure blood pressure too.
Diabetes is a very common illness that harms millions of people worldwide. What is it? Diabetes or diabetes mellitus is a group of many endocrine diseases that is characterized by sustained high blood pressure. Diabetes is due to either the pancreas not producing enough of the hormone insulin, or the cells of the body becoming unresponsive to insulin's effects. Classic symptoms include polydipsia (excessive thirst), polyuria (excessive urination), polyphagia (excessive hunger), weight loss, and blurred vision. If left untreated, the disease can lead to various health complications, including disorders of the cardiovascular system, eye, kidney, and nerves. Diabetes accounts for approximately 4.2 million deaths every year, with an estimated 1.5 million caused by either untreated or poorly treated diabetes. Most forms of diabetes can be manageable with medications and/or lifestyle changes. Glucose (sugar) mainly comes from carbohydrates in your food and drinks. It’s your body’s go-to source of energy. Your blood carries glucose to all your body’s cells to use for energy. When glucose is in your bloodstream, it needs help — a “key” — to reach its final destination. This key is insulin (a hormone). If your pancreas isn’t making enough insulin or your body isn’t using it properly, glucose builds up in your bloodstream, causing high blood sugar (hyperglycemia). Over time, having consistently high blood glucose can cause health problems, such as heart disease, nerve damage, and eye issues.
The major types of diabetes are type 1 and type 2. The most common treatment for type 1 is insulin replacement therapy (insulin injections), while anti-diabetic medications (such as metformin and semaglutide) and lifestyle modifications can be used to manage type 2. Gestational diabetes, a form that arises during pregnancy in some women, normally resolves shortly after delivery. Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune condition where the body's immune system attacks the beta cells in the pancreas, preventing the production of insulin. This condition is typically present from birth or develops early in life. Type 2 diabetes occurs when the body becomes resistant to insulin, meaning the cells do not respond effectively to it, and thus, glucose remains in the bloodstream instead of being absorbed by the cells. Additionally, diabetes can also result from other specific causes, such as genetic conditions (monogenic diabetes syndromes like neonatal diabetes and maturity-onset diabetes of the young), diseases affecting the pancreas (such as pancreatitis), or the use of certain medications and chemicals (such as glucocorticoids, other specific drugs and after organ transplantation).
The number of people diagnosed as living with diabetes has increased sharply in recent decades, from 200 million in 1990 to 830 million by 2022. It affects one in seven of the adult population, with type 2 diabetes accounting for more than 95% of cases. These numbers have already risen beyond earlier projections of 783 million adults by 2045. The prevalence of the disease continues to increase, most dramatically in low- and middle-income nations. Rates are similar in women and men, with diabetes being the seventh leading cause of death globally. The global expenditure on diabetes-related healthcare is an estimated US$760 billion a year. Type 1 presents abruptly following a pre-clinical phase, while type 2 has a more insidious onset; patients may remain asymptomatic for many years. Type 1 Diabetes can happen to people of any age and Type 2 Diabetes mostly occurs among adults. Type 2 Diabetes (which comes mostly from lifestyle factors and genetics) relates to insulin resistance and reduced insulin secretin. Several lifestyle factors are known to be important to the development of type 2 diabetes, including obesity (defined by a body mass index of greater than 30), lack of physical activity, poor diet such as Western Pattern Diet, stress, and urbanization. Insulin is the principal hormone that regulates the uptake of glucose from the blood into most cells of the body, especially the liver, adipose tissue, and muscle, except smooth muscle, in which insulin acts via the IGF-1. Therefore, insulin deficiency or the insensitivity of its receptors plays a central role in all forms of diabetes mellitus.
The body obtains glucose from three main sources: the intestinal absorption of food; the breakdown of glycogen (glycogenolysis), the storage form of glucose found in the liver; and gluconeogenesis, the generation of glucose from non-carbohydrate substrates in the body. Insulin plays a critical role in regulating glucose levels in the body. Insulin can inhibit the breakdown of glycogen or the process of gluconeogenesis, it can stimulate the transport of glucose into fat and muscle cells, and it can stimulate the storage of glucose in the form of glycogen. Insulin is released into the blood by beta cells (β-cells), found in the islets of Langerhans in the pancreas, in response to rising levels of blood glucose, typically after eating. Insulin is used by about two-thirds of the body's cells to absorb glucose from the blood for use as fuel, for conversion to other needed molecules, or for storage. Lower glucose levels result in decreased insulin release from the beta cells and in the breakdown of glycogen to glucose. This process is mainly controlled by the hormone glucagon, which acts in the opposite manner to insulin.
If the amount of insulin available is insufficient, or if cells respond poorly to the effects of insulin (insulin resistance), or if the insulin itself is defective, then glucose is not absorbed properly by the body cells that require it and is not stored appropriately in the liver and muscles. The net effect is persistently high levels of blood glucose, poor protein synthesis, and other metabolic derangements, such as metabolic acidosis in cases of complete insulin deficiency.
Modern Day Health Studies
1. The Harvard Health Publishing company has mentioned many benefits of exercise (being reviewed by Howard E. LeWine, M.D., Chief Medical Editor, of the Harvard Health Publishing; Editorial Advisory Board). It is no secret that short term benefits of exercise can control appetite, boost mood and improve sleep. Long term exercise usage can reduce the risk of heart disease, reduce risk of stroke, reduce the risk of diabetes, and reduce the illnesses of dementia, depression, etc.
2. There is a new study being released by January 2025 that American dementia cases are estimated to double by 2060. This jump is especially large for women, black people, and those over 75 years old According to the study, earlier underestimate of the risk of the disease are a product of unreliable documentation in health records, death certificates, and other reasons. This study said that the risk of developing dementia at any time after 55 among Americans is 42 percent, more than double the risk reported by older studies. That is very large. This could rise to 500,000 cases this year and 1 million new cases a year by 2060. We know that dementia is one of the worst diseases of the human race filled with declines in memory, concentration, and judgment. The reason for this rise in cases is the natural increased aging of the U.S. population. Human beings live longer now than 50 years ago. Also, there are genetic factors like high rates of hypertension (or high blood pressure), diabetes, obesity, unhealthy diets, lack of exercise, and poor mental health. This study was funded by the National Institutes of Health to NYU Langone Health. Its authors include authors from Johns Hopkins University and other U.S. institutions. Information in this new study is also found from the ongoing Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Neurocognitive Study (ARIC-NCS). This group since 1987 researched vascular health and cognitive function of nearly 16,000 participants as they age. The new study showed a higher risk among black adults and those who carried a variant of EPOE4 gene (between 45 and 60 percent) which codes for a protein that carries cholesterol and other lipids in the bloodstream. This gene is said to be the biggest genetic risk factor in developing late-onset Alzheimer's disease. The loss of hearing among older adults is tied to an increased risk of dementia too.
That is why Dr. Coresh desires hearing testing and government assistance programs to support healthy hearing among the elderly like making hearing aids more available and affordable. He wants more resources to address racial inequalities in health care. That means increased childhood education, nutrition, etc. are needed in black communities. So far, there is no total cure for dementia, but people can do things about it. There are many ways for people to reduce the risk of dementia. People can be physically active and exercise, don't smoke, avoid use of alcohol, control your weight, eat a healthy diet, and maintain healthy blood pressure (including cholesterol and blood sugar levels). People should increase social interaction, read, do brain stimulating exercises, have thorough cognitive activities in general, and live in a cleaner environment.
3. It is no secret that there are tons of benefits to sprinting. Sprinting is an intense workout, similar to HIIT, that has tons of human health benefits. There is an article from Nicholas Rizzo entitled "Sprinting Benefits: 40+ Benefits of Sprinting." It mentions how there are tons of health benefits of sprinting. Decades of studies document how exercise can develop people's health. Sprinting is great for the heart. The reason is that sprinting being an anaerobic exercise can cause a quick burst of speed at the maximum intensity. The heart rate increases with more blood flowing in the human body. Even walking can benefit heart health. Studies prove that sprinting for 6 to 12 weeks can improve the VO2 max levels from 11.5 percent to 23.4 percent. It can decrease the resting heart rate by 7.8 percent. It can decrease triglyceride LDL levels by 27.8 percent. Sprinting can burn more fat and cause weight loss. Sprinting can burn 40 percent more fat as compared to HIIT. It can reduce fat mass by 12.4 percent. It can decrease skinfolds in the tricep, subscapular supraillic, abdominat, and thigh. It can decrease whole body mass by 2.7 percent. Sprinting can burn more glucose and calories to supply the energy used in the body to reduce the risk of diabetes. Sprinting can decrease depression and anxiety by 24.3 percent because of the endorphins in the body. A session of sprinting can improve brain health by increasing reaction time by 3.3%, increase accuracy, and have a 15 percent increase in the brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), which helps with cognition, attention, and memory, immediately after 20 minutes of sprinting. It can have a 1-2 percent increase in hippocampal volume, which is related to improved spatial awareness. Sprinting can improve bone density. Sprinting builds muscles all over your body, not just in your legs. It is important to allow the human body to rest, so you don't need to sprint every day, but every other day or two.
One of the good news about us living in the 21st century is that we have access to tons of information. There are wide-ranging books, apps, health watches, and other forms of media that outline the fundamental importance of growing our health. One important fact of life is that improving one's health improves one's quality of life. Health is wealth. That reality is not meant to shame people. I still believe in body positivity, as true beauty is diverse and not monolithic. Likewise, we need to learn about health, diseases, exercise, and other essential topics to allow people to achieve their best selves. In recent years, we have been exposed the BMI myth. Now, we know that body fat percentage, blood pressure levels, and other health indicators are more accurate than the BMI falsehood. Also, another myth is that people need to radically undereat to be healthy. Radical undereating eating can harm the immune system, cause hair loss, and make people more fatigued. That is why people should eat essential, comprehensive, and balanced foods (filled with fruits and vegetables too), which will cause legitimate weight loss. Exercise or a regular fitness routine can release endorphins to cause people to be happy, improve mental clarity, boost energy, increase stamina, and tackle tasks in the day, plus improve sleep quality. Regardless if people are vegans or non-vegans, people need proteins, vitamin B12, and other vitamins including nutrients to live a high quality of life health-wise. All humans need proteins, which come from amino acids. Improving skin health, hydration with water, skin care products, exercise, using SPF 50 at least with sunscreen, and eating organic fruits and vegetables can improve the human skin. As we age, we lose muscle and bone mass, so cardio and strength training help to build muscle and bone structure naturally as we approach our 40s, 50s, 60s, and beyond. You know me. I will continue to write into decades into the future as I have done in the past. We live in very crucial times, and we have the awe-inspiring fortitude to get to the light at the end of the tunnel. I am thankful to the God of Heaven to have this august opportunity to show the real truth to the people.
By Timothy