Friday, October 09, 2015

Political News

There is a lot of information that could be mentioned on this issue. The events in Ferguson changed America and the world forever. It began a new phrase or a new era of the black freedom movement. Images of the suffering of people and how militarized police attacked journalists, men, women, and even children is etched in my mind forever. So, Travis is wrong to just minimize the events of Ferguson to just the rebellion. People didn’t rebel for any reason. People rebelled, because the people of Ferguson were tired of the conditions of poverty, racism, police brutality, and economic deprivation. People wanted a change. Decades ago, Ferguson had racist covenant housing policies. There is nothing wrong with studying political matters and people across age demographics have a great understanding about conscious issues. More young people should have a great conscious about real issues. Decades ago, John Lewis, Dr. King, Fred Hampton, etc. during their 20's talked about racism, voting rights, and the whole nine yards eloquently and with great analysis. More young people today should do the same. Also, it is important to give credit to the many young black men and young black women (plus others) who are doing the work and are giving a great analysis of how the world works. It isn’t just Jesse Williams doing this. There are people like Solomon Comissiong, Ashley Yates, the young people from Dream Defenders, etc. who know what time it is and are doing something about it. Truth and consciousness should be a grassroots affair. This story signifies the need for us to not genuflect or worship celebrities. Travis is getting money while he's ignoring many of the political realities that we face as a people. Also, he gave Kudos to his family which I have no problem with. Yet, He's wrong for not giving a real concern for political matters. Whether some like it or not, we have to know what's going on in the world. There is no need for naiveté when our people are being killed, when our schools are struggling, and when our environment is readily polluted. We should respect ourselves and do our part in making the world better.
#Black Lives Matter.

Raven Symone is wrong on so many levels. She fails to see that there is a problem with discrimination in the job market. Discrimination deals with many complex things. Studies document how people with more African sounding names are more discriminated against than people with more Eurocentric names even if all job seekers have the exact same qualifications. Her statement ironically are statements said by white reactionary racists for years and decades. Her words represent the thinking and mentality of the New Blacks (who readily believe that working in the system in a post racial fashion can somehow cause positive change. We know that to be fantasy). There should be no sugarcoating about what she said. She mocked the beauty of names which have origins from the Middle East and Africa. She outright promoted discrimination and she is a black person. She should be one of the last people on Earth to advocate such a repugnant policy. She is a total hypocrite by claiming to promote tolerance and freedom, but she won’t hire someone because of their name. That is illogical. Her classist views further establish another great point. Regardless of our class, or the composition of our names, we still face the same system of oppression. We still face racism and other forms of tyranny. Therefore, we have the right to do something about it and fight for our human rights that should have been ours by birthright. I don’t hate Raven Symone. I wish that she would wake up, but we do have to call her out in making that erroneous, false statement. Certainly, the Most High gave us a mind for a reason. Certainly, she knows what racism and discrimination are. She knows about how she was treated in the industry. So, there is no excuse for her to say something like this. We all know what racism is too. The views of the New Blacks are loved by white racists since it makes white racists feel more comfortable. When justice is not supposed to make people feel comfortable to the status quo. It is about a radical change in society where black people among both genders have liberation and independence to determine our destinies. Justice is about seeing our freedom for real and it is about being strong and able to build for our black people throughout the Earth. That is justice. We will fight. We will go in public to express ourselves and never back down. We reject apathy and nepotism. We never forget a single drop of blood that our ancestors suffered from the lash and the rod. We will always show gratitude to the sacrifices that our forebears made and we are inspired to carry onward in the tradition of our Brothers and our Sisters.

I am glad to be a social justice militant for the record. Us social justice militants were crucial in getting Roth and other white racists fired. Roth is a lazy racist piece of work. It's great for Clutch to mention information about Cayden's college fund. I am glad that people are funding Cayden college fund too. As for Roth, his actions are cruel and disrespectful. He was rightfully fired, because of his own actions. He's a coward by obfuscating and lying about his situation. Also, other people are repudiating the scheme of Roth. He is no victim. He is a vicious individual who wanted to disrespect a child. When the mother of Cayden cried, that certainly made me aware of why we do this. We do this for Cayden and his mother. We do this for our Brothers and our Sisters. A parent's love for a child is always a blessing. Zimmerman will experience his Karma. He is in constant hiding. He will be in hiding for the rest of his life. His constant evil actions is representative of his evil character. We live in a new era. There was the post WWII boom. It lasted for a few decades causing the great amount of wealth expansion and the growth of the middle class. It ended in the early 1970’s with inflation, the growth of economic inequality, etc. Education is important, but the right education can cause more happiness and other benefits for human beings. Many people talk about the degrees not being worth it since there are sky high tuition rates now and many Americans have trouble finding high paying jobs. That is why people are shifting into more entrepreneurial jobs. My college degree was worth it. Likewise, just because we have a college degree doesn’t mean that education ends. We can learn new skills, get another degree, or get more certifications in order for us to get more economic opportunities. Life is a long term event. We should always encourage education and we encourage the STEM fields in the lives of people too. Also, we want human beings to find that happiness (in that sense, people can be the most productive in their lives. Happiness causes joy and fulfillment in the soul). That happiness will be diverse things among diverse members of the human family.

Maynard Jackson is the first black mayor of Atlanta. He lived a historic life. To outline his life, we have to start in the beginning. He was born in Dallas, Texas in March 23, 1938. His grandfather was civil rights leader John Wesley Dobbs. His mother was Irene Dobbs Jackson, who was a professor of French at Spelman College in Atlanta. Jackson graduated from Morehouse College in 1956 when he was 18 years old. He went to law school. He ran against Herman Talmadge for the U.S. Senate in 1968. He was 30 years old. He lost, but he carried Atlanta in the race. In 1969, he was elected vice mayor. He was the presiding officer of the board of alderman. In 1970, Maynard Jackson supported Atlanta strikers involving in sanitation workers. He opposed then Mayor Sam Massell’s actions in 1970 of firing workers and using prisoners from city jails for garbage removal. The 1970 Atlanta strike was successful. Previous mayors like Williams B. Hartsfield and Ivan Allen Jr. used a coalition of black people and liberal/moderate whites in order to win elections. Maynard Jackson used the same political strategy Same Massell was mayor during the early 1970’s. By 1973, Jackson won the election with great African American support, especially because of Maynard's expression of solidarity with the Atlanta sanitation strikers. He won after the runoff election. So, in 1973 Maynard Jackson became the first black American mayor of large southern city. His support of Atlanta striking workers in 1970 influenced his victory. He caused more minority businesses to get more municipal contracts. He helped to build the massive new terminal at Hartsfield Atlanta International Airport with great minority participation. By 2003, the airport’s name was changed to Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport in Jackson’ honor. Jackson increased affirmative action, public involvement in neighborhood planning, etc. There was a temporarily rift between the mayor and much of the white business community in Atlanta.

Jackson helped to bring more black people in positions from police officers, etc. By 1977, the second Atlanta sanitation strike would be opposed by Maynard Jackson. The business community supported the mayor. Many strikers this time were jailed and were opposed by the city’s own mayor. The sanitation workers were strong, but their strike failed. This time showed how even mayoral leaders would collaborate with the establishment in ending strikes. He lived during the 1979 to 1981 Atlanta child murders. This was when children were killed by an evil, sick person. One person has been jailed, tried, and convicted. To this very day, the convicted man denies involvement in the murders. Atlanta’s crime rates increased during the 1970’s.  He also fought against the construction of freeways through in town neighborhoods. He would be mayor of Atlanta again from 1990 to 1994.  Maynard Jackson Jackson died in Washington, D.C., of a heart attack on June 23, 2003. He lay in state at city hall and at Morehouse College, and the memorial service at the Atlanta Civic Center drew more than 5,000 mourners. Therefore, his legacy is filled with legitimate, progressive policies, and errors.

By Timothy