Friday, November 24, 2023

Events of Our Times.


History proves that the concentration of power into fewer hands in a monopoly doesn't work. That is why the Gilded Age harmed so many human lives that movements for social change existed to confront child labor, lax wages, and other terrible conditions on the people. This has been taught by people from across the political spectrum too. Also, we know that the top tax rate was half of what it was in 1981. The poor readily work 60 to 70 hours a week working hard. The poor pay a higher share of income than the super-rich on Social Security, state sales taxes, property taxes, user fees, and tolls. The truth is that job creators are the middle class and the poor who spend money to help people get jobs. The wages have been stagnant for over 35 years if you adjust for inflation. Most economic gains are in the top percentage of super-wealthy Americans. Unions helped stabilize the economy. Union membership has gone down to less than 7 percent now. New research says that a higher minimum wage can improve the economy when workers can be more loyal to work in their jobs.

The lesson of high inflation is that it isn't caused by the workers. It's caused by the concentration of the American economy in the hands of a few corporate interests with the power to raise prices, even as they rake in record profits. This holiday season should give us a huge opportunity for us to stand up against democracy and oppose the fascist and anti-democratic forces that desire to rule over America. Folks should not forget that Trump and his allies attempted an illegal, immoral coup d'etat against the American government in late 2020 and it culminated in the terrorist, treasonous insurrection on January 6, 2021. The MAGA movement is nothing more than modern-day neofascism. There are people who disagree with you and that's fine. We don't have to agree with each other on everything, but we can find common ground to desire solutions to complicated problems in the world. There are Wall Street interests and large corporations who have large bailouts, but most workers didn't receive such a bailout during the Great Recession.

Israel has agreed to have a hostage deal with Hamas. The deal is that they are still working out some of the details and the deal exchange is expected to take place on Friday. We are clear to mention that Hamas is not some resistance movement but a terrorist organization who brutalizes innocent human beings. The deal has a four-day ceasefire, freeing at least 50 women and children hostage in exchange for 150 Palestinian prisoners to be released. Israeli hostages deserve to go home ASAP without delay. Also, folks need to be reminded that Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza lack many democratic rights. For example, Palestinians have checkpoints, restrictions on travel, and other violations of their fundamental human rights that are documented by scholars from among the political spectrum. Obviously, that reality is not right as you can't deprive human beings of fundamental civil liberties. Now, 13 Israeli hostages are released from Southern Gaza into Egypt. In Egypt, these hostages are with the Red Cross where they are helped to prepare to go to their homes. That is certainly good news. They have been in custody for 48 days. 

Yesterday was 60 years after the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. It happened a little over 20 years before I was born, but my parents were alive during that tragic day. President John F. Kennedy had much idealism and hope for the future of America. A lot of people don't know that President Kennedy opposed the establishment on many issues like refusing to invade Cuba and confronting Big Steel in their reactionary economic policies. President Kennedy was President during the peak of the Cold War when America and the Soviet Union could destroy the world with nuclear weapons, but Kennedy did the right thing to have a deal to end the Cuban Missile Crisis in a heroic fashion. 60 years have passed, and we still face the same extremism as back then. Now, not in 1963, we have book bans in Florida, we have massive hate crimes, and we see the tensions in the Middle East. Yet, we reject the call of pessimism. Instead, we adhere to hope, fidelity to democracy, and social activism to make the world better than the past which President John F. Kennedy would want us to do.

There was a deadly car explosion that killed at least one person at the Rainbow Bridge on the U.S.-Canadian border. This happened hours ago on Wednesday. This comes after the federal government issued a warning about possible threats against America from anti-Semites, Islamophobic extremists, and other terrorists. Videos show the vehicle entering the bridge on the U.S. side and then traveling at an accelerated amount of speed. This is a serious situation. That is why parts of the three points of entry between Canada and the U.S. near Niagra Falls are closed according to the Niagara International Transportation Coalition. The FBI and Canadian authorities are investigating the incident. Amtrak has even temporarily suspended routes connecting New York and Canada according to a spokesperson. Toronto police have increased patrols all over the city out of caution. We still don't know why the car crashed and blew up or any motives at this time.

By Timothy

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