Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Mid November 2023 News.


The Trump campaign defending the "vermin" comment is not shocking. Trump called for the termination of the U.S. Constitution before, so Trump is certainly one of the most corrupt political figures in American history. The vermin comment was used by Hitler and Mussolini before. He disrespected fallen soldiers too. So, I can't understand how anyone can support Trump, regardless of a person's political views. It just doesn't make any sense. He says these things not just because of shock value. He says these words because that is what he believes in his heart. Trump believes in the lie that the 2020 election was stolen. Trump is overtly calling for a presidential dictatorship by his own words. According to one of his ex-wives, he told a biographer that Trump kept a book of Hitler's speeches by his bedside. His father Fred Trump has been accused of being part of the KKK and having Nazi sympathies. Donald Trump wanted to use the military to harm peaceful protesters and to steal the 2020 election. Therefore, no one should support Trump. We are in favor of equality, democracy, and justice for all.

Some bizarre events are taking place in Congress. GOP Rep. Tim Burchett accused Kevin McCarthy of elbowing him in the kidneys purposefully. McCarthy denies this saying that it was accidental contact. This shows the tense atmosphere of the GOP in Congress. Burchett was one of the 8 Republicans who voted to oust McCarthy from the House Speaker position. Burchett has criticized Kevin McCarthy a lot. House Speaker Mike Johnson from Louisiana (who is a Republican) said that he wants the Thanksgiving break to allow members to return home and cool off. Gaetz didn't see the event. Yet, anyone can file a complaint to the House Ethics Committee. Burchett said that he doesn't plan on filing a complaint. Gaetz wanted an investigation and accused McCarthy of violating the members' code of conduct. This shows the downward spiral of the legacy of the Republican Party. Over 100 years ago, there were progressive and liberal Republicans who stood up for environmental care, for civil rights, for democracy, and for justice. Today, the Republican leadership is dominated by MAGA extremists who believe in the antithesis of democracy and the opposite of freedom for all.

The Supreme Court has issued its ethics guidelines specific to Justices for the first time in American history. We still have Project 2025 with the Heritage Foundation in promoting about 54,000 loyalists to promote the Trump agenda (if Trump wins the 2024 election). Former Trump adviser Steven Miller (who is a xenophobe) is involved in Project 2025. This plan wants to use camps to gather undocumented immigrants to deport people in the millions per year. Previously, Trump used the Federalist Society to promote far-right nominees for the Supreme Court. Trump has told the world who he is. Trump said the Hitlerian language of desiring to "root out vermin" if he has a 2nd term. This plan is real. That is why we shouldn't take chances and vote for democracy in 2024.

Rashida Tlaib has faced censure over her comments about Israel and Palestinians. When you look at her comments, she has a different opinion than many pro-Israeli people. You can agree or disagree with her comments vigorously, but her comments weren’t meant to be anti-Semitic in my estimation. Congresswoman Tlaib said that she is not anti-Semitic. Criticizing Israeli governmental policy is not part of anti-Semitism. It is anti-Semitic to collectively blame all Jewish people for the civilian deaths in Gaza, and Tlaib didn’t do that. She said that separating people from the government is what she is doing, and the government is not beyond criticism. From the river to the sea is a phrase that has been used by anti-Semites to promote genocide against Jewish people. Personally, I don’t agree with using that phrase because it’s too ambiguous. Yet, Congresswoman Tlaib said that she used the phrase from the river to the sea to call for freedom, human rights, and peaceful coexistence not destruction or hate. She wants justice and dignity for all people, regardless of their faith or ethnicity. So, while people can disagree with her which is part of the freedom of speech. Her dissent isn’t motivated by anti-Semitism but by her support for her Palestinian people in their aspirations for freedom and justice. We all reject Hamas as a terrorist group that butchers men, women, and children Israelis. We want all Israeli hostages freed. Also, we support the human dignity of Palestinians too. We want Israelis and Palestinians to have freedom and justice without Hamas and without the reactionary extremism of the policies of the scandal-ridden Benjamin Netanyahu.

Kevin McCarthy has criticized his GOP critics and said that Rep. Nancy Mace (a Republican from South Carolina) deserves to lose his re-election bid. McCarthy also criticized Matt Gaetz as Gaetz was one of many people who led the charge to get McCarthy out of the House Majority Speaker position. Eight Republicans cost McCarthy his speaker job. McCarthy said that the Republican Party would benefit tremendously if Gaetz is no longer a member of the House, saying there should be “consequences” for his action. Gaetz responded to McCarthy saying he has grief over his loss of position. Rep. Mace responded to McCarthy that she is more popular now than ever in her district. She said that she has an independent voice. The Republican Party is in chaos whose leader (Donald Trump) is an authoritarian racist, sexist, and xenophobic fascist who doesn’t care about democracy at all.  Trump has made it perfectly clear that he will remake the federal government if he is re-elected by jailing dissidents that he calls "vermin."

By Timothy

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