Conclusion (Spring)
During this Spring 2025 era of time, time and history is rapidly happening. Robert Griffin III is wrong to say that sports shows on TV should just be about sports, not politics. That view is not only anti-freedom of speech, but it's historically inaccurate. Shannon Sharpe has the First Amendment right to talk about politics. Also, Muhammad Ali spoke on politics to Cossell all of the time when he was involved in boxing. This comes after ESPN journalist Mina Kimes heroically criticized the Trump administration for eliminating much of the story of Jackie Robinson on a federal website. Kimes is right to say that Jackie Robinson didn't just play baseball. He publicly spoke out against racial discrimination and economic oppression. That history should be celebrated. Griffin lied and said that Robinson breaking the color barrier in baseball was not political. Robinson knew that his action was political to give more black people and people of color the opportunity to play in the MLB. Robinson's act was against Jim Crow apartheid which was by definition political. Jack Johnson being the first black heavyweight champion of the modern era was a political act to refute the myth of white physical superiority. Jesse Owens said that black people have the right to stand up for their rights. Griffin wants people to not push political agendas in sports on national television forgetting that 2 black men raised the first in the 1968 Mexico City Olympics was a legitimate political statement to promote human rights for black people (on national television). Griffin is the same person who called black people a racial slur on national TV, so we know where he comes from.
One of the most important news of the 21st century is about the Epstein tapes. We know that Epstein not only abused innocent people. He also worked with elitists who also abused innocent human beings in a wicked fashion. The tapes were recorded by Michael Wolff. Epstein, on the tapes, claimed that Trump was his closest friends and had intimacies with his friends' wives. Epstein claimed that Trump first slept with Melanie on the "Lolita Express." As Trump's second and final term exists, Trump has grown worse than his first team as President of America. Now, the Trump MAGA cult is larger now than in 2016. This cult believes in many lies. The first lie is that they believe that being woke means forming an authoritarian, politically correct dictatorship to control the thoughts of people. Being woke has nothing to do with that. Being Woke is to acknowledge the fact that humanity is diverse and respecting diversity, equity, and inclusion makes America better. Diverse backgrounds, diverse points of view, immigrants (who help to stabilize the American economy and grow the national GDP), and many opportunities given to people will increase the vitality of America including any nation in the globe. The other lie is we should not expose racism, sexism, and other evil bigotry. The truth is that if we want America to be at its best, we must fight racism, sexism, xenophobia, and all forms of oppression to create a better society. We know about Steve Bannon, Miller, and other extremists who support Trump (who want it to be illegal for prosecutors to oppose the Trump agenda which is fascism). The new mantra among many conservatives is to either demonize black culture and claim that "anti-white sentiments" is worldwide on par with anti-black racism. The truth is that anti-Blackness is global which has mentally harmed many black people. There are Trump loyalists like Byron Donald, Ben Carson, Tim Scott, Candace Owens, and others who make excuses for the reactionary views of Trump when Trump's team wants to eliminate the opportunities of black people and other minorities to achieve greatness in education, politics, business, art, literature, etc.
The far-right has a hatred of democracy because, at their core, they are authoritarians. Many of them use the boogeyman of socialism in trying to brainwash people to agree with their advocacy of austerity, bigotry, tariffs, and economic exploitation. The far right (Florida leader Ron DeSantis wants all AP U.S. American history courses to be banned from Florida state classrooms) calls restrictions of rights "traditional." The immigration and migrant crisis is more complex. For centuries, European and American elites conquered many lands in Oceania, Africa, the Americas, and Asia. These elites used monopolies, terrorism, colonialism, and other destructive actions against the nations. Later, people from these nations migrate to Europe, Asia, the Americas, etc. in a sense of survival. Ironically, these same elites scapegoat them for what they created for a long time. The fundamental truth is that all people of every color have the right to exist in the world. One part of the MAGA cult is religious deception. Sick people like Rep. Lauren Boebert from Colorado in 2023 once prayed that Biden would have a short life in office, and another take his office. This comment is disgusting and anti-Christian.
Musk supports a white racist Trump who made anti-Semitic remarks, praises waterboarding, disgustingly treats women, curses out peaceful protesters, and bashes his political opponents at a Justice Department speech. Ironically, Elon Musk's family has links to Nazi, racist apartheid agendas. Back in the apartheid era of South Africa, black people were jailed unjustly, women were assaulted, and homes were randomly searched at night without probable cause or a warrant for decades. The same modern New Age occult agenda has been inspired by the Rosicurcaians (which mixes Mystery School teachings and Christian terminology) and Freemasons who arrived in America by the late 1600's. We are clear to reject the folly of the anti-God New Age pagan Utopianism and the anti-God far-right racists (we have seen the growth of Neo-Nazi appearance all over America since 2020 alone. Proud Boys recently went to Springfield, Ohio to promote their hate), sexist, and xenophobic MAGA movement too. It is the height of hypocrisy for some so-called believers in God to rightfully oppose the wickedness of Aleister Crowley and the sin of adultery (plus other sins) but try to justify the profanity, the vulgarity, the conviction of Trump of sexually abusing a woman, and the racism shown by Donald Trump.
Trump compares himself to Hannibal Lecter and Capone should make us aware of his megalomaniacal personality. Many Utopians desired America to be a new Atlantis. Sir Francis Bacon wrote the book The New Atlantis to promote Plato's Utopian world order. What is interesting is that Sir Francis Bacon work predicted a future of people having skyscrapers, flying machines, underground facilities, lasers, submarines, holographic projections, and other technologies never seen in the 1600s until the 21st century (in our generation). Manly P. Hall, a 33rd Degree Freemason, wrote the book of The Secret Destiny of America talked about the view of America has been influenced by secret orders for a specific agenda. We must be clear to acknowledge the heroic Americans who want justice and equality for all. Their contributions should never be omitted or forgotten. So, we who are Americans and people from other lands should be inspired to do the right things forever and ever.
By Timothy