Friday, April 07, 2006




By Michael Cook

Well here we go again with the usual suspects attempting to get the assault weapons ban and the ten round magazines back into law. They have reintroduced S.645 in the Senate once more. Makes you wonder what part of NO don’t they understand. The bill was introduced by Mr. Lautenberg, Mr. Corzine, Mr. Schumer, Mrs. Boxer, Mr. Kennedy, Mr. Durbin, Ms. Mikulski, Mr. Sarbanes, Mr. Reed, Mr. Akaka, Mr. Dodd, and Mrs. Clinton. This bill has been read twice and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.

Let’s make sure it dies a timely death there.
They want to reinstate the Public Safety and Recreational Firearms Use Protection Act. This act as they call it has nothing to do with what they are calling it. It is nothing more than a bunch of anti-gun Senators trying to take your rights away. They go on to say that this act may be cited as the ‘Assault Weapons Ban and Law Enforcement Protection Act of 2005.’ The problem is it didn’t help anything the first time around and had no effect on crime or law enforcement safety. However this time they have added a bunch of weapons that were not on the list last time around. They have still put into this law that any of these items which were owned legally before this act will still be legal to have by you and I. If they are attempting to make our streets a safer place why would they allow us to keep the ones we have? Because it has nothing to do with that in the first place, is why.

As for the added weapons we have the same list as before with a few new ones. I see they added the M-1 Carbine, The Ruger Mini-14, Kel Tec Sub rifle, SKS with detachable magazine, High Point rifle, and all the Colt AR-15 look a like’s. They also put in the old ten round only magazine language again and pistol grips fore and aft, along with flash suppressors and barrel shrouds. Once again, this is about looks more than about anything else. It seems that last time this raised the price of these items that were still legal to have almost out of sight. I bet this will have the same effect if they get it passed. I don’t know about you, but it makes me want to go out and buy each of these weapons and put them away so that I can make a bunch of money on them down the road. Better stock up on the high capacity magazines now also. Come see me at the new store and I will help you out.

The real sad thing is that some of the usual suspects like Hillary Clinton want to become President of this great nation of ours. I wonder why they think we would vote for them when they can’t even follow their oath of office to protect the Constitution now. As I recall, this same act was the reason the Democrats lost the majority in the House and Senate in the first place. I guess they never learn, do they? I believe if they want to do something about criminals using firearms to commit criminal acts, then they need to punish them...not you and I. Perhaps they could get a law passed that would say anyone who uses a firearm to commit a crime would automatically get about 30 years added to their sentence. Or if they are really serious about it, make it and automatic death penalty for using a firearm in a crime. Then you might see some criminals avoiding firearms. However most of them don’t believe they will be caught so they will do it anyway, knowing that they will get off in our liberal courts.

Anyway it’s time to be heard on this issue and let the Judicial Committee know how we feel about them wasting our time and money on stupid ideas like this one. Drop them a line or make the phone call before it is too late. God bless America and God bless our troops still in harm,s way.

Michael E. Cook, Coos County Sheriff, Retired. Manager Bay Area Firearms, North Bend

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