Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Carnal Christians


Carnal Christians

by David J. Stewart

Before I begin, let me say that I am a Christian myself. I am not writing this article to be unkind to anyone, but simply to point out to other believers that America is going to hell and we need to do something about it. I'm so sick and tired of do-nothing churches (Christians) who enjoy the freedom that others FOUGHT to secure for us. If we as Christians don't fight against the evils of our day, then who will? So many pastors are AFRAID to raise any commotion in their congregations or rock the boat for fear of losing financial support. I thank God that I do not have to kiss up to anyone to say what needs to be said on this website. I give you the truth! I don't make any money doing this and never plan to. I do what I do for God in an attempt to wake people up and proclaim the truth to all. I ask you to give me your undivided attention for a few moments that I may try to open your eyes to the truth. I ask you to let God speak to your heart as my words speak to your mind.

The truth is that we have churches all across America filled with Christians who are sitting on the premises instead of standing on the promises. Believers who sit on their blessed assurance, but never make a difference for God. I was in a church recently for their Wednesday evening prayer meeting. They had a long list of things to pray about. I noticed that they prayed every week about "The abortion issue" as they called it. Now I'm not against prayer. As a matter of fact, prayer is the most important thing we do as Christians. Prayer is not preparation for the greater work, prayer is the greater work. Jesus never taught His disciples to preach, but He taught them to pray. We must pray, it is not optional to the obedient Christian life. However, I couldn't help but ponder over how ridiculous it was for these Christians to be praying about the "abortion issue" without ever lifting a finger to do something about it themselves. Had they ever gone down to their local abortion clinic to protest the murdering of innocent little children? No! Had they ever contacted their government leaders to protest the murdering of all those poor children? No! Had they done anything to fight abortion? No! Folks, we seem to think that God is supposed to do everything for us. Did America just fall out of the sky into our founding father's hands? No, they fought 'til the death in many cases to secure their freedom (and ours). I mean they picked up deadly weapons and went to war. I think the least we can do is protest (which is our 1st Amendment RIGHT).

What I am saying is that the average Christian is playing church, and little more. Churches are filled with believers who attend services every Sunday, sing in a choir, carry a Bible, put some money in an offering plate, etc.. They call each other "Brother" and know all the religious lingo. Unfortunately, they would never stick their neck out and stand against the evils of our day. America is going to hell folks! It's sickening to realize that the average Christian is doing NOTHING to make a difference for God. We need to get MAD (Make A Difference!). Christians in communities all across America should be protesting against abortion. You can save lives! A real good way to convince a mother not to get an abortion is to use signs with photos of aborted babies. A picture truly is worth a thousand words. Go to

Even Christian Bible colleges across America have become a major disappointment. Too many Bible colleges are simply out to make a buck! They dip their sails, compromise their standards, hire people with degrees from heathen universities to add "prestige" to their academic's disgusting! We need a multitude of new Christian colleges who aren't trying to increase their attendance at the expense of Christian integrity. A "Christian" college becomes more popular as they move towards the left and add secular courses to their curriculum. The first sign of a Bible college going down the tubes is when they start offering secular courses. Gradually the secular courses increase until they outnumber the "Christian" courses. Eventually, you end up with a heathen university like the University of Chicago which was started by a Baptist preacher over a hundred years ago. So sad!

We need a generation of young Christian people who are serious about serving God. You'd be surprised how many young Christian people are more concerned about having a miniature golf course or an ice cream parlor at their Bible college than they care about saving America. I think Christian colleges would be wise to filter out the wrong kind of students by removing the "lures" that so many of them are using today to increase their attendance.

It's sad that once great Bible colleges have become so desperate for money. I won't mention any names in this article (or any other) because I will not fight against my Baptist brethren. However, the issue needs to be addressed. It is sad when a Bible college advertises to the parents of prospective students that their are many "jobs" awaiting graduates. "Jobs?" Is that what everything boils down to? Money? Yes, that is the sad truth today. Everything is about money, money, money. What happens is that growing colleges hire staff members and other various employees. Their budget naturally increases as the school expands. When the going gets tough financially down the road (for whatever reason), the lack of money becomes a major issue. So they start to think of ways to make ends meet. Do we lay people off? Do we admit to our prospective students that we are shrinking? Do we cut our expenses? Or do we aggressively try to convince young people to pick up their cross and follow Christ? Follow Christ?

How many young people want to pick up a cross of self-sacrifice and live for God? Not many compared to the tens-of-millions of worldly young people in this country! So what do Bible colleges do when the money stops coming in like it should? Sadly, in many cases they resort to WORLDLY methods and lures to increase their attendance (money). It may work in the short term, but it undermines the integrity of the institution in the long-term. Money must never be an issue! Money must never be an issue! Money must never be an issue! Money must never be an issue! Money must never be an issue! Money must never be an issue!

Unfortunately, money means everything to most people nowadays. Many of the folks administrating Bible colleges have convinced themselves that they are doing the right thing by using worldly tactics to gain more students. Money should never be an issue when a young person is considering going to Bible college. If you want to make money, then go to a heathen state university and get an accredited degree but don't make money off God. I am sickened that a Bible college would promise "jobs" to prospective students. If you want a real job, then you need an accredited degree. If you want to serve God, then money should not be an issue. Bible colleges should get out of the middle of the road. Either you're going to train young Christian people to serve God, or else you're just going to take people's money and become an employment agency. There is no middle ground. If you compromise your convictions to gain students, then your days are numbered. It's time for Christian leaders to get right with God and repent of their focus on money. If people need to be laid off, then so be it, but a Bible college should not promise financial gain to prospective students to boost their attendance. God is ashamed of you.

Let's get back to serving God (without concern over money). Let's stop sitting on the premises and start standing on the promises! Churches all across America need to hang up signs (each and every day of the year) proclaiming that abortion is murder, homosexuality is sin, God loves people, and a whole bunch more! I would be ashamed to be a pastor in any community and fail to make people mad. Why? Because the truth makes some people mad and a godly Christian will make someone mad sooner or later (probably sooner!). I like making people mad when it comes to the truth. It means that the truth got to them, and to that I say amen! So the next time you bow your head at church in prayer about the "abortion issue," make sure that you have a few giant anti-abortion signs in the back of your car and go stand peacefully across the street from your local planned parenthood (murderhood) clinic in town. Let them know where you stand. You can also do much to reach people for God by distributing Gospel tracts and anti-abortion literature. Go to

God bless you and this great nation! May we bring her back to God!
"America is Absolutely a Satanic Nation"
Carrying Your Cross
Christian Separation
Entertainment Christians
Inoculated Christianity

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