Thursday, April 06, 2006

A Chat.

This is a Yahoo Chat. I'm resurrection there.

You joined Politics Lobby:5Topic: Talk about current political events. [Notification: We are currently recording IP addresses of all Yahoo! Chat users.]
abndnhope: Cosco sells a realy big can of crisco
sylvanwizard: jeff, bush is your man, not mine
You joined Politics Lobby:1Topic: Talk about current political events. [Notification: We are currently recording IP addresses of all Yahoo! Chat users.]
resurrection3654 joined the room.
saturn: lmao he left
glwarm1 joined the room.
Amanda: 1 more minute, someone cool talk to me - not bots - or I'm outa this room.
shannoninsocal: I thinki need some hot chocolate to go with van
resurrection3654: I'm here.
saturn: well woohoo ressurection
saturn: now we can begin the party
illegalsmustgo left the room.
resurrection3654: Well, I think we can finally talk about the truth surrounding 9/11.
saturn: omg reserrection
saturn: lol
resurrection3654: Charlie Sheen is talking about it.
shannoninsocal: lol charlie sheen
saturn: resurrection ok let`s do that
tcbbcttcb: what's he sayin?
shannoninsocal: he said he couldn't get a hooker 9/11
saturn: charlie sheen believes 911 was an inside job
shannoninsocal: he blames bush
resurrection3654: Charlie Sheen wants an real investigation about what really happenned on 9/11.
tcbbcttcb: lol
resurrection3654: Regardless it's still an inside job.
saturn: resurrection so do I
resurrection3654: Whether Al-Qeada did it or the government did it.
shannoninsocal: who the **** is charlie sheen
saturn: b/c it`s not adding up
saturn: it n ever did for me
shannoninsocal: why not sat?
simply_happy_in_life joined the room.
saturn: something tricky about what went on that day shan
boyost: what the **** does sheen know?
joepauma joined the room.
tcbbcttcb: nah, crazy muslims fit the bill
resurrection3654: The story doesn't add up. Regardless of what the Neo Cons (like O'Reilly or Sean Hannity) would say, Al-Qaeda never made NORAD to fail to respond to the 4 aircraft, they never send warnings to Willie Brown or military officals, the never lead the CIA to create a drill of hijacking aircraft into the Twin Towers on the morning of 9/11, al-Qaeda never created war games by the Air Force and National Reconnaissance Office on 9/11 (this prevented NORAD and others to follow Standard Operation procedures to intercept the aircraft going to the areas of NYC, PA, and VA. This was explained by Alex Jones, Paul Joseph Watson, & even Oil, al-Qaeda never forced victims of 9/11 plus newspeople who said that they heard explosives in the Twin Towers and the basement of it, and al-Qaeda didn't use a plane to attack Building Seven (the owner of this Tower was Larry Silverstein).
boyost: res you are on iggy you damn fool
shannoninsocal: lol a bunch of fanatics getting in a plane so they can get a bunch of virgins?
supercooper: i hear charlie sheen finances bin laden.............
diem_lethu joined the room.
saturn: shannon 9 of the supposed hijhackers
boyost: i hear sheeen is queer
resurrection3654: I didn't know that questioning things were follish.
saturn: have been found alive and well
tcbbcttcb: maybe we can become crazy over it too?
saturn: living ands working in the uae
resurrection3654: Shocking.
shannoninsocal: havent heard that one
tcbbcttcb: then we'd be the terrorists
boyost: res yr an idiot plain and simple
saturn: it`s true shan
resurrection3654: Prove it.
resurrection3654: Prove that I'm an idoit.
shannoninsocal: mistaken identity
scrubbos2 joined the room.
shannoninsocal: im sure
resurrection3654: Al Qeada can't do all of the events which occured on 9/11.
joepauma left the room.
shannoninsocal: theres a gazillion ahmeds and muhamed
boyost: idoit?
boyost: lol
resurrection3654: Bush signed W199I restricting FBI agents from investigating those suspected of terrorism.
atm212k9 joined the room.
boyost: res buh bye
tcbbcttcb: people have money and educations, they can do a lot really
resurrection3654: That's treasonous.

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