Thursday, April 13, 2006

The False Idea of "Thou Shalt Steal" refuted.

is the link.



Special Report: Pastor Jim Wallis: Liberalism’s ‘Religious’ StrategistMarch 30, 2006


Pastor Jim Wallis, founder of the leftist Sojourners organization is a darling of secularist liberals who attempted to use him in the 2004 elections to seduce evangelical Christians into voting for presidential candidate John Kerry. Wallis is also a darling of the liberal media. He is often quoted in articles critical of conservative Christians or of President Bush’s faith.

“Mr. Wallis and the Religious Left are trying to train liberals to speak like religious Americans.” — TVC Chairman Rev. Louis P. SheldonFor example, in October 2004, Wallis published a commentary in his magazine, Sojourners, claiming that the “The Religious Right Era Is Over.” In his March 2006 Sojourners email newsletter, he penned the essay: “The Religious Right Is Losing Control.” In this attack on religious conservatives, Wallis made the questionable claim that his religious right enemies have lost the battle over the environment. He praised the efforts of the Evangelical Environmental Network and expressed support for its “Evangelical Climate Initiative.” TVC opposes the EEN and has published a lengthy report on where this group receives its funding—and what the real objectives may be: to disrupt America’s economy through a series of environmental treaties:

“Environmental Group Funded By Pro-Abort, Pro-Homosexual Foundation.”In his commentary, Wallis observed: “The best news of all for the American church and society is this: The monologue of the Religious Right is over, and a new dialogue has just begun.” Wallis, of course, is incorrect as he has been in his support for Communist regimes during the past 30 years. Why Do Liberals Love Wallis So Much? The question conservative Christians should ask is why is a pastor so popular among secularist liberals who routinely vilify Christians for their involvement in political issues. The answer is to be found in Jim Wallis’ consistently radical—and even Marxist—worldview. has published a lengthy expose on Jim Wallis’ far-left background, including his anti-capitalist views and his support of Communist or terrorist regimes throughout the history of Sojourners. While Wallis was in seminary, he founded an anti-capitalist magazine called Post-American.

In it, Wallis called for the redistribution of wealth and government-managed economies. This anti-capitalist worldview is expressed in religious terms as a quest for “social justice.” In 1971, Wallis moved his Post-American operation to Washington, DC and renamed it Sojourners. Throughout the history of Sojourners, Wallis has taken a consistently left-wing and anti-American stance. He was an anti-war activist against the Vietnam War. After the fall of Vietnam to the North Vietnamese Communist tyrants, Wallis actually criticized the refugees fleeing from that nation. He claimed they were leaving Vietnam “to support their consumer habit in other lands.” In short, they were leaving Vietnam because they had become greedy capitalists who didn’t wish to live under a socialist dictatorship. Wallis support the Sandinista Communists when they sought to take over Nicaragua in the 1980s.

He also whitewashed the cruelty of this revolutionary movement in Latin America. Wallis also supported liberation theology and sided with the Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador, the public relations arm of an El Salvadoran terrorist group known as the FMLN. Since the slaughter of millions under Communist rule in Vietnam and Cambodia, Wallis has recanted some of his more obvious pro-Communist viewpoints, but he claims that both Communist and Capitalist systems are equally to blame for world poverty: “Our systems have failed the poor and they have failed the earth. They have failed the creation,” said Wallis. In 1983, Joan Harris with Accuracy in Media, published a lengthy book on the far-left policies of Sojourners and Jim Wallis. In The Sojourners File, Harris took 53 political positions of Sojourners on such issues as the right of Israel to exist, human rights, terrorism, socialism, capitalism, etc., and compared those positions to the official positions of the Soviet Union. In all 53 position statements, Sojourners’ views were in line with the positions of the Soviet Union. Harris observed:

“Sojourners never criticizes a Marxist state. … The United States and the West are the only violators of human rights to Sojourners because they are the capitalists. Marxists, by Sojourners definition, cannot violate human rights.” This is an amazing discovery. Yet, it is not so surprising given Jim Wallis’ consistent support for socialism and against capitalism or the American way of life throughout his writings. In fact, in 1979, the journal Mission Tracks published an interview with Wallis. He told the reporter it was his hope that “more Christians will come to view the world through Marxist eyes.”

Liberals Strategize With WallisIn January 2005, Democrat Senators met in a closed session with Wallis to figure out how they could use religious language to pull evangelical voters away from the Republican Party to vote Democratic. In addition, 15 Democrat House members made Wallis their guest of honor at a breakfast. His topic was how to turn religious voters in to Democrats. Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-NM) admitted that Wallis was working closely with the leadership to lure religious voters to the Democrat Party. In 2005, Wallis was appearing on TV and radio talk shows all over the U.S. and was being interviewed by the mainstream print media as well. The New York Times reported that Democrats in the House has picked Rep. James Clyburn (D-SC) to establish a “faith working group” that would “encourage lawmakers to sprinkle references to God and religion into their speeches.”

Jim Wallis was their pick to help them devise clever ways to fool Americans into believing secular liberals had found “religion.” TVC’s Chairman Rev. Louis P. Sheldon debated Wallis on “ABC World News Tonight” in February 2005. During the interview, Rev. Sheldon made the following observations about Wallis and the Democrats: Mr. Wallis and the Religious Left are trying to train liberals to speak like religious Americans. No matter how well you train a wolf to say “BAAAAA,” it doesn’t change an important fact—he is still a wolf.

Liberals are the sworn enemies of religious Americans. Evangelical Christians do not believe God is on our side but we listen for His voice to make sure that we are on His side. Liberals don’t care whose side we are on. They want to keep religious people on the outside. Wallis will undoubtedly be trotted out by liberals and the mainstream media during upcoming elections.To learn more about the efforts of liberals to use “religious” language to lure voters to the Democratic Party, access TVC’s web site: Learn more about Jim Wallis’ radical background by reading FrontPageMagazine’s feature on Jim Wallis at:

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