Monday, April 17, 2006

James Northstar's info.



The Illuminati, those behind the scenes of mass media and politics, love to send out signals, some hidden, some obvious, about what major world event they have planned next. In their arrogance they like to "telegraph their punches" by releasing TV shows and movies which appear before an event actually occurs. Along these lines, it is disturbing that Hollywood plans so many TV shows and documentaries in 2006 whose themes are "America's destruction". Obviously, in order for you to understand the gravity of this, you have to understand the nature of an Illuminati that loves to covertly let others within their organizations, and even let the citizens of the world, or a specific country, know exactly what is about to happen to them in their quest for a global New World Order. In many instances, a movie or TV show will air, depicting very closely what is planned and what later does happen. In other instances, official proclamations from key individuals or government agencies proclaim what later does really happen. Let's review some of the key events in history where such "telegraphing of punches" have occurred:

In 1962 a movie called the Manchurian Candidate was made. The plot centers around a man who is programmed under hypnosis to assassinate the president of the United States. The man was not aware that he had been programmed. It showed how governments brainwash people into committing murder for them. In this case it was upon hearing a certain trigger word, and the target of the brainwashed assassin in the movie was the American president. It was so eerily prophetic to JFK's assassination, which followed shortly after the release of the movie, that soon after it's 1963 opening it was taken out of circulation and wasn't released again until 1988, by which time the facts about the governments involvement in JFK's assassination were forgotton or covered up. While the movie was advertised as fiction, it bore a close resemblance to the most secret CIA projects involving mind control.

These projects force people to undergo hideous and obscene mental and physical tortures in their quest to create Manchurian Candidates. These projects are supported by such NWO organizations as The Rockefeller Foundation. Another eerie thing about the movie is that the person who directed it, John Frankenheimer, was a media consultant to JFK during his campaign. He was also a friend of Robert Kennedy. RFK slept the last night of his life, June 4, 1968, at Frankenheimer's house just north of Los Angeles. It was Frankenheimer who drove Kennedy to the Ambassador Hotel. And there, just like in the Manchurian Candidate, a real life brainwashed assassin was waiting, mind controlled to shoot.

A fascinating TV program aired on Fox on March 4, 2001, called "The Lone Gunmen". It foretold the 9-11 attacks on the World Trade Center, with some interesting and revealing twists. In the story, a faction within the government organized a remote control takeover of a commercial airliner, which it then aimed into the World Trade Center. The motive was to start a war to stimulate business for the weapons industry, which had been suffering since the end of the Cold War. The plot was discovered by a government employee who was not part of the faction, a good guy, a law abiding citizen who worked for the government, but really believed in what was right. In this version of reality, the hero's manage to thwart the disaster.

They hack the Defense Department computers and manage to restore the pilots ability to manually override the remote control just moments before the plane would have crashed into the WTC south tower. The climactic scene shows the plane heading into the tower at night from the south, and when the manual override is restored, the pilots lift the plane, just barely missing the Trade Center. On September 10, 2001 the Federal Emergency Management Agency ranked the most likely and deadly disasters that could befall the United States. The top three were a terrorist attack on New York, an earthquake in San Francisco and a hurricane in New Orleans. The list was announced at a conference on September 10, 2001, and the next day NUMBER ONE on the list happened, just as they predicted.

Hurricane Katrina Seemed To Follow The Script of 'Oil Storm' An FX Movie Shown on June 5, 2005. It begins with a tropical storm that rips through the gulf coast and destroys not only the homes and businesses of New Orleans, but also the drilling rigs just off of the coast, the refineries, and the pipelines that oil tankers dock with to pump millions of barrels of oil. This destruction causes oil prices to immediately jump to $70 a barrel, then other problems occur, and eventually oil reaches $130 a barrel. This wreaks havoc on the stock market. Long lines of panic stricken people vie for gasoline as the trucking industry begins to shut down with gas prices rising above $7 per gallon. Store shelves empty as costs of transporting products and food are too high. Winter sets in and heating homes is far too expensive for many.

Elderly and homeless deaths rise. Farmers lose subsidies to the cost of the military while nationwide frustration turns to riots and chaos. The Movie Depicts Martial Law, FEMA, Homeland Security, and The Pentagon dealing with This Nationwide Disaster. Little more than two months later Hurricane Katrina seemed to follow the script almost to the letter. 'Oil Storm' was more than eerily similar to Katrina, from the damage to New Orleans, the refineries and oil rigs, to the prices skyrocketing due to shortages.

With Katrina, disasters #1 and #3 from the FEMA list have already occurred. Therefore, one has to wonder if an unprecedented earthquake on the West Coast, either in Los Angeles or San Francisco, might be next on the "hit list" of the Illuminati. Remember, Scalar Wave Technology can produce both hurricanes and earthquakes on whatever magnitude is desired, and precisely at the location desired. New Age author, Bill Cooper, noted that an unprecedented earthquake was planned for Los Angeles, and the movie "10.5" depicted just this scenario. So, following this pattern, will the massive coming quake occur in Los Angeles or San Francisco, or both, since both cities lie on the same end of the same geological quake faults?

THE CBS MINI SERIES: CATEGORY 7: THE END OF THE WORLD" was a four hour mini series starring Randy Quaid and Gina Gershon that began where 'Category 6: Day of Destruction' ended, as the ultimate superstorm continues to build in size, ravaging the rest of the world and culminating over Washington, D.C. Randy Quaid also starred in the superstorm movie, "The Day After Tomorrow". In "The Day After Tomorrow", this concept is followed precisely, as a mighty, unprecedented superstorm kills most of North America and Northern Europe. Therefore, since we are seeing a tremendous ratcheting upward in power in Hurricanes Katrina, Rita and Wilma, are we seeing this portion of the Globalists script being acted out in reality? Even people who do not understand weather control are talking about how improbable it is that we have just experienced so many "500 year storms". Now you can see how the Illuminati loves to "telegraph its punches". The global leadership cares not that the public may know what is coming, because they believe that no one has the power to prevent the event from occurring! Whenever this global Elite can demonstrate their power, they will do so.

The TV networks are filled with shows about THE END OF AMERICA. ABC alone has at least two shows set in post apocalyptic America ('Resistance' and 'Red & Blue'). Gavin Polone and Bruce Wagner are teaming for the comfy sounding plague drama 'Four Horsemen' at CBS (which also is developing 'Jericho', about life in a small town after America is destroyed). Since disaster sells lots of product and lots of TV air space, you can understand that profit is one dimension behind their 2006 plans. Most of the time a disaster film airs, it is popular, so these shows should be an automatic "slam dunk" success. Notice that the title of the CBS show carries the flavor of an End of the Age plot, assuming that Hollywood realizes that the title, "Four Horsemen", comes from Revelation Chapter 6. Lately, Hollywood has come to the realization that any plot smacking of End of the Age prophecies sells extremely well. Therefore, even such secular, semi religious organizations like World Net Daily,, and Borders Books have started carrying materials on prophecy.

I find it very interesting that The Discovery Channel made a frightening disaster scenario documentary warning of a huge Tidal Wave (Tsunami). They aired "AMERICA'S TSUNAMI: ARE WE NEXT?" in December 2005. It revealed new geological evidence that seafloor uplift from the 9.2 magnitude Great Sumatra earthquake, not a giant underwater landslide as previously thought, caused the devastating December 26, 2004, Asian tsunami. The groundbreaking documentary released new scientific findings which enabled scientists to use data to improve computer generated tsunami wave models and better predict the next tsunami wave. Specifically, scientists pointed to the northwest region of the United States (northern California and coastal areas of Oregon and Washington) as being most at risk for a tsunami event because its fault lines are a mirror image of those in the Indian Ocean subduction zone.

Scientists estimate that tsunami events happen every 200 to 400 years on the West Coast, the last occurred on January 26, 1700, and with a fault line located just 50 miles off the coast along the Cascadia Subduction Zone, this region is thought to be the next target, with potential waves as high as 90 feet. Certainly, a huge tidal wave would cause many deaths and instant destruction to most structures standing in its way. If a tidal wave is of continental proportions, it can truly cause tens of millions of deaths in seconds with very little time for a warning. The devastation caused by such a continental Tidal Wave would dwarf almost every other kind of natural disaster and would easily and quickly devastate the land it inundates, Turning the areas covered by the ocean waters immediately into an uninhabitable wasteland. Further, society would be so devastated that the government would find it easy to move the terrified survivors into any area they desire and for whatever reason they put forth.

Is a tsunami planned for the Pacific Northwest? An earthquake planned for California? Or a gigantic Scalar Wave storm planned for North America? Truly, the Bible is correct when it foretold: "And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; Men's hearts failing them for fear, and looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken." (Luke 21:25-26) Now that you know that the Illuminati does indeed control the weather, and is using weather related events against mankind, you have to stop and wonder whether the United States is due for such disaster as these movies seem to indicate. Do these disaster movies coming out in 2006 imply that the America we know will perish in 2006? While that conclusion is not a certainty, you have to wonder why Hollywood got the idea all at once and all together to put out movies and documentaries in which America is destroyed, either by natural forces, or by civil war or by foreign war.

Where there is smoke, there is fire. Truly, these events do foreshadow the onset of the End of the Age. Are you spiritually ready? Is your family? Are you adequately protecting your loved ones? First you must understand the nature of those in positions of power, how they control the media, Hollywood, politics, and the events of our times. Then see the peril facing you, and develop strategies to protect yourself and your loved ones. Once you have seen all of this, you can also use your knowledge as a means to warn others, and open the door of discussion with an unsaved person. These perilous times are also a time when we can reach many souls for Jesus Christ, making an eternal difference. If you have accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, but have been very lukewarm in your spiritual walk with Him, you need to immediately ask God for forgiveness and for renewal. God will instantly forgive you, and fill your heart with the joy of the Holy Spirit. Then, you need to begin a daily walk of meditation, prayer and personal Bible Study. If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as Savior, but have come to realize His reality and the approaching End of the Age, and want to accept His FREE Gift of Eternal Life, you can also do so now, in the privacy of your home. Once you accept Him as Savior, you are spiritually Born Again, and are as assured of Heaven as if you were already there. Then, you can rest assured that the Kingdom of Antichrist will not touch you spiritually.




If you wonder why we are being overrun with illegal immigrants, why America is hated by Muslim fundamentalists, why we are losing wars with much smaller and weaker adversaries, look no further. It's all because of the feminization of the men of America that has been promoted by the NWO for decades now. The gender the politicians, Hollywood, and the media use as the ideal person has changed from someone who is a strong moral male to a weak and submissive female personality. They portray strong men as ignorant brutish bullies, while the 'educated' and 'enlightened' male is shown as someone who is sensitive and nurturing, even openly homosexual.

This is part of their agenda in the takeover of America. A 'mature' adult nowadays is seen as someone who is comfortable talking about their inner conflicts, someone who values personal relationships above goals and morality, someone who isn't afraid to cry. In other words: a mature adult is seen as a woman. This feminization process manifests itself in myriad ways. Consider child discipline. Seventy years ago, doctors agreed that the best way to discipline your child was to punish the little criminal. ("Spare the rod, spoil the child.") Today, spanking is considered child abuse. You're supposed to talk with your kid. Spanking sends all the wrong messages, we are told, and these attitudes have brought about stupendously horrible consequences. The soaring drug use, crime , and welfare dependency are the result.
This process of femininization manifests itself, though somewhat differently, when you turn on the TV or watch a movie. Throughout the mid-twentieth century, leading men were, as a rule, infallible: think of John Wayne or Ward Cleaver. But no longer.

In family comedy, the father figure has metamorphosed from the all-knowing, all-wise Ward Cleaver of Leave it to Beaver to the consistent stupidity of Homer Simpson. Commercially successful movies now often feature women who are physically aggressive, who dominate or at least upstage the men. In today's cinema, most of the leading women are strong, and most of the leading men are pretty boys.

A transformation of comparable magnitude seems to be under way in the political arena. The feminine way of seeing the world and its problems has becoming the mainstream way. Keeping women voters happy seems to be a high priority for politicians these days, and for good reason, America is now a thoroughly feminized country. In 1992, Bill Clinton won the presidency. Clinton was a communist leaning weak female centered man, and an acknowledged draft evader. George W. Bush has caved in on virtually anything a true conservative cares about to appease the left, and was alleged to have used family influence to obtain a position in the Texas National Guard, in order to avoid service in Vietnam.

Being a feminine man and a draft dodger isn't as bad as it used to be in this new America. To find a masculine president, one has to go back to Ronald Reagan. There was a time that, no matter how flawed the individual was, the vast majority of U.S. presidents, Republican and Democrat, exuded masculinity and manliness. Those days are over. There have been fundamental changes in American culture over the past fifty years, changes that indicate a shift from a male-dominated culture to a feminine and androgynous society. The question is, what's causing this shift?

God's prophet warned that one of the marks of a nation under divine judgment is when "women rule over them." (Isa. 3:12) Today, women must be appeased and catered to. They are the heads of businesses, the heads of churches, and the heads of their homes. In politics, the women's vote is usually the one that turns the election. Women serve on military ships and in military operations. They dictate their children's upbringing (which explains why most of them grow up undisciplined and spoiled, by the way) and have the final word on virtually all family decisions. Such a phenomenon is the sign of a nation in trouble. Men have abandoned their responsibilities of leadership, and our nation is going down the tubes because of it. In the black community, the vast majority of children are being raised without a father. The white community is not far behind. Furthermore, in those homes where fathers do exist, they are largely detached and provide no real influence. Mom is in charge, and everybody in the household knows it. It was not always this way, however.

There was a time in this nation when rugged men taught their sons the qualities of manhood. Boys grew up learning how to box, how to wrestle, how to play football, etc. Today, America's boys only know how to play girls' games. They have never had their noses bloodied or their butts bruised. "Soccer Moms" have replaced disciplinarian dads. Then again, there was a time when a man's primary interest was not in guzzling a pack of Budweiser and sitting all evening in front of the "boob tube" while ignoring virtually everyone in the house. There was a time when men took their families to church and taught their children the fundamental values of honesty and integrity. Believe it or not, there was a time in America when men took pride in being the spiritual heads of their homes.

They actually knew how to balance a checkbook and how to read the Good Book. They were the kind of men that women loved and children respected.
However, the feminization of America is so complete, so thorough, that I am not certain if old-fashioned, masculine men are even desirable anymore. You would not know it by looking at our politicians, or our preachers, that is for sure. George W. Bush, and everyone else, will continue to appease the feminized majority that comprises this new America. And there is quite a good chance that the next president will be a woman. Add to that a communist, and rumoured lesbian, namely Hillary Clinton. And then the feminization, and destruction of America will become nearly complete.


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