Tuesday, April 04, 2006

A supporter of Mike Ruppert & Peak Oil answered.


The Supporter named Insurgent: In response to Timothy's remarks:

Hello, I don't know if you have been following the comments on my blog or not, but here's the latest comment.


Mike Ruppert does not_support_ depopulation, he merely points out the reality of that fact. If I tell you that someone set your house on fire and that it will burn down, does that incriminate me as being in favor of arson? Of course not. Likewise it is a mistake to link Ruppert in with the global elite who push the agenda of depopulation, when he is merely sounding the alarm.

Response: Mike Ruppert did once support voluntary population control as a solution to his delusion of an "overpopulation crisis." That's fact. He said that: "...This would, scientifically speaking, include immediate steps to arrive at a crash program – agreed to by all nations and in accordance with the highest spiritual and ethical principles – to stop global population growth and to arrive at the best possible and most ethical program of population reduction ..." There is no need for population reduction, because the world is not overcrowded neither is the population of the world growing rapidly. Population is part of reproductive choice and freedom up to families not by governments telling people how many children they ought to concieve. Later, he retracted and didn't agree with that. What alarm do you see? I see a false alarm. We both agree that the elite and eugenicists support the agenda of depopulation. Some environmental radicals also believe in the overpopulation lie, but they are also devaluing human life. It's a pro-death propaganda similar to the murder of abortion.

The supporter: It's a very basic concept, actually. Look at the world population before the usage of oil, and look at it now. Subtract oil from that equation and look at the results.Oil, natural gas and electricity have made a cheap and easy life available, which is why populations have skyrocketed. Deny the fact of Peak Oil or not, it is happening, and populations are going to decline. It's as simple as that.


Response: It's a basic concept. I know the growth of population, so this is nothingn new. Here's the truth. Paul Ehrich and others stated that human beings actually occupy no more than 1 to 3 percent of the land surface. At 2003, there were 6,301,999,470 people worldwide and counting. If you give 6 billion people on the planet with almost 1,500 square feet each, it could easy fit into the state of Texas with over 1.3 billion square feet left over. The population growth did increase in the 1800's because of the industrial revolution. On the other hand, since the 1960's, total population growth have decreased from 1960-2000. From 1960-1970, the world population growth was 22.0%. Then from 1970-1980, it was 20.2%. Then from 1980-1990, the population growth of the world was 18.4%. Now the total world population growth from 1990-2000 is only 15.2%. Conservation International's own study revealed that 46% of the earth's surface was an untouched wilderness, that is land areas not including sea. Even the U.N. believe that by 2050, world population will stabilize and decrease. Population today hasn't skyrocketed. There is an underpopulation of people in Sweden. Many Third World nations and Japan (its birth rate per 1,000 people have falling from an average of 19 in the early 1970's to as low as 8.8 in 2004), Europe, Russia, and other locations have decreased their populations as well. The people who support the overpopulation lie are once again the elites like the Rockefellers, the Ford Foundation, Prince Phillip, Ted Turner, the Club of Rome, etc.
Like you, I don't agree with unfair or waste use of energy whether oil, natural gas, or electricity. On the otherhand, I think the government has some responsible in our energy problems by creating false scarity and withholding real alternative energy that can help people's lust for fossil feuls.

The supporter: Our own survival will be based on whether we accept that reality and prepare for it, or merely live day-to-day as we do now. What Ruppert is trying to do is give information to those who are willing to listen. Convincing those who are not is another story. They will be the first ones to die in a FEMA camp or of starvation or a violent end in the chaos which is impending.


Response: Our own survival depends on whether we can peaceful co-existence without embracing myths of overpopulation. I've shown evidence to refute the overpopulation myth before. Now, I disagree with Peak Oil. There have also been reports that Russia has vastly increased its reserves even beyond those of Saudi Arabia. Many people trying to create new oil referinies are prevented from doing so and new discoveries have been found of oil. Like I said the elite and Big Oil funds not only the Peak Oil agenda (I know that you aren't a shill or funded by the elite), but the depopulation agenda as well. Many extremists (not you) are using these tactics as an excuse to steal private property and try to decrease world populations (a blessing from God). Recently, a crazy professor, Dr. Eric R. Pianka, called for a 90% reduction of world population.. This agenda is a threat and we must fight against it. Of course, we need to be wise (so we won't be the first people to come into a FEMA camp) and organize our resources, but not embrace the falsehood of overpopulation. All humans have a right to live and a right to achieve their own destiny without depopulation and eugenics.

One of the few things that we both agree is that the offical story of 9.11 is a total fable. We know that the U.S. government funded Muslim radicals. Building Seven fell in less than 7 seconds in a symmeterical fashion and no plane hit it. An Pakistani ISI General Mahmud Ahmad funded Atta $100,000 and ate breakfast with members of Congress during the morning of 9/11. Firefighters and other witnesses heard explosives not only inside of the Twin Towers, but inside of the basement. The Pakistani based Ummat newspaper have Osama bin Laden denying any involvement in 9/11. American troops were near Afghanistan before 9/11 and Bush wasn't immediately sent out of the elementary school when he learned of the 2nd plane hitting the Twin Towers. The Project for a New Amercian Century called for a new "Pearl Harbor event" to get their agenda rolling to invade nations, consolodate wealth, gain oil supplies, etc.

By TruthSeeker24 (Timothy)


Dedicated to the Unborn Murdered by Abortion, to those yet to be born, the Victims of 9/11 and Every Member of the 911 Truth Movement.

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