Monday, January 05, 2009

Historical Connections

The EU's policies are still secretive among the mainstream media. The independent folks on the Internet are some of the few people exposing the corrupt nature of the European Union. The EU is growing in its power year by year. These issues are relevant, because the EU is one of component that is ushering in the new world order. The new world order is about globalization and the centralization of power into the hands of a few internationalists (that are based in Europe among the Vatican, London, and other centers of the European continent). Alan Franklin was a British journalist. He spoke on the EU and the weird happenings in Europe. These occurences include on how the metric system is being forced unto people, cameras everywhere are acting as Big Brother tools especially in the UK, and nations giving up their national symbols in exchange for an EU icon. The Council of Europe (which was founded in 1949) is working with the EU. The Council of Europe is about claiming to be for human rights, but they want to submerge national sovereignity into one national structure (also they support Evolution). The Council ironically praised Pope Benedict XVI and Pope John Paul II since they agree with evolution (or that God caused evolution to occur). The Papacy is again contrary to the Bible and various scientific laws like biogensis and the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics. The Jesuit priest Pierre Theilhard de Chardin was the modern originator of merging Evolution with religious/New Age thinking in the 20th century. de Chardin influenced many New Agers even today in the 21st century. Some believe that the EU is a replacement for America because of America's dollar devaluing (including other problems). The threats of the North American Union possibly coming and the EU are real signs that a world government could occur in our lifetime.

Freedom is under threat all of the time in the 21st century. Henry Lamb have written about this issue. Bill Clinton officially was President by 1993. Few understood what the term "sustainable development" meant back then. According to Lamb, when Barack Obama assume the Presidency in January 20, sustainable development will guide the formulation of public policy in city councils, county commissions, state legislatures, the U.S. Congress, and the U.N. General Assembly. Sustainable development deals with the reorganization of society around a body of principles and recommendations that set forth in the Agenda 21 document. Agenda 21 was supported by 179 nations in 1992 at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development in Rio de Janeiro. In other words, sustainable development makes NGOs and the U.N. to dictate to governments about how they will handle its development (for the sake of environmental protection along with economic plus social equity). Free markets and private property rights are restricted in a sustainable society that is managed by the government. The federal government even tried to bribe states with incentives to handle the principles of Agenda 21. Freedom lovers fought back against Agenda 21 with the existence of Freedom21 that wanted to advance the principles of freedom in the 21st century. Neighbors were educated about the threat of the U.N. promoting Agenda 21 plus global governance. Alabama's Alliance for Citizens Rights conducted regular seminars throughout the state, educating both elected officials and private citizens about the source plus consequences of sustainable development. The Alabama group also exposed the "smart growth" policies. Chairman Ken Freeman and Vice Chairman Don Casey led the group to resist policies that violate private property rights. Hundreds of other groups have worked with the freedom movement to fight against Agenda 21. Some of these people have been successful to block the government's plans to manage local markets. Therefore, organizations along with other people still exist that believe in the fundamental principles of individual liberty, freedom, and national sovereignity. The truth will exist forever. You can never destroy the truth at all.

Roseanne Barr is a notorious far left person who is intolerant against those that disagree with her. She uses ad hominem attacks like the liar that she did. She recently spewed other venom. Roseanne was on many shows that exploitated lying, wickedness, and demonizing conservative religious people for years. She claims to follow God, but once praticipated in occult pracitices like following the Kabbala, etc. She even bashed African Americans who voting for Proposition 8 when just because you agree with a traditional form of marriage doesn't mean you're bigoted against people at all. Whether you disagree with the decision or not, the ballot initiatative was in accordance with the state Constitution of California. She is just a far left hypocrite. She claims to be so tolerant, but she is very intolerant toward those that disagree with her. Now, Barr says that Israel is a Nazi state. He said that Jewish people have learned form their German mentors in attacking civilians in Gaza. She also demonizes American Christians as well. She says that all pro-life people, Evangelicals, etc. would agree with Palestinians getting their bodies blown up. She is a total liar. Many Pro-lifers, etc. exist in many perspectives on the Middle Eastern issue and most real Bible Believers oppose against injustice committed against the Jewish people and the Palestinian people in the Middle East. Barr ironically is a Kabbalist. She blames the problems in the Midde East on the Zionists, but Zionism isn't monolithic. There are different types of it. Some Zionists don't want the Arabic people to suffer oppression. The Likudnites and the Labor Zionist crowd are responsible for a lot of evil in the Middle East just like many Arabic leaders are as well. She calls for the UN to divide Jerusalem when the United Nations oppressed people for decades. The United Nations promotes population control, abortion, and they were founded by the military industrial complex. The reality is that many of the attacks in Gaza killing civilians and restricting water, etc. are wrong. Israel is wrong for bombing a Gaza University, bombing a mosque, restricting water plus electricity, etc. A sane man would realize that. Yet, I'm not going to collectively blame all Jewish people or all Israelis for this. Israel isn't morally equivalent to the Nazis since the Nazis invaded continents, created concentration camps over many countries, murdered millions of people, and organized preemptive wars in numerous nations. This doesn't mean Israel is perfect, but the Nazis and the Soviets in times past are hugely more wicked than Israel is today. I will blame the wicked leadership in Israel for this (including the wicked leaders of Hamas for being involved in terrorism as well. Even if Hamas was invented by the British-funded, Masonic Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas is still wrong for engaging in terrorism also). I don't believe a Kabbalist like Barr should lecture anyone about Middle Eastern issues at all. Roseanne Barr is a person who uses stereotypes instead of true context in outlining her views.

Steven Ertelt from on January 2, 2009 wrote that the United Methodist Church withdraws from a letter that urges Barack Obama to back abortion. This letter was signed by several religious groups and was sent to Barack Obama. This letter in a sick way wanted him to promote abortion as President. I don't know how these religious people support child murder, but they violating many commandments of God. UMC officially at first signed on to the letter. Yet, later they withdrew recently because they realize the extent of what the letter promoted. The letter even asked Obama to force taxpayers against their will to fund abortions and urged him to sign a bill (called FOCA) that will overturn pro life laws nationwide. The letter is signed by the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice and several Jewish and mainline Protestant bodies. That includes the United Methodist General Board of Church and Society. Mark Tooley (who is the director of the pro-life group UM Action) blasted the decision to sign on to the letter) Even the liberal Episcopal Church didn't sign on to the letter, but the very liberal United Church of Christ did (who believe in the lie that if you aren't baptized you're going to Hell ironically). "How horrifying that one of our United Methodist agencies officially urged unrestricted abortion on demand, even overturning very minor restrictions such as parental notification laws," Tooley added. The United Methodist group soon opposed FOCA and opposed the letter. Tooley said UMC officials defend the grisly partial-birth abortion procedure ten years ago until the General Conference voted it down. Some want the UMC to adopt a truly pro life position and withdraw from the RCRC. Seriously, even churches have to be reminded how anti-God abortion is indeed. Abortion is murder.

Michael Asher from Daily Tech on Friday on January 2, 2008 reported on more news that refutes the man-made global warming lie. Research finds that there was a rapid rebound in recent months that lead to global sea ice level to now equal to those seen 29 years ago, when the year 1979 also drew to a close. Ice levels had been tracking lower throughout much of 2008. Yet, they rapidly recovered in the last quarter. In fact, the rate of increase from September onward is the fastest rate of change on record, either upwards or downwards. This data was discovered by the University of Illinois' Arctic Climate Research Center, and is derived from satellite observations of the Northern and Southern hemisphere polar regions. Each year, millions of square kilometers of sea ice melt and refreeze. The mean ice anomaly (this is about the seasonally adjusted difference between the current value and the average from 1979 to 2000) varies slowly. That anomaly now stands at just under zero, (which is a value identical to one recorded at the end of 1979), which was the year satellite record-keeping began. This is similar to the false predictions (made by the mainstream media and others) in 2008 that the North Police could melt entirely. Instead, the Arctic saw a substantial recovery. Bill Chapman, a researcher with the UIUC's Arctic Center, tells DailyTech this was due in part to colder temperatures in the region. Chapman saw weak mind patterns in the region that can cause more ice to grow. According to the National Snow and Ice Center, the ice grew since the thinner ice had less snow to cover from the cold air, so it grew much faster than expected. The polar bear numbers are rising. This refutes the eco-extremists' falsehoods about climate change indeed.

There are Yellowstone Earthquake fears. There were many earthquakes rattling the Yellowstone National Park on Friday. This has raised fears over the recent geological activity in the area. Since December 26, according to AOL News, there were about 400 temors that have rumbled under the park. These actions have centered under the northern end of Yellowstone Lake. The small quakes on Friday were registered up to a magnitude of 3.5. Small earthquakes are very frequent in Yellowstone. It's unusual though for so many earthquakes to happen over several days according to Robert Smith (who is a professor of geophysics at the University of Utah). “They’re certainly not normal,” Smith said. “We haven’t had earthquakes in this energy or extent in many years.” Smith doesn't know what is exaclty causing the tremos. He pointed out that for thousands of years, Yellowstone was the caldera of a volcano that erupted 70,000 years ago. The environment is a complex aspect of the Earth. We know a lot about it. Conversely, we still have mysteries pertaining to its existence and composition. I always agree with doing our best to improve the environment in any legitimate, necessary fashion. Yet, I don't agree with using extremism, stealing private property, or any other immoral measure as an excuse to assist the environment. In many cases, these policies make things worse instead of making thing better.

Binu Karunakaran from the Countercurrents on January 3, 2009 exposed how India is evolving into possible total surveillance. India is increasingly monitoring the personal lives and behavior of its own citizens. This is increased with the paranoia about terrorism. Now, personal information is stored and shared by governments and multinational corporations on a scale that no one ever thought was humanly possible. This is done in the name of fighting terrorism. Some criticize these policies as encorporating the state power of surveillance without a meaningful public or parliamentary debate. The Information Technology (Amendment) Bill of 2006 was passed by the Indian Parliament. It recently allows the government to intercept messages from mobile phones, computers and other communication devices to investigate any offence. Not just cognizable offence, the kind you witnessed in Mumbai 26/11, but any offence. That means any email you send, any message you text are now open to the eyes of the government. Therefore, the contents of your computer you surfed in the pirvacy of your home can be monitored by the government in India. Around 45 amendments have been made to the original Act, which now treats both publishers of online pornography and its consumers on equal footing. A police officer from India can monitor what you look on the Net therefore. Jail time is given unto people who are suspected of giving offensive material (i.e. that causes annoyance, danger, insult, etc.), yet this material is ambigious to define. This policy is wrong, because you shouldn't be jailed at all for just going into the Internet. The government monitoring communications of innocent people is a violation of privacy and the liberty of the people residing in India completely. This is another example of government oversight against the rights of people after a terrorist attack (i.e. Mumbai) occurs.

Che Guevara is a cult leader among many leftists. One many occasion they wear T-shirt with the image of Ernesto "Che" Guevara. A lot them of anti-gun, yet these shirt on numerous ocassion have an AK-47 emblazed on the shirts. The Cuban born actor Andy Garcia succintly exposes Che as the authoritarian that he was. Garcia left Cuba when he was five years, because Cuba was a dictatorship. Garcia wonder why the younger kids where shirts like this. Many children do this since they percieve Che as a revolutionary. The truth is that Che founded labor camps in Cuba, condemned thousands of people to execution by firing squads, and inspired hundreds of thousands of people in Latin America to die in various revolts. He once worked with Fidel Castro in formenting the Cuban Revolution. Remember that the Cuban Revolution had Jesuit-links. Fidel and his brother were Roman Catholics and they were educated by the Jesuit Order. Many Knights of Malta owned land in Cuba as well during the 1960's. The CIA once supported Castro then withdrawn its support as accused Castro of rebelling against their interests. Guevara was born in Argentina. General Batista's government in Cuba was indeed corrupt thought. Castro and Guevara organized guerilla warfare and other means to overthrow the Cuban leader of Batista. Some in the Cuban revolution wanted real freedom, but Che didn't. Che is quoted as promoted hatred for the enemy when Jesus Christ said love your enemies. He died in Bolivia in 1967. Andy Garcia made a movie entitled "The Lost City." It exposes Che, so it has been banned in parts of South America. Garcia said that: "In the 45 years since Castro came to power, Cuba has been in the top three countries for human rights abuses for 43 of those years. People turn a blind eye to his atrocities." He's absolutely right since we ought to never support dictators like Castro even if they present themselves with a "left" face while they aren't truly liberal at all.

By Timothy

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