V for Vendetta Review
V for Vendetta. Review by John Conner March 20, 2006 Minus the blatant anti-Christian and pro-homosexual messages, V for Vendetta is a pretty good movie. I’m surprised to say they didn’t completely ruin the film…almost, but not quite. The film holds the potential to serve as a tool to spark discussion and debate on various issues from our Constitutional rights, to our right to privacy, and the roots of terrorism. But also carries a dark subtext which leads one to question the motives and goals of the film’s creators.
The homosexual agenda is blatantly inserted and serves as a cornerstone for the evil ‘Christian’ leaders. I say ‘Christian’ in quotes because, while the religion of the fascist government in the film is never explicitly called Christian, there leaves no doubt after learning about a pedophile bishop like character, the double cross symbol of the government, and last but not least, learning that the Koran has been banned. The Koran has been banned, but another unnamed book sits prominently on the screen during the ranting of a television preacher. Hmmm…if the Koran is banned and people go to jail if they have one, what other Holy book could the crazy preacher be using? Hmmm…what’s the symbol of this dictatorship? Oh yeah it’s a modified cross. The mixed reviews and reports which preceded the film’s release left the reader with the idea that the Nazis had won World War II, and that was the premise behind the all powerful fascist government. Not true. In the film America had collapsed and was now a land of peasants. “America’s War” as it is called, seemed to destroy the country alluding obviously to the ‘War on Terror’, not World War II. London, with its high tech big brother atmosphere, seemed to avoid such doom by ridding the country of ‘terrorists’ and ‘homosexuals.’
While containing a near fatal dose of gay and anti-Christian propaganda, there are surprising parallels between the crimes of the government in V, and the United States government, and likely many foreign ones as well. In the film, the government is responsible for spreading a virus to kill mass numbers of people and used it as a pretext for a police state. The government was experimenting on people in an MKULTRA type setting, of which the character V was a victim. And in the film, the government spins news events to fit their desired goals. All of such surprisingly accurate. A piece in Newsweek said “the movie plays like a clumsy assault on post- 9/11 paranoia.” Aside from a pirate television broadcast where V tells the citizens of London that fear has paralyzed them and their government is the source of that fear, it is unsettling to say the least to see how the film seemed to encourage terrorist behavior, glorifying Guy Fawkes, and engraining in the minds of the viewers the phrase “remember remember the fifth of November’ possibly a trigger for MKULTRA victims who could act on such commands. Fawkes was part of a group who attempted to assassinate the King of England and members of both houses of Parliament on November 5th 1605.
Just as the Turner Diaries were said to be an inspiration for the bombing of the Okalahoma City federal building, V for Vendetta carries the dangerous potential of being used as a scapegoat for a so called domestic terrorist, whether in London, the United States of America, or any country. Any and all large scale, sophisticated domestic terror attacks will most likely be the work of a CIA covert operation to demonize not all right-wing militias like the CIA using McVeigh did, but with the current state of affairs in the New World Order, such an inside job attack would be used with attempts to demonize ALL who dissent and voice any opposition or resistance to the agenda of the ‘all knowing’ government. With the blatant homosexual agenda being pushed, and the fascist government in the film being a Christian government, the film must be taken with much skepticism as to its ultimate meaning and purpose. Remember, remember, the illuminati agenda. And here’s the spoiler. V doesn’t blow up the Parliament. He sets everything up and Natalie Portman pulls the lever. Sorry, just couldn’t stand the hype.
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Published on: 2006-03-20 (84 reads)
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