Iraq's Mai Lai Massacreby Victor Thorn
All the details aren’t in yet; in fact, charges haven’t even been brought. But if reports about an Iraqi Mai Lai Massacre prove true, could it be the final nail in the coffin of this ugly war?Probably not, but with the number of attacks per day, deaths, and the U.S. military’s inability to quell what is referred to as “the insurgency,” Americans now have the same ugly taste in their mouths as they did during Vietnam. Billions of wasted dollars, abysmal worldwide PR, Abu Ghraib, Halliburton cronyism, and the lies of 9-11 (which this entire disaster was predicated upon) all add up to a powder keg that at some point will begin to blow.Now up to 24 innocent citizens, including women and children, were slaughtered in the Iraqi village of Haditha for no reason whatsoever. Subsequently, lies were told, a cover-up ensued, and the evil thread of war keeps winding its way through out society. But as each new day passes, the whole tangled mess keeps unraveling a little bit more.War … we’re doing the same thing today that we did 4,000 years ago. Why?