There is something called Operation FALCON. It's endorsed by the Bush administration. This operation is about using local and federal cops to handle law enforcement.Mike Whitney won a 2008 Project Censored Award for his February, 2007 article titled "Operation FALCON and the Looming Police State." He criticized this Operation as unfairly arrested thousands of petty criminals. Dr. Rafil Dhafir, a Muslim American of Iraqi descent and practicing oncologist until his license was suspended. He was convicted by a court and is serving a long prison sentence. This is illegal since it's using the federal government in law enforcement, which violates Posse Comitatus. Some of their sweep even involve legal immigration (immigration is further made more illegal because of globalization via NAFTA and CAFTA. It isn't just Mexico's mistakes, but the mistakes of multinational corporations with even some governmental powers). There is also a Pentagon DOD plan called Strategy for Homeland Defense and Civil Support. This revolves around using the military to perform "homeland functions" in the USA. This is illegal, but the Pentagon doesn't care about that. That's why Homeland Security desire to spend up to $178 billion by 2015. I oppose Operation FALCON and any attempt by the federal government to handle local and state law enforcement. The Pentagon is one headquarters of the military industrial complex composed of many Jesuit trained individuals. Jesuits have been known to support fascism and communism for centuries. In fact, Jesuit priest Staempfle was an early Nazi supporter. Beginning on February 2008, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) will put into effect "Advance Passenger Information System (APIS)." This means that only the federal government can determine if you can leave or come into America. Also, they will issue right to travel passes to allow people to travel on air or water. This hasn't occured before so if you're caught without it, it could be a "crime." It gets crazier than that. Brent Jessop from Global Research at December 24, 2007 reported on how the Pentagon want to control the whole electromagnetic spectrum. This was formed in 2003, when then Secretary of Defence Donald Rumsfeld signed a document called the Information Operation Roadmap describing that plot. If this doesn't prove that the Pentagon is going too far in trying to control the Internet and America, then nothing will. There has been a lot of talk about fascism lately. What is it? Fascism is when you make the individuals and as much component of society as possible subordinate under the control of the state or one head. Fascism has lead to stagnation, oppression, and the destruction of a society. Mussolini and Hitler are perfect examples of that. Now, the media and some far left individuals want to equate conservative Christians to fascism. Forget the murder black Muslims and black Christians in Sudan by fascist Muslims, and they want to forget the Chinese having organ harvesting (plus harming Christians and religious dissidents that refuse to be registered under the Chinese government), forget the tactics of Saudi Arabia. They want religious conservatives to be called fascists, but that's a lie. The reason is that conservative Christians believe in individual liberty and not having the government possessing too much power in controlling all aspects of a society. That's why I can't stand how these hypocrites demonizing Christians lecture on free speech, but don't want Christians to express their free speech in the public square. No where in the Constitution says it's illegal to mention religion in a political ad. Huckabee has every right to show his ad if he wants to. This distraction over Huckabee being called fascist by some detracts on Huckabee's support for Gitmo, the isolotion of AIDS victims (which I strongly disagree with. He's a Southern Baptist. There is nothing wrong with being a Baptist, but the Southern Baptists have been infiltrated by Freemasons for a long time), the Patriot Act, a centralized government, and other of his policies that I don't agree with. I don't follow Mike Huckabee's misguided views.
Over the course of years, folks have woken up. I'm going to expose all evil from the Jesuits, Vatican, Bilderbergers, Labor Zionists, Pilgrims, and the whole nine yards. There is going to be a new President by 2009 and nobody knows exactly who it's going to be except for God. Blanca Hernandez and Adriana Silveira are suing John Peters (the producer of Superman which came out in 2006). The purpose of the suit is because they claim he advised them to have abortion when they were pregnant. They claim discrimination. Other women like Hunter Tylo and Kari Wuhrer have brought similar lawsuits up. What's the point? The point is that it outlines the overt pro-abortion bias of the media and especially Hollywood. Recently though movies like Bella and Juno express a Pro-Life message to the world. Adult stem cell continue to foster crucial benefits for human beings. A different team announced it had cured sickle cell anemia in mice using stem cells derived from adult mouse skin. Other successes have been achieved via cord blood cells and fat. Congress is having a National Commission on the Prevention of Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism (with members like Rockefeller Republican Senator Mrs. Susan Collins and Joseph Liberman). They want to figure out why homeground terrorism exists, but much of terrorism have intelligence ties. For example, Mohammed Siddique Khan, allegedly behind the bombings was in fact working for MI5, as revealed by Charles Shoebridge, a 12-year veteran detective of the London Metropolitan Police. Some co-conspirators of the Madrid bombing had ties to the Spanish Security Service and MI5. This really isn't about just investigating homeground terrorism. In my opinion, they want to monitor anti-war and patriot movements, because they are some of the few organization exposing the reality of the contrived war on terrorism. I'm still going to write, speak, and live until I'm dead. There has been a sucking up to Noam Chomsky by some in Youtube. They love him, but don't want people to call him out on his opposition to individuals owning guns. He supports the United Nations, but they were formed by the same corporate elite he claims to bash. He's a hypocrite and part of controlled opposition of the Left. It's bigger than Chomsky. Media Matters, the Huffington Post, and DailyKos are "progressive" Democratic statist groups that promote selective fact, but not the total truth plus the real political paradigm. For example, Markos Moulitsas Zúniga, is the head of DailyKos and he's admittedly a CIA operative years ago. That whole clique promote similar ideologies. These ideologies are big government, globalism, and a bashing of unborn human life. The good news is that more human beings worldwide don't want to bash unborn human babies. They don't want international toll roads funding a North American Union, and we don't want our civil liberties vanguished for the sake of political power. Society endorses real human progression and the development of society. Pakistan opposition leader Benazir Bhutto (a heroic woman who lived from 1953-2007) was assassinated just today by a gunman. She was at a rally when the choas occured in Rawalpindi, Pakistan. The gunman killed at 20 others and killed himself by blowing himself up. No one knows yet all of the details. Some believe al-Qaeda, the ISI, or the CIA could be involved in it. Bhutto wanted liberty for the Pakistani people in opposition to the present authoritarian President of Pakistan, Pervez Musharraf . Right now, there are questions on security an why she wasn't protected adequately enough. She, Bhutto, was a former Prime Minister of Pakistan. People are protesting and some are burning places in response to her death. Presidental candidates from Obama, McCain, Giuliani, Romney, and others have made comments about the death of Bhutto. Media pundits from Matthews, FOX, CNN, etc. view this as making candidates focusing more on foreign policy issues. Certian opposition party members like Sharrif want Musharraf to resign. Obviously, military industrial complex warned by many (even by Bohemian Grover Dwight D. Eisenhower. Eisenhower prevented General Patton from ending the war sooner) ought to exposed and opposed. Another lesson for us is to not embrace perversion but accept the righteousness and goodness that God can only give.
By Timothy