Monday, June 28, 2010

Monday Updates in Late June of 2010

Economic news are coming in. People like Bill O'Reilly obsess with debt and claim that austerity measures are needed to solve our economic crisis. He omits that we can have state banks, create debt free money, and other populist methods to have the money avaliable to create economic growth. We don't need to cut legitimate services that can allow the poor and the disabled to possibly die in the streets. Even Alan Greespan want to radically cut programs as other deficit hawaks do. Paul Krugman and Joseph Stiglitz (who are both economists) want a 2nd round of stimulus. These neo con hypocrites like O'Reilly talk about cutting spending, but they refuse to cut any spending from the war on terrorism. The global elite want austerity as to maintain their power base, while economic growth is more stangant among the poor and middle classes. Strangling wealth and radically cutting spending don't grow the economy at all. It slows down growth. The private sector is not maximizing its profit. How can you get sufficient economic growth from the private sector when that sector isn't growing right. You need some injection of capital to act as a foundation for more growth to occur (among both the private and public sectors). And while it is not true that the stimulus "has done nothing" as the deficit hawks claim (IHS Global Insight, Macroeconomic Advisers and Moody's all estimate it created around 2.5 million jobs.) its effects have largely been canceled-out by the gigantic state budget gaps. This is why some want a real stimulus to be sent into the financial system until the economy truly gets on track.

There is the new study proving the link between abortion (and physical, sexual abuse by women's partners). The partner relates to the boyfriend or husbands done following an abortion. the University of Iowa researchers led the study. It showed that women seeking abortions have experienced a high rate of violence and abuse form their partners. The study was published online in June 17 in the American Journal of Public Health. Audrey Saftlas is an University of Iowa professor of epidemilogy and lead author of the study. She talked about the results her team found. "Women seeking termination of pregnancy comprise a particularly high-risk group for physical or sexual assault," she said. "In our study, almost 14 percent of women receiving an abortion reported at least one incident of physical or sexual abuse in the past year." She said that these findings strongly support the need for clinic based screening with interventions. These high risk women need resources according to her. She wants referrals and support to help them and their families reduce the violence in their lives. The researches examined 986 women who had abortiosn and completed questionnaires. Overall, the researchers found that the combined 1 year prevelance of physical or sexual abuse by any perpetrator was 13.8 percent. The prevalence of physical and sexual violence by an intimate partner was 9.9 percent and 2.5 percent, respectively. Of the women who reported such pre-abortion violence, 74 percent of women identified their former partner as the perpetrator of the violence and 27 percent identified a current partner as responsible for the violence.The numbers don't add up to 100 percent because some women reported violence by both current and former partners. Saftlas said that the figures prove that women seeking abortions have frequently left abusive relationships in the months before the abortions. So, woman who have had abortions or speak out for their say abortion centers should ask women if they are having an abortion (as a result of partner abuse and assaulted. Abortion is not in their best interest to especially resolve those abuse and assault situations). There are the leaders of the Silent No More Awareness Campaign (this is a national network of women and men who regret their decision or pariticpation in an abortion) believe that the survey doesn't go far enough in identifying how women seeking abortions should be counseled. "A Planned Parenthood official who participated in this Iowa study admits that her organization has not been asking women about any abuse they’ve suffered," said Janet Morana, co-founder of the organization. She told, "That Planned Parenthood has been aborting women’s babies for four decades and is only now talking about maybe asking women if they’ve been abused shows that women’s lives are of no consequence to them." Penny Dickey is the Planned Parenthood of the Heartland chief operating officer and a study author. She said that her abortion business pariticpated in the study. Georgette Forney is the co-founder of the group and a woman who has experienced the personal regret of an abortion. She said that: "...asking women if they’ve suffered physical attacks by their babies’ fathers would be an innovation for Planned Parenthood...What the organization’s sales staff should really do, but which they will refuse to do, is ask women if they’ve been coerced by a boyfriend, husband, or parent to have the abortion. We know that feigning concern for women is one thing for Planned Parenthood, asking women questions that might cause them not to abort is quite another," Forney said.

Some wonder if the toxic corexit rain is killing crops in Mississippi. The crops dying in Mississippi has been reported by Yobie Benjamin (as writing for the San Francisco Chronicle). There is the mysterious disease stricking crops. It may be connected to the BP oil gusher. Benjamin writes about the damage done by the oil gusher spreading way beyond the ocean, coastal areas and beachers. There has been collateral damage that appears to include agriculture damage way inland Mississippi The disease have damaged many crops from weeds (to farmed organic an conventionally grown crops). Benjamin believes that the disease is a product of BP spraying the oil dispersant Corexit 9500 in the Gulf of Mexico. Corexit 9500 is believed to be responsible for the widespread repots of oil cleanup crews reporting various injuries including respiratory distress, dizziness, and headaches. "Dispersants have never been applied on this scale, leaving environmental scientists guessing about the consequences. Corexit may have caused seven cleanup workers to be admitted to the hospital with shortness of breath and nausea,” reports Popular Science. Beth Buczynski is apart of Care2, which is an environmental website. She said that there are concerns with Corexit. There are movements in the water, there is the precipitation cycle, etc. Scientists are scared that soon the consequences of using dispersants could be falling from the sky. The EPA asked BP to stop using Corexit. It is banned in 18 natiosn since it has great toxicity. Yet, BP has refused to do so. So far, there is no direct evidence that Corexit 9500 caused the crop damage in Mississippi from the sky. Benjamin, although, says that there : " very strong suspicion that ocean winds have blown Corexit aerosol plumes or droplets and that dispersants have caused the unexplained widespread damage." There is a tropical storm near Mexico. This is the beginning of the hurricane season. Hopefully, it doesn't cause much damage in the region at all. Tropical sotrms usually occur in the eastern Atlantic. Dr. Remata Reddy, who studies and teaches tropical meteorology at Jackson State University, told WAPT in Mississippi said that: “As oil evaporates and comes into contact with a tropical storm, the chances of acid rain falling within the storm are possible.” Corexit is a toxic substance. If it can kill crops, corexit can do damage to humans and animals.

Elena Kagan has her first hearings today. People want to find out her views on life issues, the military, gun rights, and other important questions. The Supreme Court recently ruled that people have the individual has the right to own guns regardless of what states they live in. Many liberals have questioned about her view on executive powers and so-called "race-neutral" social policies that avoid solutins that target racial disparities. President Barack Obama claims that Kagan is fair and a credible addition to the Supreme Court. Kagan was apart of the centrist Bill Clinton White House and agenda. There are almost 5,000 pages of documents of Kagan that has been researched by researchers. Kagan was the deputy to Bruce Reed between 1997 and 1999. Reed was a White House domestic policy aide and an operative of the Democratic Leadership Council. The DLC is of course the outfit that funnels corporate money to favored Democratic politicals. Clinton was one of the founders of the DLC in the 1980's. They existed to get leaders from the South to stay with the Democratic Party (when some were coming to be Republicans). It was Reed who coined the phrase, “End welfare as we know it.” Welfare bashing is the common feature of Austrian economic proponents. Kagan and Bruce Reed didn't want strong especially black progressive influence in the administraiton. Progressives are right on some issues and dead wrong on other issues. In Clinton’s second term, their nemesis was Christopher Edley, Jr., a Black law professor who founded The Civil Rights Project at Harvard. Edley was brought into the White House as a consultant to help shape the president’s racial policies. Edley wrote that he feared “this could well be the administration that presides over the substantial dismantling of opportunity in selective higher education.” Reed and Kagan rejected the idea of forming a White House commission on race. Both of them bashed the social safety net in the wrong terms as vectors of dependency. They viewed focusing on civil rights issues as things of the past. Ms. Kagan writing that the White House “focus should be on the future, not Kerner – meaning the 1968 Kerner Commission Report that warned of two separate nations, “one white, one black.” In a sense, Elena Kagan and Bruce Reed personified the white corporate backlash against Black and labor influence in the Democratic Party. This is the limosine liberal mentality. A real man would expose issues pertaining to many issues and won't obfuscate them at all. Kagan Argued Before Supreme Court: its Fine if The Law Bans Books Because Government Won’t Really Enforce It. (as proven from a Youtube video describing the Supreme Court's oral arguments from Citizens United v. FEC).

Jesuits being in China is an easily provable historical occurence. The Jesuits worked in Communist China while Mao was ruling there. Most Americans could never overtly enter Communist China until 1973. Yet, an American Jesuit (from the University of San Francisco) can enter into San Francisco to enter China with no problem. According to Jesuit Malachi Martin's "The Jesuits" from pg. 33, Jesuit Cardinal Augustin Bea came into China. It's easy to see that Jesuits play a Helegian Dialetic game in the Vietnam War too. Some Jesuits publiclly opposed the war. Other Jesuits like Dan Lyons publicly supported the Vietnam War. Lyons even entered Communist China. David Rockefeller was famous for visiting China back in the 1970's. One of the first Jesuits to enter China was Matteo Ricci, S.J. For centuries, the Jesuits & the British East India Company controlled much of the economic system in China. The establishment aided the Communist Revolution in 1949 and they fund China today in 2010.

Robert Byrd died in 2010 today. he lived from 1917 to 2010. He was a Klansmen in West Virginia and he said that he changed his mind on civil rights matters before he died. He could memorize many subjects and tidbits of history. He was an orphan and went into law school. He was an intellectual and was a student of legislative processes. He used federal dollars to help out his own state of West Virginia. Robert Byrd opposed the Iraq War since he believed that the Constitution forbade war in the fashion of preemptive actions (without a declaration from Congress). He was relected in the Senate for decades. He didn't want to use American military might, harm diplomatic efforts, and other consequences in having the Iraq War. Robert Byrd spoke out against the coal mining industry, because some in that industry had safety violations and exploited the workers in that region. There should be environmentally-safe procedures in helping people. Some people after his death want term limits since Robert died literally while he resided in the Senate. He wasn't perfect as none of us are.

By Timothy