A study proves that insured Americans avoid paying high co-payments and this can risk their health since the health payments are too expensive. Today, insurance companies have tons of cash and their shareholders pocket huge dividends. There are rising health care costs. These rising insurance rates and punitive co-payments have hurt much of the public. Some are forced to put off visits to the doctors and postponing important tests (like colonoscopies and mammograms. The upfront cash is too much for some to afford). A total privatized health system has its issues. High rates and co-payments prevent customers from obtaining needed health care in many circumstances. Some Americans can afford their own health insurance. Private insurance corporations are experiencing huge windfall profits. This is the modern age of the rationing of health care. The commercial insurance industry has admitted to this. Unnecessary deaths and the erosion of our overall health in America are here. America is ranked 37th in the world in overall health. The insurance people claim that they need to hoard big stashes of cash in order for the economy to improve and then people will start going back to the doctor again. This logic is illogical of the private insurance industry (that is now a corporate con job where insurance companies are allowed to rake in fantastic profits, charge astronomical rates that even prevent their own customers from getting needed health care during economic hard times). The reactionaries say that the customers need the extra money when good times roll around and that their customers can have enough cash to visit the doctor and take the necessary tests. We in America don’t have a comprehensive national health care policy, but a national insurance corporation profits policy. Big Pharma is a deceiver. We don’t need our health care rationed by managed by corporations, etc. The bizarre, inhuman, totally non-medical logic of the corporate boardroom then demands that insurance rates rise in order to pay for the pent-up health care demands that must inevitably be dealt with at some later date. The insurance companies project that doctor visits will pick up when people’s spending power increases. There is absolutely no reason to believe that most people’s disposal incomes will increase in the foreseeable future. That’s why people are holding off going to the doctor. We know that preventable illness and death will increase when people are discouraged from utilizing medical services. The U.S. health profits system is killing Americans and benefiting corporations. This is carnage. President Barack Obama cut a deal with private insurance corporations back in 2009 to form the new health care law. Now, big insurance companies have exceeded expected earnings by 30 percent. Some people can’t afford the co-pay. That is why populists and those from across the political spectrum want a national single payer plan to help Americans receive quality health care.
There are more important the gives a detailed view of the JFK assassination. The fact is that President John F. Kennedy had a contentious relationship with the CIA before he was murdered. Kennedy fired the top level of the CIA after his investigation of the Bay of Pigs revealed that the CIA lied to him. Then, President Kennedy would fire the three top officers in the CIA, issued NSAM’s 55, 56 and 57 to limit the power of the CIA, issued orders that the ambassador in foreign countries, not the CIA station chief, should control American policy, and created the Defense Intelligence Agency to also give him advice. . As Jim Douglass details at length, after the Missile Crisis, Kennedy used several intermediaries as back channels to Castro in order to establish a détente. (Kennedy often operated like this since he was at times in opposition to his Cabinet, e.g., during the Missile Crisis, and in the genesis of his Vietnam withdrawal plan.) In this instance, he used William Attwood, Lisa Howard, and Jean Daniel. These negotiations went on for 11 months. And near the end, plans were being set for a visit to Castro by Attwood as Kennedy’s emissary. Discussions would center around removing Soviet influence on the island in exchange for the beginning of the exploration of diplomatic relations. Castro was actually shocked by how sincere Kennedy was about this. Castro said that John F. Kennedy would be the greatest President since Lincoln since normalization of relations was established between America and Cuba. Also, Diem was murdered by Henry Cabot Lodge and Lucien Conein. JFK was shocked by Kennedy’s death and he was about to fire Lodge. He died before he would do it. The plan for the Bay of Pigs invasion existed under Eisenhower back in 1960. JFK used RFK to be a part time ombudsman over certain CIA operation. This angered certain Agency officers according to David Corn’s “Blonde Ghost.” It’s way to see that President John F. Kennedy was working for détente for Cuba and the USSR. This is documented in Jim Douglass’ “JFK and the Unspeakable. This policy would weaken greatly the military industrial complex. Even Lyndon Johnson later believed that flaws existed in the composition of the Warren Commission. John F. Kennedy presented a radical policy change from Eisenhower, Nixon, and Johnson. For example, President Eisenhower and the CIA Director Allen Dulles wanted to isolate Congo and have Patrice Lumumba murdered. This would allow Congo to be partitioned and it wealthy mineral province or Katanga to be dominated. Dag Hammarskjold and the U.N. opposed this policy. JFK didn’t want Congo to be partitioned. He reversed Eisenhower’s policy by asking UN control of all armies. He wanted the country to be neutralized to free of all political prisoners including Lumumba. So, he wanted nationalism to exist in the Congo and Algeria. After the JFK assassination, Lyndon Johnson ended Kennedy’s Alliance for Progress plan and LBJ promote anti-communist paranoia in the Cold War. JFK and Rockefeller have empathy with each other.
I think the brother Savant inspired me to embrace economic populist thought into the next level. The evolution came after the recession hit in 2007. Then, my heart changed and now I believe in exposing the evil corporate power structure. This is a weakness of the Republicans since a high level of them refuse to expand any populist economic goals that would benefit the poor human beings. This is why the Republicans don’t have a strong constituency among the working class, oppressive racial minorities, and other minority groups in America. The Republicans in large measure represent the interests of Main Street that are in favor mostly with the agenda of Wall Street. The current economic system exploits and oppresses people. The country is rapidly moving into a centrist or center-left pro-corporate atmosphere. To this credit, President Barack Obama has spoken on behalf of the workers’ collective bargaining rights being attacked in Wisconsin. Malcolm X once said that the Right was like wolves, and liberals (among the establishment) like foxes. The wolf was more or less OPENLY hostile to civil rights during the 1960s, while the smiling liberal fox pretended to be a friend.
But one had to struggle against the fox as well as the wolf if one didn't want to be eaten alive. As decades come on, Malcolm X is proven right not only on racial justice, but on economic issues or economic justice as well. Some want cooperatives, infrastructure building, and other economic populist solutions in America. Either that or Yankee anti-intellectualism will win and nihilism will harm people for decades to come. Revolutions deal with transformation of society and values. It must be a transformation from bigotry, militarism, and materialism into tolerance, peace, and human societal development into a more tranquil world (and an unity among both educated people and others who are grassroots individuals that haven’t received a mainstream education). Yet, education in numerous forms is fine. Education can liberate human beings and create more active power to make a real, logical change in the world. Freedom movements spanning thousands of years expounded on education in order to create freedom more realistic. This is why racist slaveholders back in the day forbid slaves from reading books or become adequately literate. So, we shouldn’t dumb down education and glorify ignorance (that we see in the 21st century. They or the establishment don’t want those with intellectual strengths of a Dr. King, Mario Savio, Angela Davis, JFK, Einstein, etc. You don’t have to agree with all of these human beings politically, but I do respect their intellectual growth).
Jesus Christ was quite a progressive person. He is a prophet, a leader, a great speaker, and the Messiah. With him, he inspired billions of people worldwide. He inspired to be a better person from the past, promote justice, and become a man that embraces total human equality without exceptions. Jesus Christ was a fighter and people admire fighters. So, we should be fighters not for violence or destruction, but a fighter for justice, truth, and even self defense in extreme circumstances. Jesus Christ certainly wasn’t establishment liberal or conservative. He was an independent minded person. Many conservative and establishment religious leaders even now falsely view Jesus Christ as a milk toast, compromising, blond haired blued eye lover of the status quo. In real life, Yeshua was the darker skinned, revolutionary that harbored compassion and a strong disposition to promote justice in the Universe too. He wanted the rich and power to have a huge responsibility to not oppress the poor. He forgave the sins of the publicans, tax collectors, prostitutes, and an adulteress. The Roman government and religious elite in Israel hated Jesus’ message and considered him to be a pain in their agenda. So, they have conspired to kill him and nail him on the cross. Yet, he experienced Resurrection and was seen by over 500 people before he ascended into Heaven. Following Jesus Christ would mean ridicule, distance, and hatred of the world (like Jesus experienced). Jesus exposed the religious elite many years ago since they were acting as hypocrites and they desire an oppressive theocratic system. Some of them covertly followed the Midrash and some occultism as well. Luke 18:9-14 shows compassion for the tax collector since taxes sometimes are necessary to buildup the societal structure of a nation. Other Christians suffered much worse than we suffer now, so we owe a debt of gratitude to the real Christians that sometimes sacrificed their lives to promote religious liberty, equality, prison reform, the end of slavery in many parts of the world, modernization of society in various spectrums, and other strides toward human complete social justice. Jesus Christ defended the poor, the outcast, and the disadvangted in society. Since the pagan Constantine in 312 A.D. falsely converted to Christianity, establishment Christianity promoted the rich and the powerful in numerous times. Luke 4:18 is clear that Jesus Christ came to heal the brokenhearted, allow the blind to see, let the captives to be released, and allow the downtrodden to be free from their oppressors. It’s clear about what Jesus Christ advocated (to love God with all of our strength and to love your neighbor as yourself). To promote the poor is a blessing.
By Timothy