Sunday, July 31, 2011

Advice Galore in July 31, 2011

nodoubt105 months ago
It’s sad how so many people minds are so far from the truth. Whenever I used to see people frown upon me with contempt and show grimace, I thought maybe it was me that needed to get my life together, tighten up, get an education, and a nice job. After I received all of that, I realized that those same contemptuous looks still existed even when I accomplished so much. I know those who are reading this are probably wondering what’s my point. Here it is, I finally realized that it wasn’t me on a personal level that needed to get myself together (although it’s something that we all should attempt to do you – for yourself) but that no matter where I went, and how much I had accomplished, my race plays an important factor in this society. Those looks of contempt weren’t because I was some uneducated low life growing up from the gutter, but because only a few people have respect for my race, a black man. Those people expressing disapproval didn’t know me on a personal level, so how could they judge me? I tell you, this skin I’m in carries a great burden in this country. There’s so much on our shoulders everywhere we go. We are being watched from standing in line in a grocery store to taking the trash out at home. Most of us may decide to turn on our blinders and ignore harsh reality, but soon you will realize the truth.

That’s why when people like crammasters, CaliFemme23, and tc2ewra, and soultry-soul make the comments like they do, people ought to slow down and actually pore-over what they are stating. Click on either of their profiles, you will see that these aren’t just a bunch of young simple-minded people who don’t have a clue of what they are talking about with an axe to grind. These are people who ARE just like you and I, who have a great level of maturity, self-respect, and fresh experience from dealing with the harsh reality of living within a racist system. They couldn’t just be making stuff up because I myself have experienced some of they things they speak about in their comments. Only a few are able to see the truth and covey the unadulterated message to others. I challenge those who are still reading my comment at this point to continue to read by picking up a book that you could learn something from. The information is out there, you just need to go get it. Educate yourselves, and make whatever decisions that work for you, but only after you do some heavy reasoning and meditating.

One last thing, if you decide to date other races, no one can change that or make you feel indifferent. The change has to happen from within, and some people learn better the hard way. If you decide to do so, don’t justify your reason for doing it by accusing your own race of your deflection. As for the white people, stop propagating fallacious information by telling us that we are practicing “reverse racism" (no such thing) by not wanting to date you. Us black people need to stop being so naïve and believing that crap, sharpen your minds so that you can counter-attack false information when you hear it. No one is telling Asians, Spanish, or Native Americans or any other race of people that lie. We are the only folk who believe that stuff just to appease people and to calm our enslaved minds. Are Japanese people wrong for coming to America and buying Japanese made cars, or are they smart for making a good choice of vehicle? We are so quick to snub our own people when they speak the truth and so quick to listen to others when they spread a lie. To the writer of this article, don’t you understand that articles like this only continue to make us fight amongst each another and continue to love those who don’t love us? To all black men here, those contemptuous looks you get from other racial groups are not because of what you don’t have (having a degree does not earn you respect), it’s because of what you are not doing. I shouldn’t have to tell you what you are not doing, but just incase, things like not being a leader in your community, not being a father to yours and a teacher to others, and most importantly, not respecting the woman from which you were born - a black woman, will earn you disrespect. Hell, anybody I see not doing that, I automatically have no respect for you, and that’s an equal opportunity feeling - no matter what race you are.
crammasters5 months ago
@ Magnus400

just look at the state of the black family & black community, brother. Do you think IR hurts or helps our chances of survival? How can any BM look at our condition AS A RACE and not be concerned?
Why do YOU think every other UNIFIED race is doing better than black people when it comes to having a business/economic base that allows them to employ themselves, yet the BM has to go to some other race of men and BEG for a job? Do you care about that?
Why do we give a S? because we are SMART enough to understand WHY the white media is pushing IR ONLY ON BLACK PEOPLE. because we GIVE A DAMN about surviving as a race. Because we KNOW from history that the WM and WW have used IR sex to destroy the genetics and self-respect of other non-white nations from Australia to the Fugi Islands to Africa, Latin America, and the list is too long for this post
if black folk knew the history of this, they wouldn't be so blase about this IR push. Or maybe, we're so hungry for white validation, we just don't give a d___ about surviving and being able to work and put food on the table.
Regardless, i have the right to state an opinion so without being rude, i would STRONGLY suggest that those who don't care for that opinion can ignore it OR move on...

tc2ewra5 months ago

Now thats the truth brother. thats what was so crazy about the woman who called Dr Laura. I'm thinking what did she expect?
crammasters5 months ago
@ tc2ewra

right, right. it's interesting how both black folk in IR, male and female, went to OTHER white people to deal with racist white people and got shot down. you think there'd be a lesson in all that for black folk...
crammasters5 months ago
@ Cali

don't forget about the Dr Laura "N____ rant" shortly after Omar Thornton, where the black female was married to a white man who didn't say jack when his white friends and relatives made racist comments to her face.
remember, Dr. Laura, a white female, told her if she was so sensitive, she shouldn't marry outside her race, and then Dr. Laura kept saying "n____r, n____r, n___" over and over again
see, this is the SIDE of IR dating that Chili's and Ray Ray's "reality" show will NEVER show. But folks watch al that TV and think that is reality, even though they are living in the REAL world where racism is a constant reality, so i don't get all the innocence...
crammasters5 months ago
@ tc2ewra

brother, TRUTH is what some black folk don't want to hear or think about, they still want to believe in the dream, in what Paul Mooney calls, "the illusion of inclusion"
that's what slaves had to deal with when they were trying to run from the plantation, the same kind of blacks we are dealing with right now, who love their enslavement and white masters more than they love themselves and would TURN on their own PEOPLE just to please the white man
and it's the same mentality that blacks during the civil rights movement had to deal with during the Montgomery Bus boycott and marching because there were always those black folk who were too afraid to fight, and were mad at the black folk who did fight
but after the prize was won, were the FIRST ONES to step up and enjoy those "rights" but would be the MAIN ones who would tell the freedom fighters that they were "wrong" to fight white racism
and Malcolm X wrote about blacks like this, who would rather deal with racism than support the blacks who were fighting it
this mentality is nothing new, but there will come a time when these black apologists and IR loving folks will have to be cut loose, because they will be a burden and will be the first ones to run and tell the white man where the "slaves" are hiding...


crammasters5 months ago
@ Cali

right! that's exactly what happened to Omar Thornton, he went from being tormented on his job by white folk then went home to complain about white folk to another white folk (his girlfriend) and then got up and faced another day with racist white folk,
and if u remember, one of his ex-girlfriends (white) said, she used to hit on him and he would just take it, and how he put her family up in a hotel after their apartment caught on fire and wound up filing for bankruptcy (but she didn't say JACK) about her family HELPING HIM after he spent all his money on them
and the last white girlfriend he had said, that he was real "sensitive" about race and didn't like to be called a N____, which makes you wonder HOW she knew unless she was the one calling him one...
and IF that brother had been around black folk who could have pulled his coat because they had walked in his SHOES, my bet is he would still be alive TODAY
CaliFemme235 months ago

Yes indeed....I love it when even BLACK people tell me my way of thinking is racist..And that's just white conditioning...

'Reverse racism' terminology is nothing more than the people in power trying to make those trying to gain their own power feel guilty about doing so...
crammasters5 months ago
@ tc2ewra,

brother, i was younger once, got my head bumped from lack of knowledge, but i was never so lost that i didn't know racism was a serious problem, and I was never so confused that I thought black people were collectively mistreating white folk.
in fact, most of the black folk i saw was either SCARED of white folk or was busy kissing white a___ -- and the same it true today.
how can you complain about being mistreated because you're black, and get all ticked off cause a white cop shot an unarmed BM (Oscar Grant) and say you can't get a job cause of racism
then flip your mouth around and say you want a white person? Is that not insanity, like you said?
try to imagine someone fighting a war, and the men on the losing side are sleeping with their enemies' women, and leaving their own women and children to fend for themselves. Would those men deserve to win? Or would they deserve to be defeated?
and what about the women on the losing side, who were sneaking off to have sex with the same men who had killed their brothers, sons, and fathers? Would those women deserve to live in peace? Or would they deserve a worse fate? come on now....
tc2ewra5 months ago

Brother you speak nothing but the absolute truth.

Racism is ever present yet many of us want to try to act as though it doesn't exist. Why? I think it's because we are so in love with this man's illusion of wealth.

The truth is not racism.

Many of us want to be him so badly that we want what he wants and even like what he likes.

Many Black folks look at Whites and think they are the sh*t.

We only think like that because we don't study origins (history).

All this hell Blacks are experiencing due to White racism yet some want to find partners among those very people. Thats insanity and suicidal. Somebody has a death wish.
CaliFemme235 months ago

I hear you loud and clear. Little do those types know, we BW aren't looking for them to accept us at all. We like to KNOW who they are so we can avoid them at all costs.

What's even 'funnier' is how a lot of the BM I've come across on THIS site, speak one way in these kinds of forums and have an entirely different prose in private so to speak. As in real life as well. Makes me wonder are some black really afraid to unite publicly? Are they so afraid to betray the white race?
Slaves anyone?
crammasters5 months ago
@ Cali

in reality, I got no business slamming any BM who calls BW 'bytches' and loves white girls. It's a home-training (and home) problem, first of all. Second, i say let the white girls have BM like this, they serve NO useful purpose in a community that is under attack. let them go, and make their way in the white community and see how long they last...most will come crying back to some black women (like momma) so all that tough talk don't mean a d___ thing..
CaliFemme235 months ago

Go head and date the other races...Who's stopping you? I would only suggest when you do date other races, don't completely BURN the bridge with your own race in the process...
crammasters5 months ago
@ all the BM on this thread

brothers, do you know what is happening out here? That the BM is under severe attack? Do you really think you can afford to pretend race doesn't matter?
how can the BM say he wants to build a community, and have any power, or build an economic base -- LIKE EVER RACE OF MAN ON THE PLANET EXCEPT THE BLACK MAN -- and then turn around and say you don't need to be with the women of your race?
the cardinal rule of building a power base is: FORMING STRONG ALLIANCES WITH THE WOMEN OF YOUR RACE.
the white man knows this
the Arab man knows this
the Hispanic man knows this
the Asian man knows this
the Indian man knows this
the ONLY man who doesn't seem to understand this principle is the black man who descended from SLAVES. This is why so many of us do not understand why the white man, the Asian man, the Arab and the Indian man is making money off the BM and has the BM in the position of an economic SLAVE.
even the non-white immigrant who JUST GOT OFF THE BOAT -- is doing better in OUR BLACK COMMUNITY than the black man is, and NO, it is not because the bank won't give us a loan, it is because we refuse to respect, provide for, unite with, and protect our women.
we are still on the plantation, thinking like slaves, dependent on every other race of men, letting our women and children fend for themselves, and wasting time talking about "it don't matter what race a woman is" yet we endlessly complain about the white man and what he is doing TO us, forgetting that the white female is his PARTNER IN THE CRIME OF PRACTICING RACISM
the only way the BM will be able to get off his knees, is to take our knee out of the back of our women and uplift them the same way the white man uplifts his -- which is WHY he has power and we have NONE. (don't get it twisted, money is not power, money is a piece of paper that buys more S)
crammasters5 months ago
@ katdaddy2 who said, "NYGGAS LOVE WHITE GIRLS, PERIOD!"

sho u right, bro, "NYGGAS" do love white girls, but BLACK MEN prefer BLACK WOMEN.

For all u bros who think race doesn't matter, remember that the next time you get racially profiled by the police, or the next time you can't get a job as a black man
and most of all,remember that the next time a black man needs some help from his community, just make sure you don't hit up the sisters, or your black momma, and sister, or aunt
and don't ask the NAACP, or ANY black organization to come to your aid since MOST of them are wo-manned by black females. Make sure the next time a JENA SIX happens, where six black boys were being railroaded into felony convictions, and remember WHO made up most of the folks who showed up from all over the nation: black females
the next time a black man -- sorry a NYGGA -- gets into a jam, make sure you call on a WHITE FEMALE ORGANIZATION, and see what kind of response you get.
i usually don't name-call, but some posts are so lacking in intelligence, and decency that they deserve a response. What kind of male (can't call it a man) would post the poison that you posted? what kind of respect could you have for the black women in your family, brother? What kind of respect do you have for yourself? The answer is OBVIOUS. NONE.
Any black man who understands that our community and black men are under attack by this white supremacy system, that can fix his mouth to worship the women of his oppressor, who by the way are practicing racism against the black man every day of the week -- DESERVES WHAT HE GETS.
MOST WHITE GIRLS DON'T LIKE YOU, NO MATTER HOW MUCH YOUR TONGUE DRAGS THE GROUND (because some know a drooling negro) is APE-ING the white man, and wants what the white man has, and some white WOMEN are smart enough to know it ain't about them, that it's about a black man with an inferiority complex
last thing, if black men don't care about BW dating white males, why are so many of us slamming Halle Berry after she did it?
d____ shame to read so much self-hating ignorance from black folks who are being attacked left and right by whites, no wonder our communities are in the shape they're in..