Water privatization has been going on for decades. The pharmaceutical giant Merck is the recent multinational corporation to support the United Nations CEO Water Mandate. This was an initiative that was awarded the Public Eye Greenwash Award. The Public Eye called the Mandate as composed of corporations that profit financially form water as a primary resource. Public Eye called this Mandate as doing damaging and irresponsible behavior. Merck is just the latest corporation to join the ranks of Nestle, Coca-Cola, Dow Chemical, and other environmental offenders. A greenwashing front is classified of this Mandate by the Polaris Institute. They explain, "Companies can easily state that they are working with all of these actors in order to appear involved with solving problems of water scarcity, pollution and over-exploitation, while their damaging production processes can continue unchecked." Gigi Kellett is the Corporate Accountability International campaign director. Gigi accused the U.N. of embracing more and more partnerships with the corporate sector across the board. Some in the United Nations like some members states are asking questions about this partnership paradigm. They want more transparency and accountability. Some point to the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank to see why water privatization is a real policy under the U.N. emblem. Both the IMF and the World Bank are regional development banks and they are now in control the U.N.’s biggest projects. These projects include the United Nations’ biggest project like the U.N.’s new $100 billion Green Fund. Environmental activist Maude Barlow said that: “…we’re also seeing the IMF forcing indebted nations to sell off public assets, including water systems, as a condition of receiving financial support. The whole system is rigged for these corporations." There are those who talk about a global water crisis. The prospect of the world’s drinking water is being controlled by an elite group of corporation is not comforting.
The TSA charges a Congressman with violating federal law for exposing security breaches. The TSA is hypocritical for this action since at the same appeals court confirms TSA itself broke federal law. This Congressman has been accused by officials at the Department of Homeland Security. The DHS is a parent agency of the TSA. The Congressman disclosed to the press details of 25,000 security breaches over the past 10 years. This is despite the fact that the documents from which he gleaned the information were non-classified. The Congressman’s name is Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah). USA Today and other newspapers reported on security breaches during the Chaffetz hearing disclosing information about security breaches. “This document was marked as [Sensitive Security Information],” Maher wrote in the letter which was seen by The Washington Post, “and provided clear notice that unauthorized disclosures of the document violated federal law.” Maher referred to the information Chaffetz discussed at the hearing as “a topic of particular interest to our adversaries,” intimating that the Congressman had endangered air travelers by revealing some details to the public. In response to the TSA/DHS reaction, Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) returned correspondence directly to DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano. Issa chairs the House Oversight Committee. He called Maher’s threats to Chaffetz as without merit and he said that his committee’s job was to address TSA deficiencies. Issa reiterated the fact that information shown in the documents was not classified. Issa said that it is a “…threat to the entire legislative branch that this administration will seek retribution when non-classified information is shared with the public.” “The fact that the information in question was transmitted to the committee via an open e-mail over an open and non-secured network only underscores that this was not national security sensitive information,” Issa wrote, adding that he will open an investigation into “how and why” the DHS responded in such an aggressive manner. This comes when the TSA violated federal law when introducing firing body scanners without a debate. A unanimous three judge panel ruled on Friday that the TSA’s failure to provide notice and allow sufficient time for public comment before adopting the technology as a primary passenger-screening tool violated the Administrative Procedure Act. Rep. Chaffetz has always or consistently opposed the TSA takeover across America’s airports. Last year, he oversaw the passage in the House of an amendment to ban strip search imaging at airports altogether. He said that his wife and his 8 year daughter don’t need to be naked to be secure in an airplane. Caffetz told the House that technology exists now to see a dime and a nickel plus the sweat on someone’s back (so other methods are sufficient to secure a plane without intrusive groping from the TSA). He said that it’s inexcusable to the TSA delaying in releasing safety reports on body scanning technology. “I am personally outraged and disgusted by yet another example of mistreatment of an innocent American at the hands of TSA.” Chaffetz said at the time, following the emergence of a video of a TSA agent conducting an enhanced pat down on a six year old girl. “The agency must get serious about the manner in which it seeks to balance national security with personal privacy,” Chaffetz wrote to TSA head John Pistole. “At the very least, it cannot continue to operate under the belief that little girls and handicapped children pose such a serious threat that [agents] must abandon all manner of decency when interacting with them.” Congressman Chaffetz put pressure on the TSA to force the agency to once again change policy in order to stop pat downs on children less than 10 years of age where ever possible.
More information is coming out about the Bohemian Grove. Women aren’t really members of the Grove except in other occupational fields. Many of the real elite go there. Henry Edwards was the founder of the group. Every Republican has been a part of the group since 1923 and some Democrats as well. Members or guests of the group include military contractors, oil companies, CEOs, etc. Their motto is “Weaving Spiders Come Not Here.” Peter Philips’ dissertation for his doctorate in philosophy at the University of California, Davis, wrote that: “…The Bohemian Grove has long been a political networking point for Republicans … along with significant numbers of cabinet members and White House officials. [Dwight] Eisenhower gave a premier political address at the Grove in 1950, setting himself on the path to the presidency.” He wrote that Presidential hopeful Nelson Rockefeller went into the Grove to give a Lakeside Chat in 1963. In 1967, Ronald Reagan and Richard Nixon were in the Grove to discuss Presidential aspirations. Nixon gave a speech at the Lakeside and it inspired him in his road to the Presidency the following year. Gerald Ford was in the Grove. Bohemian member Firestone of Firestone Tire and Rubber Company had a history (Firestone asked Bohemian member Loyall McLarent to introduce Ford around to as many members as possible). Phillips also illustrated the “elitist” mentality of the Bohemian Club members by noting another Lakeside Chat given in June, 1994, by a political science professor from U.C. Berkley: “The chat was entitled ‘Violent Weakness,’ which focused on how increasing violence in society was weakening our social institutions.” Philips exposed how people in the Grove wanted the elite not the masses to dictate policy (and that foreign policy should be American centered). Other Bohemian Grove members include Tony Coelho, Clint Eastwood, Edwin Fuelner of the Heritage Foundation, Edwin Meese, General Colin Powell, Ken Star, David Broder (who died years ago), and other peoples. The grove have plutocratic meetings plus plotting and occult, pagan ritual ceremonies. The Strategic Defense Initiative or Star War was the brainchild of Grove members and was first introduced during a lakeside talk in the early 80’s. This was before Ronald Reagan proposed publicly the program in March of 1983. The 1942 Bohemian Grove was the setting for the birthplace of the Manhattan Project. This meeting caused the creation of the atomic bomb. In an interview with the San Francisco Chronicle’s Debra J. Saunders, Sonoma State sociology Professor Peter Phillips, who attended the confab in 1994, said that the elitist encampment was a forum for “very important people” to discuss “intimate issues.” Philips made it clear that networking and making deals was a key component of Grove activity. “They’re very clearly talking politics and business constantly,” he told Saunders, completely contradicting the Bohemian Club’s claim that “weaving spiders come not here,” a reference to the notion that members talking shop is severely frowned upon. “I proved the opposite, quite clearly,” said Philips. “I heard conversations about business. ‘If GE comes in on the deal, we can get the Japanese to join’ – three men walking down a trail together.” Sick sex with prostitutes exists there. We shouldn’t act like our enemies and lay up with prostitute, plot evil, and do occult, secret rituals. These devils in the Grove do these things. We should do positive actions, be honest, reject sin, embrace wisdom, and promote confidence in the human race.
There is a reason why banks aren’t lending money to local businesses. Some believe that it relates to the FED’s decision to pay interests on $1.6 trillion in excess reserves. Small and medium sized businesses contribute greatly in job creation. Startup businesses make up a fifth of the nation’s new jobs. Why aren’t they getting off the ground? According to a June 30, Wall Street Journal article entitled, “Smaller Businesses Seeking Loans Still Come up Empty” said that only 17 percent of smaller businesses have access to bank finances. Their credit lines have been cut to pay for workers and materials before they pay for the products that they can produce. So, the businesses are forced into credit account. These credit cards make up that average of 16 percent interest, which is more than double the rate of the average business loan. This is one of the many banking trends that have been financially lucrative for Wall Street banks, but are killing local businesses. Banks aren’t lending and one possible reason is that the FED is paying interest on bank reserves. This policy came in October 9, 2008 which was in the time of the financial crisis. Before this time, The FED paid banks on nothing on required reserves. This was similar to a tax equivalent to the interest rate banks could have earned if they had been allowed to lend such funds. In 2006, the FED requested permission to pay interest on reserves, because it believes that it would help control the money supply should inflation reappear. According to Bruce Barlett (in his Fiscal Time article from July of 2010), many economists believe that the FED encouraged banks to sit on their cash and not lend it by paying interests on reserves. Once banks have collected deposits from their own customers. These deposits were stored for their own liquidity needs which they’ve used to back loans and clear outgoing checks. Now, banks typically borrow or buy liquidity either from other banks, from the money market, or form the commercial paper market. So, when the FED pays interests on reserves, it competes with all of these markets for ready access short term funds. As a result of this policy, there is a shortage of liquidity that banks need to make loans. A silent liquidity squeeze occurs, because the FED prevents interbank lending. This contributed to the banking crisis of September of 2008. It could happen again according to Jeff Hummel or the associate professor of economics at San Jose State University. He said that paying interests on reserve: “…may eventually rank with the Fed's doubling of reserve requirements in the 1930s and bringing on the recession of 1937 within the midst of the Great Depression.” It’s wrong to have 1.6 trillion dollars in excess reserves. The bank bailout and the Federal Reserve’s 2 quantitative easing programs were done to keep credit flowing in the local economy. Yet, trillions of dollars have been thrown at Wall Street banks. These programs have produced mountains of excess reserve that lie idle in Federal Reserve bank account. This amount of 1.6 trillion in excess reserve has been here since the collapse of Lehman Brothers on September 15, 2009. TARP was created to subsidize the nation’s largest banks in order to unfreeze credit market. The contention was that banks were refusing to lend to each other. They were cutting them off from liquidity that was essential to the lending business. MIT in September 10, found out the freeze happened when the FED started to pay interest on excess reserves in October 2008. The study was explained by Daily Bail. On October 9, 2008, the FED began paying interest not just on required bank reserves (which is about 10 percent of deposits for larger banks), but on excess reserves. Reserve balances immediately shot up, and they have been going up almost vertically ever since. In March of 2011, there is the interbank loans outstanding were only 1/3 their level in May 2008 before the major crisis hit. The FED wants to control monetary policy in paying interests in reserves. The FED funds rate is ruled in order for them to control the money supply. So, local business lending depends on ready access to liquidity. Local businesses need interbank lending markets. There should be lending in the economic world. Some wants states to protect and nurture local economics with publicly owned banks. State owned banks can give more cash to cash strapped states with new revenues (that can prevent selling off public assets and slashing services).
Daniel Taylor from Old-Thinker News reported about the Pentagon. There is a Pentagon contractor and “perception manager” John Rendon. Rendon talked about using the Internet content algorithms with the intention of shape belief sets. This comes after the Pentagon shown a project developed by DARPA that will utilize social media as an information warfare tool. Wired Magazine reported that the Pentagon wants to build a tool to sniff out social media propaganda campaigns and spit some counter-spin right back at it. The report issued by DARPA is titled, “Social Media in Strategic Communication” or SMISC. It’s found online. The deal is that the Pentagon wants to promote their propaganda in the world. The project will: “…Detect, classify, measure and track the (a) formation, development and spread of ideas and concepts (memes), and (b) purposeful or deceptive messaging and misinformation.” In response, the Pentagon will engage in “Counter messaging of detected adversary influence operations.” The Pentagon definitely considers deceptive messaging and misinformation the exposure of the Pentagon as promoting terrorism since its inception. Ironically, much of the Arab Spring revolution began in Egypt. It was supported by social media groups and Twitter. The Internet in a suitcase campaign in Iran is trying to cause a revolution there as well. In his newly released book The Filter Bubble: What the internet is hiding from you, Eli Pariser of Moveon.org interviews Pentagon contractor John Rendon, where he candidly spoke of perception management in the digital world. Specifically, Rendon hints that he knows how to game the system of search engine algorithms – the system by which pages are ranked and internet searches are displayed – and in turn shift the mindset of the masses. Memetic engineering is used by the Pentagon within the Internet in order to promote their interests. The SWS or the Sentient World Simulation has been integrated with the social media networks. The SWS is a model of the real world translated into a virtual model that can be used to test propaganda and its anticipated effect on a target populace in real time.
B y Timothy