Friday, July 22, 2011

Oslo, and other Events

People are discussing about the Oslo bombing. It occurred outside of the Norwegian capital. There are still questions about the whole incident. An inquiry is necessary to find out the whole circumstances of the event. Authorities mention that the man who executed the shootings at a youth camp (in a nearby resort) have direct ties to the earlier bombing in Oslo of a government building. A day before the attack, there was a bomb sweep in the area. Norwegian television reported on this story. This has been proven to an eyewitness to the blast in about 200 ft. away from the explosion. A Norwegian said that his father who is an explosives expert. This expert analyzed the bombing scene. The pattern of the damage and debris looks like it was underground. One road was closed off in recent days for underground sewer works. This is not consistent with the official story that the blast was caused by a car bomb. The bombing occurred in a largely empty place since it was a public holiday in Norway. It’s strange for terrorists to bomb the place when it was on a day in a holiday. The official story view a blonde haired Norwegian man as involved in the mass shooting in a Labour youth camp outside of Oslo killing at least 25 people. This is a part of folks wanting to hype up a “white Al-Qaeda” so-called threat. The man accused of heading the group to bomb buildings in Oslo is called Mullah Krekar. He had dealing with the CIA in 2005. Member of Krekar’s group called Ansar al-Islam are veterans of the CIA/ISI collaborative war against the Soviets in Afghanistan. Ironically, Norway isn’t a member of the European Union, which angers the global elite. Norway believes in Palestinian statehood, which is very taboo even today. Norway reversed is support for the bombardment of Libya. It will withdraw its support of the NATO operation by August 1. It freezes a 42m million dollar payment to Greece. This can influence the debt crisis in Greece. So, some policies of Norway went against the agenda of the Anglo-American elite. Oslo Police have done bombing exercise days before the terrorist blast. Ironically, many terrorist events are accompanied by a security drill in dealing with a similar scenario. The Oslo police were doing a bombing exercise at a location near the Oslo Opera House. This was done 48 hours before the terrorist blast hit a government building. According to the translated version of an Aftenposten report, “Anti-terror police fired explosive charges at a training center in Oslo, two hundred meters from the Opera, but forgot to notify the public.” The exercise occurred on Wednesday. It dealt with anti-terror units that attacked a disused building at the edge of Bjørvika pier with bombs and firearms. The men lowered themselves down the roof. In the window, which was blown out, the men fired hand their weapons. The exercise consisted of violent bangs and it was dramatic as seen by the spectators at the nearby Opera House. There is a video of the drill that accompanies the story. It shows the police scaling the side of a building with an explosion going off below them before they enter the window and start firing. The police had to publicly apologize for not informing the public about the exercise. This exercise is similar to others that transpired in the events of 7/7 and 9/11. The London bombings had a consultancy agency with government and police connections were running an exercise for an unnamed company that revolved around the London Underground. The bombing occurred at the same times and locations as happened in real life on the morning of July 7th. Some skeptics of the official 7.7 bombing dismissed this as a statistical impossibility.


The economic is in trouble. Bon rating agencies that give junk derivatives triple A ratings threaten to downgrade the U.S. Treasury bonds. They will do this if the White House and Congress doesn’t reach a deficit reduction deal and a debt ceiling increase. This crisis is being exploited by the establishment in order for the reactionaries to force cutbacks in Medicare, Medicaid, and Society Security. If the rating agencies downgraded Treasuries, the company executives would be arrested for the fraudulent ratings that they gave to the junk that Wall Street peddled to the rest of the world. Companies can be gone and their ratings would be discredited if rating agencies did this. The U.S. government hasn’t default on its bonds. The reason is that bonds are payable on its currency (unlike those of Greece, Spain, and Ireland). The Federal Reserve will continue to purchase the Treasury’s debt. If Goldman Sachs is too big to fail, then the U.S. government is. The budget proposal doesn’t focus on illegal wars and military occupations. These acts have occurred in at least 6 nations including the 66 year old U.S. occupations of Japan (including Germany). There is the ring of military bases being constructed around Russia. The total military/security budget is in the range of 1.1-1.2 trillion dollars (or 70-75 percent of the budget deficit). Social Security is still solvent. Medicare expenditures are coming close to exceeding the 2.4 percent payroll tax that funds Medicare. That is why it is wrong and dishonest for pundits plus political figures to blame entitlement programs alone for the budget deficit. The payroll tax can fund entitlements. Wars are not funded. The Iraq war cost didn’t 70 billion dollars after the criminal Bush regime lied about it. It’s paid greatly by Iraqi oil revenues. The Bush administration years ago fired Larry Lindsay or Bush’ chief economic advisor. This was after Larry said that the Iraq invasion would cost $200 billion. Lindsay was off by a factor of 20. Economic and budget experts have said that the Iraq and Afghanistan wars have consumed $4,000 billion in out of pocket and incurred future costs. The ongoing wars and occupations have already eating up the 4 trillion dollars by which Obama hopes to cut federal spending over the next 10 years. The politicians don’t want to tax the rich. They are rewarding insurance companies by privatizing Medicare with subsidized insurance premiums, capping Medicaid, and having an additional Social Security tax on the middle class. The Bush and the Obama administrations take serious concerns for war beyond health care and old age pensions for Americans. Washington now serves the military industrial complex, Wall Street, Oil Companies, pharmaceuticals, and other corporate powers. Wars have had a heavily cost with bombs, deregulating the financial sector, and harm to our environment via polluters. Some want to reduce health care costs by promoting a single payer system and allowing a private health care system for those who can afford it. Ending the war on terror is one out of many ways to handle the budget issue. Our jobs being shipped overseas is another problem. US GDP, consumer purchasing power, and our tax base is handed to China, India, and Indonesia. This cause Wall Street, shareholders, and corporate CEO to earn more cash. More imports are coming into America, a trade balance worsens, the U.S. dollar declines in its exchange value, and prices rise for Americans when goods and serviced are produced offshore to come back into America. This economic destruction causes the oligarchy to control our government. Over 20 percent unemployment and stagnant wages plus more consumer debt burdens isn’t a real economic improvement. Austerity isn’t an answer. You need some money to build up the economic. The “reduction” merely means that the growth in the national debt will be $4 trillion less than otherwise. Regardless of any “deficit reduction,” the national debt ten years from now will be much higher than it presently is.

NPR hosted a debate on abortion in the black community. NPR referred the debate between Ryan Bomberger or the CEO of the Radiance Foundation and Rev. Carlton Veazey. The Reverend is the President and CEO of the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice. Ryan said that afterwards, he would score even more points, but NPR edited him. He said that NRP edited out minutes of his responses and kept every single word as he spoke intact. He wrote a report on the debate. People already know that NPR is biased and mostly pro-abortion on demand. That isn’t a secret. Both sides on this debate want abortion rates to go down. It’s just that both disagree on the methods to have the precise goal. Ryan said that the bias dealt with his comments about Title X funded clinics. NPR according to him cut out the words title X and the host’s misunderstanding that they were religious organizations. His ending statements were edited. He called out Rev. Veazey for earning a $183 K annual salary from the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice for 5 hours a week of work. The abortion industry is about money. NPR edited those comments about Veazey’s earnings as well. The pro-abortionist reverend lied and said that Pro-Lifers don’t care about children once they are born. That’s a damnable lie since Pro-life exist across the political spectrum and believe in funding for child care, maternity leave, and other services to care children. Also, Ryan has adopted 2 children. Facts are hated by pro-abortion activists like Rev. Veazey. Real Pro-Lifers will care for any child in any stage of life. Michel Martin was a fair minded mediator. The documentary Maafa21 exposes eugenics, abortion, and racism in the world.

The Moors aren’t monolithic. Some were lighter in phenotype (not all Moors are black Africans) and others don’t (or that some Moors were indeed Black Africans). The Moors lived mostly in North Africa (that had black Africans, Phoenicians, Berbers, etc.). They conquered and ruled Spain and parts of Portugal for more than 700 years from 711 A.D. to 1492 A.D. The North Africa/Iberian link existed for thousands of years according to archaeologists as the Ibero-Maurisian culture. The word Moor comes from the Roman word Marues. This is a derivate of the Greek adjective Mauros meaning black or dark. By 46 B.C. saw black Africans in Northwest Africa that they have called Maures. The word Moor was used for black Africans by European Renaissance scholars, writers, and explorers. The Berbers are one group of the Moors. The Berbers today aren’t Indo-European, but they have a lighter phenotype. The Amazigh is another group. The Berber language is called Tamazight of which there are many dialects including Tarifit or Riffi (northern Morocco), Kabyle (Algeria) and Tashelhiyt (central Morocco), Tamasheq(Niger). Tamazight has been a written language, on and off, for almost 3000 years. It was first written in the Tifinagh alphabet, still used by the Tuaregs of Libya, Niger, Nigeria, Mali and Senegal. The oldest dated inscription is from about 200 BC. During the Middle Ages, paintings of the Moorish noblemen in Europe look definitely black Africans. I’ve seen them in the dozens showing black African peoples (from 1283 A.D. onward). Black people have had a strong presence in Europe during that time period as documented in books like Blacks in Antiquity by Frank Snowden, Golden Age of the Moor ed. by Ivan Van Sertima, Black Britannia by Edward Scobie and National Geographic Magazine. Even mainstream historians say that the Moors are populations of Berber, Black African, and Arab people that conquered the Iberian Peninsula during the Middle Ages. There is the Moorish group of the Tuareg people of Libya, Morocco, Mauritania, Mali, Nigeria, and Senegal.  According some, the Garamanti Empire was a Black Berber Empire that existed in Southern Libya. There was the Numidia Kingdom in Africa as well. Silius Italicus a Roman writer around the beginning of the Christian era describes the Maures as Nigra a Latin work for dark complexion. Other Roman documents referenced other Berbers groups such as the “black Gaetuli and black-skinned Asphodelodes.” The Moorish people still have had a strong black African element from men and women. In 1086, Yusuf ben Tachfln, who is described by Moorish historian Ali ibn Abd Allah as dark and wooly-haired, a Nigerian or Senegalese Moorish General, brought in an army composed largely of aboriginal West Africans. Another famous Moor, Yakub el-Mansur, recorded as the son of a Black woman, invaded Iberia in 1194 and made himself master of almost the whole of it. There are crowned African heads in the Moorish coat of arms. Tons of Tuareg are definitely black African too.

X-Men First Class in an interesting film. It was a famous summer film in 2011. The X-Men series in general deals with a group of genetically enhanced youth that have superhuman abilities. They live in a prejudice world and decide to work with humanity in trying to make a tolerable society. The X-Men comic book series is popular area. Some religious people and researchers in popular culture believe that this film deals with the concepts of human evolution to make hand to be godlike in order to have a new age of human achievement. Evolution is a subject and concept that goes back thousands of years. The Utopian vision of human godhood is repackaged as transhumanism in today’s world. The film tries to criticize the Nazis, but it deals with the idea of the X-Men being some superior group of people than ordinary human beings. The movie mentions its villain Sebastian Shaw. He worked with the Nazis during WWII on Jewish people in concentration camps. He shows his views to a young mutant that would be Magneto. Sebastian doesn’t want blond hair and blue eyes, but the usage of genetics in order to develop a superior human species via the manipulation of human DNA. Professor X and Magneto are mutants, but they disagree with each other. Professor X is more moderate while Magneto follows a more militant approach in trying to promote the mutants as the next stage of human evolution basically. Professor Charles Xavier said that mutation from single cell organism transformed into man as the most dominant form of reproductive life on Earth. Variations exist radically via mutations. Professor X views mutants as a continuation of Darwinian evolution, but wants more harmony with the rest of the human race. Sebastian Shaw believes that he is a child of the atom. Darwin is ironically a character in the film. The Beast is very similar to the code name of Beast in the Book of Revelation (that Beast is the Antichrist that seeks world government. The Beast in X-Men becomes an ambassador to the U.N. to seek global peace). One character in the film series is called Azazel. The description of this character comes from his Marvel Comics Wiki” “…He claims to be form demonic mutants from the Neyaphem. Neyaphem were in an epic battle with a group of angelic over-zealous mutants, named the Cheyarafim. The Cheyarafim were victorious in the battle and banished the “evil” mutants to an alternate dimension for all eternity. The Neyaphem’s leader, Azazel, was the only one who was able to breach the dimensional void for brief periods of time due to his teleportation powers. His only hope to return to earth was by impregnating women because his children are linked to his dimension…”  This story is very similar to the biblical story of fallen angels. The X-Men series alludes to religious concepts indeed. The Bible says that fallen angels fell down into Earth after losing the Bible with God and his angels after Creation. There is no evidence Biblically of the fallen angels having sex with women (since the Bible says that men mated with women in Genesis). In the Bible the name Azazel is used in reference to a sacrifice of atonement that was made by Moses and Aaron, after Aaron’s sons sinned in their handling of the sacred Tabernacle duties to God. Two goats were brought to the door of the tabernacle and lots were cast for them. One would go as a sacrifice to The Lord, the other; the scapegoat would be sent live off into the wilderness, into an uninhabited area. A translation for this goat is “Azazel” which means one in opposition to God. This ritual was a foreshadowing of the work of Jesus Christ when He died on the cross. The occult world views Azazel as a rebellious angel.  The X-Men shows the Nazi swastika in the film. It’s not a secret that the Nazis believed in a sick version of superior and inferior human beings.

By Timothy