Monday, July 25, 2011

Truth is Stronger than Evil, so Truth Wins.

The story in Norway gets stranger and stranger. The man suspected in the gun and bomb massacre is named Anders Behring Breivik. He is accused of killing at least 85 people in a youth camp and killing seven in a bomb attack on Friday. He is said to belong to an anti-immigration party and opposed multiculturalism. Breivik is found to be a Freemason. The police in Norway had a 90 minute delay since the Norwegian cops couldn’t locate a helicopter or a boat. This allowed the gunman to shoot down his victims for 90 minutes before help arrived. A SWAT team dispatched to the killing field on Utoya island about 50 minutes after the first report of gunfire went by car because their helicopter wasn’t on standby, said Police Chief Sveinung Sponheim. Ironically, the camp had just concluded a pro-Palestinian rally the day before. The Foreign Minister Jonas Gahr Store was meeting with a demand from the AUF that Norway must recognize a Palestinian state. During the second day of Labour Youth League summer camp at Utøya got the Labour Party’s young hopefuls visit by Foreign Minister Jonas Gahr Store. Together with Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation correspondent Sidsel Wold and Norwegian People’s Aid Kirsten Belck-Olsen, the Foreign Minister discussed of the deadlock between Israel and the Palestinian Authority. The Foreign Minister said that the Palestinians must have their own state, the occupation must end, and the wall must be demolished and it must happen now. The audience cheered. In the early week, Palestinian Mahmoud Abbas visited Norway. The Minister said to a TV a news channel that Norway stands ready to recognize a Palestinian state. The story of Breivik is strange since the media portray him as a Christian fundamentalist, but he was a Freemason and supported Islamophobes like Pam Geller and CFR member Richard Pipes. The police authorities aren’t ruling out a second shooter in the attacks. Norwegian Prime Minister, Jens Stoltenberg, is a Bilderberg Member. A second man has been seized by authorities as well. The shootings are certainly exploited as a means to scapegoat in my opinion Christians and folks desiring true, non-prejudicial nationalism in the world. As for immigration, there is nothing wrong with immigration that’s legal. If the man accused is the gunman, then he should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Norway has its own currency called the krone and it’s independent of the European Union.

Iran government officials tell a Christian pastor to recant or face execution. This information is excerpted from the Baptist Press on July 15, 2011. The Iranian pastor is named Yousef Ndarkhani. He faces execution unless he renounces his faith in Christ. This is confirmed from the country’s Supreme Court. Baptist Press reported on July 8 that Christians in Iran were challenging the news reports that Nadarkhani’s death penalty has been annulled. The Christian Solidarity Worldwide human rights organization reported on July 14 that the court’s written verdict has been released. This confirmed that Nadarkhani faces execution unless he renounces his faith. The original verdict on charges of apostasy was based on the fatwas by Iran’s most powerful religious leaders. They are Ayatollahs Khomeini, Khamenei and Makarem Shirazi --meaning the Supreme Court may have been reluctant to overturn the verdict for fear of inviting controversy, CSW advocacy director Andrew Johnston said in a press statement. Nadarkhani was arrested in October 2009. He was attempting to register his church. His arrest is believed to have been due to his questioning of the Muslim monopoly on the religious instruction of children in Iran according to news reports. He was at first charged with protesting. Yet, the charges against him were later changed to apostasy and evangelizing Muslims. So, the moral of the story is that religious liberty ought to be protected and preserved not only in America, but throughout the Earth. There is still the 2 party plutocracy in America. This system is funded by big money and it’s harming the middle class and the poor. Even the Greeks rebelled against its dysfunctional government. The Republicans are readily intimidated by Tea Party members, because the Tea Party believes in the lie that any spending by the federal government is equated to sin or socialism. The Tea Party use slick semantics to lie and say that the super rich are the main job creators. The reality is that we have the super rich hoarding wealth and having tons of loopholes. Still, we have economic inequality, unemployment set in concrete, and the elimination of the middle class plus the further harm of the poor. The debt ceiling has been increased over a dozen times by Ronald Reagan in the 1980’s. There are part time jobs, but full time jobs are not radically increasing now. Business sectors regularly use smaller U.S. work forces, export U.S. jobs overseas with their capital investment, and use tax loopholes to cause some of them to pay very little if any U.S. taxes (that is supported by some Republicans). There are more layoffs in the financial, technology, aerospace, and defense fields if nothing is done. Apple is sitting in 76 billion dollars in cash. Republicans want to raise the debt limit to have huge cuts in federal spending. This will affect ordinary Americans and prevent higher taxes for the super rich and corporate forces. The richest Americans have been paying the lowest taxes in many decades and corporate profits have been enormous, and this reality has clearly had absolutely no positive impact on the unemployment and underemployment plaguing at least 30 million Americans and their family members. Go back to the post-World War II era when the richest Americans paid very high taxes and you discover that jobs and fairly distributed wealth were created in abundance. Wealth never radicals trickles down into most of the people. We can’t support reactionary propaganda that have a lust of wealth instead of a love of economic truth. In the meanwhile, President Barack Obama is still compromisers and it isn’t enough for the Tea Party crowd. There are little increases of taxes on the rich plus corporations. Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security can be cut via these proposals which will radically harm the American people. This isn’t democracy or even a Republic. It’s a corrupt political system that believes in austerity not mercy. That is why I’m Independent not a Democrat or a Republican.

UK scientists have secretly grown human-animal hybrids in laboratory experiments. This has been known for years. At least the UK government approved of 150 human animal human hybrid embryos by scientists. This is done under the 2008 Human Fertilization Embryology Act. The UK’s Daily Mail newspaper is reporting that a committee of scientists has recently blew the whistle on the operation. They have expressed alarm over the risk that the experiments are going too far. This is scientific fact not science fiction. This has been going on overtly in the UK for 3 years. These beings created are animal eggs fertilized with human sperm and cybrids. Cybrids are animal cells that are injected with human cell nuclei. They also created chimeras or the mixture of human cells and animal cells. It isn’t known which animals were used in the chimera and cybrids. Yet, it’s almost a certainty that mammals were used. The closer the genetic code of the animals to humans, the more likely embryos would be viable. So, it seems likely that these scientists have been using eggs from monkeys or apes combined with humans. None of these embryos were allowed to grow into fetuses. That is why current UK law requires them to be destroyed after 14 days. That’s the law. This stuff can possible be going on in underground basement corporate laboratories (away from UK regulators and outside the bounds of the law). There can be half-apes running around in laboratory cages right now. Science should be bounded by some ethics or moral principles. King’s College London, Newcastle University, and Warwick University allow the human-animal embryos to be created. Some scientists said that developing embryonic stem cells can treat incurable diseases when adult stem cells have proven to treat tons of illnesses and diseases. Creating a lab of half human, half ape being is immoral. Many times aborted fetuses and human body parts are sold to pharmaceutical companies (and they create products from these items). For eons, the elite and their minions have exploit living organisms and put animals via medical hell in order to have profit and control. Even now, there are primates in cages used to grow viral material. This is done to harvest their organs and blend them with toxic chemicals to make vaccines. This is a secret that some in the vaccine industry don’t want people to know. This is inhumane and sick. Harvesting of organs is worldwide. Ethnic boundaries are necessary to make sure that lives aren’t exploited. Even Dr. Jonas Salk (the developer of the polio vaccine) conducted illegal medical experiments on mental patients without their consent at all. So, scientists should do their job, but not play God with genes, seeds, and medicines in order to have profit. For people can’t do what they want whenever they want as all humans have imperfections.

Abortion extremists obsessed with silencing pregnancy centers. NARAL-inspired people keep on going to try to intimidate and drive out of business women helping centers. A pro-abortion site showed a bill. This bill is called Stop Deceptive Advertising for Women’s Act. It was sponsored last week by Senator Robert Menendez of New Jersey and Rep. Carolyn Maloney of New York. The bill will give you the Federal Trade Commission the authority to end crisis pregnancy centers (that use information). The current number of Maloney bill is HR 2543. The Menendez bill is S. 1374. Two federal judges criticized the cities of Baltimore and New York for the blatant abridgement of the First Amendment rights of women helping centers called Crisis Pregnancy Centers. A third enjoined the Montgomery County Council of Maryland from enforcing a part of Resolution No. 16-1252 that was passed February 1, 2010 until all the legal issues in Centro Trepayac v. Montgomery County are resolved. Pro-lifers won many battles in promoting the First Amendment, while pro-abortion extremists hypocritically hated free speech rights. The pro-abortion crowd thinks that most CPCs aren’t regulated and use false advertising. That’s an allusion to a 2006 tract produced for pro-abortion Democrat Rep. Henry Waxman, the ranking minority member at the time, by the minority staffers on the House Committee on Government Reform. Note that pro-lifers adamantly denied that they engaged in false advertising. Note also that a key portion of the Waxman “investigative report” was supposedly that CPCs were distributing “medically inaccurate information.” This isn’t true since: “…“A conservative estimate from the best available data is that 20% to 30% of women who undergo an abortion will experience serious and/or prolonged negative consequences,” according to Priscilla Coleman, Ph.D., who has researched and written extensively on the subject. Likewise there is an abundance of evidence that an induced abortion does increase the chances of a woman having breast cancer. NARAL wants this anti-free campaign. They are lying about pregnancy centers in their tour nationwide. They slander crisis pregnancy centers as being misleading and dangerous. NARAL is working with 9 of their state affiliates to promote their tour. This bullying tactic won’t work since a lie will never live forever, unborn human life is still human, and shedding innocent blood is still morally wrong. Women have every right to go into crisis pregnancy centers if they voluntarily decide too.

Harry Potter is a story with the headmaster named Albus Dumbledore. The major premise of the story is that Harry Potter is trained to be the best wizard that he can be within the circumstances of numerous adventures. Many children love these novels. The characters in them include Harry Potter of course, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, the evil Malfoy, and others in Hogwarts School of Wizardry and Witchcraft. It’s easy to see that some children take a more favorable opinion of witchcraft if they are strongly exposed to the literature form Harry Potter. The number is found in the Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone book. Harry was 11 when he was admitted to the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, his wand is 11 inches long, the Hogwarts Express Train left at 11 o’clock from Platform Nine and Three Quarters (as found in pg. 91 of the book). Harry in the Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban book is assigned to number 11 in Leaky Cauldron. That is where he is to stay for the last 2 weeks of summer vacation. In “Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire” have the number 11 in the room. The Sorcerer’s Stone book from the Harry Potter series talks about Harry plus his friends making drugs and taking them. The Sorcerer’s Stone deals with Harry and Heroine trying to get eternal life as the goal of the Sorcerer’s Stone (occultists have used alchemy as related to this stone. Even Rowling admits that the elixir of life and alchemy deals with this subject). The creator of the Sorcerer’s Stone is 666 years old. The Phoenix bird, astral projection, amulets, the inner eye, curses, and other occult imagery are found in the Harry Potter book series including its movie series. So, J. K. Rowling knows about the occult and like minded issues. Halloween even has relationships with the occult. In the past few decades, many in the world have glamorized witchcraft to the point of its acceptance. It’s the sign of the time now and we have the right to disagree with many of the common practices of this age.

By Timothy