Interesting isn't it folks how the Jesuit logo has thirty two flames on its Sun disc and the 32nd degree of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry has the Jesuit motto of 'Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam'. Not forgetting that these revived Templars from Aragon created the Scottish Rite in France including all the degrees instituted by their ally, Frederick the Great. Don't be deceived by those who'd rather you didn't know this knowledge.
What is this A:.A:. you're speaking of? The Arcana Arcanorum?
E.: Field blue; on it is a golden lion, holding in his mouth a key of gold, and a gold collar around his neck, with the figures 525 on the collar. Motto at the base, "Custos Areani," and in some rituals, "Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam" - the latter is the motto of the Jesuits. Around this standard are stationed the Knights of the Sun, the Commanders of the Temple, and the Princes of Mercy, 28th, 27th, and 26th degrees. Standard Bearer, Aholiab. |
32. SUBLIME PRINCE OF THE ROYAL SECRET This degree, originally a Christian degree of Knighthood, "consummates the Templarism of Masonry." Only "a lover of wisdom and an apostle of Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity" is eligible to partake of this exalted degree, which is military in character (as the previous degree was judicial). The Chivalric nature of Masonry is explained by the Knightly Armor of the Templar, which is buckled upon the novitiate piece by piece. The Lodge, styled a Consistory, is hung in black, strewed with silver tears, skulls and cross-bones, and skeletons. In the East is a throne, ascended by seven steps, and draped in black satin with flame tears. An altar before the throne is also draped in black satin, with a skull and cross- bones, and the letter J above it, and the letter M below it. In front of each Warden in the West is a table, covered in crimson, with crossed swords and the letters "N-K .'. M-K .'." . Also in the West is the "Camp of the Princes:" a nonagon, which encloses a heptagon, which encloses a pentagon, which encloses a triangle, which encloses a circle with a cross inside it. On the sides of the nonagon are nine Tents, each denoted by a letter, a flag and pennon, a Commanding Officer, and assigned to certain degrees of the A.A.S.R.: Flag and Pennon Camp of... Commanding Officer 1. S White & crimson 18th, 17th Malachi 2. A Green 16th, 15th Zerubbabel 3. L Red 14th Nehemiah 4. I Black & red 13th, 12th Joabert 5. X Black 11th, 10th, 9th Paleg 6. N Red & black 8th Jehoiada 7. O Red & green 7th, 6th Aholiab 8. N Green 5th, 4th Joshua 9. I Blue 3rd, 2nd, 1st Ezra On each of the external sides of the pentagon are five Standards, each with colored fields, devices, mottos, bearers, and assigned to certain degrees of the A.A.S.R.: Color & Device Degrees Borne by 1. T Purple, Ark of Covenant 30th, 29th Bezaleel 2. E Blue, Gold lion with key 28th, 27th, 26th Aholiab 3. N White, Flaming heart with Black wings 25th, 24th, 23rd Mah-Shim 4. G Green, Black two-headed eagle 22nd, 21st Garimont 5. U Gold, Black ox 20th, 19th Amariah Mottos: 1. "Laus Deo" 2. "Custos Arcani," "Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam" 3. "Ardens Gloria Surgit" 4. "Corde Gladio Potens" 5. "Omnia Tempus Alit" Inside the triangle are encamped the Princes of the Royal Secret and Grand Inspector Inquisitor Commanders, "with such Knights of Malta as, having proved themselves true and faithful, may have been received among us." Inside the circle are the five Grand Inspectors General who serve as Lieutenant Commanders under the Most Puissant Sovereign Grand Commander. Battery: [1-4]. The apron is white, lined in black, with a double-headed eagle and a plan of the Camp of the Princes. The jewel is a golden Teutonic cross, with a double-headed white and black eagle in the center. |
-Craig Oxley