Thursday, July 28, 2011

On Hollywood, etc.

crammasters5 months ago
@ niceguyforu1

brother, I remember reading several years ago how Halle was called "N_________" by some of the Hollywood folk. White supremacy rules the entertainment industry, and all this "happy and successful" black celebrity BS is designed to make us regular black folk think those black folk have "arrived"
but the truth is, they are dealing with the same racism demon that the rest of us deal with. Unfortunately, their money and fame doesn't make them WISE enough to stay out of bed with the same folk that are mistreating them. Nuff said..
crammasters5 months ago
@ Real Queen

I'll end with this. I made my points -- all VALID. What I am saying to you is IF you are a white person with a black spouse or black child and you try to MINIMIZE the racism that is hurting your husband and your child, your "love" should be SUSPECT.
And yes, a lot of white people hate black people but will marry a black person and have sex with black people and still think of them as N-____S. I have met half-black kids who say their white mothers call them N-_____S. I have met BM who say their white wives have called them N-___S. I have met BW who said their white boyfriends called them N-___ B____.
Dr. Laura's black female caller (4 months back) said her WHITE husband allowed his relatives and friends to practice racism on her in his presence. That is my point, that black people should NOT assume that a white person who wants to have sex with them or marry them cannot be a racist. Nothing is further from the TRUTH.
Racism is a MENTAL ILLNESS, and so SICK people do SICK things, including OBSESSING over sex with the same people they say are inferior to them. It happened during slavery, during segregation, and it is still happening right now.
you make dismiss the scientific evidence (that is not my opinion it is FACT) that white people have a negative population growth rate. Therefore, whites are becoming genetically extinct, and seek to RESTORE their fertility by breeding with more fertile non-whites. That is a FACT.
like i said, i appreciate the feedback and will use your posts to illustrate the pitfalls of IR sex for blacks who want to be free of racism/white supremacy. Have a good nite.


crammasters5 months ago

@ tc2ewra

brother, it is easier to get a camel thru the eye of a needle than to get a white folk to talk HONESTLY about how bad racism is for black folk.
again, the question I always ask them is HOW can you say u love your black partner or child when u are pretending that racism is not as "widespread" as I said it is...and here a young BM just got lynched in Mississippi in 2010 (!)
and if a white folk belongs to BP, how can they NOT read all the DAILY STORIES about racism and then fix their mouth to say "racism is not as widespread...." ????
what does that tell you about their concern about racism? And how can they love their black spouse or child when they don't care about that?????


tc2ewra5 months ago

This woman is "typical".

All White people have the potential to benefit from the system of White supremacy.

Hell, Whites benefit by not having to deal with the stresses that people of color, who resist assimilation, have to contend with daily in a society that's hell bent on keeping them "in their place".

Brother, you've clearly made your case. She wants to perpetuate the lie that racism isn't that widespread. This alone should show you what you are dealing with.

crammasters5 months ago

@ jayhood40 who said, "sometimes we as BM need to take some blame for this as well…when we have nothing we remain with that BLACK QUEEN….but the minute we come into something we switch up and wanna go get the WG"
thanks for man-ing up and admitting that, brother. Don't know how the BM can throw stones at the BW when we are the MAIN ones chasing white P whether we are rich OR poor, but especially when we get some money


crammasters5 months ago

@ WilliamSmith123
brother, because u are more upset over this piece of celeb gossip than anyone should be to the extent that you are cussing and name-calling folks u never met.
why are u pretending u know what the truth is? Were u a fly on their wall, and know something the rest of us don't? Sounds like you got a classic case of bitterness toward women in general, and so u are throwing Halle in the same pot with all your ex-women -- that's what it sounds like "women always do this s"
I do not know what happened with Halle and that white male, but I DO KNOW many black folk who have told ME that it is common in IR relationships, for some white folk to use the N word when they get mad.
Our history with whites and sex is INDISPUTABLE, and it matters not whether you agree. The RECORD on this is clear. Racist white folks have ALWAYS wanted sex with black people. Our different skin colors is PROOF of this.
What is strange (to me) is how some black folk get in a rage whenever someone (like me) criticizes IR -- yet some of these SAME black folk will complain endlessly about the racism they encounter at the workplace, in public, etc. Just dont get it...
