The CIA’s DARPA is working on human brain mimicking tech. This company built the first internet node hired. DAPRA is of course the company that created the Internet back in the 1960’s. This gave the @ symbol in email plus did other acts. The U.S. intelligence community came to work on technology that could copy the brain’s power to make sense of large amounts of haphazard, partial information. In the late 1960’s, Boston based BBN technologies was hired by the U.S. military Advanced Research Projects Agency (which was later renamed DARPA) to form the first nodes of ARPAnet, which evolved into the Internet today. DARPA made numerous successes for the military over the decades. It has inspired the CIA and other U.S. intelligence agencies to form their own famous bureau called IARPA or the Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Agency (IARPA). BBN is owned by U.S. arms giants Raytheon today. Raytheon said that it won a 3 billion dollar deal from IARPA to explore how the brain processes massive amounts of fragmented data. IARPA’s ICARUS program funds this project. ICARUS is the acronym meaning Cognitive Neuroscience Architectures for Understanding Sense making. IARPA like ICARUS deals with high risk research. This research probably won’t deliver anything. If it does, like the Internet, it is something than what is expected. Brain like computers to interpret information on the scale of an actual human brain is not likely in our generation. Yet, BBN wants the new gear will help the U.S. intelligence agencies to achieve useful intelligent out of a huge video files delivered by various forms of overhead surveillance.
It’s not a secret that the labor movement caused many economic improvements in America. The economic inequalities decline with the labor movement in the 20th century. From the 1930’s to the 1950’s, organized labor made huge victories that benefited working people and narrowed income inequalities that hit a zenith in the 1920’s. Striking is one crucial method to benefit workers. It can turn profits into 0, halt operations, and money is lost. Employers can use incentives to end the strike. Back in 1937, there were 4740 strikes with workers surged ahead in winning union recognition and wage plus work-rule gains. In 2010, there have been less than 10 strikes. Solidarity can win strikes. Many additional 270,000 miners joined 100,000 miners to support a wage increase. In 1950, President Harry Truman (who was a Democrat ironically) invoked the Taft Hartley Act to stop the strike. The act restricted strikes, but the miners won. Sometimes Truman supported GM in response to the UAW (or the United Auto Workers Act) strike back in 1945. Even Roosevelt and Truman supported the Smith-Connally anti-strike law. So, both parties have policies that are anti-labor. Now, we have working people losing income. The rich are having record profits. Between 2002 and 2008 the income of the top 1 percent grew by 30 percent while the bottom 90 percent of the population suffered a 4 percent drop in income. Some protests used radical means to get real settlements. The incomes of working people are lowering, but the wealth of the rich is increasing. Federal and state governments are aiming their fire at working people, diminishing pension cuts, wage cuts, layoffs, and other cuts (in public education, Medicare, Medicaid, etc.). So, labor can stand up more and demonstrations are occurring in many places in America. These cuts omit job creating programs too. .
The super rich lecture people on having fewer children, but they have large families and live in opulence. Population control is nothing more than slick eugenics. The same ones promoting population control have ties to the old racist eugenics movement. These hypocrites even criticized the Beckhams for having a fourth child. This population control movement is headed by the rich elite, who are hypocrites. Simon Ross is the chief executive of the Optimum Population Trust. Ross omits that the population of the globe will decline by 2050. This population decline is occurring now in many nations. These hypocrites lecture about CO2 emission and less kids, but they live in luxury, fly around in private jets, and procreate without much concerns about overpopulation. These hypocrites lecture on global warming and population control, but they have huge children. Al Gore wants fertility management or abortion to sterilize people possibly and lower human population growth. He has 4 kids of his own. He lives in his $8.8 million seaside mansion in Montecito, CA. He is the first carbon billionaire, but he offsets his 12 times the average power consumption by purchasing carbon credits. These credits are brought by his own company called Generation Investment Management. George Soros worked with the 2009 conference of elitists to promote population control (Warren Buffet was in the meeting as well). This was in the Manhattan home of Sir Paul Nurse or the British Nobel prize biochemist and he’s the President of the private Rockefeller University. Soros has 5 different children 2 different marriage. He gives over a billion dollars to his family’s Open Society Institute. This group gives grants to promote abortion. Warren Buffett is a billionaire industrialist. He has donated millions of dollars to charities and foundations that are involved in population control. These pro-population control groups are the donated millions to charities and foundations that are involved in population control, including Family Health International, IPAS, Planned Parenthood and the Population Council. The money was used to develop drugs that sterilize women, as well as equipment used to carry out abortions in the third world. Only after his shareholders complained did Buffett cease such donations through his Berkshire Hathaway company in 2003.Buffett talks about overpopulation, but he has 3 children and travels the Earth in a 6.7 million dollar private jet. Other hypocrites are David Rockefeller, the Rothschild family, Ted Turner, Prince Charles, and others. David Rockefeller wants to stop population growth in his 1992 at an UN Ambassador’s Dinner for the sake of the impact on “our planetary ecosystems.” He attended the 2009 population meeting in 2009 in NYC too. He has 6 children and own 4 mansion estates. He put millions of dollars of his fortune into global warming hysteria and overpopulation fear mongering. The Rothschilds promote carbon trading exchange. The exchange is worth about 150 million dollars by next year. The founder of the family Mayer Amschel von Rothschild has no less than 10 children. Ted Turner has 5 kids and owns no less than 2 million acres of land. He is the largest private owner of land on Earth short of the Royal Families of Europe. He wants the tyrannical policies in China to be used in America. He wants to cut the human population by a staggering 95%, a figure only achievable by outright genocide, mass abortion and infanticide. Prince Charles has 4 mansion estates including his Highgrove estate that covers over 900 acres. In 2009, he embarked on a 16,000 mile round trip in a luxury converted Airbus with 14 of his staff at a cost of half a million dollars to browbeat people into limiting their carbon dioxide emissions. He lectures on the age of convenience must end to save the planet. The elite want the middle class and especially the poor to limit children, but they are having CO2 spewing in their lives all of the time. The overpopulation myth is used by the elite as an excuse to promote eugenics, micro-manage populations, and control people in a neo-feudalist fashion.
The Tea Party backed the cut, cap, and balance plan. It was passed by the House. Mostly House Republicans passed their fiscal plan yesterday. It passed 234 to 190. The vote was partisan. There were 5 Democrats that voted for the measure. Their names are Reps. Jim Cooper (Tenn.), Health Shuler (N.C.), and Dan Boren (Okla.). 9 Republicans opposed the bill. Even Tea Party supporter and extremist Michelle Bachmann from Minnesota said that the bill doesn’t go far enough. She wants parts of the bill to defund the health care reform law. Some Republicans opposed it because they didn’t want a debt ceiling increase and never will. Ron Paul wanted cuts in defense and discretionary cuts. These Republican defectors included Reps. Reps. Walter Jones (N.C.), Francisco Canseco (Texas), Scott DesJarlais (Tenn.), Connie Mack (Fla.) and Ron Paul (Texas). The bill has cuts on many areas and it desired a constitutional amendment to require the government to balance its book each year. Republicans say the proposal is just the kind of shot in the arm needed to address the nation's staggering $14.4 trillion debt. Specifically, it calls for cutting more than $100 billion in fiscal 2012 and makes drastic spending cuts in areas that Democrats have prioritized as opportunities for investment: clean energy, infrastructure, education and job training. The biggest concern for Democrats, however, is the bill's proposal to gut Medicaid funding by one-third over the next decade. The bill has little chance of passing in the mostly Democratic Senate. President Barack Obama threatens to have a veto. Republicans have pushed for a record vote on it ahead of the 2012 election. Some in the progressive caucus have made a plan, but the House will not hear it. Numerous Republicans want to promote the interests of the super rich with permanent tax cuts for the wealthy, the war on terror, and other evils. Not to mention that Social Security and Medicare are items that people earned by working. They aren’t free gifts at all. Social Security is 100% solvent until 2037 and it has a surplus. It’s just that some in the government raided parts of the Social Security Trust fund for years. Social Security didn’t create the deficit. It’s a disgrace that we are in a point in America where reactionaries want to cut services from the elderly, the students, the disabled, and other vulnerable human beings in society. We have wars, tax cuts for the super rich, and Wall Street capitalizing over the housing bubble (when there are trillions of dollars stolen by Wall Street via bailouts). Routine extensions of the debt ceiling have occurred for years.
Harry Potter has his final movie in its series. People realize the controversies and other issues pertaining to the movie. In our generation, Wicca and paganism have had a huge comeback in mainstream Western society. Western society in many respects is hypocritical, wicked, ignorant, and backward. Yet, it’s important to discuss about these issues, so we can be reminded in what we ought not to be. We shouldn’t be materialistic, fake, obsessive with physical appearances (when the truth is that all human beings are created equal and should be afforded dignity and respect regardless of what we look like), money hungry, and arrogant. We should be confident, strong, kind, meek, and willing to have the temperment to stand up against any form of evil in the Universe. Occult related story lines have been shown in the Craft, Practical Magic, Charmed, and Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, Sabrina the Teenage Witch, Wizards of Waverly Place, etc. Now, some young kids have been accepting of neo-pagan, occult constructs as presented in Harry Potter. Harry Potter isn’t the number enemy in the world, but Harry Potter is a sign of the times (that includes folks to accept paganism, Wicca, and the occult as avenues to embrace). Theologian Alan D. Ingalls wrote that Harry Potter treats the occult as neutral in its composition. Magic is seen as good if it’s taught at Hogwarts by the good witches and wizards plus by those on the Dark Side as well. The films portrays magic as neutral Pagans loves Harry Potter since he gives an overtly positive image for witchcraft while hiding its real meanings (which is the Old concept of Nature worship, the perfectibility of man, and the bashing of certain moral absolutes among life’s journey). The occult and magic or witchcraft is expressly condemned in the OT and NT since the occult isn’t all mighty nor perfect. You don’t need magic to have spiritual growth. Just being real, following morality, and living in the spirit of holiness are sufficient means to develop the soul plus heart of a human being. To enrich the human personality by almsgiving, fighting for justice, and respecting the essence of human resilience are great goals to live by. Beyond Harry Potter, America especially readily succumbs to some celebrity worship that promotes unrealistic standards while it mocks the poor, the outcast, and the underdog (which is a violation of human morality and many of God’s commandments). This evil culture (as facilitated by the military industrial complex as this complex kills innocent people while promote fake patriotism) inspires many teens to use drugs, drink alcohol, have recreational sex, and do other things that these fake celebrity idols do all of the time. This damnable type of system ought to publicly exposed and opposed by any clear minded human being. This wicked system doesn’t give an inch of concern about truth. Yet, one solution to our problems isn’t to sit in perpetual hatred or unjust anger. It’s to use indignant dissatisfaction to promote more love for humanity, social transformation, and fight for a truly an egalitarian society that views all authentic humans as allies made in the image of Almighty God.
By Timothy