The genetic manipulation of food and other species is a serious threat for all of humanity. Scientists and others are doing research on human/animal hybrids, chimeras and other transgenic clone. This can endanger life in the world. The elite allow their agents to tamper with the genetic code of the planet. They ignore the dangers of cross-species experimentation and these acts can fragrantly jeopardize the Earth’s delicately balanced biodiversity. There are tons of risks posed by genetically modified hybrids. People have found out that in the UK, scientists have made hybrids for at least 3 years. Genetically modified laboratory creations are still going on. The biotech industry is showing these entities to the world. While this is going on, monopolies are increasing their power to control this research like Agra, Pharma, and Medical research in the 21st century. The GM foods are promoted as solutions with lucrative returns. There are patented gene expressions. There is the concept called xenotransplanation. This is when transgenic clones are created via deleting and replacing DNA sequences in order to form a cross-species hybrid. This hybrid is in a host egg and they are the pet project of corporate science. This science believes in replacing organs for ailing human beings, to handle infertility plus sterility issues, to have artificial protein production (in industrial and pharmaceutical applications), cloning, etc. These manmade creations can have the risk of causing sterility in offspring and cancer. Some clones like Dolly the sheep only live in a short lifespan. Clones can have arthritis, breathing problems, and other problems. Hundreds of embryos fail in cultivation before there is one successful clone. Some die in the womb after only after days. These entities are trusted to fulfill humanity’s betterment when they don’t. There can be beast borne diseases if the human genome is mixed with animals. It can affect humans and planet species. Mutations and other unforeseen consequences can exist as a result of mixing unrelated species like mammals and jellyfish genes. Genes can act differently when they are in foreign DNA sequences. This can be dangerous since there is a lack of recognition and compensation for pleitropic genes (where a single gene gives expression for multiple traits). This new sick experimentation has been shown in H.G. Well’s “The Island of Dr. Moreau.” Now, we have human ears on the backs of mice. Harvesting human marked organs from cows, pigs, and other host species is occurring now. There is the synthesizing of strategic proteins in host milk production and other sc-fi application. This could be the future of biotechnology. Spider goats are anti-laws of nature. Some want to create these species to create a stronger than steel protein from spider silk that can create fibers for items like bullet proof vests (such items are sold directly to the military prison industrial complex. This can further dominate humanity via the oligarchy). GMO species are invasive and some doctors have released them in crops. Crop contamination of GMO planets is devastating to ordinary farmers including terminator seeds being genocidal. The consumption of GMO crops have proven ties to allow mice to have sterility (to be delayed until the second or third generation to cause cancer plus other issues). Globalists aren’t gods at all. Some of them want to limit the expression of life with fake clones. These clones threaten real or genuine flora, fauna, and other life. Even some scientists slander 96 percent of DNA as throwaway junk with no genetic value. This is arrogance not inquiry or analysis. All of these acts tie into transhumanism or the belief that man can come into godhood. People should oppose this extremism and some have.
Now, both parties’ leaders want to support the pro-Wall Street debt ceiling plan. The Wall Street bailouts came and no real economic growth has occurred in America. Some view this debt ceiling as a contrived occasion in order to give a justification to destroy much of what is left of the social safety net. These reactionaries view debt and balanced budgets as God pretty much. They believe that if people don’t eliminate much of entitlements and maintain tax cuts for the super rich, then there will be no money to pay Social Security checks next month (including veterans’ benefits and government contracts that the government signed with thousands of businesses). Yet, there are Treasury bills that can pay the monthly Social Security checks. Social Security is still now solvent with liquid securities to pay for many decades to come. Social Security shouldn’t be cut and the Tea Party crew still won’t compromise (after both parties accept draconian cuts in our nation’s services). The government spent 13 trillion dollars in financial bailouts since Lehman Brothers failed in September 2008. Neoliberals dominate the administration like Treasury Secretary Geithner, neoliberal Fed Chairman Bernanke or anyone else in the Wall Street Democrat administration, formerly known as the Democratic Leadership Council. These are the same people that want to radically cut Social Security, Medicare, Medicare, etc. This is proven by the proposals from the Deficit Reduction Commission (as supported by President Barack Obama). The whole commission was headed by the avowed enemies of Social Security Republican Senator Alan Simpson of Wyoming, and President Clinton’s Rubinomics chief of staff Erskine Bowles. Republicans and Blue Dog Democrat sellouts want to rewrite the tax code to benefit the super wealthy. This is similar to an oligarchy. Hereditary aristocracies deal with oligarchies. Oligarchies fight for political influence and control over societies all of the time too. We are devolving from the benefits of the Progressive Era (like infrastructure growth and fulfilling the needs of the people) into neofeudalism. The only difference is that families suffer extreme debt to pay the mortgage in homes as opposed to the military grabbers of the land controlling it (and dividing power in an authoritarian fashion) back in the day. We have bankers instead of people paying rent and tribute to military conquerors in feudal Europe. Feudalism was one via owning land. Now, we have to pay interest, fees, and monopoly rent to the neo-feudal oligarchy (in order for people to get access to credit, to water, medical care, pensions or Social Security and other basic needs today). Today, some Democrats oppose what FDR did in order to submit to the interests of Wall Street. It’s the same story in Britain, where the Labour Party is called upon to finish up the job that the Conservatives start but need New Labour to subdue popular opposition to privatizing the railroads and a Public/Private Partnership financial giveaway for the London tube line. And it’s the same story in France, where a Socialist government is supporting the privatization program dictated by the European Central Bank. The elite (via Wall Street) know that a Republican President can’t roll back the New Deal, Social security, Medicare, and Medicaid. So, they fund a Democratic President to promote neoliberalism under the guise of “bipartisanship.” The new cheerleader of cutting entitlements and other social spending aren’t reactionaries any long. Sometimes the elite use the Left paradigm to get their job done. The City of London took over when the Conservative Party didn’t use radical actions to privatize the railroads and London’s tube system. Iceland’s Social Democrats sought to plunge the economy into debt peonage to Britain and Holland. Even the Greek Socialist Party is leading the fight for privatization and bank bailouts, so in the United States the Democratic Party is to deliver its constituency – urban labor, especially the racial minorities and the poor who are most injured by Pres. Obama’s austerity plan – to Wall Street. The paranoia of crisis is a means to promote austerity. The Republicans don’t have a credible alternative Presidential candidate in the top position of the polls. The top leaders now are establishment figures.
There is a history about Nixon that many people don’t realize. There is no evidence that Nixon asked CIA Director Richard Helms for the documents as it pertains to Operation 40. There is evidence that Nixon wanted documents that dealt with the Bay of Pigs well before Watergate broke out. Helms delivered the files in question to Nixon October 21, 1971. These files were not the only concern of Richard Nixon. He wanted the files on the assassinations of Trujillo in the Dominican Republic (from May of 1961) and Ngo Dinh Diem in about November 1963 from Vietnam. This is documented by David Frost’s interview with Richard Helms from May 22nd-23rd on May of 1978. Nixon wanted for documents to see if there were some incrimination of himself in these 3 events prior to the Kennedy assassination is one possibility (and other is to find dirt on Democrats). Furthermore, it is rumored that Helms didn’t give Nixon all of the available files. Why would Helms not give him those documents? Maybe because it was his—not Nixon’s—role he was likely afraid of divulging. According to H.R. Halderman, Helms said that the FBI could bring up the whole Bay of Pigs thing if they keep on with their investigation. According to Halderman, he believed that the Bay of Pigs thing was code name for the Kennedy assassination. Nixon underestimated Helms when Helms had the CIA controlled media (with collaborators like Katherine Graham, Ben Bradlee, and Bob Woodward at the Washington Post including CIA informants in the FBI). Chuck Colson hired Hunt not Nixon. Ford admitted that he manipulated the placement of the wounds to conform to Specter’s representation of what happened. There has been the military done for the Warren Commission that failed to duplicate what Oswald supposedly shot in that 5.6 seconds of time.
One person who is an Italian minister defends the terrorist Anders Berhing Breivik. This is morally wrong and sick. His name is Francesco Speroni. Hewas a former minister under Silvio Berlusconi. He lied and said that Breivik’s ideas are in defense of western civilization when his views are pro-bigotry. Speroni spoke these words and even his allies distanced themselves from the massacre on Utoya and the ideology that inspired it. The Italian politician endorsed the comments of another high profile member of the league. Like many in his party, Mario Borghezio, who sits in the European parliament, is an admirer of the writings of the late Italian journalist and author Oriana Fallaci, who popularized the term Eurabia to describe a future, supposedly Islamized Europe. Borghezio is a member of the European parliament’s committee on civil liberties, justice, and home affairs. While describing the Norwegian killer as "unbalanced", Borghezio said: "Christians ought not to be animals to be sacrificed. We have to defend them." His comments brought outraged demands for his expulsion from opposition politicians and at least one member of the Berlusconi government. Robert Calderoli or the party’s chief organizer apologized for the remarks from Mario Boerghezio. Unlike his fellow MP, who is notorious for headline-grabbing, extremist comments, Speroni is a Northern League heavyweight. He was the minister for institutional reform in Berlusconi's first government between 1994 and 1995 and has since been the league's chief whip in the senate, the upper house of the Italian legislature, and the European parliament. "I'm with Borghezio. I don't think he should resign", Speroni said. "If [Breivik's] ideas are that we are going towards Eurabia and those sorts of things, that western Christian civilization needs to be defended, yes, I'm in agreement," he told Radio 24. France’s the National Front suspended a former local election candidate who made remarks on his blog that were interpreted as supportive of Breivik. Breivik wanted a neo-Crusader Christian Europe where a theocracy exists. It bashes multiculturalism. So, we should prepare to battle against these bigots since they are out in the open with their views unlike the Left establishment. In the final analysis, this act from the man is terrorism and it shouldn’t be justified at all. So, this action has nothing to do with Muslims, immigrants, and multiculturalism, but terrorism and extreme ideologies. It’s very hypocritical for these reactionaries to not want people from foreign countries to live in Europe, but their ilk invaded foreign countries all of the time to steal resources & oppress human beings spanning centuries.
Secret Societies have influence in high places. Adam Weishaupt wasn’t the first Utopian. Many of such nefarious Utopians existed among the time of thousands of years. Freemasonry is slick in its acts and works in spiritual deception in high places of authority in this temporary worldly system. The essence of Freemasonry is the occult and false religions have ties to it. For example, Russell uses Masonic terminology in his Jehovah Witness organization. Freemason Joseph Smith invented the Mormon. Oral Roberts was a 33rd Degree Freemason and he promoted the Prosperity Gospel heresy and Charismatic doctrine long before Eddie Long, T. D. Jakes, Popoff, Benny Hinn, and others of that ilk. Even Seventh Day Adventists have ties to the Masons. The Jesuits and the Freemasons are common denominators in learning about Secret Societies and how the world works together. America has been infiltrated by occultists that wanted to exploit America’s large resources in order to promote that “worldwide commonwealth” or the new world order. That is why some of the Founder Fathers were Freemasons. The entry level group in America now is the Council on Foreign Relations or the CFR. They are low level, but they still have power in corporations, politicians, and other infrastructure in America. The criminals of the elite use terror and political correctness as a means to not only control people, but to make conformity (in liking the Patriot Act, liking obscene surveillance, liking materialism & economic exploitation) as a legitimate avenue of survival. That isn’t survival, but moral and spiritual death. Real life and real living incorporate tolerance for all people, a sense yearning of moral renewal, and a dedication for the fight for justice in the world. Just acts are more important than just status quo. Molesting people in airports and showing naked X-Rays images don’t have a thing to do with freedom at all. That’s tyranny. We should support decadence, arrogance, and indifference toward evil. We fight evil with a clear mind, a clear soul, and with real strength. There are those legitimately expose Communism as antithetical to individual liberties, but they refuse to expose the prison industrial complex, the end for health for all people, a true fight against poverty in our communities, and need for true economic justice (in opposition to the agenda of Wall Street). The reactionaries can yell about theft, but it was a corporate empire that stole people from sovereign nations and stole wealth from the common people for thousands of years. Now, that’s real. For the obsession or paranoia about Communism and the omission of the need for justice among people is the total height of hypocrisy and cowardice.
By Timothy