Friday, May 18, 2012

Jesuit information in May of 2012


Eric, I’m finding that The Entity is the one behind the Mormon cult intelligence and we both know The Entity is simply a more secretive intelligence assassin group of the Society of Jesus made up of Jesuit ‘Dark Art’ soldiers and really goes back to 16th Century. What do you have on The Entity, anything or nothing? We really need to expose this vile organization which is still to this day old school Jesuitism assassination at the highest levels as CIA Agent, Howard E Hunt would admit to and he was obviously a handler of Frank Fiorini the deception agent used to hide the Permanent Industrial Exposition shooters including ONI William Greer.

-= The Unhived Mind


I am suspecting The ENTITY that you speak of includes Majesty-12 and those Jesuits agents with a “Q” clearance. I spoke with inventor and former DOD employee Bob Boyce at the seminar two weeks ago and he said that those with “Q” clearance were from MJ-12. Well, I know of two Jesuits having had a “Q” clearance, both from the University of St. Louis. Boyce worked at Nellis AFB, which included Groom Lake which, Boyce stated, “the civilians call Area 51.”
I also suspect that Fletcher Prouty’s Secret Team operating out of Room 40 of the CIA are also connected with the ENTITY. This connection includes the rulers of the pope’s Vatican Ratlines as well as NASA and the DUMBs. I also believe the ENTITY may well extend into the OCTOPUS made famous by Danny Casolaro, later killed for his reporting.
I also suspect that the ENTITY are select assassins working directly for the Jesuit General. They are assets around the world that can carry out an assassination within 24 hours of the General’s order via his Knights manning the head of every intelligence community. These assassins never miss their target as they are the most subtle of all killers. Some of the very best are women.
As of now, I have nothing citing the ENTITY specifically. That is where you come in!
Lord bless,
Brother Eric

Dear Eric,

The Entity was once known as the Holy Alliance and goes back as I’ve said to the 16th Century. I believe they will have very little direct dealing with the other agencies as I believe they are far in advance of all those pions. Everette Howard Hunt told you that the CIA don’t know how the Jesuits do what they do but they are the greatest intelligence agency on Earth. I see this small group of assassins being only answerable to the Jesuit General and no one else including Emperor Juan Carlos. You will find very little information on this realm which should rig alarms bells with your common sense dear Eric. This is a most powerful secret realm yet managed by a now overt realm since we have aided the exposure of the Jesuit Order like our Reformation ancestors did. France seems to be another haunt of The Entity which is not surprising. Now was Pope Pius X against the Jesuits and was this the reason why he created Pine Forest? Pine cones of course being symbolism of regeneration and rebirth like the fire bird but also because of their fractal makeup which makes for perfect soul transference and why animals go off to die. They do this Eric so they can find the most fractal spot possible to aid the passing of their spirit. This is why if you have a lot of clean magnetic fields when you sleep inside your room then you will dream better as your dream system utilizes this magnetic force.

-= The Unhived Mind


 Jesuit Order and CIA Stirring Up Anti-Israel Fury March 13, 2012 16:06 THEUNHIVEDMIND 1 Comment To: Eric Phelps

By: Anonymous Eric, Check out this interview on MSNBC: Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy Irish Roman Catholic Chris Matthew (Graduate of the Order’s Holy Cross College), host of Hardball, interviews former CIA case officer Robert Baer (Graduate of the Order’s Georgetown University School of Foreign Service) about the murders of Iranian nuclear scientists and mysterious explosions at Iranian military facilities. Baer accuses Israel and the Mossad of orchestrating these incidents. He further claims that Israel is attempting to provoke the US into becoming involved in a war with Iran. He is making scathing claims about Israel, and inciting American resentment toward the country. The idea that Israel (controlled by the Black Pope) would be secretly working to “trick” the United States (controlled by the Black Pope) into war with Iran is silly, as both of them are fingers on the same hand. Is this interview orchestrated propaganda from the Jesuit Order designed to incite hatred for Israel and Jews in Iran and the United States?

 Both Mathews and Baer graduated from Jesuit colleges. Not only was Baer trained by the Jesuit Order, but he served in the Order’s CIA as a case officer from 1976-1997 — in this time, he would have served under CIA Directors George H.W Bush (Knight of Malta), William Casey (Knight of Malta, Jesuit-trained), and Robert Gates (Jesuit-trained). Baer has long promoted CIA disinformation as a “former” officer and “expert”: –Baer claimed that Iran was behind the bombing of Pan Am 103, pointing blame toward this Shiite and Jewish “heretic” country that is now being targeted by Rome’s armies. There is next to no evidence of Iranian involvement in the bombing. However, local investigators were surprised to find that mysterious American agents had arrived on the scene before they had. Furthermore, the defense attorneys for the Libyan agents prosecuted for the crime have stated that the real bomber was a Jordanian CIA double-agent. The CIA were found to have planted evidence in the case. If the bombing was a CIA operation, it would have been authored by Knight of Malta William J. Casey, a devout Roman Catholic and a graduate of the Order’s Fordham University. He was the CIA director at the time of the bombing. –Of 9/11, he stated: “For the record, I don’t believe that the World Trade Center was brought down by our own explosives, or that a rocket, rather than an airliner, hit the Pentagon. I spent a career in the CIA trying to orchestrate plots, wasn’t all that good at it, and certainly couldn’t carry off 9/11. Nor could the real pros I had the pleasure to work with.” The exit hole in the C ring is solid evidence that a cruise missile hit the Pentagon and the controlled demolition of the World Trade Center has been solidly proven. The countless number of coups, assassinations, false-flag operations, and black-budget programs proves that events like 9/11 are exactly what the CIA can and does do.

And on behalf of the Jesuit Order — after all, the CIA director on 9/11 was Knight of Malta George J. Tenet, a graduate of the Order’s Georgetown University (later a professor there) and a member of the Order’s Council on Foreign Relations. Speaking of them, those are the “real pros” of the CIA that Baer is talking about. These men are the secret soldiers of the Jesuits within that agency, and their true affiliation has a centuries-old tradition of covert operations, assassinations and aggressive espionage. Baer “had the pleasure” to work with them, but his activities seem to prove that he belonged to the “disinformation” wing of the agency. His interviewer, Chris Matthews, was devoutly Roman Catholic, trained at the Order’s Holy Cross College, and an anchor on the notoriously Roman Catholic MSNBC. Furthermore, he was a panelist on the McLaughlin Group, created by John McLaughin – a devout Roman Catholic and a “former” Jesuit priest. A regular on the McLaughlin Group was Knight of Malta Pat Buchanan, who graduated from a Jesuit school and university. Buchanan is also involved in the incitement of anti-Israel fury, like Baer (on Matthews’ show).

Also, Baer appears to be involved in CIA disinformation — so was Buchanan, who was on CNN’s Crossfire with Thomas Braden, a CIA official and a key player in Operation Mockingbird, a CIA media manipulation project designed to place agents throughout the mainstream and alternative medias. Agents like Matthews, who was a panelist at the same McLaughlin Group that Buchanan frequented. Lastly, it would seem that the true force behind the murder of Iranian nuclear scientists and secret attacks on Iranian bases is the Jesuit General. The heretical country, Iran, has announced the discovery that the CIA and Mossad were behind the attacks. The CIA director, David Petraeus, was trained by the Jesuit Order at Georgetown University. He led the multi-national coalition forces in the “holy crusade” against Iraq from 2007-2008 and, then, commanded the “holy crusade” against Afghanistan and the secret “holy crusade” against Pakistan as the head of US Central Command. He is a soldier of the Jesuit Order, and if these secret attacks on Iran are CIA operations, then it is unlikely that they are not being sanctioned by the Jesuits and the hierarchy of the Vatican.
