Tuesday, July 16, 2013

One of Trojan Pam's Greatest Jewels

TrojanPam says:
@ diaryofanegress
I will definitely check out your post! Here’s the link for those who want to read it


When I saw the pic of Denzel Washington and Jay-Zee doing the “hand signs” it fell right in line with the preview I saw of his new movie. Lots of homo-eroticism AND the promotion of sex with non-black people. (once again, Denzel has been paired with a non-black female)
and I realize that the HIGHER a black entertainer “ascends” the more ENTRENCHED and PROGRAMMED he or she become as the VEHICLES of white supremacy/black destruction. Black entertainers and politicians who are showcased as “successful black role models” by the white supremacy system are the WORST POSSIBLE ROLE MODELS BLACK CHILDREN COULD EVER HAVE.
I personally have pics of many prominent blacks and whites who have been INITIATED into this “order” — and many of them RESIDE IN THE WHITE HOUSE.
I did not connect Zimmerman to any Masonic rituals but that could CONFIRM that NOTHING that happens to black people AT THE HANDS OF THE WHITE SUPREMACY SYSTEM is an accident OR a coincidence.

I agree that this case is a landmark — NOT because the white supremacy system always plays the same hand — but for black people to see if we are READY TO OPEN OUR EYES and SEE what is really happening AND are ready to UNDERSTAND WHY it is happening.
The black scapegoating is happening on ALL levels of this society AND I can see the SPEED by which this SCAPEGOATING of all blacks — males and females — is RAMPING UP.

Even the double agent, Alex Jones of Infowars is promoting (Lying) on black people to stir up white angst by portraying blacks as the victimizers of whites EVEN while a black boy lays dead in a coffin.
“It’s Racist For Cops To Prepare For Pro-Trayvon Riots, Says Time Magazine” — Alex Jones, who offers a rebuttal: ““No one seems to be concerned about the possible violence of Zimmerman supporters if Zimmerman is convicted,” adds Polite, failing to acknowledge that unlike Trayvon supporters, thousands of Zimmerman backers have not took to social media networks to openly announce their plans to riot if they don’t like the verdict.”

Yes, indeed, something is getting ready to kick off using black people as a DISTRACTION from what the white globalists are doing to the entire planet. It is easy to see that blacks will be the main targets and victims of white societal RAGE– and that President Obama was (S)ELECTED TO BE THE LIGHTNING ROD FOR WHITE ANGST, ANGER AND RAGE
Either we will come together, stop all this anti-blackness AND all this IR SEX ESCAPIST FARE, and UNIFY for our protection or we will suffer the dire consequences.

TrojanPam says:
I agree it’s not a fear of the black male PHYSICALLY but I do believe they fear him GENETICALLY and perhaps even SPIRITUALLY. There is something deeper going on that just simple hatred. This obsession with his genitalia is NOT matched when other non-white males are attacked. There is something about the black male, especially the dark-skinned black male, that sets off a PRIMAL, INSTINCTIVE ALARM and something that attracts BOTH the white male AND female.
I agree that they love to play with his mind and body and the minds of bodies of black females, but why? If I despised someone, the last thing I’d want to do is have sex with them UNLESS I’m so TWISTED that in my SICK MIND — sex and hatred and violence are LINKED together.
DiaryofaNegress got DEEP with it, and I think she has uncovered a possible UNDERLYING reason why Trayvon in lying in a grave. We are not dealing with ordinary human beings, we are dealing with something that defies our imaginations, that is so sinister and twisted that most of us wouldn’t believe our eyes if we saw what was really going on.
Now, that’s an interesting idea when you said:
“Black folk should appeal to the Justice Department to make a clear statement that any whites can accost and kill a black person and get away with it. We need them to make a clear and concise statement so there’s no more confusion and no more juvenile expectations of justice. This way we are clear (hopefully) what we are really up against and start turning to each other and not against each other and focus on the real enemy.”
I would LOVE to see that happen if it would force us to come out of this mental fog of racial inclusion. Instead of us trying to “figure things out” let the white people and their black “spokespeople” tell us what the REAL deal is. Then it’s on the books and OUT IN THE OPEN.


TrojanPam says:
@ phoebeprunelle
I wouldn’t be surprised. It used to be easier to tell the white impostors but like all things, whites STUDY and IMPROVE on their practice of racism. I remember on BlackVoices how many flame wars between black males and females were started by white impostors. It got so bad that I stopped going there. And even when you tried to intervene, the heat was so HOT that no one would listen.
I also noticed that about that time frame you mentioned that there was a study (by white people) that said young black females had higher self-esteem than white, Asian and Hispanic girls, and I remembered thinking, “Uh oh, they’re going to come after us because that was not acceptable that we felt better about ourselves than white girls? After all that’s been done to us? What nerve!”
And sure enough, I started seeing a lot of ugly images of black females in music, movies, TV, and pushing weaves at young black females by making SURE that NO BLACK FEMALE ENTERTAINER would be successful without wearing one OR at least perming her hair.
and I’ve watched the collective dignity and self-respect of black females falling as many simply gave up AND gave in to those ugly images, calling OURSELVES b____s, h___s, baby mommas, rachet h___s, etc.
You’re right, the online filth is NOT going away. Once you have people on the ropes, you close in for the kill. But we still have the POWER to define ourselves TO ourselves and that’s why blogs like this and DiaryofaNegress, and KushitePrince, etc exist. We have the POWER in our minds to turn this around. We just need the WILL.

TrojanPam says:
@ anonymous
thanks for the info, never heard about it on the mainstream media’s news (what a surprise)
I don’t expect anyone to take my word for anything, I just present the EVIDENCE so they can FOLLOW THE LOGIC for themselves.
And our own HISTORY of rape and sexual perversion at the hands of whites collectively tells us that there is some twisted thinking when it comes to their OBSESSION with black sexuality and genitalia
here’s a link on that story
Now what kind of NORMAL heterosexual white male wants to search the “body cavities” of another male just because that male is black?
The WHITE OBSESSION, DESIRE, HIDDEN HOMOSEXUAL LUST, SECRET FEAR, and the DESIRE TO COVET the MELANATED POWER of black genitalia has a LOT to do with the violent attacks on black males.
I might do a quick post on this story as a follow-up