Friday, March 06, 2015

Friday News in early March of 2015

The decision of Darren Wilson to not be charged on any charge is a total disgrace. Darren Wilson killed a young human being. The token reformist measures promoted (by many neoliberals who love the war on terror, but refuse to oppose the reality of our civil liberties being violated domestically) which deals with us a community working in a submissive, compromising fashion with the police institution (which is the same institution that has brutalized black people, labor members, Mexicans via the Texas Rangers during the late 19th and early 20th century, etc.) will not cut it. The only solution is the establishment of revolutionary changes from ending the War on Drugs to eliminating mandatory minimum sentencing practices. McCullough used a lying, racist witness and he acted as a defense attorney not as a prosecutor. Crooked cops are terrorists plain and simple. The chief of police in Ferguson and the mayor of the city ought to resign. The other DOJ report documenting the racist, oppressive practices of many Ferguson cops and other institutions of that city confirms the protesters' words. The protesters are right that systemic racism is a serious problem in Ferguson. The protesters are right that many cops have violated the human rights of black people in the Ferguson area. The protesters are right that economic inequality (as the one percent advance oligarchy while the masses of the people suffer environmental degradation, corporate exploitation, and violations of their working rights) is a serious problem in this country not just in Ferguson. Therefore, the system is corrupt and we need real change. Racism and discrimination must not only end. We don't need some reforms. We need real, revolutionary solutions. We, as black people, have every right and every justification to build up our economic and political power, so we can fulfill our own destinies as Brothers and Sisters.

Many human beings are right to never ignore the Sisters' contributions in the black liberation struggle. Women give birth, are leaders, and they have been made huge contributions in the lives of humanity in general. Ida B. Wells not only stood up against lynching, but she wanted racial justice. She worked throughout her life for the freedom of black people. Septima Clark, Ella Baker, Fannie Lou Hamer, Martha Prescod Norman Noonan, and other Sisters sacrificed and were heavily active in standing up for human rights. Black people and humanity in general ought to know about their stories and the great work that they did in society. Malcolm X was heavily influenced by his wife Betty Shabazz, Gloria Richardson, Fannie Lou Hamer, and other women. Dr. King was greatly influenced by his wife Coretta Scott King, Marian Wright Edelman, and other strong black women. Black women today are involved in social movements (and are doing great work) as well. Strong black women and Strong black men should always be respected. The struggle for liberation is not over, but we will not give up. We will continue to fight wherefore we want justice to be made into a reality. We want freedom from police terrorism and racial discrimination. We want freedom from economic oppression and imperialism. We want Nature to be respected and our civil liberties to be preserved. The truth will continue to be flawless. We are inspired by our ancestors and we will keep on living our lives and struggle for freedom. Any legitimate initiative to allow girls to have educational opportunities and to protect the educational rights of girls is fine with me. Quality, strong education does contribute to a better living standard for human beings. This program is spread across countries. I have no issues with this action at all. There is no liberation among all in the human race unless all females are liberated. It’s as simple as that. The studies show how great real education is. I have my disagreements with the White House on various foreign policy matters and so forth, but this program is fine with me. Also, we have to address poverty too since income inequality is still very high. Imperialism must end. We all want girls to learn and to fulfill their dreams and aspirations.
#Let Girls Learn.

Both Republicans and Democrats are responsible for the growth of the prison industrial complex. The report from President Barack Obama’ “Task Force for 21st century Policing” has been shown in response to the widespread public disgust at the unpunished police murder of Michael Brown. The task force is made up of 3 police chiefs, 2 African Americans and one Latino American, a head of one of the 50 state agencies responsible for training and certifying cops and their shops, 4 of corporate America’s ad the administration’s favorite nonprofit organization, and a couple academics, one a former Clinton and Obama Assistant Attorney General and the other a Yale Law School “social psychologist.” The report wants to say that everything will be fine if we just build trust between cops and communities (via forming better rules on police conduct, hiring more minority cops, and using non-enforcement strategies, establishing more independent investigations, and encouraging cops to be occupying armies, etc.). These token measures are called “proceduralism” according to the task force’s social psychologist Tracey Meares. Proceduralism is the view of the “liberal” part of the establishment. Proceduralism believes in the myth that police injustice is a product of a few bad officers and token measures are needed to solve the problem. The truth is that only a few people control most of the wealth, police injustice is systemic beyond individual, and we need revolutionary change not reform. We have the corporate, private media monopolies controlling most of the media. Both parties have contributed to lowering wages, shirking the public sectors, expanding poverty, making millions of people to drop out of the workforce, and cause imperial wars globally. We see the growth of the prison industrial complex filled with largely black and brown human beings. The reactionaries refuse to believe that education, housing health care, and jobs are human rights. The recommendations from the task force don’t go far enough. We know what works. We need to end the War on Drugs and prosecute all cops who are accused of murder. There must be an end to the use of confiscated assets by police department. The police department must be required to report accurate information of cases of excessive force against people and if they refuse, strict punishments must be made. There must be special prosecutors to go after police and prosecutorial misconduct. Reparations must be given to people and the families of those who have been falsely convicted. Reparations must also be sent to communities devastated by the War on Drugs, over policing, and mass incarceration. There must be the elimination of mandatory sentencing and the elimination of the militarization of the local police. Rolling back the prison and police states is a necessity. We want justice.

Since I am a history buff, I will definitely watch the Selma special on MSNBC. We certainly have to learn about Selma. The Selma movement was not just about the fight for voting rights. It was the fight for human beings and it was a movement which consisted of people of many backgrounds and creeds. Another point is to be made as well. We all know the point. That point is that women had a leadership role throughout the Selma events. Amelia Boynton, Diane Nash, Annie Lee Cooper, and other Sisters stood up for freedom in Selma. The working class and the poor in Alabama were tired of racial oppression, so they fought back against white racism. Today, tons of courageous young black women are in the front lines of the Black Lives Movement and many movements for social change. The DCVL, SNCC, the SCLC, and other organizations worked to struggle for the right to vote. They had differences, but they were unified in believing in the same goal for black people. Heroes like Bevel, John Lewis, etc. should be acknowledged. Selma represented the end of the earlier era of the modern day civil rights movement in America (which was from 1955 to 1965). After Selma, came the Voting Rights Act, the rebellion in Watts (which dealt with people in Los Angeles being frustrated with police brutality, discrimination, racism, and economic oppression), and discussions about economic inequality. Malcolm X supported the Selma activists before he was unjustly assassinated. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. after Selma became more progressive and he opposed the Vietnam War courageously just like Malcolm X. Dr. King's words and the words from others inspire us. We are in the same fight today. The same police brutality which occurred on Edmund Pettus Bridge back in March of 1965 still occurs today (as documented by the people of Ferguson and the recent DOJ report on Ferguson). We witness a Supreme Court decision stripping parts of the Voting Rights Act and some states passing controversial voter ID laws too. Therefore, the fight is not over. We all have work to do and we are not only against capitalist exploitation (as capitalism and racism are linked). We want freedom for our people. Yes, I am a Millennial and nothing will turn us around as a people.
#Young, Black, and Gifted.

By Timothy