Wednesday, October 21, 2020

The Time is Coming for the end of the 2020 Election.





2020 is unlike any year of my lifetime. I have been on this Earth for almost 40 years. I have never seen a year like this ever in my life. This year is very similar to 1968 as people are fighting a war on the coronvarius, protests against police brutality are unprecedented since the 1960's, we have massive political polarization, and we have a President who is now one of the worst Presidents in American history. People were always warned about Trump too. For years and decades, heroic people have warned the public about his narcissism, his lies, his racism, his sexism, and his xenophobia. Trump is explicit in degrading mail in ballots,abhorring the freedom of the press, and desiring Biden, Obama, and others to be arrested. When you even have many Republicans desiring to vote for Biden instead of Trump, then you realize that Trump is a very passionate far right extremist. His embrace of Reaganomics and his love for authoritarian militias expose him as a threat to democracy. The far right militias and hate crimes have grown in America since 2016. Some Michigan sheriffs and police people have refused to enforce a Michigan state government ban on guns at polling places. This comes after 14 militia members were arrested for trying to kidnap and harm Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer. The coup plot in Michigan is part of  a large reactionary movement filled with Qanon, the Proud Boys, and others who hate progressive power. This is no time for compromising with an overt liar in the White House. It is the time to speak our minds, vote, and encourage more people to vote Trump out of office indeed.


We are now near the finish line of the 2020 election. People should vote. Also, Trump has disrespected Dr. Fauci over his remarks of the virus. He called Dr. Fauci incompetent when Trump knew about the serious of this situation since February, but he refused to advance a serious response to combat the virus. It is clear that the deaths of over 200,000 Americans as a product of a virus is a tragedy. No one should be complacent. Trump continues in habitual lying about the virus, about race, about the economy, and about many other issues too. Trump said that people are tired of talking about the virus. He should tell that to the victims of the virus who have their hearts and other organs permanently damaged. The early voting is overwhelming Democratic. Trump supporters chanted "lock her up" in reference to Governor Whitmer, who was a victim of a kidnapping plot from far right militia people. Trump said to lock them all up which shows his callous attitude about progressive people, including women governors. The prize is Trump being voted out of office. I always predict that if the right thing is done, then there will be a great celebration in America and the world.


50 Cent supporting Trump today should shock no one. For years, his life and lyrics are about promoting the interests of the super rich, of mocking poor people (especially black people), and trying to humiliate anyone who disagrees with him via trolling. 50 Cent disrespected his first son on many times. If a man doesn't respect his own firstborn son, he has no respect for others. 50 Cent is concerned about his money. He supports Trump over tax policy, but the tax rate is no where near a high for the rich as it was decades ago. Trump is for the interests of the super wealthy. Trump is a habitual liar, an extremist, and a person who is a racist. The real issues relate to voting rights, environmental issues, racism, health matters, issues of women's rights, and other topics that we have the right to discuss. The truth is that Biden didn't propose a 62 percent tax rate. The rich uses deductions, credits, and loopholes to never pay the full rate any way. The top marginal tax rate was 91 percent  during Eisenhower's days. Clinton and Obama had it at about 39.6 percent.


The first black Congresswoman from Connecticut Rep. Jahana Hayes was a victims of racial slurs during a Zoom virtual town hall meeting. This proves that racism is ever real, and racist trolls have no justification for their actions. We have to talk about these issues, defend black women, and live our lives righteously. The only way to eliminate racism is to use policies and actions that will eliminate it on every single level. That mean ending structural racism in health care and employment. That means real changes in the criminal justice system. That means investments in showing true black history and true black culture. That means protecting Medicaid, Medicare, and Social Security including a radical redistribution of economic pus political power benefiting the people for real (not just the wealthy or the upper middle class). 


Voting is always important. Also, we realize that we must always fight voter suppression which still goes on in America. The evil of voter suppression refutes the lie that voting doesn't matter. If voting doesn't matter, why are GOP leaders supporting laws that suppress the vote. If voting this matter, why did grandfather clauses and terrorism against black people existed who wanted to vote. That shows everybody that voting deals with judges, education, health care, and other important public services that will benefit the people. It is true that a 16 month Congressional investigation concluded that Amazon, Apple, Google, and Facebook have monopoly power and are crushing competitors. Another example of voter suppression are how more than 1600 polling places have been closed since the Supreme Court Supreme Court gutted the Voting Rights Act in 2013. The old lie from the far right extremists (like Prager U, Candace Owens, Ben Shapiro, and others) is that the left ruins everything or that any progressive ideology is somehow evil. No matter what anyone says, allowing the government to promote clean air, clean water, civil rights, civil liberties, the rights of women, black liberation, immigrant rights, and a just foreign policy is not evil. It is not evil to advocate justice for all. It is not evil to embrace love and truth. It is never evil to make sure that the super wealthy pay their fair share of taxation. What is evil is how extremist conservatives lecture people on morality, but they support Trump who curses and degrades people in disrespectful ways if he or she disagrees with him. What is evil is how Trump has a cultic mentality of narcissism, sexism, racism, and hypocrisy including habitual lying. 


By Timothy