Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Information in Late November 2021.



Recently, President Joe Biden signed the infrastructure bill. It is one of the most powerfully progressive legislations in American history. It has cost about $1.2 trillion over the course of numerous years. Many people, including Democrats and Republicans, spoke their piece in favor of the law. The bill will fund not only bridges, but water supplies, broadband involving Internet technology, new jobs, electric vehicles, and other resources necessary to grow American society in the 21st and 22nd centuries. The 22nd century is less than 100 years from now. President Biden gave his speech to celebrate this new era of our nation's history, and the social infrastructure legislation (part of the Build Back Better bill) must be passed into law too. Biden and his allies believe that bringing people together is a necessary prerequisite in solving complex problems. It's common sense to advocate the growth of our infrastructure, because our infrastructure leads into better jobs, better health care, and a greater overall standard of living in general. We live a time filled with political, racial, and social polarization. We have racists who deny fundamental truths that Washington was a slave owner, Andrew Jackson was a brutal anti-Native American oppressor, and the Civil War dealt heavily with slavery. A moderate approach and far right extremism won't work to solve our problems. We need progressive solutions to serious problems.

The pro-Trump extremist Michael Flynn made a sick comment that he wants the advancement of one religion in America. Flynn was subpoenaed by the House select committee investigating the January 6 attack. His words violate the First Amendment which allows for religious freedom. Many people came into America to escape theocracy and religious persecution. People like William Tyndale were murdered in Europe for just translating the Bible in the English language. Just for that, he was murdered. Therefore, in a real society, we allow people the freedom to believe in any religion as he or she choose (and people have the right to believe in no religion). I believe in a religion in the belief in one God, but I don't use my spiritual beliefs in advancing theocracy. We live in a constitutional republic not an oppressive theocracy. The Constitution is clear that we live in a nation that won't establish a single religion for all people to follow against his or her wills. 



Yesterday was the Birthday of Sister Zina Garrison, and she is 58 years old. She is one of the greatest tennis players of our time being an unsung athlete. She was the women's singles runner up at Wimbledon in 1990, a 3 time Grand Slam mixed doubles champion, and a woman's doubles gold medalists plus singles bronze medalist in Seoul at the 1988 Olympic Games. Houston, Texas is the city of her birth. Ever since she was 10 years old, she started to play the great sport of tennis. She was at her first tournament at the age of 12. By 14, she won the national girls' 18s title. In 1981, Zina Garrison won both the Wimbledon and U.S. Open junior titles and ranked the world No. 1 junior player. Garrison graduated from Sterling High School in Houston, Texas by 1982. Zina Garrison worked as TV commentator, helped the homeless with her Zina Garrison Foundation for the Homeless, and promoted inner city tennis in Houston. She is a legendary black woman. I wish Sister Zina Garrison more Blessings. Howard University students have reached a settlement with Howard administrators over doing something about bad housing conditions and other issues. Hopefully, the deal will be fair to the students. 


The Sandy Hook families win a legal victory against Alex Jones in a defamation case. Alex Jones once said the lie that the Sandy Hook disaster was an inside job hurting the families of the victims. It was only when pressure came upon Jones that he was forced to say that the shooting was real. Now, Jones and others are held liable for his words. The court found that Jones didn't fairly comply with discovery obligations. Alex Jones has been one person who really messed up the reputations of sincere researchers of conspiracies with facts. Because of him, many people refuse to believe that any conspiracy existed in human history. Without question, we know that real conspiracies have existed from the assassination of Abraham Lincoln to Operation Ajax. Alex Jones has been a xenophobe, a sexist, and he has been accused of making racist  plus sexist remarks about his former co-workers. After all of these years, Alex Jones claimed to be on the cutting edge of truth, but he supported a racist like Trump and bashed progressive values too.


Some breaking news is that Chris Tia-Donaldson passed away at the age of 42 because of breast cancer. She was the founder of TGIN or Thank God It's Natural. She was a go-getter and a hardworker from Detroit who provided products for tons of people worldwide. She was a role model for so many women who desired solutions to situations. She loved the natural hair movement, and she loved black life. 

I send condolences to her family and friends. 

Rest in Power Sister Chris Tia-Donaldson.

By Timothy