Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Political Updates in February 2024.


Trump requests a stay of the Appeals Court ruling after the immunity claim is rejected. Trump claims that he can do what he wants when he doesn't. No President, no ex-President, and no American is above the law. Trump has a long legacy of corruption in his Presidency and outside of his Presidency (from being liable for sexual assault to slandering people). Donald Trump is desperate in trying to escape prison. Trump's legal team said that Trump authorities can assassinate people with him having immunity which is ludicrous. No President has the right to murder people without due process of law period. Trump wants a Supreme Court intervention in the D.C. election interference case, and Trump wants to grant him immunity to do what he wants. The Supreme Court may take on the immunity case. Trump's actions are similar to his attempts to steal the 2020 election with delay, lies, and hypocrisy. The GOP leadership is dominated by a MAGA cult, and folks have to reckon with that reality.

Donald Trump questioning Nikki Haley's husband's military service is disgusting and offensive but not shocking from Trump. The truth is that Trump is a totally reactionary person who doesn't care about the dignity of military servicemen and servicewomen. He is concerned about maintaining power. Trump desires his MAGA cult to flourish but millions of Americans reject his propaganda and his habitual lies. Military heroes have fought to end slavery in America, defeat the terroristic Nazis during WWII, and work in humanitarian efforts to help Americans and people of every color plus background throughout the planet Earth. Trump, in South Carolina, has escalated his fascist attacks on immigrants (which when immigrants are escaping persecution and violations to their rights), he wants to indemnify the police from being sued, and desires to be a dictator on Day One.

Andra Day singing the Black National Anthem during the Super Bowl in February of 2024 was very historic. It showed us that on Black History Month, we are unapologetically black with our voices and views. Many far-right conservatives didn't agree with Andra Day singing the Black National Anthem but they are wrong for many reasons. One is that Black History is American history and world history. The history of Medgar Evers, Harriet Tubman, and Angela Bassett is just as American as the story of President John F. Kennedy. Black people in America helped to build up American culture from music, the arts, STEM, education, and other aspects of modern civilization. Therefore, when we honor the Black National Anthem, we honor the best of ourselves. Andra Day has the free speech right to sing that glorious song that has inspired us for generations and generations. These same far-right people are silent when the Canadian national anthem is sung at baseball games too which shows their racism and hypocrisy all in one. We will continue to celebrate Black History Month now and forever and ever.

Putin is a terrorist, a liar, and a coward. For Tucker Carlson to interview a murderer, a far-right nationalist, and a dictator (who is Vladimir Putin) outlines Tucker Carlson's disrespect of democracy. Carlson is the person who once defended the Iraq War and promoted the replacement theory racist myth. Ukraine is fighting for its life after Putin's preemptive invasion of Ukraine. Putin's forces have bombed schools, apartment buildings, and other civilian targets in Ukraine which constitutes war crimes. What is more disrespectful than Carlson interviewing Putin is how some fake liberals support Putin when Putin jails progressive protesters in Russia and harbors hatred of progressive views in his own words. For example , Jill Stein is supposed to be a progressive but ally with Putin at a dinner years ago. Putin now has agitated rhetoric against NATO nations. We have been here before in the 1930's when radical isolationists were silent with Axis Powers raped, murdered, and destroyed people's lives in China, Poland, Germany, and other places during WWII. Trump said that Russia has the right to do whatever it wants which is shameful. Many Hoteps and far-right extremist MAGA bigots support Putin too. Radical isolationism is readily tied to many fascist movements in Hungary, Russia, etc.

Robert Kennedy Jr. apologized to his cousins who were offended by the Super Bowl's ad's reference to John F. Kennedy. Right now, Robert Kennedy Jr. is running his Presidential campaign as an Independent in 2024. The Super Bowl ad repurposed a spot from his uncle's 1960 campaign. It was a throwback to the old-school style of the 1960s campaigning. The commercial had the ageist comment about Biden being too old to fulfill his obligations as President with the comments of "A man who's old enough to know and young enough to do." Robert Kennedy Jr. said that the ad was created and aired by the American Values SuperPAC without any involvement or approval from his campaign. Americans Values 2024 has been accused of illegally contributing to Kennedy's signature-gathering efforts. Robert Kennedy Jr. has made controversial comments about vaccines and the COVID-19 lockdowns.

By Timothy