Today is the 40th year anniversary of the NASA mission to send man on the moon. Indonesia experienced more terrorist bombings. This attacks was differently designed to rekindle the war on terror irrespective of who is responsible for it. There were blatsts at the Ritz Carlton and JW Marriott that killed at least 9 people. It injured at least 50 people. Reuters reported that a car bomb had been detonated at a toll road in North Jakarta not long after although the Dow Jones news wires report this last explosion was not caused by a bomb but by a pick-up truck, catching fire. Eyewitness reported that both hotel bombings took place just minutes apart and they emanate from within buildings. This may point to either suicide bombers or explosives might be planted there beforehand. There was an unexploded bomb that has been found defused at the Marriott Hotel. All eyewitness account say that the blasts clearly occured from the inside out. Greg Woolstencroft, chief technical officer at a local television station, was near the scene at the time of the explosions. He told CNN’s Anderson Cooper: “I’ve actually lived at the Ritz-Carlton for 12 months, that hotel has probably got the highest security of any hotel in Indonesia. And I just don’t know how someone could get in there with a bomb, given the level of security, the level of screening people have to go through. I just don’t know how that person got that bomb in.” Greg said that the bombing in the Marriott occured previously. Greg said that the Hotel had a huge security appartus from metal detectors, barriers, and other components in the basement. He believes that there must be some cooperation to get the attacks accomplished. The mainstream media now is blaming the radical Islamists organization Jemaah Islamiyah (or ‘Islamic Organisation’) led by wanted terrorist Noordin Mohammed Top, who has been held responsible for the 2003 attacks on the Marriott hotel as well as the Australian embassy in the following year. Some believe that this group have links to al-Qaeda. Clive Williams of the Strategic and Defence Studies Centre in Canberra (in Australia) question where foreigners were involved in the Jakarta bombing. Foreign NGOs and governments had a history of backing groups that agitate in Papaua (Many Freeport-owned goldmines in Indonesia’s remote province of Papua-New Guinea took place weeks before the Jakarta bombings occured). The bombings wanted to cause trouble in Indonesia. Some elements in Indonesia's military have caused conflict there in Indonesia. One example is that the military's elite Kopassus commandos were arrested for the September 2000 car bomb at the Jakarta Stock Exchange that killed 15 people. Former Indoneisan President Adburraham Wahid said in 2005 about the Bali bombings that Indonesian intelligence influenced Islamic terrorist groups. Indonesia's President Susilo Yudhoyono is a former general (HIs party just defeated the party of Prabowo Subianto, who is a former general. Prabowo was suspected of being behind the riots of May 1998). Some believe that Indonesian Intelligence worked with the CIA via Hambali and other people. This proves that the recent Jakarta bombings could be an inside job and all of the facts in this case ought to be made known to the public.
Republican Rep. Joseph Pitts from Pennslyvania condemned Ruth Bader Ginsburg's comments about doing away with people as an excuse to support Roe. Ginsburg is a Supreme Court Justice. Pitts rightfully classified Ginsburg's comments as a way to embrace an eugenics way of thinking, which debases all human life. He's shocked that a Supreme Court justice would suggest that certain categories of people are not worthy of life and should have been aborted. Ginsburg commented these words in a New York Times interview. John Kinsellagh writing for the Examiner on July 13 is correct to point out that the mainstream media isn't reporting on the story about Ginsburg's controversial statements. Leftgatekeepers like Media Matters believe that Ginsburg was talking about public opinion about Roe and abortion, not her own personal opinion. Yet, no where in Ginsburg's comment describe distinctions on her views and public opinion at all. She blatantly said that Roe was needed since there are too many people in the world, which is a lie. The neo-con editorialist Jonah Golderg writes for the Los Angeles Times on July 14. He's right that Ginsburg made evil comments and if Antonin Scalia said similar words, the outrage would be huge. Margaret Sanger was an eugenicist and agreed with culling populations for the sake of perserving the "fit." Goldberg's problem is that he sees this issue as a Left/Right issue when it isn't. Eugenics and forced abortion being immoral is an universal truth that is beyond ideology or political philosophy. Jonah Goldberg wonders what Sonia Sotomayor thinks of such things. Modern eugenics was created and funded by the wealthy elite of America and Europe (they created this left/right paradigm in order control and satgnant real debate in our political disource). For example, the Rockefellers and the Carnegies were heavily involved in eugenics. In 1902, Andrew Carnegie founded the Carnegie Institute and funded the Eugenics Record Office in America. The office operated from Cold Spring Harbor in New York. Eugenics policies, which led to the sterilization of thousands of Americans, were developed there. In 1973, the Rockefeller Foundation again gave $500,000 to the Population Council and $25,000 to the Population Crisis Committee. While the Rockefeller Brothers Fund gave $250,000 to the Population Council, and $250,000 to the Population Institute. Abortion is related to eugenics since abortion believes in the lie that the value of human life is on a revolving scale from conception unto death. No, life from conception unto death resides not in a revolving scale. Life in the timeline is acculumated of total equality. “Birth control and abortion are turning out to be great eugenic advances of our time,” declared Frederick Osborn of the Society for the Study of Social Biology in 1973 (the organization had changed its name from the American Eugenics Society). “If they had been advanced for eugenic reasons it would have retarded or stopped their acceptance.”John D. Rockefeller organized and funded the Population Council (that Osborn was soon put in charge of). In 1956, Osborn addressed the British eugenics society and affirmed his belief in “Galton’s dream” and proposed what he called “voluntary unconscious selection” by changing laws, customs and social expectations, according to Rebecca R. Messall. Sir Francis Galton is considered the father of the eugenics movement and biometrics. CFR member Ruth Bader Ginsburg's words express how the global elite feel about us. The agenda of eugenics is the murder of our fellow human beings in genocide and the herding of people into a feudal system. It's as simple as that, which extends beyond political ideologies.
King David is a real historical figure. King David temporarily united the Kingdom of Judah and Israel. He served Israel more than 3,000 years ago. There is a dedicated and spunky archaelogist named Dr. Eilat Mazar. He is a world authority on Jerusalem's past. He is taking King David out of the pages of the Bible and put him again into living history. Mazar's latest excavation of the city of David in the southern shadow of the Temple Mount has shaken up the archaelogical world. Mazar believes that she has found the Palace of King David. She holds a doctorate in archaeology from Hebrew University, is author of The Complete Guide to the Temple Mount Excavations. She says that she has great joy when the details on the ground match the descriptions of the Bible. She believes that the palace was used for Jewish monarchs until the destruction of the First Temple 450 years later. She found out about a tiny clay item at the site. This was found on the 17th of Tammuz on the fast day commemorating the siege of Jerusalem before its destrcution. It's a bulla or clay disc. There is a Hebrew script with the name of the sender as a "return address" used to seal papyrus scroll mail. The bulla presents the name of Yehuchal (or Jehucal) ben Shelmiah, which is mentioned in chapters 37 and 38 of the book of Jeremiah. Yehuchal was one of two emissaries dispatched by King Zedekiah to Jeremiah, asking him to pray for the people during the siege of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylon. In an about-face, chapter 38 tells that Yehuchal was one of four ministers who asked the king to kill Jeremiah, claiming that he was demoralizing the besieged nation with his prophecies of doom and destruction. Yehuchal’s ‘business card’ is actually one of several that have been discovered in the last decade, which give further testimony to the veracity of the biblical account of the king’s court activities prior to Jerusalem's destruction. There is another excavation site that is thought to be the remains of a public building where over 50 bullas have been discovered. They were located under the charred layers of destruction. King Nebuchadnezzar's fires razed the city. These fires ironically acted as a kiln to solidified the clay slays. It shows Hebrew names. 2 of them belong to Biblical character who were contemporaries of Yehuchai. One of these name is Gemaryahu Ben Shafan (show was one of King Jehiakim's scribes). Its chamber Baruch ben Neria read Jeremiah’s words of rebuke and repentance (Jeremiah 36:10). Another name is Azaryahu Ben Hilkiyahu, a member of the family of high priests who officiated before Jerusalem's destruction (1 Chronicles 9:10).” Time after time proves that more archaelogy confirms what the Bible says.
Bob Unruh wrote for the World Net Daily site about a North American summit that is added to Obama's agenda. There is a statement from the President's press secretary announcing travel plans. President Barack Obama will attend the North American Leaders summit with Mexican President Felipe Calderon and Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper next month. The media is silent on this meeting that once was known as the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America. The U.S. government website says that such a meeting would be held on August 8-11, which is called North American Leader's Summit in Mexico. Press Secretary Robert Gibbs emailed a statement called "Upcoming Travel by the President" where he confirmed that Obama will attend. "The president will travel to Guadalajara, Mexico, August 9-10 to attend the North American Leaders Summit with Mexican President Felipe Calderon and Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper," the two-sentence announcement began. The summit meeting will deal with an opportunity for America, Mexico, and Canada. The issues they will discuss include about the economic recovery and competitiveness in North America, energy, the environment, cooperation among our governments to promote the safety plus welfare of our citizens, and the A/H1N1 influenza pandemic with cooperation to handle the situation. The last annual SPP meeting in New Orleans included a determined public relations effort to drop the SPP designation to completely defuse criticism. Barack Obama wrote an article that was published by the Dallas Morning News. Its title was "I will repair our relationship with Mexico" when he was a Presidential candidate. Obama wrote that he will have transparent (unlike Bush) meetings with Mr. Calderon and the Prime Minister of Canada if he is elected President of the United States. Brent Patterson (who is the director of campaigns at the Council of Canadians) have been criticial of Obama for not announcing his plans questioning Obama's commitment to transparency plus accountability for this meeting. According to the WND, the Council of Canadians is a citizens' organization that is opposed to North American political integration (which is found under NAFTA and the SPP). Robert A. Pastor is the American University professor that wants the establishment of a North American community, but says that the SPP is dead (because of explosure by Patriots). President Obama of course have backtracked on his promise to renegotiate NAFTA which can made trade more favorable to U.S. workers and U.S. jobs. Obama's economic adviser Austan Goolsbee was fired, because he told Canadians that Obama's campaign promises to renegotiate NAFTA was just campaign rhetoric. Goolsbee is an economics professor at the University of Chicago and he's a Bonesman. Now, Goolsbee is back in the White House, having taken a leave of absence from the University of Chicago. Obama appointed him to serve as chief economist and staff director of the newly created Presidential Economic Recovery Advisory Board, chaired by former Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volker. Obama also appointed Goolsbee to the Council of Economic Advisors, or CEA, which is charged with assisting in the development of White House economic policy. North American Union-philosophies still aren't dead from discussion yet.
Some blame Goldman Sachs for much of the economic crisis in the world. Goldman Sachs is recieving huge profits unusaully. One reason for this huge profit is that they have controlled much of the stimulus money that was passed in the stimulus law by Congress. Others believe that have been the driving force behind the commodity manipulation for decades and is responsible for the rise in oil prices. Some accuse them of using market manipulation as early as the Great Depression. The market financial crisis of 2008 have shifted Wall Street to handle the physical commodities market (which include corn, coffee, cocao, wheat, and energy commodities like oil). The flow of oil have been increasing yet a gas per gallon in dollar have been about 4 dollars in some places. Some believe that the bankers are using the market as a speculative casino in manipulating markets. Goldman persuaded pension funds and other large institutional investors to invest in oil futures. They agreed to buy oil at a certain price on a fixed date. The push transformed oil into a stock (or something that was bet on instead of a being just a physical commodity that rigidly subjected to supply and demand). Between 2003 and 2008, the amount of speculative money in commodities grew from $13 billion to $317 billion, an increase of 2,300 percent. By 2008, a barrel of oil was traded 27 times, on average, before it was actually delivered and consumed. Goldmans Sachs have worked in the commodities index that tracks prices of commodities like oil (in quasi-semi secret government exemption). This control can make Goldman Sachs' executives very rich. Pension funds and insurance companies plus other institutional investors can met long term bets on commodity prices. The truth is that the FED and international bankers have manipulated the market in oil and economics for decades. The arrested immigrant Aleynikov was even accused of trying to steal codes for the benefit of Goldman Sachs. Goldman Sachs is one company out of many benefiting from this limited, pro-Wall Street stimulus law.
Steven Ertelt from on July 17, 2009 wrote about a study that finds that abortion funding cuts will reduce abortion, so why does President Barack Obama desire more abortion funding in the USA? This study have been displayed by the Alan Guttmacher Institute, which is the premier pro-abortion research group (It proves that almost all public studies on this subject show that cutting taxpayer funding for abortions reduces the number of abortions). AGI's recent literature review about limits on Medicaid funding of abortions reveals 20 of 24 academic studies arrive at that conclusion. A discussion about the new AGI study is talked about in a new column at the National Review, which was written by University of Alabama political science professor Dr. Michael New. "Overall, the results indicate that there is a very strong consensus among both public-health researchers and economists that public funding restrictions lower abortion rates," he explains. "These studies analyze data from a range of sources including surveys and aggregate data from the federal, state, and local level." The 4 other studies AGI surveyed do not show that abortion funding cuts increase abortions. They merely were unable to reach a conclusion about the effect of such politices. New said that the evidence presented about the effectiveness of public funding restrictions is very persuasive. There is one 1999 study looking at North Carolina's provision for public funding of abortion. Unlike other states that use taxpayer money to pay for abortion for poor women, North Carolina didn't subsidize abortions through Medicaid (yet, they used a separate abortion fund that recently was cut from the state budget). The funds that lack in abortion definitely decrease abortions. These trends are heavily pronounced among blacks, who typically have higher abortion rates. Another Guttmacher study highlighted in the review found that the abortion rate among Medicaid recipients was more than twice as high in those states that publicly funded abortion through Medicaid. These results prove that Barack Obama's pro-abortion policies (like wanting to fund abortions here and abroad like the overtuning of the Mexico City Policy. He even wants Congress to ban the restriction of taxpayer funding of abortion in the District of Columbia) are not the right way to go. Congress did the right thing to stop health care bill that consider to pay for abortions or require insurance companies to cover them. New said that: "All these developments should give serious pause to the dwindling number of pro-lifers who still believe that President Obama is actually serious about preventing abortions." The pro-life movement is still strong and abortion is still murder.
Music that's controlled by the elite has been easily proven in history. America is being more government run with the government takeover of General Motors and the corporate tax rate in the U.S. is even higher than in Sweden, which is a very socialist nation. Music can have a key influence upon people. Some music can calm people done. Also, according to Oliver Stacks, some some music can actually trigger seizures. Sacks is the Professor of Neurology and Psychiatry at Columbia Univerity Medical Center. Plato in his Republic stated that: “the introduction of a new kind of music can alter the character of a nation.” It's doesn't take a genius to decipher that manipulating can cause great change to the culture at large. Even in the Roaring 20's, cultural changes in the modern era starting to fight against traditional U.S. moral values. Cole Porter (he was a bisexual) in 1934 made a musical called "Anything Goes," which promote moral relativism. In 1936, Irving Berlin composed the music and lyrics for the motion picture “Follow the Fleet” starring Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers, in which she sang “Let Yourself Go.” In that same movie, Harriet Hilliard (later to be Harriet Nelson of “Ozzie and Harriet” TV fame) sang a song about accepting Satan's advances to submit to evil temptation. In February of 1938, Theodor Adorno was the chief of the music division of Princeton's University's Radio Project. This was funded by the Rockefeller Foundation. He believed that repetition in music and other areas can create popularity (which change from authoritarian personality or a belief in traditional authority to a revolutionary thinking. He wanted the mass media to be used for opinion management. He was once from the Frankfurt School in Germany). In 1941, Adorno left the Radio Project and moved to the University of California in Los Angeles where he taught for seven years. Adorno rejected the concept of family, nation, or race as a psychiatric disorder in his 1950 book called "The Authoritarian Personality." He worked with Max Horkheimer in 1947 to write the Dialetic of Enlightenment. In 1951, Ohio disc jockey Alan Freed popularized the phrase of "rock and roll" which was an old code name for sex. Fast paced music and fast beats have been exploited to create control over people and a mob mentality according to conducter plus composer Dimitri Tiomkin and Aldous Huxley in his 1952 book entitled, "The Devils of Loudun." In 1933 in The Shape of Things to Come, H.G. Wells had foretold of growing criminally infected areas after WWII (he said the war would begin in about seven years). Dr. William Sargent in 1957 (as a former President of the Section of Psychiatry in the Royal Society of Medicine in London) proved that the human brain is sensitive to rhythmic stimulation by bright lights and percussion. Certain people according to Sargeant are suggestable to certain vibrations along with strong rhythms played in different tempos (as found in his book called, "Battle for the Mind: The Mechanics of Indoctrination, Brainwashing, and Thought Control"). The 1960's had music that glorified drug use and was getting more Satanic. Some overtly promoted rebellion against traditional values. “Jefferson Airplane” formed, and member Paul Cantor revealed in 1965 that: “The new rock music is intended to broaden the generation gap, alienate parents from their children, and prepare young people for revolution.” It's very easy to see that Biblical values were attacked in a higher levels from the 1960's onward to be replaced with more humanist or New Age ideas (or doing your own thing and the love of the Aquarian Age as found in the lyrics of the song "Aquarius" form the musical Hair). In 1969, the singing group “The Fifth Dimension” released this song as a single. And in the 1996 Theosophical/New Age book The Light Shall Set You Free (Theosphists believe Lucifer, “The Light-Bearer,” sets one free as opposed to the Biblical statement “the Truth (Jesus) will make you free”) by Norma Milanovich and Shirley McCune, one reads: “The date for entry into the Fifth Dimension [when the Piscean or Christian Age will end and the Age of Aquarius will begin] is scheduled for the year 2012.” New Age propaganda is one key of Secret Societies and the new world order agenda. The good news is that folks are waking up and aren't falling for the deception of the elite or brainwashing music at all.
By Timothy